HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/05/1967
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September 5, 1967
Minutes of the Port Angeles Planning Commission
Present: Hunt, Treat, Hanmins, McHone, Dilling; Building Inspec-
tor Willson
Absent: Anderson, Driscoll
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
New Business - Three variance requests had been received and pro-
perly posted for hearing at this meeting.
1. Variance requested by Bert S. Hendricks to construct a
carport closer to the property line than permitted in a First
Residential Zone at 602 Whidby~ Since this request was very
similar to soce previously received in other areas considerable
d. .discuss-ion ensued. Mr. Heildricks was pre sent and spoke of the
nece 551 ty for this 'va,ri.a.n'ce ~ The unanimou's opinion of the
Commission members was that pro~rty owners are ~enerally~nO't
giving sufficient fOl~th(lu,ght to' prov.iding vehicle shel ter when
they convert existLng carports and garages to' living quarters.
It was recommended Mr Hendricks request be granted but restricted.
to a ,permanently open-sides structure only.
2~ Variance requested by Mr. Darrell Vincent to' expand an
existing non-confor~ing use (add picnic tables and shelter to
Olympic Heights Gracery) in a First Residential Zone was braught up.
Mr. Vincent was nat in attendance to' answer questions. Consider-
able discussion an this request covered such items as sanitation,
appearance, rest roon facilities, future enclasures and general
cleanliness and maintenance of premises including pick-up of litter.
The request was tablei and the Building Inspector was instructed to
contact Mr. Vincent and secure answers to the Commissions questians
for next meetinga
30 Variance requested by the building committee of the First
Baptist Chur~ for variances from the propased zoning ordinance.
The entire building committee was present to answer questions. The
Planning Commission Chairman pointed aut that no definite action
could be taken since the regulations from which the variances were
requested, have not been officially enacted into law. After a
lengthy discussion, it was mO'ved that the following recommendatians
be made to the City Cauncil$ based upon the premise that the Zoning
Ordinance as referred to the Council wauld be adopted -
(a) Conditional use permit be granted for the expansion of
the exi sti ng non-confa rming use. (passed) ,
(b) That a variance from the rear yard requirements be grant-
ed to allow for a 1t811 setback and from the front yard
require~ents to permit a 5' setback. (passed)
The Commission members expressed the sentiment that the Church
building cammittee had been working in goad faith with the existing
requirements for about 2 years in prepartian of the plans to date
and the timing was unfortunately coinciding with the adoption of
the new zaning regulationsD
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Minutes -- Planning Commission
September 5, 1967
page 2.
Other Business -
A letter trom Mr. Richard F. Gossard of 1514 Palm Avenue S.W.
Seattle was read. The letter requested (1) the vacation of the,
alley in Block 284 Townsite adjacent to Lots 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18
and (2) a variance from the zoning regulations to allow the construc-
tion of multiple family housing units on this property. The letter
did not represent an official request since no filing fee had been
paid nor any plans of the proposal submitted. However, the Planning
Commission did discuss the request, and directed the Building Inspec-
tor to advise Mr. Gossard that:
1. It was against the general policy of the Planning
Commission to recommend vacations of dedicated public
2. The property was situated on the sides and in the bottom
of Peabody Canyon and was not a suitable location tor
multiple family or any other sort of residential use
because of the absence of sewers, water or other utility
services as well as the hazard from flooding and land
A letter from De1Guzzi Construction Company Inc. requesting
an extension of time on the variance granted from the oft-street
parking requirements for their new building at 2nd and Lincoln
Streets. Approval at the extension recommended.
A letter from George H. Stevens requesting extension of
time tor the variance granted him to construct offices tor his
therapy practise as a non-conforming use on Eighth Street east
of Race Street. Approval of the extension recommended.
A general discussion regarding variance requests for the
location of mobile homes on residential property throughout the
City developed.
No further business was presented and the meeting adjourned at
Harry Hunt, Chairman
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