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September 11, ,1970 I
Port Angeles Planning Commission
R. P. Willson, Secretary
Meeting scheduled for Sept. 14, 1970
OLD BUSINESS - Tabled from the last meeting, rezone application for
the area at Lo~ez and Vine streets. I have been advised plans will
be available for this meeting date.
NEW BUSINESS - Seven Conditional Use or variance applications have
been received and properly posted for hearing at this meeting.
The City of Port Angeles Dept. of Public Works has requested
a conditional use permit to install a pump station on the northeast
corner of 9th and Jones Streets, adiacent to the city reservoir.
This will be a permanent installation to perform the same function
the Fire Departments pumper performed last spring during the repair
of the main transmission line.
The Port Angeles communit~ Players Inc. have requested a
Conditional Use Permit to permit htm to construct and operate a
community playhouse north of L?uridsen Blvd, where 8th street and
vacated Libertjstreets. would intersect. This application was
originally approved May 23, 1968 but financing and plan preparations
prevented start. of the project within the six month time limit. ..
Mr. Virgil Butler has requested a variance to permit him to ,.,
construct a double garage closer to the alley right-of-way than
permitted in an RS-7 zone. The property involved is located at
315 South Ennis Street.
Mr. Richard Glen has requested a variance from the zoning
regulations pertaining to fence heights at street and driveway
intersections (Article IX, pg. 52). The fence has already been
partly constructed on the southwest corner of Caroline and Chambers
Street (1034 Caroline).
Mr. Keith Heinle, 922 West 11th Street, had started construction
of a garage at the above address. The building does not have the
ten foot setback required from the alley right-of-way and Mr.
Heinle has requested a variance to allow him to leave the building as
it is situated.
Mr. Stanley Clark, 1921 Westview Drive, has constructed a
fence in excess of the maximum allowable height. He has applied
for a variance to allow him to leave the fence as is.
Mr. Earl Clark, 1432 West 4th Street, has requested a variance
from the alley setback requirements of the RS-7 zone to permit him
to construct a double carport closer to the alley right-of-way and
thereby utilize an existing foundation.
OTHER BUSINESS - At its regular meeting of Sept. 1, 1970 the Council
took the following action on Planning Commission business:
Wood Construction Co. - duplex on lot 20 and east t lot 19 Block
.. 415 Townslte - approved conditional use permit as .per recommendation. ~.'
.. Wood Construction Co. - duplex on lot 18 and west t of lot 19 .-r
Block 415 Townsite, approved conditional use permit but denied variance
as per recommendation.
MEMO: P.A.Planning Commission
Sept. 11, 1970
page 2.
James I Bairey - duplex on Fairmont Ave at Spruce street,
approved conditional use permit as per recommendation.
Ben F. Church - variance to enlarge pre-existing non-conforming,
single-family residenceat 516 South "CII Street - approved as per
Johnie Key - septic tank installationat Campbell and MacDougal
streets - approved as per recommendation.
As of this date I know of nothing else to be presented at this meeting.
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Minutes of the Port Angeles ?lanning Commission meeting of September
14, 1970.
Present: Hunt, Treat, McHone, Anderson, Dilling, Young, Sannes and
Secretary Willson.,
The meeting was opened at 7:30 P.M. in the Municipal Chambers. Minutes
of the previous meeting were approved as received.
Old Business
A request for rezoning lots 6-10 inclusive of Block 11 and
lots 11-16 inclusive of Block 16 in Puget Sound Cooperative Colonyts
Second Addition plat, tabled at the last meeting, was brought up for
consideration. The secretary produced a plot plan and elevation
sketch of the proposed project which had been submitted for this
meeting. Members examined the proposed layout and noted that portions
of the buildings occupy land indicated as vacated street right-of-way.
ihe secretary reported that segment of Lopez Street involved had been
vacatedby Ordinance but the area of Vine Street concerned was not
definite. A representatigE of Del Guzzi Construction Co. submitted a
print of a survey by Mr. Darrell Peterson which indicated said portion
of Vine street was a statutory vacation
Further discussion centered around spot zoning and the
desirability of possibly rezoning the area from Vine Street to Peabody
Canyon and the Boulevard to approximately Lopez Street for multi-
family housing. It was further noted that revisions to the zoning
ordinance were scheduled for hearing by the City Council at its
meeting of September l~, 1970. tlembers then voted to table the
request until their next meeting and directed the secretary to obtain
an opinion from the City Attorney regarding the vacated status of this
block of Vine Street.
New Business - Seven requests for Conditional Use Permits or Variances
had been received and properly posted for hearing at this time.
The City of Port Angeles, Dept. of Public Works had applied
for a Conditional Use Permit to enable them to construct a pump
station at 9th and Jones Streets. Such pump station would provide a
connection between the cityTs l1high" and "lawn water distribution
systems and permit feeding of Elwhn River water into the system in
the event of future slide disruptions along the Morse Creek trans-
mission line, as occurred last spring. Members felt this was a
highly desirable installation but inquired about the appearance of
the structure. The secretary advised the~ that a small,attractive
structure, probably similar to the number 4 pump station on Marine
Drive, or smaller, was anticipated. It was then voted to recommend
approval of the Conditional Use Permit and a recommendation was also
included to provide an attractive landscape on the site to make the
structure blend in with the surrounding neighborhood.
The Port An7eles Community Players Inc. had requested a
Conditional Use PermIt to erect a theater on the southwest corner
of 8th and vacated Liberty Street. This request had been previously
approved on May 23, 1968 but financing and plan preparation had
prevented start of the project before expiration of the approval.
Members expressed some concern over the adequacy of off-street
parking provisions. Mr. Henry Charnell was present and advised the
commission that an additional lot (Lot 3 Block 279) was being
acquired. It was then voted to recommend approval of the Conditional
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Minutes - Port Angeles Planning Commission
Sept.14, 1970 page 2.
Use Permit since a building permit could not be issued unless parking
was provided to the extent required by the off-street parking ordinance.
Mr. Virgil Butler had requested a variance from the alley set-
back requirements of the RS-7 zone to permit him to construct a double
garage seven feet from the alley righ~of-way line instead of the 10
feet required in an RS-7 zone. The property concerned is the north
hal~ of Lots 10 and 11 Block 4 Subdivision of Suburban lot 17, located
at 317 South Ennis Street. Mr. Butler was present to answer questions
regarding this project. Following a brief discussion it was voted to
recommend the request be approved.
Mr. Richard Glen of 1034 Caroline street had requested a
variance rom the zoning regulations covering visibility restrictions
of fences at street and driveway intersections. A lengthy discussion
followed. Members voted to table the request until their next
meeting and expressed a desire to meet Mr. Glen on the site.
Mr. Keithe Heinle, 922 West 11th Street, had requested a
variance to allow him to reconstruct a new garage in the same position
as the previous, non-conforming structure. Work had alreadjbeen
started. Members, who had looked at the property in question,
recommended a variance to construct eight feet from the alley tight-
of-way line be approved.
Mr. Stanley Clark, 1921 Westview Drive had applied for a
variance to permit him to retain an over-height fence which had been
erected without a building permit. Mr. Clark was present to answer
questions. Following considerable discussion, members voted to
recommend that Mr. Clark be directed to conform with the legal
requirements for fences in the zoning ordinance and that the variance
request be denied.
Mr. Earl Clark, 1432 West 4th Street, had requested a
variance that would permit him to construct a double carport closer
to the alley than permitted in an RS-7 zone. This would enable him
to utilize an existing foundation. Members discussed the situation with
Mr. Clark who emphasised the problems which he would be faced with to
meet the setback requirements. Members agreed the topography of the
lot represented a major problem and voted to recommend ap~roval be
granted to construct the carport with the roof overhan9 42 feet from
the north right-of-way line of the 4th/5th alley.
No further business was presented and the meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.
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,Harry nt, Chairma
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