HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/15/1964
Hjnqtns of tt~A r.1lal' 'TJ.e'3t;~H3 of the Port 11..0188 Plannin'S Commission
Sonte~her l~t~, 1964.
'1~n'lbArS pre9Elot were '1aol<1n9, Hunt, Mcree, 'letners Bt,d .~trarH';80 Al~o
~'l"rj'01t ;(as :lirect.or of P'lblic lJorks John? .vprder, AS~~'t City 1ngtrJser
i~ob() rt Ntllsor1 IP1d 1vater ~uot. Pn:ll Reed.
'1inut'j:; of rl"JviolJs maettn; wOr'a r9adn_ and corl'ected to include reference
to the Do"licatton of. HobArt P'. Ji'iS~l .ot: 1817 !:..ust 5th Strget for
variance l n q cHrporto Act::'oll on thIs apfJ1icatiol1 had heen d'3fered for
one ~e9tinG, otherwise mtnuLes werq sparoved.
C111 irm8n annollnced hlar~n;:;s wonl,! p.,oceed on siy. npnlications for the
retention of ~lrAady established rnobil~ homos and that no protests were
C'] fib in op',isttion to any applieattons. The f('11owlnG werA then
ta~cn up tn order:
Mrs Etnel rl. Norton
'1rs VIvian p.. Stopnens
Edward ~ Lilly NiChols
~r ~ Mrs Albe~t S. Reaf,in
rlr ~c '~rs f)~lMar E. Stre~m
~rR Lil11an Collldge
2607 South La1.lrel
1327 WAst 6th
1116 SO'.1 th "Dtt
916 East Fro'1t
1938 We~t 5th
1834 West 5'th
:a.11 Sf)"1 tcants war9 present aud tAsttflod tn favor of' tl1etr re~uesto
~ftf1r co,:sidorinl~ oseh case on its merits and the .1ardships involved, 8
moti0'1 W33 unnnitr!Oltsly pas~~ed recommending tr the City Council, the
ap~rovBI of the ahove six ap~llcBnts~
Tne application of ~erman and Vlv~an NiehAnke of 322 East 8th St. was
considered and .actt7T1defe.rodforono' meefTrig-ilntTlCoiTIl'1ission could
conslllt wttl1 the Fire Dept. on tl1e condition of the ares.
The apl,licatlo:1 of Bobort~FJsh, ~')17 r.;ant 5th St. for permission to
constl'llct a car:)ort was 118Xt considered. Action on this request had been
do f\lrod fror.l III s t meat in/;? After cons iderable discuss ion, the appltc at im
was recommonded to the City C9uncil for approval.
T:le flpO lie a tion 0[' Mrs Hu tn ca~sJ. 32~ N. Bace S to, for a val" lance to
construct A car'~ort-ana tool s edlNrthin five feet o~ her we~t property
line WRS next c0!1s1dered. [t was decided that the constrnction would be
in kee'):ng with tne area and the application is recor:1mendod for approvelo
A progress reoort on the application of Harold Johnson who has a
variance ap licatlonon file for permission-fOlbuild an Apartment-Motel
at Boulevard and Chase Streets was discussed and noted that property
owners in the area are being advisedo
CClairman read a report frcm thn 'flashln~ton Dept. of Hl~hways, settine
f'orth their conclusions on Port An~eles street traf!'lc flow. It was
decided to h~v8 the report mlmeor,r~?ned in or~er that all members could
have " copy"
An advance copy of M. G. Pool's comnrehenstve report was review4do
No fl.lrther b11s1nass app8arln~, rneotinr: ad,jourI"od at 9:00 P.Mo
Rasp',ctfully submitted,
--Yre d Co S t..rtln~tJ, C ;ltlb nt)u
'i. J:. :lank ins; gacratary