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Minutes of Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of September
16, 1969.
Present: Hunt, Anderson,. Hankins, DrEcoll, Treat, Dilling,
McHone, Building Inspector Willson
Absent: None
The meeting was opened at 7:30 P.M. in the Municipal Chambers~
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as received.
Old Business -
B & B Builders - Mr. Bill McNeece reported that his
request for a variance was no longer necessary as his clients
have purchased sufficient land from the next door neighbor to
provide the required sideyard clearance. The front of the
addition will be in line with the existing house, except that
the present front porch will be removed.
New Business -
Jack Loewen of Laurel Lanes Bowling alley, 108 West
8th Street had requested variances from the local zoning
regulations which would permit him to enlarge a pre-existing,
non-conforming operation and also relief from the off-street
parking requirements. Mr. Loewen desires to connect two exist-
ing structures by cutting a doorway between them. After
considerable discussion it was voted to permit the enlargement
only to the extent of installing lockers for bowlers and
utilizing one room for baby sitting purposes. The developement
of this area for any recreational activities is specifically
not included in he recommendation. Relief from the off-street
parking requirements was ~ranted reluctantly, with the sentiment
being expressed that since no off-street parking is available at
present, the providing of sixteen is a token improvement. How-
ever, it does not represent sufficient provisions that the
Planning Commission would be sympathetic to requests for
enlargement of the recreational activities at this location.
Enoch Hansen had requested a variance to construct a
double garage closer to ~he alley right-of-way line than
permitted in an RS-7 zone. The property is a vacant lot located
between 521 and 529 East 11th Street. During the discussion it
was brought out that Mr. Hansen will be moving a house from the
Albertson-Pay1n Save area to this lot, and wishes to erect a
garage on the rear of the lot. A utility pole is located at
the back of the lot in such a position that it would make ingress
and egress to the garage very difficult, it not impossible,
directly from the alley. He therefore proposes to drive into
the garage from the west side and desires to locate the garage to
3 feet from the alley instead of the required 10 feet. It was
voted to recommend approval of the request, with the stipulation
that ingress and egress must be from the side and not directly
from the alley. ----
W. W. Bokamper, 422 South Washington St., has requested
a variance rom the setback reauirements of an RS-7 zone and an
arterial street to permit him'to enlarge an existing single
family residence. During the discussion it was noted the present
Minutes - Planning Commission
Sept. 16, 1969
page 2.
structure, which sets approximately 24 feet back, is much
further back than the other houses in the block. Since the
addition proposed is only 4'x 10', and would be well back
from the intersection, the members were of be opinion the
granting of the variance would not violate the intentions of
the zoning regulations. It was therefore recommended the
request be approved.
Mr. Wm. C. Meyers of 1946 Westview Drive had requested
an extension on the time limit of his variance to construct a
garage closer to the rear property line then permitted in an
RS-7 zone. It was voted to recommend approval of the extension
to March 16, 1970.
No further business was presented and the meeting adjourned at
8:30 P.M.
ecording Secretary
September 12, 1969
Port Angeles Planning Commission
R. P. Willson~ City Building Inspector
Meeting scheduled for 9/16/69
Old Business
B&B Builders request involving 727 West 4th St. was tabled
at the last meeting. This item will he coming up again.
New Business
Three variance or conditional use requests have been
rp.ceived and posted for hearing at this meeting.
Jack Lowen of Laurel Lanes Bowling alleys:
1. Requests approval to enlarge a pre-existing non-conform-
ing operation in a CSD-Cl zone.
2. Requests relief from off-street parking requirements
(96+15 required: approximately 16 being provided.)
Enock Hansen has requested a variance from the regulations ~
of an RS-7 zone to permit him to construct a double garage closer ,.,
to the alley than permitted. This is a vacant (7) lot between
521 & 529 East 11th St. (There appears to be a large travel
trailer parked here. Sept. 9, 1964 variance for mobile home to
Mr. & Mrs. George Goodman, 529 E. 11th)
. w. W. Bokamper, 422 South Washington St. has requested a
variance from regulations of RS-7 zone to permit him to enlarge
a pre-existing non-conforming residence by building a four foot
addition on the Fifth Street side of the house.
Other Business:
Request for extension of variance by Wm. C. Meyers 1946
Westview Drive.
Council Action:
On business from the 9/2/69 Planning Commission meeting.
A.Ward Piercy - approved with restrictions recommended.
Eleanor Priest - requested further information from City Manager
prior to hearing date.
As of this date I know of nothing else coming up at this meeting.