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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Port ,Angeles Planning Commission
September 17, 1963.
Members present were Anderson, Driscoll, Hunt, McGee and Strange. Also
present were Councilman Sam Haguewood, City Manager Donald D. Herrman,
Director of Public Works John B. Warder, Light Supt. Lew Pahl and Water
Supt. Paul Reed.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Under unfinished business, the matter of the Front Street connection with
Highway 101 at the East City limits was again brought up for discussion.
The chairman reported to the Commission that he had attended a meeting at
the sit~ with State Highway Director McKibben, District Engineer Kerslake,
C1 ty Councilman Cornell, City Manager Herrman and C1 ty Engineer iVarder.
At that time it was suggested by the Highway Engineers that the State
construct a standard intersection layout together with a decileration lane
approach from the East and that the City make the necessary connection
required. A preliminary plan showing the layout was reviewed and approved
by the group. A motion was unanimously passed recommending to the City
Council that an amount of $3,000.00 be included in the 1964 budget to
defray the construction costs on the part of the City.
Chairman reported a call from a Mrs. Hawley on East Front St. asking for
permission to install a house trailer. Commission denied the request.
A request from Mr. Al W. Hendricks for consideration of sewer connections
with his property in the Penn Park Addition outside the City limits in
the vicinity of the Boulevard and ffn" Streets was tabled for future study.
An application from Ed Vannausdle for a variance from the zoning ordinance
on the south half of Lots 19 &: 20, Block 420 at t he corner of 15th &: Cherry
Streets was read. Application refered to the set back regulations. A
hearing of Tuesday October 1st w~s set.
A request of Ja~es E. Sturgeon for permission to raise and sell perenial
plants (Aza1ias, Camellias, Rhodendrons etc.) at 514 West 14th was considere~
Chairman was instructed to contact Mr. sturgeon regarding a variance
A petition from property owners asking for annexation to the City of an
area South of the City and West of the Mount Angeles Road WaS read and after
considerable discussion pertaining to water and light services, the matter
was tabled for further study.
Chairman then called on Mr. Herrman for suggestions on matters that could be
taken up for fUDure study by the Planning Commission. Mr. Herrman had
previously submitted to our members a long list of subjects to pe studied
and on which suggested future policies should be adopted. Mr. Herrman
explained in some detail his ideas on the importance of the various subjects.
The suggestions of Mr. Herrman were well received by the group and it was
decided an ,intensive study should and. would be made.
~ Minutes of the.Planni~g Commissions
(2 )
September 17, 1963
Chairman announced .that Mr. M. G. Poole, planner retained by the City,
would be present at our regular meeting October 1st with an up to date
report on his progress.
No further business appearing, meeting adjourned at ~:45 P.M:
Respectfully submitted,
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Acting ecre ary
cc to Donald D. Herrman
John Warder
Paul Reed