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September 12, 1968
TO: Port Angeles Planning Commission
HE: Meeting scheduled for Sept. 17, 1968
Old Business - Nothing unless Seamount Estates.comes up.
New Business - Three variance requests have been received and
properly posted for hearing at this time.
Richard L. Reed of 108 West 2nd St. has requested a variance
to enlarge an existing garage, closer to the alley than permitted
in an RMF zone.
George A. Todd has requested variances from the restrictions
of the RB zone which would allow him to enlarge an existing build-
ing. (at Dr. Skerbecks office 920 Caroline). The building, with
the proposed 161x 27' addition, will be sligntly in excess of 30%
of lot coverage (2384 sq.ft. vs 2226 sq.ft.) and the existing
structure is 5' from the west property line instead of the 7'
required. This addition will be to the south side of the existing
bui ld ing .
Robert L. Krebsbach of 332 East Viewcrest has requested
variances from the regulations of an RS-7 zone which would enable
him to convert his present carport to additional living area in
a pre-existing non-conforming building, and also to construct a
new garage, closer to the property line than permitted on the rear
of the property.
Other Business - Mr. Stanley Forsythe of Olympic Lumber at 325 1It
Marine Drive has applied for a building permit for the office and
watchman's quarters for which he was granted a variance June 6th.
1968. Originally he planned on constructing the office on the
ground floor and the watchman's quarters upstairs. He now plans
to build everything on the ground floor. The main problem, however,
is the thirty foot setback from Marine Drive right of way. At
present he has his proposed location staked out. This will come
up for discussion, and I hope to have some sort of sketch showing
the layout.
It miqht be a good idea to look at the alley fence behind
Vern Gralls car wash. I have sent him a letter and the matter
will probably come up.
Mr & Mrs Stepp of 1112 E. Front St. have requested an
extension of the variance granted them last March. (minutes of
3/5/68) Because of financial and health reasons the work has
not been accomplished as intended.
Council Action - At its meeting of September 5, 1968 the City
Council took the following action on business from the Au;Y~~~3
and August :20 , 1968, Planning Commission meetings:
Harry Kirner - enlargement of pre -existing non-conforming
SFR - approved.
J.F.Woods - 15' setback from 7th St. - approved.
Robert B. Phillips - 7'8" fence-approved; 25' setback maintained.
James Harper - enlargement of pre-existing non-conforming SFR -
Robert E. Gusa - enlargement of pre-existing non-conforming SFR
Walt Reyes - Mobil Home Park Permit - approved.
No other business that I know of as of this date.
R.P.Willson, Recording Secretary
Minutes of Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting September 17,
Present: Hunt, McHone, Treat, Driscoll, Building Inspector Willson.
Absent: Anderson, Dilling, Hankins.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as received.
Old Business
A brief discussion, on the compliance of Vern Grall's Car Wash,
at 921 East Front,with the restrictions incorporated in the Con-
ditional Use Permit granted him, was held. Mr Grall had been
notified, by letter, that the Planning Commlsion members were
dissatisfied with the manner in which he had complied with the
terms of the Conditional Use Permit. Subsequently, Mr. Grall
had talked to the members and made some modifications to his
fence along the alley. The members present, having looked at
the modifications, felt their requirements had now been met and
the secretary was directed to so inform Mr. Grall.
Mr. & Mrs. H.B.Stepp of 1112 East Front had requested an
extension of a variance granted them in March of 1968. Because
of ill health and financial problems they have been unable to
work on the proposed enlargement of their garage. The Planning
Commission recommend the variance be extended for an additional
six months.
New Business - Three requests for variances had been received and
properly posted for hearing at this time.
Mr. Robert L.Krebsbach, of 332 East Viewcrest, had requested
a variance to permit him to enclose an existing carport and in-
corporate it into the living area of an existing non-conforming
single family residence. Also he desired to construct a new
garage closer to the rear property line than permitted in an
RS-7 zone. Approval was given for enclosing the carport, but
a discussion took place on the request concerning the garage.
Following the discussion, the Planning Commission voted to
recommend approval of this request also.
Mr. George A. Todd had requested a variance to permit him
to enlarge the office building at 920 East Caroline. The present
building has insufficient sideyard clearance. The Planning Com-
misstion members felt the addition would not alter the present
situation and recommended approval of the request.
Mr. Richard L. Reed of 108 West 2nd Street had requested a
variance to permit him to enlarge an existing garage with less
than the required side and rear yard clearances. Members of
the Planning Commission had several questions to ask Mr. Reed.
Since the applicant was not in attendance, the request was tabled
and the secretary directed to contact Mr. Reed prior to the next
Other Business
The Building Inspector brought up a discussion he had recently
had with Mr. Stanley Forsythe, who is presently constructing the
Olympic Lumber Co. Millon West Front Street. On June 6th, 1968
he had been granted a variance to enable him to construct watch-
man's quartp.rs on a second floor ahove his mill office. He is
nearly ready to erect the building, but now desires to locate the
Minutes - Planning Commission
Sept. 1 7, 1968
page 2.
watchmans quarters on the ground floor, in the interests of
economy. The members had no objections to his change in plans.
Mr. Forsythe had also inquired about locating the building in
line with the new pump station west of him. This matter was
discussed from many viewpoints (i.e. parkin~, access to existing
underground utilities, ret back requirements, accident record at
that point on Front St. etc.) and the Building Inspector was
advised to inform Mr. Forsythe that they were opposed to the
construction closer to the right of way lire than the normal
required setback, which is 30' in this zone and along this arterial.
Members of the Planning Commission inquired if any further
plans had been made for study sessions with the City Council on
Zoning Ordinance revisions. The secretary advised that currently
preparation of the new budget was consuming most of the councils
time and the study sessions would probably be set up for dates
after the budget is adopted.
No further business was presented and the meeting ad;ourned at
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