HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/20/1966
Uinute:.; of the r.hT" meetinf'} of the Port A.les Planning Commission,
September 20th, 196R.
Members rre~~nt were Dillin], Driscoll, Hunt, Treat and Strange.
Ahsent Anderson ~nd Hankins. AlSO pre5ent w€re Dir~ctor of Fublic
~orks John 8. ',:arder and Buildinq Inspector Hobert Willson.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
First order of business w~s the hp~rin~ on a Zoning VarIance
~pplication of ~eoY)e H. Stevens on property at 913 Ea~t 8th, identi-
fied as the east 3 feet of lot 1~ and all of lot 13, block 223 Town-
~ite. This rror~rty lies betwp.pn the Parkway ,rocery and the Rains
plavfield. tAr. Stp.vens requests permission to construct a building
approximately 36' x 40' to contain two offices, and to be used as a
business and professional builrling. Mr. :itevens is at thp. present
time conducting a physical thereapy business in a buildinq located
on the rear of the property. After discus5i0n a motion w~s passed
recommendinq to the City Council the application be approved with
the provision, that. in the event the,building is located nearer the
side line than specified in the ordinance Mr. Stevens he required
to erect a slow burning type of wall as stated in the Building Code~
Next was the consideration of an application for a variance
from zoninq requlations from the Clallam County Road Uepartment who
request permission to extend their present County Sarage Building
at BoulevBr:-d and "Oil Street, the request for 10 foot extension would
place the building closer to liD" Street than allowed. After discussion
it WilS d~termined the addition as proposed would not cause any particu-
lar difficulty. A motion was passed recommendiny to the City Council
. the application be approved.
Next was a discussion with Mr. Al Hendricks on his proposed
Trailer Park si.t~ located across the Boulevard from the County Gara:Je
in Block 1 of the Penn Park addition. Mr. Hendricks submitted a
new layout pl~n of the proposed site and also a sUlgested plan to
care for sanitation~ Most of Mr. Hen~ricks pro~nsals met with approval
and hp. was advised to make the ner.essary deposit with the Treasurer
in order that the a~plication could be considered at the next meeting.
Next order of business was the display and explanation of a
large scale colored zoninl map of the proposed new zoning ordinance.
Th~ map was very well done and Mr. Willson received compliments from
the varIous members. The map Is In preparation for public hearin~s.
DurinJ the zoninq discussion a motion was passed suggestinl the City
Mana1er, the Director of Public Works and the Building Inspector
thouroughly review the proposed zoning ordinance, recommend r~visions,
and request Mr. Poole to submit a new proposed zonin,} ordinance which
will include the 5u~gest revisions together with suggestions proposed
by the Planning Commission.
No further business appearing, meeting ad;ourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Actinq Sl."'cretary
~red C. -Strange, Chairman