HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/25/1996
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
September 25, 1996
7:00 p.m.
. III. APPROV AL OF MINUTES: June 26, 1996 (Continued from the August
14 meeting due to lack of a quorum), July 24, and August 14, 1996
1. RE.ZONE..REQ.llEST - REZ .9..6.(O..2)fth.SOJUECK, 1024 andjill2
GolumbiaS.tr.e.et: Request for rezone of approxiately 28,000 square feet
of property from PBP, Public Buildings and Parks, to CO, Commercial
1. Stormwater Management Study
2. 1997 Budget
3. Annexation Study
PLANNING COMMISSION: Bob King, (Cliair), Tim German (Vice), Cindy S()uders, B()bPhilpOll, Linda Nutter, Dean Reed, Mary Craver.
STAFF: Brad Collins, Direct()r. Sue Roberds Office Specialist, David Sawyer, Senior Planner.
All correspondence pertaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at
least one day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before
the hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE: Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to
speak to the request. Infonnation submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a previous
presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short
supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make
inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Briefrebuttal (5 minutes)
for proponents and opponents will be heard separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their
spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be
directed to the Board, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so by the Chairman.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
September 25,1996
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Linda Nutter, Bob Philpott, Cindy Souders, Bob
King, Dean Reed, Tim German
Members Excused:
Mary Craver
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, David Sawyer,
Gary Kenworthy
Public Present:
David and Darlene Sobieck,
Commissioner Souders moved to approve the June 26, 1996, minutes of the
Commission as amended by staff with a correction to the list of members present. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner German and passed 4 - 0 with Commissioners
Reed and Nutter abstaining.
Following brief comment regarding the request for staff to expand on an item under
discussion contained in the July 24, 1996, minutes at the August 14 meeting,
Commissioner Nutter moved to approve the July 24 minutes as originally submitted.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner German and passed 5 - 0 with
Commissioner Souders abstaining.
Commissioner Reed moved to approve the August 14, 1996, minutes as submitted. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 3 - 0 with Commissioners
Philpott, Souders, and German abstaining.
Chair King noted for the record that the following item is not a public hearing. Following
discussion a recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for final action on the
rezone proposal.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 25,1996
Page 2
REZO.NE-REQUEST - REZ 96(09)01- SOB1ECK,---1.O.24~d---1D32
Cillumbia-.Stre.et. Request for rezone of approxiately 28,000 square feet of
property from PBP, Public Buildings and Parks, to CO, Commercial Office.
Planning Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's staffreport recommending
approval ofthe rezone as proposed. Chair King opened the public meeting.
David Sobieck, 140 Eldridge, Sequim, Washington, indicated that the request for rezone
is to allow for more competitive marketing of the properties. Mr. Sobieck and his sister
inherited one of the two subject properties from Mrs. Josephine Sobieck, their mother, who
recently passed away. The Sobieck property was rezoned in July of 1992 to PBP, Public
Buildings and Parks as part ofa rezone proposal by Olympic Memorial Hospital. The PBP,
Public Buildings and Park, zone does not allow for open marketing of the properties as it
restricts the functions in the zone to residential and public uses. The proposed rezone would
allow the properties to be offered for residential, public, and private office uses. The site
is surrounded by other properties zoned CO or PBP (Olympic Memorial Hospital). Mr.
Sobieck did not think that his mother was notified when the property was rezoned to PEP
in 1992.
Planning Director Collins noted that records indicate Mrs. Josephine Sobieck was notified
by mail ofthe proposed 1992 rezone and hearing dates.
Darlene Sobieck, daughter of Mrs. Josephine Sobieck, did not think that her mother was
aware of the rezone of her property to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks, in 1992. She agreed
that the rezone would allow for open marketing of the properties where the present zone
restricts purchasers to residential and public uses.
There being no further discussion, Commissioner Philpott moved to recommend that the
City Council rezone the property as proposed from PBP, Public Buildings and Parks,
to CO, Commercial Office citing the following findings and conclusions:
1. An information provided in the September 25, 1996 Staff Report for REZ 96-01,
(including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the
public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation have been
considered in this decision and is considered a part thereof.
The applicant, David Sobieck, is requesting rezone of four lots from PBP, Public
Buildings and Parks, to CO, Commercial Office (See Attachment A of Planning
Department Staff Report for REZ 96-01 dated September 25, 1996).
Planning Commission Minutes
September 25, /996
Page 3
3. The proposed application was submitted to the Planning Department on August 2,
1996 and was determined complete on August 9, 1996. A Notice ofDeve1opment
Application was issued on August 9, 1996 and no comments were received during
the required 15 day development application comment period which ended August
28, 1996. The 15 day Public Hearing Notice Period began on September 2, 1996 and
ran until September 17, 1996.
4. The SEP A Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS)
on August 29, 1996, regarding this request. There was no appeal of the DNS.
5. The properties are designated as primarily an undesignated area between
Commercial, Low Density Residential and Open Space designations in the City's
Comprehensive Plan.
6. The Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 96-01 dated September 25, 1996,
identifies the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Element Policies Al&2, and D1&2
as being the most relevant to the proposal.
7. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations adjacent to the subject site are
as follows:
To the north:
To the south:
To the east:
To the west:
LDR and OS
8. The properties are currently zoned PBP.
9. The zoning designations adjacent to the subject properties are as follows:
To the north: PBP
To the south: CO
To the east: CO
To the west: PBP
The subject properties are located in the City's North Central Planning Area. It
consists offoUT 50' by 140' (7,000 sf) lots fronting on Columbia Street and contains
two single family residences.
The existing land uses adjacent to the subject properties are as follows:
To the north: single family residences
To the south: medical office buildings
To the east: single family residences
Planning Commission Minutes
September 25, 1996
Page 4
To the west: hospital/parking
12. In 1992 the City approved REZ 92(06)03 which changed six 7,000 sftownsite lots
described as Lots 1-5, Block 4, and Lot 18, Block 3, Puget Sound Cooperative
Colony's Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington
from RS-7 to PBP.
13. REZ 92(06)03 also changed three and a half blocks containing approximately 50
7,000 sf townsite lots from RS-7 to DC adjacent and to the east of the subject
14. The subject properties were included in the public hearing notice mailing list for REZ
15. The minutes for both the Planning Commission's and City CotUlcil's actions on REZ
92(06)03 do not include any discussion or comments regarding the ownership of the
subject properties or comments from the properties' owners.
Based on the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby
A. As approved, the rezone is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and is not
adverse to the public use and interest.
B. As approved, the rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map
and the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, specifically, those identified
in Finding No.6.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner German and passed 6 - O.
Senior Planner David Sawyer stated that as part of the City's planning process the City has
undertaken a management analysis of the City's stormwater program and developed a
Stormwater Management Plan. The plan is designed to be responsive to local drainage
Planning Commission Minutes
September 25, 1996
Page 5
issues, ensure compliance with the Puget Sound Water Quality Authority Plan and to support
the implementation ofthe City's Comprehensive Plan and the Port Angeles Watershed Plan.
It will enable the City to establish a funding source for stormwater maintenance and
improvements. Following a public hearing scheduled for October 23, the plan will be
presented to the City Council for final adoption in November, 1996.
City Engineer Gary Kenworthy indicated that the plan will provide the Public Works
Department with guidelines consistent with new state regulations regarding stormwater
1997 BJ.ll1{;EI
Director Collins briefly reviewed the Planning Department's 1997 budget proposal indicating
that the budget has been reduced by the required ten percent with the exception of personnel.
The 1997 proposal includes an upgrade for the Planning Office Specialist position.
Planning Director Collins stated that the City has begun work on annexation policies as
required in the City's Comprehensive Plan by contracting with Economic and Engineering
Services, Inc. A steering committee of affected agencies could be appointed and the
Commission was asked to suggest direction that staff should take in the impending study.
Commissioner Souders volunteered to assist the staff as she has served the City on the
County's and the City's comprehensive plan review committees. Her offer was accepted,
and staffwill report on progress at future meetings.
Commissioner Souders asked for direction as to how public meetings should be conducted
given the State's new regulations limiting public hearings to one hearing in order to appear
fair and interested in comments from the community.
Planning Director Collins responded that the Commission would need to determine what is
fair and practical and should conduct public meetings in much the same manner as business
has been done in the past following the close of public hearings where direct questions could
be asked but no new testimony would be taken. The public is encouraged to provide
written comment for fifteen days prior to a meeting, and those comments are included in the
Planning Department's transmittal to the Commission. If the authors of comments are
present at meetings and a Commissioner has a specific question, those questions may be
addressed to that person, however, no new testimony should be allowed beyond specific
questioning. The Commission will continue to make recommendations to the City Council
Planning Commission Minutes
September 15. 1996
Page 6
with the Council taking a final action following the public hearing. That procedure could
change if the Council decides to make the Commission the hearing body with a closed record
appeal to the City Council.
The Commission decided that the public meeting procedure would be closed to public
testimony. Opening the meeting up to questions could give an appearance of listening to
some but not to others, and, therefore, it was agreed to rely on only the written public
comments at the Planning Commission and to allow for oral public testimony at the City
Council's public hearing.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
B ad Collins, Secretary
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