HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/28/1988
321 East: Flf,.h S"reB't:
Par,. Angeles, Washlng"an 9S362
SEPTEMBER '28,. 19.88
7:00 P.M.
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of September 14, 1988
1020 East Front Street: Request to operate a massage
therapy service in the ACD, Arterial Commercial District,__
in a building presently housingotller commer~iai- u.-se'-;:- -,--~_. ,
ROGER AND KELLY GERMAN, 3131 Regent Street: Request to
operate a day care service as a Home Occupation, located
in the RS-7, Single-Family Residential District.
WILLIAMS, 350 Viewcrest:
a beauty shop as a Home
7, Single-Family Residential
REQUEST - CUP 88 (09) 18
Request for a permit
Occupation, located in
to allow
the RS-
The. P.lanning Comm,[.J.J,6,[on w,[U not c.ommenc.e a new he.M,[ng be.yond 10 PM. Any
,[tem not ~taJtted p1l.,[01l. to that time. w,[U a.u.tomat..ic.afJ-y be c.onLinue.d to the
ne.xt ~e.gu1aA me.et.ing 06 the. Comm,[~~,[ol1, Oc.tobek 12, 1988.
Port Angeles, Washington
September 28, 1988
Chairman Wight called the meeting to order at 7:06 P.M.
Members Present:
Larry Leonard, Jim
Cornell, Bob Philpott,
Ness, Dick Wight.
Hulett, Jerry
Donna Davidson-
Members Absent:
Jerry Glass.
Staff Present:
. Paul D. Carr, otto Miller, Bruce Becker.
Mr. Cornell moved to approve the minutes of the September
14, 1988, meeting as written. Mr. Philpott seconded the
motion, which passed unanimously.
Request to operate a massage therapy service in the
ACD, Arterial Commercial District, in a building
presently housing other commercial uses. Location:
1020 East Front street.
Mr. Miller reviewed the Department Report and submitted a
memo from the Public Works Department, noting that the
Department's earlier concerns had been addressed. Chairman
Wight opened the public hearing.
In response to a question from the Commission, Mr. McConnell
explained that he was willing to comply with the require-
ments of the massage parlor ordinance.
Following further discussion, chairman wight closed the
public hearing.
Mr. Cornell moved to recommend approval of the Conditional
Use Permit, subject to the following conditions:
1. The applicant shall submit a detailed floor plan of the
proposed massage-therapy facility.
The proposed use within the existing structure shall
meet all Fire Code regulations of the Port Angeles Fire
Department and all regulations for the Building Section
of the Public Works Department.
September 28, 1988
Page 2
3. This permit shall be null and void if not used within
one year of approval, or if the use is abandoned for a
period of one year.
4. The applicant shall comply with Chapter 5.48 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code regarding massage parlors;
and citing the following findings:
A. The project, as conditioned, will not result in any
significant adverse environmental impacts to the
surrounding properties.
B. The commercial use of this property, as conditioned, is
compatible with the surrounding commercial properties.
c. This use has been condition to ensure that it shall not
be detrimental to the health, safety, comfort, and
welfare of the general public.
Mr. Leonard seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
GERMAN: Request to operate a day care service as a
Home Occupation, located in the RS-7, Single-Family
Residential District. Location: 3131 Reqent Street.
Mr. Miller reviewed the Department Report. Mr. Leonard
explained that he had talked to the Electrical Inspector
regarding the circuit interrupters and tamper-proof recep-
tacles and reported that tamper-proof receptacles would be
required but not circuit interrupters because there were
fewer than 16 children on the property. Chairman Wight
opened the public hearing.
Roger German explained that the Department of Social and
Health Services had authorized day care for six children
supervised by one person, plus two part-time children, but
with additional operators, more children could be present.
There have also been times, such as birthday parties, when
there have been more than six day care children on the
...-_ - __ _pr.emis.es.. . .__The...day_..car-e..has .,been-epera.ting ..for approximately
three years, during which time he has been aware of two
In response to a question from Mr. Cornell, Mr. German
explained that at most there are two cars on the property at
anyone time; most of the activity is drop-otts. Evenings
there are not more than three to four cars, not including
their own. Four houses use the private driveway on which
they are located. Presently the day care operation handles
more than six children - closer to nine to ten. If required
September 28, 1988
Page 3
to have no more than six children, they would like time to
reach that number, as a courtesy to the parents.
Mike Cleland, representing a number of residents in the
neighborhood, submitted a petition and outline of their
concerns. The residents' concerns were with six children,
and if the number increased to 12, their concerns would
increase. They have some concern with having a business in
a single-family residential area with the only access to the
properties via a private road. The semi-rural character of
the neighborhood provides additional privacy and quiet
beyond that in a typical urban single-family residential
area. Allowing the Conditional Use Permit would change the
character of the neighborhood.
Earl Abbott, an immediate neighbor, stated that the area off
of the private roadway on his property was not available for
day care users to park. They have had to fix the private
road more frequently since the Germans have had a day care
operation. In response to a question from Mr. Hulett, he
noted he had seen as many as 40 cars in one evening.
Mabel Fangen, 339 Viewcrest, expressed concern about the
increased traffic and safety, particularly at the inter-
section of Viewcrest and Peabody, because there is already a
large amount of traffic, including school buses in the area.
Karen Ross, a customer of the day care, noted that she has
rarely met traffic on the private road and does not think it
is a problem. Tricia Schmitt, another customer of the day
care center, concurred.
Laurie Baxter, another customer of the day care, said she
waits to let the residents pass, since it is their street
and area. At most, she has seen three cars at anyone time.
She has never seen the road blocked.
Rhoda Twedt stated that she did not realize there was so
much traffic in the area when they bought their home there a
year ago. In response to a question from Mr. Leonard, she
noted that she had seen people speeding on the streets
coming into the day care center area.
.. ---.,.............. -- ~
Karen Jensen expressed concern that granting the conditional
Use Permit would change the character of the neighborhood.
Steve Baxter, a customer of the day care, stated that he
would have no problem with parking in approved areas only.
Mr. German stated he was not aware of any stipulation on
their access easement other than it was for ingress and
egress to the property; speeds on the roadway have been
about 5 to 15 miles per hour. There has been a fire truck
September 28, 1988
Page 4
in the area several times and it has had no problem getting
by cars on the road. His wife also decorates cakes for
friends but that activity probably won't continue because
the day care is taking most of her time. Occasionally, her
friends would paint as a hobby at their home.
In response to a question from Mr. Philpott, Mr. German ex-
plained that there were nine children on the premises to-
day; plus their three children. In response to a question
from Mr. Leonard, Mr. German explained that they could
operate profitably with six or fewer children, but would
like time to reach that number. In response to a question
from Mr. Cornell, Mr. German explained that they had not
been approached by the neighbors directly, but they would be
willing to have the children play on the opposite side of
the house, to reduce the noise impact.
Mr. Cleland noted that the Germans had also not contacted
the neighbors to explain that they were operating a day care
from their home.
Following further discussion,
that some of the customers pick
dren more than twice a day,
vehicle trips on the road than
Wight closed the public hearing.
including the observation
up and drop off their chil-
thus there would be more
earlier estimated, Chairman
In response to a question from Mr. Cornell, Fire Marshal
Becker noted that there would be some difficulty for a fire
truck to pass a vehicle on the private lane; however, the
lack of visible addresses on the houses was a greater
concern for emergency access.
Mr. Leonard moved to recommend approval of the Conditional
Use Permit for a period of one year, subject to the follow-
ing conditions:
1. The proposed family day care center shall conform to
the development standards as set forth in the Horne
Occupations Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance (Section
. _____ .2,., .._.'rl:1i,s ~C9:ndi,tional "use-Eermi.t_.allows . the applicant to
operate a family day care center with a maximum of six
children, between the hours of 6 am and 6 pm, Monday
through Friday. All indoor and outdoor play areas
shall meet all state Department of Health requirements
for a family day care center.
state and local fire codes shall be complied with,
including smoke alarm, fire extinguishers, and approved
fire exits. The premises shall be inspected yearly by
September 28, 1988
Page 5
the Fire Department and shall comply with UFC require-
and citing the following findings:
A. This location is physically suited for a family day
care center.
B. The proposed use will not result in any significant
impacts to the environment.
C. The proposed use is consistent with the City of Port
Angeles Residential Policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
D. A family day care center on this property, as condi-
tioned by this permit, should not adversely affect
surrounding properties.
The motion died for lack of a second.
Ms. Davidson-Ness stated that the proposed day care center
would be better suited in another residential area; that
there were impacts upon the private road; that traffic would
be significantly increased as a result of the day care
center; and the impacts would be detrimental to the area.
Mr. Leonard noted that impacts on a private road were a
civil matter and not the responsibility of the Planning
Commission. He elaborated that the only maj or difference
between this Conditional Use Permit and other approved
Conditional Use Permits for day cares was the private road.
Ms. Davidson-Ness noted that at least one customer of the
day care was responsible for eight trips a day, rather than
an anticipated four, and that traffic impacts were a concern
of the Planning Commission.
In response to a question from the Commission, Mr. Carr
noted that the criteria dealt with traffic impacts in
general and that could apply to private roads.
Mr. Philpott recommended denial of the Conditional Use
~ ~_ <Pe:rmi t..f.or_.the._day__care-eenter "....citing-.as -his findings the
testimony submitted during the public hearing by the nearby
residents indicating that they have been impacted by the
proposal. Ms. Davidson-Ness seconded the motion.
During discussion on the motion, Mr. Cornell noted that the
traffic impacts on the private driveway were a key issue.
In response to a direct question from the Commission, Mr.
Cleland reiterated that one of their major concerns was the
residential quiet in the neighborhood.
September 28, 1988
Page 6
On call for the question, the motion passed 4 - 2. Mr.
Leonard voted "Not! because the only difference in this
Conditional Use Permit and others for day care centers was
the private road and the impacts were not a problem. Chair-
man Wight voted "No" because he felt the Conditional Use
Permit could be conditioned to mitigate the impacts.
Mr. Cornell suggested the neighbors be considerate and
allow the Germans about six months to phase out the day care
WILLIAMS: Request for a permit to allow a beauty shop
as a Home occupation, located in the RS-7, Single-
Familv Residential District. Location: 350 viewcrest.
Mr. Miller reviewed the Department Report.
opened the public hearing.
Chairman Wight
Karen Jensen, the neighbor two doors south of the appli-
cant, stated that there was a significant amount of traffic
in the area from the Lighthouse Christian Center, High
School track, Calvary Baptist Church and School, school
buses, and that occasionally Viewcrest is blocked off for
High School activities. She opposes home occupations in
single-family residential districts.
Colleen williams, applicant, stated that she currently has a
home occupation beauty shop where she works three days a
week, Monday, Thursday and Friday, with no more than two
customers at a time, and between 4 to 10 customers per day.
The proposed beauty salon would be in half of the attached
garage, with an entrance provided from Peabody Street.
Working only three days a week would be acceptable to her.
Tom Leinart expressed concerns about traffic on Peabody and
Viewcrest, and noted that buses go by every 35 to 40
minutes. Sometimes vehicle speeds on Peabody Street are 35
to 40 miles per hour. Any customer vehicles parked on the
street would force High School cross-country track and gym
runners further into the street. He expressed concern that
_ . . _ ._ _..a...home.._o.c.cupation .would ,be a..precedentfor. future commercial
activities in the area.
In response to a question from Mr. Leonard, Mr. Leinart
expressed concern that vehicles backing directly onto
Peabody Street from the home occupation would place children
waiting for buses in the area at greater risk.
Jeff Williams explained that he and his wife had looked for
a site with off-street parking. He would prefer five days
of operation per week rather than three. They have room to
September 28, 1988
Page 7
place two cars in the carport and stack two vehicles behind
them. The family owns two vehicles, but he is gone at work
during the day.
Mabel Fangen, a resident across the street, opposed the
proposed home occupation, because of the traffic impacts
backing out onto the street, and the introduction of a
commercial use into a residential area.
Lynne Bryant, a neighbor of Colleen Williams current home
occupation, explained that there had been no traffic
problems in her neighborhood as a result of the beauty
Dave Stevens, neighbor across the street to the east from
the proposed beauty salon, expressed concern about High
School students being forced into the road to go around
customers' cars parked on the street during their running
Judy Haggerty, a beauty operator for over 20 years, noted
that beauticians rarely work on more than two customers at a
Greg Gallison, neighbor one house to the west, expressed
concern that customer vehicles on the street would force
students further into the street, and opposes the home
occupation because it changes the residential character of
the neighborhood and creates the potential for more commer-
cial use.
Tom Jensen, neighbor two houses up the hill from the pro-
posed beauty salon, stated that he had observed two
accidents on Peabody street in the 42 years he has lived
there, and noted that high speeds occur on the street.
Backing out onto Peabody street is a problem. He did not
want a commercial use in a residential area.
In response to a question from Mr. Philpott, the applicant's
mother noted that the turn-around on the property could be
used from both Viewcrest and Peabody streets.
.._~Mr...__..steyens_ noted _ that.-~the~-gr,avel.. ..turn-around area is
located in an area where a sidewalk would be constructed.
Chairman Wight closed the public hearing.
Mr. Hulett noted that he had been able to use the turn-
around area and not back out onto the street in his company
van while working at the site.
September 28, 1988
Page 8
Following further discussion, Mr. Cornell moved to recommend
approval of the Condi tional Use permits, subj ect to the
following conditions:
1. One 2A10BC fire extinguisher shall be installed and a
smoke alarm provided.
2. The hours of operation shall be limited to 9 am to 5
pm, Monday through saturday.
3. No more than two customers at a time shall be scheduled
for an appointment on the premises.
4. The evergreen tree located at the northeast corner of
the property, and directly adj acent to the intersec-
tions of Peabody and Viewcrest and the subject drive-
way and Peabody, shall be trimmed or removed for
traffic safety, in conformance with Article IX, Section
10 of the Zoning Code.
5. Subject to Public Works Department approval, the
graveled area on the site be reserved for turn-around
only, with no parking and be signed accordingly;
and cited the following findings:
A. The proposed Horne Occupation for a beauty shop does not
invol ve equipment or other processes which introduce
noise and hazards in excess of those normally found in
residential areas.
B. Provided the attached conditions are enforced, the Home
Occupation will not significantly increase local
vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
c. Provided the attached conditions are enforced, the
proposed beauty shop should not endanger the publ ic
health, morals, safety, and the welfare of the
Mr. Leonard seconded the motion, which passed 5 - 1. Ms.
Davidson-Ness voted "Non because the proposed use was not
_., _ __. .comp.atible,~.with __ the ...neighbor-hood,. . .the traffic impacts
resulting from it, and the public testimony received at the
September 28, 1988
Page 9
Mr. Leonard reported on a realtors' conference he had
attended and the presentation of a short course on planning
from the Planning Association of Washington. The Commission
requested staff to obtain copies of the short course
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
Paul D. Carr, Secre ary
Tape condition: good
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