HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/30/1952
Minutes of the special meeting of the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission, September 30th, 1952.
A special meeting of the Planning eommission was held on September
30th, 1952 to investigate certain ap~lications for alley and street
vacations, all members having visited the sites.
Members present were Reiners, Stewart, Lamoureux, Gort and Strange.
Also present was City Engineer Ahlvers.
The first matter taken up for consideration was the petition of a
group of property owners in Block 190, Townsite, asking that the
alley in Block 190 be vacated. The petition was signed by owners
of fifteen lots in said block, petitioners also claiming approval
of owners of two other lots, making a total of seventeen lots out
of a possible eighteen. A general discussion followed, during which
time several objections were brought up. A motion was made by
Lamoureux that petition be denied. After some discussion and there
being no.second to the motion, the chairman declared meeting open
for further motions. Stewart then moved that Cmmmission go on record
as approving petition, provided, City may retain rights of way thru
alley for public utilities, seconded by Gort. On roll call Stewart
and Gort voted yes with Lamoureux and Reiners voting no. Chairman
declared motion carried.
Chairman then read letter from Janish Motor Co. petitioning for
vacation of First Street from Penn Street east to the City limits..
After a general discussion, during which time various members
offered several objections, a motion was offered and seconded that
the petition be denied. Motion was passed with all members present
voting yes.
After much further discussion on the hazards attendant in the matter
of street and alley vacations, meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
cc to G. S. Vergeer