HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/04/1966
'anutes of the nqulu ..,,,,~t1"'<J of t}-;,o ..art Anle1es Plann'..~:;J
=nmmisslon Octobar 4, 1966~
~Sltmhet"s present tiers Andersonll Ji111nJ, Driscoll; Hankins.
Hunt and ~l"eat. Also present rfore iJircctor of public .,or]cll
John 6. ;.arder anrt (juilcllnl Inapector Robert 'ilillsono In the
abcen ""e of Fred ,)t ran Je: Harry Hunt acted a8 Chai rman.
Minutes of the previous me~tlnl were read and approvod,
The only order of business for the evenin9 was the hearw
in1 r09ardin9 Mr~ Al Hendricks application for a variance to
construct a Mobile tio~e Parko as posted September 23. 1966,
in the area of Olock 1 P~nn8ylvania ~8rk Addition. In protest
to the vlriance there were 5 written letters trom ad101nlng
property owners and a p"Ution with 5t matures repre1entln,~
12 pro~prty owners all within a 40U foot radius of posted 8lteft
ThODe pre ent I~ protn~t ~ere Harry POllard, Pat and ~lke
Sc~nlOo,t Dave and Donna pArry~ Alberta\da'i"1ire and Docqucline
Stack, all at Jners of t~c pe~itton. ..~r. Scarano citf'd his
experi~nce of last July~ when first seein1 the realtor's
"Fer iale"alQn cont~cte,t the~ with th~ idea of possibly purchds.
ing " portion of the property.. He ciai ~ed he nas Jiven 2 prices.
one \8 it stands with pre~ent buildln] and one as a tr~iler park
site. HA qU8stionf'd th~ 1~1ality of pre-.~ptin~ the property
as a trailer park lite prior to request for variancea Mr.
Perry co'laborated t" ~ st~tement with a ~tory of similar
~xpftTionceo J.~r. Hendricks denied knowl.,d}8 of the incident and
doubted the realtor wnuld do ft thing such as thatD
Buildinl inspector Ro;'ert ~1l1son presented the Coct'l18sion
with a section map of 8rp~ 1n question. showinJ location of
protf"4:t1n'J proper-tv owners in relation to ~r.. "{endr1ck~8
proc,orty. The prote ltoTi, property comprisfOd at;out 70J' of
th~t land within the 40U foot radius around Mr. Hendricks slte,
Motion Wft! ~Id. and approved that the ComMission recommend
to the City Counr.l1 that the applic4tion be deniedo
No further business appedrinl, rneotin~ ad10urned at 8.15 p,~~
Respectfully submitted=
Harry Hunt~ Act{n~ Ch&lrman
Russell TTeat: Actinl Secretary