HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/06/1964
of the r8gul~r mRetlng
6th, 19640
of t~e Port An~eles Planning Commission
Me"'her~ nresent were Anderson, Driscoll, Hunt, MCGee. Reiners and
StranO',e. Also present W~lS Director of Public Norks Joi-tn B. Warier
Anrl Asa't City En~lneer Robert Willson ~ Lt~ht Supto Law Pohlo
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and Boproved.
Chairman announced hearinu;s w01l1rl proceed on five applications for the
retention of alroady established Mobile qomos and thot no protests
were on file in opnosition to any applicattonso The followtng were then
exa~ined in order and approved for a period of two yearBo
~an H. Rudolph 402 EAst Boulevard
James ZR~robs~y )?J West 8th
Hobert E. Bilkins 706 SOlJth "A" St.
Eette J. qeiray 605 lest 13th
Herman Ntehemke 322 East 8th
Tne applicatioT) of Ruth D. Dorr, 309 iye!'lt 1st w s approved due to
The applt~atton of Robert Ao ~ Katherine R. Allen for a variance on
Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, Block 55 and Lot~O- to 15 inclusive in Block 56
end Lots 13 ~ l~ Vllume 1 of Plats, located approximately at 2nd and
Chase Streets in Peabody Valley to the rear of the Public Library was
next consideredo The application requests permission to operate a
tratlor court and sets forth the fact the area has been used for this
purpose for the past several yearso That all health regulations etc. are
be~np; c()~plied wttho After several minutes of questioning and dlscussioo.
a "'1otion wa,~ unanimously nasBed recommending to the City Council the
9o~11cat'on be approvedo
~axt apolication considered was trom the Port Angeles Ctty Light Dept.
for a vertancA on Lot l~, Plock 204, townsite, located at the North-
we~t corner of 7th Ann Albert Strlets. The ap~licatlon is for permission
to construct and operata an electrical Sub-Station in a second
re31dantial zone. After disc\lSsion and explanation far the necessity
by Mr. Law Pohl, Light Supt., a motion was unanimously passed
recomm8nrling to the City CouncIl the application be approvedo
Next on the agenda WAS 8 hearing on the application of Mr. Harold Po
Johnson for permission to construct an apartment-motel in a first class
residential district at Boulevard and Chase Streets, betng Lots 1 ~ ! ~
), Block 23, Puget Sound Co-Op Colony Addition. The application also
requests permission for a 15 foot set back from the Boulevard instead
of the 2'-; feet required 1n this class of zon80 Inasmuch as there is a
special section, Noo 11 of the zoning ordinanoe, governing this
situation, the method of proceedure was followedo After all parti9s in
thn area that were involved were notified and their r9s~onses to the
notification were tabulated, it was determined that a little less than
30% of the eroa protested the application. Mr. 'illia'Tl Bork, leader)
or the protestants spoke at length in opposition, while Mro Harold " l
Johnson spov.e in favor of his requesto After lengthy discussion and~ ·
taktnp into aCColnt the area involved and the trend of improvements
. ~lreadv establishedt it was moved and passed, with one dissenting vote,
the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council the application
be approved~
Mtnutes of the regllIar rneettng of the Port Angela a Planning Commission
Octob~r 6th, 1964 (continued)
A d lsc'lssion on the reauest of Mr. Ed Jenson of Shell Oil Co. that he
be allowed to purchase .8 15 (oor-itrip of land bordering the Truck
Route at ~arlne Drive was ordered tabled until the matter could be
tBke~ up with the City Manager.
A short discussion on a matter brought up by Mr. ~oster Campbell with
relation to the heieht of a proposed apartment build!ng at 4th and
Race Streets was deemed no problem and that if an application ror a
bul1dln~ p9rmit were mede, the same could be issued by the Building
The chairman announced his assistant, Phyllis Gardner, was movln~ from
the City in the near future and that some oompensation for clerical
assistance during the past year should be allowed. A motlon waa
unanimcusly passed authorizing the amount of $75.00 be paid to Mrso
No further business appearing, meeting adjollrned at 9:)0 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Fred C. Stran~e, Chairman
Actln~ Secretary