HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/07/1969
Minutes of the Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of
October 7, 1969.
Anderson, McHone, Treat, Dilling, Driscoll, Willson
Building Inspector
Absent: Hunt, Hankins
In the absence of Mr. Harry Hunt, the members elected Mr. Rennie
Anderson to act as Chairman.
The meeting was opened at 7:35 P.M. in the lobby of the City
Building due to prior committment of the Municipal Chambers.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as received.
Old Business - There was no old business pending.
New Business - Two requests for variances had been received and
properly posted for hearing at this time.
Mr. Glenn Wiggins of 702 Caroline Street had requested a
variance from the regulations of the RS-7 zone to permit the
enlargement of a pre-existing non-conforming single-family
residence. The present building has an inadequate setback
from the east margin of Eunice Street. Mr. Wiggins proposes
to add to the south side of the house. . After a brief discussion,
it was determined the proposed construction would have no affect
on the existing situation and it was voted to Ecommend the request
be approved.
Mr. Gordon W. Umbehocker, 2909 South Oak st., had requested
a variance trom tne regU!at1ons of an RS-7 zone to permit him to
construct a double carport 12' 9" from the east margin of Oak
Street. A lengthy discussion followed. The members of the
Planning Commission were sympathetic to Mr. Umbehockers request,
but felt that granting the variance would not be in the best
interest of the future developement of the neighborhood. It
was therefore recommeded that a variance be granted only for
the construction of the double carport in such a manner that the
roof-overhang of the carport be in line with the roof overhang
of the west side of the existing residence.
Other Business
Mr. Chet Alexander and Mrs. Evelyn Tinkham, were in for
informational discussion of the uses in an RS-7 zone ~n upper
Pine Hill.
A short discussion on the progress of Zoning, Building, Fire,
Plumbing, Housing and related ordinance revisions was held,
after which the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. .
~.'" ~
Renn Anderson, Acting Chairman
ording Se c re tary
October 3, 1969
Port Angeles Planning Commission
Ro P. Willson, Building Inspector
Meeting scheduled for 10/7/69
Old Business - None
New Business - Two variance requests have been received and
properly posted for hearing at this timeQ
Gordon W. Ucbehocker of 2909 South Oak Street has re-
quested a variance to permit construction of 20' x 36t carport
on the north side of his existing single family residence with
a 12.75t set-back from the east margin of Oak Street, instead
of the 25' required in an RS-7 zoneo
Glenn Wiggins - 702 Caroline Street has requested a
variance from the regulations of an RS-7 zone which would
permit him to enlarge a pre-existing, non-conforming single
family residence by constructing a full width addition to
the south side of the existing building.
Council Action - At its meeting of September 18, 1969 the
City Council took the following action on business from the
Planning Commission meeting of Sept. 16, 19690
Jack Loewen - approved as per Planning Co~~ission
recomme nda ti on
Enoch Hansen - approved as per Planning Commission
W. W. Bokamper - approved as per Planning COQmission
rec omme ndati on
Wm. Co Meyers - approved as per Planning Commission
re c omme nda tion
As of this date, I know of nothing else coming up at this
me e t i ng .