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Port Angeles, Washington
October l3, 1981
Chairman Anderson called the meeting to order at 7 PM.
Members Present: Jean Thompson, Charles Whidden, Colin Bennett,
Richard Anderson, Patrick Downie, David
Brewer, Milton E. Ranta
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Paul D. Carr, Dan VanHemert, Louise Frost.
Chairman Anderson announced that he reviewed the tapes of the
Gund Plaza hearing held on September 9th. Mr. Carr explained
that the public hearing had been held and tonight's meeting
was devoted to recommendations by the Commission.
Mr. Carr explained the IIAppearance of Fairnesslt doctrine: and
asked if any Commissioners were going to remove themselves in
light of the doctrine; and Messrs. Ranta, Brewer and Whidden
excused themselves and left the hearing room.
Request to amend Article IV, Section 7, Ordinance
No. 1709 (Zoning Ordinance) to include movie theaters
as a permitted use in the CSD-C2 Zoning District.
Location: CSD-C2 Zoning Districts in the City of
'Port Angeles.
Mr. Carr said that a letter and two petitions had been received
by the Department since the September 9th meeting, and dis-
tributed copies.
Mr. Bennett observed that the requested Code Amendment would
allow movie theaters to be established in any of the City's
CSD-C2 Districts, not just this proposal.
Mrs. Thompson asked for information on smaller theaters and
the controls which could be placed on them to limit their
hours of operation. John Buss, Bunje Dowse & Co., replied
that the present proposal is for a small theater with three
Planning Commission
Special Meeting
October 13, 1981
Page 2
to four screens, operating at staggered intervals, which
would provide family-oriented movies. The hours of opera-
tion would probably not extend beyond IO or II PM.
Mr. Downie said that the addition of theaters as a permitted
use in CSD-C2 Districts would have an impact on the entire
Mr. Downie moved to recommend denying the request to change
the Zoning Code by adding theaters to the list of permitted
uses in the CSD-C2 Zone because it appears to be in conflict
with the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan; a
theater might serve a City-wide function; and the amendment
would not enhance the CSD-.c2 District and could cause serious
impacts. Mr. Bennett seconded this motion, which passed
rezone 12.25 acres from RS~7 (Single-Family Residen-
tial) to CSD-C2 (Community Shopping District). Loca-
tion: Between "G" and fir" Streets and between Eighth
Stree't and the alley next' g"outh o'f Ninth 'Street.
Mr. Carr briefly reviewed the application. Mr. Downie observed
that the Department Report had presented reasons both for and
against the rezone; then asked the comparative size of the
PayLess/Safeway.Plaza. Mr. Carr responded that the PayLess
Plaza has approximately 77,000 square feet of retail space;
while the present application proposes 96,000 square feet of
retail space. In contrast, the Downtown area has approxi-
mately 1,000,000 square feet. Mr. Downie asked if the east
side Plaza served a neighborhood or the entire community; and
Mr. Carr responded that some operations are City-wide. Mr.
Bennett added that it would depend on what uses were present
in a shopping center, and their availability elsewhere in the
City. He then reviewed the testimony and map submitted by
Ray Taylor at the September 9th meeting illustrating the shop-
ping areas available to the City and their preponderance on
the east side.
Mr. Bennett noted that people in the immediate area of the pro-
posal would be more impacted than those farther removed; how-
ever, the majority of comments have been favorable and the
Downtown will not be adversely impacted. Mr. Bennett expressed
concern that if the zoning is changed there will be little con-
trol over what goes in there. Hr. Carr noted that the Depart-
ment recommended that a number of conditions should also be
Planning Commission
Special Meeting
October 13, 1981
Page 3
attached to the construction of the project to mitigate im-
pacts identified in the EIS. When zoning is changed, the
entire range of permitted uses in that zone is allowed.
Mr. Bennett moved to recommend approval of the rezone of the
area between "GH and "I" Streets and between Eighth Street
and the alley next north of Tenth Street from RS-7 to CSD-C2
for the reasons that it appears to be in compliance with Com-
mercial Policies Nos. 1, 5, 12, 4 and 2, and possibly with
No. 14 of the Comprehensive Plan: that the west end of the
City needs enhanced shopping areas because of the present
lack thereof, it being the growth area and the people there
have to be served; that the identified environmental concerns
be addressed at the building permit stage. This recommenda-
tion was made based upon the plan submitted by the applicant.
Mrs. Thompson seconded this motion, which passed unanimously.
quest for vacation of "H" Street from Eighth Street
to Tenth Street: Ninth Street from "G" Street to "I"
Street; alley from "G" Street to filII Street between
Eighth Street and Ninth Street; EXCLUDING all portions
of said streets and alleys contained in Eighth-Tenth
Crossover Drive.
Mr. Carr briefly explained the application and the Commission
discussed the merits. LeRoy Jagger, 824-l/2 South "C" Street,
exhibited concern for vacation of the portion of "B" Street
between the 9/10 alley and Tenth Street, because it would
leave Lots 11 to 15 in Block 305, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Nelson of San Jose, California, without side-street frontage.
Mr. Carr said that although that portion of "H" Street had
been requested for vacation, the Commission could recommend
vacation of all or only a portion of the requested rights-of-
way. Mr. Bennett observed that "Hit Street south of the north
line of the 9/10 alley is not essential to the project. Mr.
Carr asked if the Commission had identified, to its satisfac-
tion, the owners of the lots south of the 9/10 alley: and was
told "yes".
Mr. Downie moved to recommend approval of the request to vacate
"B" Street from Eighth Street to Tenth Street: Ninth Street,
from "G" Street to "I" Street: the 8/9 alley from ItGIt Street
to "I" Street, excluding all portions of said streets and al-
leys contained in Eighth-Tenth Crossover Drive; with the ex-
ception of that portion of lIa't Street south of the 9/10 alley,
as a result of information received this evening. Vacation of
that portion would impact abutting property owners; and that
portion of "B" Street is not necessary for the proposal. Mr.
Bennett seconded this motion.
~ (
Planning Commission
Special Meeting
October 13, 1981
Page 4
Mr. Downie then proposed as findings of fact that the vaca-
tion request is appropriate, because it is a better planning
concept for the project as presented; that traffic patterns
would be enhanced by the approved vacations; that the pos-
sibility of unsafe intersections on a major arterial will be
eliminated; it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and
in the best interests of the community and neighborhood. Mr.
Bennett seconded the findings of fact, and the motion to
recommend approval was passed unanimously.
Mr. Carr announced that all matters would go to the City Coun-
cil on November 3rd, which would allow time for the Planning
Commission to approve the recommendations made tonight.
Mr. Bennett moved to recommend that the following site-specific
concerns and mitigating conditions be imposed during the build-
ing permit process:
1. In order to reduce the impact on local hydrology and
the City storm water system, the development shall in-
corporate the storm water retention catch basin, oil/
water separator and other facilities deemed necessary
by the City Public Works Department, which shall have
the capacity to retain the storm water runoff at the
predevelopment level of the site.
2. Fire hydrants and other fire prevention facilities be
provided in accordance with ISO Standards, the Uniform
Fire Code and the City Fire Department.
3. To reduce light and glare, noise, land use conflicts
between residential and commercial use, and to decrease
visual impacts of the development, a natural landscape
buffer, utilizing the existing native trees and shrubs,
shall be provided to a depth of at least 50 feet from
the rights-of-way of Eighth Street, "G" Street, "I"
Street and the 9/10 alley, along the north line of the
alley. An easement for a landscape buffer shall be
granted and filed with the County Auditor, noting that
the maintenance of said landscape buffer shall be the
responsibility of the property owner.
4. In order to mitigate the impacts of light and glare of
development on adjacent residential areas, low-glare
high pressure sodium lights with cut-off switches and
directed away from adjacent residential properties,
shall be used wherever feasible in all outdoor fixtures.
To further reduce light and glare, the landscape plant-
ing shall be incorporated into all parking lots, in
residual areas and the parking strip along the Eighth-
Tenth Crossover, and in the traffic median island at the
intersections of the Crossover with Eighth and Tenth
Planning Commission
Special Meeting
October 13, 1981
Page 5
5. To reduce the conflict between service and customer
vehicles there shall be provided a truck service en-
trance and exit on "I" Street for service and emer-
gency vehicles only. Signage, restrictive devices
and service lanes shall be installed in accordance
with the requirements of the City Public Works: De-
6. To provide for the safety of pedestrians in the vicinity,
sidewalks shall be installed by ,the Petitioner on-the
south side of Eighth Street, the east side of "I" Street
and the west side of "G" Street adjacent to the subject
parcel. Marked pedestrian crossings across these
streets shall be installed in accordance with the re-
quirements of the City Public Works Department.
Mr. Downie seconded this motion; and asked Mr. Bennett if the
motion was based on the plan submitted. Mr. Bennett responded
that the Commission is accepting the plan concept presented,
and he wished to include that in his motion, and will rely on
the applicant's good intentions to follow that plan. Mr.
Downie seconded the amended motion. On call for the question,
the motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M.
aul D. arr, Secretary
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