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321 East Fifth Street
October 13, 1999
7 p.m.
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of September 22,1999.
ANNEXATION REQUEST - ANX 99-02 - TURNER. Old Joe Road and Doyle
Road: Request for annexation of approximately 4.53 acres to the City of Port
Angeles. (This item was originally considered on August 25, 1999. The action
was flawed with regard to the petition description and is therefore being
reconsidered. )
MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. Northeast corner of Georgiana/Race Streets: Request
to extend a conditional use permit to allow the continuation of an unimproved off
site parking lot use in association with the Hospital use in the Commercial Office
WIRELESS. 2807 Porter Street: To allow the placement of a 3 sector panel
antenna array and a dish antenna on an existing 150' tower in the PBP, Public
Buildings and Parks zone.
WIRELESS. 406 South Laurel Street: To allow the placement of a 3 sector panel
antenna array and 2 dish antennas on an existing 60' tower in the RHD,
Residential Single Family zone.
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Fred Hewins (Chair), Dean Reed (Vice).Bob King,Linda Nutter,Dean Reed,Fred Norton, lason Robotkay
PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins (planning Director), David Sawyer (Senior Planner), Sue Roberds (planning Specialist)
NORTHWEST SEA FARM - 670 Ediz Hook Road: Request to amend the
configuration of fish pens within the original lease lot area in the Port Angeles
Harbor. (This item will be continued to October 27, 1999, to allow for the
environmental determination time frame to pass prior to action.)
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Mary Craver (Chair);FmI Hewins(Vice);Bob King,Linda Nutter,Dean Reed,Fred Norton,Jason RobOlkay
PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins, Planning Director; David Sawyer, Senior Planner; Sue Roberds, Planning Specialist.
Port Angeles, Wasbington 98362
October 13, 1999
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Fred Hewins, Linda Nutter, Jason Robotkay,
Bob King, Dean Reed
Members Excused:
Fred Norton, one vacancy
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, Dan McKeen, Gary Kenworthy
Public Present:
Cynthia Shillington, Paula Gustafson, Margo Turner, Mary
Ellen Winborn, Kathie Jones, Jolm McDonagh, Donna
Davison, Monica McGoff
Commissioner King moved to approve the September 22, 1999, meeting minutes as
presented by staff. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Robotkay and passed
4 - 0 with Dean Reed abstaining.
ANNEXATION REQUEST - ANX 99-02 - TURNER, Old Joe Road and Doyle
Road: Request for annexation of approximately 4.53 acres to the City of Port
Angeles. (This item was originally considered on August 25, 1999. The intended
action required a revised petition.)
Planning Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's report indicating that the
petition originally received from the applicants did not include portions of abutting rights-of-
way which the Planning Commission recommended be included following a public hearing
conducted on September 8, 1999. Therefore, a new petition was submitted to correct that
situation. Staff's position has not changed and the September 8, 1999, Planning Department
Staff Report was noted as part of the record. A letter from Patty McCullough, 302 Doyle
A venue, received on September 21, 1999, was included in the new record. A letter received
October 13, 1999, from the petitioners, was noted. Chair Hewins opened the public hearing.
Margo Tumer, 3904 South Reddick Road, Port Angeles, stated that she has nothing new
to add to staffs report. Development concerns will be addressed at the time development
is anticipated. There are no firm plans at this time.
Planning Commission Minutes
October 13. /999
Page 2
Cynthia Shillington, 322 Doyle Road, Port Angeles, opposed the annexation. The lack of
utilities restricts the development at present where if annexed to the City, utilities would be
made available. The property could develop to a much higher density if annexed into the City
which the neighbors oppose. Annexation of the area could open the door to more annexation
in the area which would result in a more urban environment than what is desired.
Paula Gustafson, 39 Doyle Avenue, Port Angeles, stated that bear, eagles, hawk, deer, and
possibly cougar have been witnessed in the area. An increase in traffic, which could be the
result of annexation, would negatively affect the animal population. The accident rate at
Doyle Road and Highway 101 is very high. Two accidents have occurred at that location in
the previous week. Annexation would cause more congestion at the confusing intersection.
Monica McGoff, 133 Doyle Avenue, Port AlIgeles, is not against development but is
opposed to more development in the area than is there at present. She did not believe that
anyone in the area opposes the zoning that currently exists (residential). The State
Department of Transportation has listed the Doyle A venuelHighway 10 lrrumwater Truck
Route intersection as a high priority for upgrade due to accidents. She opposes participation
in utility improvements in the area which may be brought about or caused by annexation
including upgrades to roadways. Old Joe Avenue is very narrow. If further development
occurs in the area, both Doyle and Old Joe Avenues need to be upgraded.
Director Collins clarified in response to Mrs. Shillington that the proposed annexation area
can actually be developed to a greater density while in the County than if annexed to the
City. The county's existing Low Density (LD) zoning designation allows for more units per
acre than would the City's proposed RS-9, Residential Single Family zoning. Therefore, the
City's standards are more restrictive.
The proposal is within the City's Urban Growth Area (UGA). It is the only parcel of
property within the UGA in this location that is not within the City limits. Property outside
ofthe City's UGA cannot petition for annexation without a change to the UGA boundaries.
Property owners outside of the proposed annexation would not be permitted to hook up to
City services or be required to pay for those improvements. Old Joe Avenue is not of
sufficient width to become a City right-of-way.
MOllica McGoff wondered why the applicants want to be annexed if it would result in a
more restrictive zoning than they now have. Chair Hewins answered that the main question
before the City at this time is whether or not the area should be annexed. Specific
development questions or issues dealing with a change in zoning are not relevant at this
There being no further discussion, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing.
Following brief discussion, Commissioner Reed moved to recommend approval of the
petition for annexation citing the following conditions, findings, and conclusions:
Planning Commission Minutes
October 13,1999
Page 3
1. The annexation shall bear a pro rata share of the outstanding indebtedness of the
2. Pursuant to P AMC 17.95.110 and the Growth Management Act Element Policies a.l
- 10 of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the zoning classification of the annexed area
shall be the RS-9, Residential Single Family zone.
3. At the time of development, water, sewer, street, and storm drainage in the area shall
be upgraded to meet City LOS standards including fire flow requirements.
1. On April 14, 1999, the Planning Department received an annexation request from
Mr. and Mrs. James Turner for a 4.53 acre area located south of US Highway 101
between Doyle and Old Joe Avenues.
On May 18, 1999, the City Council sent the request to the Planning Commission for
review and a recommendation and set a date to discuss the request with the applicants
for the City Council's June 1,1999, meeting, perRCW 35A.14.120.
3. Two property owners constitute the proposed annexation area.
4. The County's Port Angeles Regional Comprehensive Plan land use designation and
zoning in the proposed annexation area is LD, Low Density.
5. The proposed annexation area is within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area.
6. The nearest City utilities are located across (north) of US Highway 101 at this
location. The subject property fronts on US Highway 101.
7. The factors considered under RCW 35A.14.200 in review of annexation proposals
include "the configuration of the area, comprehensive use plans and zoning, the
likelihood of significant growth in the area and in adjacent incorporated and
unincorporated areas during the next ten years, location and coordination of
community facilities and services., the probable effect of the annexation proposal or
alternatives on cost and adequacy of services and controls in the area, and the effect
of the annexation proposal or alternatives on adjacent areas."
The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan as amended June, 1997, contains 10 policies
(Growth Management Element Policies B 1-10) directly related to annexations.
9. The proposed annexation must comply with the City's annexation policies as
established in the City's Comprehensive Plan and Resolution 18-78.
10. A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for the proposed annexation on
Planning Commission Minutes
October 13. 1999
August 5, 1999.
Notification of the proposed annexation action was properly provided per RCW
The Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposal at its
regular August 25, 1999, meeting. Following the public hearing, the Planning
Commission moved to recommend approval of the annexation petition to the City
Council with the condition that those portions of Highway 101 and Doyle Road
adjacent to the proposed annexation area be included in the annexation.
Due to the fact that the original petition did not include adjacent rights-of-way, an
amended petition was submitted on September 26, 1999, to include those portions
of Highway 101 and Doyle Avenue adjacent to the proposed annexation area. A
second public hearing was scheduled for October 13, 1999, to consider the amended
Parties of record were notified of the second public hearing by U.S. Mail on
September 24, 1999.
1. As conditioned, the proposed annexation is consistent with the annexation policies
as established in the City's Comprehensive Plan Growth Management Element
(Policies Bl-lO), Resolution 18-78, and the factors to be considered under RCW
2. The City's policies encourage annexation within the Port Angeles Urban Growth
Area, which was established to accommodate growth expected to occur over the next
twenty years.
3. Inclusion of U.S. Highway 101 and Doyle Avenue rights-of-way will aid the
provision of city services to the subject site.
4. The annexation is in the public interest.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 5 - O.
Commissioner Reed commented that the issues before the City at this time are regarding
annexation. Development issues or those that my come up as a result of a zone change
request City are not relevant at this time.
Planning Commission Minutes
October /3.1999
Page 5
MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. Northeast comer of GeorgianaJRace Streets:
Request to extend a conditional use permit to allow the continuation of an
unimproved off site parking lot in association with a Hospital use in the
Commercial Office zone.
Commissioner Nutter stated that she has a relative who works for the HospitaL She offered
to remove herself from the deliberations if anyone present felt she could not act without
prejudice on the agenda item. No one objected and Ms. Nutter remained.
Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's staff report. Chair Hewins opened the
public hearing.
Mary Ellen Winborn, 332 East Fifth Street, represented the applicant in asking that the
extension be approved for an additional year. She responded to Commissioner King that
other Hospital developments have occurred which have delayed the completion of the
projects which caused the need for the temporary parking lot.
Chair Hewins asked if the driving construction projects would be completed within the
additional one year's time? Ms. Winborn answered that she believed so.
Commissioner Nutter noted that parking in the area ofthe Hospital is very, very poor. She
applauded the Hospital's efforts to provide needed off street parking.
There being no further testimony, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing.
Commissioner King moved to approve extension of the conditional use permit until
September 11, 2000, citing the following conditions, findings, and conclusions:
1. Approval of the requested extension is subject to the original conditions of approval
for CUP 99-02 except as hereby amended.
2. The applicant shall supplement the current gravel surface with an additional one inch
of gravel.
3. This extension shall expire September 11,2000.
The following findings are based on the information provided in the October 13, 1999 Staff
Report for CUP 98-02 (ext-l), including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given
to the comments and information presented during the October 13, 1999 public hearing, and
the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation. Consequently, the City of Port
Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds:
1. The applicant, Olympic Memorial Hospital applied for a conditional use permit to
operate a temporary off. site parking lot in the Commercial Office (CO) zone.
Planning Commission Minutes
October 13. 1999
Page 6
The subject site is located at the northeast corner of Race Street and Georgiana Street.
3. The Planning Commission approved the requested CUP on March 11, 1998 subject
to the following conditions of approval:
1. The parking lot shall be improved to meet City standards.
2. This Conditional Use Permit is subject to the conditions
required by the Public Works Department in their memo
(Attachment C) dated February 26, 1998, which requires the
driveway to Georgiana Street to be to City standards and
addresses drainage specifications and a requirement for
paving if the use is extended beyond the 18 month period.
3. This Conditional Use Permit shall expire on September 11,
1999, 18 months from the date of its original approval.
After the 18 month period concludes, all improvements shall
be removed, the top soil replaced, and the lot replanted with
grass, unless a building permit for a permitted use is
submitted to and accepted as complete by the City's Building
4. The approval was for a period of 18 months and was intended to replace parking
displaced during the hospital's current construction work.
5. Changes in the scope of the hospital's construction project has extended the
completion date beyond the original schedule.
6. Section 17.96.070 (F) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code authorizes the extension
of time limited CUPs for a period of one to five years. The Planning Commission
may grant such an extension if it finds: 1) the use complies with the permit
conditions; and 2) there have been no significant, adverse changes in circumstances.
7. As part of the present request, the applicant is proposing to supplement the current
gravel surface with an additional one inch of gravel.
8. The Fire and Public Works Departments indicated they had no comments or addition
recommended conditions of approval for this application.
No letters of comment were received from the public regarding this application. The
public comment period ran from September 9, 1999 to September 24, 1999.
The City's State Environmental Policy Act Responsible Official issued a
Determination of Non-Significance (DNS #876) and Adoption of Previous Document
for the project. DNS #788 was issued for the original application.
Planning Commission Minutes
October 13. /999
Page 7
The following conclusions are based on the information provided in the October 13, 1999
Staff Report for CUP 98-02 (ext-l), including all of its attachments. Consideration was also
given to the conunents and information presented during the October 13, 1999 public
hearing, the Planning Conunission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed
findings. Consequently, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes:
A. The parking facility is in compliance with the original conditions of approval for
CUP 98-02.
B. There have been no significant changes in circumstances from the time of the CUP's
original approval in March ofl998.
C. The project as conditioned is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning
Ordinance and Parking Ordinance.
D. As conditioned, the proposed use is compatible with the adjacent land uses.
E. The proposed project is not detrimental to the public interest.
Commissioner Robotkay seconded the motion which passed 5 - O.
WIRELESS. 2807 Porter Street: To allow the placement of a 3 sector panel
antenna array and a dish antenna on an existing 150' tower in the PBP, Public
Buildings and Parks zone.
Director Collins reviewed staffs report recommending approval of the conditional use
permit. In response to Commissioner Nutter, Mr. Collins answered that the existing tower
is on federal property (Bonneville Power Administration) and it is believed that no permits
were obtained to erect the tower under those circumstances. Chair Hewins opened the public
Jolm McDonagh, 111 Werner Road, Port Ludlow, displayed an antenna similar to that
proposed for the Commission's education. The proposed antennas measure approximately
5" x 8" x 2 W' and weigh 17 pounds. He addressed possible concerns regarding radio
frequency issues by submitting a statement from a certified engineer as to frequency
limitations and indicating that the proposed operation would operate within .01 of the
acceptable limitations set by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). The
Department of Health determines acceptable limitations of radio frequency operations for
human exposure. Voice Stream's operation is restricted by its FCC license. Approval by the
Department of Health is part of the FCC license procedure. He presented a map indicating
the coverage needed for telecommunication carriers to operate efficiently.
Planning Commission Minutes
OClOber /3. 1999
Page 8
In response to Commissioners Robotkay and King, Mr. McDonagh stated that Voice Stream
is installing 17 sites from the Hood Canal west with 3 or 4 sites being in Port Angeles. Most
of their sites are colocated.. Voice Stream did not do a windload study - Bonneville Power
did. There being no further discussion, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing.
Commissioners Hewins and Nutter stated concern that the existing tower may be
nonconforming with respect to the City's zoning regulations as it was constructed without
benefit of a conditional use permit. Director Collins noted that as the property is federally
owned, normal zoning standards may not apply. He did not believe that approval of the
subject conditional use permit activity would in fact legitimize the existing tower.
Commissioner Reed agreed that action on the application doesn't legitimize the existing use.
Director Collins noted that there was some question as to whether the City could even
require a conditional use permit on federal property. Rather than deal with the issue of
jurisdiction in this instance, the applicant chose to proceed with the City's conditional use
permit process in the hope that it would be less time consuming and more corporate friendly.
Commissioner Reed moved to approve the conditional use permit as requested citing
the following conditions, findings, and conclusions:
I. Approval is for the application as submitted and identified as Attachment B to the
October 13, 1999, Planning Department Staff Report for CUP 99-14.
2. The equipment and operation of such shall be in compliance with Federal
Communication Commission licensing requirements for such facilities.
The following findings are based on the information provided in the October 13, 1999 Staff
Report for CUP 99-14, including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given to the
comments and information presented during the October 13, 1999 public hearing, and the
Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation. Consequently, the City of Port Angeles
Planning Commission hereby finds:
1. The applicant, Voice Stream Wireless, applied for a conditional use permit to install
wireless communication antennas on an existing 150' lattice tower at the southeast
corner of Park Avenue and Porter Street. The application is identified as Attachment
B to the October 13, 1999 Staff Report for CUP 99-14;
The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the site is Low Density
Residential [LDR];
3. The site is zoned Public Buildings and Parks [PBP];
Planning Commission Minutes
October} 3. 1999
Page 9
A Determination of Non-Significance (#878) was issued for the proposal on October
5, 1999;
5. The applicant is proposing to place a three sector panel antenna array at the top of the
existing tower. The new antennas will increase the overall height of the tower by
seven feet to a total of 157', an increase of less than 5%. Each ofthe three antennas
is approximately 5' by 8" by 2" and is made of nonreflective material. A drawing
of the installed antennas is included in Attachment B.
6. A four foot diameter microwave dish antenna will also be mounted on the tower at
the 140' level. Ground support equipment with a height of less than six feet will be
located near the existing BP A control house. The equipment will be enclosed by a
nine foot high fence.
7. The Utilities and Public Services Element Goal A is "To provide or allow the
opportunity for services and facilities which enhance the quality of life for Port
Angeles citizens of all ages, characteristics, needs, and interests," Goal D is "To
provide utility services in an efficient and cost-effective manner."
No letters of comment were received from the public regarding this application
during it's public comment period which ran from September 15, 1999 to October
1, 1999.
9. Section 17.94.170 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code exempts antennas from the
Zoning Code's height restrictions.
The following conclusions are based on the information provided in the October 13, 1999,
Staff Report for CUP 99-14, including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given
to the comments and information presented during the October 13, 1999 public hearing, the
Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings.
Consequently, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes:
A. The project as conditioned is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning
Ordinance and Parking Ordinance.
B. As conditioned, the proposed use is compatible with the adjacent land uses.
C. The proposed project is not detrimental to the public interest.
The installation of this and other similar facilities expands the variety of
telecommunication services available to the community and region.
Planning Commission Minutes
October 13. 1999
Page 10
Commissioner Reed seconded the motion which passed 3 - 2 with Commissioners
Hewins and Nutter voting in the negative as they were concerned with the legitimacy
of the existing tower.
WIRELESS. 406 South Laurel Street: To allow the placement of a 3 sector
panel antenna array and 2 dish antennas on an existing 60' tower in the RHD,
Residential Single Family zone.
Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending approval
of the use as requested. Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. Director Collins read into
the record a letter from Rita Pollock, 110 West Third Street, who opposed the additional
antenna due to view concerns.
Joh1l McDonagh, 111 Werner Road, Port Ludlow, indicated that support equipment which
is intended to be placed on the roof of the existing U.S. West Communications building will
not be screened from surrounding properties due to its position below the roof wall. A back
up battery will be used in lieu of a generator.
He thanked staff for condensing the issues and for the short order processing of the
applicati on.
There being no further testimony, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Nutter questioned the length oftime the subject U.S. West tower has existed.
Commissioner Reed stated that he worked at the site in the early 1960's and the tower was
existing at that time. AB this is the main primary telecommunication facility for the City and
has been in operation for many, many years at this location, it was the consensus that the
tower had been in existence since well before current zoning regulations.
Commissioner Reed moved to approve the conditional use permit as proposed citing
the following conditions, findings, and conclusions:
1. Approval is for the application as submitted and identified as Attachment B to the
October 13, 1999, Planning Department Staff Report for CUP 99-15.
2. The equipment and operation of such shall be in compliance with Federal
Communication Commission licensing requirements for such facilities.
Planning Commission Minutes
October 13.1999
Page 1 J
The following findings are based on the information provided in the October 13, 1999, Staff
Report for CUP 99- I 5, including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given to the
comments and information presented during the October 13, 1999, public hearing, and the
Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation. Consequently, the City of Port Angeles
Planning Commission hereby finds:
1. The applicant, Voice Stream Wireless, applied for a conditional use permit to install
wireless communication antennas on an existing 60' lattice tower which is located
atop a 33' tall building at the southwest corner of Laurel Street and West 4th Street.
The application is identified as Attachment B to the October 13, 1999 Staff Report
for CUP 99-15;
2. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the site is High Density
Residential [HDR];
3. The site is zoned Residential High Density [RHD];
A Determination of Non-Significance (#879) was issued for the proposal on October
5, 1999;
5. The applicant is proposing to place a three sector panel antenna array at the top ofthe
existing tower. The new antennas will not increase the overall height ofthe tower.
Each of the three antennas is approximately 5' by 8" by 2" and is made of
nonreflective material. A drawing of the installed antennas is included in Attachment
6. Two four foot diameter microwave dish antenna will also be mounted approximately
halfway up the tower. Support equipment will be located on the roof of the existing
building. The equipment will be screened from ground view by a 3Yz' parapet wall.
7. The Utilities and Public Services Element Goal A is "To provide or allow the
opportunity for services and facilities which enhance the quality of life for Port
Angeles citizens of all ages, characteristics, needs, and interests." Goal D is "To
provide utility services in an efficient and cost-effective manner."
8. No letters of comment were received from the public regarding this application
during it's public comment period which ran from September 15, 1999 to October
1, 1999.
Section 17.94.170 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code exempts antennas from the
Zoning Code's height restrictions.
Planning Commission Minflles
October /3.1999
Page 12
The following conclusions are based on the information provided in the October 13, 1999,
Staff Report for CUP 99-15, including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given
to the comments and information presented during the October 13, 1999, public hearing, the
Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings.
Consequently, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes:
A. The project as conditioned is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning
Ordinance and Parking Ordinance.
B. As conditioned, the proposed use is compatible with the adjacent land uses.
C. The proposed project is not detrimental to the public interest.
D. The installation of this and other similar facilities expands the variety of
telecommunication services available to the community and region.
Tbe motion was seconded by Commissioner King and passed 4 - 1, with Commissioner
Nutter voting in tbe negative because of her uncertainty as to the time frame wben the
existing U.S. West tower was constructed.
08 - NORTHWEST SEA FARM - 670 Ediz Hook Road: Request to amend
the configuration of fish pens within the original lease lot area in the Port
Angeles Harbor. (This item will be continued to October 27, 1999, to allow
for the environmental determination time frame to pass prior to action.)
Director Collins noted that a Mitigated Determination of Non Significance had been issued
for this proposal on October 4, 1999, and as such, the time frame for submittal of comments
would not pass until October 19, 1999. Therefore, he asked that the Commission continue
the public hearing until October 27, 1999.
Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. There was no one present to speak.
Commissioner Nutter moved to continue the public hearing to October 27,1999,7 p.m.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed and passed 5 - O.
Director Collins noted that the City had received a letter from Commissioner Robotkay who
would be moving outside of the City limits early in 2000. .
Planning Commission Minutes
October /3. 1999
Pagel 3
Fire Marshall McKeen offered to provide a presentation on fire hydrant requirements in the
near future at the Commission's pleasure. A presentation will be scheduled.
Commissioner Robotkay thanked staff and the other commissioners for the opportunity to
serve with them as Planning Commissioner. He will remain on the Commission until his
position is filled or until the end of the year. His family is building a home on property in
the county. He noted that he had been at a Small Business Association meeting recently
in which Planning staffwas praised for the ability to work closely and supportively with the
business community.
Commissioner Nutter noted that she attended a City Council meeting to represent the
NonMotorized Committee and the Highway 101 alternatives meeting. She asked for an
update on the proposed fill posted in the area of 6th Street and Penn Street. Staffwill report
back on this issue.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Fred Hewins, Chair
Brad Collins, Secretary
Please read the following: If I testify, by signature below, I certify that my testimony is
true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington.
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