HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/20/1964
Minutes of the r.gular ..eting of the Port Angel.. Planning Co.ai'lion
Octob.r 20th 1~4.
Me.ber. pr.sent wert Andlr.on, Dri.coll. Hanldn., Hunt, McGe.. Rtin.r.
and Strange. AI.o pr...nt ..r. Director of Public Works John B.
Warder, As.t. City Engineer Rob.rt Wll1.on and Water Superintendent
Paul R.ed.
Minute. of pr.viou. .eeting were r.ad and approw.d.
Fir.t ord.r of bu.lne.. was a h.arlng scheduled for thl. date Oft the
application of Cliff Swain for a zoning varlanc. on Lots 13, 14 &
15 Block 2e N.R.Salth su~divl.lon. The application 1. for pe~l..lon
to construct an oft .tr.et parting lot and warehou.. to be u..d in
conjunction with S..inl. Stor.. The lot. under conalderation ar.
presently zoned .. second residenc.. Ch.iraan announced theprop.rty
had been properly posted. There were 8even letter. r.gilterlng
protesta of the application on tile with the Co..i..lon, all w.r.
r.ad, and In addition all were .upport.d by various people pre.ent.
Mr. Swain and Mr. Jack D. Little ..re present and spoke at length
on the nece..l ty of addi tional otf streetparkinq and thel r intention,
If the application wert grant.d. to conBtruct;~.and aaint.ln an .r.a .
that would be a credit and not. handicap a. .ugQlesttd by the protest..
Several ide.. for the con.truction at the lot were advanc.d, .alnly
to les.en the i.pact on the area luch a. an atteapt at beautification
etc. After a prolong.d di.cu..ion it wa. d....d advi.able to d.t.r
action on the application until the reqular aeetiftq of Nove.ber 17th.
The Co..ission n.xt con.idered the application of Mr.. Glady. H.
Johnston tor the retention of an already establt.bed .obil. ho.e
at 1134 cast front Street. The application set. forth that all
wheels and ax.ll have been reaoved, that the tr.iler ha. be.n ?
incorporated into the house and that regular tax.. are beinq 'aid ~
in.tead of a vehlcle licen.e. Exa.in.~n of the prop.rty verifl.d
the above end by uneni.ou. vote the Planning Co..l..ion r.co..end.
to the City Council the application be approwad.
A note was read inviting the Planning Co..i'lion to .eet with the
City Council in a work ses.lon to discu.. the co.preh.n.lv. plan
ot the City on Thursday October 2Qth 1~4 at 7:00 P.M.
A note fro. the City Manager conc.rnlng the .tatu. of the off .traat
parking proble. ot Claude Jarwi. and Water Mason, was read and it
was decided to invite the.e gentle.en to our next .eating in ord.r
to pursue the .atter further.
No further bUlin... appearing, .eeting adjourned.at 9:00 P...
Respectfully .ub.itted,
Fred C. Strange, Chal~an
See ie't'a ry