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. IV.
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
October 25) 1995
7:00 p.m.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meetings of September 13 and October 11, 1995
THE CITY City-wide: Final deliberation by the Planning Commission in the
process of revising the City's Zoning Map in compliance with the City's
Comprehensive Plan which was adopted in 1994 and updated in June, 1995. The
public hearing on this issue was closed on October 11, 1995.
All correspondence pertaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least one
day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the hearing.
PLANNlNG COMMlSSION: Linda Nuner,CJWr. rim German (Vice), Orvil1e Campbell, Cindy Souders, Bob \\rmlcrs, Bob Philpott, Bob King.
STAFF: Brad Collins, Director, Suc Roberds Office Specialist, and David Sawyer. Senior Planncr.
PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE: Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to
the request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a previous presentation. A
reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes).
Other interested parties will be allowed to corrunent briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chairman may allow
additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents will be heard
separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements
pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed to the Board, not the City Staff representatives present, unless
directed to do so by the Chairman.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
October 25, 1995
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Orville Campbell, Bob King, Cindy Souders, Linda
Nutter, Bob Philpott, Bob Winters
Commissioners Absent:
Tim German
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Sue Roberds
Public Present:
Pam Tietz, Jerry Austin, Jack Glaubert, John Ralston
Commissioner Souders moved to approve the September 13, 1995, minutes as
submitted at the October 11, 1995, meeting. Commissioner Philpott seconded the
motion, which passed 6 - O.
Corrections to the October II, 1995, minutes were noted as being the correction of the vote
on approval of the August 9, 1995, minutes, correction to the address of applicant Gaflhey's
address, correction of Lincoln Park to be Erickson Park, and to expand on the reference to
Initiative 164 to include the wording "( Referendum 48)" under "Staff Reports".
Commissioner CampbeU moved to approve the October 11,1995, minutes as corrected.
Commissioner King seconded the motion which passed 6-0 .
wide: A proposal to rezone various properties within the City in compliance with the
Comprehensive Plan. (The public hearing for this item was closed following the
October 11, 1995, public hearing.)
Planning Director Collins noted for the record that the public hearing for this proposal was
closed following theOctobei 11, '1995, public hearing, and reviewed the display map noting
those areas on the map which are being considered for zoning redesignations. He further
explained the correlation between the display map and Table 1 of the supplemental
environmental impact statement (SEIS) (attached as Exhibit "A") information prepared and
distributed to the Commissioners prior to the October 11, 1995, public hearing and presented
a list (attached as "Exhibit B") of areas that specific testimony had been provided for during
the public hearing. Inconsistencies between the current Comprehensive Plan Map and the
City's Official Zoning Map are the major factors behind the need to rezone certain properties
Planning Commiuion Mi1lUlu . October 25. 1995
Page 2
within the City. The map also contains many housekeeping corrections that have been found
such as areas where street names were inadvertently left off or City blocks or subdivisions
were not noted on previous maps including annexations to the northwest and southeast
portions of the City that were never shown correctly on previous maps.
Commissioner Souders asked for clarification that the Map change for the Ennis Creek
Planned Residential District (PRO) area is only a reflection of the underlying zoning not a
change in the zone. Director Collins indicated that the Map revisions do not change the
existing underlying zoning.
Commissioner Campbell suggested that given the neighborhood concerns expressed over the
proposed rezones to Residential Medium Density (RMD) for certain properties within the
City (Campbell Avenue and West Eighteenth Street) without specific development approval,
that perhaps ifPRD's are required for development to medium density standards, certain
properties proposed for rezone to RMD may be more acceptable to their individual
neighborhoods. Considerable discussion resulted from this theory.
Director Collins responded that although the City's PRD process is site specific, precedent
has been set in other areas of the state for rezone of property with an overlay zone where such
rezone is contingent upon approval of a site specific plan.
Commissioner Souden moved to rezone the property located north of Eighteenth
Street, south of Tenth Street, east of"P" Street and west of "M" Street, approximatdy
127 acres, noted in the supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) as areas
1 - 3, from RS-9, Residential Single Family to RMD, Residential Medium Density.
Commissioner Winters seconded the motion, which passed 6 - o.
Commissioner Winters moved to rezone the property located west of Newell Road
(described as Area No.4 in the SEIS) to the "c" Street Extension from RS-9,
Residential Single Family, to RMD, Residential Medium Density. Commissioner
Philpott seconded the motion, which passed 6 - O.
Commissioner Winters moved to rezone all of Block 175 (described as Area No. to in
the SEIS), including the properties extending two lots deep along both sides of Race
Street extending south from Block 175 (Fourth Street) to Seventh Street, from RS-7,
Residential Single Family, to RMD, Residential Medium Density. Commissioner
Souders seconded the motion, which passed 4 - 2, with Commissioners Nutter and
Philpott voting in the negative. Commissioners Philpott and Nutter noted that their
negative votes were due to the negative public input during the public hearing discussion.
Commissioner Souders stated that her reason for voting for the RMD change is due to her
belief that an RMD zone in the subject area encourages development of the empty lots by
allowing for a mix of residential development in an area that is heavily impacted by the arterial
Race Street without encouraging commercial use.
The Commission took a break at 8:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:40 p.m.
Planning Commission Minules - OClober 25. /995
Page 3
Discussion resumed regarding the rezone of property presently designated RMD to PBP,
Public Buildings and Parks, for the 7.57 acres of property owned by the Public Utility District
located directly west of Peninsula College. Commissioner Philpott moved to keep the
property (identified as Area No. 12 in the SEIS) as PBP. Commissioner Campbell
seconded the motion, which passed 6 - O.
Commissioner Souders moved to designate the approximately 2.05 acres of property
located in Suburban Lot 27 west of Ennis Creek Road (identified as Area No. 22 in the
SEIS) to reflect the top of the bank on the property as the end of the Commercial
Arterial (CA) zone on the site and the beginning of the PBP, Public Buildings and
Parks zone, which is intended to reflect the Ennis Creek Ravine bank as an
environmentally sensitive area. Commissioner Winters seconded the motion, which
passed 6 - O.
Commissioner King moved to leave the approximately 3.07 acres (identified as Area
No. 32 in the SEIS) located directly east of the Red Lion Inn in its present designation
at this time (Industrial Light) due to other concerns affecting the property.
Commissioner Campbell seconded the motion, which passed 6 - O.
Commissioner Philpott moved to rezone the approximately 1.8 acres presently
designated Residential Single Family, (identified as Area No. 57 in the SEIS) located
south of Fountain along Highway 101 in Block 19, Pennsylvania Park Addition to CN,
Commercial Neighborhood (shown as CSD on the map which is correct).
Commissioner King seconded the motion, which passed 6 - O.
At this juncture, Commissioner Souders left the meeting due to an appearance of fairness with
the remaining areas under discussion.
The Commission began discussion of the proposal to rezone the approximately 51 acres
including 18 acres owned by Clallam County located at the southeast side of the City, east of
Mount Angeles Road, south of Campbell Avenue (identified as Area No.5 in the SEIS),
which was the subject of a recent rezone denial. Other properties in the area contain
residential high density and residential single family uses.
Commissioner Winters noted that this would be a good area for the requirement of a planned
residential development binding site plan requirement for rezone as previously suggested by
Commissioner Campbell. Due to the history, previous testimony provided earlier in the year
at the time of the failed rezone request and the inadequate infrastructure, the planned
residential requirement would ensure the neighborhood the greatest degree of input into any
development proposal which may arise from a rezone to RMD.
Commissioner Philpott referred to the detailed testimony and lengthy record of objection
provided in public hearings in response to the County's previous request to rezone the
property in question earlier in 1995. Vacancy rate information provided during those earlier
hearings does not support the need to designate as much property for multi-family
development as previously thought. Given the current recommendation to rezone other areas
Planning Commission Minules - Oclober 25, 1995
Page 4
of the City for medium density development he questioned whether this additional area is
warranted when the neighborhood has expressed such strong opposition and because the
rental market at present is very soft.
Commissioner Nutter did not feel that anything has changed since the Commission
recommended denial of the rezone to medium density for the property in question earlier in
the year to warrant reconsideration of this request.
Commissioner Campbell stated that if all the properties recommended for change by the
Commission and staff at this time, including the County's 18 acres, are rezoned to RMD, the
result would still be only four percent of the City's acreage in that designation which is not
a sufficient amount to accommodate a twenty year outlook for the City's needs. If a PRD
is required for development of the subject property, many of the neighbors expressed
concerns could be addressed in this case.
Commissioner Winters moved to recommend rezone of the approximately 51 acres,
including 18 acres of property owned by Clallam County, identified as Area No.5 in
the SEIS located south of Campbell Avenue from Residential Single Family, to RMD,
Residential Medium Density, with the requirement that a Planned Residential
Development be approved for the property prior to any development to the RMD zone.
Commissioner Campbell seconded the motion.
Commissioner Winters spoke to his motion stating that a PRD is a compromise that allows
for the degree of public involvement that the neighbors have testified they need in order to
feel comfortable with a proposal such as the County has stated is their intention for
development of this property, a good sized low and moderate income family housing
Commissioner Campbell agreed that if neighbors have a chance for a significant say in the
development process for a property there is the distinct possibility that the resulting
development will be a credit to the neighborhood. One of the City's goals is to provide
opportunities to all its citizens for quality affordable housing.
Commissioner King agreed that a PRD overlay requirement will solve the problems and
concerns expressed for the Campbell Avenue neighborhood in the development of this
property to a medium density zone.
Commissioner Nutter remained firm in her belief that the neighborhood testimony received
during public hearings warranted that the area remain in the existing residential single family
On call for the question, the motion passed 3 - 2, with Commissioners Nutter and
Philpott voting in the negative for the reasons expressed in the discussion.
Commissioner Philpott expressed disappointment in the motion but understood that the PRD
provision for the subject area on Campbell Avenue would provide some certainty for the
Planning Commission Minutes - October 25. 1995
Page 5
neighborhood that they will have a significant amount of input to any development that is
proposed for the County's property.
With the exception of the areas voted on previously, and including Area No. 48, which
was specifically left unchanged as IL, wf1'ieJJ:.war~cific~ed'~
Commissioner Winters moved to recommend that the rest of the changes recommended
in the SEIS Table 1 and on the Planning Department presentation map be rezoned to
the proposed designations. Commissioner King seconded the motion, which passed 5 -
Commissioner Campbell moved to fOrn'ard the aforementioned recommendations to
the City Council for rezone citing the following findings and conclusions:
I. The Growth Management Act of 1990 required that the City of Port Angeles adopt
a Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations consistent with the Act and its
Over five years ago the City of Port Angeles formed a citizens' Growth Management
Advisory Committee to recommend a Comprehensive Plan and Development
Regulations based on community involvement with early and continuous public
participation in the planning process.
3. The Growth Management Advisory Committee met weekly for many of the months
during this long planning process, and the City held numerous public meetings and
public hearings on each step in this process.
4. On June 28, ] 994, the City of Port Angeles adopted a Comprehensive Plan in
compliance with the Act and the legislative deadline of July], 1994, and on June 20,
1995, the City of Port Angeles adopted its first annual update of the Comprehensive
Plan in compliance with the Act.
5. A Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for proposed Zoning Map
reclassification changes was issued by the City on October 3, ] 995.
6. The Development Regulations including the Zoning Code and Map must be consistent
with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map.
7. All properties throughout the City were reviewed for land use designation differences
between the adopted Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and the Zoning Map.
All differences between the Comp Plan and Zoning land use designations were
considered by the Growth Management Advisory Committee and the Planning
Department staff, and areawide zoning reclassifications were recommended by the
Planning Commission Minules . OClOber 25. 1995
Page 5
neighborhood that they will have a significant amount of input to any development that is
proposed for the County's property.
With the exception of the areas voted on previously, and including Area No. 48, which
was specifically left unchanged as IL, Commissioner Winters moved to recommend that
the rest of the changes recommended in the SEIS Table 1 and on the Planning
Department presentation map be rezoned'o the proposed designations. Commissioner
King seconded the motion, which passed 5 - O.
Commissioner Campbell moved to forward the aforementioned recommendations to
the City Council for rezone citing the following findings and conclusions:
I. The Growth Management Act of 1990 required that the Ci ty of Port Angeles adopt
a Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations consistent with the Act and its
Over five years ago the City of Port Angeles formed a citizens' Growth Management
Advisory Committee to recommend a Comprehensive Plan and Development
Regulations based on community involvement with early and continuous public
participation in the planning process.
The Growth Management Advisory Committee met weekly for many of the months
during this long planning process, and the City held numerous public meetings and
public hearings on each step in this process.
4. On June 28, 1994, the City of Port Angeles adopted a Comprehensive Plan in
compliance with the Act and the legislative deadline of July I, 1994, and on June 20,
1995, the City of Port Angeles adopted its first annual update of the Comprehensive
Plan in compliance with the Act.
5. A Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for proposed Zoning Map
reclassification changes was issued by the City on October 3, 1995.
6. The Development Regulations including the Zoning Code and Map must be consistent
with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map.
7. All properties throughout the City were reviewed for land use designation differences
between the adopted Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and the Zoning Map.
All differences between the Comp Plan and Zoning land use designations were
considered by the Growth Management Advisory Committee and the Planning
Department staff, and areawide zoning reclassifications were recommended by the
Plannir/g Commissior/ Minutes - October 25. 1995
Page 6
GMAC to the Planning Commission and the City Council for resolution of these
All Comprehensive Plan goals, policies, and objectives, including Growth
Management Goal A, Land Use Goal A, Policies Al & A.2, Objective AI, Goal B,
Goal C, Policy C. I, Goal D, Policy 0.2, Goal E, Policies E.6 & E.8, Goal F, Policy
F.3, Goal G, Policy G.2, Goal H, Policy H4, Goal I, Policy I. I, Goal J, Policy 1.1,
Transportation Goal A, Goal B, Policies B.IO & B. 13, Housing Goal A, Policies Al
& A. 2, Ojbectives B.l & B.2, Conservation Goal A, Policy A2, Economic
Development Policies Al & B.5, were considered by the GMAC in making
recommended changes to the Zoning Regulations.
Notices for Zoning Code Amendments, including a new Forest Lands Zone, and
Mapping Rezones, including additional public hearing notices for Zoning Map
changes, were given per the City and State legal requirements for areawide zoning
amendments and reclassifications.
Notices of the areawide zoning reclassifications and amendments were mailed to 132
different property owners of 180 properties affected by reclassifications and to 5
citizens requesting notification of changes in the Zoning Regulations.
Zoning classifications that permit the same uses or uses of less intensity than
Comprehensive Plan land use designations are considered by the City to be consistent
with the Comprehensive Plan.
13. The Environmentallrnpact Statement on the Comprehensive Plan was adopted for the
proposed changes in the Zoning Code Regulations.
14. A series of neighborhood public meetings were held by the Planning Commission in
May, June, and July, 1995, to give the public additional notice and opportunity to
review and understand the nature of the Zoning Map changes.
IS. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map is a twenty year forecast of the land supply
needs for all land uses in the City of Port Angeles, and the Zoning Map designates the
amount of land to be supplied for each classification of land uses at this time.
16. The Comprehensive Plan makes no designation of resource lands within the City of
Port Angeles; however, property owners may wish to undertake commercial
.. -"production-of timber-and so the -F orest Lands.(FL) Zone -has been included as a new
The Comprehensive Plan makes a distinction between light industrial and industrial
park uses, and a new classification of Industrial Park (IP) has been added to the
Zoning Code, although no land has been designated as yet.
Plannmg Comm;ssionMinules. October 15.1995
Page 7
Ten acres is the existing supply of land for Residential Medium Density (RMD), a
more recent zoning classification, and the Planning Commission recommends a
greater supply ofRMD zoned land to meet the future needs for affordable housing.
19. The Planning Commission received considerable public testimony expressing the
desire for continue opportunity for community input into the development of the area
southeast of the corner of Campbell Avenue and Porter Street.
20. The Planned Residential Development (pRD) overlay zone requires continued
opportunities for public review and input on development plans for each site that is
larger than one acre.
21. Area ill #5 is transected by the BP A power transmission lines and includes several
delineated wetlands.
22. The Planning Commission recommends imposing a PRD requirement on the RMD
rezone of Area ill #5 southeast of the corner of Campbell Avenue and Porter Street
to provide for both the land supply needed for future affordable housing and the
opportunity for continued public participation in site specific development plans.
Clallam County has offered the Clallam County Housing Authority ten acres of
property south of Campbell Avenue and east of Porter Street for the development of
low and moderate income housing, and the Housing Authority with much public
involvement has prepared site specific plans for such a development.
24. Area ID #22 and Area ill #32 are both identified environmentally sensitive areas
which are adjacent to commercia1lindustrial uses; however, the natural character of
Area ID #22 remains undisturbed, while the natural character of Area ill #32 remains
in question and subject to ongoing preservation and access analyses.
25. Area ill #24 is a surface body of water where enhancement and preservation of water
quality is desired.
26. There are a number of corrections, not zoning changes, needed for the Zoning Map
to reflect the various Ordinances establishing the zones, including Area ill Numbers
19,20,24,51, and 72, as well as the two recent annexations along Golf Course Road
and south of Melody Lane and Lindberg Road respectively and the Niichel/Hurworth
property next to the Golf Course off Del Guzzi Drive.
27. The Public Buildings and Parks (PBP) Zone may be designated as following the top
or bottom of a bluff or bank as determined by the City Engineer, and the precise
boundary of such a PBP Zone will be determined by field demarcation.
Planmng CommIssion Minutes. October 25. 1995
Page 8
1. The Zoning Code Amendments and Reclassifications are consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan and the Land Use Map designations.
2. The Zoning Map changes do not intentionally create nonconforming uses.
3. The Zoning Regulation changes intentionally recognize existing and planned uses in
those areas of the City where the uses do not conform to the existing zoning or
Comprehensive Plan designations.
4. The Forest Lands Zone permits coordination between the State Forest Practices Act
and the City Comprehensive Plan and its development regulations.
5. The Zoning Map changes are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
6. The Zoning Map changes are in the public use and interest.
The Zoning Map changes reflect changes in circumstances that have occurred since
the 1976 Comprehensive Plan was first adopted and has now been replaced with the
1994 Comprehensive Plan, which was updated in 1995.
The proposed Zoning Map changes provide an adequate land supply for the various
land use classifications consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
9. Plans for low and moderate income housing consistent with the City's and the
(ounty's Comprehensive Plans on Clallam County's propety south of Campbell
Avenue and east of Porter Street would benefit from the broad public review process
required by the Planned Residential Development overlay zone.
10. The existing RS-9 zoning of Area ID #5 will remain in effect, until RMD zoning
becomes effective through Planned Residential Development approval, and
development consistent with RS-9 requirements is permitted without a PRD.
Commissioner King seconded the motion, which passed 5 . O.
John Ralston, P.O. Box 1405, Port Angeles, noted that the property he had requested be
rezoned was not among those being recommended for rezone by the Planning Commission
to the City Council at this time. He asked what his recourse would be. Mr. Collins answered
that a public hearing would be conducted by the City Council in November and that he should
plan to attend that hearing and present his request to the Council.
Planning COmmi$$ion Minute$ . October 25. 1995
Page 9
The Commission commended staff on their efforts to provide the public a number of
opportunities to participate and comment on the proposed zoning map amendments between
November, 1994, and the present. The process has served the City well.
Commissioner Winters stated that with deepest regret he would be resigning effectively
immediately from the Planning Commission. The decision is one which has been thought
about at length and is the result of personal needs. He stated that his experience on the
Commission has been a very positive experience. Having worked with a number of planning
conunissions in his career, he stated that he has never been exposed to, spoken in front of, or
been in association with a planning commission that is of the quality and integrity of the City
of Port Angeles Planning Commission. The City of Port Angeles and the public is very
fortunate to have the group of dedicated staff members working for it as well. He thanked
one and all for working so well together for the good of the community.
The Commissioners one and all expressed surprise and regret that the City of Port Angeles
would 10seCommissioner WlOters' services. The Commission thanked Commissioner Winters
for his time, experience and support, and noted that he would he leaving a void that will be
hard to fill.
Staff thanked Commissioner Winters and wished him well in his endeavors and hoped that he
would be in attendance at the February gathering to thank those who serve the City by
donation of their time and experience on various boards and commissions.
The Commission noted the new spotlight provided by the City Light Department and that it
made a great difference in being able to view the display maps used for the meeting. The
Chair thanked the Light Department and noted that use of the light will make a big difference
in being able to use display maps produced for public hearings to their best advantage.
Jack Glaubert, East Sequim Bay resident, asked that he be allowed to address the
'-Commission -at- this point'due 'toethe -resignation -of-Commissioner Winters. Mr. Glaubert
stated that he had some concerns regarding the placement of certain lines of designation in
the Tidelands with the Inner Harbor being defined including the lots and blocks which is
underwater that should be placed on the zoning map. Commissioner Winters' guidance was
to be relied on when this issue is addressed and with his resignation, Mr. Glaubert was
concerned that the issue would not be understood as welL
Planning Commiuion Minule: - October 2S. /99S
Page iO
Commissioner Winters noted that the City is in the process of creating a new GIS system.
Mr. Wmters' survey firm has provided control monumentation with aerials having been flown
last spring. The process is underway to do what is being suggested which will result in
making what is being used more current, more precise, and to more accurately reflect
boundaries and zoning categories including information pertinent and integral to a GIS system
for the City. Mr. Glaubert thanked Mr. Winters for this infonnation.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Brad Collins, Secretary
Qj tndl1 ~7b.i/
Linda Nutter, Chai
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Area ill Existin~ ~ Change Now Comments
1 RS-9 RMD Yes Vacant available
2 RS-9 RMD Yes Vacant available
3 RS-9 RMD Yes Vacant available
4 RS-9 RMD Yes Vacantavailable
5 RS-9 RMD Yes Vacant available
10 RS-7 RMD Yes Vacant available
or existing development
11 RS-7 RMD No Existing development :
12 PBP RMD No PUD Property
. 22 CA PBP Yes Ravine ESA
32 II.. PBP No Wetland, marine bluff, future
. commercial
56 RS-7 CN No Vacant available not fronting
57 RS-7 eN Yes Fronting 101
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Area ID Existing New Change Now Comments
1 RS-9 RMD Yes Vacant available
2 RS-9 RMD Yes Vacant available
3 RS-9 RMD Yes Vacant available
4 RS-9 RMD Yes Vacantavailable
5 RS-9 RMD Yes Vacant available
10 RS-7 RMD Yes Vacant available
or existing development
11 RS-7 RMD No Existing development :
12 PBP RMD No PUD Property
22 CA PBP Yes Ravine ESA
. 32 IL PBP No Wetland, marine bluff, future
. commercial
56 RS-7 CN No Vacant available not fronting
57 RS-7 eN Yes Fronting 101
Planning Commission Attendance Roster
Meeting Date: & Me ci:i; L 9Q. '> -