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Minutes of the special meeting of the Port Angeles Planning eomm1ssion,
October 30th, 1958.
Members present were Reiners, McGee, Hankins, Hampton and Strange. Also
present was eity Engineer Warder.
Visitors at the meeting were Mr. Donald Lannoye, Mr. John Gonies, and Mrs.
Velma Breen.
First order of business was the discussion relative to a petition for the
improvement of 2nd Street from Lindoln Street to Race Street. This petition
had been before the Planning Commission earlier this year when it had been
left on the table for further study. The principal problem involved in
approaching this proposed project is one of finance. It being obvious that
the cost of installing a culvert and making a fill over Peabody Creek could
not possibly be born by small local improvement district such as described
in the petition. It is the thought of Mr. Lannoye, Mr. Gonies and others
present that some method should be arranged whereby the City could assist
in helping to ~efray a portion of the culvert costs, an item amounting to
some $28,000.00. It is roughly estimated that the culvert and the fill
together with the additional cost, such as moving power lines, purchase of
property and securing of easements, would amount to a total somwwhere in the
neighborhood of $100.00.00. During the discussion, it was pointed out and
generally agreed that in order to make a complete and finished project that
would avoid future flood problems, the Peabody Culvert should be carried from
the south margin of Second Street, northerly across private property and
connecting with the present 9 foot diameter conduit at the corner of First
and Lincoln. To accomplish this, it will be necessary for the private property
owners, who incidently will be gr~atly benefited by this project, to defray
the cost of the approximate 305 lineal feet addition of the culvert, amounting
to some $52,000.00.
After a length,ty discussion of the various phases of the problem, it was
agreed to postpone the matter for 30 days during which time a ttudy can be
made on the legal matters involved as to the best method of procedure and
at that time some approximate idea of in~ividual property coats could be
obtained and presented to the petitioners who in turn are to call on various
property owners involved to solicit their support.
Next order of business was the consideration of a petition by Mr. J. H.
Johnston for the vacation of certain streets and alleys in the vicinity of
the Boulevard and Valley streets for the purpose of constructing fishing
ponds for'children, after which it is Mr. Johnston's intention to turn them
over to the City to be supervised by either the Park Board or the Police
Department. A general discussion was held on the matter and some of the
members expressed concern as to whether the City Park Dept. would care to
accept the responsibility and some other items in Mr. Johnston's petition
not being clear, it was decided to lay the matter on the table for the time
being in order that we may contact Mr. Johnston for fubther explanation and
also members of the Park Board to see if they are interested.
Nect item on the agenda was the consideration of a variance in the safety
island regulation at 8th and Peabody Streets where a new dental clinic is
under construction. After a discussion during which it was pointed out that
the traffic to and from a dental clinic is of small moment, it was reguarly
moved and passed that the safety island restriction be waived.
Respectfully submitted,
cc to M. W. Slankard
John Warder
H. E. Dodge
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