HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/01/1966
Minute. ot the regular Deet1n~ at the Port Angele. Plannin9
Comml..ion Nove.ber l.to 1986.
Member. present were Ander.on, DillIng, Or1.col1, Hankln.o
Hunt, Treat and Stran1eo Alao pros.nt .ere Director of Public
Work. John B. Warder and Building Inspector RObert .111.ono
Minut.. of previou. .eetln~ were read and approvedo
Fir.t order ot bu.lne.. waa a hearln~ on the application
of Charle. R. Seith to permit the occupancy of a Mobil, Ho.. a.
e re.idenc. for f{Ve y..r.o durin~ the con.truction of . con~
ventiona1 hoe. which he plan. on build!n) hie.elt. The location
at the property i. identified I. tIle northerly )00 fe.t at
Suburban Lot 81 Town.it. approximately at 14th and "0" Strl.t.o
Mrs. Smith beln~ pre!lnt .a. qUI!tioned about the len~th of ti..
required to build their propo'ld hoal. She w.. informed the
Com~l..ion would not conlidlr 1rantln1 a permit for a period ot
five y.arlo Durln~ the di.cuallon it developed the Smiths bad
revi.ed their plana and no. Intended to rlobulld and improvI a
hou.. alre8dylocated on the property which would take much le..
tl..o Aft.r furth.r discu..1on I motlon wa. p....d reccmmlndlnl
to the City Couhcll the application be .pproved tor. period of
two yeer..
A qeneral diacu..lon on the propo.ed Zoning OrdinancI
followed durinq which tl.e a few .u~~e.tlon. .ere .ade on
.peclfic item. to be lncludedo
No further busln... appearing a.etin9 adjourned at 8130 P.M.
Reapectful1y aubalttado
~red Co ~tranq., Ch.lrman
Hugh Hankin., Secretary