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Minutes of Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of November
5, 1968.
Present: Hunt, McHone, Treat, Driscoll, Dilling, Building Inspector
Absent: Hankins, Anderson
Minutes of previous meeting were approved as received.
Old Business - None
New Business - Mr. Robert Lyon of 511 East Whidby Street had
requested a variance to allow him to operate an ambulance service
out of his home at the above address. The location is in an RS-7
zone. Considerable discussion took place and several residents
in the neighborhood spoke in opposition to the request. Follow-
ing the discussion, it was voted to recommend the requested
variance be denied, (one dissenting vote).
Mr. William C. Myers of 1946 Westview Drive had requested a
variance to allow him to construct a garage closer to the rear
property line than permitted in an RS-7 zone. This area is platt-
ed with no rpar access to the lots, and the variance application
included a request that a blanket variance for this type of build-
ing be granted for the whole subdivision. The Planning Commission
first noted that such a blanket variance was not within their
authority to grant and even if it were, each individual circum-
stance should be considered on its own merit. Some would possibly
not warrant a variance and others, only after certain comprimises
in the proposed plans. The members then took Mr. Meyers own
request into consideration, and after a short discussion, voted
to recommend approval of a variance to permit him to construct
his garage five feet from the rear property line. The variance
to permit construction one foot from the east property line was
not necessary as the zoning ordinance permits this on the rear
one third of the lot.~
Mr. Blair Fraser of 1316 South liB" Street had requested a variance
to allow him to construct a garage two feet from the north
margin of 14th Street and four feet from his west property line.
After considerable discussion, it was voted to recommend a variance
for a 15' set-back from the north margin of 14th Street and four
feet from the west property line provided that nothing but the
north wall of the structure be closed in. All other walls are
to remai n open.
Other Business - Mr. Floyd McRevey and Mr. G. B. Chamberlin were
in to discuss a proposed 9 unit addition to the Uptown Motel.
The property is presently zoned RMF which permits motels as a
Conditional Use, but Mr. McRevey wishes to have this portion of
a lot rezoned to CBD. Under the previous ordinance this area had
been classified as First Business. After discussing this request,
Mr. Chamberlin and Mr. McRevey were advised to submit an applica-
tion for re-zoning to the City Council.
Minutes - Port Angeles Planning Commission
November 5, 1968
page 2.
Mr. Bob Chamberlin and Mr. Bob Kitz were in to discuss a proposed
usage of the former PUD property at Boulevard and Oak. This
request had been submitted too late for hearing at this meeting
but will be posted for the November 19th meeting.
The secretary submitted an inquiry from DelGuzzi construction
company on behalf of Mrs. Vi Hurlong regarding the construction
of an apartment on the north side of Front Street just east of
Peabody. After a brief discussion it was determined that an
accurate plot plan would be required for even discussion purposes.
The Commission members next instructed the secretary to advise the
members of the City Council and the City Manager that they are
anxious to begin ioint study sessions for the purpose of revising
the zoning ordinance and discussing other related problems. It
was requestp.d that a date he established for the first session.
No special dates were specified by the Planning Commission members.
No further business being advanced, the meeting adjourned at
October 31, 1968
Port Angeles Planning Commission
RE: Meeting scheduled for November 5, 1968
Old Business - None
New Business Three variance requests have been received and pro-
perly posted for hearing at this time.
1. Robert Lyon of 511 East Whidby Street has requested a
variance or conditional use permit to permit him to operate an
ambulance service from his home in an RS-7 zone. (I had difficulty
inffinding any prominent places to post this notice within 400' of
the above address and it is possible the residents in the immediate
area are not aware of this request. I have received no complaints
about this as Mr. Lyon removed his ambulances about two weeks ago
when I notified him he was violating the zoning ordinance. However.
prior to that time I had received several complaints.)
2. William C. Myers of 1946 Westiiew Drive has requested a
variance from the zoning regulations of an RS-7 zone to permit him
to construct a garage closer to the rear property line than the
required 10'. This is another area which has been subdivided with-
out providing rear access to any of the lots. There is a five
foot utility easement along the rear lot lines. (This request also
posed a problem of where to post the notices within 400').
3. Mr. Blair Fraser of 1316 South liB" Street has requested a
variance to allow him to construct a garage closer to the street
right-of-way and to his west property line then permitted in an
RS-7 zone. (This garage had been built, supposedly on a slab from
a former garage. The work had been nearly completed without a
permit when I discovered it. At that time it was approximately
6inches into the right-of-way. I stopped the work and advised Mr.
Fraser of his problem, which he did not know he had. Mr. Fraser
then tore down the building he had erected and applied for this
variance. )
Other Business - At its last meeting, during the discussion of the
Planning Commission minutes concerning the addition of fra~ construc-
tion to mobile homes, the Council members stated they would like to
include this item in a joint study session on the zoning ordinance.
Council Action - At its meeting of October 17th, 1968. the City
Council took the following action on business from the Planning
Commission meeting of Oct. 15. 1968.
E. M. Bennett - 719 S. W~shington - addition to existing non-
conforming SFR - approved as recommended
Stanley H. Sherman - 125 Oakcrest - construct carport 19' set-
back from Oakcrest - approved as recommended ~
Kochanek - vacate !IAn St. at 3rd - concurred wi th Planning Comm.'
recommendation but no motion was made. City Attorney advised
that no action was necessary.
As of this date I know of nothing further to come up at this meeting.
R. P. Willson, Recording Secretary