HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/10/1993
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
November 10, 1993
7:00 P.M.
m. APPROV AL OF MINUTES: Meeting of October 27, 1993
of West Fourth Street and "I" Street: Request for vacation of a portion
of West Fourth (1500 Block) Street and a portion of "I" Street (abutting
Blocks 125 and 130).
DEVEWPMENT (PRD) AND PLAT: Pinal approval for Phase I and
Phase II of the proposed planned residential development and plat, located
between Lauridsen Boulevard and Melody Lane.
Planning Commission: Bob Winters, Chair; Cindy Souders, Vice Chair; Roger CaliS; Bob Philpott; Orville Campbell; Carl Alexander and Linda NuUer.
Planning Staff: Bl"lId Collins, Planning Director; Sue Roberds, Office Specialist; David Sawyer, Senior Planner; Iohn Jimerson, Associate Planner.
Planning Commission Agenda
Page 2
Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to the
request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a
previous presentation. It is helpful if the speaker identifies his/her interest in the issue. A
reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short
supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (5
minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional public testimony if the
issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents heard separately and
consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual
statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed to the Planning
Commission, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so by the Chairman.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
November 10, 1993
7:00 P.M.
Chair Winters called the meeting to order at 7:08 P,M.
Members Present: Linda Nutter, Cindy Souders, Bob Philpott, Orville Campbell, Carl
Alexander and Bob Winters.
Members Excused: Roger Catts
Staff Present: Sue Roberds, John Jimerson, Brad Collins, Gary Kenworthy and
Bruce Becker.
Earl T. Fox, Jerry Newlin, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Powell, Daisy
McInerny, Ken McInerny, Dave Milligan, Tim German, Al and
Helen Mangan, Marvin Dailey and Steve Luxton.
Commissioner Philpott noted a typographical error on page 8 Finding No.2, "with"
should be "which". Commissioner Souders moved to approve the minutes of the October
27, 1993, meeting as corrected. Commissioner Nutter seconded the motion, which
passed unanimously.
STREET V AeA TION REOUEST - STY 93(11)03 - HALLER. A portion of
West Fourth Street and 1tI" Street: Request for vacation of a portion of West
Fourth Street (1500 Block) and a portion of "I" Street (abutting Blocks 125 and
Commissioner Alexander announced that he owns property one block away from the
proposed area and so for appearance of fairness, he removed himself from the meeting
John Iimerson referred to a letter on the dais in which the applicant stated that he would
be unable to attend the meeting, and asked the Commission and City Council to continue
the public hearings to December 8, 1993, and December 21, 1993, respectively. Chair
Planning Commission Minutes
November 10, 1993
Psge 2
Winters asked if anyone in the audience had attended to speak to this item. There being
public that wished to give comment, the public hearing was then declared open.
Earl T. Fox, 1534 West Fourth Street, stated that he is the owner of Lots 9 and 10, in
the block directly south of the area requested for vacation. His family has cared for the
bluff area, which would be that portion of fI[" Street being requested for vacation, for
two generations. He has personally cleaned the area up and prepared a play area for his
and neighboring children at the site. It is a heavily wooded area that offers habitat for
deer, raccoon and birds. The bluff area at this location ("I" Street) is a sheer drop of
approximately 75 to 100 feet at its northernmost edge. There have been several
landslides in past years at this location, recently (four years ago) a slide occurred directly
to the east, and within the past three years a slide occurred to the west of this location.
A portion of "1" Street in this area is so unstable that it sinks and has to be maintained
by the City.
There being no further public comment at this time eomrnissioner Philpott moved to
continue the public hearing to the regular meeting of December 8th, 7 PM, City
Hall. Commissioner Souders seconded the motion, which passed 5-0.
Commissioner Alexander rejoined the meeting.
DEVEWPMENT (PRD) AND PLAT: Final approval for Phase I and Phase II
of the proposed planned residential development and plat, located between
Lauridsen Boulevard and Melody Lane.
Commissioner Philpott announced that he lives in the direct area of the planned
residential development, and in order to be consistent with his previous action in this
matter, he asked to be excused due to an appearance of fairness, and because there were
no other action issues on the agenda. Mr. Philpott was excused from the remainder of
the meeting. Mr. Collins stated that the Planning Department cannot recommend
approval of the revised final PRD and plat due to the reasons explained in the
Department's November 10,1993, memorandum. He then reviewed that memorandum.
Mr. Collins used a colored map on the wall to illustrate where the geologic hazard and
ravine areas are located on the property, answering questions from the Commission.
Commissioner Nutter asked if the buffer area had been disturbed. Mr. Collins answered
that the buffer area had been disturbed during the course of construction in excess of what
should have occurred. There has been disturbance of the soil but no major moving of
dirt at the top of the buffer area. There was some misunderstanding as to the protection
that was required in the top of the bench area. That area was not designated by flagging,
so no one recognized the bench area. Unless these required buffer areas are reduced
those areas that were disturbed would need to be revegetated and restored.
Tim German, 2025 West Twelfth Street, stated that he and his partner had worked hard
to mitigate concerns of the neighbors, the public and the City in this development. He
distributed written rebuttal to the Planning Department's November 10, 1993,
Planning Commission Minutes
November 10, 1993
Page 3
memorandum. He summarized that staff and the applicant have come to agreement on
the geologic hazard and buffer and ravine setbacks. He believes that the plat and PRD
as submitted are in conformance with the preliminary approval given in 1992, and that
it can go forward at this time to the City Council for approval. The issue at this point
is an interpretation of Section 17.70.040 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (FAMC),
which reads "The Planned Residential Development Ordinance states that there may be
a modification of setbacks except.,. setback areas required by underlying zoning districts
along the exterior property lines of the PRO." He believes that application is for the
entire PRD even after it is replatted into smaller lots within itself. In this case, that
assumption would allow a seven-foot side yard setback along the entire eastern side of
the platJPRD. (Staffs interpretation is that once the property is further defined by
platting, each lot within the PRO then becomes a separate lot within the larger PRD, with
its own newly reconfigured front, rear and side yards.) The original plan included two-
story homes on these lots. The neighbors and the Commission voiced concerns that two-
story homes would block view corridors. Therefore, they consented to build one-story
homes, but that reduces the square footage of the homes, unless the footprints are
enlarged which in turn reduces the setback. The plan showing building footprints was
not considered to be definite and unchangeable. It was felt the buildings could be
expanded to the minimum setbacks for the zoning district, if necessary. If the staffs
interpretation of yard requirements is upheld, it would change what is shown as side
yards (7') to be rear yards (minimum 25'setback requirements). It would be unreasonable
to require redesign of the plat.
Mr. Collins stated the City Attorney concluded that if the Planning Commission agrees
with the applicant's interpretation that the exterior property line can have a seven-foot
setback, the project can be recommended for approval to the City Council citing the
findings and conditions from the Planning Department's October 13, 1993, staff report
with the addition of one conclusion as provided by the applicant which reads lIThe PRD
exterior setback lines are for the site as a whole and not for lots that may be part of a
subsequent subdivision. "
Commissioner Souders asked why the buffer had been impinged upon. Mr. German
stated that the contractor had cleared up to the top of the bench before it was discovered
that another sensitive area existed on the property. He stated that Planning staff is in
agreement with the site's environmental sensitive areas protection at this point. Those
areas are now clearly delineated.
Commissioner Nutter questioned why the developer would think he could observe a side
yard setback for a site when that site was then subsequently subdivided into individual
lots which would then have their own, new front, side and rear lot setbacks. Mr.
German answered that he was given the information in his initial contact with the
Planning Department and that that information was placed on the plat and never
Commissioner Winters stated that the submittal appears to now state a ten-foot setback
as being proposed on the east line. Mr. German concurred and stated that there is a ten-
foot easement running along the eastern boundary for utility purposes. Mr. German
Planning Commission Minutes
November 10, 1993
Page 4
noted a memorandum from the Light Department indicating the developers may wish to
change the wording of the easement from ten feet to five feet on the east side of Lots AS,
A21 and A22, abutting Highland Drive.
Mr. German then reviewed his response to Items Nos. 2 - 5 of the Planning Department's
memorandum and indicated that agreement had been reached with staff on these items.
Commissioner Souders stated that in the original staff report for preliminary approval
(March, 1992) staff recognized that the front and rear setbacks were reduced to as little
as seven feet. Mr. Collins answered that the report indicated that we needed to have
additional setback area, that seven feet would not be consistent with the requirement,
though this information does not appear to have been acted upon. He said that he
believed that the City overlooked the seven-foot setback line, since the line was only
noted at the bottom of the plat saying "minimum building setback lines". Building
footprints are relied upon in a PRD to identify setbacks from any line, since there are no
required setbacks except from exterior property lines. We relied on the building
footprints to show all of the setback lines and had understood that the primary setbacks
that are shown on the PRD are in fact twenty-five feet. Some pop-outs are shown as less
than twenty-five feet from the rear lot lines, and we noted that we couldn't vary from
that, but the City did not locate the building pop-outs back to the twenty-five foot line.
In review with the City Attorney, it was determined that the building footprints were
approved in the preliminary PRD and that we would respect that oversight and allow the
buildings to occur as their footprints are shown on the PRD' It wasn't until after the
October 13th Planning Commission meeting when the revised plan was submitted
showing the buildings within ten or seven feet of the property lines that that seven-foot
setback line was brought to our attention as still having been on the preliminary plat. It
was an oversight on the City's part. The Department relied on the building footprints to
represent the specific building locations, and believes that that is what the Planning
Commission did as well. The side yard setback was originally given to the developer as
seven feet when there was only one parcel of property to speak of, not following
subdivision of the property.
Mr. German stated that if the seven-foot side yard setbacks are not allowed, the open
space of the project will be affected. Perimeter setbacks are not included in the
calculation of open space. If the perimeter setbacks change to become rear yards, and
are increased from seven feet to twenty-five feet, the minimum open space requirements
will not be met. Open space for the project was calculated to the seven-foot setbacks
throughout the proposal, except for single-family lots.
The applicant added that if this 11 + acre site would have been developed to its
underlying wning requirements, as a multi-family development, an apartment building
could have been constructed of up to 300 units, within seven feet of the side property
lines, with no public hearing. The current development proposal is far less impactive
than what would be allowed, and the density is one-half of the allowed for the RHO
zoning designation. Mr. German asked that the Commission forward a favorable
recommendation to the City Council with the findings and conclusions as he had noted
Planning Commission Minutes
November 10, 1993
Page 5
Gerald Powell, 718 Elizabeth Place, stated that he realized the density is less than what
could be allowed under the underlying zoning designation (RHD). He is happy the
developer has not decided to construct apartments. He believes the project is driven by
dollars and cents. If the developer would redesign the eastern portion of the site to take
two lots and make one larger lot out of each of themt with larger homes in the center of
those lotst it would add to the area and there would be no concern about setback
requirements. He stated that a ten-foot side yard setback is unreasonable as it does not
even allow for emergency maintenance and/or repair in the event it is needed, between
the proposed homes and existing homes to the east.
Chair Winters asked Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer, if ten feet is sufficient for
maintenance and repair of the existing eight inch sanitary sewer line at the eastern
property edge. Mr. Kenworthy answered that ten foot is absolute minimum, wider would
be more desirable.
Marvin Daly, 704 Elizabeth Place, asked what type of landscaping is required along the
eastern edge of this development.
Mr. Collins answered that preliminary approval requires intensive landscaping of the
eastern perimeter of the site. If the rear yards become only ten feet in depth, then that
would mean that there would be intensive landscaping over the sewer line that exists in
that ten-foot area.
Mr. Collins indicated by overhead illustrations the lot lines in question. When this was
approved, he believes the staff and the Planning Commission were under the impression
that they were approving the patio homes with essentially twenty-five foot rear setbacks,
as is required by zoning requirements, with the exception of the pop-outs, based on where
the buildings were represented to be by the building footprint illustration. He further
stated that the wording concerning the "minimum building setback line" was lost in the
other myriad of issues as the PRD was being processed, but that it was never the
intention of staff that the buildings would cover the entire lots. The reference in
Appendix "A" of the applicant's submittal to "... setbacks as small as seven feetlt is
specific to three sites, Lot A15 and Lots 18 and 20, but not to all other lot sites. The
City's PRD Ordinance does not allow for reductions of other than interior PRD lot lines:
no exterior lot line reductions are allowed. He didn't believe it was understood that the
building footprints would be relocated from how they were shown on the preliminary
drawings. The only way the proposed PRD/plat could be approved as not in conflict with
the City's PRD Ordinance would be to define what are shown as rear yards to the patio
homes as side yards.
Mr. Collins believes the City Attorney is most comfortable with the notion that we have
approved a site specific development plan with the building footprints as shown. To the
extent that those setbacks do not meet the rear yard requirements, that's a mistake. We
are required to live with that mistake because we approved those building footprints. The
City Attorney indicated that because of the seven-foot minimum building setback line, it
could be to interpreted that what was originally approved was that buildings could be
moved to within seven feet of that property line, notwithstanding the sewer line issue,
Planning Commission Minutes
November 10, 1993
Page 6
with the understanding that that is a side yard and not a rear yard. This may not be the
best interpretation, but it is a possible interpretation, given the fact that we failed to
remove that line. Mr. Collins stated that if a variation in the site specific footprints is
to be permitted, we have to address the issue that this must be a side yard, not a rear
yard. He noted that all of the information including the information submitted in
Appendix" A" and the mitigation measures provided by the applicant refers to the exterior
property lines as rear yards; the staff reports all refer to those areas as rear yards; there
was no reference anywhere except in the preliminary discussions about the site as a whole
where the setback areas are referred to as anything but rear yards. The other issues
addressed can be resolved. Mr. Collins added that Chair Winters noted some changes
which need to be made to the mylar should be required.
The Commission took a five-minute break. at 9: 15 pm. The meeting reconvened at 9:20
Mr. Collins showed a short video of the environmentally sensitive areas and of the areas
of Lots AI, 2, 3 and 4, where a building pad has been excavated, which indicates the
relationship of that area to Mr. Powell's house and his neighbors.
Mr. German stated that they have tried very hard to address everyone's concerns and will
continue to do so. He answered the question raised earlier by Mr. Powell that extensive
marketing study shows larger homes don't sell well in this area, so they will not be
developed. There is a per unit cost to develop land. When the number of units are
reduced, it takes that cost up. The infrastructure and improvements have already been
done, it is too late to redesign the proposal. The sewer line easement area indicated will
be landscaped as required. In response to Mr. Collins' comments, there are no
dimensions on the building footprint drawings, they were just illustrative. The only
dimensions and firm facts are on the plat. He restated that he believes this plan
represents the conditions of preliminary approval. We've all learned a lot from this,
some changes may need to be made to the ordinance following this experience.
Commissioner Souders did not agree that the building footprint drawings were not
dimensional. She remembered that building layouts were very specific. Mr. German
answered that those layouts went from two story to one story, but the square footage was
not reduced, therefore, requiring more site coverage.
Commissioner Campbell noted that it is important to work with developers and they with
staff in order to participate and make sure regulations are being complied with as they
are intended.
Commissioner Nutter asked Mr. German how he intends to rectify the problem of the
clearing that was done, that shouldn't have been. Mr. German answered that those areas
would be replanted. He added that the incursion was caused by an equipment operator
Gerry Powell, 718 Elizabeth Place, requested that no building setbacks be allowed less
than ten feet around the circumference of the site.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 10, 1993
Page 7
There being no further public comment, the public hearing was closed.
Chair Winters asked Mr. Collins to explain the options available to the Commission. Mr.
Collins responded that the Commission could recommend approval by citing the findings
and conclusions contained in the October 13, 1993, staff report and by including the
conclusion presented by Mr. German in his November 10, 1993, memorandum. A
second option is to agree with staffs report of November 10, 1993, listing the ten
findings and two or three conclusions for a recommendation of denial to the City
Council. Alternatively, the applicant could be requested to make revisions as requested
earlier for a recommendation at a future meeting. If the concern is that there is too much
confusion involved, and that the preliminary plat was not adequate, a fourth option could
be to ask that the preliminary approval be redone. Staffs recommendation is to come
to a conclusion about what the Commission thought was approved and be consistent with
that decision.
Chair Winters summarized that it would seem the issue is whether the building footprints
or the dimension setbacks prevail. The question is what did the Commission approve?
Secondly, is it reasonable to consider that the easterly boundary is a side yard?
Commissioner Alexander asked staff what the percentage of common usable open space
is for the project. John Jimerson answered that it is at or very near the allowable 30%.
eommissioner Alexander noted that the compromise that has been reached on the western
side may be acceptable. There have been errors in this development by the developers
and the staff. He is concerned that subsequent phases of this development will be
affected by a change in the setback as required. It may not be equitable to ask the
developer to redesign his plan at this point. It doesn't appear that any of the plans
submitted thus far have been correct. The applicant's understanding is that what was
approved thus far was not site specific; however, staff is correct in saying a PRD is a site
specific project, and not changeable.
Commissioner Campbell stated that the building footprints cannot be considered
adjustable. He suggested continuation for additional information from the applicant. A
landscape plan and a topographical survey would be very helpful in this situation, and a
landscape plan is a requirement of the preliminary approval.
Commissioner Nutter did not feel that the eastern perimeter of the site could be
considered side yards for abutting lots when the interior lots have been platted with
varying front and rear configurations. The developer stated he feels the building
footprints can be changed, but the front and side yards cannot be changed to his
disadvantage, following platting of the property. She also expressed discomfort with a
reduction of the required buffer areas.
Commissioner Souders said that accepting what is a rear yard as a side yard would be
setting a dangerous precedent for future developments. She stated that although the
developer said that what he represented previously was not final, the time and effort
given to that discussion indicated to her that it was a firm proposal, not changeable, as
stated by the applicant. The eastern perimeter lines have become rear yards for those lots
Planning Commission Minutes
November 10, 1993
Page 8
now shown as platted in that area. Those areas which are shown as rear yards for lots
along the eastern perimeter were considered rear yards. It was never the intention to
create a zoning violation in this matter.
Commissioner Campbell stated he did not believe it was the intent of the Commission or
the staff to intentionally violate zoning regulations of the City in approval of this plat.
Commissioner Alexander agreed that the intent of yard requirements are to buffer
abutting lots and their uses from each other. He would like to see the western boundary
showing the buffers and how they impact building areas.
Commissioner Souders said she would like to review plans for rectification of the illegal
clearing, landscaping on the perimeter and buffer areas for the top of the bank and the
top of the bench.
Following lengthy discussion the Commission determined that they would like to have
further information with specific topographic details and landscaping information. To
that end, Chair Winters asked Mr. German if he would be willing to provide that
information at a future meeting. Mr. German answered that he would not be willing to
provide the requested information without seeking counsel at this time. He said he has
already provided the requested information. Interpretation of what he considers side
yards as opposed to what staff considers rear yards will mean the plat does not qualify
for PRO approval because he then cannot meet minimum open space requirements. In
response to a question from Chair Winters, Mr. Collins explained that the Phase I and
II single-family home areas are not considered to be part of the common open space area
calculations. There may be a problem in the cottage area calculations (lots Cl through
C5)for open space which is a very irregularly shaped area.
Commissioner eampbell moved that without the requested additional information
a recommendation of denial of the final PRD and plat be forwarded to the City
Council, citing the following findings and conclusions:
1. The request is for Final PRD and Plat approval for Phases 1 & 2 of the Highland
Communities development. These phases consist of 26 single family lots with a
recreational path, park area and a temporary grass open space.
2. The property is zoned Residential High Density (RHO).
3. At the time of preliminary approval, the proposal was reviewed with respect to
zoning and subdivision ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan.
4. Preliminary PRD and Plat approval was granted on May 19, 1992.
The proposal has been reviewed with respect to conformance to the approved
preliminary plat and conditions of approval.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 10, 1993
Page 9
The utilities, drainage and roadway improvements have been provided.
The proposed building footprints are inconsistent with the footprints on the
preliminary approved preliminary plat. The rear yard footprints on Lots A 1- A 7
have been reduced to ten feet and the rear yard open space has been reduced to
about 47% of the open space shown on the approved preliminary PRO plan.
8. The final plat shows building footprints within the 50 foot buffer wne from the
top of the ravine on Lots Al4 and A15 and shows portions of the buffer wne on
Lot A26 beyond the identified building setback line. No exception to the buffer
requirement has been granted.
9. A geologic hazard environmentally sensitive area (bench) is located near the
western property line. No determination as to the necessity for a buffer zone has
been made.
to. Disturbance of required environmentally sensitive area buffers has occurred.
The proposed final PRD and Plat is not in conformance with the preliminary
approved Plans. The homes on Lots Al - A 7 do not meet the setbacks and rear
yard open spaces as previously approved. Most other footprints on the final plat
also vary from the approved site plan.
B. The proposed final PRD and Plat is inconsistent with Section 17.70.040 PAMC
as it would allow an increase in the encroachment of the buildings into the
exterior rear yard setbacks.
C. The proposed final PRD and Plat is not in conformance with the Environmentally
Sensitive Areas Ordinance requirements for non-disturbance buffer areas
protecting critical areas nor in conformance with the preliminary PRO and Plat
conditions of approval for such.
Commissioner Nutter seconded the motion, which passed 5-0.
Mr. Collins noted the item would be on the November 16, 1993, City Council agenda,
and that it is not a public hearing. Mr. German noted that he would be requesting a
public hearing on this item.
Commissioner Souders expressed her concern that there could have been a more
comprehensive review of this proposal in its preliminary stage. She urged that detailed
findings, as are being written for more recent decisions, always be prepared for these
types of applications. The Commission and Council have always tried to be sensitive to
developers' proposals and timelines and perhaps we should try to be more comprehensive
and take more time in these situations. Wording that clarifies the PRD Ordinance
requirements would be helpful as well.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 10, 1993
Page [0
Commissioner Alexander stated that an exterior setback for a PRO should be made
consistent with the maximum setback for the underlying zoning district~ which he thought
was twenty-five feet for all residential zones, except the RS-7, Residential Single-Family
District, which is twenty feet. Mr. Collins agreed with Commissioner Alexander and
said such a clarification would be brought to the Planning Commission. Mr. Collins
added that a proposed revision to the PRD requirements has been submitted by Mr.
German and will be presented to the Commission at the December meeting.
Tim German, 2025 West Twelfth Street, said he had not intended to violate the
required buffer area in the development of Highland Communities PRO. He expressed
his frustration with the City's new Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance which was
developed and adopted during the process of this PRD approval. He invested heavily in
the development based on the preliminary approvals. He felt the City's Attorney realized
there were mistakes in that area and had provided an opportunity for compromise.
Brad Collins reported on the City Council's actions of November 2, 1993. He added that
the housekeeping ordinance which was proposed for the current meeting will be set for
January, 1994. He mentioned that two Commissioners' terms of appointment are due to
expire in February, 1994, and asked Commissioner Nutter if she is interested in
reappointment to the Commission. She indicated she would like to be reappointed. The
second Commissioner, excused from the meeting, is Commissioner Catts. Mr. Collins
also noted there is an American Planning Association (AP A) sectional meeting scheduled
for December 2, 1993, at John Wayne Marina. He encouraged Commissioners to attend
if possible. This is a meeting of planners and planning commissioners for the four county
Peninsula area, so it will be a good local intergovernmental relations and educational
John Jimerson reported that the Shoreline Citizen Advisory Committee (SCAC) had met
for the first time on November 4th. A half day workshop is set for December 9, 3 pm
to 6 pm. He invited any Commissioners who wished to attend that meeting. A
consultant, Makers Architecture and Urban Design, has been selected.
Commissioner Souders said she will be staffing a Watershed group booth at the Vern
Burton Memorial Community Center (VBMCC) on December 7, 1993, for the Family
Learning Night activity. With regard to the City's commencement ofrevising the current
Shoreline Master Program, she contacted the Victoria Express operators concerning a
harbor cruise to help the public visualize shoreline activities and get the public involved
in development of the shoreline. She would like to be active in organization of that
activity. Mr. Collins indicated the shoreline committee (SCAC) would be interested in
Planning Commission Minutes
November 10, 1993
Page 11
such an activity as well.
Commissioner Campbell stated that he would be on vacation from December 2nd through
the 14th. He requested to be excused from the December 8th meeting.
Commissioner Alexander stated the Capital Facilities Committee did not meet this week,
but will meet on the 17th of November.
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 pm.
Bra~ E~ffiry
j>~ lA,
Bob Winters, Chair
PREPARED BY: Sue Roberds
Meeting of November 10, 1993
West Fourth Street and "III Street: Request for vacation of a portion of West
Fourth (1500 Block) Street and a portion of "III Street (abutting Blocks 125 and
Applicant has requested continuation of this item until December 21, 1993.
COMMUNITIES. Melody Lane: Final submittal for a planned unit development
and plat.
Please see memorandum attached to minutes
Attendance Roster
Type of Meeting Planning Commission
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