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Port Angeles, Washington
November 14, 1989
Chairman Cornell called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M.
Members Present:
Jerry Glass, Jim Hulett, Larry Leonard,
Jerry Cornell, Bob Philpott, Donna
Members Absent:
Richard Wight.
Staff Present:
Brad Collins.
area-wide and map for Block 2, Tidelands West of Laurel
street, Harbor Lease Area #PA87-0l. Review Oak Street
property zoning district designation and changes in the
permitted uses for LI and M-2 Districts.
Mr. Glass stated a possible Appearance of Fairness Doctrine
conflict, due to a letter written by himself and published in
the newspaper. Although Mr. Glass stated he did not feel he
should be disqualified, he chose to leave the meeting, and did
Chairman Cornell gave a brief review of how the public hearing
would be conducted and the results which might be reached,
which could be:
1. Find that the M-2 Heavy Industrial Zoning is appropriate
and do no more;
2. Decide to explore a rezone to another category, probably
LI, Light Industrial, or CBD, Central Business District;
3. Decide to pursue changing the language of the CBD, LI,
or M-2 District regulations so that uses of this property
might better fit into one of those categories;
Decide to pursue establishing a new zoning designation,
one that is not presently found in the Zoning Code;
November 14, 1989
Page 2
Direct staff to provide more study of the issue.
Director Collins reviewed the Department Report.
Cornell opened the public hearing.
Ken Sweeney, Port of Port Angeles, 338 West First Street,
representing the Port explained that he was present to give
background information and information on what has been
happening in recent months in meetings and public hearings
before the Port Commission for the proposed property. Mr.
Sweeney stated that it appears that the City's Comprehensive
Plan says that the area could go either industrial or
commercial. The city's Comprehensive Plan also says that
industrial uses should be phased out one and one-half blocks
deep on either side of Laurel Street, he said.
Mr. Sweeney illustrated with the use of an overhead projector
(Figure 3.5.9 from the Port's Comprehensive Plan) the existing
recommendations for the use of the property in question,
bounded by Cherry Street on the west, Oak Street on the east,
the waterfront on the North, and Front Street on the south.
The recommendation in the Port's Plan calls for a commercial
fishing center on the waterfront; secondly, the Plan calls
for a barge berth west of Terminal #4; thirdly, cargo storage
should occur on the uplands, halfway between Cherry and Oak;
and fourth, a consolidated commercial fishing center should
be built on the remaining one-half of the block to the west
of Oak Street.
Mr. Sweeney said in August, 1989, the Port held hearings for
a proposal to change the existing Plan designation. The
hearings occurred because various commercial interests came
forward and indicated an interest in this particular property,
specifically some motel chains; and secondly, the Harbor
Resource Management Plan was completed, with recommendations
other than those which were shown on the Port's Plan; namely,
light industrial, commercial, retail, conference center, with
the waterfront devoted to fish piers. The Port Commission
scheduled public hearings to see if it was appropriate to
change the designation of the areas. The hearings indicated
a substantial support for changing the Plan designation for
the area, but there was also a substantial indication of
interest from people who are interested in keeping the area
Mr. Sweeney stated that the Port Commission scheduled a
hearing, November 27, 1989, for a ferry terminal at this
location. Mr. Sweeney illustrated, by use of the overhead
projector, the ferry terminal proposal, and answered questions
concerning the Harbor line location at this area, and its
significance to shoreline development.
November 14, 1989
Page 3
Jim Haguewood, 705 Christman Place, as representative of the
Port Angeles Downtown Association, stated the Downtown
Association is in favor of a change of zone for this property
in order to allow commercial development at the site.
Chairman Cornell asked Mr. Haguewood about the Downtown
Association's concern for a buffer in the area. Mr. Haguewood
stated he hoped a developer would provide a buffer in the
development plan. He further stated he would consider any
commercial development at the site to be a buffer to the rest
of the Central Business District.
Phil Vance, 592 Black Diamond Road, stated concern over the
cost of traffic control measures which may be necessary for
the site. Mr. Vance stated the Port had indicated a ferry
could be a possible development at the site. Mr. Vance
questioned if reversible lanes would be necessary for loading
and off-loading for a ferry terminal.
Mr. Sweeney, Port Planner, stated there may have been some
confusion over a presentation given by the Port Engineer
concerning the ferry terminal area. Mr. Sweeney stated there
would be no need for reversible lanes on City streets: that
the ferry holding area could be reversible, but would be at
the entryway only, and controlled on ferry property.
Dick Niichel, 656 Black Diamond Road, urged the Commission to
not limit the uses in zoning districts, but to allow more
lesser impact uses in heavier use districts in order to leave
options open for uses in those heavier districts. He stated
he did not feel a change to a more restrictive zone would be
appropriate for this site, because it could restrict the use
of the property.
Randy Hansen, representing the International Longshoremen's
Union #27, stated opposition to a zone change. Mr. Hansen
said the Port of Port Angeles has the least amount of dry log
storage in the state. An average for northwest log ports is
18.8 acres per berth, and Port Angeles has less than 3 acres
per berth, and the amount of dry log storage capacity directly
affects the abilities of the Port's operations. Mr. Hansen
read from the 1986 TAMS report, prepared for the Port's
Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements, indicating the
Port suffers from a severe shortage of usable baCk-up land
adj acent to the main terminal areas. The report further
stated the greatest constraint to operations is the lack of
sufficient area for buffer storage to off-load logs for
machine transfer to Ship-side. Mr. Hansen requested retainage
of our industrial land base for people who live and work in
Clallam County. He also stated the City should look at other
ports in our area - Aberdeen, Everett, Seattle, Tacoma - to
November 14, 1989
Page 4
investigate how their waterfront land is used and zoned, and
also to allow time to make a proper decision.
Chick Leffingwell, 620 South Laurel street, asked whether a
j oint use of the COHO Ferry Terminal had been considered.
Chairman Cornell explained the ferry terminal was not the
issue at the evening's meeting, but the appropriateness of the
zoning at the site in question, the corner of Railroad Avenue
and Oak street.
Craig Whalley, 114 West Front street, urged a change for the
site to commercial, if for no other reason than to create a
buffer in the area. In response to a question from Commis-
sioner Leonard as to an appropriate buffer use in the area,
Mr. Whalley indicated the Commission may wish to create a new
zone which would allow some characteristics of the Central
Business District (CBD) but retain some control so buffering
could be created. Possibly allowing the CBD to cover one-half
of the proposed property and the remaining half be left as
Light Industrial or some other use which would create a
buffer, would be an appropriate action, he added.
Carole Boardman, Lindberg Road, urged the Commission to look
at a rezone of the property to commercial, to even up the
boundaries of the Central Business District eCBD) and to
provide a commercial anchor for the west end of Downtown.
Pat Downie, 331 East 11th street, urged the Commission to zone
the property for Central Business District use. Mr. Downie
stated the zoning should properly reflect the highest and best
use of the property to allow opportunities which are compat-
ible with the uses in the area. He said a look at the entire
Harbor area would indicate that very little of the land is
being set aside for commercial development~ most of the land
is being used for industry.
The Commission took a five-minute break at 8:30 P.M. The
Commission reconvened at 8:35 P.M.
Lorraine Ross, 418 East Front street, urged caution for the
time being.
Dan Miller, 228 West First street, representing the Downtown
Association Development Committee, distributed letters from
the Port Angeles Business Organizations encouraging a rezone
to allow commercial activity in the area proposed.
Lisa Cochrun, 608 South Laurel Street, stated a rezone to CBD,
Central Business District, would provide a broader range of
options for the future. She further stated the city's
Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies support commercial use
November 14, 1989
Page 5
at this location. Commercial use could be an economic anchor
for this portion of Downtown, she said.
Norleen Worden submitted petitions from citizens of Clallam
County who want an "economically diverse Clallam County",
requesting the waterfront property in question be rezoned to
allow light industrial or commercial uses, and that the
designated shoreline be moved to reflect the changes in the
real shoreline as it now exists; also that a hotel/convention
center be allowed at the location in question.
There being no further public input, Chairman Cornell closed
the public hearing.
The Planning Commission discussed at considerable length
moving the Harbor line at this location.
Mr. Collins said the first issue should be a zoning issue;
moving the Harbor line is not within the city's authority at
this time.
Mr. Hulett asked Mr. Sweeney if the TAMS report, referred to
in the public testimony portion of the hearing, had been used
in developing the Port' s Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Sweeney
indicated the document had been used and adopted by the Port.
In response to questions from the Commission, Mr. Sweeney
noted several actions proposed, and undertaken, by the Port
over the past years, and projected into the next five to ten
years, to create more storage area for logs on the waterfront.
He said the Port may not have lost business over the
restricted log storage area, but it was harder to compete for
new business. However, the Port has been able to compete
effectively with other ports, such as Grays Harbor, which is
in prime competition with the Port of Port Angeles, he stated.
There was discussion on the amount of land available for
commercial and industrial uses in the City.
Mr. Philpott suggested defining more uses in the M-2, Heavy
Industrial Zone, to allow a broader diversity within the Zone.
Ms. Davison suggested consideration of the Arterial Commercial
District (ACD) designation, which allows some of the uses
proposed tonight, and is a broader commercial district than
the Central Business District (CBD).
There was continued discussion on buffering, the amount of
industrial and commercial land available, the difference
between Arterial Commercial (ACD) and Central Business
District (CBD) designations and uses, as well as present uses
of the site.
November 14, 1989
Page 6
Following discussion, Ms. Davison moved to recommend that
staff provide a report that the property be rezoned to Central
Business District (CBD), and set a public hearing for December
13th at 7:00 P.M. Mr. Hulett seconded the motion, which
passed 4 - 1, with Chairman Cornell voting "Nay". Chairman
Cornell stated the reason for his opposition vote was he felt
some buffering was needed between the CBD (Central Business
District) and M-2, Heavy Industrial District.
Mr. Collins indicated the Commission would be considering both
a Shoreline Permit for B.C. Stena Lines, and a rezone to CBD
for the property (as discussed tonight) at the December 13,
1989, meeting.
Mr. Hulett requested staff contact the Public Works Department
about the need for a stop light at the Eighth and IICII Streets
Mr. Leonard requested that an extension cord for the podium
microphone and a directed light be provided for the
greaseboard in the Council Chambers.
The meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M.
ins, Secretary
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