HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/15/1966
Minutes of the reJul~r meetinq of the Port Anlelp8 Planning
COr:H i8sion Novenber 1 t'th 1966.
Members present were Anderson, Dillin" Driscoll, Hankins,
Hunt, Treat and Strange. Also present were Uirector of ~ub11c
works Tohn b. i~arder and ,)ulldinJ Inspector Robert l.ll1son.
Minutes of previous meeting ~ere read and approved.
The only matter of record to coma before the Planning
Commi5s1on at this npeting w~s an application from John A.
Collins f\ memher of the ,rnited Stdt~8 COllst 'iuard, the owner
of II ?Jashua Mobil~ Home located at tH6 West 13th Str...et, and
occupif'd for thf! past six Yl'!al"s. Tre request of "r. Collins 18
for a three year extension of his pre~ent authorization for
occupation of ft mobile ho~e at the ,bove a jdre~s. The reason
1iven is that Mr. Collins h~. been a~siJned overseas for a
perIod of thrpe Yf'ars and wishes to t,. relieved of ~orry durin']
that time. In diacu8sion of the application the Commission
deemed it a. hardship CAse that should be resolved. A motion
wa~ ~ndnlmou.ly passed recommtndin1 to the CIty Council the
requ~'t be lranted.
A lenerAl discussion of t;,fJ proposed zonin 1 ordinance
then followed with a. few sUlq.stions being noted.
No further business appearing meetlnj ad10urned at
.:3:15 P.M.
Re.pecttully submitted,
Fred C. strange, Chairman
Huqh Hankins,? ~ecretary