HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/16/1994
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
November 16, 1994
7:00 p.m.
Special Meeting Workshop
Discussion of possible revisions to the zoning regulations consistent with
the recent adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and with the Growth
Management Act.
All correspondence pertaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least
one day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the
Members: Orville Campbell, Vice Chair, Bob Winters, Cindy Souders, Bob Philpou. Linda Nutter and Tim German.
Planning Staff: Bl"lId Collins, Director; John Jimerson, Associate Planner; Sue Roberds, Office Specialist, David Sawyer, Sr. Planner.
PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE: Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to
speak to the request. Infonnation submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a previous
presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short
supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or
make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5
minutes) for proponents and opponents will be heard separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their
spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be
directed to the Board, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so by the Chairman.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
Novmber 16, 1994
7:00 p.m.
. Special Workshop
Members Present:
Orville Campbell, Bob King, Bob Philpott, Cindy
Souders, and Linda Nutter
Members Absent:
Bob Winters and Tim German
Staff Present:
Brad Collins and Sue Roberds
Public Present:
Martie Lucas and Ann Gilson
Discussion of possible revisions to the zonine reeulations consistent with the
recent adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and with the Growth
Manaeement Act.
Brad Collins began a discussion on possible revisions to the City's zoning regulations
which would assure consistency with the recently adopted Comprehensive Plan and with
the State's Growth Management Act. He noted detailed material prepared for the
Commission's information on the proposed revisions and explained the reasons for those
proposed amendments. The Planning Department has been working with the Growth
Management Advisory Committee (GMAC) on the current recommendation to the
Commission. A summary of the significant changes is included as an attachment to these
(Cindy Souders arrived at 8:30 p.m.) The Commission took a break at 8:30 p.m. The
meeting reconvened at 8:50 p.m.
The Commission discussed the difference between grocery stores and supermarkets. It
was determined that staff would work on a definition of the uses for the November 30,
1994, public hearing. A list of uses allowed in the new Industrial Park (IP) Zone will
also be provided at the November 30 hearing. It was agreed that the maximum fence
height for wrecking yard uses would be increased from six feet to seven feet.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 16, 1994
Page 2 or2
Mr. Collins indicated that Associate Planner John Jimerson has accepted a position to
work for the City of Tukwila.
The meeting adjourned at 11 :30 p.m.
Brad Collins, Secretary
. Attachment
Orville Campbell, Chair .
November 16, 1994
Use of words such as "district, fI "development," and "open
spacefl would be changed to reflect the Comprehensive Plan use
of these words.
2. The purpose statements would be changed to include additional
purposes found in the Comprehensive Plan.
3. Zoning land use designations would be changed to combine
Neighborhood Commercial and Commercial Residential and to add
a new zone for Industrial Park.
4. The requirement that the Zoning Map must be consistent with
the comprehensive Plan Map and that consistent means the same
or lesser intensity than the Comp Plan Map would be added.
5. The following definitions would be added: "accessory
residential unit," "amendment,t1 "density," "development,"
"district," "environmentally sensitive area," "incidental,"
"kitchen," "level of service," "neighborhood," "planning
area," "subordinate," and "trail."
The following definitions would be substituted: "landfill,
sanitary" for "dump," "open space" and "public facilities" for
npublic open space."
The following defintions would be clarified: "building,
residential," "dwelling unit,lI "single family residence,"
"manufactured home, II "mobile home," "trailer, automobile,"
"vacation trailer," and "recreation vehicle."
8. "Accessory residential units" would be added as a conditional
use in RS-7 and RS-9 zones.
9. IIBusiness parking" would be deleted as a conditional use in
the RHD zone.
10. "Trailer parks" would be added as a permitted use in the RTP
11. "Art galleries and museums," "libraries," "nursing and
convalescent homes," "public parks and recreation facilities, II
and lIutility buildings and structures" which are RS-7 and RS-9
conditional uses would be added to multi-family and commercial
12. Zoning chapters would be reordered to coordinate residential,
commercial, and industrial zones and conditional uses.
13. "Bed and breakfasts" would be permitted in commercial zones.
14. For the most part, penalty and appeal sections would be
consolidated in the Administration and Enforcement Chapter.
15. Zone designations would be changed to have R (residential),
C (commercial), or I (industrial) first in the map legend,
e.g., "OC Office Commercial" would be "CO Commercial, Office."
16. Listing of residential uses in commercial zones would be
changed to "Those residential uses permitted in the RHO zone
at the RHO residential density allowances," including all
residential uses as permitted uses in all commercial zones.
17. Commercial uses listed in less intensive commercial zones
would be included in more intensive commercial zones.
18. "Small sites" and "maximum floor area of 3,500 square feet per
business" would be changed to "sites no larger than one acrell
in the CN Commercial, Neighborhood zone.
19. "Supermarkets," "hardware stores," and "frozen food or cold
storage lockers" would not be permitted in the new CN
Commercial, Neighborhood zone (old CR Commercial Residential
zone) but would still be permitted in the CSD Community
Shopping District zone, except IIfrozen food or cold storage
lockers, II which would permitted in the CA commercial, Arterial
20. "Churches, II "group homes and hospices," and "nursing and
convalescent homes" would be permitted as principally
permitted uses in the CSD Community Shopping District zone and
more intensive commercial zones.
21. "Bulk requirements in the CN Commercial, Neighborhood zone
would be similar to old CR Commercial Residential, except
free-standing sign height limited to 20 feet.
22. Permitted and conditional uses in the CA Commercial, Arterial
and caD Central Business District zones would be added or
23. "Off-premises advertising signs" would be added as a
conditional use in the CA Commercial, Arterial zone.
24. New IP Industrial Park zone would be added with uses and
requirements similar to IL Industrial, Light zone, except
allowing office and commercial uses and all uses must be
devoid of exterior nuisance factors.
25. Permitted and conditional uses in the IL Industrial, Light and
IH Industrial, Heavy zones would be added or clarified.
26. Some hazardous and obnoxious manufacturing uses would be
changed from permitted to conditional uses in the IH
Industrial, Heavy zone.
27. Manufacturing with "asbestos," which is a banned material,
would be deleted as a permitted or conditional use.
28. Prohibition of oil ports and energy facilities would be
deleted, and these uses would be included in a new
Unclassified Use Permit (UUP) section in the Administration
and Enforcement Chapter.
29. Junk, salvage, automobile storage or wrecking yards would be
condi tional uses only in the IL Industrial, Light and IH
Industrial, Heavy zones.
30. Buffers for industrial uses would be required consistent with
the Comprehensive Plan for yards abutting residential and
commercial zones.
31. Not previously zoned areas annexed to the city would be
brought in as the zone most consistent with the Comprehensive
Plan land use designation rather than automatically as RS-9
Residential, Singe Family.
Interpretation of zoning boundaries and
Conditional or Unclassified Use Permits
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
approval of
would be made
33. New section for Unclassified Use Permit including a number of
new uses such as correctional facilities would be added to the
Administration and Enforcement Chapter.
34. Needed references to Planning commission or Planning Director
and Conditional or Unclassified Use Permit would be made.
Sections on Variances, Zoning Initiation,
would be reordered to organize the
Unclassified Use Permit sections.
and Filing Fees
Conditional and
36. Specific filing fee references would be deleted in favor of
the separate Fees Ordinance as it currently exists.
37. City-wide zoning reclassifications consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations would be made.
38. The recommended zoning reclassifications would not be intended
to create nonconforming uses, except for a change from RTP
Residential Trailer Park to PBP Public Building and Park in
the Peabody Creek Ravine between Peabody and Lincoln streets.
39. The recommended zoning reclassifications would not be intended
to diminish existing development rights for undeveloped
properties, except for in environmentally sensitive areas such
as the Daishowa lagoon, the Glaubert-Austin marine bluff and
wetland, the Cronauer stream ravine and corridor, and the
Newlin wetland.
40. The recommended zoning reclassifications would be intended to
recognize existing uses in those areas of the City where the
uses do not conform to the existing zoning.
November 8, 1994
Ann Gilson, Marty Lucas, Bob King, Ken Schermer,
Cindy Souders, John Pope
Chris Muir, Mike Gentry
Brad Collins
The minutes of November 2, 1994; were approved.
The Committee continued review of the commercial sections of Zoning
Code agreeing on the following changes.
The various purpose sections of each zone will be revised per the
earlier purpose changes.
(A) (2) .
17.26.040 change:
(A) (7) .
(A) (8)
(A) (12)
add: boats after "tractors"
relocate: "related" before "sales"
add: ...skatina rinks. driving ranges. putt-putt
golf courses. and video arcades.
delete: "night clubs, pool halls"
delete: "all of"
add: ...bakerv4es shops. candy and
stores. delicatessens. fruit and
ice cream
add: Special ty otorcD shops, such as bicycle,
book, computer, florist, gift, hobby and toy, aRe
pet stores/ and video rental.
(A) (13). add: Chain saw sales and service stores.
add: (A) (14). Shopoina centers. not exceedinq 63,000
square feet in land area.
(B) (3) .
(B) (5) .
(B) (7) .
(B) (9) .
add: Business services offices...
add: Financial services offices...
add: Governmental offioCG and social service
agencyies offices.
add: Personal services facilities...
(B) (11). add: Repair services stores...
add: (B) (13). Eauimental rental stores.
(D) .
(E) (6).
(F) (1) .
(F) (3).
(G) .
(B) (14). Medical/dental offices and clinics.
delete: 1-5.
add: 1. Those residential uses permitted in the
RHD Zone at the RHD densitv allowances.
change: Ferry, seaplane, airplane, and helicopter
facilities offices ana terminala.
add: Parcel delivery service offices and
add: Radio stations, TV stations, and newspaper
add: Vehicular services buildings, such as
ambulance service, automotive and truck rentals,
and vehicle maintenance and repair shops, not
including auto body and paint shops and auto enqine
repair shops.
add: storage srevices buildinqs...
change: Wholesale buoineooeD stores.
delete: Mixed commercial/residential developments.
conoiating af Both commercial and reoidcntial uoes,
located on arterial streets, with a minimuM af 500
oquarc feet of Buildin'€J aRe 50\ street frontage
dedicated to oommercial UDC.
17.26.160 change:
(A) . change and alphabetize: Buildings or development
neccoo:lr}' for the opera.tion of a public ytility
buildinqs and structures.
(E) .
(I) .
(K) .
(L) .
(M) .
. (N) .
change and alphabetize: IndefilCR6.CRt Qff-street
parking otructureo and lots facilities.
change: Public parks and public piers recreation
Salvage otorCG and yards and recycling
change: Shopping Ma.llo centers, exceeding 63,000
square feet in land area.
add: Social service agency4ee buildings providing
24-hour residential care.
(0) .
change: Vehicle Auto body and paint shops and auto
engine repair shops.
add: (Pl. Off-premises advertising siqns.
17.26.200(0) consoiidate in g~neral provisions 17.94.090.
17.26.300 delete
Chapter 17.28 changes like Chapter 17.26
17.28.040 delete reference to "C1a11am County"
17.28.160(K) change and relocate to 17~28.041(E): Indepcndent
Qff-street parking lote ~nd etructurc3 facilities.
delete reference to "C1a11am County" in (C), (E),
and (F).
The subordinate commercial chapters 17.67 and 17.87 will be
reordered to follow CBD.
17.67.100 consolidate with Chapter 17.96
17.67.110 consolidate with Chapter 17.96
17.87.050(A) change zones to reflect previous recommended
17.87.120 consolidate with Chapter 17.96
17.87.130 consolidate with Chapter 17.96
The Committee reviewed the industrial sections of Zoning Code
agreeing on the following changes.
The various purpose sections of each zone will be revised per the
earlier purpose changes.
17.32.020(A) (7) and (8) relocate in 17.32.040.
17.34.020(I), (L), (M), (N), and (Z)
relocate in 17.34.040.
delete: Sltating rink, Ilance hall, night club, pool
hall. boxing arena...
17.34.020 (AA) change: Manufactureinq and processing, p~cldng and
3taring of: alcohol...
relocate in 17.34.040: asbestos, asphalt,
chemicals, ceramics, drugs, pharmaceuticals,
perfumes, paint, lampblack, varnish, oil,
turpentine, plastics, soap and soap products, and
tar roofing or waterproofing
relocate in 17.34.040
17.34.025(A) and (B)
relocate in new Unclassified Use Permit
17.34.025(C) delete
17.34.050 add: Buffers shall be provided consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan for yards abuttinq residentially
or commercially zoned property.
Chapter. 17.92 reorder after 17.34.
17.92.010 change: Junk yards, salvage yards, automobile
storage or wrecking yards may be conditionallY
permitted only in ~n Inauotrial Oiatrict the LI or
M-2 zones.
17.92.030 add: Unless otherwise specified by the Planning
Commission, a solid, site-obscuring fence~
veqetation. or landform at least seven (7) feet ep
mefe in height shall be...
. Differences between the existing Zoning Map and the adopted
Comprehensive Plan land use map were discussed and will be reviewed
for recommendations at the next meeting.
The next meeting will also complete the review of Zoning Code with
the administrative chapters on pages 87-102.
The next meetings will again be on Wednesdays at 7:00 am.
November 2, 1994
Ann Gilson, Marty Lucas, Mike Gentry, Bob King, Ken
Chris Muir, Cindy Souders, John Pope
Brad Collins
In the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair, it was decided that
Brad Collins would facilitate the meeting.
The minutes of October 26, 1994, were approved.
The Committee continued review of the residential sections of
Zoning Code agreeing on the following changes.
The various subordinate residential chapters 17.18, 17.70, 17.86,
and 17.91 will be reordered to follow RHD according to 17.18,
17.91, 17.86, and 17.70.
17.18.030 change: Applicability. A Conditional Use Permit in
accordance with the provisions of this Chapter is required for all
bed and breakfasts occurring in residential use distrieto zones.
Bed and breakfasts shall be aeftsitioRally permitted uses within the
CgO C1, COllHRld.l'lity Ghoppinlj Diotricts commercial use zones. Bea and
brcaJcfasto occurrinq iR commercial districto other than the CSD C1
Diotrict, ohall be cORoidercd hotels and regulated accordingly.
17.18.110 and 17.18.120 will be consolidated with the general
zoning penalties and appeals sections.
17.91 chapter title change: Homes for the Elderly, Nursing Homes,
and Elderly Group Care Homes Conditional Use Permit.
17.91.020(A) change: Homes for the elderly, nursing homes, etc.,
shall be permitted in zonesinlj districts specified in this
Ordinance, and or by Conditional Use Permit from the Planning
17.91.020(b) add: To obtain a Conditional Use Permit.L. each
developer of proposed Elderly Housing shall meet the following
17.86 chapter title change: He-- Home Occupations Conditional Use
17.86.012(C) add: "Incidental" means that an additional use does
not interfere or otherwise detract from the permitted use.
17.86.012 (D) add: "Subordinatell means that an additional use takes
UP subtantiallv less space than the permitted use. Le.. fifty
percent or less space than the permitted use.
17.86.100 and 17.86.310 will be consolidated with the general
zoning penalties and appeals sections.
17.70 chapter title add:
Overlay Zone.
PRO - Planned Residential Development
17.70.010 last sentence add: The consolidation of permit reviews
does not eliminate the need for applications normally required for
the underlying permit processes:
17.70.040 last sentence change: The language has been changed in
the last ordinance revision.
17.70.060 table change: RS-9 is 3.59 diu/acre to start. The 25.6
diu/acre zones are RHO, 00 CO, CN, CSO, ACD. and CBD.
17.70.170 third sentence change: The construction and development
of all the uCilslc common open spaces, public common recreation
facilities, and other pUblic improvements of each project phase
must be completed before any certificates of occupancy will be
issued. . .
17.70.300 will be consolidated with the general zoning penalties
17.20 chapter title change: Ge CO - Office Commercial District.
17.20.160 change: Art aalleries and museums. Libraries. Nursing
and convalescent homes. Public parks and recreation facilities. and
utilitv buildinas and structures will added as separate conditional
uses. "Buildings or development necessary for the operation of a
public utility" and Urest, retirement, and convalescent homes" will
be replaced.
17.21 and 17.23 chapters will be combined and titled CN-
Neighborhood Commercial Distriot
17.21.010/17.23.010 as previously combined with another change:
...omall sites no larger than one acre...
17.21. 040 use for permitted uses, except change: Art galleries and
museums. Churches. Group homes and hospices. Libraries. Mortuaries
and funeral parlors. Nursing and convalescent homes. and Public
parks and recreation facilities will added as separate permitted
uses. "Adult family home and supported living arragements,
Apartments, and Single family residences It will be replaced by Those
residential uses permitted in the RHO District Zone at the RHO
density reauirements. Insurance and real estate services will be
added to "Banks, financial instituions," and ice cream and video
rental will added to "Speciality shops." "Supermarkets, Frozen
food or cold storage lockers, and Hardware stores" will be deleted
as permitted uses.
17.21.160 use for conditional uses, except change:
lrBed and
breakfast establishments, provided that at least one half of the
bedrooms are devoted solely for transient business" will be
deleted. "Churches and Group homes and hospices" will be permitted
uses. "Off-street parking ~ facilities will be changed.
17.23.200 use these development standards, except delete: "4.
Maximum Floor Area - 3,500 square feet per business."
17.23.220 use for signs, except change: ...attachedT or 5 20 feet
if free-standing.
17.21.230 use for design and landscaping, except add: gbutting.
.17.22.040 use the revised CN permitted and conditional uses, except
change: "Delicatessens, grocery stores, supermarkets, Hardware
stores. Service stations. and Taverns and 'cocktail lounqesfl will be
added to permitted uses. "Creameries and Frozen food or cold
storage lockers" will be deleted.
17.22.220 use the revised CN signs permitted, except reference CSD
and change: ... attached, or 30 feet if freestanding.
The next meeting will continue the review of commercial sections on
pages 44-52, 61-64, and 78-84, will review the industrial sections
on pages 53-58 and 86, and will review pUblic buildings and parks
on pages 59-60.
October 26, 1994
Cindy Souders, Ann Gilson, Marty Lucas, Mike
Gentry, Bob King, John Pope
Chris Muir, Ken Schermer
Brad Collins, David Sawyer
Fran Burch
The minutes of October 19, 1994, were approved with the correction
of identifying that Bob King attended the meeting.
The Committee continued reviewing the purpose section, where staff
"had made changes according to the previous meeting actions and the
Committee decided on option 1 for the PBP Zone (i.e., the current
zone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and will left for
revision when more time is available for improving the Zoning
Code) .
The Committee agreed with Carl Alexander's suggestion to add a
definition to the Zoning Map section clarifying the distinction
between the Zoning Map and the Comprehensive Plan Map. Staff will
draft the language.
Next, the Committee reviewed definitions and agreed with Carl
Alexander's suggested additions as well as adding definitions for
"amendment, habitable space, kitchen, mobile homes, and public
facilities." The language for new definitions would be taken from
the Comprehensive Plan or drafted by staff. Clarification of
residential building, dwelling, and residence would be made by
staff. The term "dump" would give way to the new "landfill"
definition, and the term "public open space" would give way to the
new definitions for "open space and public facilities." The
manufactured home definition will be made consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan, ,and staff will research the proper state and/or
federal standards citation.
The purpose sections of the residential sections will all be
changed to reflect the new purpose statements approved in the
October 19 minutes. The proper state or federal standards citation
will be made for manufactured homes following staff research.
"Accessory Residential Units" will be added as a new conditional
use, which is distinct from duplexes, to the RS-7 and RS-9 Zones.
Consistent language will be used for the same identified uses
(e.g., residential care facilities) in each Zone. The various
sections will be reorder according to the October 19 minutes
reorder of zoning intention purpose statements with RTP and RMD
between RS and RHO Zones.
Section 17.12.040(A) Business Parking was deleted as a conditional
use in the RHO Zone. Section 17.13.090 Trailer Parks is to be
rewritten, and "Trailer parks" is to be included as a permitted use
in section 17.13.010 with "mobile homes and manufactured homes" as
permitted use to be made consistent with the new purpose statement
and the Comprehensive Plan. section 17.13.050(H) was changed to
read playground-recreation ~ open space. The Fire
Department will be asked to review section 17.13.100(K) for
consistency with current requirements. section 17.14.030 is to be
edited to include "recreation facilities" with public parks,
"Libraries," and "Art galleries and museums as well as to list
Residential care facilities separately and to delete "found" in
(I) .
The schedules of the Planning Commission and City Council will
require the GMAC to complete review of the Zoning Code in time for
a November 30, 1994, Planning Commission meeting. Ann Gilson asked
if additional GMAC meetings will be needed, and that will be
"determined by the progress made each week.
The next meeting will continue the review of residential sections
on pages 29-32, 65-77, and 85 and start review of the commercial
sections on pages 33-52 and 78-84.
October 19, 1994
Cindy Souders 1 Ann Gilson, Ken Schermer, Marty
Lucas, Mike Gentry, Bob King
Chris Muir, John Pope
Brad Collins, David Sawyer
Fran Burch
Copies of the list of development regulations which need to be
addressed were distributed.
The minutes of October 5 and 12, 1994, were approved.
The committee began reviewing the purpose section, and the
following changes were agreed upon by consensus.
It was agreed that wherever the words "zoning district" and
"development" are used throughout the Zoning Code they would be
changed to reflect the Comprehensive Plan use of these words.
17.01. 010 (A) add: To implement the requirements of the State
Growth Manaqement Act of 1990 through the qoals. policies. and
obiectives of the Port Anqeles comprehensive Plan bv ~ dividinq
the City into zones and diatricta...
17.01.010(B) add: ...commerical, aft& manufacturing. and public
areas within the City and to promote the orderly and appropriate
development of such areas.
17.01.010(C) delete:
spaces. . .
...and to determine the area of open
17.01.010(0) add new section and reletter subsequent sections:
D. To sustain natural landscapes. corridors. and habitats for fish
and wildlife and to provide relief from the urban landscape within
the community through the designation of open s9ace areas.
17.01.010(E) add: ...motor vehicles and for.L the loading and
unloading of commercial vehicles. and public transit access. and
pedestrian safety.
17.01.010(F) add: ...manufacturing. public. or other uses within
such lines.
17.01.010(G) add: ...structures and to preserve existing unusual.
unique. and interestinq features of the natural landscape so far as
is possible and 4s appropriate in each diatrict zone, by
regulating. . .
17.01.010(H) add: ...hazards and to maintain the quality of life
in the interest of public health, safety, compfort, and general
welfare bv establishinq minimum level of service standards
throuqhout the City.
17.01.010(J) delete: ...character of do~elopmcnt or the permitted
uses within specified zones diotricto.
17.01.010(L) add new section and reletter subsequent sections:
L. To encouraqe the preservation of historic or culturally
significant sites and structures throuqhout the city.
17.01.010(M) add: ...herein and to protect the orivate property
riqhts of landowners from arbitrary and discriminatory actions.
17.01.010(N) add new section and reletter subsequent sections:
N. To improve the variety. quality. availability. and
affordabilitv of housinq opportunities in the city.
17.01.010(0) Zoning Intentions:
1. add: RS-7 Zone - ~fle purpo~c of the RS 7 Diotriot ia This
is a low density residential zone intented to create... may be
located in this Diotrict zone.
2. add: RS-9 Zone - The purpooe of tho RS 9 Diotrict is This
is a low density residential zone intented to create and
preserve 5e5urban ... may be located in this District zone.
3. reorder and add: RTP Zone - This ~ is a medium density
residential zone intended for mobile home occupancies only,
COflVCRtiollal d\lCllifl~C3 are exoluded, but and the area is
regarded as essentially residential in character.
4. reorder and add: RMD Zone - This &eRe is the dcoi~Ratcd
area for a medium density residential zong diotrict which
allows... RHO zong diotrict. The permitted uses...
5. reorder and add: RHO Zone - This ~ is the deaignated
area for a high density residential zone for multi-family
reaidential structures. Compatible uses...
6. reorder and add: PRO District Overlay Zone - This Oi!3trict
overlay zone is to provide alternative zoning regulations
which permit and encourage design flexibiity, conservation and
protection of natural alllcnitieo critical areas, and innovation
in residential developments to those requlations found in the
underlyinq zone. It is intended...
7. add: 00 CO Zone - ~ This is a commecial zone intended for
those business...
8. combine with the CR Zone and renumber subsequent sections:
CN Zone - ':rhc purpose of thc Ncil3'fleorhoed COHllRcrcial District,
which ohall aloo ec ]tROWl'l 0.0 eN, This is a commercial zone
intended to create and preserve areas for businesses which are
of the type providing goods and services for the day-to-day
needs of the surrounding residential areas neiqhborhoods.
Such a Diotrict ~usinesses in this zone shall occur on small
sites and shall be located and designed to encourage both
pedestrian and vehicular access and to be compatible with
adjacent residential neighborhoods.
9. add: CSD Zone - This is a commercial zone io also oriented
primarily to those businesses serving the iHlfRcdiatc daily
needs of the surrounding residential arena neiahborhoods but
is slightly less restrictive than the eR eN zone and as such
provides a transition area from the most restictive commercial
zones to those of lesser restrictions. Businesses in this
zone may occur on sites of varvinq sizes and shall be located
at the intersections of arterial streets of sufficient size to
satisy traffic demand and at the boundaries of neighborhoods
so that more than one neighborhood may be served.
10. add: caD Zone - This is a commercial zone intended to
strengthen and preserve the area commonly known as the
Downtown for major retail, service, financial, and other
commercial operations that serve the entire community, the
regional market, and tourists. It is further the purpose of
this Diatrict zone to establish standards to improve
pedestrian access and amenities and to increase public
enjoyment of the shoreline.
11. add: ACO Zone - This is a commercial zone intended to
create and preserve areas for businesses serving the entire
ci ty ~ and needina an arterial location because of the
nature of the business or intensity of traffic generated Qy
the business.
12. add and renumber subsequent sections: IF Zone - This is
an industrial zone intended to create and oreserve areas for
office. commercial. and industrial uses devoid of exterior
nuisances in a planned. park-like setting.
13. add: LI Zone - This is an industrial zone intended to
create and preserve areas for industrial uses which are
largely devoid of exterior nuisances iA n ploFlRce1., filar]!: like
3ctting, in close proximity to the airport and highways.
14. add: M2 Zone - This is the least restrictive industrial
afea zone intended to be the area in which heavy industry
could develop causing the least friction impact on other land
15. Staff was asked to propose revisions to this section for
the next meeting.
The next meeting will continue the review of pages 1-13 and start
review of the residential sections (pages 14-32 and 65-85).
Option 1: The current zone is consistent with the Comprehensive
Plan and Growth Management Act and therefore should be
left for revision when more time is available for
improving the zoning Code.
Option 2: Revise the zone to remove public buildings and leave the
zone as a parks and open space/low density residential
option 3: Do not change the PBP zone but leave it as is, since it
is well established over the past 24 years and has been
successful in accomplishing many of the conservation
element goals in general and the policy that building
density should decrease as natural constraints increase
in particular.
Planning Commission Attendance Roster
Meeting Date: U~.s~