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Minutes of the regular meeting of the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission, November 17, 1953.
Members present were Reiners, Stewart, Gort, Hampton, McGee and
Strange. Also present were City Manager G. S. Vergeer and City
Engineer Ah~vers.
Mr. Vergeer had been invited to meet with us to discuss various
problems of the Planning Commission and also to ascertain his views
on any matters tha~ he wished to have taken up by the Planning
Commission, therefor, there was no general order of business, but
more of a group discussion on severa~ matters.
The 'matter of zoning and the inflexable City zoning ordinance was
discussed at some length. It was pretty well generally agreed that
our zoning ordinance should be amended .to allow spot zoning under
certain circumstances whish arise from time to time. A case in
point was the request of Louis Elterich for permission to build an
equipment storage yard on the south side of Second Street between
Washington and Race streets and while it was agreed by those present
this request was in keeping with the area, it was pointed out that
under our present zoning ordinance, it would be impossible to legally
grant his request. Other matters of zoning were also discussed.
Under improvements, Mr. Vergeer advised the Commission that he was
receiving numerous requests for LIDs, several of which were for one
and two block improvements, mainly for sidewalks, curbs and gutters.
Our Commission, in discussing this with Mr. Vergeer, reiterated our
stand taken on these problems in the past, that is to say, we urged
everything possible to be done to keep improvements on an area basis
rather than small one and two block projects. It was pointed out,
it is practically impossible for the engineering department to do a
proper job of layout where the project is not of sufficient size to
take care of its own grading and drainage problems, as most sections
of our City are dependent upon other sections in solving these
problems, especially where drainage is concerned.
Chairman reported to the Commission on a meeting he had attended with
Joseph Hoare and others with reference to their proposal of the
cutting through of Laurel Street from First Street to the alley between
Second and Third Streets. It was again the consensus of opinion of the
members of the Commission that this proposal was not feasable and the
benefits to be gained would not justify the costs involved.
The members disnussed the next major project to be undertaken in our
City, Tumwater Road et aI, with reference to the progress being made by
the City Engineering Department. Mr. Ahlvers reported his department
wou~d be ready with the preliminary estimate in a month or six weeks,
therefor, it was deemed advisable by Mr. Vergeer and the members of the
Commission that the chairman write Mr. Ed Hughes of Seattle, an expert
on the formation of enlarged improvement districts, and invite him to
come to Port Angeles for preliminary discussion. This letter was written
on November 18th.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the City of Port Ange~es Planning
Commission, November 17, 19~j (continued).
Mr. Vergeer reported on several complex prob~ms involving future
expansion and improvement of both the light and water departments
and asked that members of the Commission give these matters some
thought in order that we may assist in the intelligent planning of
these improvements.
Considerable time was taken in a discussion advanced by Mr. Vergeer
with reference to the annexation to the City of the area known as
Peabody Heights and also the upper Mount Angeles Road area. The
discussion centered mainly around the position that should be taken
by the Planning Commission. Tnere was unanimous agreement of all
present that the areas should be annexed and it was agreed that our
Commission should give .some thought to the matter and arive at a
decision whether it should be our function to take the lead in this
matter, hold hearings etc. and generally gring the problem to the
attention of those involved in order that a final conclusion could
be reached. As stated above, the matter was taken under advisement.
No further business appearing, the Commission adjournec at lO:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
cc to G. S. Vergeer