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Minutes nf the regular meetinq of the Port Anqeles Planning
Commission November 17th 1964.
Members present were Anderson, Driscoll, Hankins, Reiners and
Str8nge. Also present were Director of Public Works John B.
Warder and Asst. City Engineer Robert Willson.
Minutes of previous meeting. were read and approved.
First order of business was a hearing on the retention of a mobile
home owned by John Collins of 61~ West 13th Street. Mrs. Col1ina
being present advised the Commission, Mr. Collins is 8 member ot
the Coast Guard, that they would like to retain the trailer in
order that they might t8ke it with them when Mr. Collins 1s trana-
tered, which they expect sometime in the future. After furth.r
discussion a motion was passed recommending to the City Council
the application be approved for a period of two years.
The application of Mr. John B. Pearce was next considered. The
request is for permission to purchase and install a mobile home
at 316 West 2nd Street to be used by the aged and ill parents,
who WoUld like to move here in order to be near their relative..
It was explained to Mr. Pearce, this was contrary to our policy
but we would defer action until the Council could be contacted
to acertain their thinking on matters of this kind.
Next item taken up for consideration was the application of Clitt
Swain for a variance on lots 13, 14 & 15 Block 26 N.R.Smith to
permit the construction of an off-street parking lot to be used
in conjunction with Swains Store. Action on this matter had been
defered at our last meeting to give time for further study. In
the meantime several more letters of protest to this application
have been received by the Commission. The matter was opened for
general discussion with several people expressing opposition to
the proposal. Mr. Arthur Hassel was present and stated he was
prepar~d to build an additional 50x140 ft. building on First Street
to enl.rge Swain's Store if off-street parking could be provided.
Mr. Swain, Mr. Scanlon, Mr. Little and others spoke in favor of
the proposal. It developed At the meeting that a good part of the
opposition from the im~ediate area was generated from ill will fro.
past performance in the neighborhood, the untidy manner of the
premises. etc. Mro Swain agreed if Jiven permission to construct
the lot. to design, operate and maintain it in a manner that would
be least objectionable to the area. It was pointed out to the
group by members of the Planning Commission that their policy was
to encourage all the off-street parkin1 possible, a aatter that i.
of vital importance to our City. After further discussion a mntion
was unanimously passed recommending to the City Council the appli-
cation be approved with the following provisions. To lessen the
impact on the adjacent areas, the lot be fenced and/or planted with
shrubs. The lot be chaned off at night. modern lighting be in-
stalled th3t would not interfer with adjacent property, stop s1gn.
installed to control traffic, exit only on Second Street, plana be
submitted to the Building Inspector before construction.
No further"business appearinq .eeting adjourned at 9 PnM~
Fred c. Strange, Chairesn