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November 14, 1969
Port Angeles Planning Commission
R. P. Willson, Building Inspector
Meeting Scheduled for November 18, 1969
Old Business - There is no old business.
New Business - One variance request has been received for hearing at
this meetinq,
-5'4" v td bLGene Burdi ck of Sequim (s ee below)
Mr. C. W. Lockhart of 315 West 7th Street has requested
a variance to allow him to construct a double garage on
his property at that address. At present there are two
houses on that lost (SOTx140T) for a total coverage of
2,134', or just over the allowable 30%. The new garage
would bring the coverage to 2,758T or 39.4%.
~.~{ ,q/li
Other Business -
Clarence Fidler will probably be in, res presenting John
Collins, to request an extension for the mobil home at
616 West 13th Street.
Donald Bettger expects to be in to discuss possible land use
on Railroad Avenue at the foot of Lincoln St.
A representative of Time Oil compan~ may be in to discuss
the possibility of installing..a sel -service gas station
just west of KONP. .
Representatives of the .Kentucky Fried Chicken and Dariy
Queen development plan to be in to discuss their parking
and'access for the southwest corner of First and Washington
Council Action At its meeting of. November 6, 1969, the City Council
took the following action on business referred to it from the Planning
Olympic Vista, Inc. - approved as per Planning Commission
recommendation. .
Ray Robinson - approved as per Planning Commission recommendation.
As of this date, I know of nothing else to come up at this meeting.
Gene Burdick. , of Sequim, has requested a variance to permit him to.
install a house in an RS-7 Zone with less than the required 7 foot
~~~~lifgsa 'fl3~ ggu~~ R8}::tlio~d~orteU~3~asSt~rge~eeAsvrgeb3nd Peabody.
R. P. Willson, .4IJ
Vdnutes of the Port Angeles Planning Commission meetine of November 18, 1969.
Present: Hunt, MclIDne, Treat, Dilling, Anderson, Hankins, Building Inspector
The meetine was opened at 7:35 P.l.1. in the l1unicipal Chambers.
~inutes, as the November 4th meeting had been cancelled.
There were no
Old Business - There was no old business.
Nevl Business One variance request had been received and properly posted for
hearing at this time. .
~'jr. Gene Burdick, of Sequim had reque::;ted a variance to permit him to
situate a thirty-seven foot vice house on a fifty foot lot. This necessitates a
variance from the seven foot sidevard renui.rements. The house is to be moved
from ll~- East Third Street to a Jnt on the north side of east Third Street
between Peabody and Vine. One of the prospective neighbors was present and
objected. to the request because of the appearance and size of the building.
Du.rine; the discussion, it was brought out that by repositionine the house
90 degrees, it would be possible to place the house on the lot without a
variance. The members of the Planning Commission voted to table this request
until December 2nd meetine; anc reconsider the application in lieht of both of
these items.
Other Business
Mr. Clarence Fidler, attorney for John A. Collins, han requested
another extension on a variance eranted oriGinally on Novem~er 19, 1964 to
occupy a mobile home at 616 Hest 13th Street. The vehicle is nmr approximately
11 years old and has been roofed over with a carport-type of structure.
Members of the Planning COIT~ission felt that it was not desirable to extend
this variance. Mr. Collins is L~ the Coast Guard and stationed on the east
coast with no opportunity to do anything about r~"oving this vehicle L~ediately,
but expects to be in town early in 1970. It was therefore voted to recommend
approval of the extensicn for one year, with the expectation the vehicle.would
be removed by that tL"e.
~~ Ray Leaejel~, representing Kentucky Fried Chicken was present to
discuss the proposer Kentucky tried Chicken - Dairy Wueen project on the scuth~
west corner of First ano ~mshington Streets. The current plan is to install
only the Kentucky Chicken builoinp immediately, ;~ith the Dairy Queen huilding
to be erected in approximately one year. Nost of the discussion centered
arouno parkinf, driveways and premises cleanliness. The representative agreed
to rerosi tj on the parking stalls so traffic would come in from First, Street,
out to Hashinfton Street with no access to the ally. A curb is to be installed
aLng the alIe:v to prevent such access. A fence screen along the alley was
discussed bolt nothinS 0efi.nite \./as arrived at. Hr. Ray LeEjeld indicated that
a fence wouIn be installed if required, but their experiences haa been that such
items quickly becfu~e unsightly from repeated auto d~af,e. It was noted that the
fence alonr, the AfbT site bore this out.
A representative of Time Oil Co. was in to discuss the installation of a
coin-operated, self-service gas station immediately west of KOvW. The representative
was inst~lcted to make a formal application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow
construction of ar. attendants residence on the site. The Secretary '''as directed to
secure memos from Public ~orks, Fire Dept. and any other departments which might be
involved with the !..roposed operation.
No further business was pnsented and the meetinc; adjourned at 8:55 P.:-i.
~Sl dL~
Chair 1B.rry Hunt \
e: Secretary
Oct. 30, 1969
Port Angeles Planning Commission
R. P. Willson, Building Inspector
Meeting Schedule for November 4, 1969
. .
There is no. business scheduled for presentation at this meeting. Some
individuals have been referred to the Planning Commission for informa-
tion and informal discussion, but no definite indication has been made
that any of them will appear.
A telephone inquiry on the morning of October 30, 1969, showed unani-
mous agreement to cancel the meeting of November 4, 1969; therefore,
the next meeting of the Planning Commission will be November 18, 1969.