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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Port Angeles Planning Commission
November 19th, 1957.
Members present were MCGee, Reiners, Gort, Hampton, Driscoll and Strange.
Also present was City Engineer John Warder.
Due to the interest shown in the several imppovement petitions under
consideration, the meeting was held in the council chambers to accommodate
the crowds.
Minutes or the previous meeting were read and approved.
The rirst petition under consideration was for the improvement of 8th Street
from "c" Street to "r" Street and the establishment of perminent grades
on 8th street from "In to "L" Streets. Several property owners spoke of the
necessity for the improvement of eth street espeoially from "an to "r" Street
inasmuch as this is the principal arterial leading into that area. It was
pointed out that due to the low valuation of property abutting 8th street,
it would be impOSSible to assess the abutting property for the improvement
of the stDeet, this, however, does not minimize the necessity for a paved
roadway and the property owners speaking on that subject feel that some
assistance from the City should be given in order that the arterial could
be surfaced. Several ideas for financing the improvement were advanced by
both the interested property owners and the members of the Planning Commissin
and it was agreed that further study be given the matter and the group be
called together again shortly after the first of the year to see if a
solution can be resolved.
The next petition taken under consideration was for the improvement of 2nd
street from Lincoln to Race streets. Principal spokesman for this petition
was Mr. Donald. Lannoye. A considerab~ discussion was centered around the
necessity of the placing of a culvert to take care of Peabody Creek and its
cost and probable value to the eity as a whole. Mr. Lannoye and the
petitioners feel that a start of financing method of some kind should be
made by the City, even if 1n a small way, in order that a fund may be built
up that could eventually help the area in defraying the cost of a culvert.
The matter of whether this could be considered a flood control project
similar to the project on Valley Street was discussed and several other ideas
for financing the project were considered. It was finally generally
agreed that the members of the Planning Commission and the petitioners give
the matter further study and it also will be brought up again after the
first of the year.
Third petition for the improvement by grading, draining and paving in the ~
area east of Race Street from alley 5 and 6 to the alley 8 and 9 was read
and it was the opinion of the Planning Commission that this petition should
be joined with a petition whi~h we were given to understand was being
circulated that would include the area north as far as First street.
Commission feels that this entire area should be considered as one project
therefor a motion was passed to defer action on this petition at this time.
Minutes of the Port Angeles Planning Commission, November 19th, 1951
Under correspondence, a letter was read from School District #l7, signed
by the President, Rev. J. Paul Logan and Superintendent J. D. Glann,
thanking the Planning Commdssion for their cooperation and assistance in
helping to solve their area requirement problems for the future school
building site on West 14th Street and in which they promised to keep the
Planning Commission informed on their long range planning program.
Communication from Mr. G. S. Vergeer, City Manager, was read concerning
the Oak Street Zig Zag and asking the members of the Commission to assist
in any way we can in helping to solve the problem presented by this project.
Considerable discussion brought ou the fact that the majority of our
members feel that thru their actual observation, that some sort of ramp
approach is needed rather than resorting to stairs. This does not carry
the old "baby buggy't argument, but applies more to a great number of our
citizens who can negotiate a ramp, but are physically unable to Climb
No further business appearing, meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
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cc to G. s. Vergeer
cc to John Warder
cc to H. E. Dodge