HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/19/1963
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Port Angeles Planning Commission
November 19, 1963.
Members present were Anderson, Driscoll, Hankins, Hungt McGee and Strange.
Also present were City Manager Donald D. Herrman, Director of Public Works,
John B. Warder and Councilman Dalton Thorne.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
Chairman read letter from Mr. E. E. Gabbert, owner of Lots 12 and 13,
Block 23, Puget Sound Co-Op Colony Addition, near the corner of Llncoln
and Orcas Streets in which he sets forth a hardship caused bi lack of area
remaining in these two lots after previous sale of a strip 62 feet wide
from Lot 12 leaving a total gross area of these two lots of 13,230 sq. ft.
instead of 14,000 as required if a house were to be built on each lot.
Mr. Chas. Gallacci,local builder, states it would be feasible to build the
two houses, maintaining the proper hold back and side yard required in a
first class residential district. It was suggested the Chairman write
Mr. Gabbert and advise him to make a prope;r."request for a variance from
the Zon~ng Regulations.
Chairman gave a report on the hearing h~ld at the Monroe School the
evening of November 14th byfue Washington State Highway Dept. on the
proposed improvementaf Highway 101. East fromtPort Ange1e~, proposal is
to increase the highway to four lanes of traffic instead of the present
two. A large number of people were present and most expressed approval
of the proposal.
Next orderof business was the continued hearing on the application of
Chas. R. Shepherd of 238 West 10th Street for a variance from the Zoning
Ordinance to permit the buitding of a carport on the Cherry Street side
of his property and nearer to the street than seven foot side yard required.
Due to the fact Mr. Shepherd owns only the north 95 feet of the lot in
question, there being another home o~ the rear of the lot eausing a con-
gestion which would be aggravated- by an additional structure thereby
affecting the saf,-ety. of the area. A motion was unanimously passed recomm-
ending to the City Council that the application be denied.
The group then spent the remaining part of the meeting on a study of the
proposed off-street parking ordinance, having before us, ordinances
recently passed by several cities of Washington of comparable size. An
effort is being made to select the best~features of these ordinances as
they apply to our city. L ,
No further business 'appearing, meeting adjourned at lO:OO P .M.1
Respectfully submitted,
,- ,
t;! ~ C. ~-, 1-<-
Fre C. Strange, Chair#B.n
cc D. D. Herrman
John Warder
Paul Reed
kt - fl. -H- ~,-,IL~,
H-. H. Hankins, ecretary