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Minutes of Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of November
19, 1968.
Present: Hunt, Anderson, McHone, Treat, Dilling, Hankins and
Building Inspector Willson.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as received.
Old Business:
The request of Robert Lyons'jof 511 East Whidby, for a
variance to operate an ambulance service out of the above
address had been tabled by the City Council on November 7, 1968
and referred back to the Planning Commission for Consideration
of a revision to the original request. The revised request is
to maintain one ambulance on a "ready" basis parked in the
backyard or on a vacant lot directly across the alley. Petitions
both pro and con were received and 'several interested parties
spoke on the subject. It was moved and seconded that the
revised request be tabled and the Engineering Dept. prepare
and area map indicating the property represented by valid
signatures on the petitions. The request will be considered
again at the Dec. 3, meeting.
New Business:
The request of Robert Chamberlin, for a variance in the
uses allowed on the site of the former pun office and warehouse
at Boulevard and Oak Street, had been withdrawn. The secretary
was directed to void the request and process a refund of the
required filing fee.
Other Business:
Bruno DelGuzzi presented a sketch of a proposed apart-
ment building for Mrs. Vi Hurlong to be located on the north
side of Front Street just east of Peabody. The opinion of the
Planning Commission was that generally there did not appear
to be any insurmountable problems involved, althou]h something
more detailed might show items that would require some ad;ust-
Dr. R. E. Littlejohn, owner of the Lynwood apartments
at Front and Liberty Streets briefly discussed some proposed
alterations to his property. Following the discussion Dr.
Littlejohn was advised that some of his plans would require
formal action and it was suggested that he should submit a
variance request if he decides to undertake the proposed
No further business was presented and the meeting adjourned at
8:30. This was followed by a )oint study session by the
Planning Commission and City Council relative to the zoning
and related ordinances.
November 14, 1968
Port Angeles Planning Commission
RE: Meeting scheduled for November 19. 1968
Old Business - Mr. Robert L~ appeared at the City C~uncil meeting'
of November 7, 1968 in connection with his request to operate an
ambulance service from his home at 511 East Whidby. During the discus-
sion concerning his request, Mr. Lyon submitted a petition of about:
65 signature, including husband and wife, from various parts of town~
supporting his request. At the same time he amended his request to
parking in his rear yard an~ on property across th~ alley. In view
of the change in request, the council tabled the request and referred
it bRCk to the Planning Commission for recommendation. !
New Business - Robert D. Chamberlin. of Peninsula Fuel Co., has re-
q~ested a variance from the regulations of a CSD-C2 zone to permit
the operation of a sheet metal business (Harris: and Schuler) and
rental offices on the former PUO property at Boulevard and Cherry
Streets. This request has been properly posted for hearing at thi~
time. -
Other Business- Dr. R. E. Little;ohn of Sequim, owner of the Lynnwood
Apartments ~nd trailer park on the northeast corner of Front and
'Liberty Streets had applied for a building permit to alter some of
. his existing apartments by cutting them in half. Since this would _
increase the number of units and hence the required offstreet parking, ..,
I referred him to the Planning Commission to discuss his problem. I
doubt if he has sufficient offstreet parking for the present number
of units and also doubt that the operation m~ets the ratio of lot
size to units or per cent of lot coverage. Dr. Littleiohn is
supposed to bring in a plot plan of the property so. the above
questions can be considered.
Mr. G. B. Chamberlin, attprnev fpr Floyd McRevey has submitted
a re-zoning request to the City Council.
Bruno DelGuzzi. on behalf of Mrs. Vi Hurlong, has requested
that the Commission study the plot plan of her proposed apartment
and indicate if they feel the project is feasible from ~he City's
standpoint on the basis of planning and zoning.
Council Action - At its meeting of November 7th. 1968, the City
Council took the following action on business from the Planning
Commission me~ting of November 5th, 1968.
Robert Lyon - ambulance - tabled, referred back to Planning Comm.
William C. Myers, 1946 Westview Drive, approved as recommended
by the Planning Commission.
Blair Fraser. 1316 So. IIB" St.. carport, approved as recommended
by the Planning Commission
Members of the City Council elected to set November 19th as the date
for the first joint study session with the Planning Commission on the
. Zoning Ordinance review. That is this regular meeting night. 50 bring.
' ..' all the notes you have collected or items you feel need revising.
As of this date, I have nothing further to come up at this meeting.
R. P. Willson, Recording Secretary