HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/02/1969
Minutes of the Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of December 2, 1969.
Present: Hunt, McHone, Treat, Dilling, Anderson, fu.nkins, Building Inspector
The meeting was opened at 7:35 PH in the Municipal Chambers. Minutes of the
previous meeting were approved as received.
Old Business - The request of Mr. Gene Burdick of Sequ:iJn, tabled from the
November 18th meeting, waS brought up for consideration. The application
was for a sideyard variance in an RS-7 zone to permit the installation of
a 37 foot wide house on a fifty foot lot. After a brief discussion it was
voted to recommend approval of the request.
New Business - One variance request had been received and properly posted for
hearing at this time. C.~r.Lockhart, 315 West 7th Street, had requested a
variance frcm the zoning regulations of an RMF zone to permit construction
of a double car garage. The percent of lot coverage is currently about 30%,
divided between two residences. With the construction of the proposed
garage, the percent of lot coverage would be approximately 39.4%. After
considerable discussion it was voted to recommend auproval of the request.
The determining factor was the age and condition of the second small dwelling
on the rear of the property. Commission members felt that this structure
would have to be removed in the near future, Thus cutting the percent of
coverage to approximately the allowable area.
other Business - The City Council had referred a request for the'vacation
of parts of East 6th and East 7th Streets betv1een Lincoln and Chase Streets
to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Following a lengthy discussion
the Commission voted tc concur with the recommendation of the City Engineer
and other private, licensed surveyors, and approve:~ the vacations.
Representatives of the Port Angeles Citizens Band Search and Rescue Club
were in to discuss the possibility of constructing a double garage to house
their equipment on the south 70' of Lot 8 Block 204 Townsite. Following
considerable discussion, the secretary was directed to contact the City
Attorney for clarification of the zoning ordinance regulations relative to
building on a sub-standard sized lot. (The Secretary did contact the City
Attorney and was advised that since the substandered size lot was in existence
prior to the effective date of the present zoning ordinance, ~ilization of
such substandard lot would be permisSible, providing all required setbacks
could be met.)
~~ Ray Green was in to discuss the possibility of opening a real estate
office between Fourth and Fifth on Race Street. y~. Green was advised that
Race Street is not zoned for commercial occupancies, and such an operation
would require re-zoning. To rezone this area it would be necessary to
include a major portion of the street between First and Eighth to avoid
"Spot Zoning" which has been held illegal.
Mr. Graham Ralston was in to discuss the possibility of using the former
Mobile Service Station at Eighth and Race Streets for a used car lot. Mr.
Ralston was advised that this property is in a CSD-Cl zene and used car
lots are not allowed in this zone. The existing used car lot,one block
\-'est on Eighth Street) is a pre-existing non-ccnfcrming use and as such
has to be allowed until such time as circumstances require its closure.
Minutes - Planning Commission
Dec. 2, 1969
page 2.
Mrs. Lizette VanBrocklin was in for an interpretation of the off-street
parking requirements for a combination realestate office-residence at
535 East 8th. The Commission felt that provision of. six off-street
parking stalls would be adequate.
Mr. Donald Bettger was in to discuss a lease he holds to Lincoln Street
right-or-way north of Railroad Ave. The former lease holder and Mr.
Bettger were under the impression that this platted right-or-way had been
vacated some years ago. Inquiry with the City Engineering Dept. showed no
record of such a vacation. Mr. Bettger decided to check with the State
of Washington, the original lease grantor, on the status of this right-of-
way at the time the lease was originally negotiated.
No further business was presented and the meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
~, Chairman
November 26, 1969
Port Angeles Planning Commission
R. P. Willson
Meeting scheduled for December 2, 1969
[Ld Businesp Memos from the various departments concerned with the Time Oil
Co. request have been received, but no formal application has been filed by
TiIDe Oil Co. .
Mr. Gene Burdick, Sequim, request tabled from last meeting. Variance
from sideyard clearance to move existing SFR from 1l4t East 3rd to a lot
on the north side of Third St. between Peabody and Vine Streets.
New Business The item incorrectly included on the agenda for last meeting
has been posted for hearing at this meeting. 11r. C. W. Lockhart of 315
West 7th wants to construct another building (garage) on his property.
Presently there are two buildings (residences) which cover just over 30%
of the property. The request would make total coverage about 39.L$.
Other Business At the last meeting of the City Council a petition and
recomnendation pertinent to the vacation of parts of 6th Street and 7th
Street between Lincoln and Chase streets were referred to the Planning
Conn;-ission for their recommendation.
. The City Council has proposed to change the Council meeting from
the first and third Thursday evenings to the first and third Tuesday
eve~ings, or possibly the second and fourth Tuesdays. Nothing has been
definitely established as of this date.
Enclosed are copies of the items considered over the past year on
zoning ordinance revisions with a note of this action decided upon. The
new council members had requested copies of this so I ran additional
copies for the Planning Commission. There are possibly three or four
other items which rright also be added to this list (i.e. establishing
minimum number of offstreet-parking spaces for drive-in restaurants, etc.)
Council Action ClarenoeFidler, John Collins mobile home, approved as
As of this date, I have nothing further scheduled for this meeting.