HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/03/1968
MEMO: November 26, 1968
. TO: Port Angeles Planning Commission .
RE: Meeting scheduled for December 3, 1968
Old Business _
The request of Robert Lyons of 511 East Whidby for a
variance to operate an ambulance service out of the above
address is still pending from the last meeting. Area maps
showing ownership of persons registering protests are being
New Business: Two variance requests have been received and
property posted for hearing at this time.
The City Council set December 19th, 1968 as the hearing
date for Mr. Floyd McRevey's request for rezoning the north 100
f~et of Loti20, Block 32 Townsite from RMF to CBD, and referred
the request to the Planning Commission for a recommendation. An
area map showing ownership of persons expressing approval or
disapproval with the request is being prepared.
Mr. Gary Tuttle of Rt. 3 Box 678 Port Angeles has
requested a variance for property he owns at 602 W. 14th St.
Mr. Tuttle owns two full lots with a single family residence
and garage situated on the north 70 feet. He has a buyer for ~
the north 70' x 100' and wishes to retain the south 70' x 100' '~
for his own use. Splitting the property in this manner will
locate the property line closer to the garage than the required
7 foot sideyard.
Mr. Morris Rice of 519 South Oak Street has reque&ted a
variance for property he owns on the southeast corner of 6th and
Oak Streets. The lot is 50' x 140' and Mr. Rice desires to
construct a four-unit apartment on it. The area is properly
zoned, but the lot is too small for a building of this many
units. Further, Mr. Rice has requested a seven foot setback
from the Oak Street right-of-way instead of the 25' required.
Off-street parking provisions appear to be adequate.
Other Business
City Council will be ioining with the Planning Commission
again, following this meeting, for another study session on the
Zoning Ordinance. Copies of items for discussion are included
with this memo.
Council Action
At its last regular meeting on November 21. 1968 the City
Council acknowledged the minutes of the Planning Commission
meeting of November 19, 1968 and filed them since none of
the items required an individual action.
. As of this date I have nothing further to be considered ~
_ at this meeting. (Items are already coming in for the 12/17/68 -
meeting however.)
R. P. Willson, Recording Secretary
Minutes of Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of Dec. 3, 1968.
Present: Hunt, McHone, Anderson, Treat and Building Insp. Willson.
Absent: Dilling, Driscoll, Hankins.
Minutes of previous meeting were approved as received.
Old Business: The request of Robert Lyons,511 East Whidby St., for
a variance to operate an ambulance service out of his home in an
RS-7 zone was the first item on the agenda. The Planning Commission
members were advised that the area map, requested at the last meeting,
had not been completed because of the current strike by the city
employees. The members voted to table this item until the next meet-
ing, in anticipation the map could be prepared by then.
New Business: Two variance requests had been received and properly
posted for hearing at this time.
The first item of business was a request by Mr. Floyd McRever
for a rezoning of the north 100f of Lot 20 Block 32 Townsite. ThlS
item had been referred to the Planning Commission, from the City
Council, for recommendation. The members were advised that sufficient
information had not been compiled to present them at this time, also
due to the city employees strike. The members voted to table this
item until the Dec. 17, 1968 meeting.
Mr. Gary Tuttle had requested a variance for Lots 1 and 2 Block
417 Townsite. The buildings located on this property are situated
in such a manner that if Mr. Tuttle sells off the north 70', as he
proposes,the new property line will not be the required 7' from the
side of the garage. Mr. Tuttle had requested a variance to permit
him to make this property split. Following a brief discussiont it
was voted to recommend approval of the request.
Mr. Morris Rice - 519 South Oak St., had requested a variance
which would permit him to construct a four-unit apartment on a
7000 square foot lot with a side yard setback from Oak Street of
seven feet instead of the required 25 feet. The property involved
is lot 10 Block 165 Townsite located on the southeast corner of
6th and Oak Streets. After considerable discussion it was voted
to recommend approval of the request for a waiver of the ratio of
lot area to number of units, but the side yard on Oak Street will
have to be as large as possible, and not less than eight feet in
any case.
No further business was presented and the meeting adiourned at 8:30
P.M. This was followed by a joint study session by the Planning
Commission and City Council relative to the zoning and related
,4,111'1.:1. 4~~
~Hun , Chairman
79cd' V
ding Secretary
MEMO: November 27, 1968
I tern
City Planning Commission and City Council
R. P. Willson, Building Inspector
Items relative to zoning, and related ordinances, which have
been suggested for inclusion in joint study sessions.
page 53 "corner lots" bottom of page; is inconsistent with re-
quirements elsewhere in the ordinance.
pgs. l5,l6,17,l8,24 (also possibly pgs. 25,27. & section 12 of
the mapped street ordinance) and appropriate fold-out pages.
This is relative to the setback requirements for corner lots
and setbacks along arterial streets.
3. No page - should there be an item requlrlng fences around private
swimming pools7 Also, it might be worth discussing fences on
property lines where buildings are required to be setback 7 - 35'
(This mayor may not ~arrant any r,e9ulation.)
4. Pgs. 26,28,30.(387),41,43 "Signs Permitted" One sign per structure.
This is virtually unenforceable.
5. Pg. 57 Section 10 "Uses" this may require some modifications
although it does have some merit as it stands.
Pg. 57 Section 7 "Dwelling Units in Commercial Areas" this item
might bear some discussion particularly as related to "C" Street.
(This mayor may not warrant any changes)
7. No. page. How to spell out desirable and undesirable occupancies
in all zones, recognizing that it would be impossible to designate
each and every type.
8. Pg. 9. Some definition of Ilspecialty shops" might be in order.
(This item is closely related to the previous one)
9. No page. An inqui ry ahout Tlyard lightingTl in residential zones
was made for which I had no answer. The PUD has a program for
installing mercury vapor luminars in the yards out in rural areas.
The question was asked if one of these could be installed in a
yard in town, on a standard 50 x 140' lot.
. 10.
Pg.12 foldout and pg24. If Minimum Lot width" in the RB/RMF zones
certain lot widths are spelled out and finished off with "100'
all othersTl. A question has been raised whether this is
excessive or too broadly applied.
11. Pg. 12 foldout and pgs. 17, 23 IlMinimum Lot Area" for apartments.
It has been questioned whether a basic area of 7000 sq.ft. plus
1000 sq.ft. for each additional unit is exessive.
12. Pg.52 "Through Lotsll if would be my interpretation that this
paragraph would answer the question about setbacks for detached
accessory buildings on lots with street frontage at opposite
ends. I would appreciate a discussion as to the correctness of
this interpretation.
. 16.
Pg 19 "Permit RequiredH. $1.00 feet, p~rmit issued to occupant
of site. This has both good and bad features. Transient parks,
occupant-owned sites?
Pg. 20 Top of page" no closer than 10 feet to any other
property line". I have been interpreting this as 10' from the
property line with conventional housing; the next paragra~h sets
a minimum of 14' between trailers and I have been iNerpreting
this as 7' each side a property line or imaginary line between
two trai Ie rs.
No. page. Construction of conventional frame additions to mobil
homes, other than detached accessory buildings such as garages.
carports, utility and storage sheds.
Pg.43 llMinimum Yard Requirementsll; ---- closer than 30 feet to any
public R/W line. What about alleys?
Pgs 25,27,30 "Minimum Yard Requirements" 15t setback from alley.
Off-street parking ordinance requires on premises loading areas.
Pgs l5,16,17,24 IIMinimum Yard Requirements", detached accessary
buildings on rear one-third of lot 1 foot from side property line
does not seem adequate.
Pgs. 32,43 IlSigns Permittedll 1t_____ as permitted by city sign
c od e s If . I sin term i t ten tor f 1 a 5 i n g p e rrn i t t e d? A 11 0 the r z 0 n e s
prohibit them specifically.
MEMO: November 27, 1968
1'1-./3/'" r
)J fir
fl-I 7;
City Planning Commission and City Council
R. P. Willson, Building Inspector
Items relative to zoning, and related ordinances, which have
been suggested for inclusjon in joint study sessions.
page 53 "corner lotsll bottom of page; is inconsistent with re-
quirements elsewhere in the ordinance.
ACTION TAKEN - . i7~/-e"--I-G.-, -r-.~,'.s
pgs. 15,16,17,18,24 (also possibly pgs. 25.27. & section 12 of
the mapped street ordinance) and appropriate fold-out pages.
This is relative to the setback requirements for corner lots
and s~tbacks along arterial streets. .
ACTION TAKEN - RS-1 !r-eept:J> /5 ; K.S-7 c~47~ 1-.5-' Ic/3' J..hy 4~/
~ C"vt1-t'~/~.{ C'ZIV{ /41t:lYz-<- air l~ co,.....~..d<- lv;-I11 s+-I-
hr.c.k r~ fv.y...n;...tte...4'3 ,'r~ P141r:~..f......<:..~~ O'v-c/. c.; I&..........~ ~ v -/.L....,.r,I.5_ ('cr'. e_
~ ....L-!;.tV:5 ~c -Id'~ C<-lr--l~VI't:;. (j -f-c b-<.- l!~cI(<-cI J.JId:v..dvr,//y vP""" q?~/'~4/.''''1
5ub.......-f t1et-v J ~c-l,'ov..... ,'I-\. R T P &/CVl:i j'h.p.s ~ Rr-7) frr "....eft'l/. -dWi (Iy ell'.... trf s:f...'s"~ ~Tf
No page - should there be An i''tem requiring fences around private~
swimming pools? Also, it might be worth discussing fences on
property lines where buildings are required to be setback 7 - 35'
(This mayor may not \'{arxant any r.eJ}ulation. t /I
ACTION TAKEN - C01f"~/ 1'Y/"p,....H Y~J. Sw:.....u....:'t-F"17 .,.....f.........c-~J
Pgs. 26,28,30,(387),41,43 ItSigns Permi~tedn One sign per structure.
This is virtually unenforceable.
ACTION TAKEN - ,Pe.- /.?- -1-<.- --fit,'5
5. Pg. 57 Section 10 !lUses" this may require some modifications
although it does have some merit as it stands.
ACTION TAKEN -, 'Rewgytlll . _. nr?trfp',.alVft-",,,,,,'II-</ ar~ -Ie 6..:::... cC''1s..cI.",.,..".J
by !"-e P /~ M' 'YJ. C'~ VH 155, "'1,,'p"- 4t?rtr",J O"L cI-4.-,J.~ ~~ oL
/f,~ J,ut"d 1/.-t+-L''-/''t"Jd.
Pg. 57 Section 7 "Dwelling Units in Commercial Areas" this item
might bear some discussion particularly as related to "C" Street.
(This may' or may not warrant any changes)
ACTION TAKEN - allow /~ OD'" cdlfl,~ "c." 9't.~..;~ f1J..d
Pd I f-cc. 3
o!(-Iy~.< 17'<1'"1.'(/ CJr"cl.
P. ..k"MJ A....."L I.e < -/.'''1 - "I"" ~i:"'j J (?<?c" .J4.//
OCC""?y ~/ /?<<vf ~~lvl'v,,:>c/ 5t:.-(~C.k. '.
fy"~c.~Jvl'"c- .(.,...-- v:e.-J-""V'7- - YI~4'7 .Jj7~//~d C'vl ;'" Ore;;
.. '
7. No. page. How to spell out desirable and undesirable occupancies
in all zones, recognizing that it would be impossible to designate
each and every type.
Pg.9. Some definition of Tlspecialty shopst' might be in order.
(This item is closely related to the previous one)
ACTION TAKEN - !>~-41-\ S'
No pi'lge. An inquiry 'about Tlyard lightingtl in residential zones
was made for which I had no answer. The pun has a program for
installing mercury vapor luminars in the yards out in rural areas.
The question was asked if one of these could be installed in a
yard in town, on a standard 50 x 140' lot. I -I
ACTION TAKEN - MIle. 1-0 )I~I"YJ.1A~ - Rc., t'lp-f' / ":1+=4 v....... f)D 1-1 -f~e ,5 '-1,'5
ctVl-1. b-l ~1c..1-'\dl-lr( a~......,"'..s-fvn-ff.vL/.'i') p"':-.s,'hly by ......'v.'...'''/ <:PI. 4rfrc'v~1
+Y'~ c- bv-f-{''') p"C'f.o--Iy 0''''''-'''\ -It.-.s,
Pg.12 fold.out and pg24. lIMinimum Lot widthlt in the RB/RMF zones
certain lot widths are spelled out and finished off with 11100'
all othersll. A question has been raised whether this is
excessive or too broadly applied.
ACTION TAKEN - Lt..::\v" As is.
Pg. 12 foldout and pgs. 17. 23 IIMinimum Lot Areal! for apartments.
It has been questioned whether a basic area of 7000 sq.ft. plus
1000 sq.ft. for each additional unit is exessive.
ACTION TAKEN - LeClv'G- C4..S "5
Pg.52 I1Through Lotsll if would be my interpretation that this
paragraph would answer the question about setbacks for detached
accessory buildings on lots with street frontage at opposite
ends. I would appreciate a discussion as to the correctness of
this interpretation.
Pg 19 "Permit Required". $1.00 feet, permit issued to occupant
of si te . Thi s has' both good a nd bad tea ture s. Trans' ie nt parks,
occupant-owned sites?
ACTI~~.t- TAKEN - 14J~~ ef( .fYCwi'l((p/t- ~w!~ ~~ ~~~
fO r' ~ i.,.., ~i ~VA-..lj", tV1.1-k ~...~ ~~"
14. Pg. 20 Top of page If no closer than 10 feet to any other
property linel1. I have been interpreting this as la' from the
prop~rty line with conventional housing; the next paragraph sets
a minimum of 141 between trailers and I have been inerpreting
this as 7' each side a property line or imaginary line between
two trailers.
ACTION TAKEN - r~'L..f.ey"p"",..fI(~I'^,,- ~r-t~ (+,,1'"(.. p..p..f'w.f'i'VV1. .pu.... .fh/I-I !,t,'l'1J1~,(
, ~~:::::J C 7t1
15. No. page. Construction of conventional frame additions to mobil
homes, other than detached accessory buildings such as garages,
carports, utili ty and storage sheds.> .FA
ACTION TAKEN -'R~ -t;, ~aL.t kUt7 ~~~3
Pg. 4 3 "Mi nimum Yard Requi re ments II ; --- - close r than 30 fee t ,to any
public R/W line. What about alleys? .
ACTION TAKEN - /..4-4.11',," a..s I~ I 4f//Y .p.r;r V4l1N'PM~~, /tdd/j*,l,Je-lI:M&..t..
.?-h SAI4 (If.~S
Pgs 25,27,30 TlMinimum Yard Requirementsll IS' setback from alley.
Off-strep.t parking ordinance requires on premises loading areas.
ACTION TAKEN - Lelflll-(,.. it5 /1 -//"'''"' ,c.P>'1.-f~p/ p!,~jr #f~', s #H. -((,14'I/ty,
C~rr1VVl~.....<.../'J}....-....c<) .:rbv./-/"Cl ,.~.s,cI.L-vt..f,4/ 1-".('"5' 503.c/ /1c--f d.5~ '
Cc-->->-l......tA-\. c?11~y -fir /.lj;-"f!""S t7"~!r"",""S,
Pgs 15,16,17,24 lIMinimum Yard Requirements", detached accessary
buildings on rear one-third of lot 1 foot from side property line .
does not seem adequate.
ACT I ON TAKEN - ~he:rti"" -/" 3 'f..u..f
Pgs. 32,43 "Signs Permittedl1 ,,----- as permitted by city sign
codeslt'. Is intermittent Qr flasing permitted? All other zones
prohibit them specifically.