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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Port Angeles Planning
Commission December 15, 19640
Members present were" Anderson,. Driscoll, Reiners and Strange~
Also present were Director of Public Works John Ba Warder, Asst.
City Engineer Robert Willson and Councilman Donald Cornell.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
Under unfinished business, Chairman read a memo from Robert
Willson stating Mr. John Ba Pearce had withdrawn his request for
a variance from the zoning ordinance" to allow the installation ot
a mobile home on Lot 6 Block 51 Townsite, saying other arrangement.
had been mad80
There were five hearings scheduled for this meetingo
First to be considered was an application of Larry Winters for
a variance from the zoning ordinance to permit the installation ot
a Mobile Park on Lots 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 & 7 Block 336 Townsite (10th &
Washington Streets)o Anticipating opposition to his proposal Mr.
Winters had submitted a letter withdrawing his application, which
was read to the Commission by the Chairman. In the interi. the
Planning Commission had received 41 individual letters fro. pro-
perty owners in the vicinity protesting the application. There
were some 15 to 20 people present concerned with the application
and several spoke voicing their objectionso In as much as Mr~
Winters had withdrawn his application, Chairman declared matter
closed but advised the group letters submitted would be kept on
file 0
Applications of Flora co~burn of 81~ West 6th Street and Roy
Leech of Lot 6 Block 454, vie nity of 18th and "E" Streets,for
retention of Mobile Homes were next considered and recommended for
approval due to hardship. The application of Melvin Eaton of
1019 West 16th Street for rention of Mobile Home was considered and,
after discussion with Mro Eaton, was recommended for approval tor
a perIod of two years~
The last hearing was on the application of James D. Haynes
for a variance from the zoning ordinance to allow maintenance and
operation of a MobIle Home Park on property at 1315 East Front
Street to 1325 East Front Street, being the East 121 feet of Lot
13, Lots 14 and 15 and the West 1/2 of Lot 16 Block 14 P.S.CoCo
subdivision to Port Angeleso The property in question being in a
2nd Class Business District and adjacent to an already established
Mobile Park it was 81reed by the Commission the proposal would be
an improvement to the are80 Mrs. Harold Johnstad owner of adjacent
property on the east was present and voiced her approvalo A motion
was unanimously passed recommending to the City Council the appl1ca~
tion be approved providing all Stat~ regulations with relation to
sanitation, etc. be complied witho
Mra Warder introduced plans of the Washington Department ot
Highways known as PSH 9 (SR 101) Alder Street in Port Angeles to
Brook Street showIng the proposed highway improvement east of out
Minutes of the regular meeting of
December 15, 1964 (continued)
the Port Angeles Planning Co..l..lon
City. After going over the plans with which the Commlssion wert
faai1iar a motion was unanlaously passed registering their approvalo
After general discussion of several aatters aeeting adjourned
at 8:.5 P.Mo
Respectfully sub.itt.d~
~red Co Strange, Chairaan
Acting Secretary