HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/07/1965
Minutes o( the regular meeting of the Port Angeles Planning
Commission, December 7th, 1965.
M~~hers present were Anderson, Dilling, Driscoll, Hunt,
Hankins and StranJe. Also present were Director of Public
Works John B. Warrler and Buildin~ Inspector Robert Willson.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
First order of ~usiness was the scheduled hearing on
application of Crescent 5horp5 Builders Inc. on a request
for a variance from ~oning 1egulations to pp.r~it construction
of an Apartment Buildin1 at Park Avenue and East Stre~t~ to
be used mainly to house college ~tudents. Property de~crihed
as Lot~ I, 2, 3 and 4 Highland View Acre Tracts.
He~YinJ on thiR application had h~en held over from
November 16th mp.eting. There was a lar1e number of property
ownprs from the area present, to e~prp.~s their opposition to
thp proposal. Among those ~peakin, again~t were K.F.Gau,
Monty Lannoye, S~M Tikka, Marylou ~1inks, A.B. Christensen,
C. L. Duncan and ot.hers. The only favorable remark~ made
wpre from students of Peninsula College includin~ Student
Pre~ident Pob Bernard.
In addition to the verbal protests, theyp is on file
with the Planning Commission, signed protest r~presenting
more than 4~ of the property within 400 feet of the proposed
After a lengthy and somewhat ~tormy session it was
decided to t8h!e the request until further study could be
Mr Art Swanson discussed with the P1Rnntng Commission
his proposal f0r a garage shop at 3rd and Pine Str~p.ts,
where Mr. Swanson rpsid~s. He was advised to file an
application for a variance, which would be taken up in the
regular m~nner.
No furt~~r husln~ss appearing, meetinq adiourned at
9:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Fred C. Stran~e, Chairman
Hugh HankIns, Secrp.tary