HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/10/1997
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
December 10, 1997
7:00 p.m.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of November 12, 1997
CODE AMENDMENTS - City wide' Various minor Municipal Code
amendments to the City's land use ordinances by increasing the Zoning Code
height limitation for certain commercial zones, providing and amending area
and dimensional standards in the PBP zone, adding a subdivision
identification sign standard, and adopting recent SEP A guidelines by
YMCA\VETERAN'S CENTER- Northw.es1 and southwest comers 0[3 rd
.and...ErancisBtred: Request to rezone property from RS-7, Residential Single
Family to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks.
PLANNING COMMISSION; Tim Genna", (Chair), Dean Reed (Vice), Bob King, Ciody Souders. Linda Nuller, Mary Craver, Fredric Hewins
STAFF: Brad Collins. Director. Sue Roberds Planning Spedalist. David Sawyer. Senior Planner.
14 ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES - 640 Ediz Hook Rd A proposal to place
approximately 75' of rip rap along the shoreline in the ill, Industrial Heavy
zone to protect the shoreline area. (Continued from November 12, 1997.)
~GELES - Environmentally Se.n.sitiY.ekea (ESA): Amendment of the
City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance, to further define
what areas are classified as ESAs and how applications are processed.
All correspondence pertaining to a meeting or hearing item received by the Planning Department
at least one day prior to the scheduled meeting/ hearing will be provided to Commission members
at the meeting.
PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE: Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to
the request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a previous presentation. A
reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes).
Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chair may allow
additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents will be heard
separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements
pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed to the Board, not the City Staff representatives present, unless
directed to do so by the Chair.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
December 10,1997
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Linda Nutter, Fredric Hewins, Dean Reed, Bob
King, Cindy Souders, Mary Craver, Tim German
Member Absent:
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, David Sawyer, Sue Roberds, Mike
Public Present:
Brooke Taylor, Joe Michalczik, Mary Raymond, Jane
Ahlvers, Jay Peterson, Jim Rumpeltes, Michell
Roberts, Christine Chang, E. Ahlvers, Michael Balsh,
Dan Maguire, Norma McCormack
Commissioner Hewins noted corrections to the November 12, 1997, minutes to the vote
on page 3, and there was a clarification as to the abstentions for Commissioners Reed
and Nutter in approval of the October minutes. Commissioner Reed moved to approve
the October 22,1997, minutes with the previously noted corrections. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Nutter, and passed 6 - 0, with Commissioner Souders
CODE AMENDMENTS - Citv wide: Various administrative Municipal
Code amendments to the City's land use ordinances by increasing the Zoning
Code height limitation for certain commercial ~ones, providing and amending
area and dimensional standards in the PBP zone, adding a subdivision
identification sign standard, and adopting recent SEP A guidelines by
Planning Specialist Sue Roberds reviewed the Planning Department's staff report and
answered questions regarding the Department's recommended amendments to the Municipal
Code. Chair German opened the public hearing.
Commissioner Craver questioned why staffhas proposed an increase in the height limitation
in the Commercial Arterial (CA) and Community Shopping District (CSD) zones.
Planning Director Collins responded that it makes sense to raise the height limitation in the
Planning Commission Minutes
December 10,1997
Page 2
CA zone to 35' from 30', Multiple family dwelling units are permmitted in the CA and CSD
zones as well as the less intensive RHD and RMD zones; however, as the CA and CSD zones
have height limits ofJO', multiple family structures are restricted to 30' in those more intensive
commercial zones. He added that this request was brought to the Planning Department by
a member of the public who questioned the height restriction.
There was discussion as to why the staff is proposing to increase the height liitation in the
PBP. Staff responded that there are uses that are allowed in the PBP such as radio stations,
public utility service buildings and some government uses which frequently need to be taller
than 30' to function. The amendment would elimInate the need to approach the City to
request that increase in each instance. The need for parking for those uses which are allowed
in the PBP zone will determine the maximum lot coverage possibilities for proposed
properties, and the proposed development standards will cause the scale of proposed
structures to be in line with adjacent neighborhood developments. Previously there were no
height and lot coverage limitations due to the large setback requirements assuming large scale
public buildings.
Chair German opened the public hearing. There being no one in the audience to testify, he
closed the public hearing.
The Commission began a detailed discussion regarding the proposal to provide standards for
subdivision signage Planning Director Collins responded that the reason for allowing sign age
for subdivisions is to establish a sense of place in those neighborhoods. A subdivision
developer has one chance to identify his development with a tasteful sign as opposed to those
developed areas that are not necessarily planned as subdivisions with individual identities.
Although a sign is somewhat commercial in nature, the proposed amendment only allows for
identification of the subdivision. To date, staff has dealt with subdivision identification signs
as aesthetic features because there is no current sign standard that allows them. Port Angeles
does not contain too many properties that are large enough to be developed as subdivisions
as the City was platted in a straightforward manner one hundred years ago. However, it is
not uncommon in cities where large subdivisions regularly occur to find signs identifYing the
developments. Staff is asking for direction from the Commission as to the permissibility of
such signs at this time.
Commissioner Craver found no problem with allowing an identification sign within limits for
Commissioner German agreed that identification signs can be done tastefully and allow for
identification of specific developments. The sign size should be controlled.
Commissioner Souders didn't have a concern with the concept of a neighborhood
identification sign but disagreed with signage only being allowed in subdivisions and not City-
Staff responded to Commissioner Craver that no minimum lot size or width is proposed in the
PBP amendment. In some situations, a small public structure such as a street end park or
utility vault may be placed on smaller parcels of land. The use of the property, setbacks
Planning Commission Minutes
December 10.1997
Page 3
relative to the adjacent zone, and parking requirements will determine the extent of the
permitted use.
Commissioner King moved to approve the Municipal Code Amendment as proposed
by staff citing the findings and conclusions as follows:
I. The City Planning Department's policy is to note areas of concern, inconsistency, or
error contained in the City's development regulations within the City of Port Angeles
and bring these issues to the attention of the City Council through the Planning
Commission for review and possible amendment in a timely manner.
2. Situations have occurred where areas of concern or inconsistency have been noted
including a lack of permitted subdivision identification signage, inconsistent height
limitations for multi family developments, ineffective setback regulations in the PBP
zone, and out of date SEP A regulations.
3. The City does not provide for subdivision identification signs in residential zones.
The Port Angeles Municipal Code requires that property identification signs be no
larger than one (1) square foot in size, unlighted, and displaying only the name of the
occupant in residential areas.
5. The State Department of Ecology revised the State Environmental Policy Act ( SEP A)
regulations on November 10, 1997. The City has 180 days in which to revise its
SEP A regulations for compliance with those amendments.
6. Structures in multi family residential districts may be 35' in height. Commercial zones
currently restrict height to 30'. Multi family residential uses are permitted in
commercial districts.
7. The majority ofPBP zoned public properties are not developed in a campus-like
A. An increase in height limitations within the Commercial Arterial and Community
Shopping District will provide consistency with multi family zoning development
B. The SEPA amendments are consistent with the State's revised regulations.
The amendment to the City's subdivision regulations provides for adequate
identification of approved residential subdivision developments.
D. The amended PBP development standards will result in improved buffering between
Planning Commission Minutes
December 10, 1997
Page 4
PBP uses and adjacent non-PBP zones properties and increased design flexibility of
PBP properties.
The proposed amendments are in the public's interest.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hewins and passed 4 - 3.
Commissioners Reed, Nutter, and Souders voted against the amendments. They
collectively disagreed only with the proposal to establish a sign standard for
subdivisions as they did not feel there is a need for subdivisions to be identified
independently of the surrounding neighborhoods. There was no objection to any of the
remaining amendments.
YMCA\VETERAN'S CENTER- Northwest and southwest corners on rd
and Francis Street: Request to rezone property from RS-7, Residential Single
Family to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks.
Commissioner King noted that he is a member of the Clallam County YMCA but does not
serve on the Board. He offered to stand down from the proceedings if there was any
objection from the Commissioners or any member of the audience. No objection was raised.
Chair German asked Planning Director Collins to explain the public meeting procedure. Mr.
Collins stated that, due to the passage of Senate House Bill (SHB) 1724, the City needed to
determine which board would be the official hearing body. In cases of site specific hearings,
which the YMCNClallam County request is, the Planning Commission conducts a public
"meeting" based on written public testimony received during the published comment period
and makes a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council will then conduct a
public hearing and take action. He added that two letters of public testimony were received
during the comment period which were included in the review materials and staff report.
Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report and referred
to two attachments that identified the allowable building envelopes should the properties be
rezoned to PBP as requested. He reminded the Commission that the action previously taken
(MCA 97-04) would allow the previously permitted PBP envelope to be dependent on the
adjacent property's (RS-7 in this case) zoning.
Commissioner Reed asked for clarification that what is being considered is the rezone of the
YMCA property and the Veteran's Center properties and those existing uses. He had no
objection to the Veteran's Center being rezoned to PBP as it is owned and operated by
Clallam County. He expressed concern that the YMCA is not truly a public use but is a
quasi public recreational operation that is being proposed to be rezoned to a "Public Buildings
and Parks" use where uses are to be publicly owned. He asked if another quasipublic
recreational use such as the Sequim Boys and Girls Club made the same request if the same
recommendation would be made.
Planning Director Collins responded that a precedent for other quasipublic uses could be set.
Planning Commission Minutes
December 10, 1997
Page 5
Senior Planner Sawyer explained that the YMCA's operation can be likened to a public use
as it is largely public in its operation. Although it is funded through memberships it does
qualify and depend on public grants.
Planning Director Collins responded to Commissioner German that the YMCA use is
nonconforming because of the residential zoning designation of the property. The rezone
application is the V's attempt to bring the property into conformance with the zoning. The
proposed YMCA rezone is a continuation of the PBP zone for Erickson Playfield, a City
park, and Civic stadium, not oriented toward the residential neighborhood to the west. The
YMCA site is developed nearly to its full potential whereas the Veteran's Center property is
only partially developed and has much more potential for development options. The
fundamental issue at hand in this application is to recognize the existing historical uses of the
properties and to allow those uses to continue in a conforming manner consistent with other
public and quasipublic uses in the City.
Commissioner Reed asked if the PBP zoning designation would allow development of the
properties that a residential zoning classification would prohibit outside of a conditional use
or variance process and whether a commercial entity would be able to ask for a PBP
designation or whether all such uses must be public.
Planner Sawyer responded that the City's Board of Adjustment has permitted development
of the residentially zoned YMCA site by the approval of variances for the past several years
but did not feel that further development of the nonconforming use could be justified and
denied the YMCA's request for further expansion in October, 1997.
Director Collins noted those uses that are permitted in the PBP zone and that the zone's
purpose statement indicates that uses are to be "publicly owned". In general, commercial uses
are not located in a PBP district. Recent expansions to the YMCA facility have been by
conditional use permit in the RS-7 zone. The Veteran's Center use could not be changed
other than to a permitted use under its current RS- 7 designation, nor would it be allowed to
expand under its current nonconforming use status.
Commissioner Nutter drew attention to the letter received from Mr. and Mrs. John Raymond,
who were concerned with the ramifications to the neighborhood if the PBP designation is
placed on the YMCA property, as (although the YMCA has been a good neighbor) another
PBP use may not be.
At the request of the Commission, Jim RumpeItes, County Administrator, 223 East Fourth
Street, confirmed that the County is a part of this rezone request.
Commissioner Souders pointed out that as the site is heavily developed with YMCA
use, it is unlikely that a different use that is permitted under the PBP zone would be
any more impactive, and therefore she moved to recommend that the City Council
approve the rezone as requested citing the following findings and conclusions in
support of that decision:
Planning Commission Minutes
December 10, 1997
Page 6
. 9_
1. The proposed rezone request is to change the subject area zoning from RS-7,
Residential Single Family, to Public Buildings and Parks. (See Attachment A to the
December 10,1997 Staff Report for REZ 97-02.)
2. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Low Density Residential
3. The subject area is presently zoned RS-7.
4. The subject area is presently developed with the Clallam County YMCA and the
Clallam County Veterans Center.
The YMCA property has been utilized by the YMCA since 1952.
The Veterans Center property is owned by Clallam County.
Civic buildings and recreation facilities are not permitted uses in the RS-7 zone.
Civic buildings and recreation facilities are permitted uses in the PBP zone.
The use of the PBP zoning is to identify either environmentally sensitive areas such
as streams, ravines, marine bluffs; or wetlands and public buildings and uses. Due to
the nature, size and desired scattered distribution of public facilities throughout the
City, PBP zoned properties are found in a variety of Comprehensive Plan land use
designations, including the Low Density Residential designation.
10. Comprehensive Plan policies which relate to the proposed rezone include: Land Use
Element Policies Al and 2, C1, and J3, and Utilities and Public Services Element
Policies Al and B3.
11. The SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-Significance for the
proposal on December 8, 1997 (See Attachment B of the December 10, 1997 Staff
Report for REZ 97-02).
12. The posted public comment period for this application ran from November 10 to
November 25, 1997. During that time, the Planning Department received two letters
of comment - one from Jon and Mary Raymond, 719 E. Third Street, Port Angeles
requesting that the Veterans Center property not be rezoned, and from Ernie and Jane
Alvers, 708 E. Third Street, Port Angeles requested that the YMCA property not be
rezoned. The letters of comment are attached as Attachment D to the December 10,
1997 Staff Report forREZ 97-02.)
A. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies
Al and 2, CI, and 13, and Utilities and Public Services Element Policies Al and B3
as listed in the December 10, 1997 Staff Report for REZ 97-02.
Planning Commission Minutes
December 10, 1997
Page 7
The proposed rezone recognizes the existing and historic use of the property as public
C. The rezone is in the public use and interest and the properties' locations on Francis
Street are compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed and passed 6 - 1, with Commissioner
Hewins voting in the negative. Commissioner Hewim; stated that his negative vote was due
to the quasi-public nature of the YMCA in a zone that is designated for public use facilities.
He had no concern regarding the Veterans Center property being rezoned to PBP.
The Commission took a ten minute break at 8:30 p.m.
14 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES - 640 Ediz Hook Rd. A proposal to place
approximately 75' of rip rap along the shoreline in the ill, Industrial Heavy
zone to protect the shoreline area. (Continued from November 12, 1997.)
Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending
approval of the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit. He explained that due to time
requirements regarding the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) procedure the
Commission may not take an action on the issue until December 26, 1997. Staff is suggesting
that the public hearing be opened and continued to January 7, 1998, which would be a special
meeting date.
Chair German opened the public hearing.
Mike Brown, City Public Works Department, 223 East Fifth Street, agreed with staff's
recommendation and course of action and was available for questions.
Following discussion as to the continuance to an irregular meeting date in January, the
Planning Commission agreed to schedule a meeting for January 7, 1998, 7 p.rn., City Hall, in
lieu of the regular January 14, 1998, meeting.
Commissioner Nutter moved to continue the public hearing to January 7, 1998. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner King and passed unanimously.
ANGELES - Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA): Amendment of the
City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance, to further define
what areas are classified as ESAs and how applications are processed.
Planning Director Collins reviewed the changes recommended by the ad hoc advisory
committee and the City Attorney to the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA)
Ordinance. He explained that the ad hoc committee was comprised of two Planning
Planning Commission Minures
December J O. J 997
Page 8
Commissioners, three field experts in engineering and critical areas and a citizen at large
position. The Ordinance was adopted in 1991 largely as a model ordinance from the
Department of Ecology and has been analyzed by the committee for approximately one year
in an attempt to mold it into a working document that is flexible yet meets the State and
City's standard requirements.
Chair German opened the public hearing.
Jay Peterson, 619 S. Chase Street, spoke as a member of the ESA ad hoc advisory
committee. The Committee was formed of users who have worked with the existing
ordinance in an attempt to make it more user friendly and locally achieveable. The proposed
amendments will ensure the requirements and development standards and not discriminitively
prohibitive. A map is included which identifies sensitive areas and a matrix has been added
for quick reference. He encouraged the Planning Commission to recommend the changes as
proposed to be approved by the City Council.
Commissioner Hewins noted that the term <<functions and values" appears in the amended
ordinance, but there is no definition to describe the intent of the wording. He asked that a
definition be included.
Planner Sawyer noted that the map earlier described is not flawless, but it is as near perfect
as is known as present. Changes and additions may be necessary.
Commissioner Craver asked that a more definitive time period be included in the test wherin
the Planning Director may "postpone" a decision to a time certain.
There being no further testimony, Chair German closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Hewins moved to continue discussion to January 7, 1998,7 p.m., and
directed staff to provide the definitions requested by the Commission in its discussion.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed unanimously.
Director Collins thanked Commissioner Souders for the extra time she spent in her service
on the ESA ad hoc advisory committee meetings. Merry Christmas was wished to all.
Planning Commission Minutes
December 10,1997
Page 9
The meeting adjourned at 9: 55p.m.
-J:: se~::~
Tim German, Chair
For the subject of items listed on the meeting Agenda Of0-~P--1~ /0, L 997
Note: IE I plan on testifying by signature below I certify that my testimony is true and correct under penaliy
of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington.
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