HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/13/1995
. IV.
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
December 13, 1995
7:00 p.m.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Planning Commission Minutes of October 25, 1995
and November 8, 1995
HOMES OF WASHINGTON. 510 East Park Avenue: A proposal to allow the
development of a 40-bed elderly care facility in the RS-7, Residential Single Family
zone. (This item is continued from November 8, 1995.)
THUNDERBJRD BOATHOUSE. Ediz Hook: Request for a shoreline substantial
development permit to allow the conversion of an existing use and the addition of a
new structure/use on property located within the IH, Industrial Heavy zone, within
the shoreline area.
2500 Block Eighteenth Street: Final approval for Phase II (Lots 1 - 13, and Lots 27 -
32) of a 32-lot subdivision located in the RS-9, Residential Single Family zone.
PLANNING COl\1lvlISS10N: Linda Nutter,Chair, Tim Genmn (Vice), Orville Campbell, Cindy Souders, BobPhilpott, Bob King.
ST AFF: Brad Collins, Director, Sue Roberds Office Spcd.llis~ md David S.l")'er, Senior Pl.tnner.
All correspondence pertaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least one
day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE; Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to
the request. Infonnation submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a previous presentation. A
reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes).
Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (S minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chainnan may allow
additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (S minutes) for proponents and opponents will be heard
separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements
~ining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed to the Board. not the City Staff representatives present, unless
directed to do so by the Chainnan.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
December 13, 1995
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Bob King, Cindy Souders, Linda Nutter, Bob Philpott,
Tim German
Commissioners Absent:
Orville Campbell
S taft' Present:
David Sawyer, Sue Roberds, Ken Ridout, Mack
Public Present:
Robb Linkletter, Stanley Taylor, David Steele, Tedd
Chilless, Madeline Lang, Michael Carr, Jim Butler,
Kermit Guenkel, Ken Clark, Weldon and Elaine
Morgan, Shirley Heil, Charles Partridge, Richard
Wight, Jack Hughes
Commissioner King moved to revisit the minutes of October 25, 1995, specifically the
motion contained on page 4 dealing with Area No.5. Commissioner Souders seconded
the motion, which passed 4 - 0, with Commissioner German abstaining. Following
discussion during which Planning Office Specialist Sue Roberds explained that the correction
to the motion was proposed based on the Commission's discussion and intent.
Commissioner Philpott agreed and moved to accept the October 25, 1995, minutes as
corrected by stafT. The motion was seconded by Commissioner King, and passed 4-
1, with Commissioner German abstaining.
Commissioner Souders moved to accept the November 8,1995, minutes as submitted.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner King, and passed 4 - 1, with Commissioner
German abstaining.
Commissioner Gennan asked to be excused from the meeting indicating he had an
appearance of fairness with two items on the agenda. He was excused and left the meeting.
Planning Commission Minutes - December 13, 1995
Page 2
A proposal to allow the development of a 40-bed elderly care facility in the
RS-7, Residential Single Family zone. (This item is continued from November
8, 1995.)
Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's report recommending
approval of the proposal with conditions. He noted that the Planning Department had
received two late comments from Mr. and Mrs. Peacock and Mr. Roger Catts regarding the
proposal, and that since the environmental review for this project is still running, the
Commission would not be able to finally act on this proposal until after December 21, 1995.
Chair Nutter opened the public hearing.
Reverend Michael Carr, 1119 East Seventh Street, Rector of St. Andrews Episcopal
Church, stated that there is a great need for an assisted living facility (ALF) such as is
proposed in the Port Angeles community. He requested approval of the project as proposed.
Jim Butler, 711 Milwaukee Drive, explained the background of his involvement with the
ALF project of Episcopal Retirement Homes of Washington.
David Steele, 805 SW 328th Court, Federal Way, W A, described other ALF projects that
he has been involved with and explained that he would provide development assistance to the
diocese. The last project that he was involved with for Episcopal Retirement Homes of
Washington in Bremerton is now held to be the role model for future ALF developments for
that community. He asked that the interior landscape buffer requirement recommended by
staffbe relaxed for the interior areas of the project.
Ted ChilIes, 33 SW 5th Street, Portland, OR, pointed out the difference between nursing
homes, congregate care facilities, and ALF developments. An ALF residence provides a
secure residential environment where persons can be assisted with bathing, medication, and
meals if needed. It has less of an institutional feel than other types of care facilities and is
highly sought for interim living needs. He likened the use to a dormitory with the majority
of residents being between the ages of approximately 84 to 104. None of the residents have
cars. A van will be available to serve the transportation needs of the residents. Occassionally
couples would share a unit, but those cases are rare as more often than not residents are
single. Building materials used would allow the structure to blend in with its surroundings
in order to provide the preferred residential character. Although the proposed structure is
two-story, it would appear to be one-story tall from the south due to the slope of the property
and the proposed placement of the structure. Mr. Chilies noted that he had submitted the
market analysis study requested by staff.
Dick Wight, 1133 East 7th Street, thanked the Planning Commission for its dedication to
taking time to ensure the livability of the Port Angeles community. The proposed project fits
into the long range goals of the City of Port Angeles and its citizens filling a gap that is not
presently being filled in Port Angeles. Seniors are moving out of the area under protest due
Planning Commission Minules - December 13, 1995
Page 3
to the lack of availability of this type of living facility in the Port Angeles area. There is
always some level of concern in development proposals of any size~ however, the project is
residential in nature and would fit well on the proposed site, which is large and would be well
landscaped. Traffic impacts will be minor as the residents don't drive. He urged the
Commission to approve the proj ect as proposed.
Dottie Foster, 73 Island View Drive, felt the proposal would be a positive addition to the
community and would be affordable for the residents of Port Angeles. The project would
provide a niche not presently available for seniors who do not need more intensive care and
would enable a degree of self sufficiency which would encourage a more healthy attitude for
Stan Taylor, 1902 Hamilton Way, urged approval of the project as the need has been
demonstrated over and over for this type of facility in this area. It is a worthy project.
Kermit Guenkel, 2906 Regent Street, indicated that he enjoyed viewing the many large
trees on the property from his residence to the south and asked that a good number of those
trees be left upon completion of the project. He was pleased to have been asked for his input
for this project.
Weldon Morgan, 519 East Park Avenue, noted that the proposed access road is directly
across from his driveway. He was concerned that the slope of the property might pose a
problem with cars that are unable to stop in inclement weather ending up in his driveway.
Jack Hughes, 2902 Regent Street, was not necessarily against the proposal, nor was he
necessarily for the proposal, but appreciated the ability to provide input as a neighbor.
Charles Partridge, 601 East Park Avenue, noted that the speed limit on Park Avenue is
universally ignored. He was concerned with additional traffic to the site and with the safety
of the residents given the current problem with speeders in this residential area. The speed
limit should be reduced, and enforced, at 25 mph in this location.
Shirley Heil, 514 East Park Avenue, does not want to live near the proposed facility and
as the neighboring property to the east, between the Church and the National Park property,
she asked that the Church buy her out so she can move rather than be surrounded by the
There being no one else who wished to testifY, Planner David Sawyer read into the record
written comments provided by Mr. Roger Catts, 525 East Park Avenue, who commented on
items addressed in the SEP A environmental checklist dealing with the environmental elements
ofland use density, housing, aesthetics, light and glare, and transportation, and from Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Peacock, 504 East Vashon, who were concerned with the sewer line that runs
through their property servicing the "entire south end of Port Angeles".
Dick Wight, 1133 East Seventh Street, referred to the comment made by Mr. Roger Catts
in his letter to the Planning Commission that sidewalk improvements should be made from
Planning Commission Minutes -December 13.1995
Page -4
the project west to Peabody if the proposed project is approved. Mr. Wight did not feel that
the project warranted this type of off-site improvement. The project is not family oriented.
There being no further comment. Chair Nutter closed the public hearing.
The Commission discussed with the applicant and informed those present that a decision
would not be rendered until after the close of the SEP A comment/appeal period, on
December 21, 1995.
Planner Sawyer provided an overhead indicating the areas staff is recommending be
landscaped to provide adequate buffering. There are no specific requirements for interior
landscaping and staff can work with the applicant on an acceptable overaUlandscaping plan
The primary concern is not the proposal's impact on the Church, but on the surrounding
residential areas. A short plat will be required to accomplish the proposal.
Ken Ridout, Deputy Director of Public Works, responded to the Commission that the slope
of the access road is fairly steep to the last fifty feet south of Park Avenue. The Public Works
Department will work with the applicant to accomplish a slope of approximately four percent
to six percent upon completion of the project, which would be acceptable City standards. Six
percent to eight percent is acceptable under current City standards.
The Commission discussed fencing along the western edge of the site and the concern raised
by Mr. Catts regarding light and glare.
Robb Linkletter, 1324 East First Street, addressed the suggestion of Commissioner
Philpott that sidewalk be placed along the north edge of the property or that an L.I.D. Non
Protest Agreement be required for the project for sidewalk construction west to Peabody
Street. A requirement for off-site sidewalk is not warranted by the project.
Planner Sawyer noted that off site improvements must be tied to the development impacts.
Commissioner Souders moved to continue the deliberation for the proposal to a special
meeting on January 3, 1996, 7 p.m., City Council Chambers. The motion was seconded
by Commissioner King, and passed 4 - O.
The Commissioner took a break at 9:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:20 p.m.
The agenda was then reordered to move Item NO.3 to be Item No.2.
Planning Commission Minutes - December 13, 1995
Page 5
11- 2500 Block Eighteenth Street: Final approval for Phase II (Lots 1 - 13,
and Lots 27 - 32) of a 32-]ot subdivision located in the RS-9, Residential
Single Family zone.
Planning Office Specialist Sue Roberds reviewed the Planning Department's report covering
the subdivision application. She indicated that all improvements have been installed with the
City's final approval and all conditions of final approval have been met by the applicants.
Chair Nutter opened discussion.
Ken Oark, 935 North Fifth Avenue, Sequim, W A, indicated concurrence with the staffs
report and asked that the final submittal he approved.
Commissioner Souders moved to approve Phase II of the Peach Tree Estates
Subdivision and to authorize the Chair to sign the mylar. Commissioner King
seconded the motion, which passed 4 - O.
95(12)154. THUNDERBIRD BOATHOUSE. Ediz Hook: Request for a
shoreline substantial development permit to allow the conversion of an
existing use and the addition of a new structure/use on property located within
the IH, Industrial Heavy zone, within the shoreline area.
Planner Sawyer reviewed the Department's report recommending approval of the requested
permit. Chair Nutter opened the public hearing.
Ken Ridout, Deputy Director of Public Works, represented the application, and noted that
the applicant Ron Shepard, Terminator Tackle, is a }easee of property held under lease by the
City from the Department of Natural Resources. The applicant, Ron Shepard is in turn
intending to sub lease a portion of the leased property to Stoltz Sea Farm to be used as an
office for the existing aquaculture use waterward of the location. The proposal includes the
construction to the west of a new structure which would be used as the previous Thunderbird
Boathouse use has been in the past, minus the recreational vehicle overnight parking activity,
and the existing structure would become the Stoltz Sea Farm office use. The use will be
closely monitored to ensure that the operation is considerably improved from past operations
and will include the same type of materials that have been previously offered. The site
provides ample parking for the intended new and continued existing uses.
Commissioner Souders expressed concern that the previous operation was poorly managed
and did not project a positive image for the City. Mr. Ridout assured the Commission that
the use would not be allowed to fall into disrepair from this point forward.
Planning Comminion Minutes. December 13. J 995
Page 6
There being no further comments, Chair Nutter closed the public hearing. Following brief
discussion, Commissioner King moved to recommend approval of the shoreline
substantial development permit with the following conditions:
1. The applicant shall retain a qualified archaeologist to be on site at the time of any
excavation activities and to monitor any such activities. Upon discovery of evidence
of possible archaeological significance, the applicant shall follow the recommendations
of the archaeologist for proceeding, consistent with all relevant state and federal
historic preservation laws.
2. The project shall comply with the regulations of Chapter 4, B, E, I, L & M, Chapter
5, D and H, and Chapter 6, C & F as well as aU other regulations of the City's
Shoreline Master Program.
3. The project shall comply with the requirements of the City's Environmentally
Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance.
4. The proposed use shall meet all requirements of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
including, fire, and building code requirements.
The applicant shall submit for approval a detailed site plan including landscaping,
parking and public access for the entire Lease Lot #8.
6. All portions of the site not under a City approved sublease to Stolt Seafarms shall be
open and accessible to the public.
7. All storage areas on the site shall be screened from public view in accordance with the
Shoreline Master Program.
8. Approval of the aquaculture portion of this pennit is subject to approval of an
Unclassified Use Permit in accordance with PAMC Section 17.96.060.
9. Approval of the retail portion of this permit is subject to approval ofa Conditional
Use Pennit in accordance with PAMe Section 17.34.040 I.
Based on the infonnation provided in the staff report (including all of its attachments),
comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the Planning
Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission
hereby finds that:
The applicant, Terminator Tackle Company applied for a Shoreline Substantial
Development Pennit on October 5, 1995 (please see Staff Report Attachment A).
Planning Commission Minutes - December 13. 1995
Page 7
A Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) was issued by the City of
Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official on December 5, 1995 (please see Staff
Report Attachment B).
3. The application and hearing process was advertised in accordance with the legal
requirements of the City of Port Angeles and the State of Washington.
4. The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan and Zoning
Ordinance have been reviewed with respect to this application.
5. The prior conditional use permit which allowed overnight recreational vehicle parking
at the subject location is invalid. The current proposal does not include overnight
recreational vehicle parking.
6. The site is designated Open Space in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Industrial Heavy
in the City's Zoning Ordinance, and Urban Harbor in the City's Shoreline Master
Based on the infonnation provided in the staff report including all of its attachments,
comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's
discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission hereby concludes that:
A. As conditioned, the proposed project is consistent with the City's Comprehensive
Plan, specifically, Land Use Policies D-l and D-2, and Conservation Policy B-18, the
City's Industrial Heavy zone, and the City's Shoreline Master Program, specifically
Urban Harbor Management Policies 1, 2, 4,6,8,9, 10, and 12, Archaeological and
Historical Resources Regulation 1, and Commercial Development Policies 1, 3,4,
and 5.
B. The project will not be detrimental to the shoreline.
Commissioner Philpott seconded the motion, which passed 4 - O.
Staff noted that the City Council would be considering final action on the City wide rezones
proposed by the Planning Commission on December 19, 1995.
PIC/nning Commission Minutes - December 13, 1995
Page 8
Chair Nutter proposed that the Planning Commission request the City Council to appoint
volunteer members to serve on a committee to work with staff, other interested members
of the community and appropriate state and local agencies to designate bicycle routes through
the City, and a committee to implement policies regarding view corridors. The Commission
agreed in concept and asked that the Chair provide a more fonnal proposal for consideration
at the Commission's January 3rd meeting.
Commissioner Philpott noted that the Commission has met only twice in the past ten years
with the City Council. He felt that such meetings can be very productive and are a good way
to make sure that the City Council and the Commission are working in a direction that is
beneficial to the citizens of Port Angeles. He suggested that such a meeting be scheduled for
1996. Mr. Philpott distributed material to staff from the "Washington Center For Real Estate
Research" on affordable housing that he wished copied for distribution at the next meeting.
Chair Nutter asked that the Commissioners jot down some suggestions for long range
meeting topics for discussion in January.
The meeting adjourned at 10: 15 p.m.
David Sawyer, Acting
Planning COjfion Attendaooe Roster ___
Meeting Date~f) AYI k I~~ /9 9-..s
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