HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/14/2005
321 East Fifth Street
December 14, 2005
6 p.m.
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular meeting of November 9, 2005
Street: Proposal for an accessory residential unit in the RS- 7 Residential Single
Family zone.
Proposal to develop approximately 4.29 acres into 16 residential sites in the RS-9,
Residential Single Family zone.
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS Len Rasmussen (Chmr),Chene Kidd (VIce Chalr),Dave Johnson, KeVIn Snyder,Betsy Wharton, Candace KalIsh, John Matthews
PLANNING STAFF Mark Madsen, DIrector, Nathan West, Pnnclple Planner, Sue Roberds, Planmng Manager, Scott Johns, ASSOCIate Planner,
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
December 14, 2005
6:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Leonard Rasmussen, Dave Johnson, Cherie Kidd, Kevin
Snyder, Candace Kalish, John Matthews, and Betsy
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Mark Madsen, Nathan West, Sue Roberds, Jim Mahlum
Public Present:
Quint Boe, Jay Spivack, John Cavanaugh, Kathe Smith
Vice Chair Cherie Kidd called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
Commissioner Kalish moved to approve the November 9, 2005, minutes with a
correction to Page 4 where a member of the audience suggested that the entire Planning
Commission should declare appearance of fairness issues due to the amount of information
that had been heard previously regarding the issue at hand. Wording would be added to the
draft minutes indicating that "Commissioner Kalish asked other Commissioners if they wished
to comment." Commissioner Wharton seconded the motion as amended which passed 6 - 0
with Commissioner Kidd abstaining.
Chair Rasmussen joined the meeting and assumed the Chair at 6:15 p.m.
Chair Rasmussen indicated that those who testify must sign the "Sign In" log and affirm that their
testimony will be truthful to the best of their knowledge.
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 05-07 - CAVANAUGH: 1212 West 17th Street:
Proposal for an accessory residential unit in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone.
Principal Planner Nathan West reviewed the Department's report recommending approval
of the application as proposed. Chair Rasmussen opened the public hearing.
Mr. Cavanaugh, 1212 West 11h Street, responded to Commissioner Kidd that two parking
spaces will be provided for the accessory use at the rear of the accessory structure on an existing
concrete slab.
There being no further questions, Chair Rasmussen closed the public hearing.
Following brief discussion, Commissioner Kalish moved to approve the conditional use
permit as proposed with the following conditions, findings, and conclusions:
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December 14,2005
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1. Separate water and electrical meters are required for the accessory residential unit.
Addressing for the accessory residential unit shall be clearly identified as 1212 K
Address numbers must be at least six (6) inches in height and readily visible from
the street and of contrasting color from their background.
2. Two (2) off-street parking spaces are required for each residential dwelling unit for
a total of four (4) spaces.
3. Smoke detectors are required as per the International Residential Code.
4. All utility improvements including water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage and
electrical are to be completed to the satisfaction of the Public Works and Utilities
Based on the information provided in the Community Development Staff Report for CUP 05-
09 dated December 14,2005, including all information in the public record file, comments
and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and
deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission hereby finds that:
1. John Cavanaugh submitted a Conditional Use Permit application for an accessory
residential unit (ARU) on October 24, 2005. The applicant owns the subject
2. The proposed site is legally described as LT3 & E2 LT4, BL 452 of the Townsite of
Port Angeles and is located at 1212 W. 17th Street.
3. The site is zoned Residential Single Family (RS-7).
4. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Low Density Residential. Adjacent
designations are also Low Density Residential. The site is located in the City's North
West Planning Area. The subject site is located on the south side ofW. 17th Street
west of E Street. Development in the neighborhood includes predominately single
family residential uses. The nearest multi-family use can be found at the intersection
ofW. 17th and D Street.
5. Per 17.96.050 PAMC, the Planning Commission shall consider applications for
conditional use permit uses as specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning
Regulations. The Planning Commission may grant said permits which are consistent
and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is located, consistent
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with the Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public use and interest. In each
application the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions
are considered essential to protect the public health, safety, welfare, and to prevent
depreciation of neighboring property. Conditional uses shall be evaluated to
determine ifthe characteristics ofthe intended use as related to the specific proposed
site would defeat the purpose of the City's Zoning Regulations by introducing
incompatible, detrimental, or hazardous conditions. The Planning Commission may
refuse to issue a conditional use permit if the characteristics of the intended use
would defeat the purpose of the City's zoning regulations. The City's
Comprehensive Plan was reviewed for consistency with the proposal.
6. A development that is approved through the conditional use permit process must
remain in continual compliance with specific conditions of approval or may be
7. Notification ofthe proposed action and conditional use permit application was placed
in the Peninsula Daily News on November 20,2005. Public notice was mailed to
property owners within 300 feet ofthe subject property on November 16, 2005. The
site was posted on November 15,2005. No written comments were received as a
result of the public notice.
8. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for this proposed action on
December 6, 2005.
9. The Planning Commission opened a public hearing on the proposal at the December
14,2005, regular meeting.
Based on the information provided in the Department of Community Development Staff
Report for CUP 05-09 dated December 14,2005, including all of the information in the
public record file, comments, and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning
Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval and
listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that:
1. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan,
specifically with Land Use Element Goal A and Policy A.2 and C2, Housing Element
A.6 and B.6, and Transportation Element Policy B.14.
2. The proposal is consistent with requirements for approval of a conditional use permit as
specified in P AMC 17.96.050.
3. The proposal is consistent with PAMC Chapter 14.40 (Parking Ordinance).
. 4. The use is in the public interest as it allows for a variety of housing opportunities.
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5. The City's responsibility under the State Environmental Policy Act in review of the
proposal has been satisfied.
Commissioner Kidd seconded the motion which passed 6 - 1 with Commissioner
Snyder abstaining from the vote.
10th/Milwaukee: Proposal to develop approximately 4.29 acres into 16
residential sites in the RS-9, Residential Single Family zone.
Principle Planner Nathan West presented the Department's report recommending
approval of the preliminary subdivision with conditions.
In response to questions from the Commission, Engineer Jim Mahlum described road
and walking improvements in the area and explained that the City is working with the School
District for grants between "N" and "I" Streets for sidewalk construction. School District
participation is necessary in order to obtain sidewalk grants. The City has lost out on grants in
the past due to poor support from the School District. Tenth Street is constructed to lot impact
development standards which includes a gravel walking path.
City Manager Mark Madsen added that the City is anticipating participation by the
School District in the submittal for grant funding and hopes that grant applications can then be
filed such that their ranking is high.
Planner West responded that an 8' walking path is required along the Milwaukee Drive
frontage because Milwaukee Drive is designated as an extension ofthe City's Waterfront Trail
system that will eventually connect to the County's OlYmpic Discovery Trail, and a 4' walking
path is required along 10th Street frontage of the site because of its arterial designation.
Chair Rasmussen opened the public hearing.
Quint Boe, 84 Old State Road, Port Angeles, represented the applicant and was in
agreement with staffs recommendation. He understood that the City established low impact
development standards partially to stimulate development. He believes that development
patterns have changed in the City and developers have been developing a hybrid end product
that accomplishes a nicer development. He responded that development in the area has resulted
in homes that range from $279,000 to 389,000 in price and have curb and sidewalk within the
sidewalk with low impact development on the adjacent arterial street (loth Street). Mr. Boe
responded the he did not know ifthe developer is planning to install curb and sidewalk on the
interior cul-de-sac. The site is planned for upscale development. He encouraged the City to
continue to allow low impact development standards and allow developers to make individual
choices to increase development if so desired.
Commissioner Wharton asked for clarification as to whether development of Milwaukee
Drive is planned to be low to impact development standards. She expressed concern that the
street is different than some because it is also designated as a major recreational route and the
low impact development standards allows narrower streets with no on-street parking.
Engineer Mahlum continued to respond to questions regarding the City's low impact
suburban development standards versus standard arterial roadway improvement requirements.
It was noted that on-street parking is not permitted when streets are developed to low impact
development standards and must be so posted by the property developer. There was discussion
on the existing development of and any recent improvements to Milwaukee Drive as well as the
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right-of-way's designation as an extension ofthe City's Waterfront Trail recreational use and
the Olympic Discovery Trail system.
Kathe Smith, 607 East Fourth Street, noted that, although the Transportation Element
ofthe City's Comprehensive Plan identifies Milwaukee Drive as a bicycle route, currently the
City's Parks and Recreation Division Plan identifies the Olympic Discovery Trail route as being
on "N" Street to 1 oth Street to Milwaukee Drive.
Manager Madsen was asked to respond and noted that the alternative route ("N" Street
to 1 oth Street) was designed to aid travel until the intended route (Milwaukee Drive) is built out.
It is the intent that as Milwaukee Drive is built out, it will become the Olympic Discovery Trail
There being no further comment, Chair Rasmussen closed the public hearing.
Following continued discussion on previous development in the area and the impact of
low impact development standards on travel and traffic in the area due to Milwaukee Drive also
being designated as a recreational trail route, Planner West proposed a wording amendment to
the proposed conditions of approval to identify expected road development. Commissioner
Snyder moved to recommend approval of the preliminary subdivision citing the following
conditions, findings, and conclusions:
1. An engineered stormwater plan shall be submitted for approval to the City Public Works
and Utilities Department. Stormwater shall be handled within the site in an approved
manner and shall be connected to stormwater improvements in the Milwaukee Drive
stormwater system. Stormwater improvements shall be installed per the City's Urban
Services Standards and Guidelines prior to final plat approval.
2. The interior street shall be named and shall culminate in a cul-de-sac as shown on the
preliminary drawing. The street shall be constructed as approved by the City to, at
minimum, improved low impact development standards. If interior streets are built to
suburban low impact development standards, and are less than 36 feet in total width,
signage shall be placed on the interior street at the developer's expense indicating that
on-street parking is prohibited along both sides of the streets. If interior streets are
constructed to low impact development standards, the streets shall be posted for "No
Parking" by the applicant as directed by the City's Engineering Division. Tenth Street
shall be constructed to, at a minimum, the City's low impact development standards
with a 4' walking path.
3. Milwaukee Drive shall be constructed to arterial street standards that includes an 8'
walking/bicycle path.
4. Fire hydrants shall be placed and spaced as required by the City's Fire Department to
a maximum 1000' of separation distance and wording shall be placed on the final plat
with a recording with the County Auditor indicating that all residences shall be fitted
. with residential sprinkler systems prior to occupancy.
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5. Utility service to the subdivision shall be underground. A 10' utility easement shall be
provided along 10th Street, Milwaukee Drive and around the cul-de-sac.
6. Water service shall be extended to the lots as required by the Public Works and Utilities
Department prior to final plat approval.
7. Sanitary sewer shall be extended to the new lots as required by the Public Works and
Utilities Department from West 10th Street and Milwaukee Drive.
8. Building setback areas shall be identified on the final plat and address numbers placed
on the lots as provided by Public Works and Utilities.
9. The final plat shall indicate that the William R. Fairchild International Airport is located
in the vicinity and that ongoing airport operations exist.
10. Lots 1-6 within the subdivision shall be subject to The Estates at Milwaukee
Developer's Reimbursement Agreement for previous utility and roadway improvements
in the area.
1. Preliminary approval is for the 16-unit subdivision submitted by Jay Spivack on October
18,2005, identified as being Suburban Lot 45 and located at West 10th Street and
Milwaukee Drive. The site is approximately 4.29 acres in size and is triangular in
2. The subject property is identified by the Port Angeles Zoning Map as Single Family
Residential (RS-9) which allows a density of up to 7 units per acre. The proposed drawing
indicates that each lot in the proposed subdivision will be at least 9,000 square feet in area.
3. Chapter 16.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) sets forth local requirements
for the approval of subdivisions and Section 16.08.050(B)(1) PAMC provides that the
Planning Commission shall examine the proposed plat, along with written
recommendations of the City Departments, and shall either approve or disapprove the
submittal. A recommendation thereon shall be forwarded to the City Council within a
period of 90 days after a preliminary plat has been submitted to the City Planning
Department. The City Council shall either approve or disapprove the proposed preliminary
plat at a public meeting.
4. The Revised Code of Washington RCW 58.17 contains the State's guidelines for the
uniform division ofland within the State. Section 58.17.110 requires a city to inquire into
the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of a subdivision and
determine if appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health,
safety, and general welfare, for open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys and
other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and
recreation, playgrounds, and schools and shall consider all other relevant facts including
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sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who
only walk to and from school and whether the public interest will be served by the
subdivision. A proposed subdivision shall not be approved unless the city can make written
findings that these provisions are made.
5. The Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department, Parks and Recreation, and Fire
Departments reviewed the proposed subdivision. Their comments and specific conditions
have been incorporated in the Department's recommendation. Water, power, garbage
pickup, telecommunications, sewer, stormwater, and emergency services are available
within the area and will be provided through conditions to the preliminary plat.
6. The subject property is identified as Low Density Residential (LDR) on the Port Angeles
Comprehensive Plan land use map and is located in the City's Northwest Planning Region.
7. The Comprehensive Plan requires concurrency at the time of development for streets, water
service, sanitary sewer service, and electrical service (Capital Facilities Element Policy
A.9) and should require concurrency at the time of development for solid waste collection,
stormwater management, telecommunications service, and emergency service (Capital
Facilities Element Policy A.1 0). The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the
Comprehensive Plan and the following Comprehensive Plan policies are relevant to the
proposal: Growth Management Element Goal A; Land Use Element Goal A, Policy A.2,
Goal B, Policy B.1, B.2, B.3, and BA, Goal C; Transportation Element Goal A, Policy A.3,
A.6, B.10, B.11, B.14, and B.18; Utilities and Public Services Element Policy C.2; Capital
Facilities Element Goal A, B, Policy B.1, B.3, BA, B.5, B.6, B.7, C.2, C.3, CA, and C .5.
8. The purpose ofthe City's RS-9, Residential Single Family zone is a low density residential
zone intended to create and preserve urban single family residential neighborhoods
consisting of predominantly single family homes on larger than standard Townsite-size lots.
Uses that are compatible with and functionally related to a single family residential
environment may be located in this zone. Because of land use impacts associated with
nonresidential uses, few nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone and then only
conditionally. This zone provides for a variety in the urban land use pattern for the City's
single family residential neighborhoods, following a curvilinear street system of
nonthrough public and private streets with irregularly shaped lots, minimum 75-foot front
lot lines, and 60-foot rights-of-way for collector arterial streets in large rectangular blocks
and usually located in outlying areas with large tracts of vacant buildable land
9. The site is currently served by West 10th Street and Milwaukee Drive. Access streets will
be improved to low impact development standards. Milwaukee Drive and West 10th Streets
are collector arterials and designated school walking routes. Milwaukee Drive is also a
designated bicycle route. The City's Urban Services and Guidelines Standards (Section
3G.100 Street Trees and Landscaping) states that street trees shall be planted on arterial
streets in the City and in other specified areas. Right-of-way dedication along West 10th
Street and Milwaukee Drive is required. Lots 1-6 within the subdivision shall be subject to
The Estates at Milwaukee Development Reimbursement Agreement for previous utility
improvements in the area.
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10. The City's low impact development standards for suburban areas were adopted in 2003
with the restriction that subdivisions developed under the reduced standards would not
allow for on-street parking. Site development and design for residential lots developed
under the lower impact standards need to accommodate resident parking and visitor parking
11. The proposal was reviewed with regard to the City's Subdivision Ordinance (Section 16.08
P AMC) which provides specific design standards which are expected of subdivisions
within the City limits while the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines indicates
that street trees should be planted along arterial streets and provides guidance for such
placement and tree species. The design standards identified in Section 16.08.060 F PAMC
state that street trees are a protection against excessive heat and glare and enhance the
attractiveness and value of abutting property. The City will assist the subdivider in location
of trees and species to use under varying conditions. It is recommended that trees be
planted inside the property lines where they are less subject to injury, decrease the chance
of motor accidents and enjoy more favorable conditions for growth. Iftrees are to be
planted within a planting strip in the right-of-way, their proposed locations and species to
be used are to be submitted for review and approval by the City.
12. There are no environmentally sensitive areas on the site. The site has a minimal slope to
the south. The site is not considered a frequently flooded area and is not listed on the
Federal Emergency Management Act (FEMA) maps which denote those areas that are
within 100-year flood areas.
13. The owner of a construction site which disturbs a total of five acres or more of land area
that has a discharge of stormwater to a surface water or storm sewer system must apply to
the State Department of Ecology for a General Permit for Stormwater Discharge Associated
with Construction Activities. The proposed site is 4.29 acres in area.
14. Building permits are required for all structures within the subdivision. All local building
and Fire Codes shall be complied with during construction including residential sprinkler
15. The Port Angeles School District has been notified of the development to allow them to
plan for needed public school facilities and routes. The Port Angeles School District
provides school bus pick-up for students at Hamilton Elementary School and Stevens
Middle School at 12th and "N" Streets.
16. The City's Parks Department has noted that they are aware ofthe preliminary proposal and
do not believe the level of service for the area will be hampered as a result of the
development. The City's LOS for parks and recreational services is 1/3 acre for 1,000
population. An undeveloped wooded property donated to the City for a park use is located
less than 1/4 mile east of the subject site along "N" Street. The nearest public playground
area is located approximately three-quarters of a mile northeast (Crown Park) or one mile
southeast (Lincoln Park).
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17. The site will be served by the City's Police, Fire, and Public Works Departments. All
utilities including potable water, sanitary waste, and refuse collection are available in the
area. Transit service is available along "N" Street east of the site.
18. The City's State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) Official issued a Determination of
Nonsignificance for the preliminary subdivision on December 6, 2005, therefore satisfying
the City's responsibility under the Act.
19. The William R. Fairchild International Airport is located south of the site. Port of Port
Angeles staff has been notified of the proposed subdivision proposal and per agreement
with the Port, it is expected that those who purchase properties in the final subdivision will
be aware of the existing on-going airport operation.
20. The Planning Commission's decision is a recommendation to the City Council. The
Commission acts as the City's hearing body for preliminary subdivision approval. Reports
are advisory only to ensure conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general
purposes of the City's Comprehensive Plan and to planning standards and specifications
adopted by the City.
21. Property owners within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision were mailed notice of the
proposal on October 25,2005. The property was posted on October 27,2005, and
publication appeared in the Peninsula Daily News on October 27,2005. No written
comments have been received.
A. As conditioned, the proposed subdivision is consistent with the Port Angeles
Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code, and Subdivision Ordinance Chapter 16.08 PAMC as
well as with Chapter 58.17 RCW, the Washington State Subdivision Act
B. As conditioned, appropriate provisions have been made for the public health, safety and
general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other
public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation,
playgrounds, schools and school grounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure
safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school.
C. As conditioned, if improved low impact development suburban street standards are used,
signage educating residents and visitors as to the prohibition of on-street parking will
ensure that interior streets remain passable for public safety situations where on-street
parking could prevent ease of passage for emergency vehicles and sight distance safety
D. As conditioned, the public interest is served in the platting of this subdivision as articulated
in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision, and Zoning Ordinances. The subdivision
provides for development of new homes within the City of Port Angeles consistent with
the State of Washington Growth Management Act.
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Commissioner Kalish seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Planning Manager Sue Roberds noted that, with the election of Commissioner Wharton to
the City Council, that position is open on the Commission and that the positions held by
Commissioners Rasmussen and Kalish are also up for renewal or appointment. She asked
Commissioners to contact the Department regarding the positions by December 29th.
Manager Madsen noted that the City has submitted a grant for funding to help with clean up
and redevelopment of the Rayonier site. Until a redevelopment plan is in place, it is almost
impossible to get approval of a clean up plan. The City is taking the lead in getting interested
parties together to determine what reuse of the site would be possible and achievable for the site.
The grant funding will help achieve that goal.
Commissioner Kalish wanted to address letters received by five Commission members with
regard to the Farmers' Market decision. The procedure is when a Commission member votes
against a motion that reasons be stated for the record, however, no reasons are expressed as to why
a member votes for a motion because it is assumed that is based on the preceding record. She
wanted to state for the record that her reason for voting for extension of the Market use in the
Downtown was because she believed that the activity would enhance the health of the Downtown
as a whole and not for any other reason.
Commissioner Wharton reported that she attended the City Council meeting and was
embarrassed by the reception ofthe Commission's findings and conclusions in support of its action
regarding the Market extension. It was a late evening and a grueling meeting but the findings and
conclusions in opposition to staffs recommendation were not well done. The reasoning as to why
the Commission voted against staff's recommendation in support of extension was not clear in the
findings and conclusions forwarded to the City Council. She felt strongly that, in the future, more
consideration must be given to findings and conclusions when a decision is made that is in
opposition to a recommendation that has been thought out beforehand.
Planning Manager Roberds described that the process followed in making a
recommendation involves detailed review of the findings of fact in each case which leads to
conclusions and therefore a recommendation. Recommendations are not always from the top down
and often involve a complicated thought process sifting through various regulations.
Manager Madsen commented that there may be situations where it may be necessary to take
a vote and direct that findings and conclusions be drafted at a later date which would then require
an amendment to the action to include those findings and conclusions in the record. He
commended both staff and the Planning Commission for the hard work performed in bringing the
issue ofthe Farmers' Market to culmination and noted that he believed whatever action the
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Page 11
Planning Commission took would have been appealed to the City Council due to the polarity of the
groups involved.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Mark Madsen, Secretary
Meeting Agenda of: AO~ /1
To help us provide an accurate record of those in attendance, please sign in. Your
signature acknowledges your presence. If you plan to testify, by your signature below, you
certify that the testimony given is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the
State of Washington. Signature below DOES NOT REQUIRE you to testify.
NAME: ADDRESS: Agenda Item No.
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