HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/16/1952
Minutes of the regular meeting of the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission, December 16th, 1952.
Members present were Stewart, Rodda, Gort, Reiners and Strange.
Also present was City Engineer Ahlvers.
Chairman reported on Mr. Thorgrimson'g visit to Port Angeles and
his discussion with the City Council on the preparation of legal
matters pertaining to the street arterial program.
A general discussion followed with reference to street improvements
and arterials. The Commission being of the opinion that in the
near future there will be a demand from our citizens along this
line and the Commission believes that it is of utmost importance
that full consideration be given to the entire problem in order
that the street improvement program proceed in an orderly manner.
It was brought out that there are several major subjects related
to the improvement of streets such as the establishment of grades,
the type of pavement, overall drainage and also costs. After a
lengthy discussion, it was unanimously decided that the Chairman
should address a letter to the City Council through the City
Manager, setting forth the facts as we see them.
No further business appearing, meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectf'ully submitted,
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co to G. s. Vergeer
Planning Commission-----year 1952:
The Planning Commission was vary active in the year 1952. Daring
tho early part of the year we were bustly engagaq with the City
Commission preparing necessary data to ready our Arterial Bond
Issuo proposal for the ballot. This took some doing as not ovory-
one concerned ~as convinced it was the thirg to do inasmuch as
the people had failed to approve a like issue in July of 19$0.
Meetings were held ~ith a group of citizens wno offered to raise
money to pay for a publicity c811paign for the bond issue. The
money was raised and then the Planning Com~isslcn was charged with
the reponsibility of expending same.
The results of the election on March 11th, 1952 were v'ry gratifying
to the Planning Commission as noeI'll 75% of th.e poople approved
the issue.
During the yoar the Planning Commiss,ion investigated seven (7)
applications for changes in zoning and street vacations, reporting
their findiags to ttle City Connnlssion and later the 'City Manager..
Regular meetings were held during remainder of the yoor, ~iving
further study to needed improvements, their feasibility, financing
etc. .
Numerous of our Citizens met wIth the Commission offering various
suggestions in the matter of improvements. All suggestions were
given consideration and duly recorded.
F e ~c:52
C~ ~f ~ort Angeles
Planning Commission
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