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MEMO: Dec. 28, 1970 ·
TO: Port Angeles Planning Commission
. ..)
RE: Meeting scheduled for December 28th 1970
Old Business
There is no old business
New Business
No new business was received in time for posting for hearing
this date.
Council Action
At its regular meeting December 14, 1970 the City Council
took the following action on Planning Commission business:
Zoning Ordinance revisions - adopted.
Housing Authority - variance applications, approved as per
James I. Bairey - duplex - Conditional Use application CSD-CI
zone along !te" st. a.ff/"n/~&-{,
_Mair Brothers - septic tank application at 19th & l1F" Streets
approved as pe r re commenda ti on .,Ii'l fl{Nr..l.
Jack Plaskett Jr. - septic tank applications west 12th street
betwe~n 11111 &. HKtI approved as per recommendation
Suburban Lot 39 - rezoning application from RS-9 to RMF. This
item was tabled and referred back to the Plannin1 Commission for ~
inclusion in an over-all study of RMF zoning in the city. Enclosed ~
is a memo from the City Manager to the Council with a possible
suggestion. Members of the Council were of the sentiment that if
the Planning Commission members felt it would be desirable to hire
a Planning Consultant to mvise them on this matter they would be
As of this date I have no other business sch~duled for this date.
R. P. Willson, Secretary
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DATE:' DEC. 15, 1970
It has become quite apparent to everyone that we have a need in Port Angeles 01
more middle and moderate income rental housing. At this time in the CSD-I\'
and CSD-Cl and C2 we ailow "Apartments above commercial buildil,1gs. to
I would recommend that the Council remove the condition "above commercial
buildings." . This w'ould then mean that apartment houses could be built on 8th
Street as well as on 1st and Front Streets. The ordi,nance already allows by con-
ditional use apartments on "C II Street from 9th to Lauridsen Blvd.
I would also recommend that RS-7 and RS-9 Zones be changed to allow duplexes,
triplexes and fourplexes with the condition that they be one-story high and nm
built within a 650 .foot radius of another multi-family dwelling.
I have always felt that one of the real assets of the City of :fort Angeles has. bec:"2
the make-up of the community. Originally, homes were built close to downto.,',;;"l
and close to the mills. In recent years homes have been, built where there is
a view of either the water or the mountains. . This means that throughout the Ci:::.-
we have $20,000 and $30, qoo homes built alongside $5,000 and $10, 000 ho:n~s._
This, I feel, is highly desirable because it means that we do not have poor ::Slgr-.-
borhoods and rich neighborhoods and we do not have distinct areas where lO\/I-i '.:.'<>:r.e
people live and other areas strictly just high-income people.
, dJilll/;~-
Donald D. Herrman
City Manager
t ·
MEMO: December 9, 1970
TO: Port Angeles Planning Commission
Meeting scheduled for December 14, 1970
Old Business - Rezoning request for suburban lot 39 from RS-9 to RMF.
New Business
Clallam County Housing Authority has applied for variances in
connection with their proposed 40 unit housing project on the northeast
corner of 5th and Peabody streets:
1. Variance from population density to land area ratio.
2. Offstreet parking requirements.
3. Setback requirement from the alley.
Mr. James Baire~ has applied for a variance, under the amendment
to the CSD-Cl zone on C" Street frem 9th to the Boulevard, to permit him
to construct a duplex on the south side of west 13th Street just east
of "c" Stree t. Thi s is the same prope rty he app lie d for a dup 1e x approva 1
on about March 23, 1970.
Other Business
Dr. L. R. Griffith expects to be in and discuss the proposed enlarge-
ment of his office on the southeast corner of 8th and Race.
Mair Brothers Construction have requested permission to install a
septic tank on Lot 11 and the West i of Lot 12, Block 453 Townsite located
on the northeast corner of 19th and IIFH Streets. Approval of the Health
District has been received.
Jack Plaskett Jr. has requested permission to install three septitt
tanks on lots 7-10 inclusive (also part of lot 6) Block 364 Townsite. He
has received approval from the Health District. This will provide
facilities for buildings on two, seventy-foot and one, eighty foot lots.
Mrs. Earlene Harrison's inquiry about requiring fences around
material and equipment yards in the CAD has been discussed with the City
Attorney. His opinion was that our present interpretation is correct.
If it is desired to make any changes, the worJing of the ordinance should
be changed.
The City Council plans to be present at this meeting for the purpose
of holding a worksession with the Planning Commission following the regular
meeting. The primary topic of discussion will probably be multi-family
Council Action
At its regular meeting of December 1, 1970, the City Council took
the following action on business referred from the Planning Commission.
Robinson - Conditional Use for duplex on Park between Laurel and
Oak - approved as recommended.
Alpine Builders - variance to enlarge existing SFR at 210 So.Francis
approved as recommended.
Art Dunker - corner lot setback in accordance with ordinance
revision; directed building inspector to issue permit if
all other requirements are met.
Rezoning of Suburban Lot 3q - Conducted public hearin~ advertised
for this date 02/1/70) and continued hearing to meetilA.
of 12/15/70 pending receipt of recommendation from ~
Planning Commission.
As of this date, I have no other items submitted for consideration at this
R.P.Willson, Secretary
Minutes of the Port Angeles P1anninq Commission meeting of December
14, 1970.
Present: Acting Chairman Anderson, Sannes, Treat, Dilling, Young,
McHone, Secretary Willson.
Absent: Hunt
The meeting was opened at 7:35 P.M. in the Municipal Chambers. Minutes
of the previous meeting were approved as received.
Old Business
The request by Sunset Developement Corporation for a change of
zoning, from RS-9 to RMF, of Suburban Lot 39 was brought off the table
for consideration. Approximately fifty people were in attendance.
Mr. Harlan Lewis was present and reviewed the project proposed by his
company, and answered questions directed to him by members of the
commission and persons in the audience. Much of the opposition
centered around the fact the developement was proposed for construction
under one of the federally sponsored financial assistance programs.
Mr. Douglas Baker, 2151 We,t 4th;'who iives.ih~the i~mediate'vicinity
and owns a considerable portion of the abutting property spoke in
opposition. Mr. Baker contended the objections were not directed at
a multi-family developement necessarily, but against a low-cost
developement wich would require the expenditure of considerable funds
for maintenance in the near future. Most of the opponents present
felt management and maintenance of such a project would be minimal,
thus resulting in a down grading of the surrounding area. Others
present objected to the increased traffic which would be using west
4th and west 6th Streets, the increased pupil load which would be
placed on Hamilton Schooli over-population of the area, and other
arguments already advanced at the previous hearing. Petitions were
submitted, during the meeting, containing approximately 175 si3natures
in opposition to the rezoning, but there was no opportunity to verify
the validity of the signatures. After a lengthy discussion, it was
moved and seconded to recommend the City Council deny this request
for a rezoning. The vote was unanimous, with one member abst1ining.
New nusiness - Two variance requests had been received and properly
posted for hearin~ at this time.
The Clallam County Housing authority had applied for variances
from (1) the reur property I1ne set-baCk (2) the ratio of land-area-
to units requirements (3) the off-street parking requirements, for
its anticipated housing project on the northeast corner of 5th and
Peabody streets. Mr. Robert Hurworth was present and reviewed the
project for the Commission, illustr?ting his presentation with
preliminary layouts, architects renditions and photographs of similar
developements. The project is to consist of forty units in two story,
masonry -buildings, built under.thefederally-funded "turnkey'l program
as low-income housing for tne elderly. Two proposals were submitted.
One was quite similar to the building completed in 1969 on the north-
west corner of Second and Peabody Streets. . The second, was a build-
ing with a lower profile arid less ~evere lines. The second, or preferred,
developement covered more of the property, thus necessitating the
variances. Following considerable discussion, it was moved, sec~nded
and unanimously voted to recommend to the City Council the following
variances be granted:
Minutes - Port Angeles Planning Commission
Dec. 14,1970
page 2.
(1) Construction to 15.0feet from the alley right-of-way line
be permitted instead of the twenty-five feet required. This is a dead
end alley and serves no habitable property beyond the proposed building
5i te.
(2) The forty-units be allowed on the forty-two thousand square
feet of land instead of the fortysix thousand required by the density
ratio. Even with this variance, the percent of lot coverage relates
31%, to 30% required.
(3) The variance from the off-street parking requirements be
granted, provided, the Housing Authority reserve enou~h land to meet
the requirements. If the need devo1pes in the future, future City
Councils may direct ~his off-street parkinq he provided. In the
meantime, such land ma~;be devoted to landscaping and recreational
facilities with a minimum of twelve off-street parking places to be
immediately provided. Commission members com~ented that observations
of the parkin] facilities atl the present 70 unit proj~ct amply iustified
this relief as use of the parking lot a~ that location was very li]ht
by present occupants.
Mr. James 1. Bairey, had requested a' Conditional Use Permit to
erect a duplex in the CSD-Cl zone along the east side of l1CIt Street at
13th Street. This lies within that portion of the CSD-Cl zone which
has been proposed for allowance of residential occupancies at the
discretion of the Planning Commission. A short discussion followed
and it was moved, seconded and voted to recommend the Council approve
this Conditional Use application at such time as the amended zoning
ordinance is adopted and such action becomes legally possible.
Other Business
Dr. L. R. Griffith was present to discuss the proposed enlargement
of the waiting room in his office at the southeast corner of 8th and
Race streets. Dr. Griffith described the circumstances which
necessitates the enlargement and also the factors which dictated the
direction in which the enlargement had to go. The Commission members
in turn pointed out their concern for the visibility of traffic at this
intersection. A brief discussion ensued, both sides being sympathetic
to the problems involved. Dr. Griffith indicated a willingness to
install windows in the corners of the enlargement for possible
see-thru visibility. The members authorized the building inspector
to issue the building permit if all other requirements can be met.
Maiy Brothers Construction Co. had appliod for permission to
instalra-septic tank on lot 11 and the west half of lot 12, block
453 Towns i te lac a ted on the nor thcas t c orner of 19th and I1F 11 Stree ts.
Health ~istrict approval accompanied the request. The Planning
Commission voted to recommend approval of the applicationA
Mr. Jack Plaskett Jr. had applied for permission to install three
septic tanks on part of lot 6 and all of lots 7 thru 10 inclusive of
block 364 Townsite. This location is on the south side of West 12th
Street between "I" and I1KI1 Streets. Health District approvr"\l
accompanied the requests. The secretary advise the members that Mr.
Plaskett currently has four houses under construction and wishes to
start three more as soon as approval for the septic tanks can be
received. The present four houses are to be connected to a sewer, as
well as any of the three to be started, if possible. The topography
is such however that this may not be feasible. The Planning Commission
voted to recommend the applications be approved.
Minutes - Port Angel~s Planning Commission
- Dec. 14, 1970
page 3.
No further business was presented and the meeting ad~ourned at 8:45 P.M.
Ren le-'-Anderson, l\cting Chairman
Members of the City Council were present and a joint study session
was held on zoning problems. The main item concerned sites for
the construction of multi-family dwellings. Planning Commission
and Council members present expressed their views and suggested
possible solutions. No action was taken.