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Approval of Minutes
Oak Street Conference
Center and Hotel
Port Angeles, Washington
February 23, 2004
Councilmember Rogers called the meeting of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to
order at 3 :05 p.rn.
Members Present:
Councilmember Rogers, Councilmember MUllo, Carol
Griffith, Bob Harbick, Michael Luehrs, and Dave Neupert.
Members Absent:
Jim Haguewood, Patty Hannah, Jack Harmon, Steve Oliver,
and Bill Rinehart.
Staff Present:
Manager Quinn, Clerk Upton, and Recreation Manager
Others Present:
Russ Veenema, Brian Gawley, Randal Ehrn, and Dennis
Councilmember Rogers introduced Councilmember Grant Munro, who joined the
membership of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee as a representative of the City
Approval of Minutes: Michael Luehrs moved to approve the Lodging Tax Advisory
Committee minutes of December 15, 2003. The motion was seconded by Carol
Griffith and carried unanimously.
Oak Street Conference Center and Hotel: Randal Ehrn was present to submit a 60-day
status report on the Oak Street Conference Center and Hotel. He advised the committee
members that he would be on schedule for the submittal of the plans for the Building
Permit. Engineers have been engaged to work on the drawings which will enable him
to do hard numbers. He has ordered a new market study from the Chambers Group, the
results of which he should have in one week. The investment offering is being prepared,
and between the time of submittal and the next Lodging Tax meeting of April 12, he
anticipates having more information regarding the financing.
The Shoreline Permit established a deadline of September 4'h for the commencement of
construction, and Mr. Ehrn was confident the deadline would be met with the facility
opening in the spring of2005. Mr. Ehrn was pleased with progress made thus far, as the
second set of design comments was submitted by Marriott and immediately incorporated
into the design. The plans are for 171 guest rooms, and Mr. Ehrn is working with the
City on required parking. He expected to save $1 - $1.5 million by virtue of reduced
square footage of the entire building. He described changes to the configuration of the
building, which will be a full-service Marriott with three-bay hospitality suites.
Questions and answers followed regarding the building, and Mr. Ehrn indicated the
overall configuration of the hotel is the same. Nothing has been cut out of the
Conference Center, and it is planned there will be a 10,000 square foot ballroom. Russ
Veenema inquired as to whether the Marriott name would help in securing fmancing,
which Mr. Ehrn felt would definitely be the case. If there is equity for the project, he has
been told he won't have any trouble getting financing. Discussion was directed to food
February 23. 2004
Oak Street Conference
Center and Hotel (Cont'd)
and beverage, and Mr. Ehrn advised the committee he would be bringing in very expert
people for the food and beverage program.
Carol Griffith asked ifMr. Ehrnhad secured a letter of intent, but Mr. Ehrn felt it is too
early to proceed on that issue. He indicated he should know in the next several weeks
what the numbers will be. He further indicated that interest from the banking industry
has been evident, and he discussed the benefits of working with a local bank.
Michael Luehrs asked about the parking solution, and Mr. Ehrn responded that he has
been working with Manager Quinn on that issue and, under the Shoreline Development
regulations, the City Light parking lot has been identified for the possible lease of spaces
to Mr. Ehm. That possibility has been built into the fmancial projections, but there is
a question about whether the development time lines will work for both parties. The
various parking alternatives have been reviewed and, over the next sixty days, it is hoped
more information will be available with regard to the fmancial situation. At that time,
Mr. Ehrn felt he would be in a position to provide firm information to the City in order
to address the parking issue in more detail. He noted that the City cannot move forward
without knowing his financial situation. Mr. Ehrn reiterated that, by September 4", he
must break ground because of the Shoreline Permit requirements. He again expressed
confidence that everything would fall in place as planned.
Discussion ensued with regard to the various deadlines that have been set, and Mr. Ehm
indicated that, if everything goes as presently planned, funding should be available in
June. The next step would be the purchase of the property from the Port, after which
construction would commence. Mr. Ehrn discussed the production of the modules and
how they will proceed on that portion of the project.
In response to an inquiry from Carol Griffith, Mr. Ehrn discussed his partners in the
project, as well as the anticipated costs. At this time, the project is expected to total
$17.5 million, plus $2.5 million the first year for operating expenses, as well as
furniture, fixtures, and equipment, for a total loan of approximately $20 million.
Responding to another question, he indicated that Marriott has not been locked in to the
project, which is something that cannot occur until the time the franchise application has
been submitted. The franchise application won't be submitted until the facilitation of
the funding. A question was then asked as to when marketing will commence in view
of the targeted opening in the spring of2005. Mr. Ehrn indicated that Mr. Bud Green
will be the Conference Coordinator, and his scope of work will commence once the
financing has been confirmed. Michael Luehrs inquired as to who engaged the services
of the Chambers Group, Mr. Ehrn or the City. Mr. Ehrn responded he had asked the
Chamber Group to provide analysis, as it is important to obtain a clear understanding of
what the facility can or is expected to command, especially post 9-11.
Mr. Ehrn responded to Councilmember Mumo' s inquiry as to the size ofthe equity being
brought to the table, indicating there is an assumption that 60 - 65% is the amount of
equity they need to generate. He noted he will personally contribute $1 million, and he
informed the committee of other contributions to the project, such as EhrnArchitecture's
donation of his time to the project. Councilmember MUllo asked, with a $3 million
investment, what kind of return would people want? Mr. Ehrn responded that 20% is a
preferred return over a 3 - 5 year period.
Russ Veenema asked about the potential use of the pier in relation to the project, and he
also asked what involved individuals are saying about Port Angeles and its future
through their eyes. Mr. Ehrn first addressed the pier, indicating the Shoreline Permit
application contained information on what he had included in the project, such as a
skybridge to the parking, as well as the addition of a water level dock off the pier.
However, the DNR and DFW are extremely sensitive to these type of issues, so a formal
application must be submitted. The construction permit, however, is a different issue.
He continued that most people he has spoken with feel Port Angeles is a wonderful
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Oak Street Conference
Center and Hotel (Cont'd)
community, and they see a need for such a conference center here. Mr. Ehrn added that
he felt it is a coup for Marriott to be thinking about j oining the project, and he reminded
the group that Allied Hospitality is assigned to be coming here. Carol Griffith asked Mr.
Ehrn ifhe was aware that Quality Inn would be coming to Sequirn. He responded he was
aware of that fact, noting they would have sixty rooms, but no conference center.
Discussion followed, and Councilmember Rogers asked what Mr. Ehrn was providing
in the form of a Peninsula profile, as she wondered if the City could be providing
assistance in that regard. Mr. Ehrn indicated that Richard Leider has been gathering
information and, as the investment offering is provided, it would be helpful to have as
much information as possible. Mr. Leider will be the contact person in that regard.
Russ Veenema asked if there is anything the committee could do to provide assistance,
and Mr. Ehm responded the project is at the stage where the drawings must progress and
the financial offering developed. He felt the most critical issue would be the
consideration of the parking, something he would continue to address with Manager
Quinn. Mr. Veenema offered a courtesy review of the permit; however, Mr. Ehrn
indicated that City staff has been assisting in that regard. There has been ongoing
dialogue with City departments regarding the building permit, answering of questions,
etc. In addition, they have communicated with the Department of Ecology to make sure
the changes made won't alter the existing permit. Responding to a question as to
whether Marriott would name the facility, Mr. Ehrn indicated he would be the
responsible party for the name. Discussion ensued as to the occupancy needed to make
the facility successful, management of the facility in terms of operations and food and
beverage, and the fact that two different entities would be running the facility.
Manager Quinn shared information on the parking, as one of the challenges is having
dual plans for parking with no commitment to design or financing as yet. The parking
facility will be shared on site, and there is a specified time line and a need for a
contingency plan for alternative parking in the interim. Discussion involved the
relationship of the two entities on the parking, and Mr. Ehrn indicated a need to commit
to 200 spaces as of now, but the City would build a bigger facility. Manager Quinn
clarified 300 spaces is the target for the parking facility. Mr. Ehrn added they would
have 27 spaces on site for disabled and limousines. He noted he has served as architect
on similar sized parking structures, so he could assist the City to fast track the project
and shorten the development lime frame. Further discussion ensued on the matter of
parking, with Manager Quinn indicating a second level could be added to the Dupar lot.
He felt there would be some practicalities in need of being worked out, especially since
this project would be underway at the same time as the Gateway project, thus
necessitating some contingency plans such as for the construction workers.
Councilmember Rogers then summarized the discussion held:
,/ Mr. Ehrn has been busy with facility value engineering with reduced square
footage and related cost reductions of$l - 1.5 million;
,/ The facility will accommodate more rooms in lieu of a lounge on the fourth
,/ Mr. Ehrn has been busy prepping for the application for finances with key
items being prepared for the Marriott review team regarding design and
./ Efforts are concentrated on getting to construction costs in order to move to
financing - drawings are being finalized;
,/ There is a plethora of financing options -local banks, etc.;
,/ There is an expectation of June 2004 funding, with a better feel for that in
approximately sixty days;
,/ Parking must still be addressed in conjunction with other City projects, as well
as managing parking for hotel rooms and conference attendees - this is a joint
effort between the City and Mr. Ehrn.
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Oak Street Conference
Center and Hotel (Cont'd)
Discussion was held regarding the Shoreline Permit and what it means to
commence construction as of September 4;
The project is on target to work with City departments to assure a smooth
permit package by the March 28'" deadline; Mr. Ehrn is planning a March 26
Marketing of the facility would commence upon approval of financing;
concurrently with value engineering, the Chambers Group has been engaged
to study post 9-11 analysis plus look at entire facility, value engineering, costs,
and marketing picture of the area so that various costs can be determined.
Councilmember Rogers added that, in visiting other towns with construction projects,
it is clear things are happening and progress is occurring. She felt Port Angeles could
get through these projects in a positive fashion. Discussion briefly involved Marriott's
involvement and Carol Griffith's subsequent request that funds be made available for the
repair of the Laurel Street stairs, as well as needed repair to the mural at the base of the
stairs. Dave Neupert mentioned the possible development of a golf course, something
that was supported by Mr. Ehrn as an added benefit to the community.
Next Meeting
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 12, 2004, at 3:00 p.m.,
in the Public Works Conference Room at City Hall.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.rn.
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Becky J. Upt, Cler
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