HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/02/2004
Committee Vacancies
Update on Oak Street
Conference Center and
Approval of Minutes
Oak Street Conference
Center and Hotel
Port Angeles, Washington
August 2, 2004
Councilmember Rogers called the meeting of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to
order at 3:05 p.rn.
Members Present:
Councilmember Rogers, Jim Haguewood, Bob Harbick,
Jack Harmon, Councilmember Munro, and Dave Neupert.
Members Absent:
Steve Oliver and Bill Rinehart. There are three vacancies at
the present time.
Staff Present:
Manager Quinn, Economic Development Director Smith,
and Clerk Upton.
Others Present:
William Giraldez, Renee Rux, Brian Gawley, Jeff Lane,
Bret Hendren, Russ Veenema, and Dick Goodman.
Economic Development Director Smith informed the committee members there were
corrections to the meeting agenda in that he would be submitting a status report on
filling committee vacancies, plus Randal Ehm was unable to attend this meeting.
Another meeting will be planned for the purpose of receiving a status report on the Oak
Street Conference Center and Hotel.
Committee Vacancies: Mr. Smith indicated there are three (3) vacancies at the present
time on the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, two vacancies representing those who
collect the lodging tax and one vacancy for an at-large position. He felt it important to
fill the positions as soon as possible. A special mailing to all of the lodging facilities
was completed this past week, informing them ofthe vacancies and seeking applicants.
Update on Oak Street Conference Center and Hotel: Mr. Smith indicated that, because
Randal Ehrn was unable to attend today's meeting, another meeting of the Lodging Tax
Advisory Committee will be scheduled for Monday, August 16,2004, at 3:00 p.m., for
the purpose of receiving a status report from Mr. Ehrn.
Approval of Minutes: Dave Neupert moved to approve the Lodging Tax Advisory
Committee minutes of June 7, 2004. The motion was seconded by Jack Harmon
and carried unanimously.
Oak Street Conference Center and Hotel: Copies of Randal Ehrn's Progress Activity
Report #9, dated July 16, 2004, were distributed to the committee, and Tim Smith
reviewed the previous establishment of two important requirements of Mr. Ehm. Mr.
Ehrn was to have submitted proof of financing and was to have broken ground on the
facility by September, 2004. In addition, by March, 2004, Mr. Ehrn was to have
submitted the application for the Building Permit. Mr. Ehrn did submit the Building
Permit application in time; however, he was notified in April that the application was
incomplete. He was asked for information that has not been forthcoming.
Mr. Smith indicated that, due to increased project costs, Mr. Ehrn has been involved in
value engineering that changed the exterior finish of the building as well as internal
structural issues. Steel costs have escalated, thus resulting in configuration changes in
August 2, 2004
Oak Street Conference
Center and Hotel (Cont'd)
2005 Budget Allocations
for Marketing
the interior, to include a diminished number of suites as well as changes to the
conference space. Mr. Smith concluded that there is an incomplete Building Permit
application, and there is no proof of financing. Mr. Ehm has now asked for an extension
of one year of the Shoreline Permit and, without substantial progress, Mr. Smith
indicated he has taken the position that he will not support such an extension.
Acknowledging that he is not the final authority on the issue, he indicated the Lodging
Tax Advisory Committee will be in a position of forwarding a recommendation to the
City Council in this regard.
Mr. Smith continued that, if something substantial does come about with the City
receiving payment for the application fee, and there is substantial proof of financing, he
would be willing to alter his position on the project. Community Development Director
Collins had been asked for clarification with regard to the date ofthe Shoreline Permit,
and he has responded that the actual date would be November 16.
Lengthy discussion ensued, with the suggestion being made that consideration may need
to be given to the cancellation of the City's funding commitment so that lodging funds
could be made available in the event another party could accommodate the community's
need for a conference center. Discussion also centered around whether there is a
contingency clause in the lease with DNR, whether the City can free up the lodging
funds for someone else, and whether any interest has been expressed by any other
parties. Mr. Smith clarified that the decision to extend the Shoreline Permit rests with
the Director of Conununity Development.
In response to a question from Dave Neupert, Manager Quinn provided clarification on
the matter of negotiated parking, noting that the City has determined the number of
parking spaces required and has talked to Mr. Ehrn about being a participant in the
parking facility. Mr. Ehrn would be responsible for his share of the spaces.
It was agreed that further deliberation will take place at the August 16'h meeting, when
Mr. Ehrn is present to submit a report.
2005 Budget Allocations for Marketing: Russ Veenema distributed information
providing a breakdown of2003 and year-to-date 2004 statistics related to lodging taxes
collected, sales taxes, occupancies, web hits, and Visitor Center door counts. After
meeting with Finance Director Ziomkowski and Director Smith, it was concluded that
lodging tax revenues for 2005 should reflect a 4.5% increase to $425,000. Mr. Veenema
reviewed the proposed use of 2005 lodging taxes for marketing purposes, as follows:
Caoital Proiects
Vem Burton Center
Conference Center
Murals/Art Work
Other Capital Projects
Total Capital Projects
$ 44,030
$ 174,030
Event/Tournament Funding
Parks and Recreation
Guest Service
Visitor Center
Marketing Costs
Administrative Support
Special Project Grants
Joint Marketing
Media and Promotional Expenses
Marketing Total
$ 362,000
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August 2, 2004
2005 Budget Allocations
for Marketing (Cont'd)
Proposal for 2004 Special
Event Marketing
Next Meeting
Mr. Veenema's projected expenses for marketing totaled $362,000. He then reviewed
a listing of possible funding options for capital projects, and discussion followed on the
matter of value received for funds invested in marketing as opposed to special events.
Although it is difficult to track progress made by virtue of marketing efforts, Mr.
Veenema noted the numbers have been very good in the second half of the year.
Discussion ensued as to funding for Parks & Recreation, and it was suggested that the
department be asked to increase the number oftournaments. Mr. Smith felt it would be
appropriate for Parks & Recreation to provide the conunittee with a report as to its plans.
Discussion also involved suggestions made as to funding possibilities, such as for lights
at Volunteer Field, covered tennis courts, and training for business owners. Concern
was raised by Mr. Harbick as to lodging tax funds supporting Parks & Recreation
tournaments, as he felt the General Fund should be responsible for those endeavors. Mr.
Smith reminded the committee that it can make recommendations pertinent to lodging
tax funds, but not General Fund activities. The commitment to capital projects was
revisited, and Jim Haguewood recalled that a previous commitment had split the funds
at 30-30-30. However, Dave Neupert recalled that the agreed upon split had been 50-50.
Discussion followed, and William Giraldez felt that restrooms on the Pier were in need
of attention. Jim Haguewood expressed opposition to over expansion of marketing, as
he was concerned about infrastructure and the fact that the City must be able to provide
what it sells, Lengthy consideration was given to capital expenditures versus marketing,
as well as the difficulty in quantifying marketing efforts. Mr. Smith felt that it would be
appropriate for the Chamber of Commerce to return to the August 16'h meeting with
suggestions as to capital investments.
Proposalfor 2004 Special Event Marketing: Jeff Lane and Bret Hendren were present
to submit a proposal for additional 2004 marketing efforts on behalf of the Washington
Association of Historical Living Arts, sponsor of the October 15 - 17 "Pirates of Port
Angeles" event. The Association raises funds to provide medical benefits to struggling
artists, and it is pla1ll1ing the event which is scheduled to involve tall ship tours, a
treasure hunt, and possible entertainment by Jimmy Buffet. Messrs. Lane and Hendren
provided further information to the committee, noting that attendance is expected to
exceed 5,000 people. They plan to heavily market the event in Seattle and Victoria, and
they hope to attract national treasure hunting associations as well. They are requesting
$5,000 from lodging tax funds for marketing purposes.
In the ensuing discussion, it was pointed out that there is a funding process in place via
the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Giraldez, Red Lion Hotel, spoke in support of the
event, and Mr. Smith reiterated the City's past support for events that increase tourism
in the fall and the off-season. Because funds for 2004 special events have already been
committed, Russ Veenema indicated that the committee would have to approve an
expenditure of funds from reserve. Councilmember Rogers noted that, in the past, the
committee has attempted to advocate the process for requesting funds. She felt it may
be important to announce that funds may be available so other organizations have the
same opportunity for funding. Jim Haguewood agreed, feeling it worthwhile to learn if
there are other new events being planned for the fall season. It was agreed this matter
would be given further consideration at the meeting to be held August 16,h
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, August 16, 2004, at 3:00
p.m., to receive a progress report from Randal Ehrn on the Oak Street Hotel/Conference
Center, to consider the 2005 budget allocations for marketing, and to consider a request
for release of 2004 reserves.
re being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:48 p.rn.
Aotl~ JJr.to~
Becky J. Upt City lerk
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