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Approval of Minutes
Oak Street Conference
Port Angeles, Washington
October 23, 2003
Councilman Campbell called the meeting of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to
order at 3:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Councilman Campbell, Councilmember Rogers, Carol
Griffith, Jim Haguewood, Patty Hannah, Bob Harbick,
Michael Luehrs, Dave Neupert, Steve Oliver, and Bill
Members Absent:
Jack Harmon.
Staff Present:
Manager Quinn, Finance Director Ziomkowski, Parks &
Recreation Director Connelly, Economic Development
Director Smith, Clerk Upton, and Recreation Services
Manager Cole.
Others Present:
John Goodman and Brian Gawley.
Approval of Minutes: Michael Luehrs moved to approve the Lodging Tax Advisory
Committee minutes of August 20, 2003, The motion was seconded by Bob Harbick
and carried unanimously.
Oak Street Conference Center: Councilman Campbell indicated that Michael Luehrs had
suggested this meeting for the purpose of establishing some time lines in conjunction
with the Oak Street Conference Center. Mr. Luehrs felt the City would not be well
served to allow the project to proceed absent certain time parameters. To that end,
Councilman Campbell advised the group that Randal Ehrn had been contacted and
invited to attend this meeting; however, his schedule did not permit his attendance. He
made a commitment to attend the next meeting of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee.
Councilman Campbell related that Mr. Ehrn had met with representatives ofthe City, at
which time the City expressed the need to define a process for moving forward on the
project expeditiously in order to see it come to completion. Mr. Ehm had submitted a
proposal on submitting regular status reports to the City, and Councilman Campbell
summarized the proposal, noting that September 4, 2004, is the target date for getting
everything in line for the project. Mr. Ehrn had expressed hope that construction could
begin during the spring of 2004. He had projected the submission of monthly status
reports on financing, as well as all other matters referencing progress for the Conference
Center and Hotel. Further, Mr. Ehm is in the process of updating the pro fonna, since
there have been a number of changes. It is expected the City will be able to view the pro
forma in the next month or two. Mr. Ehm plans to proceed with construction drawings
for the building permit in order to proceed in the spring construction period of 2004.
He expressed his plan to move forward in obtaining all of the necessary permits to
construct the facility, and he plans to get everything in place with an agreement with the
City in order to dovetail with the downtown and City requirements.
Mr. Smith had asked Mr. Ehrn to submit his proposal regarding progress reports in
writing, which resulted in a letter of October 22,2003, copies of which were distributed
to the membership at this time. Mr. Smith reviewed the letter, noting that Mr. Ehm
October 23, 2003
Oak Street Conference
Center (Cont'd)
planned to document his progress in monthly reports to the City, which should put some
parameters around the entire project. Discussion followed, and Bob Harbick felt some
of the work should have been completed by now and it appeared Mr. Ehm was starting
over. Mr. Harbick also felt the proposed time line was unreasonable. Bill Rinehart
indicated that, with the delay of the lawsuit, the plans must now be finalized. What was
submitted earlier was only a conceptual design, and Mr. Rinehart explained the process
for drawings, permits, and then fmancing. Mr. Smith clarified that Randal Ehm had
generated [mancial interest, but that was all pending the lawsuit. He is now in a position
to Darrow the field on his options regarding financing Also, at the City's request, Mr.
Ehm agreed to go forward with engineering and architectural, in spite of whether or not
he has financing.
Discussion and debate followed, and Jim Haguewood felt that March 28'h is a key date,
as it represents the first benchmark for Mr. Ehm to invest approximately $14,000 for
permits. Bill Rinehart estimated that Mr. Ehm would expend over $350,000 in plans and
engineering. Steve Oliver added that, in order to obtain a building permit, Mr. Ehm
must have control of the property either through ownership or permission to proceed.
Manager Quinn indicated that prior discussions were held on the proposed dates, and
they didn't seem unreasonable in terms of the magnitude of the project. Carol Griffith
sought clarification as to what must be completed by March 28'", and Councilmember
Rogers responded that all drawings must be complete, with environmental impacts
addressed, before a building permit can be obtained. Jim Haguewood emphasized that
Mr. Ehm must begin construction by September 4'h and, to meet that deadline, one of the
benchmarks is that he would have a building permit by March 28'h Councilman
Campbell indicated it would not be wise to wait until March 28'" to find out whether or
not a building pennit was obtained, which is why the status reports are being requested.
Patty Hannah felt the benchmark dates should be accepted; however, it should be
understood that there would be consequences if the dates aren't met. Further discussion
and debate followed, and Bill Rinehart clarified the process in that an appraisal of the
project must be completed prior to the commitment of financing.
Tim Smith suggested that Randal Ehm's proposal be accepted with a few modifications,
one specifying there is an expectation that the building permit application would be
completed in full and submitted no later than March 28, plus the City could reserve the
right to proceed in another direction should the complete application not be submitted
by March 28'h Following further discussion, Jim Haguewood moved to reserve the
right to withdraw lodging funds if the March 28'h date is not met. The motion was
seconded by Bill Rinehart.
Dave Neupert felt the motion would address Patty Hannah's concerns, and he indicated
he would like to see a progress report added to the other reports on the issue of
development and submission ofthe building permit. He felt it would be helpful for Mr.
Ehm to join this group for a meeting, and Councilman Campbell noted that Mr. Ehm had
already agreed to a meeting with the committee.
Bill Rinehart moved to amend the motion to change the date to September 4. The
motion was seconded by Steve Oliver. Discussion followed, and Bill Rinehart felt that
financial support could be withdrawn if work hasn't started by that date. Dave Neupert
moved to amend the motion to secure monthly progress reports with information
to assure Building Permit applications will be filed no later than March 28, The
motion was seconded by Bill Rinehart. Discussion followed, and Councilman
Campbell reviewed the main motion, as well as the two amendments. Michael Luehrs
moved to amend the motion to reserve the right to pursue other options. The
motion died for lack of a second.
A vote was taken on the first amendment, to change the date to September 4, which
carried by a majority vote, with Carol Griffith and Michael Luehrs voting in
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October 23, 2003
Oak Street Conference
Center (Cont'd)
A vote was taken on the second amendment, to secure monthly progress reports to
assure Building Permit applications will be filed no later than March 28, which
carried unanimously.
A vote was then taken on the main motion, to reserve the right to withdraw lodging
funds if the September 4 date is not met, and to secure monthly progress reports
to assure Building Permit applications will be filed no later than March 28. The
motion carried unanimously.
Next Meeting
Next Meeting: In keeping with Mr. Ehm's conunitment to provide progress reports every
60 days, beginning December 15, 2003, it was agreed that the next meeting will be held
on Monday, December 15.2003, at 3:00 p.m. The next meeting would then be held
mid-February, 2004.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4: 10 p.rn.
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