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Approval of Minutes
2002 Chamber of
Commerce Marketing
Port Angeles, Washington
November 29, 2001
Councilman Wiggins called the meeting of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to
order at 10:00 a.m.
Members Present:
Councilman Wiggins, Councilman Campbell, Zoe Bay ton,
John Brewer, Carol Griffith, Patty Hannah, Bob Harbick,
Steve Oliver, and Bill Rinehart.
Members Absent:
Jim Haguewood and Jack Harmon.
Staff Present:
Manager Quinn, Economic Development Director Smith,
Clerk Upton, and Recreation Services Manager Cole.
Others Present:
Tony Griffith, Ian Harbick, Brian Pettyjohn, Russ Veenema,
Rick Hert, and Paul Lamoureux.
Approval of Minutes: Zoe Bay ton moved to approve the minutes of the October 17,
2001, meeting. The motion was seconded by Bob Harbick and carried
2002 Chamber of Commerce Marketing Plans: Russ Veenema, Chamber of Commerce
Executive Director, distributed documents pertinent to the Chamber's 2002 marketing
plans. He initiated the discussion with an itemization of the marketing objectives, as
well as the review of a spreadsheet delineating the various components of the media
plan. Mr. Veenema expanded on the different aspects of the ad campaign, showing
mock-ups of the proposed ads and sharing a map setting forth the areas targeted along
the 1-5 corridor.
Mr. Veenema directed attention to a Tacoma News Tribune special ad section, whereby
the Chamber could commit to an ad that would include a new editorial from the Tribune
on a monthly basis. Ads included would be those prepared on a cooperative basis, and
Mr. Veenema reviewed the proposed mix of ads to be included. Thus far, he has
received a total of 37 commitments for area ads out of a total of 48 ads needed.
Discussion was generated as to the merits of the Tacoma market, and Mr. Veenema has
been informed that Tacoma is a very good market for Port Angeles. Additionally, Zoe
Bay ton commented that military personnel from that area also generate a great deal of
business for Port Angeles. Distribution of the Tacoma News Tribune is approximately
300,000. By consensus, the members of the committee agreed that promotional efforts
should proceed in this regard. Mr. Veenema noted there is enough funding in the
contingency to cover the cost if additional ad corrunitments are not received.
Tony Griffith informed the group of calls coming into area lodges with regard to the
Northwest Harbor Holiday celebration, which appears to be generating interest. He
suggested the possibility of dedicating a portion of the $100,000 to the marketing
program in order to stimulate more interest in the area.
In reviewing the details of the joint marketing media plan, Mr. Veenema summarized
November 29, 2001
2002 Chamber of
Commerce Marketing
Plans (Cont'd)
a budget for total expenses of$74,680, with $15,000 remaining. He then summarized
the 2002 event schedule for Port Angeles, where the attempt is made to schedule two
anchor events each month. The media buys and events constitute a budget of$200,000.
On another matter, Mr. Veenema reported that, out of 700 rooms in Port Angeles, he
has received commitments representing 500 beds for occupancy figures. Tim Smith
encouraged him to try and obtain historical figures as well. Zoe Bay ton pointed out that
the occupancy rates serve to assist the economic development effort as relates to those
interested in starting new businesses in the hotel industry. Mr. Veenema indicated he
plans to submit status reports on a regular basis to this committee, and Councilman
Wiggins felt a quarterly report would be helpful.
Cascadia Center Project
Cascadia Center Project: Brian Pettyjohn, on behalf of the Cascadia Center Project,
informed the committee members that the Cascadia endeavor is not just a building, but
a project. He indicated Cascadia has attempted to schedule very specific, benefit-
oriented projects at a time when they are most needed in Port Angeles. He distributed
documents, one of which itemized corporate and private foundations that had expressed
interest in talking to Cascadia about funding possibilities. The Intertribal Governing
Board has also been involved, by virtue ofthe Hall of Sentinels in the lobby. Cascadia
is now ready to proceed toward funding for the brick and mortar portion of the project.
Mr. Pettyjohn advised the committee that Cascadia is in need of support from Port
Angeles, whether in the form of immediate funding or future matching funds.
Nevertheless, an initial expression of local support is quite significant in terms of
obtaining other funding commitments. Mr. Pettyjohn stated that Cascadia was
confident it would raise the necessary funding, plus there are many ways to seek
endowment money. He noted it is very important to have all operating costs defined
and funds obtained before they build something that cannot be maintained.
Cascadia has arrived at a point where the active programs are starting to take shape,
such as a program in therapeutic puppetry, as well as a stage band competition, both of
which have funding commitments. Mr. Pettyjohn emphasized the importance of the
City's help in "opening the gate" for other funding sources. Cascadia is ready to make
presentations to the major funding sources, plus meetings have been scheduled with the
staff members for Senator Cantwell and Congressman Dicks.
Lengthy discussion followed, and Mr. Pettyjohn responded to a question from
Councilman Wiggins on the projected cost for bricks and mortar, which is $35 - $39
Million. Councilman Wiggins asked for clarification in that it was his understanding
the Cascadia request to the City was for the feasibility study, with which Mr. Pettyjohn
agreed. He added that the architect is willing to provide some of their services pro
bono. Mr. Pettyjohn indicated the feasibility study is particularly important in that it is
the first step to requests for brick and mortar funding.
Mr. Pettyjohn was asked as to the location for the project, and he summarized the
original intent to possibly use the DelGuzzi property. Also, in considering the amount
of property needed for the project, Cascadia would consider a waterfront location in the
form of the Oak Street property in conjunction with the Landing. Tim Smith indicated
this would be consistent with their original concept to use a campus approach, and he
queried as to whether it was Cascadia's intent to consider this possibility if the
conference center does not come to fruition. Mr. Pettyjohn acknowledged that the
Cascadia project would be an alternative for Oak Street if the current conference center
efforts do not come to fruition. Mr. Pettyjohn indicated Cascadia's vision is to provide
conference center capabilities, along with breakout meeting rooms.
Councilman Wiggins envisioned receiving a pro forma inclusive of the number of
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November 29, 200 I
Cascadia Center Project
projected events, revenue, operating costs, and the like. Understanding much of this
information will be forthcoming through the feasibility study, it would be helpful to at
least have some estimates to assist the committee in determining if this is a reasonable
project. For example, how much revenue could be anticipated from events? Mr.
Pettyjohn indicated the main concert hall is 75% booked, the drama theater is 40% full,
the theater-in-the-round is still somewhat speculative, and the lobby is presently
unknown. It is anticipated there will be approximately 43 employees at an average
salary of$38,500. Councilman Wiggins felt that, before a group such as this committee
can commit favorably or financially, it is essential to know if the project is real. Mr.
Pettyjohn felt a pro forma could be provided in short order, and he noted the City may
wish to impose a type of entertainment tax in order to use the project as a source of
Discussion followed on whether the City could provide funding for another phase of the
project as opposed to helping fund the feasibility study. Mr. Pettyjohn felt the
commitment from the City to be most important in terms of project support. He was
looking for a pledge of funding based on other future commitments. Discussion was
also held on possible project locations, and Tim Smith inquired as to whether sites other
than those being considered for the conference center were a possibility. Mr. Pettyjohn
indicated that Cascadia had expressed some interest in the Elks Building. Tim Smith
indicated it would be helpful to see letters of support for the use ofthe proposed project.
Additionally, Zoe Bay ton asked for information relative to attendance at other events,
such as the Little Theater. Tim clarified the need for a collection ofletters from groups
in terms of the number of anticipated performances. expected attendance, and level of
commitment. Mr. Pettyjohn indicated he could have a more detailed pro forma and
letters of support from interested performance groups back to the committee within
about two weeks. After further brief discussion, it was agreed that another meeting of
the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee will be set once the pro forma has been
submitted. Patty Hannah encouraged Mr. Pettyjohn to seek letters of intent from
possible funding sources.
Tim Smith submitted a brief status report on the review of proposals for the conference
center. He announced the possibility of a joint meeting between the Lodging Tax
Advisory Committee and the Downtown Forward Executive Committee on December
17 to hear a recommendation from the review committee.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at II :20 a.m.
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Approval of Minutes
Cascadia Center Project
Port Angeles, Washington
October 17, 2001
Councilman Wiggins called the meeting of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to
order at 2:10 p.m.
Members Present:
Councilman Wiggins, Councilman Campbell, Zoe Bay ton,
John Brewer, Carol Griffith, and Bob Harbick.
Members Absent:
Jim Haguewood, Patty Hannah, Jack Harmon, Steve Oliver,
and Bill Rinehart.
Staff Present:
Manager Quinn, Economic Development Director Smith,
and Clerk Upton.
Others Present:
Russ Veenema and Jan Harbick.
Approval of Minutes: John Brewer moved to approve the minutes of the October 4,
2001, meeting. The motion was seconded by Zoe Bay ton and carried unanimously.
While awaiting the arrival of Brian Pettyjohn of the Cascadia Center Project,
Councilman Wiggins informed the committee members that the City Council had
approved the 2002 lodging tax allocations as recommended by the Lodging Tax
Advisory Committee. Russ Veenema reported that three (3) facilities have now signed
the confidentiality agreement in order to provide occupancy figures to the Chamber of
By Mr. Pettyjohn's absence, it was concluded there had been an miscoI1lll1unication as
to the scheduling for this particular meeting. The meeting will be rescheduled to
another date.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m.
. ,
-- Glenn Wiggins, Chair
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Becky J. Up, Clerk