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Approval of Minutes
Chamber of Commerce
2003 Lodging Tax
Port Angeles, Washington
December 12, 2002
Councilman Campbell called the meeting of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to
order at 3 :00 p.m.
Members Present:
Councilman Campbell, Councilmember Rogers, John
Brewer, Carol Griffith, Bob Harbick, Jack Harmon, Steve
Oliver, and Bill Rinehart.
Members Absent:
Zoe Bayton, Jim Haguewood, and Patty Hannah.
Staff Present:
Economic Development Director Smith, Clerk Upton, and
Recreation Services Manager Cole.
Others Present:
Russ Veenema, Paul Lamoureux, John Platt, Dick
Goodman, Tony Griffith, Brian Pettyjohn, Jan Harbick,
Kristi Agren, and Brian Gawley.
Approval of Minutes: Steve Oliver moved to approve the Lodging Tax Advisory
Committee minutes of October 17 and October 31, 2002. The motion was seconded
by Bill Rinehart. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried by a majority
vote, with Bob Harbick abstaining due to absence from the October 17 meeting and
Councilmember Rogers and Jack Harmon abstaining due to absence from the
October 31 meeting.
Chamber of Commerce Report: Economic Development Director Smith added to the
agenda a report from Russ Veenema, Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Veenema distributed
copies of the report to the cornmittee members, after which he reviewed a comparison
of2002 room tax revenues and expenses to projected 2003 figures. He summarized the
goals for the 2003 marketing campaign, as well as an itemization of the 2003 marketing
allocations. Mr. Veenema reviewed the details of the 2003 media plan, directing
attention to the various ads to be placed in newspapers and magazines. Print marketing
will involve a full run in the Sunset magazine, as well as an overprint of the Visitor
Guide map for the Olympic Peninsula. Mr. Veenema addressed the criteria to be used
in determining which special events will receive funding. He then shared information
relative to a new prograrn in the form of a Marketing Match Program, relating the
criteria to detennine eligibility and the means by which the funds will be awarded. He
shared copies of color ads to be used in 2003.
In the ensuing discussion, Kristi Agren of the Visitor & Convention Bureau, announced
the Peninsula will have four pages in the State lodging guide and, after significant effort,
the Peninsula will be on the cover of the guide. Councilman Campbell noted the
excellence of the Chamber's marketing efforts. Mr. Veenema, in responding to an
inquiry, reviewed the joint marketing program and the active participants from Clallam
and Jefferson Counties. Jack Harmon pointed out that this group is working on a
mitigation project for the Hood Canal closure.
2003 Lodging Tax Committee: Councilman Campbell reported that Zoe Bay ton had
resigned from the membership of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. In that one
December 12, 2002
2003 Lodging Tax
Committee (Cont'd)
vacancy has been created and, because the conuruttee needs to be reappointed in its
entirety on an annual basis, he suggested it is timely to consider the current membership.
The committee's recommendation concerning the membership will be forwarded to the
City Council for action. In considering possible nominees to replace Ms. Bay ton's
position as a representative of the lodging industry, the name of Michael Luehrs, Red
Lion Hotel, was placed in nomination by Bob Harbick. Carol Griffith placed the name
of John Platt, Best Western Olympic Lodge, in nomination. The committee expressed
interest in making a recommendation by ballot, so Tim Smith departed the meeting to
prepare the ballots. At this time, it was noted that John Brewer, Chamber of Commerce
representative, is to be replaced by Dave Neupert. Pending Mr. Smith's return to the
meeting, the committee moved forward on the agenda.
Report on Cascadia Proj ect
Report on Cascadia Project: Representing The Cascadia Center for the Perfonning and
Literary Arts, Brian Pettyjohn advised the committee members that Rick Porter would
no longer be serving as Legal Counsel. In addition, Elaine Grinnell from the Jamestown
Klallam Tribe has been elected to the Cascadia Board.
Mr. Pettyjohn was present to submit a lodging tax funding request in the amount of
$88,400. He distributed information pertinent to the request, noting that the request is
intended to be utilized for Rise Alaska in rewriting and articulating Cascadia's business
plan, conference center advertising expenses, graphic design expenses, and staff and
administrative support. He indicated that Cascadia expects to be open in the fall of
2006, and smaller to mid-size groups will be marketed. Mr. Pettyjohn indicated that one
of the goals is to put heads in beds and, with the size of meetings they hope to attract,
there will be a need for more hotel rooms in Port Angeles. Marketing expenses
budgeted at this time will be applied to seek groups to utilize the facilities immediately
upon opening in 2006. Because of the stakeholders involved, there will be several
indoor activities scheduled exactly when they are needed to impact the economy in the
area. Mr. Pettyjohn stated that Cascadia plans to partner with the Chamber and the VCB
in this regard.
Mr. Pettyjohn reviewed current efforts to work with students at the Choice School in
concert with Peninsula College in terms of integrating technology into the arts. Citing
the success of Cornell University with regard to education in the hospitality industry,
Mr. Pettyjohn indicated that Peninsula College hopes to attract 30-45 students to the area
for this type of education.
Councilman Campbell expressed the committee's best wishes to Cascadia, and
discussion followed concerning the business plan and whether financial connnitments
have been made to Cascadia. Mr. Pettyjohn responded that fund-raising efforts will
commence in earnest in March, 2003, and he indicated that he has been told that
Cascadia could not expect financial support from others in the absence of City support.
Nevertheless, Cascadia currently has approximately $40-45,000 in the form of
commitments. Mr. Pettyjohn briefly summarized efforts underway in the area of
property acquisition. Discussion followed.
Return to 2003 Lodging
Tax Committee
Return to 2003 Lodging Tax Committee: Tim Smith distributed ballots to the members,
after which it was announced that 6 ballots had been cast for Michael Luehrs, and 2
ballots had been cast for John Platt. The name of Michael Luehers will be forwarded
to the City Council as the recommended replacement for Zoe Bayton.
Oak Street Conference
Center Project
Oak Street Conference Center Project: Tim Smith reported that, as a follow-up to the
last Lodging Tax meeting, the "ball had been left in the developer's court". There was
an expressed need for the developer to come forward with full financing, and Mr. Ehm
indicated this week that he is continuing to work on that particular issue. There has been
an appeal filed by a number of parties to the Shoreline Conditional Use Pennit, and the
process to be initiated will commence with a January 3 teleconference among the parties
concerned. A hearing will then follow April 28 - 30, 2003.
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December 12, 2002
Oak Street Conference
Center Project (Cont'd)
Lengthy discussion ensued as to the impacts of the appeal on Mr. Ehm's time line for
the Conference Center and whether the committee should keep giving the project more
time. It was pointed out by Councilman Carnpbell that the appeal was not ofMr. Ehm's
making, and the City has submitted a letter of intent for the project. Further discussion
and debate followed, and Steve Oliver indicated that many developers understand an
appeal such as this is part of the process and is typical in the present day. This led to
discussion as to how long funds will be set aside as relates to the $100,000 per year
funding commitment on the part of the City. Bob Harbick pointed out that it would
appear there will be excess funds, particularly as this project is delayed. However, it
was noted that the City should not lose sight of the need for a conference center and the
process initiated to get the conference center. Further, any funds considered to be excess
might well be applied to other conference center opportunities should the effort with Mr.
Ehmnot come to fruition. Steve Oliver emphasized the fact that the issue and timing of
payments by the City is still subjectto final lease negotiations with Mr. Ehm. Tim Smith
reiterated there are other options for the City to pursue in building a conference center
if the funds are set aside.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
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Becky J. Up , . y Clerk
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