HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 1/2/2002 (2) ~ t,' I' ORTAN~EJ.;ES, ,~ ." ~"'GENT;\A !<"%{',:;::",-,::~ ,', ".lJ_~, '.~""CIT~,CO,UNCIi:'~:F;rING ' ,c321 E~T miii STREET' i;_'",; ASH I N G TON. U. S. A. J all1J~ry 7;",,70Q~""":;F;, REGtrtA<<l\'iEETIl~G..'r~~!~"Op.rp. f~L/1'()q!u?ER-:RegularMeetiI1i'!(6:00p.m.) .'" . ......., ;. ,,'t... ....,.., '1. Administration 9f,b~th 9fOffice tpqary Braun, Richard Headrick, Karen'Rog~rs,.al!cl.!-~~ Willi~ms 2. Election/SeatingofMaY9r:,'.;", ' ' . 3. .Election/Seating of Deputy-Mayor: ROLL.CALL- PLEDGE'OFALLEGIANCE - " PTJB:(,.IC CERE~ONI,ES,PRESEN'I'ATIONS ~~~()~L~TJ()~S <' ... ~~~9~iti()rihf t4~;,N~~natiop otB~~J.~gllills to"the Coll~ge ofFe!lows of the AmeI19at1'{. ,<.lnstitute of Certified Planners '}:",",::,;';'l''-~',:i-', '; '---'i,';',:,::1;'V,l'A:"",:"" !' ;, ,_,"i;;i:1>:, Read Recogi1ition ~~terial . ',':, , ',""--"",:'-.-'-,y-::,.,:<',"'.;,, " '"'ii' '1~ B,WORKSESSION 1: Mors~Cr~~k Ba~i~ W atersh~d Plan . . Reco'mrriendations ,! ,,-,""-''-!11';' .= C. . LATEITEl\f~!rO'BE PLACE~ ON*~:J:IIS':ORF~~~GENDAS (BYC~~~~iV'StaJJ;-d.&publiC),~ . PU>>LIC;CO~l'IT FOR ITEMS .~OT.oN AGE~~,~t..(Thi~ is the opportunitYfor"!~,!,l;ersof the publtc.to speak to the.City Council about anyth~'fg n'!!.81J thea$enda. plea,w! keep comments to 5-!Ominutes;) D. FINANCE E. CONSENTAGENDA 1. City COllncil minutes - December 17; 2001 specialmee~I1g~~o9,ging Tax and D9wntown ForWard JoiritMee,ting) ,.,' 2. City Council minutes - December 18, 2001 13 regular meeting 3. Surge Tank Bid Award Acceptance 19 4. NWPP AlElectrical Safety Consultants Inter- 21 national Contract for 2002 5. USDA Agreement to Provide Wildlife 23 Services for 2002 6. Payroll Information - December 23,2001 - 27 $433,228.76, ElectrqrHc Payments: Dec. 21 - $1,339,134.00; and Check Register: Dec. 27- $907,881.02 January 2, 2002 , NOTF;:HEARIN. . GtDEVI~ESlAYAIL.MJLE.FOR;t:':H.. O.S. EN.....E E.D...ING'AS..SISTANCE ..,;:MAYORfTO,DETERMlNETIMEOE,~BREAK .. . .... PoitAiigeleifCityCorinc!l Meeting "c,'--"fi.i ': .Page - 1 I' " . :-"",:_'~,'JS'T ' ,,' ;,-'-~ ,', :' --,~ ~~f'~W,;' ,~:,~, "iif~,:/i-~_~'_;_' :_.:,:'\t>',_; . ---,:.;/~?,p_:>lr{~ ;'f,"';" " "+,, :.; , ., '"'-,->:j:-'", ~. ,', ';Fj;i"'i"~?1!i :{'(.i~'::"~?~; ~":~ I F. G. NOTE: HEARING DEV!€}JS'AXAIUABLEFOll TH(jSF:~.~~DINGASSISTANCE' :;MAveRTeIDE-TERMINETlMEJ)Fiiinu:KK,'i, ",;",Bn,,,':' ,',. JanuarY,2, 2002 . .,POI't Angeles City C6ili1i::WMeetmg ,i Page - 2 "l1q/f"'"",!-t't~""14"~ Mt .;;4~~~lF'~ ti"f~ C-[rI,,'tt~ ~J.~. ~ ~ '~ / ~. tu ., ~cL ()vJ.~. G,,0 .~ -r- ~~ Lo& ;;n.d - /UD r~~' {)Tv. i:!. t::::. ~ . CITY OF PORT ANGEL'ES ~ ~ · ~ORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. January 2.2002 I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: ~ W , (;:tn)~ n. ROLL CALL: Members Present: - " Mayor (h~tu~~ 1/ Councilman Braun ~ Councilman Campbell Councilmember Erickson Councilman Headrick Councilmember Rogers Councilman V/iggins Councilman Williams v V- I/'" ,,/ t// Staff Present: Manager Quinn Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton / ~ 4- ) ~ ~ t/ ;"./ II B. Collins M. Connelly G. Cutler D. McKeen T. Riepe y. Ziomkowski ~.~ ........-/ Other Staff Present: %.~ 1.~_ ~ cLy 1<.-0('. ~ tl/vI .e. k:. l.~ In. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: ~~U~~VjlI~jV~J~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES · :FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: LOCATION: January 2. 2002 City Council Chambers \c..E EN k~ oS N. II jJ... ~7: 2--;1, MEMO PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT Glenn A. Cutler Director [4801] Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant [4800] Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant [4700] Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802] Gary Kenworthy Deputy Director and City Engineer [4803] Scott McLain Deputy Director [4703] Jim Harper Electrical Engineering Mgr. [4702] Larry Dunbar Power Resources Mgr. [4710] Doyle McGinley Water. Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855] Pete Burrett Equipment Services Superintendent [4835] Dave Ireland Light Operations Manager [4731] Jeff D. Young Treat. Plant Superintendent [4845] Tom McCabe Solid Waste Superintendent [4872] Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor [4873] Mike Horton Street Maintenance Supervisor [4825] FORWGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. DATE: January 2, 2002 TO: .~ Mayor and City Council FROM: Director Public Works and Utilities RE: MORSE CREEK HYDROELECTRIC FACILITY Mr. Kevin Duncan of Ebey Hill Hydroelectric, Inc., at the December 18,2001 City Council meeting, questioned the due diligence of the staff concerning the activation of the Morse Creek Hydroelectric facility, the status of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license and status reporting to Ebey Hill. The staff assured Mr. Duncan and City Council that the reactivation of the Morse Creek Hydroelectric facility was a high priority but that significant challenges needed to be addressed. Attached is a copy of a letter recently forwarded to FERC addressing the actions the City has taken in response to their direction concerning this project. Also attached are supporting documents concerning the current status. The intent of the memo is to assure you that we are moving forward, albeit not as quickly as desired, and keeping Ebey Hill informed of the events. If you have any questions please contact me at your convenience either at the office or by phone at 417-4800. Glenn A. Cutler Attachments: City of Port Angeles ltr of December 21,2001 FERC ltr of May 14,2001 (Consultation) FERC ltr of July 6, 2001 (FERC License) Copy to: City Manager Deputy Director PW&U, Power Systems N :\PWKS\LIGHT\Duncan _Redress. wpd ~.,~- ~ ~ORTANGELES CITY OF WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. PUBLIC WORKS 8: UTILITIES DEPARTMENT December 21, 2001 Mr. David P. Boergers, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street N.E. Washington, D.C. 20426 RE: Morse Creek Project No 6461 Dear Mr. Boergers: The City of Port Angeles would like to update the Commission on the status for reactivation of the Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project No. 6461. One crthe items that have delayed the reactivation of the project has been a repair to th:;; water transmission pipeline in a di fficult area to access with equipment. All permits have beer. acquired from both Clallam County and the Washington Dcpar1ment of Ecology to make the repair, and this repair will be completed wh~n there ~s a week of clear weather to perform the work in accordance with the pennits. Because ot the difficult access, it was necessary to get an additional construction easement o'ler private property for equipment access to the site. This easement has also been ohtained. ~" ~ The other issue that has delayed reactivation is consultation with the agencies concerning the Endangered Species Act and two listed species that exist in this region, Chinook salmon and bull trout. We have had several meetings, starting in April 2001, with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), Washington State Fish and Wildlife, Washington Department of Ecology, National Marine Fisheries Service (represented by FWS), and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe to discuss possihle effects to listed species and how the project can minimize the potential for taking of any listed species. Per your requirements in your letter dated May 14, 2001, the City will continue informal discussiuns with the agencies to determine impacts to listed species. The City has contracted with CH2MHill for services of a fishelies expert to consult with the agencies. These talks are progressing, but no agreements have been reached at this time. Our next scheduled meeting is January 24,2002. The City believes this issue is the critical path for project reactivation. The City had intended that the lessee of the project would make repairs to the pipeline after the lease was signed, but hecause of the delays in permitting and acquiring the construction easement for the project, along with the requirements of the Endangered Species Act, the City intends to make the necessary repairs in parallel with the 321 EAST FIFTH STREET · POBOX! 150 · PORT ANGELES. WA 98362-0217 PHONE. 360-417-4805 · FAX 360-417-4542 · TTY. 360-417-4645 E-rvlAI L PU BWOP KS_~CI PORT-M,GEL E5 WA. US '?.1~~"":~:~,!""'~.I,~~:t" ~~,~.,.,..r.',?;'l1~~ .~''":''"; ,r consultation with the agencies. This is intended to speed up reactivation once agreement is reached with"!he agencies. On Septemb~r 12,2001, Mr. Karl Swanson of the FERC Portland, OR office inspected the project and highlighted six items that need to be completed prior to operation. The City co~curs with his findings, and will complete these items before resuming operation. " Thank you for your patience and help in the reactivation of this project. Sincerely, . )~ -1YJ< o(~ Scott McLain Deputy Director of Power Systems Cc: Ms. Brett DeMond Department ofFish and Wildlife 600 North Capital Way Olympia, Wa. 98504 " William C. Fiymire, MG., Office of the Attorney General . Fish and Wildlife Division ~ P. O. Box 40100 Olympia, Wa. 98504-0100 Christine O. Gregoire Office of Attorney General P. O. Box 40117 Olympia W A. 98504-0117 Nancy J. Gloman u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service 510 Desmond Drive SE, Suite 102 Lacey, W A 98503 Mr. Karl Swanson, PE .Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Portland Regional Office 101 S.W. Main Street, St:ite 905 Portland, OR 97204 Mr. Kevin Duncan Ebey Hill Hydroelectric, Inc. 25829 JimCreek Road Arlington, W A 98223 . ..1 L E (~. ~ ~ \J ~~ ~.,~; i-lilY , 7 2001 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULA TORY COMMISSION Washington, D. C. 211426 OFFICE OF ENERGY PRO.JECI'S Project No. 646] -Washington Morse Creek Project City of Port Angeles Mr. Steven E. Hursh City of P0l1 Angeles P.O. Box] ] 50 P0l1 Angeles, W A 98362 MAY 14 2001 Dear Mr. Hursh: We received a copy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (FWS) letter to you, dated March 26, 200 I, regarding possible impacts to bull trout and chinook salmon, both listed under the Endangered Species Act, resulting from continued operation of the Morse Creek Project. The project is located on Morse Creek in ClaUam County, Washington. BACKGROUND ., The Commission issued a license for the operation of the Morse Creek Project on September 20, ] 985. 1 On October 8, ] 998, you filed an application to surrender the license for the Morse Creek Project stating the annual expenses to operate and maintain the project exceed the value of the project's generation. The Commission issued an Order Conditionally Accepting Surrender of License, on October 22, 1999. Ordering paragraph (A) of that order required you to submit within] 20 days, documentation verifying certain measures have been taken to secure project facilities. By letter to the Commission dated July 18, 2000, you indicated that a separate entity was interested in operating the project on your. behalf. 2 More recently, in a letter to the Commission dated March 14,2001, you state that the City Council has approved a lease agreement with EBEY Hill Hydroelectric that would operate the project for you. In 132 FERC ,-r 62,6] 8 (1985). See also 43 FERC,-r 62,234 (1988) and 51 FERC,-r 62,328. 2See the Commission's response to you dated September 20, 2000. 1- -,'~!1.!"ri;-~..:\~'-c1>~~.f'"''-. >4'1",-""'"S-,",,.,. "l,,~ "-,, 2 this letter, you asked the Commission to allow a reasonable time frame to make the repairs on the pipeline so that the project can be brought on-line.3 MARCH 26, 200] LETTER In its March 26 letter, the FWS expressed concern over the slope stability along the penstock route and the installation of a permanent tailrace barrier. The FWS encouraged you to contact us to initiate section 7 consultation or alternatively prepare a habitat conservation plan under section ] 0 of the Endangered Species Act. The FWS also requested a meeting with you and any potential lessors of the project to discuss ways in which to avoid or minimize the potentia! for the t~king oflisted species. We understand that in April, you met with the FWS on this matter and have hired a consultant to assist you in this endeavor.4 The FWS agrees to continue to work with , you informally in addressing their concerns. Given possible project-related impacts to bull trout and chinook salmon, we encourage you to continue to work with the FWS in identifying any possible project- related impacts to listed species. As the FWS's letter indicates, formal section 7 consultation is necessary if it is determined that there is an adverse effect on listed species resulting from project operation. ,f;:: The FWS has indicated they arepleased with your progress and wish to continue to work infol111ally with you. If as a result of your investigations, you determine that project operation is adversely affecting listed species and additional measures may be necessmy to protect listed species, please notify the Commission as soon as possible. In this case, an amendment to your license may be necessaly. If Commission staff can be of assistance to you in this matter, please contact Dimla Shannon at (202) 208-7774. Thank VQII fQr vou.r cooperation. - "' . Sincerely, / / /.~ /j(.-,7 Ji.. {. i'v~/.j ...... f',-f--' l- George H. Taylor Group Leader Division of Hydropower Administration and Compliance 3This is being addressed in a separate proceeding. 4Ph~ne conversation between Mr. Fred Seavey, representing the FWS, and Diana Shannon, Commission staff, on May 8, 200]. FEDERAL ENERGY REGULA TORY COMMISSION Washington, D. C.10416 OFFICE OF ENERGY PROJECTS P-6461-022- Washington Morse Creek Project City of Port Angeles, Washington Mr. Scott McLain Deputy Director of Power Systems City of Port Angeles, Washington 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217 JUL 0 ~ 2001 Dear Mr. McLain: Thank you for your letter filed on April 30, 2001, which included a nine-point start up plan and a copy of the draft lease agreement that we had requested between the City and EBEY Hill Hydro Inc. for the Morse Creek Project. You also advise that the City provided a tour and inspection of the project on April 18,2001, with representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington Department ofFish and Wildlife, the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, and Protect the Peninsula's Future. We commend you for initiating discussions with these groups either interested. in or affected by the City's decision to restart project operations. We have reviewed your nine-point plan for project reactivation and we find it acceptable; please be aware that all significant construction actions should be coordinated beforehand with the Commission's Portland Regional Office. We have also coordinated our review of the draft lease agreement with the Commission's Office of General Counsel. In their opinion, the agreement should be modified to the extent that a Linweave 1 clause is added to ensure compliance with the Commission's project control requirements. The following provision has been approved by the Commission and I have enclosed a copy of the Linweave order for your reference. Notwithstanding any provision contained herein, Lessee, its successors, and assigns, have the right to perform any and all acts required by an order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or its successor 123 FERC ~ 61,391 (1983). "'!;'r"i>',':f7">,;;:.i:"::f'TIf; -:- ";-'\'''':-'--'~;:'' P-6461-022 -2- affecting the leased premises without the prior approval of the Lessor. In view of the City's decision to not complete the voluntary surrender of its project and instead commit to reactivation, we are deferring any further action concerning compliance with the deadlines for making the Commission's surrender order effective. Your letter filed on March 14, 2001, stated that the City's permit for making pipeline repairs restricts construction activities to certain weather conditions. You indicated that establishing a repair schedule under these circumstances is difficult and requested that the Commission allow a reasonable time frame to make the repairs. If the City will not have the project operational by December 31, 2001, please provide us with a status report by that date and, to the extent possible, a schedule for completing reactivation. Your cooperation is appreciated. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact me at (202) 219-2867. Sincerely, I~J. M'tf~. Peter J. McGovern Division of Hydropower Administration and Compliance. Enclosure: Order of June 21, 1983 cc: Michael Quinn, City Manager (w/o enclosure) City of Port Angeles, Washington 321 East Fifth Street P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington 98362-0217 RESIDENT.s MESSAGE I I LET'S RE'OGNIZE OURSELVES As LEADERS ! ..:..:.;....;;;......:~.~;:::~.~~; ..e...n. 'e.Xid......;.~..,d,C. olliiut,.AJ,CP,t ........ !,._._.,"'."JII!" .'," ~~ '~,,::":;. '-;i.e~ . ,,,,,-~ .L....M R. "M';" ., w"" r~I.;~V~.ws;;. yer, . il<.f! .~;.:~ Wolfe AWtlrd far. Outstandi~ ;~ Service to the Planning Professich. Brad has served the planning profession for 30 ycars as a teacher, mentor, private planner and planning director. Steve Lewis, AICP, was awarded the President's Award for outstand- ing service [0 the chapter. Steve recently completed his two years as chapter president. Previously, Steve served many years as professional develop- ment officer (PDO) and set records for "pass rates" for AICP c<lndidares and for envianle FA.ICP nomination packages (l have heard this from many other chapter presidents!). Congratulations, Brad and Steve! Lisa Verner, AICP Usa. verner@weyerhaeuser.com Well, wc had a great con ference... in a beautiful ciry. Richard Rolland, H<1<l C<1tnmirree chrlir, pulled ,)llt all the stops. I would like to personally thank Heather McCartney, AICP, for her outsranding leadership of the st,He conference. Heather put 111 countless hours organizing ..me! (1\Trseeing Cl)nference ;lanning, and it showed' Roberta lewandowski, AICP; lyn Keenan; Roger Wagoner, FAlep; Rich Carson; and Kamuron Gurol, AICP, put Illgether the session tr<lcks and speakers. The inimitanle Joanie Pop was our conference mrlnager "Ile,' ag<lin. Thank YOll ali I NEWS OF THE DAY We have really great people \\'Ithin our chapter. We nomi- nated BradCollins,AI~ HeatherMcC~rtney, AICP; ,1l1c1 Harold Robertson, AICP, to the College of Fellows of the r American Institute of Certified i Planners..JFAICPl. This is a prestigious honllr and is based on rheir significant service within the pl<lnning profession. Susan Winchell, AICP, chaired this nominations committee. The nominees who are accepted .Will be inducted as Fe\1ows at the National Cnnference next year. Severa I of our members were recognized at the state confer~ PLANNING NORTHWEST il' ~, LEADERSHIP ISSUES Mrlyor John Powers of Spokane discussed leadership issues with us at the conference. He inspired us with his vision for Spokane and posed the ques- tion: Are planners regul<ltors or visionaries? "We're viSIOnaries" is my resounding answer I As planners we deal with regulation on a daily basis-to get us to the place we want to go, not as an end unto itself. Planners are community leaders. Leadership is about ha~ing <l dream and crafting a way to get there. We must move beyond setting up reglllations rhat ,lCt as barriers to achieving the dream and create a climate in which implementation is the norm. At the conference, several outstanding examples of planning leadership were recognized through the /\PA/ PAW Joint Awardsprogram (See awards imide on this page.). Good jon, everyone! Lead on! ~~l~?Sp';f-!:~~ijE:~#;~i~~~m;:~~:: ~;~~;l~~f~:'~o~::':: :;~:.:~' ~: : :.:,.~!<3:,J~'@4;;:.~~~-:,;;. 91!g~:.,;,re\ :,~~.J~T::~;..;::.:.:: ~:::-,.:~~;;: ::-::;..:: :.i,:,-:~::=-=~:~,:,..:.::::..~:::..-:t;:!:-:::~;::':=;-:~' J. :;:~~, .~ '::. :<::-~'::::', - .. t~$I~~l%~~&.~[~ii~;J~~iti:~~i~~~~tr:~~:~5i~~~: .... ;.:.~. .~=;;::::: :;:,:::: :: ~: ::':,: :~;:,;:,:.;;;; ~...: ~-~;: : ::::~.:. ';.:~...... ~":'.::': ~ ::;~~ .:~~:' ': ::::'. . m~~ilC~~.r~~rrifij!~~:~l~iii~~l~wJi~WnIri~~~;c~~mt ... ~j,AtJlOti.~la.n-~;: ;";~~~~::;~~::. ::~;:t':':~.::.: ;~;::: ,";.::::;;.:~':~i~:- '.:;;:.: -. :;:;. ~~. 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CITY COUNCIL MEMO January 2, 2002 MA YOR AND CITY COUNCIL Brad Collins, Community Development Director ~ WATERSHED PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE MORSE CREEK BASIN Summary: The Elwha Morse Management Team has prepared recommendations for watershed plan policies regarding the Morse Creek Basin (Attachment A). The City of Port Angeles as one of five initiating governments under the State's Watershed Planning Act (2514) must agree to policies adopted for the western Water Resource Inventory Area 18 (Morse Creek to Elwha River Basins). The policy recommendations for Morse Creek are the first to be developed so far in the two years of watershed planning and could establish precedents for other basins in the western WRIA 18 watershed. " . Recommendation: In the work session, review the proposed policies and accept those which the Council believe will serve the public interests of the City. Continue review of those not accepted and either modify or reject them at the January 15, 2002, regular City Council meeting. Back&round / Analysis: Elected"and appointed City officials have participated over the last two years in the State's watershed planning process known as the 2514 Watershed Planning Act. The first set of policy statements have been recommended by the Elwha Morse Management Team (EMMT) for the Morse Creek Basin. For a policy to be adopted as part of the WRIA 18 Watershed Plan, it must be accepted by all five initiating governments, including the City of Port Angeles, and by the majority of 11 public interest caucuses that have been established to provide citizen participation in the process. City staffhave reviewed the proposed policy statements and have analyzed those which may be acceptable in their present form. There are four elements to the WRIA 18 Watershed Plan: Water Quantity, Water Quality, Habitat, and Instream Flows. Only the Water Quantity element is mandatory, but WRIA 18 agreed to consider the other three optional elements as well. The following explanation provides the conclusions in support of accepting x of y of the recommendations and the reasons for continuing review of the remaining policy statements until the January 15, 2002, meeting. Instream Flows may be the most crucial element, since it is intended to establish a junior water right for instream allocation purposes such as fish/habitat protection and water quality . 3 CC Memo EMMT Recommendations January, 2, 2002 Page 2 Instream Flows may be the most crucial element, since it is intended to establish a junior water right for instre~ allocation purposes such as fish/habitat protection and water quality protection. If minimum instream flows cannot be established at the local level, the Department of Ecology is authorized to set a minimum instream flow for a particular basin. Only the Instream Flow II recommendation is acceptable in its present fonn, because the City's hydro-electrical power plant operation and license recognizes the need to address September-October low flows. The City, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, and resource agencies will not complete their instream flow within the timeframe stated in Instream Flow I. The City staff opposes pursuing "target flows" in the watershed planning process. Target flow is a federal resource agency term that is proposed for protection of endangered species and could confuse the original purpose of watershed planning to assist in the allocation of out-of-stream water uses. Water Quantity is the only mandatory element, since it is needed to provide a baseline for any allocations of water for either out-of-stream or instream uses. For the most part, the City staff does not object to any of the four recommended statements, although we would suggest modifications to 'at least Water Quantity I and II. The City has expressed an interest in exploring a regional water supply system for the western WRIA 18 watershed in support of Water Quantity III, and Water Quantity IV seems consistent with the original intent of the 2514 Watershed Planning Act. This Act specifically refrains from affecting existing water rights. Therefore, Water Quantity I should not investigate relinquishing or abandoning water rights; however, identifying water rights for which there are no planned uses may be acceptable. With regard to Water Quantity II, metering is very precise, and measuring may be a more accurate description of what would be helpful and less threatening to existing as well as future water uses. Water Quality recommendations primarily deal with public health or fish habitat concerns. The City staffhas little disagreement with most of these recommendations. The more general policy statements may be preferable to specific targeted statements such as including Water Quality IV about golf course maintenance in Water Quality VI about educating golf course greenskeepers as well as homeowners. Similarly, the City staff proposes Water Quality III be eliminated or incorporated into Water Quality VII. Water Quality V is confusing and needs to either be modified or held up until the consultant's work in the next phase is completed. Habitat has generated the most discussion and recommendations (15) from EMMT. The City staffhas expressed concerns that this optional element overshadows the mandatory Water Quantity and the crucial Instream Flows elements. Also in the Habitat Element, issues of property rights as well as water rights come into conflict. For reasons of property rights, Habitat I and VII cannot be accepted, although Habitat II seems to address this. Concerns about the Olympic Discovery Trail do not allow acceptance of Habitat VI and IX, but Habitat VIII does speak to estuary restoration. City staff also has concerns similar to target flows regarding the appropriateness of Habitat X, XI, and XIV in the watershed planning process, when there are other fish recovery planning processes taking place simultaneously. Nonetheless, the City can support habitat restoration recommendations in Habitat III, IV, V, XII, XIII, and XV. Attachments: A - EMMT Recommendations B - City Staff Recommendations 4 . . . ATTACHMENT A ELWHA-MORSE MANAGEMENT TEAM MORSE CREEK PIJANNING RECOMMENDATIONS WORKSHEET . Attention EMMT Representatives, The following is a list of recommendations developed by EMMT with tentative agreement pending .formal approval by each government and interest caucus. Please use this form as a worksheet to indicate recommendations within each category that are supported (Y) or not supported (N) by your government or interest caucus. In the interest of conservina EMMT meetina time. we recommend that oraanizations modify those recommendations that are not acceDtable in the current form and submit these comments to Laura Costello bv January 4.2002. A section follows in which you may indicate recommendations that your organization does not support, even with alteration of language. INSTREAM FLOWS 1. _'nstream flow discussions underway between the City, Tribes and agencies are expected to be completed by the end of the year. EMMT has postponed consideration of an instream flow recommendation pending the outcome of those discussions, and expects to do that in January, 2002. II. _ Instream flow recommendations need to address September-october low flows III. _ There is insufficient basis for pursuing target flows in Morse Creek (Chinook are extirpated and the viability of a summer chum population is undocumented (may be strays). . WATER QUANTITY 1. _Request Ecology to investigate old water rights that may be relinquished or abandoned. II. _Meter all surface diversions and all nonexempt wells in hydraulic continuity with Morse Creek. III. _Address groundwater, water use, and future water supply strategies at scale of West WRIA 18 as a whole IV. _Defer until instream flow recommendations are clarified and the PUD has been consulted: Sufficient water may exist for new appropriations, but any new appropriations should be made junior to the instream flow rule. WATER QUALITY 1. _Review and analyze buffers to control influx from runoff and septic systems. II. _'nvestigate ways to eliminate toxies that may be leaching from pilings preserved with creosote at Railroad Bridge, such as "shrink wrap" (rubber cover). III. _Continue to monitor levels of toxins in Morse Creek that may be contributed from landfills. IV. _Explore alternative approaches to golf course maintenance (e.g., use of herbicides and pesticides) V. _Explore small package water treatment and reuse plants at Four Seasons Ranch and Four Seasons Park. Tie individual residences into waste main to City of Port Angeles serving WalMart and K-Mart. (Consultant was directed to investigate this in the next phase of work) VI. _Educate homeowners regarding lawn applications (e.g. fertilizers) VII. _Continue ongoing monitoring of water quality including pollutants in the water column start monitoring sediments' for potential pollutants. . 5 12/17/01 HABITAT I. _Investigate the consequences of the removal or pull back of dikes, elimination of floodplain constrictions and restoration of natural banks to restore functional a floodplain . downstream of river mile 1.7 (derived from EMMT meeting tapes). n. _Restore lower river meander to the extent possible. III. _Restore riparian function by encouraging conifer regeneration in deciduous stands along the creek and by restoring properly functioning riparian conditions. IV. _Restore Morse Creek side channels to the extent possible. V. _Restore large woody debris throughout the channel downstream of the falls. VI. _Investigate removal of railroad bridge flow restrictions (including abutments) VII. Approach to lower Morse Creek floodplain and meander restoration: · Restore functionality in lower 1.7 miles to extent possible (e.g. considering flood hazard) · Determine tradeoff between consequences of alternatives to lower river properties versus benefits to floodplain function and meander alternatives (e.g. dike pullback, elimination of constrictions) . · Focus on publicly owned properties where possible for restoration activities. · Inform and involve potentially affected landowners. VIII. IX. Reestablish estuarine characteristics and function similar to historic conditions. Restore drift processes and recruitment of marine sediments to the west of Morse Creek. · Conduct feasibility study addressing both estuary and drift cell restoration. · Determine the sediment sources (e.g. Morse Creek or other). · Collaborate with and educate landowners. Encourage impacted homeowners to organize and become involved. _Track upper river. (above falls) resident rainbow population Study population status, habitat use, limiting factors Obtain oral histories of fish distribution and abundance. . _Determine presence of bull trout/native char in upper river _Develop a Morse Creek sediment budget, addressing source, transport, and fate of . sediment. Develop sediment retention strategies. _Develop Morse Creek sediment retention strategies. Examples include slowing velocity by meander restoration, by placing LWD, and developing instream structure and diversity of channel form and function. _Form a technical committee of relevant experience to develop implementation plans, set priorities, and obtain funding projects to carry out west WRIA 18 watershed plan, basin by basin. _Provide public notice to all affected property owners when habitat restoration actions are contemplated. x. . . XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. o . r d t rt th f II M C k d r * ur organlza Ion oes no suppo e 0 OWlnQ orse ree recommen a Ions: Item Number (s) Instream Flows Water Quantity Water Quality Habitat .Be sure to modify language, if possible, to a form that IS acceptable to your organization. Please send this worksheet to Laura Costello (wria_18@hotmail.com or 104 N. Laurel . St., Suite 104, Port Angeles, WA 98362) bv January 3, 2002. Send only one worksheet per government or interest caucus. 6 12/17/01 ATTACHMENT B INSTREAM FLOWS I. A. Instream flow discussions underway between the City, Tribes and agencies are expected to be completed by the end of the year. EMMT has postponed consideration of an instream flow recommendation pending the outcome of those discussions, and expects to do that in January, 2002. II. ~ Instream flow recommendations need to address September-October low flows III. ~ There is insufficient basis for pursuing target flows in Morse Creek (Chinook are extirpated and the viability of a summer chum population is undocumented (may be strays). . WATER. QUANTITY I. .!!!:L Request Ecology to ir'lvestigate old water rights that may be relinquished or abandoned. II. ~Meter all surface diversions and all nonexempt wells in hydraulic continuity with Morse Creek. III. -L..Address groundwater, water use, and future water supply strategies at scale of West WRIA 18 as a whole . IV. ~Defer until instream flow recommendations are clarified and the PUD has been consulted: Sufficient water may exist for new appropriations, but any new appropriations should be made junior to the instream flow rule. WATER QUALITY I. Y Review and analyze buffers to control influx from runoff and septic systems. II. L..lnvestigate ways to eliminate toxies that may be leaching from pilings preserved with creosote at Railroad Bridge, such as "shrink wrap" (rubber cover). III. ~ Continue to monitor levels of toxins in Morse Creek that may be contributed from landfills. IV. ~Explore alternative approaches to golf course maintenance (e.g., use of herbicides and pesticides) V. ~Explore small package water treatment and reuse plants at Four Seasons Ranch and Four Seasons Park. Tie individual residences into waste main to City of Port Angeles serving WalMart and K-Mart. (Consultant was directed to investigate this in the next phase of work) VI. ~Educate homeowners regarding lawn applications (e.g. fertilizers) VII. ~ Continue ongoing monitoring of water quality including pollutants in the water column start monitoring sediments for potential pollutants. . 7 12/17/01 HABITAT I. Llnvestigate the consequences of the removal or pull back of dikes, elimination of floodplain constrictions and restoration of natural banks to restore functional a floodplain . downstream of river mile 1.7 (derived from EMMT meeting tapes). II. Y Restore lower river meander to the extent possible. III. Y Restore riparian function by encouraging conifer regeneration in deciduous stands along the creek and by restoring properly functioning riparian conditions. IV. Y Restore Morse Creek side channels to the extent possible. V. Y Restore large woody debris throughout the channel downstream of the falls. VI. --1L-lnvestigate removal of railroad bridge flow restrictions (including abutments) VII. J::L Approach to lower Morse Creek floodplain and meander restoration: · Restore functionality in lower 1.7 miles to extent possible (e.g. considering flood hazard) · Determine tradeoff between consequences of alternatives to lower river properties versus benefits to floodplain function and meander alternatives (e.g. dike pullback, elimination of constrictions). · Focus on publicly owned properties where possible for restoration activities. · Inform and involve potentially affected landowners. VIII. Y Reestablish estuarine characteristics and function similar to historic conditions. IX. tJ Restore drift processes and recruitment of marine sediments to the west of Morse Creek. -. Conduct feasibility study addressing both estuary'and drift cell restoration. · Determine the sediment sources (e.g. Morse Creek or other). · Collaborate with and educate landowners. Encourage impacted homeowners to organize and become involved. X. ~ Track upper river. (above falls) resident rainbow population · Study population status, habitat use, limiting factors · Obtain oral histories of fish distribution and abundance. . XI. N Determine presence of bull trout/native char in upper river XII. Y Develop a Morse Creek sediment budget, addressing source, transport. and fate of . s.epiment. Develop sediment retention strategies. XIII. ....L..Develop Morse Creek sediment retention strategies. Examples include slowing velocity by meander restoration, by placing LWD, and developing instream structure and diversity of channel form and function. XIV. ~Form a technical committee of relevant experience to develop implementation plans, set priorities, and obtain funding projects to carry out west WRIA 18 watershed plan, basin by. basin. XV. ~Provide public notice to all affected property owners when habitat restoration actions are contemplated. Our or; anization does not su ort the followin Morse Creek recommendations:* Item Number (s) Instream Flows .1l[ Water Quantity Water Quality .:m:. y Habitat :1 VI. \1:Jr. 1-,.: X .,...:r)(;C V Be sure to modify language, if pos.sible, to a form that is acceptable to your organization. Please send this worksheet to Laura Costello (wria_18@hotniail.com or 104 N. Laurel . Sl, Suite 104, Port Angeles, WA 98362) by January 3. 2002. Send only one worksheet per government or interest caucus. 8 12/17/01 ,--~---- . . . CALL TO ORDER- SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: Recommendation of Conference Center Review Committee City Council Special Meeting in Joint Session with the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee and the Downtown Forward Executive Committee Port Angeles, Washington December 17, 2001 The special meeting of the City Council, the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, and the Downtown Forward Executive Committee was opened at 7:30 a.m., by Councilman Campbell, Chair of the Conference Center Review Committee. Members Present: Councilmembers Campbell, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: Mayor Doyle, and Councilmembers Erickson and Hulett. Zoe Bayton, John Brewer, Carol Griffith, Jim Haguewood, Bob Harbick, Jack Harmon, Steve Oliver, and Bill Rinehart. Leonard Beil, Mike Chapman, Don Corson, Dan DiGuilio, Eileen Knight, Karen McCormick, John McCullough, Joe Melton, Vicci Rudin, and BrookeTaylor. Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, T. Smith, G. Cutler, and P. Rasler. Aria Holzschuh, Michael Leuhers, Russ Veenema, Mary & Roy Gotham, Jan Harbick, Allan Bentley, Randal Ehm, Laurie Szczepczynski, Martha Hurd, and Pete Schroeder. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Members: Downtown Forward Executive Committee Members: Staff Present: Public Present: Recommendation of Conference Center Review Committee: Tim Smith made opening remarks, noting that the purpose of this meeting was for the Conference Center Review Committee to share its recommendation with the members of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee and the Downtown Forward Executive Committee. He reviewed the background of the project thus far, summarizing the 2001 Conference Center efforts, to include the City/Port agreement for marketing the Oak Street property and the City's issuance of an RFP for a Conference Center. Two proposals were submitted, one by Ehm Architecture (Oak Street) and the other by Ravenhurst Development (Landing). Both proposals were thoroughly reviewed by the Conference Center Review Committee, which was comprised of Councilman Orville Campbell, Jim Haguewood, Bob Harbick, John Brewer, Steve Oliver, Port staff members Dave Hagiwara and Pat Deja, DNR staff member Martha Hurd, and City staff members Mike Quinn, Tim Smith, and Craig Knutson. Mr. Smith continued by reviewing the joint meeting between the City Council and the Port of Port Angeles Commissioners, after which the proposals were forwarded to the review committee for analysis. The review committee met on several occasions, and this meeting was then scheduled to hear its recommendation. Mr. Smith reviewed the evaluation criteria used by the committee: compliance with facilities requirements, compliance with operations requirements, return on public investment, likelihood for achieving long term [mancial success, and compliance with City/community vision for downtown development. It is envisioned that the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee and the Downtown Forward Executive Committee will hold meetings at some future date to formulate recommendations to be forwarded to the City Council in January. Subsequently, the City Council will forward a recommendation to the Port of Port Angeles and the Department of Natural Resources. The process will then enter the "due diligence" phase, and negotiations will commence. Councilman Campbell advised those present that the Conference Center Review 91 - City Council, Lodging Tax Advisory Committee and Downtown Forward Executive Committee December 17, 2001 Recommendation of Conference Center Review Committee (Cont'd) / Committee members had unanimously recommended that the proposal from Ehrn Architecture go forward in the process. Councilman Campbell then proceeded to review in detail how this proposal met the evaluation criteria, as opposed to the proposal submitted for the Landing Mall: Oak Street Compliance with Facilities Program Requirements: ./ Fully meets or exceeds location and facility requirements as outlined in RFP ./ New hotel with conferencing facilities and restaurant would be highly competitive in conferencing market ./ Fits with community's general vision for development of Oak Street site ./ Accommodates Waterfront Trail, public access to waterfront area and Estuary, adds parking ./ Design proposal suggests a great deal of flexibility subject to addition of overall costs ./ Some question reo quality offmal concept and design, medium vs. higher end quality hotel . Landing Compliance with Facilities Program Requirements: ./ Improves an under-utilized facility ./ Lack of physical connection to hotel a minus in securing conference market Oak Street Compliance with Operations Program Requirements: ./ Provides for an all "private sector" operating and marketing management team as opposed to public resources involvement ./ Provides marketing leverage via national/worldwide marketing connection (Six Continent Hotels) ./ Stated interest in P A unit to be flagship product that may launch replication of new chain of conference center hotels ./ Some concern that ROI projects 13% return, when 15% is preferred ./ Some concern that marketing specifics are lacking Landing Compliance with Operations Program Requirements: ./ Project occurs in designated area as requested in RFP ./ Requires additional public sector funding of $150K/yr. for operations and marketing in addition to the $ lOOK/yr. of committed lodging tax funds . ./ Concern for fair access to catering by Landing restauranteurs Oak Street Return on Public Investment: ./ Although some costlbudget items are not fully defmed, budget suggests some "slack" room capable of absorbing other potential costs ./ Proposal seeks no more than $1 OOK annual lodging tax commitment subject to staying within proposed budget ./ Considerably more leverage of public investment compared to other proposal under consideration ./ Good potential for increasing lodging tax revenues by raising average annual room rate due to new construction of a waterfront hotel ./ Concern over lack of response strategy in the event of cost overruns Landing Return on Public Investment: ./ Loss of some existing public parking a concern ./ Proposed building conference facility without hotel, proposes public operation involving ongoing public fmancial commitment Oak Street Likelihood for Achieving Long-Term Financial Success: ./ Development, would be very competitive with similar conferencing facilities ./ Preliminary cost/revenue information is favorable - a more detailed look at this in next phase is required ./ Long-Term ownership and management commitment looks strong, but it is realized'these kinds of facilities are always subject to sale . . Landing Likelihood for Achieving Long-Term Financial Success: ./ The developer lacks any commitment to conference center management or marketing ./ Does put site improvements on tax rolls ./ M~ginalleveraging of public fmancial investment compared to competing . Oak Street site proposal . ./ Ongoing City contribution would need to be approximately $250K annually ,-0 City Council, Lodging Tax Advisory cd_.1irif~f(~'~'):'i~&!\if~~~"" . Downtown Forward Executive Committee December 17, 2001 .j\1fj,;" . Recommendation of Conference Center Review Committee (Cont'd) . . Oak Street Comp~~e with City/Community Vision for Downtown Development: ,/ Proposal is exact match of Downtown Forward Plan vision of development on Oak Street site ,/ \"~\{Anchors west end of downtown waterfront and will promote more potential , ., m-fill development along waterfront and west side of downtown ,/ Builder willing to consider further public input on fmal design ,/ Will attract more people to downtown ,/ Moderately high-end development Landing Compliance with City/Community Vision for Downtown Development: ,/ Fresh and attractive vision for new Landing, but this extent of Landing remodel has not been an identified vision in existing Downtown Forward Plan ,/ Much less leveraging of public fmancial commitment compared to competing proposal for Oak Street site Discussion followed, and John McCullough acknowledged the hard work of the review committee. He stressed that marketing is critical to the success of the conference center effort. Jim Haguewood agreed, noting that the committee identified this matter as a key issue, something that will be addressed in the next phase of the process. Bob Harbick also agreed, indicating there will be additional marketing money brought in by the hotel chain to enhance the local marketing efforts. Carol Griffith sought clarification regarding a stated increase in lodging tax and, additionally, if the proposed hotel were to be sold what the impact might be on the City's $IOOK annual commitment. Councilman Campbell responded it was not intended to imply there would be an increase in the lodging tax rate but, rather, the development would raise the level oflodging tax revenues generated. Jim Haguewood noted that the proposal would add 150 new rooms and may influence an increase in the average daily rate within the City. Steve Oliver expanded on the City's financial commitment, noting the $1 OOK is a public investment, and the City will have to protect the City's interests via lease and lease back arrangements. Councilman Wiggins felt it would be helpful for those present to understand Ehm's track record in the past. Mr. Smith indicated a very thorough review had been undertaken on Ehm, to include a Dunn and Bradstreet report, as well as a thorough credit check. However, Mr. Smith also noted that Ehm's venture into the lodging industry would be a new experience and that Ehm did not have a proven track record in this particular field. Michael Leuhers, Red Lion Hotel, voiced his appreciation for efforts to increase tourism in the area. He was uncertain as to the accuracy of the statement concerning lack of marketing and operational management on the part of the Landing proposal. It was his intention that the Red Lion would partner in this endeavor on the Landing proposal. Councilman Campbell indicated it was the review committee's understanding that Ravenhurst would have a landlord/tenant relationship, and that the City would need to create an organization for that purpose. The City would, therefore, sustain the risk in this regard. Mr. Smith offered clarification regarding the proposed partnership between Ravenhurst and the Red Lion, a matter that has been impacted by the sale of the Red Lion chain. Although there is some indication that the partnership can still come together, the review process for the RFPs could not be delayed. Attorney Knutson had the impression that Ravenhurst's position on marketing might end up with some marketing assistance from the Red Lion, but that the City would still be responsible for the operation, which would result in a need for an additional $150K. Mr. Leuhers felt the competition may have some negative results in the community as relates to others in the lodging industry. He asked for clarification on the proposed rates, which he thought had been understated in previous discussions. Councilman Campbell felt that, if the project harms more local business than is created by the project, then further review is appropriate. However, the basic premise is that the conference center will generally enhance most local businesses. Bob Harbick noted the importance of having hotel beds available at the conference center, as this is a key priority by user groups. Joe Melton indicated he would like to see the process move forward; however, he stressed the importance of doing so with great caution. Pete Schroeder inquired as to what percentage of the land would be covered by the hotel and the parking lot. Mr. Smith responded there would be approximately one-third for landscaping and the Waterfront Trail, one-third ror parking, and one-third for the hotel/conference center. ,-,- City Council, Lodging Tax Advisory Committee and Downtown Forward Executive Committee December 17, 2001 Recommendation of Conference Center Review Committee (Cont'd) ADJOURNMENT: Reconvene Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Reconvene Downtown Forward Executive Committee Meeting Steve Oliver indicated discussions have been held concerning the footprint of the project, the possible amenities, and the like. It was mentioned that the due diligence phase of this effort has been targeted for completion approximately 45 days after Council approval of the recommendation. Further discussion, with clarification, was held on the matter of Ehm's proposal specifically relating to marketing and management with the added benefit of the City's [mancial commitment. Attorney Knutson indicated that Ehm would use the City funding for part of the construction, but the City would have a long-term lease with Ehm. All of these arrangement would be well documented in a lease agreement. Brooke Taylor felt it was unclear as to the ownership of the underlying land, and Steve Oliver responded there is contemplation for a long-term lease of the land from the Port and the DNR. Responding to a question concerning DNR's timely responsiveness to the project, Martha Hurd assured the group she has been working with the Olympia office and was comfortable there would be accommodation to meet the group's goals and deadlines. . Joe Melton, citing the Landing Mall's previous [mancial experiences, queried as to how a default might be handled and what kind of interest might the City maintain in the property. Mr. Smith indicated that, through the due diligence process, this type of issue will be addressed. He felt that, if the project's viability were to be placed in question, the City would likely withhold any further payments until the operation were to resume. Bill Rinehart posed the question as to who is responsible for lease costs, and Steve Oliver responded the final structure has yet to be determined but there would be some parameters placed on the City's funding commitment. Further, Steve indicated there would likely be created a leasehold interest that would survive bankruptcy and foreclosure. Mr. Smith added that Ehm might well save on project costs if the land is leased as opposed to the original plan for a land purchase. The pro forma submitted by Ehm suggests a greater value for the land than was established in the resulting appraisal. Further discussion ensued on lease versus purchase of the property and what might be expected in terms of a lease duration. Mr. Smith reiterated the upcoming process in that the two committees will meet to formulate their recommendations to be forwarded to the City Council, hopefully at one . of the January meetings. Following an agreement by the City Council as to its recommendation, the matter will then proceed to the Port and DNR for consideration. It is hoped that, by the end of February, the City will know how it will be proceeding for a conference center. At the conclusion of this meeting, the two committees asked to reconvene in separate rooms to set dates for their next meetings. This portion of the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 a.m. The meeting of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee reconvened at approximately 8:30 a.m. After preliminary discussion, there was consensus that the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee was in a position to make a recommendation at this time. Therefore, Jack Harmon moved to accept the recommendation of the Conference Center Review Committee and forward the recommendation to the City Council. The motion was seconded by Zoe Bayton and carried unanimously. The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meeting then adjourned at approximately 8:40 a.m. The meeting of the Downtown Forward Executive Committee reconvened at approximately 8:30 a.m. After due deliberation, the members agreed to meet on January 11, 2002, at 7 :30 a.m., to formulate a recommendation on the conference center proposal. The meeting of the Downtown Forward Executive Committee then adjourned at approximately 8:40 a.m. . Larry Doyle, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk . Glenn Wiggins, Chair Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Cathleen McKeown, Chair Downtown Forward Executive Committee '-2 . . . CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC CEREMONIES, PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: Break ':~;r~~J>~~\!f&~~j~~:t'~r~~r~:~~:,~~:~~~~~'~~~rl';:;."\ CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 18, 2001 Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Campbell, Erickson, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, K. Asquith, S. McLain, G. Kenworthy, and M. Hall Public Present: C. Field, K. Rogers, L. Lee, J. Tschimperle, D. Winnagren, T. Price, G. Braun, I. Frazer, and K. Frazer. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Boy Scout Troop 1461, Leaders Peter Lewis and Brian Jacobs. Scouts participating were: Steven Lewis, Daniel Howe, Kaleb Mayfield, Tyler Mayfield, Tom Jacobs, Chris Shively, and Matthew Hall. Following the Pledge, Mayor Doyle recognized Tyler Mayfield and his preparation of the monument in the City Park on Ediz Hook dedicated to all who work on the water and to those who have lost their lives on the water. The Mayor also congratulated Mr. Mayfield on his completion of Eagle Scout status. Mayor Doyle read a proclamation in recognition ofK-Ply Incorporated, commending them for their economic and environmental commitment to the welfare of the community and for their outstanding business presence in the community on the celebration of their 60th Anniversary. Mr. Ernie VanOgle, General Manager for K-Ply, accepted the proclamation and informed the Council that he would forward it to be displayed in the parent company in Juneau, Alaska. Manager Quinn recognized out-going Councilmembers with a capsulated historical perspective of the City of Port Angeles and their influence and work in City leadership over the past eight years. He commented on the completed, as well as the on-going projects in which Councilmembers have been involved and on their commitment to improving the quality of life in Port Angeles. The legacy they have created involves efficiency, effectiveness, and an established support of the values and goals that both the Councilmembers and staffhold as essential to City management and leadership. On behalf of the City, staff, and the community of Port Angeles, Manag~r Quinn thanked the out-going Councilmembers for their legacy of service and success and presented each with a commemorative plaque. Following brief responses by Councilman Hulett, Councilmember McKeown, and Mayor Doyle, the meeting recessed for refreshments at 6:25 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 6:50 p.m. 1-3 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 18, 200 1 LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON TIDS OR FUTURE AGENDA: FINANCE: Amendment to Landfill Contract with City of Sequim Coordinated Prevention Recycling Grant 2002-2003 8th Street Restoration - Status Report CONSENT AGENDA: Manager Quinn informed the Council that staff would review the 200 I accomplishments prior to the consideration of the 2002 Goals and Work Plan. Kevin Duncan, Eby Hill Hydroelectric, requested a progress report from the Council . and staff on the Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project, emphatically expressing his displeasure with the lack of progress made on the project. Director Cutler indicated that staff has communicated progress reports to Mr. Duncan, and the subcommittee appointed on this matter has also been kept informed. Staff just recently met with agencies involved to further meet the intent and requirements of Washington in-stream flows. Additional work needs to be done, and meetings have been scheduled after the holidays to progress even further. Mr. Duncan reiterated his frustration with the lack of progress, disagreeing with the City's position and approach to the resolution ofissues on the project. Mayor Doyle suggested that Mr. Duncan meet with staff to further discuss the matter. Attorney Knutson explained the FERC requirements and the Endangered Species Act, noting that the City and the Tribe are currently working with biologists and Federal and State resource agencies in an informal consultation process that FERC has allowed in order to comply with the ESA. The delays that the City is experiencing now are at the direction ofFERC. FERC has not said that the Endangered Species Act does not apply to this project. Attorney Knutson continued that the FERC stipulations are in writing and have been provided to the Council subcommittee. A disagreement exists as to how the ESA applies to this project, but an agreement must be reached that is satisfactory to FERC because the project cannot operate without FERC permission. Mayor Doyle asked if a time line exists wherein the issues might be resolved. Attorney Knutson responded that, as Mr. Cutler had stated, another meeting has been set for January of 2002, but no specific date has been established for resolution. He also added that analysis of the possible sale of the properties in question has added to and lengthened the resolution. Mayor Doyle then reiterated his suggestion to Mr. Duncan that he arrange a meeting time with staff. Discussion followed. 1. . Amendment to Landfill Contract with the City of Sequim Amendment Following the Mayor's reading of the recommendation to approve the Second Amendment to the Solid Waste Disposal Contract with the City of Sequim, Councilman Campbell moved to approve the second amendment to the Solid Waste Disposal Contract with the City ofSequim and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract amendment. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 2. Coordinated Prevention Recycling Grant 2002-2003 Mayor Doyle read a summary of the recommendation and, following a brief explanation by Director Cutler, Councilman"Wiggins moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement for Grant No. G0200150 from the Department of Ecology. Councilman . Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 3. 8th Street Restoration - Status Report City Engineer Kenworthy reviewed the problems relative to the 8th Street paving project and explained the process by which repairs would be made in the Spring of 2002 due to weather delays. Two options were presented regarding pavement smoothness: the first involved grinding the out-of-tolerance bumps to bring them within specification tolerances; the second is to accept that grinding would not correct the problem satisfactorily and to impose a financial penalty. The grinding process was selected since it could meet project specification and improve the overall smoothness. The City will " . complete the sand slurry, fog sealing, and traffic markings in the late spring. I , Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1) City 1-4 . . . CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Adjustment to Daishowa's Monthly Basic Charges Ordinance No. 3107 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Labor Contract for Fire Fighters Union ,;f~~$~~:~f ~:~~~~_~~~l~:~r,t{i";ll;/ ):f~~W.:li\~'{n,~\l\~';' CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 18,2001 'I Council minutesVbf'December 3, 2001; 2) Electronic Payments - November 10- December 7, 2001 - $430,376.50; 3) Check Register - December 7, 2001 - $494,990}2;and 4) Payroll information - December 9,2001. Councilman Hulett secona~~ th~ motion, and following a brief question and answer period, the motion carried unanimously. Councilmembers Hulett and Erickson had no reports. Councilmember McKeown reported that she, Councilmembers Williams and Wiggins, and Kathe Smith met with Parks Director Connelly at the Francis Street Park to tour and consider appropriate safety precautions. Councilman Campbell reported on the joint meeting of the Downtown Forward Executive Committee and the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. The recommendation forwarded to those committees was to pursue the Oak Street proposal for a conference center. Councilman Campbell also reported on the Atlanta NLC Conference which he and Mayor Doyle attended and commented on the larger city's expenses and rates relative to wastewater and stormwater management. Councilman Wiggins attended the Board of Natural Resources meeting regarding sustainable timber harvest. Councilman Williams reported on the Francis Street Park visit; he also attended the Annexation forum and complimented Fire Chief McKeen and Police Chief Riepe on their presentations at that meeting. Mayor Doyle mentioned his attendance at the Energy and Natural Resources Committee at the NLC Conference, his attendance at the OPS Award ceremony, the EDC Net Works meeting, the Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours, the City Christmas Party,!and his visit to the Boys & Girls Club facility. 1. Adjustment to Daishowa 's Monthly Basic Charges Mayor Doyle reviewed the proposed adjustment to Daishowa's monthly basic charge, after which Public Works & Utilities Deputy Director McLain explained the increase in power costs for Daishowa in proportion to City residential increases. He noted that the 2002 City budget has incorporated the increases. Councilmember Campbell commented on the benefits.ofthis adjustment. Mayor Doyle then read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3107 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the industrial transmission electric rate and amending Ordinance 2054 as amended and Chapter 13.12 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Council member McKeown moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title; Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Councilman Wiggins asked if the City had arlother industrial customer affected by this Ordinance, to which Deputy Director McLain responded in the negative. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 1. Approve Labor Contract for Fire Fighters Union Following Mayor Doyle's summary of the one-year contract and reviewing the recommendation to approve the labor contract between the City and the IAFF #656 for 2002, reflecting a cost of living adjustment of3.15%, Councilman Campbell moved 1-5 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 18, 200 1 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: (Cont'd) Labor Contract for Fire Fighters Union (Cont'd) Revisions to 1996 Agreement with Coast Guard Air Station - Port Angeles 2001 Report Card and 2002 Council Goals & Community Work Plan Temporary Trail Easement Through Former Rayonier Mill Site Council Committee Reorganization to approve the labor contract between the City of Port Angeles and the IAFF #656 for 2002 reflecting a cost ofllving adjustment of3.15% and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried.. unanimously. . 2. Revisions to 1996 Agreement with Coast Guard Air Station - Port Angeles Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided in the packet, and Fire Chief McKeen advised the Council that the revisions include having a unified command center in the event of a significant emergency involving Coast Guard facilities, plus the two agencies will work cooperatively in developing a pre-fITe plan. The new agreement will be automatically renewed unless there is a desire to terminate with adequate notification. Petty Officer Scott Lundgren, Acting Fire Marshal with the Air Station in Port Angeles, expressed his and the Guard's support for the agreement with the Port Angeles Fire Department. Councilman Wiggins moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with the United States Coast Guard Station Port Angeles. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 3. 2001 Report Card and 2002 Council Goals & Community Work Plan Following Mayor Doyle's introduction, Manager Quinn noted that every one of the projects are currently included in the Work Plan, as well as the Budget adopted for 2002. He briefly summarized the goals and community work plan for the year of2002 and explained the proposed perpetual endowment fund for the cemetery addition. Councilman Wiggins mentioned that he and Councilmen Williams and Campbell thoroughly reviewed the goals with Manager Quinn, and it was that these goals could be used as a work sheet. He hoped that the new Council would use this list for the upcoming year. Councilman Campbell then mentioned that they all considered it a dynamic document which can be adapted as the Council moves forward into the new year. Councilman Campbell moved that the Council adopt the Council Goals & Community Work Plan as presented for 2002. Councilman Wiggins seconded. the motion, which carried unanimously. . 4. Temporary Trail Easement Through Former Rayonier Mill Site Following Mayor Doyle's summary, Director of Parks & Recreation Connelly referenced a revised copy of the map distributed that day and drew attention to the revisions from staff regarding the improvements and easement approval. Displaying a map of the area on the overhead, he explained the dimensions of the route of the proposed easement, showed the paved portions, mentioned the need for a temporary bridge at Ennis Park, and explamed the one-side fencing. Mr. Connelly added that Rayonier may choose to close the area for a period of time for modification, but will notify the City two weeks in advance for publication. The earliest possible date for completion will be Mayor June of 2002. Following brief comments by Councilmembers, Councilman Williams moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the temporary easement agreement through the former Rayonier Mill Site. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 5. Council Committee Reorganization Following Mayor Doyle's reading of the recommendation, Councilmember McKeown addressed the issue of the three out-going members voting on an issue which would not . affect them and stated that she would be voting no on this issue. Manager Quinn then explained the proposal in terms of this Council's experience and organizational / 1-6 . . . OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: (Cont'd) Council Committee Reorganization (Cont' d) Consent Agenda Proposal PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: RESOLUTIONS: INFORMATION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 18, 2001 operational functions of the committees. Remaining Councilmembers Williams, Erickson, and Campbell agreed that more explanation is required and that deferring the issue until 2002 would provide the necessary time to better study the reorganization. Councilinember McKeown then moved that the reorganization plan be tabled until the next Council meeting in January for the new Council's review. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried 6 - 1, with Councilman Williams voting in opposition, as he would have preferred to have a presentation on the plan. Following further discussion, Councilman Williams opted to vote in favor of the motion which, therefore, carried unanimously. 6. Consent Agenda Proposal Mayor Doyle, after explaining his reluctance to change procedure on the Consent Agenda absent input from the new Councilmembers, asked Manager Quinn to explain the proposal. Manager Quinn briefly addressed the reasons behind changing the format, mentioning that the proposal was written based on the experience and expertise of the current Council. Councilman Wiggins moved to table the Consent Agenda Proposal to the next meeting. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. None. None. None. Manager Quinn noted that the next Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Janua.ry 2, 2002, because of New Year's Day. He then gave recognition to Karen Haugstad who is retiring from the City after many years of service, and Police Chief Riepe then complimented Karen on her service. Manager Quinn mentioned the Value Estimates for improvements approved for the Lincoln Park Athletic Fields, as well as the inclusion of the departmental monthly reports. The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:32 p.m. for approximately one hour to discuss potential litigation and an item of personnel. The meeting returned to Open Session at 10:26 p.m. Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract amendment for the City Manager to receive a 3.15% COLA and a 2% pay increase. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson. and carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 10:28 p.m. 7M.YO< Becky J. Upton, City Clerk 17 . . . 18 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. s. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO January 2,2002 MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities ~ Award the Contract for Surge Tank Replacement, Project No. 21-20 Summary: Bids were requested to accomplish the replacement of a steel surge tank at the Elwha Ranney Collector. Four bids were received and opened on December 11,2001. Stouder General Construction, LLC submitted the lowest responsive bid in the amount of $47,029. 13, including tax. The engineer's estimate for this project was $54,100.00. Recommendation: Award the contract for the Surge Tank Replacement, Project No. 21- 20, to Stouder General Construction, LLC, of Ferndale, Washington, in the bid amount of $47,029.13 and authorize the Ma or to si n the Contract. Back~round / Analysis: In June, 2001, a pressure vessel inspector for the City's insurance provider inspected a 3,500 gallon steel surge tank that was installed at the Elwha Ranney Collector facility in 1977. Pitting at several locations on the inside of the vessel exceeded National Board of Inspection Code allowances. A written report submitted to the City by the inspector recommended that the surge tank be replaced as soon as practicable. The Department of Public Works & Utilities' engineering consultant, CH2M Hill, was directed to complete technical specifications for the work. A bid package was then assembled by City staff and advertised. Bids were opened on December 11, 2001. The results shown below have been corrected as needed in accordance with the specifications: FIRM CITY BID Femdale, WA $47,029.13 $52,642.26 $71,260.80 $74,323.41 $54,100.00 Stouder General Construction Tacoma, WA Nordic Construction Pacific Environmental Port Townsend, W A Port Townsend, WA McConnell Construction Engineer's Estimate 19 City Council RE: Contract for Surge Tank Replacement Page 2 Stouder General Construction, LLC, submitted the lowest responsive bid, which is 13% below the engineer's estimate. Their bid is appropriate considering the engineer's estimate and other bids received. Review of their experience and references demonstrate that they are a responsible bidder and qualified to perform this work. There is $75,000 budgeted in 2002 for this Water Utility project. Work on the design and fabrication of the vessel should start as soon as the bid is awarded and installation is expected to be completed by the end of February. N:\PROJECTS\21-20 2001 MiscWater & Sewer Work\Surge Tank\ccaward1_03_02.wpd 20 . . . . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: j,~-;.,~;:; ~ORT.ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO January 2, 2002 MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Northwest Public Power Association/Electrical Safety Consultants International Contract for 2002 Summary: It is necessary to contract with the Northwest Public Power Association/Electrical Safety Consultants International for safety training and consultant services for the Light Operations Division. The Contract for 2002 is $19,113.12. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with Northwest Public Power Association/Electrical Safety Consultants International in the amount of$19,113.12. Background / Analysis: In 2001 the City contracted with the Northwest Public Power Association/Electrical Safety Consultants International for safety services in the area of training, record keeping, audits, and interpretation of federal (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and state (Department of Labor and Industries) rules and regulations for the Light Operations Division. These services in part are in lieu of sending personnel to offsite training. It also provides for training more personnel at a lower overall cost when per diem and lost time for travel are taken into account. It is necessary to execute a contract for the 2002 services. The contract scope and cost per month is is unchanged. The cost per month is $1,592.76 for an annual cost of$19,113.12. Funds are included in the 2002 budget for these services. The Light Operations Division is very satisfied with the services. It is recommended that the City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract. N :\GLENN\Lt_ Ops _ Safety-Contract. wpd 21 . . . 22 . . . FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 2, 2002 To: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities l>c-l./ . SUBJECT: Cooperative Service Agreement with U.S. Department of Agriculture [USDA] Summary: USDA has provided wildlife management services during the last four years to alleviate wildlife strike hazards to aircraft in the vicinity of the City Landfill. Continuation of these services is important to the operation of the Landfill. The current agreement expires on January 31, 2002 and a new agreement for the period of February 1,2002 to January 31, 2003 needs to be executed. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign the Work PlanlFinancial Plan with the De artment of A riculture to rovide wildlife mana ement services throu h J anua 31,2003. Back2round / Analysis: An agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture to provide wildlife services is essential for the continued use of the Landfill. Reissuance of our landfill permit relies on the continuance of the ongoing effort to alleviate wildlife strike hazards to aircraft which might result from the operation of the Landfill. The United States Department of Agriculture has provided services to the City of Port Angeles since January 1998 to alleviate wildlife strike hazards to aircraft in the vicinity ofthe airport and landfill. The attached proposed agreement involves a cost of$55,201 for the period of February 1, 2002 to January 31,2003. Last year the services were provided for a cost of $49,938. The work involved is consistent with the Wildlife Hazard Assessment and Management Plan developed by USDA which is the foundation of our demonstration of no increase in bird/aircraft strikes as a result of the operation of the Landfill. This demonstration is essential for the issuance of our landfill permit by the County. USDA efforts involve an integrated approach of hazing, trapping, and shooting at the landfill, airfield and related areas and are the greatest measure of our ability to demonstrate that the landfill should be permitted. Funds in the amount of $60,000 have been budgeted for the year 2002. Attachment: USDA Work Plan / Financial Plan N:\PWKS\SW ASTE\LANDFILL\F AA \WL]LAN\USDA_1201.wpd 23 WORK PLAN/FINANCIAL PLAN COOPERATOR: City of Port Angeles CONTACT: Glenn Cutler (360-417-4800, fax 360-417-4542) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO: 03-73-53-5211-RA . ACCOUNTING CODE NO: 273-7353-479 and 373-7353-479 LOCATION: Port Angeles Landfill, Airport and vicinity, Port Angeles, Washington DATES: February 1, 2002 - January 31,2003 OBJECTIVES/GOALS: The United States Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services (WS) program will work with the City of Port Angeles and the Port of Port Angeles in a cooperative effort (funded. by the city) to alleviate wildlife strike hazards to aircraft. This will require a reduction in the number of birds using the airfield and surrounding areas, particularly at the landfill. PLAN OF ACTION: Wildlife Services will provide one full-time Wildlife Specialist to conduct operational control activities at the Port Angeles Landfill, airfield, and surrounding areas. WS will provide the Specialist with a vehicle equipped with radio communications equipment, . flashing beacon, and necessary markings for accessing the Air Operations Area (AOA). WS will arrange for the Specialist to obtain training in the appropriate AOA driving procedures and radio communications protocol. The City and Port of Port Angeles will be responsible for providing the necessary security clearances and access to the Landfill and Airport properties. All animal carcasses obtained through activities related to this project will be disposed of in the landfill. WS will compile and maintain detailed records of hazing and control activities and will conduct monthly bird surveys to monitor wildlife populations in areas associated with this project. WS will provide City and Port with verbal reports on at least a quarterly basis. WS will maintain efforts to evaluate habitat changes as a means of controlling bird numbers on and around the landfill/airfield, and will work with the City and Port to implement changes as necessary. A Wildlife Biologist specializing in bird aircraft strike hazards (BASH) will provide technical and operational assistance to the WS Specialist as needed. WS will reduce wildlife hazards through an integrated approach of hazing, trapping, and shooting at the landfill, airfield and related areas that may serve as roosts, rookeries or attractants for problem bird species. In addition to direct control actions, a number of animated and static deterrent devices may be used. . 24 ,;~~~_r-~'~_;:',.::~'-7'->;""~-~: -; "{'!' ,,,' -'"-~,,,,,,..;,,,;, ',,- . WS will coordinate with the City of Port Angeles and the Port of Port Angeles on all matters concerning problelTl,wildlife and WS will serve as liaison between these entities and regulatory wildlife agencies. This project will be supervised by Keel Price, District Supervisor, Poulsbo, WA, . (360-337-2778) . COST ESTIMATE FOR SERVICES Feb. 1, 2002-Jan. 30, 2003 Total $43,277 2,500 500 2,164 6.760 $55,201 Salaries/benefits Supplies Biologist Travel Administrative Cost Vehicle Costs NOTE: In accordance with the Debt Collection Improvement Act (DCIA) of 1996, bills issued by APHISIWS are due and payable within 30 days of receipt. ~., ' . . 25 CITY OF PORT ANGELES P.O. BOX 1150 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Mayor UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE WILDLIFE SERVICES s~c~ifj~ Director, Western Region 26 Date /2 - /1'- t) / Date Date " J, . . . . MEMO FINANCE DEPARTMENT Yvonne Ziomkowski Finance Director [4601] Karen Asquith Accounting Mgr. [4605] ~L,_~aro1 Hagar ~strative Assistant [4600] . FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. Date: December 27,2001 To: Mayor Doyle and City Council From: Yvonne Ziomkowski, Finance Director Re: Payroll Information for December 23rd, 2001 For December 23rd, the payroll was $433,228.76. The year-to date change from 2000 to 2001 is 5.27%. General Fund remains at less than 1 %. This is the final payroll report for 2001. Except for the Firemen's Pension fund there were no dramatic changes from 2000. As stated in the last report the Firemen's Pension fund changes were due to the pension being recalculated in keeping with the RCW s. Suggestions and comments are welcome. Happy New Year and I look forward to working with you in 2002. 27 PAYROLL INFORMATION AS OF DEe 23, 2001 . Current Yr2000 2001 2000 YTD Fund/Department for PP # 26 PP # 26 TOTAL TOTAL VARIANCE 12/23/01 12/24/00 YTD YTD $ % General Fund Mayor/Council 34,200.00 34,200.00 0.00 0.00% City Manager (Adm,HR,Clerk) 11,981.61 11,335.45 328,466.66 292,556.66 35,910.00 12.27% Superior Performance/OPS 385.50 1,010.10 10,623.24 12,944.87 (2,321.63) -17.93% Finance 30,703.67 28,345.71 780,394.51 717,399.42 62,995.09 8.78% City Attorney 8,478.74 9,809.60 244,199.03 233,903.75 10,295.28 4.40% Community Development 8,113.52 9,347.60 231,710.32 224,662.89 7,047.43 3.14% Police Department 70,706.08 66,148.97 1,843,119.18 1,850,252.63 (7,133.45) -0.39% Fire Department 53,983.33 46,619.33 1 ,448,552.45 1,374,391.50 74,160.95 5.40% PW /Utility 42,336.13 48,849.15 1,085,859.49 1,036,513.14 49,346.35 4.76% Park/Recreation 35,365.04 29,931.39 1,069,031.72 1,018,276.54 50,755.18 4.98% Facility Maintenance 2,963.84 2,535.84 73,096.86 68,718.91 4,377.95 6.37% Total General Fund 265,017.46 253,933.14 7,149,253.46 6,863,820.31 285,433.15 0.32 Economic Development 2,452.08 2,345.52 63,700.85 62,099.71 1,601.14 2.58% Pen Com 28,637.08 25,935.41 712,883.04 676,208.13 36,674.91 5.42% Street 17,038.36 15,402.96 413,982.44 399,349.09 14,633.35 3.66% Recreation Activities 2,633.46 1,392.13 74,540.13 82,519.86 (7,979.73) -9.67% Light 37,022.66 35,761.31 858,274.92 787,497.22 70,777.70 8.99% Water 22,340.69 18,167.63 505,282.42 465,281.34 40,001.08 Bolt Wastewater 15,613.17 13,173.58 356,569.46 339,303.93 17,265.53 5.0 Solid Waste 22,998.90 20,671.27 593,254.59 538,544.81 54,709.78 10.16 0 Equipment Services 8,531.73 8,553.76 223,241.64 206,644.23 16,597.41 8.03% Information Technology 6,402.57 6,048.88 166,341.44 163,754.91 2,586.53 1.58% Firemen's Pension 1,730.20 45,077.30 19,108.17 25,969.13 135.91 % Esther Webster Trust 2,810.40 2,665.28 73,205.98 69,432.21 3,773.77 5.44% Total Payroll 433,228.76 404,050.87 11,235,607.67 10,673,563.92 562,043.75 5.27% . 28 . . . Fund 401 12-10-01 401 12-21-01 1!)'\f~~~:{_N:,~-,,:> . .~""!',;r-~t~H~f!_:"o,~- . Finance Department Electronic Payme~t~;December 08, 2001- December 21,2001 WPPSS October Power Purchase 1,194,288.00 144.846.00 WPPSS October Transmission Total 1,339,134.00 C: \ WINNT\Profiles\Administrator\Personal\ Wires. wpd 01/12/27-16:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 27 2001 Page CHECK REGISTER . Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Nunber Number 001 67121 Clallam Co Treasurer 03075 CVCA Remittance-October 2294000 241.35 67150 Johnson Marketing Group 10185 Network cards, Hard drives 1 2370000 240.01- 67238 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-Bear 1 2295000 24.00 67241 Washington State Treasurer 23120 District Court Revenue-Oct 1 2293000 10,500.90 67285 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Mouse,toner,tapes,palm pilot 1 2370000 48.63- Exabyte tape artridges 1 2370000 14.35- 3 Exabyte tape drives 1 2370000 283.10- Laserjet printer 1 2370000 62.86- Laserjet printer,card 1 2370000 29.11- Adaptec Ultra kit 1 2370000 38.89- 67287 Jackson, Vera 10225 Headstone refund-contract 2725 1 2373000 31. 98 67304 NIRSA 14517 Sports handbooks 1 2370000 4.27- Sports handbooks 1 2372000 5.74- 67311 Oriental Trading Co. Inc. 15033 Holiday pencils,bags,tattoos 1 2370000 4.34- Paper blowouts 1 2370000 1.69- 67339 Sheshunoff Information Svcs 19843 Disaster Recovery,Planning 1 2370000 25.83- 67344 State Chemical Mfg Co 19801 Paint,graffiti remover 1 2370000 11.54- 67349 Stoner Associates Inc. 19394 SynerGEE maintenance 2002 1 2370000 153.75- 67356 Treadway Graphics 20135 Stickers 1 2370000 48.83- . Total for Department 9,825.29 0001 67102 AVAYA INC 12215 12-02 AVAYA billing 111 4210 41.91 12-02 AVAYA billing 113 4210 41.91 12-02 AVAYA billing 124 4210 20.95 67116 Camera Corner 03044 Photos 113 3101 13.50 67119 Clallam Co Auditor 03018 11-6 General Election cost 124 4150 3,558.43 67141' Harbor Cafe 08216 OPS Soup and containers 125 1019 129.84 67186 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Envelopes 111 3101 51.27 Envelopes 113 3101 51.27 67188 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Appointment books, folders 113 3101 90.07 67191 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Headset under transcriber 124 3101 22.73 NP6412 lease agreement pe12-30 111 4810 32.46 67195 paymentech 16421 Business lunch 111 4310 10.89 67201 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Refreshments 111 3101 3.18 67226 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Gift certificate-OPS 125 4150 25.00 67234 United Parcel Service 21005 November shipping chgs 113 4210 11.19 67247 AWC Assn of Washington Cities 01080 New-elected officials workshop 112 4310 375.00 67301 McKeen, Daniel 13110 Reimburse for OPS lunch 125 1019 154.80 67319 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Decoration,food,plates 125 1019 134.08 67360 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 November Scan charges 111 4210 129.22 November Scan charges 113 4210 25.47 November Scan charges 124 4210 1.73 Total for Administration 4,924.90 . 0002 67101 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 12-02 AT&T a/c 45946522 240 4210 66.26 67102 AVAYA INC 12215 12-02 AVAYA billing 201 4210 41.91 12-02 AVAYA billing 230 4210 52.38 12-02 AVAYA billing 240 4210 125.72 67132 Equifax - Credit Information 05160 Service fees-October 240 4150 32.40 01/12/27-16:42 Fnd Dpt Check Number City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name 67138 Gateway Companies Inc 67150 Johnson Marketing Group 67183 Olympic Delivery Service Inc. 67186 Olympic Printers Inc. 67188 Olympic Stationers Inc. 67191 67195 67198 67201 67211 67226 67234 67236 67285 67302 67327 67359 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. paymentech Peninsula Daily News Port Angeles City Treasurer Reserve Account Swain's General Store Inc. United Parcel Service VF Workwear Insight Direct Inc. Microflex Inc. Radix Corporation WMTA (WA Municipal Treasurer) 67360 Washington (DIS), State of 0003 67102 AVAYA INC 67169 Matthew Bender & Co. Inc. 67186 Olympic Printers Inc. 67191 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 67234 United Parcel Service 67360 Washington (OIS), State of CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 Vendor Nunber 07195 10185 15020 15027 15030 16004 16421 16012 03062 21062 19037 21005 22116 09085 13203 18004 23243 23111 12215 13106 15027 16004 21005 23111 Description GL Code Nunber Computer 201 3160 Network cards, Hard drives 201 3160 November delivery svcs 240 4150 Business cards-Wood 230 3101 Business cards-Emery 240 3101 Envelopes 240 3101 Envelopes 201 3101 Envelopes 230 3101 Envelopes 240 3101 Envelopes 240 3101 Paper, record book, moistener 230 3101 Computer paper 201 3101 Computer paper 205 3101 Computer paper 240 3101 Paid out pads 230 3101 Finger moistener, rubber bands 240 3101 Paper 205 3101 Binders,markers 201 3101 Glue sticks 240 3101 Toner,core fee deposit 201 3101 Toner,core fee deposit 230 3101 Toner 240 3101 Toner 201 3101 Toner 240 3101 Laptop adapter plug 201 3101 Ord 3102,Ord 3103-taxes 201 4410 Christmas decorations 240 3101 Reimburse meter #2228594 205 4210 Flashl ight,cLip 240 3101 November shipping chgs 230 4210 Rain jackets 240 3101 3 Exabyte tape drives 201 3160 Tax Audit Program pe 11-30 230 4150 Monthly maintenance-January 240 4810 2002 Membership dues-Ziomkowsk 201 4901 2002 Membership dues-Ziomkowsk 230 4901 November Scan charges 201 4210 November Scan charges 230 4210 November Scan charges 240 4210 12-02 AVAYA billing WA Appellate Reports V 103 Business cards-Pierce Chair November shipping chgs November Scan charges 311 4210 311 3101 311 3101 311 3101 312 3101 311 4210 December 27 2001 Total for Finance Total for Attorney Page 2 . Amount 1,276.79 3,166.86 94.65 34.41 34.41 622.37 12.82 12.82 51.27 290.93 61.31 37.87 189.35 2.43 5.82 6.40 37.87 14.14 1.85 112.53 30. 11 112.53 115.78 78.36 31.98 42.92 10,000.00 14.14 28.00 579.27 3,735.48 75.40 176.37 30.00 60.00 54.77 26.15 40.34 22,002.55 73.34 16.94 34.41 1:. 257.09 01/12/27-16:42 . City of Port Angeles - lIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 Fnd Opt Check NlIllber Vendor Name Vendor NlIllber . 0005 0004 67101 AT&T Wireless Services 67102 AVAYA INC 67186 Olympic Printers Inc. 01404 12215 15027 67188 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 67194 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 67198 Peninsula Daily News 16012 67221 Sound Business Systems Inc 19844 67226 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 67251 American Planning Assn 01063 67344 State Chemical Mfg Co 19801 67360 Washington CDIS), State of 23111 67102 AVAYA INC 12215 67116 Camera Corner 03044 67118 City of Forks 06075 67184 Olympic laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 67186 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 67188 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 67191 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 67195 paymentech 16421 67196 Pen Print Inc 16009 . 67198 Peninsula Daily News 16012 67212 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Description 12-02 AT&T alc 44324994 12-02 AVAYA billing Receipt forms Envelopes letterhead Computer paper Business cards, folders Banker boxes roller covers,paint trays Ord #2722 Vacate on laurel St Second Residential Unit Amend Municipal Code Document storing supplies Document storing supplies Film Member dues-Collins 035464 Paint,graffiti remover November Scan charges December 27 2001 ,Page 3 Gl Code NlIllber 420 4210 411 4210 420 3101 411 3101 411 3101 411 3101 420 3101 420 3101 420 3501 411 4410 411 4410 411 4410 411 4150 420 3101 420 3101 411 4901 420 3501 411 4210 Total for Planning 12-02 AVAYA billing 511 4210 12-02 AVAYA billing 534 4210 12-02 AVAYA billing 5304210 Prints 530 4990 Prints 530 4990 Photos 530 4990 Prints 530 4990 November board bill 512 5099 November laundry svc #6275 530 4990 letterhead paper 534 4990 Business cards-Swayze 534 4990 Computer paper 534 3101 Paper 534 3101 Frame 530 3101 Credit ink cartridge 530 3101 Inkjet cartridges 534 3101 Paper 534 3101 Color ink cartridge 534 3101 Typewriter ribbon 534 3101 NP1020 lease agreement pe12-30 511 4810 NP3050 lease agreement pe12-30 534 4810 NP6230 lease agreement pe12-30 534 4810 Motel travel 511 4310 Personal History forms 534 4990 Property room reports 534 4990 PA Police Dept Open House 530 4150 Restored radio system 530 4810 Transmitter check, service call 530 4810 Replace scramble board 530 3114 Replaced switching transistor 530 3180 Amount 23.47 41. 91 204.28 25.63 191.24 37.87 33.11 15.12 9.45 19.68 48.38 83.64 1,058.72 1,588.07 64.86 142.00 152.19 11.95 3,751.57 73.34 52.38 10.48 3.72 44.15 23.01 21.16 1,031.31 29.22 66.24 34.41 75.74 75.74 14.51 24.62- 96.84 24.83 48.63 30.30 32.46 54.10 167.82 55.79 24.89 354.90 654.66 64.92 373.29 340.83 224.52 01/12/27-16:42 City of Port Angeles - LI VE MACH I NE December 27 2001 Page 4 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 . Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Nl.Il1be r Name NlJIlber Number 67226 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Glue 530 3101 5.78 Cleaner,brush,sponge 584 3120 7.04 67234 United Parcel Service 21005 November shipping chgs 530 4210 52.00 67274 GTE Communications Systems 07005 Calibrate doppler radar 530 4810 69.52 67285 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Laserjet printer 534 3160 829.40 Laserjet printer,card 534 3160 384.11 67358 WASPC North Sound 231n Electronic monitoring-Trussell 512 5099 705.00 67360 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 November Scan charges 511 4210 29.53 November Scan charges 534 4210 7.78 November Scan charges 530 4210 45.19 Total for Police 6,214.92 0006 67101 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 1202 AT&T alc 46898102 611 4210 9.11 12-02 AT&T alc 43736255 644 4210 8.31 67102 AVAYA INC 12215 12-02 AVAYA billing 611 4210 52.38 12-02 AVAYA billing 642 4210 10.48 12-02 AVAYA billing 643 4210 10.48 12-02 AVAYA billing 641 4210 31.43 67103 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Chain sharpener 641 3101 4.05 67117 Channing L Bete Co Inc 03638 Heartsaver manuals 643 3108 . 67143 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Roofers rip spade, lumber 641 3101 67163 Larry'S Janitor Service 12040 November janitorial svcs 684 4150 395.00 67167 M & P Garage Doors 13100 Repair charge 684 4810 108.53 67173 Metrocall 20000 11-24 Metrocall billing 644 4210 14.71 67176 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Car wash, rivets 641 3101 44.03 67177 Moroz, James 13065 Reimburse clothing allowance 641 2080 45.00 67184 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 November laundry svcs #150 641 3101 24.08 67188 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Mats 611 3101 93_25 67191 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Toner 645 3101 75.74 67194 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 Paint pails,lids 641 3101 19.65 67195 Paymentech 16421 RV Cover-Sparky Truck 641 3101 109.99 67198 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Air System High Pressure 644 4410 131.20 67201 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Car wash brushes-Abrams 641 3101 21.46 Smoke detectors 642 3101 43.26 Reimburse clothing-Ziegler 641 2080 24.99 67216 Sanders, Mike 19336 Reimburse clothing allowance 641 2080 93.03 67217 SeaWestern Inc. 19104 Nosecup,neck strap, ring 641 3501 64.31 67218 Sekac, Peter 19013 Reimburse clothing allowance 641 2080 112.82 67226 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Brasso 641 3101 7.08 Tape 611 3101 6.39 Drill bits,screws 641 3101 11.46 Jars 641 3101 22.68 67230 Thurman supply 20005 Faucet 684 4810 190.97 67234 United Parcel Service 21005 November shipping chgs 611 4210 7.12 67240 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Extinguisher maintenance 641 3101 86.56 67244 Williams Repair Service 23398 a-rings 641 3501 . 67320 Port Angeles Fire Department 16025 Reimburse petty cash 611 3101 67328 Region One Training Council 18101 RIT registrations-Denton,Reid, 641 4310 150.00 67360 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 November Scan charges 611 4210 23.53 November Scan charges 641 4210 .82 01/12/27-16:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 27 2001 Page 5 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description Gl Code Amount Number Name Number Number November Scan charges 642 4210 .08 November Scan charges 643 4210 4.10 67364 Williams Repair Service 23398 Service oxygen storage bottles 643 4810 715.80 Total for Fire 2,974.49 0007 67101 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 12-02 AT&T alc 48966287 711 4210 4.42 67102 AVAYA INC 12215 12-02 AVAYA billing 711 4210 282.87 67146 IBM Corporation 09020 AIX Upgrade,Media charge 711 3160 n4.71 67176 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Rags, lubricant 711 3101 14.94 67186 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 letterhead paper 711 3101 117.92 Receipt forms 711 3101 31.00 Envelopes 711 3101 25.63 Envelopes 711 3101 12.82 67188 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 label tapes, folders 711 3101 39.54 Cl ipboard,clock 711 3101 40.32 Paper 711 3101 113.61 Pens,planner,address book 711 3101 29.87 67195 Paymentech 16421 Digital camera 711 3501 626.90 67201 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Surge protector 711 3101 20.55 . Filing fees-Funston 711 4990 9.00 Batteries 711 3101 8.65 67234 United Parcel Service 21005 November shipping chgs 711 4210 6.69 67275 Gateway Companies Inc 07195 Computer, speakers 711 3160 1,679.28 67315 Peabody Cafe 16564 lunch-Morse Creek Hydro meetin 711 4310 19.75 67319 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Fil ing fees 711 4990 32.00 67325 Qwest 21001 12-05 Quest billing 711 4210 42.66 67349 Stoner Associates Inc. 19394 SynerGEE maintenance 2002 711 4530 2,028.75 67360 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 November Scan charges 711 4210 94.66 67371 Xerox corporation 24001 DC420SX lease November 711 4530 679.71 DC265 lease November 711 4530 855.60 67372 Zee Medical Service Co. 26005 Clean wipes,aspirin,antacid 711 3101 35.65 Total for Public Works 7,627.50 0008 67101 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 12-02 AT&T alc 44704773 865 4210 16.51 12-02 AT&T alc 46008926 865 4210 8.33 67102 AVAYA INC 12215 12-02 AVAYA billing 811 4210 31.43 12-02 AVAYA billing 866 4210 10.48 12-02 AVAYA billing 865 4210 10.48 12-02 AVAYA billing 861 4210 20.95 12-02 AVAYA billing 862 4210 10.48 12-02 AVAYA billing 863 4210 31.43 67109 Angeles Machine Works Inc. 01072 Thread spokes 862 4810 18.83 67111 Angeles Millwork 01073 Railroad ties 865 3140 193.41 Drywall anchors 830 6310 11.34 . Railroad ties 865 3140 163.65 Plywood 866 3120 206.14 lumber,shelf brackets 865 3120 64.56 lumber,shelf brackets 865 3120 19.52 Tape,credit shelf brackets 865 3120 7.90 01/12/27-16:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 27 2001 Page 6 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 . Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name NLmber Nunber Paint supplies 865 3120 7.73 Paint 865 3120 17.58 Staircase angles 865 3120 37.52 Screws 865 3120 16.42 Connector, cord 865 3120 16.15 Shelf brackets 865 3120 7.99 D rywa II compound 830 6310 9.55 Sanding belts,paint brushes 865 3120 37.73 PVC union 865 3140 2.25 Clamps, straps 865 3120 5.66 Gold edging 865 3120 23.11 Sawhorses 865 3120 38.93 Quartz lamp 865 3120 4.51 \ 67129 Dobson's 04054 V-belt 866 3120 21.75 Oil,gasket,sealant 865 3120 25.32 67130 Dungeness Turf Farm Inc. 04060 Sod, pal lets 865 3120 2,109.24 Sod,pallets 865 3140 1,271.54 Sod,pallets 865 3140 781.43 67143 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Roller covers 830 6310 7.29 67151 Johnstone Supply Inc. 10026 Pneumatic test kit,cleaner 830 3120 221.36 67153 K Ply Inc. 11050 Damage deposit rfd 863 36240025 ~. 67154 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 Concrete saw repair 865 3120 Ball bearings,seal-saw repair 865 3120 56.60 67162 Lakeview Products NW LLC 12366 Honda parts 865 3120 137.46 Honda parts 865 3120 107.20 Air filter 865 3120 17.00 67166 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Math correction on InV#007858 865 3120 .40 Pipe,bolts,washers,nuts 865 3120 38.68 Pipe,bolts,nuts 865 3120 55.81 67184 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 November laundry svc #1003 861 3106 53.48 November laundry svc #6275 861 3120 40.58 67185 Ol ympi c Paper Company 15111 Gloves, soap 862 3120 60.61 Liners 866 3120 85.41 Liners 862 3120 170.57 Soap, screens 862 3120 85.11 Toilet Tissue,stripper,mop 830 3120 29.18 Window cleaner,Toilet tissue 865 3120 70.33 Towels 862 3120 111. 01 Liners,toilet tissue,ozitape 830 3120 301.74 Ozitape refills,cleaner 830 3120 100.15 67186 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Business cards-Cottam 861 3101 34.41 67188 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 3 hole punch,message pads 866 3101 16.67 Ink cartridges, tags 866 3120 72.02 , 67191 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Service pool copier 862 4810 240.51 Pool copier-PAHS share 862 4810 80.17- Calculator ribbons 862 3101 ~I Deskj et ink 866 3101 67193 Paint Store, The 16064 Paint 861 4810 11. Zolatone paint job 862 3120 237.17 67194 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 Credit duplicate billing 865 3120 26.64- 67198 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Kids Club pool ad 11/12-11/14 862 4210 50.00 01/12/27-16:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 27 2001 Page 7 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 67201 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Lesson refunds 862 34760013 25.00 67202 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Carburetor kit 865 3120 20.55 Carburetor kit 865 3120 20.55 Fi lter,gasket, lubricant 865 3120 18.91 67204 Quiring Monuments Inc. 17001 Marker-Burton 866 3401 651.70 Marker-Zinn and LeMasters 866 3401 442.70 Foundation-Jewell 866 3401 57.95 Marker-Bay 866 3401 224.20 67205 Qwest 21001 12-02 Qwest billing 830 4150 31.36 12-02 Qwest billing 863 4210 40.12 67224 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 PVC unions,nipple 865 3140 10.90 Tape,nipples,gloves 865 3140 22.70 T-posts 865 3140 36.68 Drill bits 866 3120 12.85 Bolts 865 3120 57.13 IJashers,nuts 865 3120 7.57 IJelding cap, rope, hook, gloves 866 3120 72.80 Screw drivers 865 3120 36.77 Spacer,bit 830 3120 9.03 IJrap,gloves 865 3120 11.34 . Cylinder rental 865 3101 16.23 Cyl inder rent 866 3101 10.82 67226 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Seed and sod starter 865 3140 25.69 Rags 862 3120 16.20 Fertilizer,pipe 865 3140 27.15 Baracade tape, posts 865 3140 18.05 Rope,cl ip 811 3101 18.98 Posts 865 3120 59.96 Screw drivers 865 3120 8.27 Brushes 865 3120 4.03 Antifreeze 865 3120 34.36 Ant if reeze 865 3120 8.59 Bulb,cord 830 3120 4.26 Cleaner, tape, shower hook 862 3120 35.42 Switch,outlet cover,box 862 3120 21.99 Christmas lights 865 3120 39.49 Christmas lights 865 3120 19.75 Starter fluid 866 3120 9.54 Storage crate 865 3120 97.90 67230 Thurman Supply 20005 Elbows,bushings,primer,cement 865 3140 28.25 Coupling,adapter 865 3140 6.37 Couplings 865 3140 12.16 Bulbs,switch plate 863 3120 99.79 Bulb, lamp holder 861 3120 20.00 Texture spray,pail,boxes 861 3120 28.64 Receptacle,covers 863 3120 19.35 . Door stop, holder 830 3120 15.74 Surge protector,bulb 830 3120 75.30 Fluorescent tube 865 3120 33.54 67278 Grainger Inc. 07015 Exit signs 830 3120 483.47 Exit signs,shutter kit 830 3120 466.63 01/12/27-16:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 27 2001 Page 8 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 . Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description Gl Code Amount Number Name Number Number light fixtures,battery packs 862 3120 1,851.55 67287 Jackson, Vera 10225 Headstone refund-contract 2725 866 34360013 390.00 67291 Kompan Inc 16051 Boarding net 865 3120 466.84 67304 NIRSA 14517 Sports handbooks 862 4310 75.74 Sports handbooks 861 4310 56.27 67360 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 November Scan charges 811 4210 12.07 November Scan charges 861 4210 34.27 November Scan charges 862 4210 .91 November Scan charges 863 4210 2.28 November Scan charges 866 4210 4.29 Total for Parks & Recreation 14,193.03 Total for General Fund 71 ,771. 34 102 0007 67101 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 12-02 AT&T alc 43263680 752 4210 15.31 12-02 AT&T alc 43487438 752 4210 12.79 67102 AVAYA INC 12215 12-02 AVAYA billing 752 4210 31.43 67108 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Concrete, f ibermesh 752 3120 305. 12 67111 Angeles Millwork 01073 lumber 752 3120 7.15 lumber 752 3101 ~. Plywood 752 3101 Drawer sl ides 752 3101 6.16 lumber 752 3120 59.19 Tape 752 3101 10.25 67113 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Curb brush 752 3120 10.05 67143 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 UPS delivery charge 752 3120 9.63 Hammer,tape measure, level 752 3120 55.76 Magnum torch kit 752 3120 156.55 Door sweep 752 3101 17.10 67161 lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 Asphalt 752 3120 4,606.55 67176 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Wrench 752 3120 63.12 67188 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Folders 752 3101 14.38 Paper 752 3101 37.87 67212 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Repair radio insulation cable 752 4810 64.92 67213 Ridout, Ken 18011 Reimburse mileage 752 4310 66.02 67224 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware - 19035 Bolts 752 3125 38.95 67226 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Axe handle,pry bar, lantern 752 3120 67.98 Fasteners 752 3125 3.90 Jackets 752 3120 129.56 Hip waders 752 3120 129.56 Jacket 752 3120 64.78 67246 Zumar Industries Inc. 26001 Die cut letters 752 3125 343.95 Clip on cone signs 752 3125 485.00 Traffic signs 752 3125 2,299.12 67258 Brickie's 02578 Meals for storm call out 752 4310 I 67355 Traylor's Restaurant 20282 Meals for storm callout 752 4310 67360 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 November Scan charges 752 4210 2. Total for Street Fund 9,214.72 01/12/27-16:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 Vendor Description GL Code Number Number 12215 12-02 AVAYA billing 123 4210 03062 Chamber luncheons 123 4310 23111 November Scan charges 123 4210 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name 103 0001 67102 AVAYA INC 67201 Port Angeles City Treasurer 67360 Washington (DIS), State of 107 0005 67102 AVAYA INC 12215 67188 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 67191 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 67193 Paint Store, The 16064 67212 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 67242 West Coast Enterprises 23620 67294 Language Line Services 12345 67305 Nosworthy Telecommun. Dist. 14084 67360 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 . 110 0001 67120 Clallam Co EDC 03067 172 0002 67137 Garland Construction & Maint 07063 67182 Olympic Community Action progs 03022 , 174 0008 67101 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 67149 Jim's Pharmacy CIne) 10020 67186 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 67188 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 67201 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 67226 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 67234 United Parcel Service 21005 67311 Oriental Trading Co. Inc. 15033 67319 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 . 176 0005 67116 Camera Corner 03044 67297 Lee Wayne Corporation 18129 December 27 2001 Total for Economic Development 12-02 AVAYA billing 532 4210 Paper 532 3101 Service printer 532 4810 Publishing services 532 4990 Paint 532 4810 Paint,handi roll 532 4810 Service radio 532 4810 Vacuum repair 532 4810 Interpretations phone services 532 4210 Headsets, adapters, ear cushions 532 3501 Extension cords 532 3501 Windscreen 532 3501 November Scan charges 532 4210 Total for PenCom Reimburse Marketing expenses 130 4150 Total for "Port Angeles Works" Final billing-Lancott RPA04E Admin fee-Lanctot 214 4150 214 4150 Total for PA Housing Rehab Project 12-02 AT&T a/c 44889988 Ice packs Envelopes Envelopes Envelopes Paint brush Craft ssupplies-Cottam Popcorn, bags Paint,brush Scorebook November shipping chgs Holiday pencils,bags,tattoos Paper blowouts Fabric,thread Fabric,needles,ribbon 888 4210 888 3101 880 3101 881 3101 889 3101 888 3101 888 3101 888 3101 888 3101 882 3101 880 4210 888 3101 888 3101 888 3101 888 3101 Total for Recreational Activities Fund Slide film Award medallions,footballs 531 3101 531 3101 Page 9 Amount 10.48 17.00 10.94 38.42 178.11 75.74 102.n 57.35 19.55 8.n 243.45 65.16 26.43 678.80 331.23 20.50 42.75 1,850.51 4,885.73 4,885.73 649.20 200.00 849.20 8.31 7.47 128.16 64.08 64.08 2.24 10.28 7.15 23.85 59.19 7.93 57.19 22.24 10.68 42.67 515.52 26.08 125.54 01/12/27-16:42 City of Port AngeLes - liVE MACHINE Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 67356 Treadway Graphics 1B6 OOOB 67113 BLake Sand & GraveL Inc. 67170 Matthews InternationaL Inc 67361 ~ayne"s Nursery 310 0007 67116 Camera Corner 67139 GeneraL Construction Company 67142 Harding ESE Inc 67161 lakeside Industries Inc. OOOB 67116 Camera Corner CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/0B/2001 To 12/21/2001 Vendor Number 20135 02045 13459 23063 03044 07031 08248 12036 03044 67136 Frontier Bank/CaroL l Browning 14177 67148 Jackson's Signs 10018 67203 Primo Construction Inc. 16033 316 0008 67108 AngeLes Concrete Products 67111 AngeLes MiLLwork 67230 Thurman SuppLy 401 67250 ALLen, Marcia 67255 Baze, ApriL 67256 Bissonette, EarL 67260 Brown, CharLes 67263 CabraL, Jason 67266 Dady, MeLody 67271 Farrier, Katherine 67272 Ferris, lorne 67277 Gossard, DanieL 67279 GreenLey, Bonnie 67280 Gunderson, Marcus 67283 HosfeLdt, Arthur 67293 laFountain, Greg or Erica 67295 lawrence, Bronwyn 67296 Lawrence, Sarah 01070 01073 20005 01524 02650 02651 02652 03640 04402 06311 06312 07354 07365 07366 08533 12005 12400 12399 Description Stickers Jet set concrete mix PLaque-Brody PLaque-Sindars Trees Trees December 27 2001 Gl Code Number 531 3101 TotaL for D.A.R.E. Fund 873 3101 873 3401 873 3401 873 3401 873 3401 TotaL for Waterfront TraiL Fund Photos Prints 8th St Bridge Repairs-finaL Airport Rd/Edgewood pe 07-31 AsphaL t Photos Prints Retainage #7173001392-Primo Francis St Park sign Francis St Improvements #5 783 3101 783 3101 783 6510 774 4150 792 4810 TotaL for PubLic Works 890 3101 890 3101 890 4150 890 4990 890 4150 TotaL for Parks & Recreation TotaL for CapitaL Improvement Fund Crushed rock NaiLs,moLding Cartridge repair kit,chime 860 3101 860 3101 860 3101 TotaL for lincoLn Park Improvement Fund UtiLity deposit rfd-050962014 401 2391200 UtiLity deposit rfd-092134019 401 2391200 UtiLity deposit rfd-124617005 401 2391200 UtiLity deposit rfd-118947004 401 2391200 UtiLity deposit rfd-094926009 401 2391200 UtiLity deposit rfd-066699027 401 2391200 UtiLity deposit rfd-093351024 401 2391200 UtiLity deposit rfd-103594031 401 2391200 UtiLity deposit rfd-067148007 401 2391200 UtiLity deposit rfd-119066013 401 2391200 Utility deposit rfd-086576031 401 2391200 Utility deposit rfd-100633030 401 2391200 UtiLity deposit rfd-124631009 401 2391200 Utility deposit rfd-024015029 401 2391200 UtiLity deposit rfd-065781035 401 2391200 Page 10 . Amount 644.2B 795 .90 53.19 59.00 59.00 3,455.00 1,15B.00 4,784.19 7.30 3.40 27,082.54 9,056.35 124.0B 36,273.67 . 5,795.96 622. 15 119,628.67 126,062.28 162,335.95 60.59 7.65 41.84 110.08 38.36 125.00 125.00 250.00 13.93 21.83 125.00 98.15 80.99 125.00 ~. 125.00 122.68 125.00 01/12/27-16:42 City of Port AngeLes - LI VE MACH I NE December 27 2001 Page 11 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name NlIJ1ber Nl.II1ber 67300 McGee, Ken 13672 UtiLity deposit rfd-088846014 401 2391200 250.00 67308 OLsen, Jeffery 15223 UtiLity overpmt rfd-027022012 401 1222200 173.41 67312 Orton, Laurie 15222 UtiLity deposit rfd-092045027 401 2391200 51.76 67313 Osterberg, John 15182 UtiLity deposit rfd-032573028 401 2391200 69.12 67314 PaschaL, Mary Beth 16566 UtiLity overpmt rfd-001813015 401 1222200 218.88 67329 Rider, Wynn 18287 UtiLity deposit rfd-124256005 401 2391200 125.00 67330 Rishar, Joseph 18453 UtiLity deposit rfd-124616007 401 2391200 125.00 67334 Sandys, PauL 19845 UtiLity deposit rfd-084743008 401 2391200 250.00 67335 Sawyer, Davi d R 19851 UtiLity overpmt rfd-035653004 401 1222200 111.97 67336 Schaff, Jerry 19852 UtiLity deposit rfd-052698008 401 2391200 15.48 67337 sergi, Anthony '-'9846 UtiLity deposit rfd-099961018 401 2391200 125.00 67338 Serrianne, MichaeL 19808 UtiLity deposit rfd-127191004 401 2391200 250.00 67340 Snyder, Jackie 19850 UtiLity deposit rfd-065889030 401 2391200 125.00 67342 Sparks, Connie '19849 UtiLity deposit rfd-124526003 401 2391200 125.00 67346 Staus, HoLLy 19848 UtiLity deposit rfd-087084016 401 2391200 125.00 67348 Stevens, Tonya 19847 UtiLity deposit rfd-127868009 401 2391200 250.00 67350 Stump, Dwight 19853 UtiLity deposit rfd-011878013 401 2391200 152.77 67352 Thompson, George 20333 UtiLity deposit rfd-094307023 401 2391200 250.00 67353 Tobisch, LesLie 20334 UtiLity deposit rfd-102121030 401 2391200 125.00 67365 WilLiams, Josh 23624 UtiLity deposit rfd-086258023 401 2391200 69.26 . 67366 WilLiams, Reggie 23621 UtiLity deposit rfd-091677033 401 2391200 125.00 67367 WiLLiamson, Jamison and Amy 23366 UtiLity deposit rfd-049000018 401 2391200 250.00 67368 WiLson, Ladona 23623 UtiLity deposit rfd-122661003 401 2391200 250.00 67370 WouL fe, Jason 23622 UtiLity deposit rfd-091995033 401 2391200 125.00 TotaL for Department 5,363.59 0009 67101 AT&T WireLess Services 01404 12-02 AT&T ale 44625127 911 4210 15.79 12-02 AT&T alc 48531602 911 4210 42.31 12-02 AT&T ale 44690139 911 4210 22.81 12-02 AT&T alc 45528387 91,1 4210 19.73 12-02 AT&T ale 45570652 911 4210 33.74 12-02 AT&T alc 48555460 911 4210 5.34 67102 AVAYA INC 12215 12-02 AVAYA biLLing 911 4210 146.68 67105 ALL Phase ELectric suppLy Co. 01061 Lighting parts 911 4810 63.72 Li ghti ng 911 4810 10.33 Straps,connectors,pLugs 911 4810 191.17 InsuLated splicing 911 4810 78.44 InsuLated spLicing 911 4810 40.18 67111 AngeLes MilLwork 01073 Crate Lid for Light ops 930 3101 12.03 67152 Jordan Escavating 10238 Conduit crossing 911 4810 9,197.00 67158 L & L TooL SpeciaLties 12035 HandLe,die 911 3501 18.85 67166 LincoLn IndustriaL Corp. 12047 Diamond pLate 911 4810 3.87 67173 MetrocaLL 20000 12-01 MetrocaLL biLLing 911 4210 19.94 67174 MetropoLitan Communications 13568 Community TeLecom PLanning 2 911 4150 6,456.70 67185 OLympic Paper Company 15111 ToiLet tissue,toweLs,cups 911 3120 257.92 . Hand soap 911 3120 48.42 Liners 911 3120 66.33 Credit Boraxo Luron 911 3120 94.88- 67188 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 911 3101 37.87 67191 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Diskettes 911 3120 20.01 01/12/27-16:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 27 2001 Page 12 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 . Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Nl.IIlber 67194 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 Masking tape, brushes 911 4810 28.41 Paint,brushes,roller covers 911 4810 39.98 Credit primer 911 4810 6.83- 67195 Paymentech 16421 Engineering specs,plans 911 3101 45.00 67199 Pettit Oil Company 16302 D rLlJl punp 911 4810 34.53 67205 Qwest 21001 12-02 Qwest billing 911 4210 64.92 67222 Straits Electric 19097 Refund permit fees #7483 911 32210028 173.40 67224 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Bolts 911 4810 11.69 Nuts 911 4810 4.60 \.later can, hose 911 4810. 27.45 Tarp 911 3501 46.84 Paint 911 4810 111.40 67226 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Bungee,nuts,washers 911 4810 4.57 Saw, screws 911 4810 11.87 Extension cords 911 4810 5.13 Velcro cuff 911 3501 32.18 Battery,alcohol,gas can 911 4810 75.08 67230 Thurman Supply 20005 Tarp,key case, keys 911 4810 10.43 Brushes,caulk 911 4810 10.14 Box 911 4810 23.79 67234 United Parcel Service 21005 November shipping chgs 911 4210 19. 67236 VF \.Iorkwear 22116 Rain jackets 911 3120 Rain jacket,pants 911 3120 295.50 67253 Asplundh Tree Expert Co. 01119 Tree trimming pe 11-24 930 4150 3,568.48 Tree trimming pe 12-01 930 4150 5,886.47 67262 CED/Consolidated Elec.Dist.lnc 03267 Advance ignitor 911 4810 460.20 67281 Hansen Supply Company Inc 08478 Reflective tape cartridges 911 4810 478.72 Reflective tape cartridges 911 4810 315.49 67286 JACO Analytical Inc 10237 PCB in oil test-transformers 911 4810 180.00 67298 Mallory Company 13139 Gloves,flashlights 911 3501 200.34 67310 Olympic Synthetic Products 15064 Slings,boom strap, lanyard 911 3501 226.53 67318 Port Angeles City Light 16083 Oay Runner refill 911 3101 4.98 Phone cord,aspirin 911 4810 18.37 Lunch on 12-19-01 911 4810 10.37 Ferry fares 911 4810 20.50 COL license for Tabin Beckett 911 4310 20.00 67319 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Callout meal 12-14-01 911 4810 76.00 67323 Public Utility Oist Clallam Co 16038 12-11 billing SR 102 & Euclid 911 3350 16.41 67326 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 Swi tch 911 4810 15.13 67331 Rohlinger Enterprises Inc. 18087 Leather protector 911 3501 23.52 67357 Utility Vault Company Inc. 21012 Cover 930 3402 701.77 67360 Yashington (OIS), State of 23111 November Scan charges 911 4210 24.49 67369 Yinstead Sechrest & Minick PC 23610 Cable Renewal pe 10-31 911 4150 1 , 794.90 67372 Zee Medical Service Co. 26005 First aid supplies, iodine 911 3120 65.08 121401 Virginia Transformer 22121 Retainage @ 5%-Transformer 930 6510 16,147.24- Substation transformer 930 6510 310,523.00 Storage chg #A 10-24 to 12-01 930 6510 9,79_ Storage chg 10-24 to 11-12-01 930 6510 2,626. Total for Light 338,868.67 01/12/27-16:42 City of Port Angeles - LI VE MACH I NE December 27 2001 Page 13 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description Gl Code Amount Nuntler Name Number NlGber Total for Li ght Fund 344,232.26 402 67107 American Water Works Assoc 01066 Emergency Planning 402 2370000 5.07- 67160 lab Safety Supply Inc. 12004 lockout hasp 402 2370000 3.42- 67172 McMaster-Carr supply Co. 13202 Clevis hooks 402 2370000 46.82- Alloy steel chain 402 2370000 64.99- 67219 Seton 19842 Fire extinguisher tags 402 2370000 31.95- Blank name plates 402 2370000 13.45- 67306 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 Filter cartridges 402 2370000 25.69- Filter cartridges 402 2370000 27.64- Total for Department 219.03- 0007 67101 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 12-02 AT&T alc 46031977 753 4210 15.68 67102 AVAYA INC 12215 12-02 AVAYA billing 754 4210 20.95 12-02 AVAYA billing 753 4210 10.48 67103 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Pipe cutter saw 754 3120 973.74 67105 All Phase Electric supply Co. 01061 Splicing tape 754 3120 8.68 67107 American Water Works Assoc 01066 Emergency Planning 753 3101 66.82 67108 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Concrete 754 3120 192.60 . Control density fill 753 3402 117.67 Control density fill 753 3402 127. 14 Control density fill 753 3402 227.22 Crushed rock 753 3402 5,891.36 67109 Angeles Machine Works Inc. 01072 Boring flanges 793 6510 112.53 Shear pins for water intakes 753 3402 119.76 Bore,thread cover plates 753 3402 140.66 67111 Angeles Millwork 01073 PVC union 793 6510 12.32 Tape measure 753 3120 9.73 Nipple,bushing 793 6510 2.03 Batteri es 753 3120 8.61 67112 Anjo Soils 01057 Soil mix 753 3402 100.10 67113 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Concrete blocks 753 3402 37.26 67114 Brown and Caldwell 02057 WW Projects pe 11-23 pmt 10 794 4150 6,530.10 WW Projects pe 11-23 pmt 10 794 4150 2,517.31 67125 Custom Conveyor Corporation 03382 Shafts, bearing inserts,bolts 754 3120 3,463.95 67126 Datastream Systems Inc 04143 Maintenance,support pe 11-2002 754 4810 1,511.55 67154 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 Plastic steel putty 753 3402 25.19 67160 lab Safety Supply Inc. 12004 lockout hasp 754 3120 45.12 67166 lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Weld shaft 754 3120 360.10 lock boxes on lids 754 3120 155.63 Aluminum diamond plate 753 3402 1,017.83 67172 McMaster-Carr Supply Co. 13202 Clevis hooks 753 3402 617.72 Alloy steel chain 753 3402 857.46 67176 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 24 WD40 spray 753 3402 75.05 67179 Northwest Biosolids Mgmt Assn 14152 2002 Membership contribution 754 4901 200.00 . 67185 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Seat covers 753 3120 6.71 Chlorine 753 3105 178.96 Chlorine 753 3105 178.96 Chlorine 753 3105 178.96 Chlorine 753 3105 18.39 01/12/27-16:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 27 2001 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 Fnd Dpt Check Nunber Vendor Number Vendor Name 67187 Olympic springs Inc. 15029 67188 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 67191 Pacific Office Equipment Inc." 16004 67192 Pacific Office Furniture 16518 67194 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 67197 Peninsula Concrete Cutting Inc 16263 67198 Peninsula Daily News 16012 67199 Pettit Oil Company 16302 67201 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 67205 Qwest 21001 67206 R & R Marine Supply 18119 67207 Race Street Auto Parts 18048 67209 Reandeau Excavating, Ken 18450 67210 Recycled Earth Products Inc 18265 67212 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 67214 River City Infrared 18451 67219 Seton 19842 67220 Snelson Companies Inc 19828 67224 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Description GL Code Number Chlorine 753 3105 Water 754 3120 Cooler rental 754 3120 Paper 753 3101 Labels 754 3101 Binders 753 3101 Marker pens 753 3101 Binders 753 3101 Calendar refills,pens 754 3101 Paper, notebooks, protectors 793 3101 Inkjet printer cartridges 753 3101 Label cartridge 753 3101 Printer 753 3160 ALPHAG lease agreement pe12-30 753 4210 Bookcases 754 3101 Locking cabinet 754 3101 Paint,paint supplies 753 3402 Cut holes in Shop floor 754 4810 Surge tank replacement 753 4410 Diesel 754 3211 CDL endorsement-Richmond 754 3120 12-02 Qwest billing 754 4210 12-02 Qwest billing 754 4210 11-20 Qwest billing 754 4210 Nylon mesh 753 3402 Nylon mesh 753 3402 Safety button 753 3120 Remove asphalt, trenching 754 4150 Import material,back fill 754 4150 Remove ground cover, excavate 754 4150 Top soi l 753 3402 Radio for backhoe 753 6410 Analyze switchgear 754 4810 Fire extinguisher tags 753 3402 Blank name plates 753 3402 Black Diamond Reservoir #2 793 6510 Nuts,bolts 753 3402 Nipple 793 6510 Camlock,gaskets 754 3120 Dri II set 753 3120 Cable tie 753 3402 Gasket,camlock 754 3120 Clamp,hyraulic labor 753 3120 Bushing 753 3402 Tulips,tension pin 753 3402 Flat bar,washers,bolts,nuts 754 3120 Bolts,washers,nuts 753 3120 Studs,nuts,washers 754 3120 Lens,hose 753 3120 Angle 754 3120 Washers,bolts,nuts,tubings 753 3402 Page 14 . Amount 178.96 17.04 21.53 75.74 40.38 31.04 8.06 30.72 19.95 27.11 119.02 15.15 109.29 20.85 108.20 215.32 85.06 339.75 124.64 529.58 . 40.32 40.75 51.94 51.94 7.82 605.92 672.57 908.88 173.12 632.97 650.00 421.52 177.38 76,327.96 16.10 2.65 40.60 116.85 3.02 42.80 3.17 1.18 38.66 19 8. 1 37.79 10.71 15.23 01/12/27-16:42 . City of Port Angeles - lIVE MACHINE December 27 2001 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name . 404 0007 . 67226 Swain's General Store Inc. 67227 TEC (Treatment Equipment Co) 67230 Thurman Supply 67232 US Bank 67234 United Parcel Service 67243 Whitney Equipment Co. Inc. 67249 All World Scientific 67261 C Tech Defense Corp 67270 Familian NW 67278 Grainger Inc. 67284 Industrial labsales Inc 67290 K & l Supply Inc. 67306 Nurnberg Scientific 67319 Port Angeles City Treasurer 67321 Power Quality Equipment Inc 67351 TIRC-Training and Inspection 67354 Transfac Funding Corporation 67360 Washington (015), State of 67362 Western Utilities Supply Co. 67102 AVAYA INC 67104 Airport Quarry 67111 Angeles Millwork 67184 Olympic laundry & Clnrs Inc. 67185 Olympic Paper Company 67188 Olympic Stationers Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 Vendor Number 19037 20259 20005 21029 21005 23073 onn 03639 06020 07015 09145 11010 14092 03062 16510 20332 20059 23111 23022 12215 01428 01073 15026 15111 15030 Description Gl Code Number Washers, screws 753 3402 Vinyl tube, hose tie cords 753 3402 Screws,nails 753 3402 Solder,surge protector 793 6510 Scissor, ice chest,calk gun, 7543120 Dustpan,pail,moisturizer 7533402 Coveralls 7543120 Hasp,bol t 753 3402 Rental of 5 G.A.G. units 793 4530 Fasteners 754 3120 Pipe 754 3120 Rivet tool 754 3120 Cement,primer 753 3402 Clamp 754 3120 Retainage 153591699357-Snelson 793 6510 November shipping chgs 754 4210 November shipping chgs 754 4210 Valve, regulator kits 753 3402 Injector,valve,regulator kits 753 3402 Meter 754 3120 Shelving,hose,tank.plate,valve 754 3120 Pipe insulation 754 4810 Gasket 754 3120 Fan guard,wall shutter 7543120 Exhaust fan 754 3120 Fecal coliform testing 7543120 Gloves,chain oil,disinfectant 7543120 De-icer 753 3402 Filter cartridges 7543120 Filter cartridges 7543120 Pizza for safety meeting 754 4310 Postage 754 4210 Base drive board repair 754 3120 Riggers cards 753 3402 Freight chgs-valve boxes,lids 7533402 November Scan charges 753 4210 November Scan charges 754 4210 Sockets 753 3402 Total for Public Works Total for Water/Wastewater Fund 12-02 AVAYA billing Rock Strap Battery pack November laundry svcs #353 Quick sorb absorbent Towels,chisel,cleaner Paper 755 4210 755 3120 755 3120 755 3120 755 4990 755 3120 755 3120 755 3101 Page 15 Amount 20.02 34.48 2.01 23.09 74.55 65.89 175.66 4.66 533.12 4.20 19.37 16.50 36.79 27.11 3,698.06 6.23 6.72 209.79 457.33 635.24 503.13 412.46 51.25 161.86 500.21 276.95 810.96 259.14 338.93 364.69 24.85 3.94 1,910.83 298.20 45.95 12.18 32.11 150.58 121,635.74 121,416.71 52.38 947.70 7.56 59.61 76.52 1,121.76 96.98 37.87 01/12/27-16:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 27 2001 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Number Vendor Name 67191 67192 67226 67228 67252 67292 16004 16518 19037 Inc 20290 01252 12396 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. Pacific Office Furniture Swain's General Store Inc. TaylorSparks Refrigeration Analytical Resources Inc. L & S Tire Company 67325 Qwest 21001 67360 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 421 0009 67106 All Weather HeatingCooling Inc 01060 67115 C & F Insulation 03102 67133 Everwarm Hearth & Home Inc 05013 67168 Mathews Glass Co. Inc. 13107 67195 paymentech 16421 67198 Peninsula Daily News 16012 67208 Radio Pacific Inc. 11019 67248 All Weather HeatingCooling Inc 01060 67254 Balch, Gary R0146 67257 Bonney, Stuart R0147 67264 Charles, Jennifer R0148 67267 Den-Ree productions 04342 67268 Dryver, Robert & Vivian R0149 67273 Funk, John R0150 67276 Glass Services Co. Inc. 07037 67288 Johnson, Curtis G R0151 67289 Johnson, James & Mary R0018 67299 Maxwell, Barbara R0152 67316 Perszyk, Jim R0153 67317 Pitt, Dick & Glenna R0154 67332 Romero, Jason R0155 67341 Sonmers, Vivian R0156 67343 Spencer, Shari R0157 67347 Steinman, Tony R0159 67363 White, Nancy R0158 Description GL Code Number Paper,pens 755 3101 Chair 755 3101 Hoe,shovel,surge protector 755 3120 Remover refrigerant,compressor 755 4810 Quarterly well analysis 755 4150 Recycle tires 755 4810 Recycle tires 755 4810 12-05 Qwest billing 755 4210 November Scan charges 755 4210 Total for Solid Waste Fund City rebate program-Brown 913 4986 City rebate program-Gleeson 913 4986 City rebate program-Reynolds 913 4986 City rebate program-Knowles 913 4986 City rebate program-Thanheiser 913 4986 City rebate program-Reidel 913 4986 City rebate program-Jacobson 913 4986 Booth rental-Energy Fair 913 4410 Cable Television Notice 913 4410 PA Power Saver Conservation 913 4410 October conmercials #1-235 913 4410 November conmercials #1-235 913 4410 City rebate program-Beckett 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 November advertising 913 4410 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program-Wolfe 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 Total for Conservation Fund 501 67171 McLoughlin & Eardley Corp. 13300 Amber lenses 501 2370000 67199 Pettit Oil Company 16302 Diesel 501 1412000 Gasol ine,diesel 501 1412000 Diesel 501 1412000 Diesel 501 1412000 Diesel 501 1412000 Page 16 . Amount 98.87 107.12 114.42 714.12 4,222.00 750.00 750.00 83.56 20.79 9,261.26 1 ,765.00 800.00 2,092.80 1,723.27 1,306.00 186.00 417.50 450.00 10. 49 707.00 444.50 1,765.00 50.00 170.00 50.00 1,500.00 20.00 2,167.40 1 ,765 .00 50.00 20.00 120.00 50.00 20.00 50.00 120.00 50.00 120.00 120.00 18,698.72 ~~- 4,:_ 1,559.37 440.83 227.85 01/12/27-16:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 27 2001 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor . Nunber 0007 67101 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 67102 AVAYA INC 12215 67108 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 67122 Coastline Ford Tractor Co Inc. 03082 67124 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 67127 Denver's Tire Co. Inc. 04044 . . Description GL Code Number Total for Department 12-02 AT&T a/c 46204277 760 4210 12-02 AVAYA billing 760 4210 Weight certifications 760 4810 Weight certifications 760 4810 Cab, Boom Mower 760 6410 Starter bolt 760 3402 Starter bolt 760 3402 Starter bolt 760 3402 Brake pads, Rotor turned 760 4810 Brake pads, Rotor turned 760 3402 Disc align kit 7603402 Container 760 3402 Rotor turned 760 4810 Map lights 760 3402 Tires 760 3110 Safety check, balance 760 4810 Signal flashers 760 3402 Automotive labor 760 4810 Fuse,spotlight check, labor 760 3402 Fuse,spotlight check, labor 7604810 Safety check,automotive labor 760 4810 Lubra Kleen 760 3402 Transmission,converter,oil 7603220 Power flush, automotive labor 760 4810 Flat repair 760 4810 Tires,balance,tubless stem 760 4810 Tires,balance,tubless stem 760 3110 Put on studded tires 760 4810 Put on studded tires 760 4810 Put on studded tires 760 4810 Put on studs,lubra Kleen 760 3402 Put on studs,lubra Kleen 760 4810 Tires,balance,mount,demount 760 4810 Tires,balance,mount,demount 760 3110 Mount,demount,balance 760 4810 Service call,mount,demount 760 4810 O-rings 760 3402 Snow tires, tire change 760 4810 Snow tires, tire change 760 3110 Safety check,lubra clean 760 4810 Safety check,lubra clean 760 3402 Safety check, turn rotors, labor 7604810 Lubra Kleen 760 3402 Catalytic converter, tires 760 3402 Catalytic converter,tires 760 3110 Catalytic converter, tires 760 4810 Safety check,lubra Kleen 760 3402 Safety check,lubra Kleen 760 4810 Safety check, automotive labor 760 4810 Page 17 Amount 7,739.37 26.41 10.48 5.00 5.00 62,532.42 6.20 6.20 6.20 16.23 27.40 13.29 43.09 16.23 34.82 285.65 77.90 8.66 7.30 2.71 14.60 28.14 2.43 1,325.86 185.98 10.82 34.63 246.52 34.62 34.62 34.62 2.43 45.45 49.77 238.69 21.64 75.74 10.82 28.13 190.43 45.44 10.55 44.37 2.43 225.06 123.24 . 102.79 2.43 45.45 28.14 01/12/27-16:42 City of Port Angeles - liVE MACHINE December 27 2001 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Number Vendor Name 67129 Dobson's 04054 67140 H & R Parts & Equipment Inc. 08045 67144 Heart line, The 08054 67147 J.B.'s Upholstery 10001 67155 Simpson's Used Auto Parts 19199 67157 Koenig Chevrolet Oldsmobile 11018 67164 les Schwab Tire Center (City) 19459 67165 les Schwab TireCtr-Solid Waste 19755 67166 lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 67171 Mcloughlin & Eardley Corp. 13300 67176 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc.' 13117 Description GL Code Number Lubra kleen 760 3402 Suspension check 760 4810 Safety check,automotive labor 760 4810 Master cylinder,lubra kleen 760 3402 O-rings 760 3402 Service call, tire repair 760 4810 Water pump,fan clutch, idler 760 3402 Safety check, automotive labor 760 4810 Wiper refills, labor 760 3402 Wiper refills, labor 760 4810 Safety check,automotive labor 760 4810 Timing belt,headset,water pump 760 3402 Switch 760 3402 Switch 760 3402 Wiper valve 760 3402 Pipe 760 3402 Washer, screw 760 3402 Battery 760 3402 Battery 760 3402 Battery 760 3402 Repair cushion 760 4810 Tow charge 760 4810 Belt kit 760 3402 Tires 760 3110 wheel spin balance, stud 760 4810 Tubeless valve stem 760 3402 Dismount,mount,balance 760 4810 Dismount,mount, balance 760 4810 Tires 760 3110 Wheel spin balance,stud 760 4810 Tubeless valve stem 760 3402 Tires,casing,mount,dismount 760 3402 Tires,casing,mount,dismount 760 4810 Tires,casing,mount,dismount 760 3101 Tire,wheel switch,dismount 760 3402 Tire,wheel switch,dismount 760 4810 Tire,wheel switch,dismount 760 3101 Tire,casing,tubes,wheel switch 760 3402 Tire,casing,tubes,wheel switch 760 4810 Tire,casing,tubes,wheel switch 760 3101 Tires,casing,wheel switch 760 3402 Tires,casing,wheel switch 760 4810 Tires,casing,wheel switch 760 3101 Repair and refinish,paint 760 4810 Repair and refinish,paint 760 3402 Sheet metal 760 3402 Flat bar 760 3402 lED light,adapter 760 3402 Amber lenses 760 3402 Shell 760 3402 Shell 760 3402 Page 18 . Amount 2.43 14.61 121.19 99.81 10.82 97.38 298.14 220.73 14.07 7.30 261.24 205.43 8.26 14.80 43.14 18.18 34.41 67.03 67.03 43.23 1~. 74.31 245.27 86.56 12.98 59.51 59.51 244.49 86.56 12.98 86.05 32.52 247.43 39.77 16.26 123.72 112.81 16.26 148.22 101.73 32.52 247.44 1,390.37 194.76 1~ '" 257.26 20.55 20.55 01/12/27-16:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 27 2001 Page 19 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name NunDer Number Hydraulic filter 760 3402 8.74 Filters,fittings 760 3402 214.87 Fitting 760 3402 1.64 V-belt 760 3402 27.18 Lock kit 760 3402 17.58 Bulbs 760 3402 70.96 Starter, core deposit 760 3402 91.12 Pump, core deposit 760 3402 119.24 Wiper blade refills 760 3402 16.75 Battery 760 3402 5.94 Wiper blades 760 3402 18.59 Credit cores 760 3402 75.62- Wiper blade 760 3402 9.29 Hardware kit 760 3402 10.97 Fuel line 760 3402 17.58 Air filter 760 3402 6.01 Grease 760 3402 4.27 Terminals,filters,seals 760 3402 242.87 Display 760 3402 24.54 r Grease fitting assortment 760 3402 65.03 . Bulb 760 3402 8.13 Star bit 760 3402 2.15 Seals, stand 760 3402 74.96 Fittings 760 3402 4.98 Filters,nuts, 760 3402 81.31 Filter kit 760 3402 16.29 Cable tie, loom 760 3402 24.46 Shell,bulb,washer 760 3402 57.88 Fuel pump,strainer 760 3402 53.58 Bulb 760 3402 7.79 Pick set,bit adapter 760 3402 7.00 Brake pads 760 3402 29.27 Fuse holders, ignition 760 3402 8.90 Mirror 760 3402 38.91 Wiper blades 760 3402 13.22 Tubing 760 3402 28.78 Mirror 760 3402 43.28 Fuse holders 760 3402 18.96 Bit adapter 760 3402 4.84 Fittings 760 3402 31.36 Brake fluid 760 3402 42.46 Oil fil ter 760 3402 4.83 Wheel seal 760 3402 28.54 V-belt 760 3402 14.47 V-belts 760 3402 28.94 . Wiper blades,refills 760 3402 14.89 Mirror 760 3402 36.64 Air fresheners 760 3101 22.49 Mirror 760 3402 36.64 Filter kit 760 3402 5.56 Filter kit 760 3402 6.07 01112/27-16:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 67178 Murray Motors Inc. 13129 67184 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 67188 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 67190 Pacific Detroit Diesel Allison 16060 67199 Pettit Oil Company 16302 Description Filters Mirror Map lamp Filters,cleaner Oil filter Cup holder Cup holder November laundry svcs #241 Folders Binders,scissors Update cartridge,DDEC card Prolink 9000 PCMCIA-Prolink Hydraul i c oi l EQ4 November gasoline EQ9 November gasoline EQ14 November gasoline EQ14 November gasoline EQ18 November gasoline EQ27 November gasoline EQ28 November gasoline EQ30 November gasoline EQ40 November gasoline EQ41 November gasoline EQ42 November gasoline EQ43 November gasol ine ' EQ45 November gasoline EQ46 November gasoline EQ47 November gasoline EQ48 November gasoline EQ65 November gasoline EQ66 November gasoline EQ70 November gasoline EQ73 November gasoline EQ77 November gasoline EQ78 November gasoline EQ80 November gasoline EQ81 November gasoline EQ82 November gasoline EQ83 November gasoline EQ84 November gasoline EQ85 November gasoline EQ86 November gasoline EQ87 November gasoline EQ88 November gasoline EQ89 November gasoline EQ90 November gasoline EQ95 November gasoline EQ96 November gasoline EQ136 November gasoline EQ147 November gasoline December 27 2001 GL Code' Number 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 4990 760 3101 760 3101 760 3501 760 3501 760 3501 760 3220 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 Page 20 . Amount 13.43 92.86 63.55 295.42 8.56 59.73 59.73 21.86 14.38 20.14 944.08 605.93 456.96 206.56 10.80 61.27 17.38 24.03 32.50 10.82 :. 55.66 67.80 19.03 73.98 15.90 89.07 93.84 87.33 17.90 101. 76 16.38 54.43 55.09 65.84 86.11 57.66 44.41 110.49 35.66 20.65 60.28 75.97 55.03 6~ ~~ 44.19 57.09 37.86 01/12/27-16:42 . City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Dpt Check NlII1ber . 502 0002 . 503 0001 Vendor Name 67212 Richmond 2-Way Radio 67215 Ruddell Auto Mall 67224 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 67226 Swain's General Store Inc. 67245 Zep Manufacturing Company 67282 Horizon Ford 67319 Port Angeles City Treasurer 67360 Washington (OIS), State of 67101 AT&T Wireless Services 67102 AVAYA INC 67123 CompuMaster 67146 IBM corporation 67188 Olympic Stationers Inc. 67195 paymentech 67201 Port Angeles City Treasurer 67259 Brooks, Gary 67269 Oungeness Communications & 67285 Insight Direct Inc. 67339 Sheshunoff Information Svcs 67360 Washington (OIS), State of 67156 Kochanek, Cindy Lou 67231 UNUM Life Ins Co of America CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 Vendor Number 18009 18019 19035 19037 26211 19261 03062 23111 01404 12215 03512 09020 15030 16421 03062 022n 04210 09085 19843 23111 11136 21000 Description EQ148 November gasoline EQ151 November gasoline EQ191 November gasoline EQ1860 November gasoline EQn42 November diesel Radius,install radio,antenna Radius,install radio,antenna Pad assembly Handle Handle Cylinder rentals Cylinder rental Flat bar a-ring Bolt,bearing a-rings Flint strikers PlII1p Credit inv #285594 Aquapel kit Clutch kit,core exchange Ferry tickets Fuel November Scan charges. December 27 2001 GL Code Number 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3211 760 3402 760 4810 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 4990 760 3210 760 4210 Total for Public Works Total for Equipment Services Fund 12-02 AT&T a/c 43943802 12-02 AVAYA billing Cisco router W/S-Harper Cisco router W/S-Brooks AIX Upgrade AIX Upgrade Binders Calendar, software Internet services Antivirus software Computer memory,atomic clock November maintenance, services Mouse,toner,tapes,palm pilot Exabyte tape artridges Adaptec Ultra kit Disaster Recovery,Planning November Scan charges 250 4210 250 4210 250 4310 250 4310 250 6410 250 6410 250 3101 250 3101 250 4150 250 4810 250 4810 250 4150 250 4800 250 4800 250 4810 250 3101 250 4210 Total for Information Technology Fund Reimburse medical svcs Admin January premium 121 4630 121 4631 Page 21 Amount 22.49 29.76 16.61 22.70 16.18 579.95 97.38 135.20 8.87 8.83 27.05 27.05 37.78 .96 15.54 .87 7.55 157.69 27.05- 156.43 529.17 25.00 5.00 12.42 80,726.07 88,465.44 19.23 31.43 895.00 895.00 720.61 720.61 23.92 283.42 35.90 12.98 144.94 1,823.75 641.63 189.35 513.16 340.78 13.22 7,304.93 49.09 1,293.65 01/12/27-16:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 67265 Curves for Women 67307 O'Donnell, David 67309 Olympic Medical Center 67322 Preston Gates & Ellis LLP 67324 Puget Sound Auto Appraisal 67333 Roth, Terry 121701 Healthcare Mgt Administrators 652 0008 67102 AVAYA INC 67186 Olympic Printers Inc. 67194 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 67226 Swain's General Store Inc. 67360 Washington (DIS), State of CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/08/2001 To 12/21/2001 Vendor Number 03618 15152 15028 16175 16486 18452 08492 12215 15027 '16201 19037 23111 698 67099 AFSCME Local #1619 01152 67100 AFSCME Local #1619 Scholarship 01153 . 67128 DiMartino/WSCFF Disability 06052 67131 Employees Association 05041 67134 Firefighter's Local #656 06076 67135 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 67145 IBEW Local #997 09034 67159 LEOFF 12043 67180 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 67181 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 67189 PERS 16016 67200 Police Association 16156 67229 Teamsters Local #589 20056 67233 US Department of Education 21075 67235 United Way (payroll) 21028 67237 Volunteer Fire Association 22060 67239 WSCCCE, AFSCME, AFL-CIO 23167 67345 States West Life Insurance Co. 19313 Description December 27 2001 GL Code NlIllber Police,IBEW January premium 121 4631 Membership-Baertschiger 121 4150 Reimburse medical expenses 121 4630 Emergency room chgs-Lauderbeck 119 4999 Professional svcs pe 10-31 119 4150 Appraisal fee #23-01-Williams 1194999 Power outage claim damage-Roth 119 4999 12-11 weekly claims pd by EFT 117 4601 Total for Self - Insurance Fund 12-02 AVAYA billing 868 4210 Envelopes 868 3101 Paint,roller covers, tray 868 3120 Floor mat, glass cleaner,sponge 868 3120 Bags,utility knife, towels 868 3120 Paint 868 3101 Nails,velcro tape,o-rings 868 3101 Glue,Christmas lights 868 3101 November Scan charges 868 4210 Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund Payroll deductions pe 12-09 Payroll deductions pe 12-09 Payroll deductions pe 12-09 Payroll deductions pe 12-09 Payroll deductions pe 12-09 Payroll deductions pe 12-09 Payroll deductions pe 12-09 November contribution Payroll deductions pe 12-09 Payroll deductions pe 12-09 November contribution Payroll deductions pe 12-09 Payroll deductions pe 12-09 Payroll deductions pe 12-09 Payroll deductions pe 12-09 Payroll deductions pe 12-09 Payroll deductions pe 12-09 January 2002 premium 698 2315200 698 2315200 698 2315190 698 2315210 698 2315200 698 2315210 698 2315200 698 2315120 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315130 698 2315210 698 2315200 698 2315210 698 2315240 698 2315210 698 2315200 698 2315160 Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund Grand Total Page 22 . Amount 1,069.92 343.43 124.25 154.00 780.00 170.00 427.39 3,041.50 7,453.23 10.48 12.82 24.63 12.13 10.69 8.59 3.31 21.15 60.36 1. 84.00 168.00 793.03 16.00 1,060.00 962.48 645.80 16,685.20 1,761.78 181.38 25,127.11 255.00 2,066.00 69.41 318.53 2.00 2,983.63 553.40 53,732.75 907,881.02 . . . . FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. s. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: JANUARY 2, 2002 To: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION SUBJECT: Proposed Emergency Services Personnel Tribute Monument for Francis Street Park Summary: Attached is a concept drawing and text illustrating and describing a proposal for a monument paying tribute to emergency services personnel to be located on City park property. A citizens group has proposed that this concept be located at Francis Street Park as part of the existing flag plaza. Recommendation: The Parks, Recreation and Beautification Committee recommends that the City Council approve. the concept for locating an Emergency Services Personnel Tribute monument as part of the flag plaza at Francis Street Park. Background I Analysis: At their regular meeting held Thursday, November 15, 2001 the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission reviewed a presentation by a citizens group represented by Alan Barnard proposing to locate a monument making tribute to Emergency Services Personnel at City Pier. The citizen group targeted January 12, 2002 as the date to unveil the concept and begin fund raising for the monument at an event located at Port Angeles High School. The citizen's group was in the process of forming a committee to guide the development a design for the monument and select an appropriate location. At the November 15 meeting the Commission appointed Commission Member Chuck Whidden to serve on the citizen committee. The role of Mr. Whidden was to represent the City's interest related to possible installation of this on City park property. The group was advised that locating new improvements on City park property was subject to review and approval by the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission and finally the City Council. The Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission elected to move their regular meeting to an earlier date to accommodate the short and aggressive schedule of the citizen group. Their meeting was also changed to permit possible review by the City Council as early as their regular meeting scheduled for December 18, 2001. 29 Memo to City Council January 2, 2002 Page 2 The Commission was provided 2 concepts for their review at their regular meeting held Thursday, December 13, 2001. Commission reviewed the proposals which were variations of . the same theme, the difference being the size of the monument. After considerable discussion the Commission determined that it was not convinced that City Pier was the appropriate location for the tribute. Consequently, the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission decided that it could not recommend approval of City Pier location. The Commission's concerns related to two basic issues including: Timing-The Commission was seriously concerned about the inadequate amount of time to review a proposal set for installation on City Property and assess the impact upon use of the site and upon maintenance and operation. No Presentation of Alternative Site Proposals-The Commission was concerned that no alternative site proposals were developed. The citizen group indicated that they had evaluated other sites including the Valley Creek Estuary Park, Clallam County Courthouse, City HallNern Burton, and the Carnegie Library and determined that these sites did not meet the criteria they had in mind. The Commission commented that they were still in support of the concept for a tribute honoring emergency services personnel and were committed to assisting with the search for a suitable site. The following day, Friday, December 14, Commissioner Whidden, Director Connelly, and Alan Barnard, representing the citizens committee toured Francis Street Park. As a result ofthe tour it was suggested that the newly constructed Flag Plaza within the park might be a suitable . alternative to the original City Pier proposal. Accordingly, the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission met on Monday December 17, 2001 at the new Francis Street Park to reconsider its previous recommendation and review the suitability of the park as a location for the Tribute. The Commissioners unanimously agreed that the flag plaza at Francis Street Park be approved by the City Council as the site for the Emergency Services Personnel Tribute monument. . 30 '/' i'Vj~'f ,~~;'."'-~~",,"~-'-r~.' . ",,' , :,:c i:,"~:'i:'''~ '-' ".;,,-;;:~,~ f . 12-26-01 TO: Parks Recreation & Beautification Commission And Port Angeles City Council FROM: Alan Barnard..representing the Public Safety Tribute and Living Monument Committee SUBJECT: Proposal to locate a Public Safety Monument at the Francis Street Park . BACKGROUND: Following the events of September 11 th, a group of private citizens with a like vision fonned a committee to study and implement a two- fold Public Safety Tribute. We all feel that our local Public Safety Professionals should be honored and thanked by the citizens of Clallam County for their everyday service to our communities. These professionals risk their emotional, psychological and physical well being, even their lives, to serve and protect us. We are speaking generally of law enforcement, fIfe/medical and 911 workers, both paid and volunteer. The fIfst part is scheduled for January 12,2002 and consists of an evening presentation to be held at the Port Angeles High School Auditorium, which we have entitled "A Celebration of America..Tribute to Public Safety." This evening will be a gala celebration of the contribution to our county residents made by our Public Safety Workers. There will be a Video presentation, patriotic music and story tellers. . The second part of the evening will be the presentation of the concept for the Public Safety Monument. This monument will remember those killed in the line of duty but moreover, will remember those who have completed a career in Public Safety in this county. The premise is simply that we wish to celebrate their career service rather than another memorial for only those who have fallen. That evening will also be the fonnal kickoff of the fundraising activities to construct this monument. Olir goal is to have the monument completed and presented in a ceremony to the citizens of Clallam County and the Public Safety workers on September 11, 2002. This timeframe is admittedly ambitious but it gives us a worthy target. MONUMENT LOCATION AND DESIGN CRITERIA: From the beginning, we knew th?t the location and design of a monument were critical. 31 The location needed to be in Port Angeles as the county seat. It needed to be . visible, quiet, accessible and an area regularly used by the public and tourists. It needed to be a secure as possible and have enough room for an annual ceremony as Public Safety inducts new members each year. After reviewing 7 locations, the Francis Street Park was judged to meet the criteria. The monument itself needed to be appropriate, generically applicable to all segments of Public Safety, relatively easy to maintain and as vandal proof as possible. The Francis Street Park is a water front location with the necessary improvements already in place to make this economical and timely. The flagpoles are there along with the concrete plaza area with a circular location for placement of the monument. The lighting is excellent and access is central. We basically need to place the monument in the circular location and place some sort of marble type veneer around the inside of the 4 foot wall adjacent to the flag poles for the engraving of names. The area is large enough for ceremonies in the future and suitable for substantial public viewing as this location in an entry to the Waterfront Trail and a beautiful setting in and of itself. FUTURE MAINTENANCE & INSURANCE: As part of the monument plan, we will establish a maintenance account from the donations and seek involvement from the Public Safety sector for annual contributions to such a . fund. Cleaning and vandalism problems will be addressed in this account. The City has already built everything else and maintenance for all that is covered by the City. As for insurance, we are unaware currently if there are any liability concerns and if so, whose responsibility it will be to insure for them. Guidance from the City will be helpful. Weare prepared to deal with whatever the needs are and to budget for them if necessary. MONUMENT NAME: It is our proposal that this monument area be called "Cel~bration Plaza." The plaza area is already named so adding "Celebration" we think will provide a wonderful, positive name and philosophy for this public area. Appropriate lettering suitable for City Park needs can be designed. SUMMARY: Our proposal we.think creates an excellent opportunity to work with the City to provide a meaningful and badly needed formal public acknowledgement to the men and women who comprise our Public Safety Professionals. There is currently no such monument. Our concept alone will add greatly to the attraction and usage of the Francis Street Park. The name will set a positive and useful tone and communicate a lasting and significant . message to residents and tourists alike. 32 ~;:'>~':,:~;j1~" ...<t~~:,,:{"i'>'~J~:' ", ",,, ,......,.;-t.;:",~..,.."<-,~"i,...., !"," . Above all, this monurv~nt will stand for generations as a living tribute to the Public Safety Professionals that are so instrumental to our safety and well being in this county. We owe a great deal to them for maintaining an excellent quality of life in this area. It will help the various departments in recruiting new members in a time when recnliting IS becoming an uphill battle when competing with the private sector. The monument will say to those considering a career in the Public Safety sector that this county stands firmly behind them. MONUMENT LOCATION AND DESIGN PROPOSAL: We are hereby formally requesting your approval and forwarding to the City Council tlte location and design as shown on the accompanying illustration. We, representing the residents of this area, would great! y appreciate your acceptance of our plan and final approval by the City Council. This is a wonderful opportunity to truly support a worthy and significant project that will benefit our entire area and make a positive state]Jlent in an otherwise time of much doubt and disappointment in this country. T~is is the manifestation of the phrase "UNITED WE STAND." ' . Respectfully, ~ 'iJ-t~Q Alan Barnard Public Safety Tribute & Living Monument Committee . 33 . ~'3'.""""',',' .. ,.- .'. . .' . . '~ -3'- "-~;'i~'~r!/I}li;;''1;' - . I I ~ il ~I ~ c-I ::i ~ >- 5 O~,-~,_._--;-_._~:- I. . I i I i. , ~ ~ ~ O',j I I I I I I I i I i o I I I ! 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L1' " 2', ~f.---~ + / 'A3.1 i ...-;- ... ~ ,------ ..,f:-------.---- -" ----~ ~ ~ ':r J'" I" ~ o~.': ~ ""'~ ,", ., '.' ,'.' f: ;;/ 1'/ J;-...;'-;",./ ";'/ / ~ /,~i. ~,/:Z:---;'/:;:::;:;:-7;~///,.;;,/..///.- '. 6' CONe, SLAB . W/6X6 W1,4 W1.4 W.W.F. : ~ - . .'to"6~ ,....... ~r .f .'. j I f'- I I I I , ! I I I i ; I m ! a I '\ ~J ...1' ~I r C\j' I i i , ! i I I I I~j I~: i-I . ! I I ! I I i I ..:.---J.- .,.. .'~ ,.] l:l. ~ I, ~ ".~ . J I.ll -. ~j, :2 "J \::J \lJ :t. '-, '; q :z .. U,J \.<.4 . \~ :) ',,' ." .- 1>1 r- .:, :i \i, l.U ,,!' ....... -I "~ -. ~ '!J ..... d ~ .1: r:I '~1 ,~ ::: ~ 'y _.. t-l ~'1 I I L . .9-S 38 ... Z::, 0;.. - !:< :.......11 >5:t w- -Iw W<t. .....~ en LU ~ ~ o - ~ LU I- Z . . , . . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: IJ;H~.F;',1~~~:\7j"" 1.~:':C ., :"f~~:;"~f;:lf::;;)~Cr;, FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. C I T Y C 0 U N elL M EM 0 January 2, 2002 CITY COUNCIL CRAIG D. KNUTSON. CITY ATTORNEY 2002 CONTRACT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES Summary: The Clallam-Jefferson Public Defender has requested the City to increase from $30,000 to $33,000 the annual amount that the City pays for indigent defense services. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the attached Agreement for Indigent Legal Defense Services with the Clallam-J efferson Public Defender in the amount of $33,000.00 per year. Back2round / Analysis: In 1997, the City of Port Angeles entered into a contract with the Clallam-J efferson Public Defender after putting out a request for proposals for indigent legal defense services as required by the federal and state constitutions. The City Council has authorized the annual compensation at $30,000 since 1998. This year, the Public Defender has requested an increase in the compensation amount from $30,000 to $33,000. The request is based on the fact that the caseload figures have increased due to the higher number of probation violations. Also, there have been no increases in the Public Defender compensation for the past 4 years, and a 10% increase would be consistent with the rate of inflation during this period. 39 AGREEMENT FOR . INDIGENT LEGAL DEFENSE SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the City of Port Angeles (hereinafter called "City") and Clallam-Jefferson Public Defender (hereinafter called "Contractor") is entered into this ____ day of , 2002. REPRESENTATIONS 1. The City requires the professional services of the Contractor in order to provide indigent representation for misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor defendants that are prosecuted by the City of Port Angeles and under circumstances that legal defense is required either under the Constitution of the United States or under the Constitution and laws of the State of Washington. 2. The Contractor is qualified and capable of meeting the professional standards for providing criminal defense and related services for indigent misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor defendants facing commitment or incarceration for offenses prosecuted by the City of Port Angeles. AGREEMENTS . NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of specified legal services to be provided by the Contractor and the monetary paYments to be made to the Contractor by the City, as herein provided, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Term of Aqreement. This agreement shall be in effect from the first day of January, 2002 through the 31st day of December, 2003. This agreement will be automatically renewed for two additional one year periods under its current terms and conditions unless, by September I, 2003, either party notifies the other in writing of its intent to renegotiate or terminate the terms of this agreement. 2. ScoDe of Work. The Contractor shall provide criminal defense and related services for indigent misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor defendants 'and certain other. persons facing commitment or incarceration for offenses prosecuted by the City of Port Angeles. The Contractor's obligation to provide services, and the City'S obligation to pay for such services, under this agreement shall be limited to cases or matters in which the District Court Judge or pro-tern judge or commissioner having jurisdiction over the case or matter makes a specific determination of indigence, based . on a fair study of need, and appoints Contractor to the case or matter by court order. 4b- . . . ';;~';>'.i,,~';1:~\,;>,\:ti!,';;' ,; '~> . 1. ;,~ The Contractor has the right, for good cause shown and with the Court I s permission, to decline to represent or discontinue representing any individual, who by his or her request, action, conduct, or financial ability, waives the right to the assistance of counsel at public expense. In the event of a conflict of interest arising and precluding contractor from representing a client, and upon a finding by the Court that such conflict exists and precludes contractor from representing the defendant, and the court designates another attorney to represent the client, it shall be at the expense of the City. The Contractor will continue active representation and will complete cases which were assigned in the calendar year covered by the term of this contract briefly and with due diligence, and in the event that the Contractor is not awarded the contract for the following calendar year, the Contractor shall then be compensated at the hourly rate of $35.00 per hour. In the event that work is necessary on carryover cases and the Contractor is not awarded the contract, Contractor will be responsible for keeping a record of time worked under the term of this contract on cases for the City and must submit a monthly itemized statement of hours worked and request for payment to the City. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to impair or inhibit the exercise of independent professional judgment when an attorney/client privilege has been established, nor shall. this agreement require or authorize any attorney to engage in conduct prohibited by the Code of Professional Responsibility. In order to make sure that the Contractor's caseload is being handled efficiently and in cooperation with the efforts of the District Court and the City Attorney's Office, the Contractor agrees to comply with the following guidelines to the extent possible: a. A specific Public Defender shall be assigned to each case as soon as notice is received of the District Court appointment. b. The Public Defender shall meet with the client discuss the City Prosecutor's plea offer before arraignment. and the c. The Public Defender shall attend the arraignment for each case and be prepared to respond to the plea offer. d. To the maximum extent practicable, the Contractor shall arrange for backup coverage for Public Defenders who are unable to make scheduled court appearances due to vacation or other such reasons that allow advance notice, in order to minimize continuances. 3. Compensation. Based upon the anticipated case load of approximately 490 cases for the 2002-2003 calendar years, payment - 2 - 41 from the City to the Contractor shall be $33,000 per calendar year to be made on a monthly basis with each monthly paYment equal to . 1/12th of the total amount as herein stated. This agreement may be periodically reviewed and renegotiated as necessary by either party with respect to case load, but in the event that Contractor's court assignments/appointments exceed, or are predicted to exceed, more than 525 cases, the contract shall be renegotiated unless the contractor waives the right of renegotiation or does not give the City notice of intent to renegotiate at least 90 days before the end of the calendar year 2003. 4. Independent contractor. The status of the Contractor hereunder is that of an independent contractor and the Contractor shall not be construed to be an employee or employees of the City of Port Angeles. As an independent contractor, the Contractor is not entitled to any benefits available to employees of the City, and the Contractor is responsible for withholding any monies required to be withheld from Contractor's employees pursuant to local, state or federal law, including but not limited to worker's compensation, social security, income taxes, use taxes and business and occupations taxes collected by the State of Washington. 5. Records. The City shall have the right to reasonably audit business records of the Contractor {exclusive of attorney- . client confidential records} which are relevant to the performance of this Agreement. Such review may occur upon thirty days notice to the Contractor, and may include, but not be limited to, on-site inspection by City agents or employees of all financial and non- privileged records or other materials which are pertinent to this Agreement and its performance, and any and all non-privileged communications relevant to the performance of this Agreement. The Contractor shall preserve and maintain all financial records and records relating to the performance of this agreement for three years after contract termination and shall make such records available for review by the City upon request. 6. Modifications. Either party may request changes in the agreement; however; any and all modifications shall be in writing and signed by each of the parties. 7. Termination. The City may terminate this agreement at any time upon not less than ninety {90} days written notice to the Contractor, in which event the Contractor shall be paid for the percentage of the caseload completed by the Contractor. 8. Default. In the event that the Contractor defaults by failing to perform any of the obligations of this agreement, the City shall have available all contractual remedies under the laws of the State of Washington. If the City chooses to terminate the agreement for default by the Contractor, the City may at its option . obtain performance of the work elsewhere and shall be entitled to recover any extra cost or damage to the City resulting from such 42- . . . .~i~~~~:~M~~~~r'~jlt;~.~..~ ,. (?~~~.l~~!i"r:~~~:r~i.~;'{p; y default by deduction from any money due or coming to the Contractor. The Contractor shall bear any extra expenses incurred by the City in completing the work, including all increased costs for completing the work, and all damage sustained, or which may be sustained by the City by reason of such default. 9. Nondiscrimination. The Contractor shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, mari tal status, Vietnam era veteran's status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin. 10. Indemnification/Hold Harmless. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers,. officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. 11. Insurance. The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of this agreement a policy of professional liability insurance providing coverage of at least $1,000,000 against professional liability in connection with the work to be performed by Contractor under this agreement. 12. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be construed anq interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington, and in the event of dis~ute the venue of any litigation brought hereunder shall be Clallam County. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. CITY OF PORT ANGELES CONTRACTOR BY BY TITLE MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: CRAIG D. KNUTSON CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: BECKY J. UPTON CITY CLERK INDl.CON 12/27/1 - 4 - 43 . . . 44 . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 2, 2002 a t.U'O 7 ~.d-- ' To: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Michael Quinn, City Manager SUBJECT: COUNCIL COMMITTEE REORGANIZATION Summary: Attached is a proposal to reorganize the Council Committee assignments. The goal was two-fold being (1) functionally organizing operations and committees, and (2) increasing Council member effectiveness and efficiency. While this proposal is for the next term beginning in January, it is the current Council's expertise and familiarity with the committees that can best judge the relative value of this proposal. . Recommendation: Adopt the proposed Council Committee Reorganization and allow the new Council in January to make assignments according to this plan. . Backeround / Analysis: In preparing the summary ofthe Council Committee assignments, it became 'evident that there could be changes in the committees. One obvious adjustment was the Chamber liaison becoming a full voting member now, and the Visitor & Convention Bureau being less in need of a City representative as the Chamber of Commerce takes on more of the marketing efforts for our area. A second observation that became evident was the success of informing the Council on operations through the UAC for utility functions and wondering ifthis could be applied to other departments. A third observation was that the distribution of Council assignments was very random and not organized toward areas of expertise or special interest to maximize the talents or informational background of the Council members. This idea was discussed with the Department Managers and the proposed attachment is presented for your review: 1. Operational Committees - There are seven committees to deal with the major functional areas of the City, one to be chaired by each Council member. While I could have consolidated these further, the emphasis was to match the number of Council members and major Department Managers for staff liaison. The' Communications and Policy Committee was deemed to be a strategic committee lead by the Mayor. Each member of the Council would then choose two other committees on which to serve. Each committee would have three members maximum. These assignments would cover two years and then offer a chance to change committee assignments if desired. This would allow the potential coverage in a four-year Council term of six committees which would give each member significant operational knowledge. Staffs main concern is that these operational committees not become micro-managers, but become opportunities for in-depth knowledge and information with the staff on a periodic basis. Examples of items would be concept G:\MASTFORM\COUNCIL WPT Last Revised: 6/29/99 45 ideas that have not been fully developed by staff, or more detailed budgetary knowledge, as well as preview of operational items of significant importance such as storm-water utility development, etc. In some instances, the need to meet may be less than others, and it is anticipated that this schedule will be decided by the committee and staffliaison based upon the need. It is anticipated that at least quarterly meetings will be held. II. The City functions and all departments are covered under this proposal with the Department Managers shown in parenthesis as staff liaisons. This gives the Council members a person of contact for coordination and liaison at our highest management level for these functions. ill. The Other Committee Assignments are the known list of Council member appointments adjusted for any deletions or changes in the committee structure. Different than previous years, we have also proposed that these assignments be structured from the same core group of Council members as in the Operational Committee that is responsible for the core operational functions. This groups the assignments in logical areas of function that are similar and may benefit from the overlap of coordinated information. The numbers in parenthesis reflect the Council member appointments to the respective committee, and the asterisk reflects the appointment of an alternate in case one of the regular Council member appointees is unable to attend an assigned meeting. IV. Proposed Changes/Irnpacts from the above reorganization is as follows: A. We create an additional 3-member operational committee assignment for all functional areas and Departments which equates to 3 members X 7 committees = + 21. B. We consolidate the following committee assignments: i. Budget (-3) and CFP (-2) are now the Budget & Finance Operating Committee, thus having an impact = (-5). ii. Marine Life Center ( -3), Golf Course Development Committee (-2), Pool Renovation Committee (-2), and Carnegie Library Committee (-1) are now the Parks & Facilities Operating Committee, thus having an impact = (-8). These committees still exist with citizen involvement, but the Council members need not be committed to these on a regular basis, but can attend as desired. It is anticipated that this structure will allow more citizen leadership without relying on the Coupcil member, and the Park Board orother commissions can become more involved in these facility proposals as the Council members receive overview on all facilities. iii. Public Information (-2) and Channel 21 Advisory Committee (-1) are now Public Information for a net change = (-1). C. We eliminated the following committee assignments due to inactivity or other organizational change: i. Vehicle Committee t6 review replacements now done as part ofthe Budget = (-2). ii. Marine Resources Committee to be assigned a staffliaison = (-1 *). iii. North Olympic Peninsula Visitor & Convention Bureau has no need for a liaison as the focus for community marketing has shifted to the Chamber = (-1). iv. Tacoma Narrows Advisory Committee is fairly inactive at this time with the transportation impacts in the State Budget = (-1). v. Southwest Puget Sound ESA Subregion appears to be fairly inactive or at least can be covered through other communication = (-1). vi. The 2496 Lead Entity Group, ElwhaIMorse Management Team, and Port Angeles School District Mul~i-Ethnic Committee will receive staffliaisons = (-3). D. The net impact from the above is (-2) in terms of COmmittee assignments overall, but we provide the added benefit of operationalreview with the Departments at (+21). While the numbers are busy, the point is that we have achieved the goals of functional organization and efficiency. G:\MASTFORM\COUNCIL. WPT Last Revised: 6/29/99 46 . . . . I. Operational Committees: Budeet & Finance 1'- R.. EX-- L6. Leeal & Admin. L IA.J t.:e, oe.. . Proposed Council Committee Reorganization PWks & Utilities J2f< L.kl ~ UPl5 Health & Safetv G../l;, R..H ~Lo Comm. & Econ. DeveloP' /<te. L.W 10<:.. Parks & Facilities LE G8 (2ff . Comm & Policv f2ff ~W ach comm;ttee'ischairedbyone.t!t1#.lJ~;~:M~",be~i:w.lf.",~~e~t!~",uniti"tqms~ji.olicy, co"'ifi!flf;;a~~ig~edto the '.j~~tierii#P''!j,ltfre:M,;y~'1~i#aChcom~itte~wili involve two other ..' i ouncil m embers. in additio,; 'to:t~~: C~ail:l'J.lJ~~~~#iniii!~#~ill.;ti!:l!itp~t4!l;,ciziiY~\l~9iii1fju~ft<~iyJfor~a~qg~lt'e~{tireii!~i)ptbrieJf.~~s;r!~o.)i'!l'!i!teif:'~si!,i~me;,tswill be fot. two/year~ ommencin Janua 2002.... .........::..'.'.' ,.,~{..:'.~..:t "\;'it~i.:.~.;f\)?i;:?"""\'~':~i:l',;~;'0J:!::~'.::,;!'\" .... . :,:;:...?<<,>": :.",..>,... '. ... . II. City Functions: Finance, Info Tech, Debt Service, Budget ~':OWSki) City Attorney, Human Res., Labor Mngment, Risk Mngment (Knutson) III. Other Committee Assil!nments: Human Services (2) Lodging Tax (2) (Budget & CFP Com. combined into Operational) Other 'colI1mitt~~'~s'si * = alternate Hurricane Ridge PDA (1) Real Estate (3) Gateway Review (2) (Tacoma Narrows eliminated, School Multi-Ethnic to Staff) Public Works, Utilities, Streets, Energy (Cutler) UAC (3 *) SWAC(I*) Clallam Transit (2*) Region Transp. (1 *) (Vehicle Com. eliminated) Police, Fire, PenCom, Criminal Justice, Health (Riepe & McKeen) Law & Justice (I) Public Health Adv. (1) Building" Planning, Econ. Develop, Comtnun Dev., Environment Parks, Recreation, Arts & Culture, Facilities (Collins) (Connelly) P.A. Works! (3) Dtown Fwd (I) EDC (I *) WRlA 18 (I) OAPCA (1) (ESA sub-regional eliminated, Marine Resources to Staff, 2496 Lead to Staff) Park Facilities (3) (Marine Life Ctr, Pool Renovation, Golf Course Dev., Carnegie Library consolidated into Park Facilities) Community Relations, City Manager, Legis- lation, Str~tegy, : Agency Cbmn1Uns.~. (Quinn) : Public Info (2) Disability (M) Firemens Pen. (M) Vol. Fire Pen. (M) Lauridsen Trust (M) Pen. Dev. Assoc(M) . I Mayors Meetmg(M) Chamber Rep (1) i (VCB eliminated, ! Public Info & Ch2 ~ Advis consolidated Into Public Info) ! . eratioristl~Qibniltteetiiatlead~:thtSrulicti(jli~f~ttssifi~Jltion: . . . . 48 . . . City of Port Angeles City Council Committee Assignments January, 2002 A Budget & Finance Committee 3 Human Services 2 Lodoino Tax Aclvisorv CommittE'E' 2 Legal & Administration Committee 3 Hurricane Ridge PDA 1 Real Estate 3 , Gatewav Review 2 ~ lPublic Works & Utilities Committee 3 Utility Advisory Committee 3* Solid Waste Advisory Committee 1* Clallam Transit 2* Peninsula Regional Tr':\"c:nort':\tion PI':\""inp 1* ~Iealth & Safety Committee 3 Law & Justice 1 Public Health Advisorv 1 Community & Economic Development Committee 3 P.A. Works! 3 Downtown Forward 1 Economic Development Council 1* WRIA 18 1 Olvmnic Air Pollution r.ontrol 1 -1- City of Port Angeles City Council Committee Assignments January, 2002 Committee Public Information Disabilit Board Firemen's Pension Board Volunteer Firemen's Pension Board Lauridsen Trust Peninsula Develo ment Association f rce Re e entative . Ma or Ma or Ma or Ma or Ma or Ma or 3 3 2 . . e e en City of Port Angeles City Council Committee Assignments January, 2002 isability Board (meets 31d Wed. ea. month, 3:00 p.m., at County, ownstairs in Health & Human Services) Ma or Firemen's Pension Board (meets once er ear, March or A ril) owntown Forward Executive Committee (meets 4th Mon. ea. Month, 7:00 a.m., at Cit . Hall) eal Estate Committee (meets I Sl Tues. ea. month, 8:00 a.m., aucus Room) .0; 3 3* Volunteer Firemen's Board (meets once er ear) Ma or + I ublic Information Committee (meets as needed, usually monthly n a Wed., 4:00 .m., Cit Hall) 2 conomic Development Steering Committee [P.A. Works!] (meets as needed) 3 Review Committee (meets as needed) 2 Tax Advisor Committee (meets as needed) 2 3 CFP Committee (meets as needed) 2* Cable TV - Channel 21 Advisory Committee (meets as needed) -1- City of Port Angeles City Council Committee Assignments January, 2002 ublic Health Advisory Board (meets }'I Tues. ea. month, 12:00 Noon, at the Count ) olid Waste Advisor Committee hamber of Commerce Board (meets 2nd & 4th Fri., 12:00 Noon, ocation varies) urricane Rid e Public Develo ment Authori conomic Develo ment Council (meets month1 ) . M. Lauridsen Trust (meets 41h Thurs. ea. month, 2:00 .m.) eninsula Development Association (meets twice a year) Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization (meets eve other month. 2nd Fri., 10:00 a.m., location varies) . Ma or Mayor 1* 2 2* 1* 1* . . . . City of Port Angeles City Council Committee Assignments January, 2002 . U1 CN 2* 1 * -3- '':<I 4 ,jJ ,~ ~ :f . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: " , ' ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO JANUARY 2, 2002- MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MICHAEL QUINN, CITY MANAGER CONSENT AGENDA PROPOSAL Summary: It is proposed that the City Council utilize the Consent Calendar section of the agenda to a greater extent than current practice. The intent is to utilize this section for more routine items that are adequately explained in the staff report and need no further discussion other than incidental clarification. It is also proposed thatwe consolidate the non-action items of Committee Reports and Information toward the end of the agenda. The purpose is to streamline meetings where possible and concentrate discussion on those items where policy and decision could change. . Recommendation: Approve by motion the conceptual change in the preparation ofthe agenda. Back~round / Analysis: This proposal essentially involves the greater use of the Consent portion of the Agenda by consolidating items that have traditionally been assigned to the Finance section, Information section, and occasionally to the Other Considerations section. The issue revolves more around the subjective placement of items and whether they are considered routine and non-controversial or deserving of further debate on the recommendation. Staffhas looked at several examples of other City Agendas and finds the Consent portion used for common items such as approval of minutes; approval of claim warrants, check registers, and payroll information; contract renewals of existing contracts; contract acceptance for bids and finalization that are non- controversial; resolutions and ordinances that are fairly routine or clarify language more than substance; and acceptance of informational items, etc. There will be some experimentation in placement, but it may streamline the process. The Council does not give up the right to discuss Consent items since any Council member can request the removal of an item from the Consent Agenda and placed elsewhere on the Agenda for discussion. This is usually done to review the recommendation, or to engage in debate or detailed discussion. In cases where there is just a clarification to the staff report but no anticipated change in the outcome, then the item can be addressed as part of the Consent Agenda. Certainly, public hearings, policy ordinances, and other significant items will never be part of a Consent Agenda. The other part ofthis proposal is to concentrate the informational items not requiring formal action toward the end ofthe agenda. This would also enable the Information section to be utilized ' for informal review of items which the staff is seeking some Council direction prior to preparing formal recommendations and actions. . G:\MASTFORM\COUNCIL.WPT Last Revised: 6/29/99 55 . . . 56 . . . ~ORTANGELES AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 EAST FIFTH STREET WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. October 2, 2001 REGULAR MEETING - 6:00 p.m. EXAMPLE: EXISTING FORMAT A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.) - ROLL CALL- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - PUBLIC CEREMONIES, PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation Recognizing Clallam Transit 1 Services B. WORK SESSION C. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON TillS OR FUTURE AGENDAS (By Council, Staff or Public) AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10 minutes.) D. FINANCE 1. Agreements with School District #121 for 3 High School Resource Office Program and the Middle and Elementary Schools DARE and SRO Programs 2. Agreement for Services with the Clallam 15 County Humane Society 2002-2004 3. 8th Street Bridge Repairs Contract Award 23 4. "I" Street Substation Rebuild Bid Award 25 5. Tree Trimming Contract 27 6. Design and Construction Services for 29 Carnegie Library, Amendment No.1 7. Equipment Purchase of 60 KW Trailer- 31 Mounted Generator/State Bid Contract October 2, 2001 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK Port Angele~ - - .il Meeting 57 Page - 1 CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council minutes of September 18, 2001 33 2. Electronic Payments - September 21,2001 - 41 $993,979.69 3. Check Register - September 25, 2001 - 43 $485,801.63 4. Payroll information as of September 16,2001 65 F. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS H. RESOLUTIONS I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS University of Washington "Diffusion Project" reo adolescent youth / substance abuse w/Port Angeles School District J. PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) K. PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER Electric Rate Adjustment 67 L. INFORMATION 1. City Manager's Calendar (Page 79) * Change Orders/ Contracts Under 15K (Page 81) * Pentec Environmental Contract (page 83) 2. Parks & Recreation Monthly Report - August 2001 (Page 89) 3. Fire Department Monthly Report - August 2001 (Page 107) 4. Humane Society Report - August 2001 (Page 113) M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney) N. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. G:IGROUPICLERKIl 0020 I agn.dum . October 2, 2001 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FORTHOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK . Port AngelS 8 'il Meeting Page - 2 . . .'" , . FORTANGELES AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 EAST FIFTH STREET WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. October 2, 2001 REGULAR MEETING - 6:00 p.m. EXAMPLE: PROPOSED FORMAT A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.)- ROLL CALL - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - PUBLIC CEREMONIES, PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation Recognizing Clallam Transit 1 Services B. WORK SESSION C. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON TillS OR FUTURE AGENDAS (By Council, Staff or Public) AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10 minutes,) D. FINANCE E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council minutes of September 18, 2001 2. Electronic Payments - September 21,2001 - $993,979.69 3. Check Register - September 25,2001 - $485,801.63 4. Payroll information as of September 16,2001 5. Agreements with School District #121 for . High School Resource Office Program and the Middle and Elementary Schools DARE and SRO Programs 6. Agreement for Services with the Clallam County Humane Society 2002-2004 7. 8th Street Bridge Repairs Contract Award 8. "I" Street Substation Rebuild Bid Award 9. Tree Trimming Contract 10. Design and Construction Services for Carnegie Library, Amendment No. 1 11. Equipment Purchase of 60 KW Trailer- Mounted Generator/State Bid Contract October 2, 200} NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK Port Ange1e~ lci} Meeting 59 Page - } F. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS G. RESOLUTIONS H. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS University of Washington "Diffusion Project" reo adolescent youth / substance abuse wIPort Angeles School District I. PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) J. PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER Electric Rate Adjustment 67 K. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS L. INFORMATION 1. City Manager's Calendar (Page 79) * Change Orders/ Contracts Under 15K (Page 81) * Pentec Environmental Contract (Page 83) 2. Parks & Recreation Monthly Report - August 2001 (Page 89) 3. Fire Department Monthly Report - August 2001 (page 107) 4. Humane Society Report - August 2001 (Page 113) M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attdrney) N. ADJOURNMENT .. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which Impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. G:\GROUP\CLERK\I 0020 I agn2.dwn . ' . October 2,2001 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK Port Angeh - .;il Meeting 60 Page - 2 r - . t\~rr;, ..,";t~~~~~~ :...' { *:::j",~.:}i > - 'i .:_ :' '>'~'_' ;__', FORTANcmLES -",:...--t WAS H I N G tON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO CITY MANAGER'S CALENDAR / REPORT January 2, 2002 New Year's Day Holiday Tuesday, January 1 Closed City Council Meeting (changed/rom January 1) Wednesday, January 2 6:00 p.m. Gateway Committee Meeting (j~ Thursday, January 3 8:15 a.m. Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Monday, January 7 3:00 p.m. Board of Adjustment Meeting Monday, January 7 7:00 p.m. . Law Enforcement Advisory Board Meeting Wednesday, January 9 6:30 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, January 9 7:00 p.m. Downtown Forward Executive Committee Meeting Friday, January 11 7:30 a.m. City Council Meeting Tuesday, January 15 6:00 p.m. Gateway Workshop - City Council Chamber Thursday, January 17 9:00 a.m. Annexation Outreach Meeting - General Wrap-Up - Roo~evelt 7:00 p.m. Middle School ~tJ luhu-f' Parks, Recreation, & Beautification Commission Meeting Thursday, January 17 7:00 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, January 23 7:00 p.m. Gateway Workshop - City Council Chamber Thursday, January 31 9:00 a.m. City Council Meeting Gateway Committee Meeting Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Law Enforcement Advisory Committee Meeting .CNCLPK1\CfYMGR\CMREP1\2001\02-0102.WPd Tuesday, February 5 Thursday, February 7 Monday, February II Wednesday, February 13 6:00 p.m. 8:15 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 61 . . . 62 r--" . . . ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES 1076 Franklin 51. 5E :Jiympla, WA 98501-1346 O~l!)n~ 360.753-4137 >,ii 're~ 1.800-562-8981 'a, 360753-0149 :/~':J)I:e \\'\/JIt".dwcnet.org December 19,2001 Councilmember Glenn Wiggins City of Port Angeles PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362 Dear Councilmember Wiggins: I am pleased to inform you that the Association of Washington Cities (A WC) has appointed you to the National League of Cities (NLC) Energy, Environment and Natural Resources (EENR) Policy Committee. The first meeting of the committee will be held on Saturday, March 9, 2002, in Washington, D.C., in conjunction with the NLC Congressional City Conference. I appreciate your interest in serving on an NLC policy committee and look forward to seeing you at the meeting in Washington, D.C. A WC has tentatively scheduled a briefing on Sunday and a Monday reception with members of our congressional delegation. You will receive an announcement about A WC activities about one week prior to the conference. If you have any questions about the committee or the Congressional City Conference, or if you need a conference registration form, please contact DeAnn Hartman of A WC at (360) 753- 4137 or toll- free 1-800-562-8981. s~~ Chuck Johnson A WC President Councilmember, City of Wenatchee CJIDH G'\DEANN\NLruooI IATLANT AIPOLlCYlEENR POLICY LElTER OI.DOC 63 r.- PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT CHANGE ORDERS . PROJECT PROJECT ORIGINAL PREVIOUS CHANGE REVISED TITLE NUMBER CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS CONTRACT AMOUNT ORDERS THIS AMOUNT MONTH Airport Rd. Realignment 91-07 $951,589.91 $65,999.69 $0.00 $1,017,589.60 8th Street Restoration 99-08 $1,684,518.60 $140,547.31 $0.00 $1,825,065.91 Black Diamond Res. Imp. 99-18 $884,958.00 $53,339.22 $0.00 $938,297.22 Landfill Closure 20-04 $883,325.65 $180,413.44 $0.00 $1,063,739.09 Francis Street Park 21-07 $312,605.93 $75,659.46 $0.00 $388,265.39 Laurel Retaining Wall 96-05 $116,405.77 $0.00 $0.00 $116,405.77 "I" Street Transformer 20-03 $318,864.00 $9,795.00 $0.00 $328,659.00 2001 Paving 21-15 $210,875.20 $0.00 $0.00 $210,875.20 8TH Street Bridge Repairs 21-16 $27,700.00 ($617.46) $0.00 $27,082.54 Water SCADA, Phase II 21-22 $43,810.00 $0.00 $2,648.00 (a) $46,458.00 ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, DECEMBER, 2001 (Costs shown do not include taxes) . a. Change orders #1 provided for installation of underground phone line not in original contract. PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS/PURCHASE ORDERS APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER DECEMBER, 2001 (Costs shown do not include taxes) CONTRACTOR Project- DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OR VENDOR PO# Morrison Excavating Ahlvers Road Emergency Repairs $8,470.00 N:\PWKS\ENGINEER\MGRRPT\coI2-01.wpd . 65 . . . 66 . 'PI'lUt quarter{y reyort for Oct. - 'Dec. 2001 October began with a meeting invo[ving PI'R.Jt, Mike Quinn and the new schoof suyerintendent Mr. (jary Cohn. 'The yuryose of this meeting was to have the three grouys meet and start to e{eve[oy y[ans to work together for our sister city refationshiy with Mutts, Jayan. We yfan on meeting every couy[e of montFis to e{iscuss new ideas. . October afso brought the news of the 'Tanabu J{igh Schoof grouj cancefing the visit to P.J\.. 'The schoof and the yarents in :M.utsu were concernee{ because of the terrorism in the 'U.S.. 'This was a very sae{ e{ecision for both the P.J\. , . students and the 'Tanabu students. PI1Ul was the coordinator in yutting together a box for the Jayanese students. 'This inc[udee{ getting 'some items from the schoof, city and P.J\. so tFiat the students cou[e{ a connection with us. 'This yroject was very succesifu[ and brought many great resyonses from the ae{u[ts as were as the students. In November we were working on how to ayy[y for some grants. J\ grant wou[e{ help to increase our abifity to e{o more invo[vina our sister city. One ie{ea,from our triy this yast syring, was to Fiave an artist come to P.J\. and share his yottery and yerFiays teach here. One other y[an is to Fiave some kind of the same yiece of art e{isyfayee{ in both Mutsu and P.J\.. . 'The first city wide jayanese c[ub meetina was he[e{ on November 3rcf.. 'This c[ub is oyen to mide{[e schoof and high schoof age kidS. We hae{ 20 kidS for the first meeting. 'Two co[[ege students from Peninsu[a Co[rege came to help. 67 'December brought the news of the cance{Cation of the . Junior ..:Ambassador group for the month of January. PI'RJl is working with the mida{e schooCs ana the city to put together a package simiCar to the one sent to the high schoof group. We fee{ it is very important to keep a connection with the stucfents especia{{y when they can not trave{ here. 'The secona city wicfe Japanese c{ub meeting was he{c[ on 'December 3rd at the senior citizen center. 'This was a much sma{{er group of stucfents due to the very busy ho{icfay schedu{e. We had ten stucfents ana the co{{ege stucfents returned to hefp again. We fiac{ a Canguage {esson done by Lucy TdwardS ana made New years cardS for the students that wou{d have come in January. PI'RJl ana the high schoof Japanese c{ub were hired by . Swains to wrap Christmas gifts for two weeks. 'This funa raiser is very fun and: it is a opportunity to get the PI'RJl name out to the pubCic. Cinay Sofie PI1Ut Presiaent ~~~ . 68 . ANGEW Ir REOIEAlION . OPEN SWIM OYE 8ER 1001 . 71 PARKS & RECREATION REVENUE November 2001 Ocean View Cemetery William Shore Memorial Pool Vern Burton Community Center Senior Services Center - Rentals $11,521.94 $9,996.92 $4,030.50 $1,805.00 $135.00 $550.00 $915.00 $0.00 $0.00 $28,954.36 Senior Services Center- Kitchen Fees Senior Services Center - Leases Banner Lincoln Park Camping Fees City Pier Moorage Fees General Fund Revenue Total LINCOLNiBA IMPRO\lEME Vern Burton Kitchen Fees Co-Rec Volleyball Volleyball Tourney Fund Slowpitch Slowpitch Tourney Fund Mens Basketball Basketball Tourney Fund Youth Programs Adult Programs Adult Soccer $600.00 $45.00 $0.00 $3.00 $0.00 $2,175.00 $512.71 $6,497.73 $307.00 $0.00 $10,140.44 Recreation Activities Fund Total .. .. ThisMont .... Last Year.... .-- ..................... -,. $14,376.14 $10,487.76 $3,103.50 $2,917.50 $760.00 $550.00 $240.00 $0.00 $0.00 $32,434.90 $155.00 $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,150.00 $57.00 $2,768.00 $116.00 $0.00 $6,266.00 * Amount includes lAC Grant # 0736/97-099 0 Volunteer Field Grant - 4/23/97 to 9/01/99, final amount of $4,575.00 72 $139,777.47 $130,453.37 $21,380.00 $11,637.50 $1,365.00 $6,050.00 $6,4 75.00 $2,951.00 $2,908.50 $322,997.84 $2,657.50 $2,430.00 $0.00 $20,963.00 $1,470.00 $4,377.00 $1,458.21 $51,534.86 $2,318.00 $7,292.50 $94,501.07 $133,374.23 $135,078.45 $17,764.50 $12,118.50 $1,840.00 $8,750.00 $4,171.00 $2,660.00 $1,183.00 $316,938.68 $2,217.50 $3,765.00 $0.00 $19,614.00 $2,951.00 $4,395.00 $1,396.00 $46,728.90 $1,322.75 $6,116.00 $88,506.15 . THIS MONTH ..........1998 4,495.20 . Ground Burials 23 26 24 26 Ground Burial Inumments 20 16 20 23 Niche Inumments 9 8 10 11 Entombments 1 1 0 1 I Year to Date Totals 53 51 54 61 $4,816.89 THIS YEAR 1'0 DATE $43,071.39 THIS MONTH LAS'I'YEAR $10,861.39 LAS'I'YEAR 1'0 D ATE $57,898.60 THIS MONTH . 73 Parks & Cemetery Monthly Division Report November 2001 . Accomplishments Turf Management . 111* Mowing and trimming ALL locations .. .. .. ........ .. . .. .. .. ... ... .. .... ............ ............ . .... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 16.0 hours Turf renovation/Repairs .... .. ...... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. ........... .. . .. . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 9.5 hours III" Equipment repairs and maintenance .......... .. .. . .. .. .. .... ...... ...... .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 109.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 150.0 Total Hours Current Year: 134.5 Beautification 1111. Downtown planter maintenance( cleanup water etc.) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ .. .. .... .. .. .. . .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 h. 1111. Maintenance of planted areas ..... .. .. .. .. .......... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ................ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 7.0 hours 1111. Greenhouse, plant maintenance .. .. .. .. ........ .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .... .. .. ............ ...... ........ . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 hours 1111. Tree well cleaning and maintenance .... .................. ............... ... .. .. .. .. .. . . .. ...... .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 99.5 Total Hours Current Year: 7.0 Amenities 1111. Pier general maintenance .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 31.5 hours 1111. Floats; repairs to Ediz Hook Floats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . 43.0 hours 1111. Washroom servicing, cleaning and general maintenance .... .. .. .. . . . . . .. .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64.0 hours 1111. Park sign maintenance .. ... . . . . . . . ..... . . ... . . . . .. . . . . ... . ........ . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0 hours 1111. Play equipment maintenance: ... . .. . . ..... . . . . . .... . . . . .. . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.0 hours 1111. Other: Fences, Pier Octopus planting, ponds and fountain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 187.5 Total Hours Current Year: 157.0 . 74 ';&?fl[tJ~~'~~~!~~':~~-1')_, :';:'::i':;'''~r::1:''~;~'r;;~,~:~1~:~it; "'h ,. " ", , Sports Facilities Field Makeup and Maintenance 11-' Baseball and softball including; Civic, Lincoln, Volunteer, Dry Creek, Shane and Elks fields ..................................................................... 0.0 hours III" Soccer fields ...................................................................... 24.0 hours 1111. Football field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.0 hours III" Tennis ............................................................................ 3.0 hours 111'- Field lighting repairs ................................................................. 0.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 63.5 Total Hours Current Year: 31.0 Waterfront Trail 111'- Bench and memorial installations/maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .48.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 0.5 Total Hours Current Year: 48.0 Building Maintenance General Maintenance and Repairs 1111" William Shore Pool ................................................................ 42.0 hours III'" Vem Burton Community Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122.0 hours 1111. City Hall and Police Dept.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 145.0 hours 1111" Senior Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 389.0 Total Hours Current Year: 419.0 Civic Complex City Hall mowing, atrium and planted areas 1111" Atrium; tree and flower bed maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 14.0 Total Hours Current Year: 17.0 . 75 Parks General Maintenance "-' Litter pickup from various park locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110.5 hou "-' Park improvements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161.5 hours "" Building maintenance;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....................................... 15.5 hours "-' Forest Management;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 172.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 331.0 Total Hours Current Year: 459.5 Special Events III*Other: .. .. .... .. .. . ..10...10 ..... . 10... . . . .. ......... . ...10..... IO... ... IO. ... . . . . . . . . IO. 51.0 hours III" Total Hours Previous Year: 94.0 Total Hours Current Year: 51.0 Campground Total Hours Previous Year: 0.0 Total Hours Current Year: 111I. Site cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1111. Cemetery 1111. Ground burial interments . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . IO. . . . .. .... . . IO.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37.0 hours 1111. Cremation interments . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 hours 1111. Crypt entombment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 0.0 hours 1111. Niche inurnments . .. .. . .. . IO.. . . IO. IO.. . . . . . . . .. . IO. . . . . .. . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 0.0 hours 1111. Memorial marker settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.0 hours III" Mowing and trimming . . . . . . . .. . .. IO. ... . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO. IO.. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.0 hours 1111. Building/Chapel cleaning and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . IO.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.5 hours 1111. Grave site refilling/regrading . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 hours 1111. Customer Service . . IO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 166.0 Total Hours Current Year: 91.5 . 76 ~'W?~~:;~~;T;-~~:~r ,~- ~:~_,~r~7f.!7' ."J"'l:;,?~.~'c ",,,,,.. Parks Administration Daily supervision, crew training and safety meetings .150.5 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 170.0 Total Hours Current Year: 150.5 Sub Total Hrs Previous Year: 1,666.0 Sub Total Hrs Current Year: 1,566.0 (Illnesses, doctor/dental, vacations) 370.5 I I NON Productive Hrs Current Year: 233.0 NON Productive Hrs previous year: (Illnesses, doctor/dental, vacations) Total Parks & Cemetery Division Hours: Previous Year: 2,036.5 Current Year: 1,799.0 . . 77 Ediz Hook Volunteer Mr. Don Walker- Monthly Report The following is a report for the month of November, from Volunteer Mr. Don Walker of Port Angeles (one of the many citizens who provide the city with many hours of valuable volunteer labor). Mr. Walker has for the last. several years volunteered to maintain the "sign" (and immediate area) on the East side of the Ediz Hook rest- rooms. Mr. Walker has constructed several wind vanes that you see on top ofthe Army Corps Reclamation sign, as well as beautified the area underneath it by installing flowers in a planter area. The following is a summary of his monthly activities; . 11/1 Fertilized flowers. One pink cabbage missing, stopped by greenhouse and picked up replacement. . 11/5 Planted pink cabbage plant. Checked area around sign, everything in good order. . 11/13 Miracid liquid fertilizer on flowers. Checked general area around sign, no problems. . 11/18 Checked sign & rest room areas. All seems to be in good order. Weeded flower bed. Brought several "pinkish gray" rocks from beach to replace some that are missing. This is a constant chore-but I don't mind. Problem seems to be easy access for souvenier hunters. Perhaps I should posta small sign-"Lots more on the beach-just like these. Please help yourself to those & leave these here." . 11/25 Cut out new "Men & Women" letters for rest rooms. Primed and painted dark blue. . . 11/26 Removed "Men," "Women" & "Rest rooms" signs at partition. . 11/27 Second coat of dark blue paint on "Men" & "Women." . 11/30 Remounted "Men", "Women" & "Rest rooms signs at partition. Note: Did note get to "Handicapped", handicapped symbol or arrow because of too many rainy days since 11/1/01. . 78 1------- . . . ~~~~c~~?:~~r.~:',:-':'"':-;:{t.'lf.i":~*:~~~'~ Total Monthly Maintenance Hours November 2001 #1 Turf Management 134.5 hrs. I #3 Amenities 157 hrs. I #5 Waterfront Trail 48 hrs. I #7 Civic Complex 17 hrs. I #9 Special Events 51 hrs. I # 11 Cemetery 91.5 hrs. #13 Time Loss 233 hrs. I #2 Beautification 7 hrs I #4 Sports Facilities 31 hrs. I #6 Building Maintenance 419 hrs. I #8 Parks General Maintenance 459.5 hrs. I #10 Campground 0 hrs. I #12 Parks Administration 150.5 hrs. 79 William Shore Memorial Pool Monthly Attendance/Revenue Report November 2001 RECREA TION--- Children Adult Middle School Nite/Kid's Day Pool Parties/Participants 833 1,816 23/28 11/133 753 2,007 6/32 19/212 12,073 22,274 220/277 217/2,121 11 ,355 20,593 114/210 147/1,769 665 799 9,315 10,709 0 0 112 314 0 0 552 514 398 236 3,280 5,561 465 655 5,831 7,589 797 710 6,407 8,822 603 407 5,312 7,016 2,928 2,807 30,809 40,525 3"~fj/!S ~J II~ {;.J v 29 29 307 330 392.75 401.175 4,197.75 4,434.50 INSTRUCTION --- Children Adults Parent/Child Orientation Pre-School Water Exercise School District Pool Rentals/Classes POOL OPERATIONS --- Days Open Hours Open REVENUE --- Rental: Suits, towels, caps Admissions Lessons Aerobics Passes Showers Lockers Pool Rentals Sales Tax $197.65 $2,075.66 $2,757.50 $1,033.00 $2,420.84 $81.92 $124.12 $846.46 $459.77 :R(~10L.,RE~E~l:J E;m0ID~ $314.87 $2,075.22 $2,592.00 $2,085.00 $1,978.76 $83.28 $101.50 $838.74 $418.39 +"t:,,::::~<w,:' ' ):' \:,;.,,",< _r:, ,-'co V"'\,< -,,''''''',''gt, jmm>w~'''' "OW'.A8,r'lfi'!'l aNi'" :.t;$tt\o/m~A:~,.L,,",'!!;,-- ;'~t~'~S.(~i $2,754.79 $27,125.27 $47,131.04 $13,514.36 $23,714.36 ' $1,298.24 $1,857.04 $7,925.56 $5,132.71 $1,811.15 $29,609.35 $49,280.62 $14,102.00 $24,828.72 $1,616.36 $1,787.97 $6,914.61 $5,127.67 ihl~f04\Oi5""'F9""i7'8""\\A5" .,' i}JI~t':il'1, ' .j':._ ,/'J--;-~' __j . . . #~~~~fL},{Sr"~ji~'N'rc l-i William Shore)"Pool Activities November 2001 A DMINISTRA TION *Pool Staff organized Thanksgiving Turkey coloring contest for the public *Girls High School Swim Team had 8 swimmers at State INSTRUCTIONAL Exercise classes for September: * Water Aerobics AM classes * Deep Water AM classes * Deep Water PM classes * Water Walking AM classes Mon - Fri Tu & Thur Tu & Thur Mon, Wed, Fri Swim Lessons Schedule: * October 22 - November 16 * October 23 - November 15 * On-going Grade-school Pre-school Private Lessons CLUBS AND ORGANIZA TIONS ~., o d * Port Angeles Swim Club 5:30-7:00 pm Monday thru Friday * Port Angeles Diving Club On vacation * Port Angeles School District 7:45 am - 8:15 am 9:05 am - 9:35 am 1 :00 pm - 1:30 pm 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri Wednesday Monday thru Friday Monday thru Friday PE Classes PE Classes Special Education Class Girls Swim Team September 6, 18, 20, & 27 Home Swim Meets * United States Coast Guard 7:45 - 9:00 am Rescue Swimmer Training Tues & Thurs RECREATIONAL SWIMMING November 17 Kid's Day November 17 Middle School Night 28 Participants 23 Participants -CiIIl - ,..,.~.... -- A~~ 81 Date November 1 November 2-3 November 5 November 8-1 1 November 15-16 November 17 November 18-26 November 29 November 30 . Vern Burton Community Center Main Hall Events November attendance: 5,817 Event Attendance Washington State Health Care Benefits Fair Olympic Christian School Auction R.S.V.P. Volunteer Luncheon Christmas Cottage Craft Fair Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Winter Fest Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Ski Swap Hospital Foundation Festival of Trees . Campfire Dance-a-thon 6 Olympic Memorial Hospital Christmas Craft Fair Set up 150 450 130 1600 175 250 3000 50 12 Regular Vern Burton Gym Users November attendance: 400 Noon Basketball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 After School Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Gym Walker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . Vern Burton Meeting Room Events November Attendance: 408 Date Event Attendance November 5 Life Line Screening 45 November 7 Clallam County Food Handlers 35 November 13-4 55 Alive Defensive Driving Classes 48 Novymber 19-26 Festival of Trees work area 250 November 27 Clallam County Food Handlers 30 Vern Burton Meeting Room - Regular Users November Attendance: 446 Kiwanis 148 Land Trust 20 Transit Union . . . 30 Juan de Fuca Festival 12 Board of Appeals 6 Non-motorized Meeting 10 Bike Club 10 After School Program 140 Cal Ripken Youth Baseball 20 Swim Club 8 Soccer Refs Meeting . 20 penCom 12 Park Board 10 . 82 . . . \~41~~f~ <.:,B~~1pV~~~;, City Hall Council Chambers - Users November Attendance: I ,462 City Council Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 DUI Victim's Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Board of Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Historical Society Lecture . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Clallam County Workshops ......... .200 Education Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Park Rentals Venue November Year to Date Monthlv uses Clubhouse II 76 Scouts: Each Wednesday Longhouse 2 42 Loomis Building 13 56 4-H 151 & 41h Tues Scouts: 3rd Tuesday Fly Fishermen: 151 Monday Lions Park 0 6 Veterans Park I 15 Veterans program Last Friday Conrad Dyar Fountain 1 5 City Pier Uses This Month: 3 Year to Date: 68 Date Event ;! November 3-4 N.O.A.A. Research Vessel Moorage November 24 Baptist Church Outreach Program - sack lunches Up Coming Pier Uses/Events Date Event Nothing Scheduled Recreation Division Programs Square Dance Lessons .................... j.--"'~ . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ Line Dance Lessons ....................... 20 Participants 20 Participants After School Program: FranklinSchool.................... .~.......... Vern Burton Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 enrolled 23 enrolled 83 November 3-4 November 3-4 November 7. 8, 9 November 17-18 Date December 15-16 December 16 December 1 7-2 1 December 22 December 3 1 Janua 19-20 Parks & Recreation Special Events Boys & Girls Basketball Tipoff Tournament 15 Teams; 11 out-of-town Talking Rain Invitational - Men's AA Basketball 7 teams; 6out-of-town After School Program Extended Days 44 Children Enrolled Turkey Shoot - Boys Basketball Tournament 17 teams; 12 out-of-town . Upcoming Recreation Programs Event Holiday Hoops - Boys & Girls Basketball Tournament 1 SI Annual Family Holiday Picnic (children/family event) Winter Break Day Camp (Grade School Kids k-5th) Rain Gear Fun Run/Walk Parks & Rec New Year's Eve Teen Dance Martin Luther King Basketball Tournament Miscellaneous & Middle School G & Field Scheduling for: Soccer, Youth Basketball . After School Program . 84 I '*:~}'~'~{,....~,,:(i'~;~J(:"'''''''''r~ . November 30,2001 Winterfest 2001 Vendors & Sponsors, ----- --I H~cane Ridge Winter Sports Education Foundation PMB 218 136 East Eighth Street Port Angeles, W A.. 98362 On behalf of the Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Education Foundation I would like to take this opportunity to extend our sincerest THANK YOU for your support of Winterfest 2001. Your involvement has helped to make this event our best and most successful ever. This spirit of support and volunteerism has been the . 'cornerstone of skiing in our Oly'mpicsfor the past six decades, truly it was great then and your efforts have made it even greater now. . Our organizing committee will be meeting soon to review the event, getting committee reports and begin laying plans for the WINTERFEST 2002. We look forward to your involvement in next year's event. Thank you again, your efforts have are gratefully appreciated. Cordially, ATION FOUNDATION ~p~ ~ #- '/~ ~orJ~? \.,\ is uck, Programs Director . 85 PORT ANGELES SENIOR CENTER MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT November 2001 Information & Referral 1 ,485 20,914 1,726 19,163 Estimated Attendance 4,799 59,716 4,942 55,179 Health Programs 423 1,604 612 6,577 Education Programs 778 7,362 928 6,721 Social/Events/Programs/Meals 1,130 17,246 1,618 20,003 Trips: Taken 0 50 7 70 Passengers 0 658 78 918 Volunteers: 165 176 Hours 1,318 18,457 1 ,400 16,250 Membership: 0 1,630 2 1,563 City 0 1.061 1 1,029 Cou nty 0 569 1 534 . 86 ~-:;-".'r?f ::.:ij:_~ ,.'tt.t}~ ;, - <,:; x'-.,.~,";' , ".' _:c . I Date November 6 November 7, 13 November 8 November 10 November 15 November 17 November 17 November 18 November 22 November 24 November 30 Senior Center Events I Events Olympic Paper Rotary & Christian Women Luncheons Clallam County EDC Juan de Fuca Festival Annual Dinner Ripley & Ripley Management Action Project Private Party P.A. Association of Religious Community Thanksgiving Celebration Private Party Private Party North 01 pic Land Trust I Regular Senior Center Users I Senior Nutrition Board United Way Soroptimist Jet-set Virginia Mason Fine Arts Center Venture Club Rhody Society Board Meeting Non Motorized Meeting Eckankar NARFE CCSWAB Jazzercise . Senior Center Sponsored Events & Programs Date Event November Free Open Computer Lab for members November 2 & 6 Experiences of Spain's Santiago Trail November 3 Annual Flea Market & Bazar with Breakfast & Lunch Served November 5 E-Mail Seminar by PriscilIa Steelman November 24 Deanies Toe Tappers perform at Festival of Trees November 28 Tupperware Party November 29 Mariners Spring Training. Orientation November 12,22,23 Center Closed for Veterans & Thanksgiving Holidays I Senior Center Sponsored Health Programs I . Weight Training/Stretch .Amputee Support Group .Alzheimer Support Group . Aerobics .Low Vision Support Group .TaiChi .Bench Stepping .Foot Care .Hearing Aid Repairs/Testing . Chair Exercise .Blood Pressure Check .yoga . 87 Senior Center Sponsored Educational Programs .Round Table on Politics . Computer Classes .Spring Chicken Band .Investment Group . Conversational Spanish . Tap Dance Classes .Basic Estate Planning Class . Creative Writing .Infinite Variety of Music .Middle East Dancing . Italian . Computer lab . Water Color Class . Oil Painting .Investment Class I Senior Center Sponsored Social & Recreational Programs I .Senior Swingers Dance .Pickle ball . Bridge . Golden Agers Club .Paint on Your Own .Pool . Olympic Peninsula Chess Club .Public Relations Committee .At the Movies - Monday video . Cribbage . Pinochle . Coffee Lounge .Bingo ,. 88 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO January 2, 2002 MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Fire Hall Roof Repairs Project Number 21-14, Change Order No.2 Summary: The current contract to remove ceiling and insulation at the Fire Station is required to be amended to perform clean up and mold encapsulation. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City M;lDager to sign contract change order No.2 in the amount of $9,285.65. Back2roundJAnalysis: The Fire Station roof structure (trusses and plywood decking) has experienced damage due to water condensation on the underside of the roof. A Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) has been retained to perform a thorough investigation into the cause of the damage and provide an approach for repairs. It was necessary to remove the sheetrock ceiling and insulation in the apparatus bay. The first removal contract was to remove the material from the center section of the apparatus bay. Aldergrove Construction performed the work at a cost of$5,801 in October 2001. The work revealed widespread deterioration throughout the roof system. )1.- I It was necessary to remove the remainder of the ceiling and insulation in the apparatus bay to determine the extent of the deterioration. Aldergrove Construction was selected to perform the remaining work and a contract was signed by the City Manager. Concern for the safety of staff and the protection of equipment led to further investigation in the crew quarters. This was change order number 1 to the second contract. That investigation has revealed further deterioration and mold. To avoid further exposure to airborne mold spores the sleeping quarters have been vacated'. The fire fighters have been displaced and are now sleeping in the training room and downstairs offices. A WJE structural engineer has surveyed the building and determined that there is no immediate structural danger. They are in the process of developing a design proposal and we expect permanent roof repairs to commence this Spring. The change order under consideration will provide for encapsulating the existing mold and provide for a thorough cleaning of the crew quarters. These will be temporary measures to make the space habitable until the permanent repair is pertormed. Aldergrove Construction has been awarded two contracts and one change order as follows: Scope of Work Value Contract # 1 Remove ceiling and $5,801.00 October 2001 insulation in center section of apparatus bay Contract #2 Remove ceiling and $10,860.00 November 2001 insulation in remainder of the apparatus bay Change Order # I Remove ceiling and $5,000.00 insulation in crew quarters Sub Total Contract #2 $15,860.00 Change Order #2 Clean up and mold $9,285.65 encapsulation New Total Contract #2 $25,145.65 Total Demolition Costs $30,946.65 ...' " This change request is being brought to the City Council to be approved because of the total value of the contract and the added change in scope. The added work includes removing mold, encapsulating residual mold, and thorough cleaning for an additive price of$9,285.65. Reserve funds are being utilized to fund this emergency project. Steps are being taken to document costs and recover funds from our insurance carrier and/or the designer of record and builder's surety. N:\PROJECTS\2I-14 FH Root\CCchange order_A.wpd 'wj:~".:,.,.,..- . tt,;2 l " '.......!~~ \,1~ ~r' ~ !\lk'8 ~;. 'C~~ ~ ,,c~ ~.~ "'iiJ! "" ,'~ '~ ~ ~ II< lIillll!lllllll"'lDgiilZ ;~ .. ~l.' ~'''''...,.'''. "";,,,,<,:-,0", :' "':', ' ' ',,'" " ,,',' ' - . .', . -. ... ~I . ~