HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 1/3/2012AGENDA ITEM page RECOMMENDATION Note: The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council mee ing. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following. A. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING AT 6:00 p.m. 13. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS I. Selection of Mayor and Deputy Mayor PUBLIC COMMENT C. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS D. WORK SESSION 1. Ethics Issues R. Related Topics Training 2. Public Records Training D -1 D-1 1. City Attorney Bloor 2. City Attorney Bloor City Clerk Hurd E. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Afanager or Councilmember F. CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council Minutes for December 20, 2011. 2. Expenditure Approval List: 12/10/11 to 12/23/11 for $2,594,399.05. 3. Final Acceptance Tree Trimming Contract Project WF 133412/03 4. Amendment to Agreement William Shore Memorial Pool Dist. 5. Combined Sewer Overflow Pre Clearance Excavation Project 06 Final Acceptance F -I F -5 F -42 F -43 F 45 1. Accept Consent Agenda G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Electrical Work Permit Fee Corrections G 1 1. Conduct 2 Reading, Consider Adoption. H. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS January 3, 2012 P ORT A NGELES W A S H I N G T O N Lt AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 East 5 Street JANUARY 3, 2012 REGULAR MEETING 6:00 p.m. NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 1 AGENDA ITEM Page RECOMMENDATION I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Local Source Control Program Grant 2. Governor's Petition for Marijuana Reclassification 1 -1 1 -14 I Approve 2. Consider J. QUASI JUDICIAL MATTERS REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS (7:00 P.M., or soon thereafter) K. PUBLIC HEARINGS OTHER (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) L. FINANCE M. INFORMATION City Manager Reports. 1. Clallam Economic Development Council -4: Quarter Report M -1 N. EXECUTIVE SESSION under the authority ofRCW 42 30.110(1)(g) and (i) O. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions, which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process January 3, 2012 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 2 ri ƒ o ,e a z EL 8 mt Y 7 k ƒ o k a k J !.n,,, il 3 R la ƒ ■f o at N E 2 o} k k�! ƒ 2)�f H- 14, at n 2 r 3 2 1 A 9 p t a=!# +a! 7 �i I 7 »2 7 f f 7E /f ƒ a. f f(2 )zz 2 I 1 &E Fos ea as es -2009 a's a Resorrce" Policy Creating Ktsap County "Water Whe reas the Kitsap Cdurdy E3oard of Commissioners recognizes that storm acid surface wa runoff is the leading transport medium of pollution into Puget Sound and its'assocbted vretlands, creeks, streams and rivers. 'Whereas traditional development Patterns and practices on private and public {;roperty hair erbated the negative impacts of runoff by shfting'the natural hydrology from a regime' iominaled by evaporation and infiltration +o'one dD'rninated by surface flow.. Whereas recent state studies indicate that commercial. highway and inch:Istrial lard have high pollutant loading rates but t'na majority of the pollutant load io Puget Sound and !Deal Kitsap County water bodies corner Pram residential land 'd es and the public infrastructrsre that supports these uses. `el heroes net gro+indt:'ater starlets indicate that approximately S4i°- of Kitsap County citizens obtain their drinking water from groundwater resources and these resources are only replenished by the infiltration of precipitation that falls on Kitsap County. Whereas the Kitsap County Seevage Treatment Plants discharge large volumes; of water into Puget Sound eaen year.: With appropriate `reatmeht this water could be better utilized d to lower dependence' on ground water. Charlotte Garrido, Chair Steve Bauer, Cornrm"stoner Wherea re studies show that saewage plants discharge over 80`Y; of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen Toad south of Edmunds into Puget Scaind. This nitrogen is a contributor low dissolved oxygen in low circulation areas of Puget Sound.•: Whereas the Kitsap CoUmty Board o` Commissioners Wishes to establisti a culture of innovative •development and operating p €actives that treat water as a'resource rather than'a Waste stream... NOW THEREFORE: SE IT RESOLVED by the Kitsap County Board of County C'oriamissioners that the "Water is a Resource NOT a Waste Streatn" Policy is hereby adopted. Adopted ihiscjn4iLlay of tkii).-' 2009.... BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS :KITS AP;COUJNTY, WASHINGTON CITY OF William E. Bloor City Attorney WEB\hg p:ORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO Date: January 3, 2012 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney SUBJECT: Council Training Ethics Issues and Public Records Act SUMMARY: This work session is intended to provide refresher training on ethics and to provide Council members with their first annual required training on the Public Records Act. BACKGROUND: Over the past several months Council members have expressed interest in a general refresher training on ethics. This interest was expressed at the Council retreat at the beginning of the year and again in response to the special audit. WCIA also recommended this training. Along the way, Council members raised two related issues: should the City adopt its own ethics rules, and if so, should those rules include some limitation on the ability of former Council members from contracting with the City. This work session will provide a discussion of all these topics. Additionally, this year we commenced the annual Public Records Act training as required by city ordinance. The ordinance requires that all city employees and officials receive the training. This provision was added to the ordinance in an effort to ensure that the city is responsive and thorough to responding to requests for records. The Council, in addition to other city employees and officials, should receive this annual training. C:\Documents and Settings \tpieree\Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files Content Outlook \VJGIH691\Counetl Ethics Training 01 03 12.wpd D -1 CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS/ EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS: PUBLIC COMMENT: CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 20, 2011 Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ;limbers Present Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Collins, Downie, Kidd [via speakerphone], and Mania. MMembersAbsent: Councilmember Nelson Staff Present Manager Myers, Attorney Blom, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler, T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, N. West, Y. Ziomkowski, T. Pierce, M. Puntenney, K. Neal, G. Brooks. and L. Dunbar. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Mania to: Excuse Councilmember Nelson from the December 20, 2011, City Council meeting Motion carried 6 -0. Mayor Di Guilio led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. Retirement Chief Jon Bugher Fire District No. 2 Mayor Di Guilio and Fire Chief McKeen presented a proclamation to Jon Bugher in recognition of his retirement as Fire Chief for Clallam County Fire District #2. 2. Recognition Deputy Mayor Don Perry Mayor Di Guilio presented a proclamation to Deputy Mayor Perry in recognition of his service on the Port Angeles City Council. Dick Pilling, 72 Mt. Pleasant Heights Lane, spoke on behalf of the Port Angeles Business Association stating concerns regarding the Wild Olympics Campaign and the plans to increase wilderness acreage. He proposed a no -net loss scenario and provided a letter to Council. Alan Barnard, 697 Lemon Rd., spoke on behalf of the Public Safety Advisory Board, stating they were in favor of the wireless mesh network. Steve Baxter, 4008 S. C St.. also spoke in favor of the wireless mesh network Councilmember Mania spoke regarding his attendance at the first meeting regarding the upcoming 150`" anniversary of the City, and the Clallam Transit Board meeting. He stated Councilmember Downie was set to be the next chairman of the Clallam Transit Board. No other reports were given. 1 F -1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 20, 2011 LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: CONSENT AGENDA: Resolution No. 22 -11 None It was moved by Mania and seconded by Downie to approve the Consent Agenda to include: I. City Council Minutes for November 8. and December 6, 2011 2. Expenditure Approval List: 11/29/11 to 12/9/11 for $1,835,468.67 5. 1" Street Stormwater Separation, Project WW03 -2010 Final Acceptance 6. Resolution No. 22 -11, to set public hearing STV 11 -04 7. Clallam County District Court Services Agreement 8. 2012 Indigent Defense Contracts 9. Maintenance Contract WW -I 1 -036 Wastewater Sewer System Cleaning and Video Inspection Motion carried 6 -0. 3. Stormwater Outfall Repair of Valley Creek, Project DR04 -11 Change Order 1. Councilmember Mania inquired about whether fertilizers would be used in the creek area. Public Works and Utilities Director Cutler responded no fertilizers were planned to be used. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Downie to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract change order for Stormwater Outfall Repair of Valley Creek, Project DR04 -1 1, which increases the maximum compensation from $87,798.58 to $105,584.66. Motion carried 6 -0. 4. On -Call Wastewater Utility Engineering Professional Services Agreement Design and Engineering for four 2012 Projects Councilmember Mania stated he requested the agenda item be pulled so he could vote no without voting against the entire consent agenda. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Perry to: Authorize the City Manager to sign the contract agreement for design of projects W W02 -2008 and W W02 -2010, and for technical studies for the NPDES Permit CSO Reduction Plan Update, and the Wastewater System Hydraulic Model Upgrade on the 2011 On -Call Wastewater Utility Engineering Services Agreement with Brown and Caldwell, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $400,000, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Motion carried 4 -2, with Kidd and Mania voting in opposition. 2 F -2 ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Electrical Work Permit Fee Corrections ORDINANCE NO. CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 20, 2011 Director Cutler explained the proposed changes were to increase efficiency and cost effectiveness for the City and the public. Council discussion followed. Mayor Di Guiho conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Sections of Chapter 3.70, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Electrical Work Permit fees. 1. Wireless Mobile Data System (BTOP): Acquisition and integration Agreement Operation, Management, and Maintenance Services Agreement Retail Service Provider Agreement Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 1 Police Chief Gallagher discussed the four separate agreements. He praised staff for their hard work on the project which has been ongoing for close to two years. He stated the Utility Advisory Committee unanimously recommended approval of all four agreements and asked Council to support the project. Council discussion fol lowed. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Downie to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the Wireless Mobile Data System Acquisition and Integration Agreement with Capacity Provisioning. Inc., in an amount not exceed $2,577,922.50, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 6 -0. Chief Gallagher discussed the request for proposal process and stated Capacity Provisioning. Inc., was chosen because of the high quality of their proposal. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Downie to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the Wireless Mobile Data System Operation, Management, and Maintenance Services Agreement with Capacity Provisioning, Inc., in an annual amount of $28,383.00 beginning in year 2013 for operation and management services and an estimated annual amount of $4,560 00 for maintenance services, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Motion carried 6 -0. Chief Gallagher stated the network is meant to be a public safety tool but it also has a retail side to it as well. He described the response by Olypen, Inc., to the request for proposal and the services they plan to provide. Council discussion followed. 3 F -3 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 20, 2011 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: (Cont'd) INFORMATION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: None. Manager Myers stated services will become available to the low- income section of our population meeting the intent of the BTOP grant. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Mania to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the non exclusive Wireless Mobile Data System Retail Services Provider Agreement with OlyPen, Inc and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Motion carried 6 -0. Chief Gallagher stated the agreement amendment with Columbia Telecommunications Corporation allows for continued professional services through the rest of the BTOP protect phases. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Downie to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 1 to the professional services agreement with Columbia Telecommunications Corporation in an amount not to exceed $164,500.00, which increases the maximum compensation under the agreement for $65,400.00 to $229,900.00, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Motion carried 6 -0. Intergovernmental Agreement Composite Manufacturing Campus. Airport Industrial Park Community and Economic Director West stated the proposed agreement formalized the partnership between the City and the Port of Port Angeles regarding the obligations concerning the Composite Manufacturing Campus. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Kidd to: Authorize the City Manager to sign the intergovernmental agreement with the Port of Port Angeles, and make minor changes to the agreement as necessary. Motion carried 6 -0. Manager Myers thanked staff for doing a great job while he was on vacation, especially Nathan West. He also spoke regarding the recently adjourned special session of the State Legislature, the meeting with the Department of Ecology on January 9, 2012, the Council retreat on January 21, 2012, and his plans to provide an annual report to various local organizations next month regarding the City's accomplishments in 2011. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting at 6:51 p.m. Dan Di Guilio, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk 4 F -4 Vendor BILL'S PLUMBING HEATING INC ELECSYS INT'L CORP IRONSMITH, INC Kathy Sample OMC Foundation Olympic Medical CNT Foundation Sandra Lopez Pete Sekac Firefighters Bookstore US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT ADVANCED TRAVEL PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description Sanitizer RADIX MAINTENANCE AGRICULTURAL EQUIP &IMPLEM DEP RFND 12/14/11 VBCC DEPOSIT REFUND OMC F VBCC DEPOSIT REFUND FESTI VBCC DEPOSIT REFUND LOPEZ REIMBURSE CLOTHING ALLOWA BOOKS SYSTEICity Credit Card Pmt -Nov Weapons etc Gallagher Ribbon -Rec Supplies -AM RecSupplies -AM Oils -Rec Supplies Mozingo Arson evidence bags -TP Blood collecting tubes -TP Shoe/boot covers-Peninger Canned pop Roggenbuck Flashlights Roggenbuck Battery- Roggenbuck Rifle Slings Roggenbuck Jacket- Schilke Camera Battery-Wray Training Materials -Wray Ink Jet Bond Paper -Wray Uniform pants etc Bogues Bathroom Door Signs -LH Evolution Chair Kit -Hagar Cash Register Rolls -Hagar Christmas Fair Ad-Mozingo Rec Prog Supplies Mozingo Magazine Susb Mozingo Rifle Sling- Roggenbuck Strong Box Safe -GR Arms /Access Roggenbuck Projector Bulb Bogues Time Stamp Machine -LH Laminating Carriers -Wray WA Ocean Energy Conf -PD COUNCIL CHAIRS Page 1 Account Number 001 0000 239.96 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 239.93 -00 001 0000 239.10 -00 001 0000 239.10 -00 001 0000 239.10 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 213.10 -95 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237 :00 =00' 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 -0000- 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001- 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001- 0000 237.00 -00 001- 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001- 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 001 1160 511.43 -10 001 1160 511.31 -01 Date 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 0.59 -21.34 291.65 141.00 200.00 500.00 150.00 -9.50 -39.65 9,709.55 -26.64 -2.14 -5.22 2.83 -2.88 -2.42 7.98 -1.09 44.84 -4.53 11.12 -10.83 -0.65 -19.38 17.45 -34.06 -8.54 -12.35 -15.60 -9.11 10.08 1.68 -1.26 -22.34 131.64 -12.60 46.93 -2 15 $9,548.44 $9,548.44 83.00 2,439 00 F -5 1 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Date 12/29/2011 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER AWC Meeting- Collins 001 1160 511.43 -10 4.00 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEIAWC Reg- SK /PD /BC 001 1160 511.43 -10 135.00 Conf Reg -Myers 001- 1160 511.43 -10 195.00 Ferry To Victoria -Perry 001 1160 -511 43 -10 33.00 Legislative Mayor Council Division Total: $2,889.00 Legislative Department Total: $2,889.00 CENTURYLINK -QWEST 12 -02 A/C 36041701900806 001 1210 513.42 -10 1.16 12 -02 A/C 36041705911966 001 1210 513.42 -10 1.16 12 -05 A/C 36045258342116 001 1210 513.42 -10 1.38 12 -05 A/C 36045251096236 001 1210 513.42 -10 1.16 12 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 001 1210 513.42 -10 1.16 12 -05 A/C 36045237125858 001 1210 513.42 -10 1.93 12 -05 A/C 36045298876528 001- 1210 513.42 -10 1.16 12 -14 A/C 36045708315586 001- 1210 513.42 -10 1.16 12 -05 A/C 36045298828116 001 1210 513.42 -10 1.16 12 -14 NC 36045709683436 001 1210 513.42 -10 2.36 12 -14 A/C 36045715355718 001 1210 513.42 -10 1.93 Kent Myers ICMA PRO /DEVELOPMENT ASSM 001 1210 513.43 -10 200.00 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Chamber Lunch -Myers 001 -1210- 513.31 -01 13.00 Coffee Cafe Gardn -Myers 001 1210- 513.31 -01 42.40 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Various Meals -Myers 001- 1210 513.31 -01 279.90 Mtg Refrshmts- reimbursed 001 1210 513.31 -01 35.42 Various Meals -Myers 001 1210 513.31 -01 132.66 Business Lunch Pierce 001 1210 513.31 -01 17.07 City Manager Department City Manager Office Division Total: $736.17 CENTURYLINK -QWEST 12 -02 NC 36041701900806 001 1220 516.42 -10 0.24 12 -02 A/C 36041705911966 001- 1220 516.42 -10 0.24 12 -05 A/C 3604525834211B 001- 1220 516.42 -10 0.27 12 -05 NC 36045251096236 001 1220 -516 42 -10 0.24 12 -05 NC 36045238778176 001 1220 516.42 -10 0.24 12 -05 NC 36045237125856 001 1220 516.42 -10 0.39 12 -05 NC 36045298876526 001- 1220- 516.42 -10 0.24 12 -14 NC 3604570831558B 001 1220- 516.42 -10 0.24 12 -05 NC 36045298828118 001 1220 516.42 -10 0.24 12 -14 NC 36045709683438 001 1220 516.42 -10 0.47 12 -14 NC 36045715355716 001 1220 516.42 -10 0.39 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC ENVELOPES 001 1220 516.31 -01 27.49 City Manager Department Human Resources Division Total: $30.69 CENTURYLINK -QWEST 12 -02 NC 36041701900806 001- 1230 514.42 -10 0.12 12 -02 A/C 36041705911966 001 1230 514.42 -10 0.12 12 -05 A/C 36045258342116 001 -1230- 514.42 -10 0.14 12 -05 NC 36045251096236 001 -1230- 514.42 -10 0.12 Page 2 F -6 Vendor CENTURYLIN K -QWEST CLALLAM CNN AUDITOR DATA BASE PENINSULA AWARDS TROPHIES City Manager Department ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK -QWEST PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Webinar Reg Hagar Finance Department Finance Administration ADVANCED TRAVEL SUGA Conf Agesson CCH INCORPORATED GAAP HANDBOOK OF POLJPROC CENTURYLINK -QWEST OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description 12 -05 A/C 36045238778176 12 -05 NC 36045237125858 12 -05 NC 36045298876528 12 -14 A/C 36045708315586 12 -05 A/C 36045298828118 12 -14 NC 36045709683436 12 -14 A/C 36045715355718 2011 GENERAL ELECTION COS RECORDS DESTRUCTION NOV COUNCIL NAMEPLATE BRUCH City Clerk City Manager Department PSFOA Conf Ziomkowski PSFOA Ziomkowski 12 -02 NC 36041701900806 12 -02 NC 3604170591196B 12 -05 A/C 36045258342118 12 -05 NC 3604525109623B 12 -05 NC 36045238778178 12 -05 NC 36045237125858 12 -05 NC 3604529887652B 12 -14 NC 3604570831558B 12 -05 NC 3604529882811B 12 -14 NC 3604570968343B 12 -14 NC 3604571535571B Batteries -Hagar 12 -02 NC 36041701900808 12 -02 A/C 36041705911968 12 -05 A/C 36045258342118 12 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 12 -05 NC 3604523877817B 12 -05 A/C 3604523712585B 12 -05 A/C 36045298876526 12 -14 NC 3604570831558B 12 -05 A/C 3604529882811B 12 -14 A/C 36045709683436 12 -14 NC 36045715355716 WINDOW ENVELOPES Page 3 Account Number 001 1230 514.42 10 001 1230- 514.42 -10 001 -1230- 514.42 -10 001 -1230- 514.42 -10 001 1230 514.42 -10 001 1230 514.42 -10 001 1230 514.42 -10 001 1230 514.41 -50 001 1230 514.41 -50 001 1230 -514 31 -01 Division Total: Department Total: 001 2010 514.43 -10 001 2010 514.43 -10 001 -2010- 514.42 -10 001 2010 514.42 -10 001 -2010- 514.42 -10 001 2010 514.42 -10 001 -2010- 514.42 -10 001 2010 514.42 -10 001 -2010- 514.42 -10 001- 2010 514.42 -10 001 2010 514.42 -10 001 2010 514.42 -10 001 2010 514.42 -10 001 2010 514.31 -01 001 2010 514.43 -10 Division Total: 001 2023 514.43 -10 001 -2023- 514.31 -01 001 2023- 514.42 -10 001 2023- 514.42 -10 001 2023- 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 -2023- 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.31 -01 Date 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 0.12 0.19 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.24 0.19 6,542.95 749.81 10.32 $7,304.68 $8,071.54 25.00 101.00 0.82 0.82 0.96 0.82 0.82 1.35 0.82 0.82 0.82 1.65 1.35 13.02 197.00 $347.07 509.45 227.10 1.06 1.06 1.24 1.06 1.06 1.73 1.06 1.06 1.06 2.11 1.73 618.53 F -7 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Page 4 Date 12/29/2011 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 001 2023 514.31 -01 23.02 FILE FOLDERS LABELS 001 2023 514.31 -01 139.13 SOUND PUBLISHING INC LEGAL ADS 001 2023 514.44 -10 24.81 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Evolution Chair Kit -Hagar 001 -2023- 514.31 -01 159.35 Ergonomic Chair- Possinger 001 2023 514.31 -01 704.22 CAFR Award Fee -Hagar 001 2023 514.41 -50 505.00 WASHINGTON (AUDITOR), STATE OF NOV. AUDIT HOURS 001- 2023 514.41 -50 167.20 Finance Department Accounting Division Total: $3,092.04 CENTURYLINK -QWEST 12 -02 NC 3604170190080B 001- 2025 514.42 -10 1.53 12 -02 A/C 3604170591196B 001 2025- 514.42 -10 1.53 12 -05 NC 36045258342118 001 2025 514.42 -10 1.79 12 -05 NC 36045251096238 001 2025- 514.42 -10 1.53 12 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 001 -2025- 514.42 -10 1.53 12 -05 NC 3604523712585B 001 2025- 514.42 -10 2.50 12 -05 NC 3604529887652B 001 2025- 514.42 -10 1.53 12 -14 NC 3604570831558B 001 -2025- 514.42 -10 1.53 12 -05 A/C 36045298828118 001 -2025- 514.42 -10 1.53 12 -14 NC 36045709683438 001 2025- 514.42 -10 3.06 12 -14 A/C 36045715355718 001 2025- 514.42 -10 2.50 ELECSYS INT'L CORP RADIX MAINTENANCE 001 -2025- 514.48 -10 275.34 EQUIFAX CREDIT REPORTS 001 2025 514.41 -50 61.32 LEXISNEXIS PERSON SEARCHES 001- 2025 514.41 -50 78.21 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC WINDOW ENVELOPES 001- 2025 514.31 -01 618.53 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC STAPLERS (4) 001- 2025 514.31 -01 70.98 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC TONER CARTRIDGE HANEY 001 2025 514.31 -01 157.17 INK CARTRIDGE FOR CK ENDO 001- 2025 514.31 -01 23.05 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Cash Register Rolls -Hagar 001- 2025 514.31 -01 201.30 VERIZON WIRELESS 11 -13 a/c 271272753 -00001 001- 2025- 514.42 -10 71.48 Finance Department Customer Service Division Total: $1,577.94 SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP DEC LEASE/NOV COPIES 001 2080 514.45 -31 176.81 DEC LEASE /NOV COPIES 001 2080 514.45 -31 996.37 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Shipping Chgs 001- 2080 514.42 -10 40.00 Finance Department Reprographics Division Total: $1,213.18 Finance Department Department Total: $6,230.23 CENTURYLINK -QWEST 12 -02 NC 36041701900808 001- 3010 515.42 -10 0.71 12 -02 A/C 3604170591196B 001- 3010 515.42 -10 0.71 12 -05 NC 36045258342118 001 3010 515.42 -10 0.82 12 -05 A/C 36045251096238 001 3010 515.42 -10 0.71 12 -05 NC 36045238778178 001 3010 515.42 -10 0.71 12 -05 NC 3604523712585B 001 3010 515.42 -10 1.16 12 -05 NC 36045298876528 001 3010 515.42 -10 0.71 12 -14 NC 3604570831558B 001 3010 515.42 -10 0.71 F -8 Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Attorney CITY OF FORKS CLALLAM CNN SHERIFF'S DEPT Attorney CENTURYLINK -QWEST 8 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC QUILL CORPORATION D CT. LABELS US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEIAd for Asst City Attny Attorney Prosecution Attorney CENTURYLINK QWEST 12 -02 A/C 3604170190080B 12 -02 A/C 3604170591196B 12 -05 NC 36045258342116 12 -05 NC 36045251096238 12 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 12 -05 A/C 3604523712585B 12 -05 A/C 36045298876528 12 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 12 -05 A/C 36045298828118 12 -14 NC 36045709683436 12 -14 NC 36045715355716 INTL SOCIETY OF ARBORICULTURE INTN'L SOCIETY OF ARBORIC SOUND PUBLISHING INC LEGAL ADS US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Hotel West/Korcz Community Development CENTURYLINK -QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description 12 -05 A/C 36045298828116 12 -14 NC 36045709683436 12 -14 A/C 36045715355716 SYSTEI TrvI/Trng Gasoline -Bloor Attorney Office FORKS JAIL BILL NOV.2011 JAIL BILL FOR NOV. 2011 Jail Contributions 12 -02 A/C 36041701900806 12 -02 NC 36041705911968 12 -05 NC 3604525834211B 12 -05 A/C 36045251096238 12 -05 A/C 36045238778178 12 -05 NC 3604523712585B 12 -05 NC 36045298876526 12 -14 A/C 36045708315586 12 -05 A/C 36045298828118 12 -14 NC 36045709683436 12 -14 A/C 36045715355716 BUDGET CODE STAMP WORK STAT STAND FOR HG Planning 12 -02 A/C 3604170190080B 12 -02 A/C 36041705911966 Page 5 Account Number 001 3010 515.42 -10 001 3010 515.42 -10 001- 3010 515.42 -10 001 3010 515.43 -10 Division Total: 001 3012 598.51 -23 001 3012 598.51 -23 Division Total: 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 -3021- 515.42 -10 001 3021- 515.31 -01 001 3021 515.31 -01 001 3021 515.31 -01 001- 3021 515.44 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 4010 558.42 10 001 4010- 558.42 -10 001 4010 558.42 -10 001 4010- 558.42 -10 001- 4010- 558.42 -10 001 4010 558.42 -10 001 4010 558.42 -10 001 4010 558.42 -10 001 4010 558.42 -10 001 4010 558.42 -10 001 4010- 558.42 -10 001- 4010 558.49 -01 001 4010 558.44 -10 001 -4010- 558.43 -10 Division Total: 001 4020- 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.42 -10 Date. 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 0.71 1.41 1.16 57.82 $67.34 3,630.00 47,274.36 $50,90436 0.47 0.47 0.55 0.47 0.47 0.77 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.94 0.77 29.81 628.72 11.91 66.50 $743.26 $51,714.96 0.88 0.88 1.03 0.88 0.88 1.44 0.88 0.88 0.88 1.77 1 44 250.00 240.75 753.78 $1,256.37 0.31 0.31 F -9 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount CENTURYLINK -QWEST 12 -05 A/C 36045258342118 001 4020- 524.42 -10 0.36 12 -05 A/C 36045251096238 001 4020 524.42 -10 0.31 12 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 001 4020 524.42 -10 0.31 12 -05 NC 36045237125853 001 4020 524.42 -10 0.50 12 -05 A/C 36045298876528 001 4020 524.42 -10 0.31 12 -14 A/C 36045708315588 001- 4020 524.42 -10 0.31 12 -05 NC 36045298828118 001 4020 524.42 -10 0.31 12 -14 NC 36045709683438 001- 4020 524.42 -10 0.61 12 -14 A/C 36045715355718 001- 4020 524.42 -10 0.50 UNGER ENGINEERING INC, GENE ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK NI 001 4020 524.41 -50 3,866.50 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Hotel- Lierly 001 4020 524.43 -10 342.72 Community Development Building Division Total: $4;213.36 CENTURYLINK QwEST• 12 -02 NC 36041701900806 001 4030 559.42 -10 0.05 12 -02 A/C 3604170591196B 001 4030 559.42 -10 0.05 12 -05 A/C 36045258342118 001 -4030- 559.42 -10 0.05 12 -05 NC 36045251096238 001 4030 559.42 -10 0.05 12 -05 A/C 36045238778178 001 4030 559.42 -10 0.05 12 -05 NC 3604523712585B 001- 4030- 559.42 -10 0.08 12 -05 NC 36045298876528 001 4030 559.42 -10 0.05 12 -14 NC 360457083155813 001 4030 559.42 -10 0.05 12 -05 A/C 3604529882811B 001- 4030 559.42 -10 0.05 12 -14 NC 36045709683438 001 4030 559.42 -10 0.09 12 -14 NC 36045715355718 001- 4030 559.42 -10 0.08 Community Development Code Compliance Division Total: $0.65 Community Development Department Total: $5,470.38 ADVANCED TRAVEL NorthStarMtg -Smith 001 -5010- 521.43 -10 213.00 WASP Conf -Smith 001 -5010- 521.43 -10 46.00 CENTURYLINK QWEST 12 -02 A/C 36041701900808 001- 5010 521.42 -10 1.89 12 -02 NC 3604170591196B 001 5010 521.42 -10 1.89 12 -05 A/C 36045258342118 001 5010 521.42 -10 2.20 12 -05 NC 36045251096238 001- 5010 521.42 -10 1.89 12 -05 A/C 36045238778178 001 5010 521.42 -10 1.89 12 -05 NC 36045237125858 001 5010 521.42 -10 3.08 12 -05 NC 36045298876526 001 5010 521.42 -10 1.89 12 -14 A/C 36045708315588 001 5010 521.42 -10 1.89 12 -05 NC 36045298828118 001 5010 521.42 -10 1.89 12 -14 A/C 36045709683436 001 -5010- 521.42 -10 3.77 12 -14 NC 36045715355718 001 5010 521.42 -10 3.08 CLALLAM CNTY HUMANE SOCIETY NOV /DEC DOG LICENSES 001 -5010- 322.30 -11 48.00 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Canned pop Roggenbuck 001 5010 521.31 -01 14.10 Weapons etc Gallagher 001- 5010 521.35 -01 343.74 Holster -Smith 001 5010- 521.35 -01 145.15 F 10 Page 6 Date. 12/29/2011 Vendor Description US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEIAirfare -Smith Travel -Smith Police Administration Crime Scene trng /KS 12 -02 NC 36041701900806 12 -02 NC 36041705911966 12 -05 NC 36045258342116 12 -05 A/C 36045251096236 12 -05 NC 36045238778176 12 -05 NC 36045237125856 12 -05 NC 36045298876526 12 -14 NC 36045708315586 12 -05 NC 36045298828118 12 -14 NC 36045709683436 12 -14 NC 3604571535571B US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEIArson evidence bags Blood collecting tubes -TP Shoe /boot covers Peninger Police Department Investigation ADVANCED TRAVEL CJTC Wolff K9 Evaluation- Miller K9 Trng Mtg- Miller CENTURYLINK QWEST 12 -02 NC 36041701900806 12 -02 NC 36041705911966 12 -05 NC 36045258342116 12 -05 A/C 36045251096236 12 -05 A/C 36045238778176 12 -05 A/C 36045237125856 12 -05 NC 36045298876526 12 -14 A/C 36045708315586 12 -05 A/C 36045298828116 12 -14 A/C 36045709683436 12 -14 NC 36045715355716 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Flashlights Roggenbuck Battery- Roggenbuck Arms /Access Roggenbuck Rifle Slings Roggenbuck Rifle Sling- Roggenbuck Strong Box Safe -GR Police Department ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK-OWEST Police Department CENTURYLINK -QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Account Number 001 5010 521.43 10 001 5010 -521 43 -10 Division Total: 001 5021 521.43 -10 001- 5021 521.42 -10 001 5021 521.42 -10 001- 5021- 521.42 -10 001 5021 521.42 -10 001 5021 521.42 -10 001 5021 521.42 -10 001- 5021 521.42 -10 001 5021- 521.42 -10 001 -5021- 521.42 -10 001 5021 521.42 -10 001 -5021- 521.42 -10 001 5021- 521.31 -01 001 5021 521.31 -01 001 5021 521.31 -01 Division Total: 001 5022 521.43 -10 001 5022 521.49 -80 001 -5022- 521.49 -80 001 5022 521.42 -10 001 5022- 521.42 -10 001 5022- 521.42 -10 001 5022- 521.42 -10 001 -5022- 521.42 -10 001 5022- 521.42 -10 001 5022- 521.42 -10 001 -5022- 521.42 -10 001 5022- 521.42 -10 001 5022- 521.42 -10 001 5022 521.42 -10 001 5022 521.20 -80 001 5022 521.20 -80 001 5022 521.20 -80 001 5022 521.35 -01 001 5022 521.35 -01 001 5022 521.35 -01 Patrol Division Total: 12 -02 A/C 3604170190080B 001 5029 521.42 -10 12 02 NC 36041705911966 001 5029 521.42 10 Page 7 Date: 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 350.80 907.36 $2,093.51 238.00 1.18 1.18 1.37 1.18 1.18 1.93 1.18 1.18 1.18 2.36 1.93 37.18 31.26 102.97 $425.26 76.20 48.25 26.89 3.30 3.30 3.85 3.30 3.30 5.39 3.30 3.30 3.30 6.60 5 39 578.63 58.50 1,698.74 143.55 16.21 288.24 $2,979.54 1.18 1.18 F -11 Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST Description 12 -05 A/C 3604525834211B 12 -05 NC 3604525109623B 12 -05 NC 3604523877817B 12 -05 NC 3604523712585B 12 -05 NC 3604529887652B 12 -14 NC 3604570831558B 12 -05 NC 3604529882811B 12 -14 NC 3604570968343B 12 -14 NC 3604571535571B US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEIJaCket Schilke ID Maker Supplies Schilke Hotel- Schilke 'Police Department- 'Records Police Department CENTURYLINK QWEST 12 -02 NC 36041701900808 12 -02 NC 36041705911966 12 -05 A/C 3604525834211B 12 -05 A/C 36045251096236 12 -05 NC 3604523877817B 12 -05 NC 3604523712585B 12 -05 NC 3604529887652B 12 -14 NC 3604570831558B 12 -05 NC 3604529882811B 12 -14 NC 36045709683436 12 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 12 -02 NC 3604170190080B 12 -02 A/C 3604170591196B 12 -05 NC 3604525834211B 12 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 12 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 12 -05 A/C 3604523712585B 12 -05 NC 3604529887652B 12 -14 NC 36045708315586 12 -05 NC 36045298828118 12 -14 A/C 36045709683436 12 -14 NC 3604571535571B City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Page 8 Date 12/29/2011 Account Number Invoice Amount 001 5029 521.42 -10 1.37 001 5029 521.42 -10 1.18 001 -5029- 521.42 -10 1.18 001 5029 521.42 -10 1.93 001 5029 521.42 -10 1.18 001 5029 521.42 -10 1.18 001 5029 521.42 -10 1.18 001 5029 521.42 -10 2.36 001 -5029- 521.42 -10 1.93 001 5029 521.31 -11 139.81 001 -5029- 521.31 -80 161.94 001 5029 521.43 -10 73.90 Division Total:- $391.50 Department Total: $5,889.81 001 6010 522.42 -10 1.65 001 6010 522.42 -10 1.65 001 6010 522.42 -10 1.92 001 6010 522.42 -10 1 65 001 6010 522.42 -10 1.65 001 6010 522.42 -10 2.70 001 6010 522.42 -10 1.65 001 6010 522.42 -10 1.65 001 6010 522.42 -10 1.65 001 6010 522.42 -10 3 30 001 6010 522.42 -10 2.70 001 6010- 522.42 -11 0.47 001 6010 522.42 -11 0.47 001 6010 522.42 -11 0.55 001 6010 522.42 -11 0 47 001 6010 -522 42 -11 0.47 001 6010 522.42 -11 0.77 001 -6010- 522.42 -11 0.47 001 6010- 522.42 -11 0.47 001 6010 522.42 -11 0.47 001 6010 522.42 -11 0.94 001 6010 522.42 -11 0.77 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 6010 522.31 -01 195.11 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC CUTLERY,DISHES GLASS ETC 001 6010 522.31 -01 42.98 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT POSTAGE 001- 6010- 522.42 -10 16.45 WHEELER, CORAL REIMBURSE CLOTHING ALLOWA 001 6010 522.20 83 00 WSAFC 2012 MEMBERSHIP 001 6010 522.49 -01 825.00 Fire Department Fire Administration Division Total: $1,191.03 F -12 Vendor ADVANCED TRAVEL BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS EQUIP CENTURYLINK -QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description SCBA Malnt Class -Kroh CLOTHING APPAREL 12 -02 NC 3604170190080B 12 -02 A/C 36041705911966 12 -05 NC 36045258342118 12 -05 NC 36045251096238 12 -05 NC 36045238778178 12 -05 A/C 36045237125858 12 -05 NC 36045298876526 12 -14 A/C 36045708315588 12 -05 NC 36045298828118 12 -14 NC 36045709683438 12 -14-NC 36045715355716 LUMBER Page 9 Account Number 001 6020 522.43 -10 001 6020 522.20 -80 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020- 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020- 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.31 -01 Date 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 287.98 289.92 1.53 1.53 1.79 1.53 1.53 2.50 1.53 1 53 1.53 3.06 2.50 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC 169.15 Pete Sekac REIMBURSE CLOTHING ALLOWA 001 6020 522.20 -80 122.50 NAPA AUTO PARTS HAL LAMP 001 6020 522.31 -02 11.24 SWITCH 001 6020 522.31 -02 3.90 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS CLEANING 001 6020 522.31 -01 44.39 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001 6020- 522.31 -02 9.41 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES 001- 6020 522.31 -02 55.97 RADIOSHACK PLUG SPARKY TRUCK 001 6020 522.31 -02 5.83 SWAINS GENERAL STORE INC CLOTHING APPAREL 001 6020 522.20 -80 42.06 CLOTHING APPAREL 001 6020 522.20 -80 21.03 LEATHERMAN 001- 6020 522.20 -80 25.91 AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 001 6020 522.35 -01 4.23 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Pager Batteries- Bogues 001 6020 522.31 -14 85.03 Fire Department Fire Supression Division Total: $1,199.11 CENTURYLINK -QWEST 12 -02 NC 36041701900808 001- 6021 522.42 -10 0.12 12 -02 NC 36041705911968 001- 6021 522.42 -10 0.12 12 -05 A/C 3604525834211B 001 6021 522.42 -10 0 14 12 -05 NC 36045251096238 001 6021 522.42 -10 0.12 12 -05 NC 36045238778178 001 6021 522.42 -10 0.12 12 -05 NC 36045237125856 001 6021- 522.42 -10 0.19 12 -05 NC 36045298876526 001 6021 522.42 -10 0.12 12 -14 NC 36045708315586 001 -6021- 522.42 -10 0.12 12 -05 NC 36045298828118 001 6021- 522.42 -10 0.12 12 -14 NC 36045709683436 001 6021 522.42 -10 0.24 12 -14 NC 36045715355718 001 6021 522.42 -10 0.19 CLALLAM CNTY FIRE DISTRICT 2 SUPPORT OFFICER LUNCHES 001 6021 522.31 -01 70.33 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Pager Batteries Bogues 001 6021 522.31 -14 85.02 Fire Department Fire Volunteers Division Total: $156.95 CENTURYLINK -OWEST 12 -02 NC 36041701900808 001 6030 522.42 -10 0.24 F 13 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Page 10 Date: 12/29/2011 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount CENTURYLINK -QWEST 12 -02 NC 3604170591196B 001- 6030 522.42 -10 0.24 12 -05 A/C 36045258342116 001 6030 522.42 -10 0.27 12 -05 A/C 36045251096238 001 6030 522.42 -10 0.24 12 -05 NC 36045238778176 001 6030 522.42 -10 0.24 12 -05 NC 36045237125856 001 6030 522.42 -10 0.39 12 -05 NC 36045298876526 001 6030 522.42 -10 0.24 12 -14 NC 3604570831558B 001 6030 522.42 -10 0.24 12 -05 NC 36045298828116 001 6030 522.42 -10 0.24 12 -14 NC 36045709683436 001 6030 522.42 -10 0.47 12 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 001- 6030 522.42 -10 0.39 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS LAUNDRY 8/3/11 001- 6030 522.20 -80 8.94 10/28/11 LAUNDRY 001- 6030 522.20 -80 8.94 8/11 LAUNDRY '001- 6030 522.20 -80 t 11:92 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Smoke Detector 001 6030 522.31 -01 -12 47 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Online Trng -Dubuc 001- 6030 522.43 -10 207.00 Fire Department Fire Prevention Division Total: $227.53 CENTURYLINK -QWEST 12 -02 NC 36041701900806 001- 6040 522.42 -10 0.24 12 -02 NC 36041705911966 001 6040 522.42 -10 0.24 12 -05 NC 36045258342116 001 6040 522.42 -10 0.27 12 -05 A/C 36045251096238 001 6040 522.42 -10 0.24 12 -05 NC 36045238778178 001 6040 522.42 -10 0.24 12 -05 A/C 36045237125858 001 6040 522.42 -10 0.39 12 -05 NC 36045298876528 001 6040 522.42 -10 0.24 12 -14 NC 36045708315586 001 6040 522.42 -10 0.24 12 -05 NC 36045298828118 001 6040 522.42 -10 0.24 12 -14 NC 36045709683438 001 6040 522.42 -10 0.47 12 -14 NC 36045715355716 001 6040- 522.42 -10 0.39 Firefighters Bookstore BOOKS 001 6040 522.31 -01 511.65 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Uniform pants etc Bogues 001- 6040 522.20 -80 439.51 Projector Bulb Bogues 001 6040 522.31 -01 162.58 Printer Bogues 001 6040 522.31 -01 346.49 Fire Department Fire Training Division Total: $1,463.43 ANGELES FURNITURE CARPET CO FURNITURE 001 6050 522.31 -02 541.99 ANGELES PLUMBING INC REPAIR MAIN SEWER LINE 001- 6050 522.48 -10 161.25 M P GARAGE DOORS PARTS REPAIR 001- 6050- 522.48 -10 1,167.23 PARTS REPAIR 001 6050 522.48 -10 1,998.84 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES 001- 6050 522.31 -01 26.03 Fire Department Facilities Maintenance Division Total: $3,895.34 CENTURYLINK -QWEST 12 -02 A/C 3604170190080B 001- 6060 525.42 -10 1.06 12 -02 NC 36041705911968 001 6060 525.42 -10 1.06 12 -05 NC 36045258342116 001 6060 525.42 -10 1.24 12 -05 A/C 36045251096236 001 6060 525.42 -10 1.06 F -14 Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST Fire Department ADVANCED TRAVEL CANON USA, INC CENTURYLINK -QWEST Randall Brackett Sondya Wray OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PENINSULA DAILY NEWS PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP MX2600N COPIER DEC 2011 SOUND PUBLISHING INC LEGAL ADS US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Fax Toner -Wray Ink Jet Bond Paper -Wray Laminating Carriers -Wray Time Stamp Machine -LH Camera Battery-Wray Seminar Reg -Wray Training Materials -Wray Ferry Tickets Hanley Public Works -Gen Fnd Pub Wks Administration Public Works -Gen Fnd City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description Account Number 12 -05 A/C 36045238778178 001 6060 525.42 -10 12 -05 NC 36045237125858 001 6060 525.42 -10 12 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 001 6060 -525 42 -10 12 -14 NC 36045708315588 001 6060 525.42 -10 12 -05 A/C 3604529882811B 001 6060 525.42 -10 12 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 001 6060 525.42 -10 12 -14 A/C 36045715355718 001 6060 525.42 -10 Emergency Management Division Total: Fire Department Department Total: Wage/Rates Trng-Hanley 001 7010 532.43 -10 CASC Trng Hanley 001 7010 532.43 -10 RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 001 -7010- 532.45 -31 12'02 NC 36041701900808 001-7010-532.42-10 12 -02 NC 36041705911968 001 7010 532.42 -10 12 -05 A/C 36045258342118 001 7010 532.42 -10 12 -05 NC 36045251096236 001 -7010- 532.42 -10 12 -05 NC 36045238778178 001- 7010 532.42 -10 12 -05 A/C 36045237125858 001 7010 532.42 -10 12 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 001 7010 532.42 -10 12 -14 NC 36045708315588 001 7010 532.42 -10 12 -05 A/C 36045298828118 001 7010 532.42 -10 12 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 001 7010 532.42 -10 12 -14 A/C 36045715355718 001 7010 532.42 -10 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 001 7010 532.31 -01 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 001- 7010 532.43 -10 WINDOW ENVELOPES 001 7010 532.31 -01 OFFICE SUPPLIES 001- 7010 532.31 -01 RENEW ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 001 7010 532.49 -01 Dinner-Stormwater Conf-MP 001- 7010 532.31 -01 OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS 001 7010 532.45 -31 Page 11 001 7010 532.45 -31 001 7010 532.44 -10 001 7010 532.31 -01 001 7010 532.31 -01 001 7010 532.31 -01 001 7010 532.31 -80 001 7010 532.35 -01 001 7010 532.43 -10 001 7010 532.43 -10 001 7010 532.43 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Date 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 1.06 1.73 1.06 1.06 1.06 2.11 1.73 $14.23 $8,147.62 30.50 30.50 784.44 3.65 3.65 4.27 3.65 3.65 5.97 3.65 3.65 3.65 7.30 5.97 63.83 1206.06 109.96 29.76 135.20 31.02 393.17 356.24 33.50 230.03 225.17 27.78 605.64 8.39 84.00 250.11 25.50 $4,709.86 $4,709.86 F -15 Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC VERIZON WIRELESS Parks Dept CENTURYLINK -QWEST OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PORT ANGELES SENIOR CENTER RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) Parks Dept ASCO PACIFIC SUPPLY CO INC CENTURYLINK -QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description 12 -02 NC 3604170190080B 12 -02 A/C 3604170591196B 12 -05 A/C 3604525834211B 12 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 12 -05 A/C 36045238778178 12 -05 A/C 3604523712585B 12 -05 NC 36045298876528 12 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 12 -05 NC 36045298828116 12 -14 NC 36045709683436 12 -14 NC 36045715355716 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 11 -22 a/c 571136182 -00005 Parks Administration 12 -02 NC 36041701900806 12 -02 A/C 3604170591196B 12 -05 NC 36045258342116 12 -05 NC 36045251096236 12 -05 NC 3604523877817B 12 -05 NC 36045237125856 12 -05 NC 36045298876526 12 -14 A/C 36045708315588 12 -05 NC 36045298828118 12 -14 NC 36045709683436 12 -14 NC 36045715355716 12 -02 a/c 36041719424136 12 -05 a/c 36045298618198 12 -14 a/c 3604577004947B MEMBER RECEIPT BOOKS MICROPHONE SYSTEM AND REP SENIOR GAMES EXPENSES ADVERTISING PDN /KONP CANON COPIER RENTAL KONP HOLIDAY PACKAGE Senior Center CEMETERY MARKERS 12 -02 A/C 36041701900806 12 -02 NC 36041705911966 12 -05 NC 3604525834211B 12 -05 NC 36045251096236 12 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 12 -05 NC 3604523712585B Page 12 Account Number 001 8010 574.42 -10 001 8010 574.42 -10 001 8010 574.42 -10 001 8010- 574.42 -10 001 8010 574.42 -10 001 8010 574.42 -10 001 8010 574.42 -10 001 -8010- 574.42 -10 001 -8010- 574.42 -10 001 8010 574.42 -10 001 8010 574.42 -10 001 -8010- 574.31 -01 001 8010 574.42 -10 Division Total: 001 -8012- 555.42 -10 001 -8012- 555.42 -10 001 8012 555.42 -10 001 -8012- 555.42 -10 001 8012 555.42 -10 001 8012 555.42 -10 001 8012 555.42 -10 001 8012 555.42 -10 001 8012 555.42 -10 001 8012 555.42 -10 001 8012 555.42 -10 001 8012 555.42 -10 001 -8012- 555.42 -10 001 -8012- 555.42 -10 001 8012 555.31 -01 001 8012 555.31 -01 001 8012 555.31 -01 001 -8012- 555.44 -10 001 8012 555.45 -31 001 8012 555.44 -10 Division Total: 001 -8050- 536.34 -01 001- 8050 536.42 -10 001 8050 536.42 -10 001 -8050- 536.42 -10 001- 8050 536.42 -10 001 8050- 536.42 -10 001 -8050- 536.42 -10 Date 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 0.35 0.35 0.41 0.35 0.35 0.58 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.71 0.58 25.45 38.04 $68.22 0.35 0.35 0.41 0.35 0.35 0.58 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.71 0.58 41.58 44.38 42.49 213.01 596.09 1,015.00 1,710.00 1,091.64 412.50 $5,171.42 278.71 0.24 0.24 0.27 0.24 0.24 0.39 F -16 Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC QUIRING MONUMENTS INC SCOTT'S AUTO TRIM VERIZON WIRELESS Parks Dept ALLPLAY SYSTEMS, LLC ANGELES MILLWORK LUMBER CO BEST ACCESS SYSTEMS BLAKE SAND GRAVEL CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC CENTURYLINK -QWEST FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC IRONSMITH, INC KNIGHT FIRE PROTECTION INC LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP ELIJAH HAMMEL RADIOSHACK SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description 12 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 12 -14 A/C 36045708315588 12 -05 A/C 3604529882811B 12 -14 NC 36045709683436 12 -14 NC 36045715355716 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL CEMETERY MARKERS CEMETERY MARKERS EQUIP MAINT REPAIR SERV 11 a/c 271138138 00001 Ocean View Cemetery HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER001- 8080 576.31 -20 PARK EQUIP 001- 8080 576.31 -20 PAINTS.COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001 8080 576.31 -20 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001 8080 576.31 -20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001 -8080- 576.31 -20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001 -8080- 576.31 -20 METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS 001 8080 576.31 -20 SEED,SOD,SOIL &INOCULANT 001 -8080- 576.31 -40 SUPPLIES 12 -02 NC 36041701900806 12 -02 NC 36041705911966 12 -05 NC 3604525834211B 12 -05 NC 36045251096236 12 -05 NC 36045238778176 12 -05 NC 36045237125858 12 -05 NC 36045298876526 12 -14 NC 3604570831558B 12 -05 NC 36045298828116 12 -14 NC 36045709683436 12 -14 NC 36045715355716 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES AGRICULTURAL EQUIP &IMPLEM EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE,REC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE,REC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE,REC METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS Tuition Reimbursement FLASH DRIVE BARRELS, DRUMS, KEGS, CTN SUPPLIES Page 13 Account Number 001 8050 536.42 -10 001 -8050- 536.42 -10 001 8050 536.42 -10 001- 8050 536.42 -10 001 -8050- 536.42 -10 001 8050 536.31 -01 001 8050 536.34 -01 001 -8050- 536.34 -01 001 -8050- 536.31 -20 001 8050 -536 42 -10 Division Total: 001- 8080 576.31 -20 001 -8080- 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 -576 42 -10 001 8080- 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 -8080- 576.42 -10 001 -8080- 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001- 8080 576.31 -20 001 8080 576.31 -20 001- 8080 576.31 -20 001 8080 576.48 -10 001 8080 576.48 -10 001- 8080 576.48 -10 001 -8080- 576.31 -20 001 8080 576.43 -10 001 8080 576.31 -01 001 8080 576.31 -20 001 -8080- 576•31 -20 Date 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 0.24 0.24 0.24 0 47 0.39 5.36 130.00 306.00 169.00 77.27 $969.54 500.81 15.57 22.70 7.47 562.31 1,321.72 12.29 517.07 410.96 1.18 1.18 1.37 1.18 1.18 1.93 1.18 1.18 1.18 2.36 1.93 58.87 94.06 3,763.65 188.62 188.62 198.37 107.71 150.00 14.08 29.13 12.73 F 17 Date 12/29/2011 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Vendor SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001 8080 576.31 -20 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001 8080 576.31 -20 SUPPLIES 001 8080 576.31 -20 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Membership Dues Hanley 001- 8080 576.49 -90 VERIZON WIRELESS 11 -28 a/c 271138138 -00004 001- 8080 576.42 -10 WASHINGTON (AGRICUL), STATE OF 2012 PESTICIDE LICENSE RE 001 8080 576.43 -10 2012 PESTICIDE LICENSDE R 001 -8080- 576.43 -10 XEROX CORPORATION RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 001 -8080- 576.45 -31 Parks Dept Park Facilities Division Total: Parks Dept Department Total: ROAD /HGWY HEAVY EQUIPMENT 8112- 555.31 :20 12 -02 a/c 360417078690513 001 8112 555.42 -10 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE,REC 001 8112 555.48 -10 AIR FLO HEATING COMPANY INC" CENTURYLINK -QWEST KNIGHT FIRE PROTECTION INC ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC POISONS:AGRICUL INDUSTR SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE Facilities Maintenance AMSAN CENTURYLI NK -QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS Facilities Maintenance ADT SECURITY SERVICES, INC CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC CENTURYLINK -QWEST From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description Account Number SUPPLIES 001 8080 576.31 -20 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER001- 8080 576.35 -01 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY Senior Center Facilities JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 12 -02 A/C 3604170190080B 12 -02 A/C 36041705911968 12 -05 NC 36045258342118 12 -05 A/C 36045251096236 12 -05 NC 3604523877817B 12 -05 A/C 36045237125856 12 -05 A/C 36045298876526 12 -14 A/C 36045708315586 12 -05 A/C 36045298828118 12 -14 NC 36045709683438 12 -14 NC 36045715355716 11 22 a/c 571136182 -00005 Custodial /Janitorial Svcs SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 12 NC 3604170190080B 12 -02 A/C 36041705911968 12 -05 A/C 36045258342116 12 -05 A/C 3604525109623B Page 14 001 -8112- 555.48 -10 001 8112 555.31 -20 Division Total: 001 8130 518.31 -01 001 8130 518.31 -01 001 8130 518.31 -01 001 8130 518.42 -10 001 8130 518.42 -10 001 8130 518.42 -10 001 8130 518.42 -10 001 8130- 518.42 -10 001 8130- 518.42 -10 001- 8130- 518.42 -10 001 8130 518.42 -10 001 8130 518.42 -10 001 8130 518.42 -10 001 -8130- 518.42 -10 001 8130 518.42 -10 Division Total: 001 8131 518.42 -10 001 -8131- 518.31 -20 001 8131 518.31 -20 001 8131 518.31 -20 001 -8131- 518.42 -10 001 8131 518.42 -10 001 8131 518.42 -10 001 8131 518.42 -10 Invoice Amount 14.47 30.21 81.73 33.69 15.21 250.00 76.68 33.00 33.00 46 87 $8,807.45 $15,016.63 162.60 32.17 86.72 59.62 7.39 $348.50 40.10 82.89 28.70 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.12 0 12 0.19 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.24 0.19 19.02 $172.31 52 46 8.46 9.00 91.22 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.12 F -18 Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST CENTURYLINK -QWEST DOBYNS, THERESA EATON, INGA GIDDENS, BRUCE W GRAY, STEVE PIMENTEL, HENRY RAMSEY, SCOTT REYNOLDS, JENNIFER ROONEY, RANDY L SWANSON, DAN THAYER, JEFFREY THOMAS, GREGORY WARDELL ADAM Recreation Activities ANDERSEN, BRIAN L AT &T MOBILITY CAPTAIN TS City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description 12 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 12 -05 NC 3604523712585B 12 -05 NC 36045298876528 12 -14 NC 36045708315588 12 -05 A/C 36045298828118 12 -14 NC 36045709683436 12 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 12 -02 a/c 36041753287848 M P GARAGE DOORS EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE,REC ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC POISONS:AGRICUL INDUSTR THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Bathroom Door Signs Facilities Maintenance Central Svcs Facilities Facilities Maintenance 12 -02 NC 3604170190080B 12 -02 NC 3604170591196B 12 -05 NC 36045258342118 12 -05 A/C 36045251096238 12 -05 NC 3604523877817B 12 -05 NC 3604523712585B 12 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 12 -14 A/C 36045708315588 12 -05 A/C 36045298828118 12 -14 NC 3604570968343B 12 -14 A/C 3604571535571B SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT REFEREE PAYMENT REFEREE PAYMENT REFEREE PAYMENT REFEREE PAYMENT REFEREE PAYMENT REFEREE PAYMENT REFEREE PAYMENT REFEREE PAYMENT REFEREE PAYMENT REFEREE PAYMENT REFEREE PAYMENT Sports Programs REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOLID Dan Estes Cell Phone CLOTHING APPAREL CLOTHING APPAREL Page 15 Account Number 001 -8131- 518.42 -10 001 -8131- 518.42 -10 001 8131 518.42 -10 001 8131 518.42 -10 001 8131 518.42 -10 001 8131 518.42 -10 001- 8131- 518.42 -10 001 8131 518.42 -10 001 8131 518.48 -10 001 -8131- 518.48 -10 001 -8131- 518.31 -20 001 -8131- 518.31 -20 Division Total:. Department Total: 001- 8221 574.42 -10 001 8221 574.42 -10 001 -8221- 574.42 -10 001 8221 574.42 -10 001 -8221- 574.42 -10 001 8221 574.42 -10 001 8221 574.42 -10 001 8221 574.42 -10 001 8221 574.42 -10 001 8221 574.42 -10 001 8221 574.42 -10 001 -8221- 574.41 -50 001 8221 574.41 -50 001 -8221- 574.41 -50 001 8221 574.41 -50 001 8221 574.41 -50 001 8221 574.41 -50 001 8221 574.41 -50 001 -8221- 574.41 -50 001 -8221- 574.41 -50 001 8221 574.41 -50 001 -8221- 574.41 -50 001 8221 574.41 -50 Division Total: 001 8222- 574.41 -50 001 8222 574.42 -10 001 -8222- 574.31 -01 001 8222 574.31 -01 Date: 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 0.12 0.19 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.24 0.19 41.12 238.48 78.46 857.33 110.17 $1,488.30 $2,009.11 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.19 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.24 0.19 250.00 200.00 60.00 15.00 88.00 286.00 75.00 88.00 30.00 330.00 110.00 330.00 $1,863.60 220.00 10.32 487.80 1,116.79 F 19 ?n Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST DRAKE'S PIZZA SUBS' FRAZIER: BRIAN D GUNDERSON, HAYDEN HANSEN'S TROPHY JEFFERS, TAYLYN NICOLE JONES, BAILEE C JONES, KIAH N MORAN, BRENDON OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PIMENTEL, HENRY RAMSEY, SCOTT SADDLER, CHARLES M THAYER, JEFFREY WA AMATEUR SOFTBALL ASSN Recreation Activities CENTURYLINK -QWEST PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description 12 -02 NC 36041701900808 12 -02 NC 36041705911966 12 -05 NC 36045258342116 12 -05 NC 36045251096236 12 -05 NC 36045238778176 12 -05 A/C 36045237125856 12 -05 NC 36045298876526 12 -14 NC 36045708315586 12 -05 NC 36045298828118 12 -14 NC 36045709683436 12 -14 NC 360457153557113 REFEREE LUNCHES FOR HOLID REFEREE PAYMENT HOLID SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT FOR H MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT FOR H SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT FOR H SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT FOR H REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOLID OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOLID REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOLID REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOLID REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOLID SANCTION FEES FOR 5 SOFTB Special Events 12 -02 NC 3604170190080B 12 -02 NC 36041705911966 12 -05 NC 36045258342118 12 -05 A/C 36045251096236 12 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 12 -05 NC 36045237125856 12 -05 A/C 36045298876528 12 -14 A/C 36045708315588 12 -05 NC 3604529882811B 12 -14 NC 3604570968343B 12 -14 NC 36045715355716 Clorox Wipes Mozingo Bath Salts Mozingo After School Reward -AM ACOUST TILE, INSULAT MAT US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Ribbon Rec Supplies Page 16 Account Number 001 -8222- 574.42 -10 001 -8222- 574.42 -10 001 8222 -574 42 -10 001 8222 -574 42 -10 001 -8222- 574.42 -10 001 -8222- 574.42 -10 001 8222 574.42 -10 001 -8222- 574.42 -10 001 -8222- 574.42 -10 001 8222 574.42 -10 001 8222 574.42 -10 001 8222 574.31 =01 001 -8222- 574 :41 -50 001 -8222- 574.41 -50 001 8222 574.31 -01 001 8222 574.41 -50 001 -8222- 574.41 -50 001- 8222 574.41 -50 001 8222 574.41 -50 001 -8222- 574.31 -01 001 8222 574.41 -50 001 8222 574.41 -50 001 -8222- 574.41 -50 001 8222 574.41 -50 001 8222 574.41 -50 Division Total: 001- 8224 574.42 -10 001 8224 574.42 -10 001- 8224- 574.42 -10 001 8224 574.42 -10 001 8224 574.42 -10 001 8224 574.42 -10 001 8224 574.42 -10 001 8224 574.42 -10 001 8224 574.42 -10 001 8224 574.42 -10 001 -8224- 574.42 -10 001 8224 574.31 -01 001- 8224 574.31 -01 001 8224 574.31 -01 001 8224 574.31 -01 001 8224 -574 31 -01 Date 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.19 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.24 0.19 146.31 198.00 90.00 169.10 130.00 40.00 60.00 176.00 71.22 242.00 308.00 110.00 176.00 150.00 $3,903.14 0.12 0 12 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.19 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.24 0.19 10.83 20.12 5.99 18.40 27.59 F 20 Vendor Description US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Supplies -AM Credit Oils -Rec Supplies Mozingo Merchandise Bags -AM Rec Prog Supplies Mozingo Rec Prog Supplies Mozingo Magazine Susb Mozingo Christmas Fair Ad- Mozingo VERIZON WIRELESS 11 -22 a/c 571136182 -00005 Recreation Activities Youth /Family Programs Recreation Activities PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMM Lodging Excise Tax A -1 PERFORMANCE, INC ADVANCED TRAVEL ANGELES MILLWORK LUMBER CO BLAKE SAND GRAVEL CENTURYLINK -QWEST CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 General Fund Fund Total: 2011 MKG /MEDIA CAMPAIGN 101 1430 557.50 -83 Lodging Excise Tax Division Total: Lodging Excise Tax Department Total: Lodging Excise Tax Fund Fund Total: BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER 102 7230 542.41 -50 Road /Street Maint Conf -JG Road /Street Conf- Romero Road /Street Conf Wheatley BUILDER'S SUPPLIES HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 102 7230 542.31 -01 METALS, BARS,PLATES, RODS SUPPLIES 12 -02 NC 3604170190080B 12 -02 A/C 3604170591196B 12 -05 NC 3604525834211B 12 -05 NC 3604525109623B 12 -05 NC 3604523877817B 12 -05 NC 3604523712585B 12 -05 NC 3604529887652B 12 -14 NC 3604570831558B 12 -05 NC 3604529882811B 12 -14 NC 36045709683438 12 -14 A/C 3604571535571B TWINRIX SHOTS (3 STAFF) FIRST AID SAFETY EQUIP. FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS SUPPLIES HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 102 7230 542.35 -01 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 102 -7230- 542.31 -20 Page 17 Account Number 001 8224 574.31 -01 001 8224 574.31 -01 001 8224 574.31 -01 001 8224 574.31 -01 001 8224 574.31 -01 001 8224 574.31 -01 001 8224 574.31 -01 001 -8224- 574.44 -10 001 8224 574.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 102 7230 542.43 -10 102 7230 542.43 -10 102 -7230- 542.43 -10 102 -7230- 542.31 -25 102 7230 542.31 -20 102 7230 542.35 -01 102 7230 542.42 -10 102 -7230- 542.42 -10 102 7230 542.42 -10 102 7230 542.42 -10 102- 7230 542.42 -10 102 -7230- 542.42 -10 102- 7230 542.42 -10 102 -7230- 542.42 -10 102 -7230- 542.42 -10 102 7230- 542.42 -10 102 7230- 542.42 -10 102 7230- 542.49 -90 102 7230 542.31 -01 102 -7230- 542.31 -20 102 7230 542.31 -25 102 7230- 542.31 -25 Date: 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 67.33 -5.00 36.53 50.48 130.06 61 79 21.63 117.60 38.04 $602.99 $6,369.73 $106,970.43 3,192.62 $3,192.62 $3,192.62 $3,192.62 77.50 156.45 156.45 220.45 170.45 712.27 30.44 12.73 0.59 0.59 0.69 0.59 0.59 0.96 0.59 0.59 0.59 1.18 0.96 240.00 369.78 2.88 13.52 17.96 18.70 113.16 F 21 Vendor HOLCOMB COMPANY, D LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC CODY ROMERO N C MACHINERY CO PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT STEUBER DISTRIBUTING INC SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPPLY CO MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Online Training Hanley VERIZON WIRELESS 11 28 a/c 271138138 00004 WASHINGTON (AGRICUL), STATE OF MEMBERSHIPS MEMBERSHIPS WASHINGTON (DOH), STATE (ABC) WTRWKS OPER CERT RENWL M. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY CREDIT FEES FOR CODY ROME WESTSIDE CONCRETE ACCESSORIES, MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS XEROX CORPORATION RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT Public Works- Street Street Public Works- Street ATWATER, MALIK VALENTINE SUPPLIES CENTURYLINK QWEST 12 -02 NC 36041701900808 12 -02 A/C 36041705911968 12 -05 A/C 36045258342118 12 -05 NC 3604525109623B 12 -05 NC 36045238778176 12 -05 A/C 3604523712585B 12 -05 NC 3604529887652B 12 -14 NC 36045708315586 12 -05 A/C 3604529882811B 12 -14 NC 36045709683436 12 -14 A/C 3604571535571B DELGUZZI, LISA LIVING TRUST SUPPLIES PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER PABA Mtg West Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description Account Number NURSERY STOCK SUPPLIES 102 7230 542.31 ROAD /HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102 7230 542 31 BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER 102 7230 542.31 -20 ROAD /HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102 7230 542.31 CDL ENDORSEMNT REIMB CODY 102 7230 542 49 90 RENTAL /LEASE EQUIPMENT 102 7230 542.45 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 102 7230 542.35 POISONS:AGRICUL INDUSTR 102 7230- 542.31 -40 SUPPLIES 102- 7230 542.35 -01 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 102 7230 542.35 -01 SUPPLIES 102- 7230- 542.35 -01 FIRST AID SAFETY EQUIP 102 7230 542.31 -01 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT SUP 102 7230 542.35 Page 18 102 -7230- 542.31 -25 102 -7230- 542.43 -10 102 7230 542.42 -10 102 7230 542.49 -90 102 -7230- 542.49 -90 102- 7230 -542 43 -10 102- 7230 542.43 -10 102 7230 542.31 -20 102 7230 542.31 -20 102 -7230- 542.45 -31 Division Total: Department Total: Street Fund Fund Total: 103- 1511- 558.49 -91 103 -1511- 558.42 -10 103 1511 558.42 -10 103- 1511 558.42 -10 103 -1511- 558.42 -10 103 1511 558.42 -10 103 1511 558.42 -10 103 -1511- 558.42 -10 103 1511 558.42 -10 103 1511 558.42 -10 103 1511 558.42 -10 103 1511 558.42 -10 103 1511- 558.49 -91 103 1511 558.31 -01 Division Total: Department Total: Date' 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 162.82 178.87 46.20 501.70 61.00 599.67 401.03 946.12 84.84 224.38 19.98 146.20 34.93 740.76 350.00 70.92 33.00 33.00 42.00 10.00 358.98 652.94 46.86 $8,066.86 $8,066.86 $8,066.86 693.55 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.12 0.10 4,089.75 9.67 $4,793.78 $4,793.78 F 22 Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST 'Economic Development ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK CENTURYLIN K -QWEST NEW WORLD SYSTEMS City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10 /2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description Economic Development 12 -02 A/C 36041701900808 12 -02 A/C 3604170591196B 12 -05 A/C 36045258342116 12 -05 NC 3604525109623B 12 -05 NC 36045238778178 12 -05 A/C 36045237125856 12 -05 NC 36045298876526 12 -14 NC 36045708315588 12 -05 A/C 36045298828118 12 -14 NC 36045709683438 12 -14 A/C 36045715355716 Archaeologist Economic Development Cultural Resources US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Heated footrest/panel Evolution Chair Kit -SR Computer Mice- Romberg Evolution Chair Kit -SR Pub Ed Mtg -Homan Homeland Security- Romberg E911 Mtg- Romberg 12 -06 a/c 300509854 12 -06 a/c 300539444 12 -06 a/c 406063845 12 -02 NC 36041701900806 12 -02 A/C 36041705911968 12 -05 NC 36045258342118 12 -05 A/C 36045251096236 12 -05 NC 36045238778178 12 -05 A/C 36045237125858 12 -05 NC 3604529887652B 12 -14 A/C 36045708315586 12 -05 A/C 36045298828118 12 -14 NC 36045709683436 12 -14 NC 36045715355718 Page 19 Account Number Fund Total: 106 1512- 558.42 -10 106 1512 558.42 -10 106 1512- 558.42 -10 106 1512 558.42 -10 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 106 1512 558.42 -10 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 107- 0000 237.00 -00 107- 0000 237.00 -00 107- 0000 237.00 -00 107- 0000 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 107- 5160 528.43 -10 107- 5160 528.43 -10 107- 5160- 528.43 -10 107- 5160 528.42 -11 107 -5160- 528.42 -11 107 5160 528.42 -11 107- 5160 528.42 -10 107 -5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107 -5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107 5160 528.42 -10 107 -5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160 528.42 -10 107 -5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160 528.42 -10 COMPUTERS,DP WORD PROC. 107 5160 594.65 COMPUTERS,DP WORD PROC. 107 5160 594.65 10 COMPUTERS,DP WORD PROC. 107 5160 594.65 COMPUTERS,DP WORD PROC. 107 5160 -594 65 -10 Date 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount $4,793.78 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.19 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.24 0.19 $1.60 $1.60 $1.60 -4.72 -15.62 -6.24 -12.35 $38.93 $38.93 271.92 29.70 156.45 96.87 79.26 160.22 3.18 3.18 3.71 3.18 3.18 5.20 3.18 3.18 3.18 6.36 5.20 1,400.00 487.80 1,200.00 9,994.48 F 23 o• a,. Date 12/29/2011 City of Port Angeles City, Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Vendor Description PUGET SOUND POLYGRAPH EXAMINERS SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Heated footrest/panel -SR Evolution Chair Kit -SR Evolution Chair Kit -SR Computer Mice- Romberg Pencom Pencom Pencom Pencom Fund US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEICMMS License Upgrade WESTON SOLUTIONS, INC Capital Projects -Pub Wks SOUND PUBLISHING INC Capital Projects -Pub Wks DELHUR INDUSTRIES INC Capital Proj -Parks Rec BPA -POWER WIRES HI -LINE MCFARLAND CASCADE AHLGREN, ARIANNE C ANDERSON, KENDRA M BROKAW, WAYNE CAMPBELL, ANGIE N CAPPS, BRITNEY F COFFMAN, JONI CRABLE, TRENT S DELGADO, EDWARD V ENGEL, LOREN GODWIN, STEVEN C HART, EDMOND JEAN HOINES, SAMANTHA R HULL, MARTIN P JAMES ASSOCIATES JAMES, MARY JANE KAHLER, JOSHUA B LENOCKER, CHRISTOPHER A CMMS GF -Pub Wks Projects LEGAL ADS ST -Multi -Modal Transp'Ctr" Capital Projects -Pub Wks CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,HEA Misc Parks Projects Capital Proj -Parks Rec Capital Improvement November Power Wire ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND OVERPAYMENT -1619 E 5TH ST FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND OVERPAYMENT -1519 W 10TH FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND OVERPAYMENT -1823 W 13TH FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND Page 20 Account Number 107- 5160 528.41 -50 107 -5160- 528.31 -01 107 5160 528.31 -01 107- 5160 528.31 -01 107 -5160- 528.31 -60 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 310 7919- 594.65 -10 310 -7919- 594.65 -10 Division Total: 310- 7965 595.44 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 310 8985 594.65 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 401 0000 213.10 -00 401 0000 237.00 -00 401 0000 237.00 -00 401- 0000 237.00 -00 401 0000 -141 40 -00 401 0000 141.40 -00 401 0000 122.10 -99 401- 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000- 122.10 -99 401- 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000- 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122,10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 12210 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 Invoice Amount 225.00 60.94 201.62 159.35 80.58 $14,646.92 $14,646.92 $14,607.99 53.12 600.00 $653.12 464.10 $464.10 $1,117.22 85,413.78 $85,413.78 $85,413.78 $86,531.00 1,694, 761.00 -22.88 -8.07 -14.81 33,673.37 28,494.03 168.07 59.90 42.33 125.00 464.73 142.02 105.95 120.59 1,581.52 20.64 141.62 141.62 51.67 34.02 186.46 94.00 73.89 47.84 F 24 Vendor LI, BING TIAN MANDEVILLE NATHAN C MATTSON, CELESTE MCCUIN, SANDRA MCGILVRA, APRIL R MEIER, ARTHUR MINNER, ERIK DAVID MORRISON, JILL M NEWELL, ANN L NUZUM, LISA M PARDEE BARBARAE PARKER, VIVIAN S PORT OF PORT ANGELES POTTS, THOMAS D PROPERTIES BY LANDMARK INC RACEY, ALFRED B RAMIREZ, WILLIAM RICIGLIANO, BRENT M SAMPSON, MAXINE C SISOUTHONE, MICHAEL NIKORN SOBRINI DE LEON, MARIA L STAVIG, LONNIE TAYLOR, RACHAEL THAI PEPPERS VELEZ JR, CARLOS M WESTERN TRADE GROUP INC WILLIAMS, JORDAN S WILLIAMS, RICHARD GEORGE WOLFGANG, JEREMY D ZIMMER, TIMOTHY M ZINK, APRIL R US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Circuit breaker Harrell Rechargeable Lights -SH Protective Clothes -Light ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK -QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND OVERPAYMENT -SHORE POWER FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL CREDIT -815 E 11TH FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND OVERPAYMENT -2215 S CHASE FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND OVERPAYMENT -1308 E FRONT FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND OVERPAYMENT -138 W 6TH ST OVERPAYMENT -102 1/2 E 1ST FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUND UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND NESC Seminar Dahlquist 12 -02 NC 3604170190080B 12 -02 NC 3604170591196B 12 -05 NC 3604525834211B Page 21 Account Number 401- 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 -0000- 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 -0000- 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 -122 10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 -0000- 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 -0000- 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 237.00 -00 401 0000 237.00 -00 401 0000 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 401 -7111- 533.43 -10 401 7111 -533 42 -10 401 -7111- 533.42 -10 401 -7111- 533.42 -10 Date 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 135.31 52.93 62.14 7.56 4.37 14.13 57.94 70.21 100.99 152.99 4.08 364.33 11,445.74 49.03 13.21 67.72 81.50 25.00 32.53 38.61 931 17.62 17.62 3.80 48.33 37.71 39.86 59.28 31.20 28.11 250.00 250 00 32.13 -23.18 -21.36 -50.72 $1,773,994.54 $1,773,994.54 425.12 0.35 0.35 0.41 F 25 Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST CLALLAM CNTY AUDITOR Public Works- Electric ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK -QWEST EES CONSULTING INC MARSH MUNDORF PRATT SULLIVAN WASHINGTON (ECOLOGY), STATE OF WECC Public Works Electric A -1 PERFORMANCE, INC ADVANCED TRAVEL ANGELES MILLWORK LUMBER CO ASPLUNDH TREE EXPERT CO CEDICONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description 12 -05 A/C 36045251096236 12 -05 A/C 36045238778176 12 -05 A/C 36045237125856 12 -05 NC 3604529887652B 12 -14 A/C 36045708315586 12 -05 A/C 36045298828118 12 -14 A/C 36045709683436 12 -14 NC 36045715355716 EASEMENT NO 1 EASEMENT NO. 2 EASEMENT NO. 3 Engineering Electric PPC Mtg- Dunbar BPA Roundtable -Lusk 12 -02 NC 3604170190080B 12 -02 NC 36041705911966 12 -05 A/C 3604525834211B 12 -05 NC 36045251096236 12 -05 NC 36045238778176 12 -05 NC 36045237125858 12 -05 NC 36045298876526 12 -14 NC 36045708315588 12 -05 NC 3604529882811B 12 -14 NC 36045709683436 12 -14 NC 36045715355716 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 401 7120- 533.49 -01 CONSULTING -WPAG 401 7120 533.49 -01 POWER GENERATION EQUIPMEN 401 7120 533.49 -90 BPA POWER ADM ASSESS Power Systems BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER Foreman Ldrshp -Shay Warehouse Cert- Hairell LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY Page 22 Account Number 401 -7111- 533.42 -10 401 -7111- 533.42 -10 401 -7111- 533.42 -10 401 -7111- 533.42 -10 401 -7111- 533.42 -10 401 -7111- 533.42 -10 401 -7111- 533.42 -10 401 -7111- 533.42 -10 401 7111 533.49 -90 401 7111 533.49 -90 401- 7111 533.49 -90 Division Total: 401 7120- 533.43 -10 401 7120 533.43 -10 401 7120 533.42 -10 401 7120 -533 42 -10 401 -7120- 533.42 -10 401 7120 533.42 -10 401 7120- 533.42 -10 401 7120 533.42 -10 401 7120- 533.42 -10 401 7120 533.42 -10 401 7120 533.42 -10 401 7120 533.42 -10 401 7120 533.42 -10 401 7120 533.33 -10 Division Total: 401 7180- 533.41 -50 401 -7180- 533.43 -10 401 7180 -533 43 -10 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401- 7180- 533.48 -10 401 7180- 533.48 -10 401 7180- 533.48 -10 401 7180- 533.48 -10 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 Date 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 0.35 0.35 0.58 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.71 0.58 62.00 62.00 62.00 $615.85 355.47 0.35 0.35 0.41 0.35 0.35 0.58 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.71 0.58 482.25 4,355.00 500.23 41,495.00 $47,404.24 170.46 615.26 356.24 17.86 21.32 15.07 5,084.00 6,044.00 3,813.00 3,502.00 15.87 38.86 F 26 O O O Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description Account Number CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401 7180- 533.35 -01 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401 7180 533.35 -01 12 -02 NC 3604170190080B 401 7180 533.42 -10 12 -02 A/C 3604170591196B 401 7180 533.42 -10 12 -05 NC 36045258342118 401 7180 533.42 -10 12 -05 A/C 36045251096238 401 -7180- 533.42 -10 12 -05 NC 3604523877817B 401 -7180- 533.42 -10 12 -05 A/C 36045237125858 401 7180 533.42 -10 12 -05 NC 36045298876528 401 7180 533.42 -10 12 -14 A/C 36045708315588 401 -7180- 533.42 -10 12 -05 NC 3604529882811B 401 7180 533.42 -10 12 -14 NC 3604570968343B 401 7180 533.42 -10 12 -14 NC 36045715355718 401 7180 533.42 -10 12 -02 a/c 3604178095336b 401 7180- 533.42 -10 12 -02 a/c 20670204119428 401- 7180 533.42 -10 12 -05 a/c 36045262367768 401 7180 533.42 -10 12 -05 a/c 3604529541353B 401 -7180- 533.42 -10 HI -LINE ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401 7180 533.34 -02 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401- 7180 533.35 -01 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401- 7180 533.35 -01 MASON COUNTY PUD #3 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 401 7180- 533.41 -50 MATCO TOOLS ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401 7180 533.31 -01 Brent Robinson MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401 -7180- 533.31 -01 Brian Wahto MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401- 7180- 533.31 -01 MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401 7180- 533.31 -01 Bruce Rowley MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401 7180 533.31 -01 Derrick Halsey MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401- 7180 533.31 -01 MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401 7180 533.31 -01 Greg McCabe MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401 7180 533.31 -01 Logan Deane MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401 -7180- 533.31 -01 Richard Hixson MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401 7180 533.31 -01 Vern Daugaard MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401 7180 533.31 -01 OLYMPIC ELECTRIC CO INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401 7180 533.34 -02 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV 401 7180 533.41 -50 LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV 401 7180- 533.41 -50 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401 7180 533.31 -01 RENTAL OR LEASE SERVICES 401 7180 533.45 -31 PARSINEN LANDSCAPE MAINT INC Landscape Maintenance 401- 7180- 533.48 -10 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 401 7180 533.34 -02 PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401 7180 533.31 -01 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401 7180 533.34 -02 RADIOSHACK DIGITAL CAMERAS 401 7180 533.34 -02 Page 23 Date. 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 100.76 41.69 2.83 2.83 3.30 2.83 2.83 4.62 2.83 2.83 2.83 5.66 4.62 44.38 96.69 43.64 41.12 295.18 104.05 191.09 2,350.34 18.32 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 669.80 72.35 72.35 266.64 20.12 2,493.20 85.86 662.28 97 44 128.17 F 27 9 Description TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP /SUP IBEW BARGAINING ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY THURMAN SUPPLY FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Hard hats /supplies -Light Batteries Harrell Protective Clothes -Light Protective Clothing -light Circuit breaker Hairell Battery Backup Harrell Stainless nuts /bolts -Ltop Plastic Plugs- Hairell Rechargeable Lights -SH Hard hat lights -Light Cell phone minutes -Light Video Card Matthews UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES VERIZON WIRELESS 11 -28 a/c 271138138 -00003 WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY WESTERN SYSTEMS, INC MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE CO OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL Public Works Electric Electric Operations Public Works- Electric Electric Utility Fund US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Books /Manual Hanley Study Guide Hanley MSW Books /Posters Hanley Vendor ROHLINGER ENTERPRISES INC SECURITY SERVICE NW, INC SOUND SAFETY SUMMIT LAW GROUP PLLC SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Page 24 Date 12/29/2011 Account Number Invoice Amount 401- 7180 533.48 -10 964.16 401 7180 533.48 -10 92.36 401 7180 533.48 -10 79.13 401 7180 533.48 -10 793.90 401 -7180- 533.41 -50 650.00 401 7180 533.31 -01 1,887.20 401 7180 533.41 -50 684.00 401 7180 533.34 -02 16.72 401 7180 533.34 -02 9.26 401 7180- 533.34 -02 69.25 401 7180 533.34 -02 0.67 401 7180- 533.34 -02 60.99 401 7180 533.34 -02 14:53 401 7180- 533.34 -02 18.38 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 5.03 401- 7180 533.35 -01 259.08 401 7180- 533.34 -02 10.05 401 -7180- 533.31 -01 52.69 401 7180- 533.31 -01 172.44 401 7180 533.31 -01 654.53 401 7180- 533.31 -01 68 41 401 7180- 533.34 -02 299.18 401 7180 533.34 -02 64.96 401 7180 533.34 -02 106.88 401 7180 533.34 -02 62.33 401 7180 533.35 -01 275.61 401 -7180- 533.35 -01 459.56 401 7180- 533.42 -10 138.71 401- 7180- 533.42 -12 82.11 401 7180 533.49 -90 23.72 401 -7180- 533.42 -10 67.98 401 7180- 533.34 -02 1,233.70 401 7180 533.34 -02 10,398.89 401 7180 533.31 -01 90.45 Division Total: $47,799.28 Department Total: $95,819.37 Fund Total: $1,869,813.91 402 0000 237.00 -00 -9.95 402 0000 237.00 -00 -5.75 402- 0000 237.00 -00 -17.65 Division Total: $33.35 Department Total: $33.35 F 28 Vendor ADVANCED TRAVEL ANDERSON SONS GRAVEL AWWA PACIFIC NORTHWEST SECTION ANNUAL DUES BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 BLAKE SAND GRAVEL CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC CENTURYLINK -QWEST DELL MARKETING LP DITCH WITCH FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC GRCC/W W LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP OFFICE DEPOT PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description PBT Session 3 -Baar PTB Session 3- Flores PBT Session 3- Johnson ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC RAGS,SHOP TOWELS,WIPING FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES SEED,SOD,SOIL &INOCULANT SEED,SOD,SOIL &INOCULANT ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 12 -02 NC 3604170190080B 12 -02 A/C 36041705911968 12 -05 A/C 3604525834211B 12-05 NC 3604525109623B 12 -05 A/C 36045238778178 12 -05 NC 36045237125858 12 -05 NC 36045298876528 12 -14 A/C 36045708315588 12 -05 A/C 3604529882811B 12 -14 NC 36045709683438 12 -14 A/C 36045715355718 12 -05 a/c 3604525230978B 12 -23 a/c 36045245874798 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI402 -7380- 534.48 -02 SUPPLIES PIPE AND TUBING MEMBERSHIPS M ETALS, BARS, P LAT ES, RO DS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Crown Z Water Rd Reservlor Rd FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES SUPPLIES SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE GASES CONT.EQUIP:LAB,WELD TAPE(NOT DP,SOUND,VIDEO) SUPPLIES MACHINERY HEAVY HRDWARE 402 7380 534.31 -20 HOSES, ALL KINDS 402 7380 534.31 -20 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 402 7380 -534 31 -20 WELDING EQUIPMENT /SUPPLY 402 -7380- 534.35 -01 Page 25 Account Number 402 -7380- 534.43 -10 402 -7380- 534.43 -10 402 -7380- 534.43 -10 402 -7380- 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.49 -01 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 -7380- 534.31 -01 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 -7380- 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 -7380- 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 -7380- 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 -534 42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 -7380- 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.43 -10 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.31 -01 402 7380 534.31 -01 402 7380 534.47 -10 402 -7380- 534.47 -10 402 7380 534.31 -01 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 -534 31 -20 Date 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 211.68 301.48 211.68 596.20 500.00 14 89 16.34 51.71 51.71 27.01 1.06 1.06 1.24 1 06 1 06 1.73 1.06 1.06 1 06 2.11 1.73 126.67 94.53 237.39 488.55 298.10 42.00 18.30 67.74 200.70 27.87 122.26 18.12 49.47 55.08 36.09 75.60 86.09 23.84 35.67 13 14 986.44 F 29 Vendor SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR VERIZON WIRELESS WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY WHISTLE WORKWEAR WWCPA SECRETARY TREASURER XEROX CORPORATION Public Works -Water ADS, LLC ADT SECURITY SERVICES, INC ADVANCED TRAVEL ANGELES MILLWORK LUMBER CO CANON USA, INC CENTURYLI NK -OWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 SUPPLIES AUTO TRUCK MAINT THURMAN SUPPLY PIPE AND TUBING PIPE AND TUBING PIPE AND TUBING TWISS ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Books /Manual Hanley Study Guide Hanley MSW Books /Posters Hanley Manuals- Hanley USA BLUEBOOK" FIRST AID SAFETY EQUIP. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 11 -28 a/c 271138138 -00005 MEMBERSHIPS FIRST AID SAFETY EQUIP. MEMBERSHIPS RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT Water Public Works -Water Water Fund US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI CeII Phone Cases Hanley Description Account Number HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER402- 7380 534.35 -01 402 7380 534.35 -01 ITEMS 402- 7380 534.35 -01 402 7380 534.31 -01 402 7380- 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.41 -50 402 7380 534.41 -50 402 7380 534.31 -01 402 -7380- 534.31 -01 402 7380 534.31 -01 402 7380 534.31 -01 402- 7380 534.31 -01- 402 7380- 534.49 -01 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.43 -10 402 7380 534.31 -01 402 7380 534.43 -10 402 7380 534.45 -31 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 403 0000 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 403 7480 535.41 -50 403 7480 -535 41 -50 403 7480 535.43 -10 403 7480 535.31 -20 403- 7480 535.31 -20 403 -7480- 535.45 -31 403 7480 535.42 -10 403 7480 535.42 -10 403 7480 535.42 -10 403 7480 535.42 -10 403 7480- 535.42 -10 403 7480 535.42 -10 403 7480 -535 42 -10 403 -7480- 535.42 -10 403 -7480- 535.42 -10 403 7480 535.42 -10 403 7480 535.42 -10 CSO/WEATHER STN MONITOR SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV Lab Onentatton -JY /KL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS 12 -02 NC 3604170190080B 12 -02 NC 36041705911968 12 -05 NC 36045258342118 12 -05 NC 3604525109623B 12 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 12 -05 NC 3604523712585B 12 -05 NC 3604529887652B 12 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 12 -05 A/C 3604529882811B 12 -14 NC 3604570968343B 12 -14 NC 3604571535571B Page 26 Date. 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 43.39 48.92 136.57 53.77 59.15 26.88 173.00 210.00 128.45 74.25 227.75 16.69 298.60 23.72 120.02 30.00 314.64 45.00 46.86 $7,178.24 $7,178.24 $7,144.89 -2.63 -$2.63 -$2.63 4,686.67 50.00 23.00 53.35 12.48 174.64 0.94 0.94 1.10 0.94 0.94 1.52 0.94 0.94 0.94 1.89 1.52 F 30 a ^:c, Date 12/29/2011 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST COLE FARMER INSTRUMENT CO CORRECT EQUIPMENT EDGE ANALYTICAL FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL FERRELLGAS INC GRAINGER K L SUPPLY INC LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP NAPA AUTO PARTS OFFICE DEPOT PARSINEN LANDSCAPE MAINT INC PETTIT OIL COMPANY PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY QUILL CORPORATION SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC TAURUS POWER CONTROLS, INC THURMAN SUPPLY From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description Account Number 12 -05 a/c 3604529911834B 403 -7480- 535.42 -10 CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP SUPP 403 -7480- 535.31 -01 WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT EQ403 -7480- 594.64 -10 TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES ACOUST TILE, INSULAT MAT SUPPLIES Pipe /Paint SUPPLIES Pipe and Tubing BELTS AND BELTING SUPPLIES Landscape Maintenance FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES Postage -Young SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV Henry Boyd Rd COPYING MACHINE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PIPE AND TUBING MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS TAPE(NOT DP,SOUND,VIDEO) HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS SUPPLIES ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS EXTERNAL LABOR FIRST AID SAFETY EQUIP CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP SUPP HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES FIRST AID SAFETY EQUIP Page 27 403 7480 535.41 -50 403 7480- 535.41 -50 403 7480 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.32 -10 403 -7480- 535.31 -20 403 7480 -535 31 -01 403 7480 535.31 -01 403 -7480- 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.35 -01 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER403 -7480- 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.41 -50 403 -7480- 535.31 -01 403 -7480- 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.32 -11 403 7480 535.32 -11 403 7480- 535.42 -10 403 7480 535.43 -10 403 7480 535.47 -10 403 7480 535.31 -01 403 7480- 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.31 -20 403- 7480- 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.35 -01 403 -7480- 535.42 -10 403 7480 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.31 -01 403 7480- 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.31 -01 403 -7480- 535.31 -01 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 403 7480 535.31 01 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER403- 7480 535.35 -01 SUPPLIES 403 7480 535.41 -50 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 403- 7480 535.31 -01 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI File Jackets- Hanley 403- 7480 535.31 -01 Invoice Amount 82.24 457.61 13, 028.22 240.00 1,989.00 11.51 1,344.97 265.91 693.76 113.88 159.00 113.88 4.76 40.26 200.69 921.40 27.30 9.93 508.40 1,358.26 15.90 48.00 308.81 776.47 57.97 21.25 8.76 20.70 17.99 11.92 996.94 37 94 27.54 20.33 0.48 23.54 150.00 17.35 10.70 1,076.95 8.08 16.12 F 31 Vendor US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Cell Phone Cases- Hanley 403- 7480- 535.31 -01 Training Lunch Hanley 403 7480 535.43 -10 ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL 403 7480- 535.49 -01 11 -28 a/c 271138138 -00006 403 7480 535.42 -10 Dlvelbiss/Young /Money 403 7480 535.49 -01 Wastewater Division Total: Department Total: Wastewater Fund Fund Total: BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER 404- 7580 537.41 -50 12 -02 NC 36041701900808 404 7580 537.42 -10 12 -02 A/C 36041705911966 404 7580- 537.42 -10 12 -05 NC 36045258342118 404- 7580- 537.42 -10 12-05 NC 36045251096238 404- 7580- 537.42 -10 12 -05 A/C 36045238778178 404 7580- 537.42 -10 12 -05 NC 36045237125858 404 7580 537.42 -10 12 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 404 7580- 537.42 -10 12 -14 NC 36045708315588 404 7580 537.42 -10 12 -05 NC 3604529882811B 404 7580- 537.42 -10 12 -14 NC 36045709683438 404 7580- 537.42 -10 12 -14 NC 36045715355718 404 7580 537.42 -10 BUSINESS CARDS PAYNTER 404 7580 537.31 -01 PAPER (OFFICE,PRINT SHOP) 404- 7580- 537.31 -01 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR VERIZON WIRELESS W WCPA SECRETARY TREASURER Public Works -WW /Stormy A -1 PERFORMANCE, INC CENTURYLINK -QWEST OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PRINTIX REHRIG PACIFIC COMPANY, INC SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC Public Works -Solid Waste CENTURYLINK -QWEST Description City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste- Collections 12 -02 A/C 36041701900808 12 -02 NC 36041705911966 12 -05 A/C 36045258342118 12 -05 NC 3604525109623B 12 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 12 -05 A/C 36045237125858 12 -05 NC 3604529887652B 12 -14 A/C 36045708315588 12 -05 A/C 36045298828118 12 -14 NC 36045709683438 12 -14 NC 3604571535571B 12 -05 a/c 36045281005326 Page 28 Account Number PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT POWER GENERATION EQUIPMEN 404 7580- 537.31 -01 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 404 7580 537.44 -10 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 404 7580 537.47 -20 SUPPLIES 404 7580 537.31 -01 ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL 404 7580- 537.41 -51 Solid Waste- Collections Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 405 -7538- 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538- 537.42 -10 405 -7538- 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405- 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405- 7538- 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 Date' 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 33.95 104.17 23.72 47 58 45.00 $30,056.37 $30,056.37 $30,053.74 77.51 0.47 0.47 0.55 0:47' 0.47 0.77 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.94 0.77 58.54 14.16 1,008.01 1,645.67 2,952.45 25.88 49, 386.73 $55,175.27 $55,175.27 $55,175.27 0 47 0.47 0.55 0.47 0.47 0.77 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.94 0.77 41.12 F 32 Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH EDGE ANALYTICAL MIDWEST LABORATORIES INC Sonja Coventon PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT RAINBOW SWEEPERS, INC US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEIWebinar-Hanley ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK -QWEST CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH ENTERPRISE RENT -A -CAR LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC OFFICE DEPOT PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description Account Number 12 -05 a/c 3604522245145B 405- 7538 -537 42 -10 ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL 405- 7538 -537 49 -90 TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI 405 7538 537.41 -51 TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI 405 7538- 537.41 -51 TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI 405- 7538- 537.41 -51 TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI 405 -7538- 537.41 -50 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 405 -7538- 537.43 -10 POWER GENERATION EQUIPMEN405- 7538 537.49 -90 ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 405- 7538- 537.49 -90 WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL XEROX CORPORATION RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT ZERO WASTE WASHINGTON MEMBERSHIPS Public Works -Solid Waste SW Transfer Station EDGE ANALYTICAL TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste Landfill Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste LF/Trf Stn US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Training Kit Hanley Erosion, Etc Trng -Partch Smwtr Phase II Mtg -Partch Fecal Coliform Wkshp -TP EOS Chem Etc -Partch 12 -02 NC 3604170190080B 12 -02 NC 3604170591196B 12 -05 A/C 36045258342118 12 -05 NC 3604525109623B 12 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 12 -05 A/C 3604523712585B 12 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 12 -14 NC 3604570831558B 12 -05 A/C 3604529882811B 12 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 12 -14 NC 3604571535571B TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT AIR CONDITIONING HEATNG SUPPLIES FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP /SUP Page 29 405 7538 537.43 -10 405 7538 537.41 -51 405 7538 537.45 -31 405- 7538 537.49 =01 Division Total: 405 7585 537.41 -50 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 406 0000 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 406 7412- 538.43 -10 406 7412- 538.43 -10 406 7412- 538.43 -10 406 -7412- 538.43 -10 406 7412- 538.42 -10 406 7412 538.42 -10 406 -7412- 538.42 -10 406 7412 538.42 -10 406 7412 538.42 -10 406 7412 538.42 -10 406 7412- 538.42 -10 406 7412- 538.42 -10 406 -7412- 538.42 -10 406 7412 538.42 -10 406 7412 538.42 -10 406 7412 538.41 -50 406 -7412- 538.43 -10 406 7412 538.35 -01 406 7412- 538.31 -01 406 -7412- 538.35 -01 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER406 -7412- 538.35 -01 Date 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 41.23 8,950.00 33.00 21.00 84.00 215.00 81.92 1,282.93 650.40 45.00 1,241.18 46.87 .75.00 $12,814.97 1,508.00 $1,508.00 $14,322.97 $14,322.97 -42.74 $42.74 $42.74 405.95 104.84 203.93 779.99 0.24 0.24 0.27 0.24 0.24 0.39 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.47 0.39 932.00 205.31 853.58 116.24 763.06 27.10 F 33 4 CENTURYLI NK -QWEST CORDERY, SHARON FAMILY SHOE STORE OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER OLYMPIC OXYGEN ALL WEATHER HEATING COOLING CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC CENTURYLINK -QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Vendor Description US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Stormwater testing tools Training Reg Credit Training Kit Hanley Airfare -Partch Registration -Partch USA BLUEBOOK PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Public Works- WW /Stormo Stormwater Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Stormwater Fund PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAISALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Instructor Resource Kit Instructor Materials -KB 12 -02 NC 3604170190080B 12 -02 A/C 3604170591196B 12 -05 NC 3604525834211B 12 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 12 -05 NC 3604523877817B 12 -05 NC 3604523712585B 12 -05 NC 3604529887652B 12 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 12 -05 NC 3604529882811B 12 -14 A/C 36045709683436 12 -14 A/C 36045715355718 CPR CLASS 12/19/11 CAREGI SHOES SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE FILL OXYGEN TANK PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAISALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CLOTHING APPAREL SYSTEMS DESIGN WEST, LLC FINANCIAL SERVICES US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Instructor Resource Kit Instructor Materials -KB Fire Department Medic Fire Department Medic 1 Utility CITY REBATE INSTALL STEFFES HEATER RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION 12 -02 A/C 3604170190080B Page 30 Account Number 406 7412 538.35 -01 406 7412- 538.43 -10 406 7412 538.43 -10 406 7412 538.43 -10 406 7412- 538.43 -10 406 7412 538.35 -01 406 7412 -538 49 -90 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 409 0000 237.00 -00 409 0000 237.00 -00 409 0000 237.00 -00' Division Total: Department Total: 409 6025- 526.42 -10 409 6025- 526.42 -10 409 6025- 526.42 -10 409 6025 526.42 -10 409 6025- 526.42 -10 409 6025 526.42 -10 409 6025 526.42 -10 409 6025 526.42 -10 409 6025 526.42 -10 409 6025 526.42 -10 409- 6025 526.42 -10 409- 6025 526.31 -08 409- 6025 526.20 -80 409 6025- 526.31 -13 409 6025 -526 31 -13 409 6025 526.31 -02 409 6025 526.20 -80 409 6025 526.41 -50 409 6025 526.31 -08 409 6025 526.31 -08 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 421 7121 533.49 -86 421- 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 -7121- 533.42 -10 Date: 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 280.46 690.00 551.49 219.40 690 00 160.06 23.74 $5,630.35 $5,630.35 $5,587.61 20.04 11.31 -11.34 $42.69 $42.69 1.41 1 41 1 65 1.41 1.41 2.31 1.41 1.41 1 41 2.83 2.31 50.00 248.85 243.05 10.26 258.54 21.03 2,929.52 145.91 146.33 $4,072.46 $4,072.46 $4,029.77 1,500.00 3,936.63 174.45 0.24 F 34 Description 12 -02 A/C 3604170591196B 12 -05 A/C 3604525834211B 12 -05 A/C 36045251096238 12 -05 A/C 36045238778176 12 -05 A/C 36045237125856 12 -05 NC 36045298876528 12 -14 A/C 36045708315588 12 -05 A/C 36045298828118 12 -14 A/C 36045709683438 12 14 A/C 3604571535571B CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE ELECTRIC SERVICE INC CITY REBATE EVERWARM HEARTH HOME INC CITY REBATE CITY REBATE GLASS SERVICES CO INC CITY REBATE CITY REBATE LAUREL BLACK DESIGN Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST DAVE'S HEATING COOLING SVC E -STAR NORTHWEST, LLC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Account Number 421 7121 533.42 -10 421 7121 533.42 -10 421 7121 533.42 -10 421 7121 533.42 -10 421 7121 -533 42 -10 421 7121 -533 42 -10 421 -7121- 533.42 -10 421- 7121- 533.42 -10 421 7121 533.42 -10 421 7121 533.42 -10 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121- 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121- 533.49 -86 COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 421- 7121- 533.41 -50 Date. 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 0.24 0.27 0.24 0.24 0.39 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.47 0.39 1,500.00 1,500.00 400.00 400.00 500.00 500.00 1,210.00 3,556.00 84.00 726.48 1,176.24 1,250.00 AMANDA CHAN CITY REBATE 421- 7121 533.49 -86 50.00 DAVE FOX CITY REBATE 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 15.00 DEE COBURN CITY REBATE 421- 7121 533.49 -86 50.00 FRANK DECKEBACH CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 65.00 GAY LYNN ISERI CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 50.00 JERRI GOWDY CITY REBATE 421- 7121 533.49 -86 50.00 JOESPH MAJERLE CITY REBATE 421- 7121 533.49 -86 25.00 JOHN MARSHALL CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 50 00 KALA FREDRICKSON CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 50.00 KATIE OSORIO CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 50.00 KENNETH MEYER CITY REBATE 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 50.00 MARCIA KELLER CITY REBATE 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 75.00 MARGARET KATEN CITY REBATE 421- 7121- 533.49 -86 15.00 PETER FREDERICK CITY REBATE 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 50.00 ROBERT METZ CITY REBATE 421- 7121 533.49 -86 15.00 SHELLEY PENIC CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 50.00 TERRI GUERRERO CITY REBATE 421- 7121- 533.49 -86 50.00 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 421 7121- 533.41 -50 795.00 PENINSULA HEAT INC MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 421- 7121 -533 49 -86 1,823.98 CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 1,500.00 F 35 Page 31 Vendor PENINSULA HEAT INC Public Works- Electric Conservation Division Total: Public Works- Electric Department Total: Conservation Fund Total: COLUMBIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS COR CONSULTING -BTOP PROJ 451- 7188- 594.65 -10 MICHELS POWER MUELLER CO OLYMPIC ELECTRIC CO INC OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PARKER LEPLA PENINSULA DAILY NEWS WA STATE PATROL Public Works- Electric MUELLER CO Public Works -Water FARALLON CONSULTING, LLC MUELLER CO SARGENT ENGINEERING, INC SOUND PUBLISHING INC Public Works- WW /Stormw Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Department Total: WasteWater Utility CIP Fund Total: COLUMBIA BANK ROAD CONST NW CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,HEA 456- 7688 594.65 -10 ROAD CONSTRUCTION NORTHWEST, IN(CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,HEA 456 7688 594.65 -10 Public Works -Equip Svcs BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description Account Number CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 PW CONSTRUCTION RELATED 451- 7188- 594.65 -10 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 451 -7188- 594.65 -10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 451 -7188- 594.65 -10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 451- 7188 594.65 -10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 451 7188 594.65 -10 BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER 451 7188- 594.65 -10 COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 451- 7188- 594.41 -50 COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 451- 7188- 594.41 -50 COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 451- 7188 594.41 -50 COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 451- 7188 594.41 -50 CONSULTING SERVICES 451- 7188- 594.41 -50 CONSULTING SERVICES 451 7188 594.41 -50 COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 451- 7188- 594.65 -10 BACKGROUND CHECKS -NOV 201 451 7188- 594.65 -10 Electric Projects Division Total: Public Works Electric Department Total: Electric Utility CIP Fund Total: ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 452- 7388 594.65 -10 Water Projects Division Total: Public Works -Water Department Total: Water Utility CIP Fund Total: ENGINGEERING SERVICES 453 7488 594.41 -50 CSO PROJECT ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 8TH /FRANCIS SEWER TRESTLE LEGAL ADS Wastewater Projects 453 7488 594.41 -50 453 7488- 594.65 -10 453 7488 594.41 -50 453- 7488 594.44 -10 Division Total: Stormwater Util CIP Projs Division Total: Public Works -Equip Svcs Department Total: Stormwtr Util Projects Fund Total: AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501- 0000 141.40 -00 AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501- 0000 141.40 -00 Page 32 Date 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 1,500.00 $24,795.98 $24,795.98 $24,795.98 5,187.50 120,820 35 7,660.80 5,820.00 8,049.78 427.90 8,669.29 280.25 '280 25 280.25 280.25 2,082.00 1,500.00 580.00 150.00 $162,068.62 $162,068.62 $162,068.62 213.96 $213.96 $213.96 $213.96 13,094.76 14,221.32 213.96 8,375.75 321.34 $36,227.13 $36,227.13 $36,227.13 1,346.71 25,587.44 $26,934.15 $26,934.15 $26,934.15 132.28 29.17 F 36 Vendor BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 A -1 PERFORMANCE, 1NC ADVANCED TRAVEL ARAMARK B B SHARPENING SERVICE /REPAIR AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 CENTURYLINK -QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS FIRST RACE CAR WASH CAR WASH COUPONS NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT: ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS SIRENNET.COM SHIPPING AND HANDLING US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Paddlelatch McBride Truck Kits McBride Blade Guide McBride Blade Guide- McBride Blade Guide McBride Blade Guide McBride Pump Repair Kit McBride Fleet Mgt Trng Course Computer Batteries -DM BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER HLA Trng- Achziger HLA Trng -Benoff HLA Trng- Coburn Pick up Refuse Truck -Lane Deliver Refuse Truck -JP Deliver Refuse Trk -JS LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV CLOTHING ACCESSORIES(SEE CLOTHING ACCESSORIES(SEE AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 12 -02 A/C 3604170190080B 12 -02 NC 36041705911966 Page 33 Account Number 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 237.00 -00 501- 0000 237.00 -00 501 0000 237.00 -00 501- 0000 237.00 -00 501- 0000 237.00 -00 501- 0000 237.00 -00 501 0000 237.00 -00 501 0000 237.00 -00 501- 0000 237.00 -00 501 0000 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 501 7630 -548 41 -50 501 7630 548.43 -10 501- 7630 548.43 -10 501- 7630 548.43 -10 501- 7630 548.43 -10 501 7630 548.43 -10 501- 7630 548.43 -10 501 7630 548.49 -90 501- 7630 548.31 -01 501 7630 548.31 -01 501- 7630 548.31 -01 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.42 -10 501 7630 548.42 -10 Date' 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 97.80 99,14 49.57 134.59 7.04 7.71 10.82 29.08 22.69 224.20 7.48 36.45 4.22 61.64 20.23 20.26 -2.96 -14.15 -3.45 -3.04 3.04 3.04 -3.04 -9.33 -24.49 -9.16 $918.67 $918.67 96.96 61.00 61.00 61.00 15.25 19.25 61.75 19.24 43.77 38.14 -38.14 47 32 0.82 0.82 F 37 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Page 34 Date 12/29/2011 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount CENTURYLINK -QWEST 12 -05 NC 3604525834211B 501 7630 548.42 -10 0.96 12 -05 NC 36045251096236 501 7630 548.42 -10 0.82 12 -05 NC 36045238778176 501 7630 548.42 -10 0.82 12 -05 NC 3604523712585B 501- 7630 548.42 -10 1.35 12 -05 NC 36045298876526 501 -7630- 548.42 -10 0.82 12 -14 NC 36045708315586 501 7630 548.42 -10 0.82 12 -05 NC 36045298828118 501 7630 548.42 -10 0.82 12 -14 A/C 36045709683436 501- 7630 548.42 -10 1.65 12 -14 NC 36045715355716 501 7630 548.42 -10 1.35 CLALLAM CNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPT EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630 548.34 -02 924.00 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 345 40 COPY CAT GRAPHICS AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501 7630 548.34 -02 352.30 CUMMINS'NORTHWEST INC AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630 548.34 -02 143.10 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 501- 7630 548.34 -02 13.01 H R PARTS EQUIPMENT INC AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630 548.34 -02 -80.22 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 98 58 AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 863.86 HEARTLINE AUTO TRUCK MAINT _ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 87.75 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630 548.34 -02 273.06 AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501- 7630 548.34 -02 110.51 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 84.50 LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 751.13 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630 548.34 -02 142.00 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 -7630- 548.34 -02 29.00 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 1,364.69 MATCO TOOLS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.35 -01 78.76 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 4.87 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630 548.34 -02 -4.87 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630 548.34 -02 5.41 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 501- 7630 548.31 -01 61.94 PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501- 7630 548.34 -02 19.45 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501- 7630 548.34 -02 146.42 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 -7630- 548.34 -02 73.50 RUDDELL AUTO MALL AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 271.00 SIRENNET.COM AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501 7630 548.34 -02 24.41 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 501 7630 548.34 -02 13.75 SNAP -ON TOOLS CHUGGER DEANE AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630 548.35 -01 432.30 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 11.92 TYLER GUY AUTO BODY REPAIR EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630 548.34 -02 1,373.21 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Shipping Chgs 501 7630 548.34 -02 14.62 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEIPaddlelatch- McBride 501- 7630 548.31 -01 182.65 Truck Kits McBride 501 7630 548.31 -01 44.51 F 38 Cr City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Guide McBride 501- 7630 548.31 -01 39.21 Blade Guide- McBride 501 7630 548.31 -01 39.20 Blade Guide McBride 501 7630 548.31 -01 39.21 Blade Guide McBride 501 7630 548.31 -01 39.20 Pump Repair Kit- McBride 501 7630 548.31 -20 120.42 Gas /Pool car -5425 501 7630 548.32 -10 31.02 Fleet Mgt Trng Course 501- 7630 548.43 -10 315.99 Handbook McBride 501 7630 548.43 -10 139.27 Computer Batteries -DM 501 7630- 548.48 -02 118.15 Certification- McBride 501 -7630- 548.49 -01 37.50 WESTERN PETERBILT INC AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 -7630- 548.34 -02 22.21 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 501 7630 548.34 -02 13.01 AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501- 7630 -548 34 -02 481.29 AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501- 7630 548.34 -02 35.55 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630 548.34 -02 46.60 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 501 7630 548.34 -02 11.92 AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501- 7630 548.34 -02 5.95 AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501- 7630 548.34 -02 918.55 AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501- 7630 548.34 -02 -35.54 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630 548.34 -02 568.09 AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 2,068.91 WILDER TOYOTA INC AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630 548.34 -02 596.12 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501- 7630 548.34 -02 281.85 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630 548.34 -02 64.37 XEROX CORPORATION RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 501 -7630- 548.45 -31 46.87 Public Works -Equip Svcs Equipment Services Division Total: $11,999.35 Public Works -Equip Svcs Department Total: $11,999.35 Equipment Services Fund Total: $12,918.02 EXPERTS EXCHANGE, LLC EXPERTS EXCHANGE RENEWAL 502 0000 237.00 -00 -8.40 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEINotebook case etc Harper 502 -0000- 237.00 -00 -18.39 Division Total: $26.79 Department Total: $26.79 ADVANCED TRAVEL KACE Conf Creasey 502 2081 518.43 -10 211.50 KACE Conf- Matthews 502 2081 518.43 -10 211.50 DOP Trng-Strait 502 2081 518.43 -10 285.10 AVAYA, INC RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION 502 2081 518.48 -02 1,395.03 CENTURYLINK -OWEST 12 -02 NC 3604170190080B 502- 2081- 518.42 -10 1.06 12 -02 A/C 36041705911968 502 2081 -518 42 -10 1.06 12 -05 A/C 36045258342118 502- 2081 518.42 -10 1.24 12 -05 NC 36045251096238 502- 2081 518.42 -10 1.06 12 -05 NC 36045238778178 502- 2081 518.42 -10 1.06 12 -05 NC 3604523712585B 502 2081 518.42 -10 1.73 F 39 Page 35 Date 12/29/2011 v n+ Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST EXPERTS EXCHANGE, LLC INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR MICROSOFT CORPORATION OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC SUNGARD PUBLIC SECTOR "'US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Notebook case etc Harper Long Term Parking -Hagar Luggage fees /gas- Harper Tvl/Trng- Matthews /Creasey Finance Department Information Technologies IBM CORPORATION DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI External Hard Drives Finance Department IT Capital Projects Finance Department Information Technology Disability Board November REIMBURSE MEDICARE -NOV MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT AMERICAN INST FOR PREVENT MED WELLNESS CALENDARS US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEITNI/Tng -Hotel -Gates Self Insurance Other Insurance Programs GLASS SERVICES CO IN HOUSE LIABILITY CLAIM WCIA (WA CITIES INS AUTHORITY) LIABILITY CLAIMS NOVEMB Self Insurance Comp Liability Self Insurance CENTURYLINK QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 Description 12 -05 NC 36045298876528 12 -14 NC 36045708315588 12 -05 NC 3604529882811B 12 -14 NC 36045709683438 12 -14 NC 3604571535571B EXPERTS EXCHANGE RENEWAL DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE COMPUTERS,DP WORD PROC COMPUTERS,DP WORD PROC OFFICE SUPPLIES TONER CARTRIDGES CLICK2GOV BUILDING PERMIT Self Insurance Fund 12 -02 NC 3604170190080B 12 -02 NC 3604170591196B 12 -05 NC 36045258342118 12 -05 NC 3604525109623B 12 -05 NC 3604523877817B 12 -05 A/C 36045237125858 12 -05 NC 3604529887652B 12 -14 NC 36045708315588 Page 36 To: 12/23/2011 Account Number 502 2081 518.42 -10 502 2081 518.42 -10 502- 2081 518.42 -10 502 2081 518.42 -10 502- 2081 518.42 -10 502 2081 518.49 -01 502 2081 518.48 -02 502- 2081- 518.48 -02 502- 2081 518.48 -02 502 2081 518.31 -01 502 2081 518.31 -01 502 2081 518.43 -15 502 2081 518:31 -60 502 2081 518.43 -10 502 2081 518.43 -10 502 2081 518.43 -10 Division Total: 502- 2082 594.65 -10 502 2082 594.65 -10 502 2082 594.65 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 503- 1631 517.46 -35 503 1631 517.46 -35 503 1631 517.46 -30 503- 1631- 517.41 -51 503 1631 517.41 -51 Division Total: 503 1671 517.49 -98 503 1671- 517.41 -50 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 652 8630 575.42 -10 652- 8630 575.42 -10 652 8630 575.42 -10 652 8630 575.42 -10 652 8630 575.42 -10 652- 8630 575.42 -10 652 -8630- 575.42 -10 652 8630 575.42 -10 Date' 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 1.06 1 06 1 06 2.11 1 73 108.35 2,007.57 1,018.95 110.57 35.10 496.45 520.00 237.29 117.17 78.00 790 03 $7,636.84 2,981.00 2,981.00 281.82 $6,243.82 $13,880.66 $13,853.87 128.45 96.50 27.72 93.05 263.12 $608.84 403.57 25,194.27 $25,597.84 $26,206.68 $26,206.68 0.35 0.35 0.41 0.35 0.35 0.58 0.35 0.35 F 40 Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST SWAINS GENERAL STORE INC Esther Webster /Fine Arts LEOFF OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT P/R DEDUCTIONS PE 12 -11 P/R DEDUCTIONS PE 12 -11 P/R DEDUCTIONS PE 12 -11 PERS P/R Deductions pe 11 -27 P/R Deductions pe 11 -27 P/R Deductions pe 11 -27 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 589 P/R Deductions pe 12 -11 UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) P/R Deductions pe 12 -11 Totals for check period City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 12/10/2011 To: 12/23/2011 Description 12 -05 NC 3604529882811B 12 -14 NC 3604570968343B 12 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 12 -14 a/c 36045735327756 Batteries /Dustpan Esther Webster /Fine Arts Esther Webster /Fine Arts Account Number 652- 8630 575.42 -10 652 8630 575.42 -10 652 8630- 575.42 -10 652 8630 575.42 -10 652 8630 575.31 -01 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 920 0000 231.51 -21 920 0000 231.56 -20 920- 0000 231.56 -20 920 0000 231.56 -20 920 0000 231.51 -10 920 0000 231.51 -11 920- 0000 231.51 -12 920 0000 231.54 -10 920 0000 231.56 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Payroll Clearing Fund Total: Esther Webster Fund P/R Deductions pe 11 -27 From: 12/10/2011To: 12/23/2011 $2,594,399.05 Page 37 Date. 12/29/2011 Invoice Amount 0.35 0.71 0.58 42.21 17.06 $64.00 $64.00 $64.00 23,750.24 724.12 724.12 169.85 1,735.06 9,103.50 42,287.87 3,335.68 442.00 $80,824.20 $80,824.20 $80,824.20 F 41 Original Contract Change Orders Project Cost Amount (2) Final Cost Variance $80,000.00 $88,659.40 $88,659.40 10.8% PORTANGELES B W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 3, 2012 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Final Acceptance for Tree Trimming Contract, Project No.WF 133412/03 Summary: The Asplundh Tree Expert Co. has completed the trimming of trees in power line rights of way for Project WF- 133412/03. The final invoice has been received and the total cost of the contract was $88,659.40. The work has been inspected and accepted as complete. Recommendation: Accept the project and authorize the release of Asplundh Tree Expert Co. retainage in the amount of $4,432.97 upon receipt of required clearances. Background Analysis: Asplundh Tree Expert Co. has completed the annual trimming of trees around power lines throughout the City, as contracted under Project WF- 133412/03, in the final amount of $88,659.40. The trimming was necessary to keep trees a safe distance from power lines and to minimize tree caused outages that normally occur during storms. The contract for Project WF- 133412/03 was originally awarded on an hourly basis in an amount not to exceed $80,000.00. Two change orders were issued increasing the contract value to $88,659.40. These were for the performance of additional critical tree clean -up work associated with storm damage that occurred in November 2011 and also for increased traffic safety control required in the Marine Drive thoroughfare. The changes were paid from available funds budgeted in the Electrical Utility maintenance accounts. In addition, $2,569 was reimbursed by Nippon Paper Industries for tree maintenance work associated with the power poles the City maintains for them. It is recommended that Council accept the project as completed by Asplundh Tree Expert Co., and authorize release of the retainage in the amount of $4.432.97 upon receipt of required clearances. N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \Accept 2011 Tree Trimming Contract, WF- 1334I2doc F -42 pORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 3, 2012 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P. E., Director of Public Works Utilities SUBJECT: Amendment to the Agreement between City of Port Angeles and the William Shore Memorial Pool District Summary: The agreement between the City of Port Angeles and the William Shore Memorial Pool District is being amended to allow for the reduction in the number of maintenance hours performed at the pool. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the amendment to the City and WSMP District agreement and make minor modifications as necessary. Background /Analysis: The City of Port Angeles (City) and William Shore Memorial Pool (WSMP) District entered into an agreement for the City to perform pool maintenance services at the WSMP. The agreement identifies that the City will perform 40 hours of maintenance per week for a predetermined price. The agreement currently does not have the flexibility to reduce the hours of work. The WSMP District is planning major facility improvements in 2012. It is anticipated that there will be less dedicated maintenance to be performed. Therefore, a provision is required in the agreement that will permit the parties to reduce the number of maintenance hours with adequate notice. The attached amendment has been signed by the WSMP District Executive Director. It is recommended that the Council approve the amendment and authorize the City Manager to sign it and make minor modifications as necessary. Attachment: Amendment to the Agreement N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL\Amend to Agreement btwn COPA and WSMPD.docx F -43 This Amendment is made effective on the first day of January, 2012 by and between the City of Port Angeles, a Washington municipal corporation "City"), and the William Shore Memorial Pool District "WSMPD a Metropolitan Park District organized pursuant to Chapter 35.61 RCW, both located in Clallam County, Washington. The Parties recite, covenant, and agree as follows: Section 1. Prior Agreement. The Parties entered into an Agreement dated June 7, 2010 providing for pool maintenance. Except as provided in Section 2 below, the June 7, 2010 Agreement between the City and WSMPD is ratified and shall remain unchanged and in full effect. Section 2. The June 7, 2010 Agreement is hereby amended by adding to sub -part A of Section 1 of the Agreement a new paragraph, which shall read as follows: CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: Title: Approved as to form: At the option of WSMPD, the hours allotted for fixed price work may be decreased to not less than 30 hours per month. To exercise this option, WSMPD must provide 60 days written notice to the City prior to the month the reduction of hours is to become effective. And, at the option of WSMPD, the hours allotted for fixed price work may be decreased to not less than 20 hours per month. To exercise this option, WSMPD must provide 90 days written notice to the City prior to the month the reduction of hours is to become effective. William E. Bloor, City Attomey Attest: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL DISTRICT WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL DISTRICT Title: (ECAt-) LTvE lY? Et5 OQ Approved .ii raig iller, Attorney est: 004 Li. 4444, 1 ii Tammy Sul l 4 District t e r CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS \TSULLENG \LOCAL SETTINGS \TEMPORARY INTERNET PILES CONTENT.OUTLOOKWHBQWKITAMMENDED INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE BETWEEN TIM CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOC% 1 F -44 0 Original Contract Amount Change Orders (0) Unit Quantity Variations Final Cost Project Cost Variance $113,200 0 $0.00 $86.924.62 -23.0% PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 3, 2011 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works Utilities SUBJECT: Combined Sewer Overflow Pre Clearance Excavation Project, 06 -01 Final Acceptance Summary: DelHur Industries has completed the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Pre clearance Excavation contract. The work has been accepted as complete and payment in the amount of $86,924.62. including applicable taxes, has been made. Recommendation: Accept the CSO Pre clearance Excavation, Project No. 06 -01, and authorize release of the retainage upon receipt of required clearances. Background /Analysis: DelHur Industries was awarded the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Pre- clearance Excavation contract on July 1, 201 L The project began on July 6, 2011 and was completed on November 10, 2011. The project has been inspected and determined to be complete and final payment has been processed. Funds were available from the CSO funds accumulated through rates and the Washington State Public Works Trust Fund loans. The original contract amount was 113,200 and the final contract amount is $86,924.62. The following table is a summary of project construction costs: It is recommended that Council accept Project 06 -01, CSO Pre clearance Excavation, and authorize release of the retained percentage upon receipt of required clearances. N \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \CSO Pre- clearance Excavation Final Acceptance doc F 45 PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO Date: January 3, 2012 To: CITY COUNCIL From: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works Utilities Subject: Electrical Work Permit Fee Corrections Summary: The proposed ordinance amendment adds two fees that were requested by electrical contractors that were overlooked by staff. Recommendation: Conduct a 2 reading of the proposed ordinance on electrical work permit fee adjustments for the Electric Utility, and consider adoption of the ordinance. Background /Analysis: On October 18. 2011, City Council adopted adjustments to the electric work permit fees. Staff recently discovered that two items requested by electrical contractors were overlooked and not included in the October 18, 2011 action. Staff now proposes to amend item "0" of section 3.70.100 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code to add the following fees: 1. Residential Electrical Work Permit and Fees. z. Addition of up to 4 circuits $75.00 2. Non Residential Electrical Work Permit and Fees. dd. Addition of up to 4 circuits $86.00 On December 20, 2011, City Council conducted a 1 reading of the proposed ordinance, which was continued to January 3, 2012 for a 2 reading and adoption. Once adopted, the proposed fees will go into effect immediately on Wednesday, January 4, 2012 so that they accompany the other changes. Attachment: Proposed Electrical Work Permit Fee Ordinance Corrections N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL\Electric Work Permit Fee Corrections 2nd Reading Adoption.doc G -1 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Sections of Chapter 3.70, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Electrical Work Permit fees. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance 3085, as amended, and Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Recreation Division fees are hereby amended by amending Section 3.70.110 Subsection 0 to read as follows: O. Electric Utility Fees. 1. Electrical Work Permits and Fees. The fees for residential electrical inspections performed by the City, including all applicable taxes, shall be as follows: a. Service /feeder 200 amp.$120.00 b. Service /feeder 201 -400 amp. $146.00 c. Service /feeder 401 -600 amp. $205.00 d. Service /feeder 601 -1000 amp. $262.00 e. Service /feeder over 1000 amp. $373.00 f Branch circuit with service feeder $5.00 g. Branch circuit without service feeder $63.00 h. Each additional branch circuit $5.00 I. Temporary service /feeder 200 amp. $93.00 j. Temporary service /feeder 201 -400 amp $110.00 k. Temporary service /feeder 401 -600 amp. $149.00 1. Temporary service /feeder 601 -1000 amp. $168.00 m. Hourly inspection fee $96.00 as authorized by the Public Works and Utilities Director. n Signal circuit/limited energy -1 2 family dwellings $64.00 o Signal circuit/limited energy -multi family dwellings $64.00 p Manufactured home connection $120.00 q Renewable electrical energy -5 KVA system or less $102.00 r. Single and multi family dwellings first 1300 square ft. $120.00 s Each additional 500 square ft. or portion of single or multi family _1_ G -2 0 0 0 dwelling $40.00 t. Each outbuilding or detached garage $74.00 u. Each swimming pool or hot tub $110.00 v. Low- voltage thermostat $56.00, each additional low voltage thermostat $5.00. w. City lockbox for access to electric meter $75.00. x. Each additional inspection or site visit required as a result of an enforcement issue or safety violation $56.00. y. Requests by property owners to inspect existing installations $110.00 $96.00 thermostat $5.00 a carnival $81.00 z. Addition of up to 4 circuits $75.00 2. Electrical Work Permits. The fees for non residential electrical inspections performed by the City, including all applicable taxes, shall be as follows: a. Service /feeder 200 amp. $132.00 b. Service /feeder 201 -400 amp. $160.00 c. Service /feeder 401 -600 amp. $225.00 d. Service /feeder 601 -1000 amp.$288.00 e. Service /feeder over 1000 amp. $410.00 f. Branch circuit with service feeder $5.00 g. Branch circuit without service feeder $74.00 h. Each additional branch circuit $5.00 I. Temporary service /feeder 200 amp. $102.00 j. Temporary service /feeder 201 -400 amp. $121.00 k. Temporary service /feeder 401 -600 amp. $164.00 1. Temporary service /feeder 601 -1000 amp. $1 85.00 m. Hourly inspection fee $96.00. n. Sign/outline lighting $88.00 o. Signal circuit/limited energy- commercial first 1500 square ft. p. q. r. s. Each additional 1500 square ft. or portion of commercial $5.00 Renewable electrical energy -5 KVA system or less $113.00 Each swimming pool or hot tub $121.00 Low voltage thermostat $56.00, each additional low voltage t. Each carnival ride and generator truck $28.00 u. Each remote distribution equipment, concerts or gaming show $9.00 v. First field inspection each year or a single concession or ride, not part of a carnival $121.00 w. Subsequent inspection of a single concession or ride, not part of x. Berth at a marina or dock $81.00 y. Each additional berth inspected at the same time $54.00 z. Industrial block permit $2,309.00 aa. Each additional inspection or site visit required as a result of an enforcement issue or safety violation $56.00. bb. City lockbox for access to electric meter $75.00. G -3 cc. Requests by property owners to inspect existing installations dd. Addition of up to 4 circuits $86.00. Section 3 Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 4 Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 5 Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect January 4, 2012. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 2012. $121.00. DAN DI GUILIO, MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: ,20 By Summary G\LEGAL\s ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS\ ORDINANCES 2011\31- PAMC 370- 110 Electric 120611 wpd December 21, 2011 G -4 0 0 0 PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO Date: January 3, 2012 To: CITY COUNCIL From: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works Utilities Subject: Local Source Control Program Grant Summary: Grant funding is being offered to the City to support a temporary full time, 18 -month term employment position dedicated to small business education and technical assistance for applying management practices in handling hazardous and dangerous wastes, stormwater, solid waste. and spill prevention. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract accepting a grant in the amount of 5154,700 from the Washington State Department of Ecology and create a temporary full -time, 18 -month term employment position of Local Source Control Specialist, and to make minor modifications to the contract, if necessary. Background /Analysis: The Department of Ecology (DOE) has been supporting a Local Source Control Program since 2008 as further detailed in the attachment. The Local Source Control Program's two primary goals are to provide small business assistance in handling hazardous and dangerous wastes, and to protect highly valued water bodies affected by urban discharges. The Governor and State Legislature agreed this year to actually increase State funding of this program. Federal funds are also being used to supplement State funding. Staff collaborated on a grant submittal designed to reach small businesses in conjunction with existing City Stonnwater, Wastewater and Solid Waste programs. It is intended to provide education and support concerning hazardous wastes and potential pollutants affecting surface runoff, discharges through the storm drain or wastewater system, and hazardous solid waste that requires special handling. The City's application was scored highly and is being awarded $154,700. The funds will be used primarily to fund a temporary 18 -month term employment, full time position and support that position with DOE training as well as city staff training and assistance. No City matching funds are required. The City's goal is to complete at least 200 small business contacts composed of initial visits and associated follow -ups during the 18 -month grant award period. Staff is prepared to advertise, hire the temporary position, and begin training and support upon City Council approval. This program will dramatically advance City efforts to assist small businesses in successfully implementing best management practices to help protect Puget Sound waters. On December 13, 2011, the Utility Advisory Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation for Council to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract accepting a grant in the amount of $154,700 from the Washington State Department of Ecology and create a temporary full -time, 18 -month term employment position of Local Source Control Specialist, and to make minor modifications to the contract, if necessary. 1 N: \CCOUNCIL FINAL Local Source Control Program Grant.docx I Local Source Control Program Update October 10, 2011 Department of Ecology 0 Hazardous Waste Toxics Reduction Program The partnership between Ecology and jurisdictions surrounding Puget Sound and the Spokane area began in April 2008, with Local Source Control Specialists dispatched to small businesses to provide on -site technical assistance visits. These 'small quantity generators' (SQGs) are considered potential generators of hazardous wastes, and typically have limited access to hazardous waste handling and disposal expertise. The specialists look closely at business practices and offer solutions and altematives to the hazardous materials that are used, stored, and disposed of by each business, The site visits are voluntary and there is no charge to the business The Local Source Control Partnership is one aspect of the comprehensive Urban Waters Initiative to restore the significant urban waters in Washington State. It is unique in its approach by cultivating collaboration with local jurisdictions, resulting in local pollution problems being solved locally. This is also resulting in an increase in networking and coordination between and amongst programs, jurisdictions, and other state agencies including Ecology. This one -to -one effort addresses possible causes of pollution at the source of use, and provides direct waste management guidance and education on specific best management practices. This approach is expected to positively affect our state's urban water quality and the business bottom line through savings realized from pollution prevention, avoidance of clean -up costs, and efficiencies gained by these businesses. Local Source Control Specialists confer with business owners and managers over hazardous and dangerous wastes, stormwater, solid waste, and spill prevention making every effort to assist those businesses that are not properly managing their waste They identify options for reduction, reuse, proper disposal, and in some cases elimination of the contaminant from the business process. The Specialists are key in detecting sector- specific waste management challenges and potential environmental impacts that would otherwise go undiscovered, It is widely recognized that the economic vitality and viability of the state's estimated 65,000 small businesses is critical to the overall economy, and is directly tied to healthy and diverse ecosystems that have their basis in clean water. Individual businesses have the opportunity to contribute to cleaner urban water through improved waste management practices, spill preparedness, and awareness of potential impacts to stormwater, The premise of the Local Source Control Program, on -site education leading to business behavior change, is proving effective. Ecology provides direct support program coordination for the specialists through agency staff at headquarters and four regional offices. Through monthly meetings training sessions, there is timely information exchange of current issues for an array of industry sectors and waste management issues A centralized database tracks business visits and waste issues impacting Puget Sound and the Spokane River Watershed, and their resolution. This makes it possible to analyze waste management trends and to anticipate small business education and assistance needs. 1 -2 The source of funds for this agreement is: INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT NO. Cl200182 BETWEEN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND CITY OF PORT ANGELES THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, hereinafter referred to as "ECOLOGY and the City of Port Angeles (PARTNER SIGNS FIRST) hereinafter referred to as the "City." AGREEMENT PURPOSE The purpose of this agreement is to provide funding for the Partner government to hire a "Local Source Control Specialist" (LSCS) as part of the Local Source Control Partnership. The LSCS will provide technical assistance and education services to small businesses In an effort to prevent pollution of the urban waters of the state. The LSCS will make referrals to ECOLOGY as needed, and report measurable environmental results. EPA Watershed Protection .and.Restorationgrant Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number 66.123 Nearshore Estuary Program (NEP) Watershed Protection and Restoration grant PC- 00J27601 -0 Maximum Eligible Project Cost: $154,700 As a Sub Recipient of federal funds, Port Angeles shall comply with all applicable federal, State, and local laws, rules, and regulations in carrying out the terms and conditions of this Agreement as set forth in Attachment C, attached hereto, and incorporated herein IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: Under the Local Source Control Partnership, the Partner government will conduct multimedia source control site visits and pollution prevention activities to conditionally exempt small quantity generator (CESQG) businesses, designed to reduce or eliminate hazardous waste and pollutants at the source. The Local Source Control Program expects to conduct a minimum of 2,000 site visits per year. We will work with individual jurisdictions to set site visit expectations to reach this target. Ecology will coordinate this partnership through a Local Source Control Program Coordinator, and support collaborative efforts to protect and restore Puget Sound and the Spokane River Watershed. The Local Source Control Coordinator will work directly with partner governments to establish and monitor interagency agreements authorized under Chapter 39.34 RCW, InterPartner Cooperation Act. The Local Source Control Specialists will continue to fill a critical gap at the local level by working with small businesses to avoid contamination and recontamination of previously I N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \Local Source Control Program Grant.docx cleaned up sites, reduce the impacts from stormwater pollution and eliminate potential sources of toxics and hazardous waste. The Local Source Control Specialist will fill an important role in providing small business technical assistance to comply with regulations and implement pollution prevention practices. STATEMENT OF WORK The City shall furnish the necessary personnel, equipment, material and/or service(s) and otherwise do all things necessary for or incidental to the performance of the work set forth in Attachments "A" and "B attached hereto and incorporated herein. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE Subject to its other provisions, the period of performance of this Agreement shall commence on date of final contract signature, and be completed on _June 30, 2013, unless terminated sooner as provided herein. Ecology reserves the option to review the contract after one year and adjust the scope of work and budget according to actual performance. PAYMENT Compensation for the work provided in accordance with this Agreement has been established under the terms of RCW 39.34.130. The parties have determined that the cost of accomplishing the work herein will not exceed $154,700.00. Payment for satisfactory performance of the work shall not exceed this amount unless the parties mutually agree to a higher amount. If the .jurisdiction finds itself unable to complete the contracted number of visits, the.:contract.amount will be reduced proportionally, Compensation for service(s) shall be based on the following-rates.or in accordance with the following terms, or as set forth in accordance with the budget in Attachment "B" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Purchase of source control tools for distribution to CESQG businesses may not exceed $2,500.00 for the 24 -month contract period. Any purchases of equipment or goods over $1,000 must be pre approved by the LSC Program Coordinator. Overhead Indirect Charges Ecology prefers this rate to be charged on Salaries and Benefits only. If the partner jurisdiction calculates this on a different base, attach a complete explanation of the items in the base. Indicate the rate in the cell provided on Attachment B, Invoice Detail. BILLING PROCEDURE The City shall submit invoices using state invoice voucher A19 -1A, (provided) on a quarterly basis (Jan -Mar, Apr -Jun, Jul -Sept, Oct -Dec) within 40 days following the end of the quarter, to the Partner Source Control Program Coordinator. Payment to the City for approved and completed work will be made by warrant or account transfer by the Department of Ecology within 30 days of receipt of a properly completed invoice. Upon expiration of the Agreement, any claim for payment not already made shall be submitted within 30 days after the expiration date or the end of the fiscal year, whichever is earlier. Invoices for the last month of the biennium (June, 2013), are due by July 30, 2013. 1 -4 RECORDS MAINTENANCE The parties to this Agreement shall each maintain books, records, documents and other evidence which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs expended by either party in the performance of the service(s) described herein. These records shall be subject to inspection, review or audit by personnel of both parties, other personnel duly authorized by either party, the Office of the State Auditor, and federal officials so authorized by law. All books, records, documents, and other material relevant to this Agreement will be retained for six years after expiration and the Office of the State Auditor, federal auditors, and any persons duly authorized by the parties shall have full access and the right to examine any of these materials during this period. Records and other documents, in any medium, furnished by one party to this agreement to the other party, will remain the property of the furnishing party, unless otherwise agreed. The receiving party will not disclose or make available this material to any third parties without first giving notice to the furnishing party and giving it a reasonable opportunity to respond. Each party will utilize reasonable security procedures and protections to assure that records and documents provided by the other party are not erroneously disclosed to third parties. RIGHTS IN DATA Unless otherwise provided, data which originates from this Agreement shall be "works for hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by the Department of Ecology. Data shall include, but not be limited to, site visit checklist data, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books magazines, surveys, studies, computer programs, films, tapes, and /or sound reproductions. Ownership includes.the right to copyright, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights. PUBLICATION REQUIREMENTS- these requirements apply if publications are created for Ecology use. 1. Apply Plain Talk principles to the document: http: /www.ecv.wa.gov /quality /plaintalk /resources /pub expectations.pdf 1. Use the Department of Ecology logo. Request a copy of the logo from the agency's Communication Office (360) 407- 7006. 2. Include the agency approved ADA (American with Disabilities Act) language on the document. (Request the current language from the program's publication coordinator.) 3. Include an agency publication number. (Request a publication number from the program's publication coordinator.) 4. Provide an electronic copy of the document in software that meets the current graphics industry standards software and that Ecology employs. N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \Local Source Control Program Grant.docx 1 -5 INDEPENDENT CAPACITY The employees or agents of each party who are engaged in the performance of this Agreement shall continue to be employees or agents of that party and shall not be considered for any purpose to be employees or agents of the other party. AGREEMENT ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement of the parties. Such amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind each of the parties. In the event of staff changes or layoffs directly affecting execution of this contract, Ecology reserves the right to periodically review and amend Attachment "A" and "B the scope of work and budget, respectively. TERMINATION Either party may terminate this Agreement upon 30 days' prior written notification to the other party. If this Agreement is so terminated, the parties shall be liable only for performance- rendered or costs incurred in accordance with the terms of this Agreement prior to the effective date of termination. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE If for any cause, either party does not fulfill in a timely..and, proper manner its obligations under this Agreement, or if either party violates any of these terms and conditions,: the aggrieved party will give the other party written notice of such failure or violation. The responsible party will be given the opportunity to correct the violation or failure within 15 working days. If failure is not corrected, this Agreement may be terminated immediately by written notice of the aggrieved party to the other. DISPUTES In the event that a dispute arises under this Agreement, it shall be determined by a Dispute Board in the following manner: Each party to this Agreement shall appoint one member to the Dispute Board. The members so appointed shall jointly appoint an additional member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall review the facts, agreement terms and applicable statutes and rules and make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding on the parties hereto. As an alternative to this process, either of the parties may request intervention by the Governor, as provided by RCW 43.17.330, in which event the Governor's process will control. 1 -6 GOVERNANCE This Agreement is entered into pursuant to and under the authority granted by the laws of the state of Washington and any applicable federal laws. The provisions of this Agreement shall be construed to conform to those laws. In the event of an inconsistency in the terms of this Agreement, or between its terms and any applicable statute or rule, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: a. Applicable state and federal statutes and rules; b. Statement of work; and c. Any other provisions of the agreement, including materials incorporated by reference. ASSIGNMENT The work to be provided under this Agreement, and any claim arising thereunder, is not assignable or delegable by•either party in whole or in part, without the express prior written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. WAIVER A failure by either party to exercise its rights under this Agreement shall not preclude that party from subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under... this Agreement unless stated to be such in a writing signed by an authorized representative of the party and attached to the original Agreement. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement or any provision of any document incorporated by reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement which can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this agreement, and to this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared to be severable. ALL WRITINGS CONTAINED HEREIN This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL\Local Source Control Program Grant.doca 1 -7 CONTRACT MANAGEMENT The project manager for each of the parties shall be responsible for and shall be the contact person for all communications and billings regarding the performance of this Agreement. The Contract/Project Manager for Ecology is: Julia McHugh, Hazardous Waste and Toxics Reduction Program, Washington State Department of Ecology, N. 4601 Monroe, Spokane, WA 99205 -1295, 509 329 -3551, jmch461 @ecy.wa.gov The Contract/Project Manager for City of Port Angeles is: Ms. Terri Partch, PE, 321 Fifth Avenue, Port Angeles, WA 98362, (360) 417 -4811, tpartch @cityofpa.us The parties have signed this Agreement. Polly Zehm Deputy Director State of Washington Department of Ecology Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE Date Kent Myers City Manager City of Port Angeles .321.East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (PARTNER SIGNS FIRST) City Manager Date 1 -8 Staff Estimated %FTE Role To be Hired 1.0% Local Source Control Specialist Terri Perth, P.E. 0.1% Direct Supervisor and Stormwater Engineer storm water BMP's IDDE program manager assist with storm water site issues Alisha Hicklin 0.1% Wastewater Source Control Coordinator Wastewater BMP's specialty training and support assistance assist with wastewater pretreatment and effluent issues Helen Freulich 0.1% Waste Reduction Specialist Waste SQG and Recycling strategies assistance Kev Personnel N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \Local Source Control Program Grant.docx Attachment A FY2011 -13 Statement of Work Scope of Work Work Allocation: based on 1.0 FTE, LSC Specialist work is expected to fall within these general proportions: o 75% Site visits (including local government specific activity) o 15% Education Outreach o 10% Networking Training City is responsible for the bulleted deliverables that follow each task description below. Element 1. Source Control Site Visits and Technical Assistance The Local Source Control Specialist (LSCS) will conduct 200 source control site visits to small quantity generator (SQG) businesses during the biennium, within the following guidelines: Identify and coordinate with respective Ecology Regional Offices on an ongoing basis, which business sectors, watershed -based geographical areas, and /or priority toxic pollutants that will be the focus of the site visit program. Ensure that businesses are not being visited by other Source Control or Urban Waters staff, and that the business is not a Medium or Large Quantity Generator. A combination of data sources is recommended: local jurisdiction databases (GIS data, public utility, pre- treatment, stormwater, etc.), Ecology data bases (Facility Site data base, Hazardous Waste Fee data base) Yellow Pages, WA Dept of Licensing, WA Dept of Revenue, county records, and internet search tools. Depending upon jurisdiction conditions, approximately 70% of the visits are to new, 'never- visited' small businesses or to those that have not received a LSC Specialist visit in 3 or more years, and approximately 30% for follow -up /return visits to resolve any high priority environmental issues (HPEI) found. This guideline will help determine business risk change and adoption of Best Management Practices. I -9 The following nine HPEIs, extracted from the last page of the LSC checklist, are Ecology's top priorities for follow -up visits to ensure correction of the problem. Other issues found on -site and their follow -up are at the discretion of the local jurisdiction. Hazardous Waste: o Properly designate waste o Properly dispose of waste o Properly store products /wastes o Repair or replace degraded open chemical containers Stormwater: o Correct illegal plumbing connection o Halt discharges of process wastewaters to storm drain o Properly store containerized materials o Properly store non containerized materials o Clean and eliminate leaks and spills from storage areas Ecology reserves the ability to direct a portion of business site visits towards specific priority sources or contaminants-as-follows: o toxics in stormwater; o copper, mercury, lead, cadmium and or zinc sources o vehicle repair, property management, paint coatings, industrial operations, retail, marine, healthcare, agriculture, governmental operations, hospitality, school districts o sources of persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic:contaminants-(PBTs), such as Abandoned /Bankrupt sites or outdoor operational washing activities When unable to resolve the business' HPEIs, follow Ecology's business referral policy, outlined in the `LSCP Contact and Referral Guide' (distributed prior to contract finalization). Complete Ecology's source control checklist for each site visit. Coordinate with local jurisdictions and Ecology's Regional Office in a timely manner regarding complaints about or from SQG businesses. Coordinate with respective Ecology Regional Offices to go on periodic site visits with regional staff to promote consistency and effectiveness of site visit techniques and conveying technical information to businesses. If completing contracted site visits prior to the end of the contract period, use 70% of remaining time to do additional site visits. Element 2. Multi -media Technical Assistance During on -site visits and follow -up contact, provide technical assistance on waste and toxics reduction, storage, and disposal and pollution prevention. Follow -up assistance and general business outreach may be letters to or phone consultations with individual businesses, meetings, publications, newsletters, workshops, providing internet resources, and other forms of technical information distribution. I 10 Local Activity Deliverable Provide waste reduction materials and education Distribution of small business waste reduction and recycling brochures and documents on website Provide initial contact and introduction of Port Angeles Wastewater Pretreatment Program as it relates to commercial food preparation including restaurants, cafes, bars, hotels, school kitchens and bakeries Distribution of Port Angeles Municipal Code wastewater code and technical assistance to reduce impacts to wastewater collection system due to fats, oils and grease (FOG). Industrial Detection and D Elimination Assessments dye and /or smoke tracing to help identify storm drains linked to subject properties. Assist Stormwater division with NPDES surface water permit and technical assistance Coordinate and collaborate to develop technical assistance messages and outreach materials and resources with Ecology technical staff and other internal local government personnel or functions such as fire marshal, code enforcement, storm water, wastewater treatment plant, and moderate risk waste staff. Utilize the services of the NW Pollution Prevention Resource Center (www.pprc.orq) and Washington Stormwater Center (www.citvofpuyallup.orq /services /development- services/ puvallups stormwater manaqement proqram /washinqton stormwater- center/ to promote business awareness and adoption of stormwater best management practices and pollution prevention techniques. Encourage businesses to participate in local green business programs, including the EnviroStars business certification program. http: /envirostars.org/ Element 3. Local Government Specific Activity The City will: (Describe your local emphasis, if in addition to Elements 1 and 2) All materials developed to educate /assist businesses or to market the LSC Program internally or externally should be posted to the LSC SharePoint site within 30 days of completion of the piece. Element 4. Technical Training To meet the ongoing LSCS technical training needs, Ecology and LSC Program Partner jurisdictions will jointly develop and execute the 2011 -13 technical training schedule. Parties will determine format (phone /video conference, webinar, live), and topics to be presented during the biennium. The LSCS will work with Ecology's LSC Program Coordinator to locate available resources and reference materials to bring these trainings to the LSC group -at- large. Venue 1: the monthly Local Source Control phone conference meetings, wherein each LSCS will determine, develop, and present materials and available resources showcasing a particular business sector or source control issue. Two or more LSCS may team up and /or hold a live event. All presentations will be coordinated with the N: \CCOUNCIL\FINAL \Local Source Control Program Grant.docx LSC Program Coordinator, and all training materials will be organized in e- binders and posted to the LSC SharePoint site. Venue 2: a minimum of two bi- annual 'live' meetings to be held at an Ecology office, a partner jurisdiction, or other facility. Ecology and LSCS will coordinate to determine agenda content, guest speakers, technical resources including recording the training for future reference, and all other periphery details of event planning. The LSC Program Coordinator will designate the rotation of the specific group of jurisdictions to contribute to this effort. The LSCS are expected to attend and participate in regularly scheduled monthly conference calls, and attend Ecology- sponsored training events organized on their behalf. LSCS are encouraged to attend HazWoper training and other safety training to maintain knowledge and awareness of proper safety procedures. Element 5: Reporting Results to Ecology Site Visit Data Entry Credit for these types of site visits will be assigned upon completion of the data record in the LSC dB: o Site Visit Complete; `o Site Visit Screening or Incomplete (attempted but turned away); o Site Visit Follow -Up or Return Local partner jurisdictions will ensure all data records are complete (either 'pending', `closed', or `referred') to promote quality assurance of the local source control data. To avoid under reporting of work results, Ecology will provide individual LSC partners quarterly data base reports to identify /correct any incomplete data records. To access: http: /www.ecv.wa.gov/ programs /hwtr /Isp /reportform.html O Data entry is expected to be thorough, complete, and timely. All site visit information collected on the checklist should be entered in the LSC data base within 30 days of each site visit, whether initial, follow -up, screening, or referral to a regulatory body. Monthly Report Local Partner Jurisdictions will complete a monthly report using the electronic 'Monthly Report' form provided on the Ecology Internet Hazardous Waste and Toxics Reduction page, within 10 working days after the end of each month. This is meant to capture what the database does not: Best Management Practices implemented; specifics of Education and Outreach efforts, and networking and collaboration resulting from the LSC work. 1 -12 In addition to the report information solicited on the form, the following shall also be reported to the LSC Program Coordinator when applicable: Any potential program, contract, or small business client problems and resolutions Any key personnel changes Subcontract or subcontractor information Task 6. Invoicing Invoices for completed work will be submitted quarterly on Ecology- provided, original, signed Form A- 19 -1A, and Invoice Detail sheet (Appendix B, attached). The invoice, invoice detail, and supporting invoice detail documentation will be sent within 40 days of the end of the invoice quarter to the Contract/Project Manager: Julia McHugh, Hazardous Waste and Toxics Reduction Program, Washington State Department of Ecology, N. 4601 Monroe, Spokane, WA 99205 -1295, 509 329 -3551, jmch461 @ecy.wa.gov. N: \CCOUNCIL\FINAL \Local Source Control Program Grant.docx 1 -13 CITY OF DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO JANUARY 3, 2012 CITY COUNCIL KENT MYERS, CITY MANAGER GOVERNOR'S PETITION FOR MARIJUANA RECLASSIFICATION Summary: The City of Port Angeles was recently invited by the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) to provide comments in support of the Governor's petition to Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to reclassify marijuana as a Schedule 2 drug. Recommendation: Consider request and determine if City should take a position in support of the Governor's petition. Background Analysis: Our Governor and the Governor of Rhode Island have decided to petition the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to reclassify marijuana from a Schedule 1 drug to a Schedule 2 drug. As a Schedule 1 drug, marijuana is considered to have no medical value so it cannot be prescribed by a doctor or dispensed by a pharmacy. Schedule 2 drugs are recognized as having legitimate medical uses but they are strictly regulated and controlled by FDA and may be prescribed by doctors and dispensed by pharmacies. The Governor is hopeful that her petition will be successful since there has been recent medical data supporting the medical value of marijuana. The other benefit occurring with this reclassification is the elimination of the conflict between the State's existing medical marijuana law and the federal prohibition. Attached is a press release from the Governor's Office providing additional background on why she is filing this petition. Also attached is the sample letter of support being requested from cities across the State and the final attachment is a listing and definitions provided by DEA of Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 drugs to provide a better understanding of the differences between these two Schedules. 1 -14 Gov. Gregoire files petition to reclassify marijuana For Immediate Release: November 30, 2011 Gov. Gregoire files petition to reclassify marijuana Page 1 of 2 OLYMPIA Gov. Chris Gregoire today announced she filed a petition with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration asking the agency to reclassify marijuana as a Schedule 2 drug, which will allow its use for treatment prescribed by doctors and filled by pharmacists. Crov. Lincoln Chafee (I -RI) also signed the petition. The petition will require the Federal Drug Administration to conduct a new scientific review and analysis of recent advances in Cannabis research since the last time the FDA reviewed the matter in 2006. "Poll after poll shows an overwhelming majority of Americans now see medical marijuana as legitimate," Gregoire said. "Sixty percent of voters in our state said yes on a 1998 ballot measure. An ever growing number of doctors now tell thousands of suffering patients they may find relief from the unique medicinal qualities of cannabis. There is simply no question that pharmacists could safely and reliably dispense cannabis to patients just as they do for other controlled and more problematic drugs." "Americans' attitudes toward medically prescribed marijuana are changing, and medical organizations throughout the. country including the Rhode Island Medical Society and the American Medical Association have come to recognize the potential benefits of marijuana for medical use," Governor Chafee said. "Patients across Rhode Island and across the United States, many of whom are in tremendous pain, stand to experience some relief. Governor Gregoire and I are taking this step to urge the Federal Government to consider allowing the safe, reliable, regulated use of marijuana for patients who are suffering." Currently, the DEA classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug. According to the DEA, drugs listed in schedule I have no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States and, therefore, may not be prescribed, administered, or dispensed for medical use. In contrast, drugs listed in schedules II -V have some accepted medical use and may be prescribed, administered, or dispensed for medical use, with controls. "Sadly, patients must find their way along unfamiliar, uncertain paths to get what their doctors tell them would help medical cannabis to relieve their suffering," Gregoire said. "People weak and sick with cancer, multiple sclerosis, and other diseases and conditions suddenly feel like or in fact become law breakers. In the year 2011, why can't medical cannabis be prescribed by a physician and filled at the drug store just like any other medication? The answer is surprisingly simple. It can. But only if the federal government stops classifying marijuana as unsuitable for medical treatment." Gregoire added that two years ago, the American Medical Association reversed its position and now supports investigation and clinical research of cannabis for medicinal use. And The American College of Physicians recently expressed similar support. Both the Washington State Medical Association and the Washington State Pharmacy support reclassification, as do I -15 http: /www. governor. wa. gov /news/ news -view. asp ?pre ssRelea se =18 09 &newsType =1 12/28/2011 Gov. Gregoire files petition to reclassify marijuana Page 2 of 2 the Rhode Island Medical Society and other state medical associations. The petition includes a substantive science -based report that has been peer reviewed and cites more than 700 independent references, many of which are new science since 2006. It details non smoking methods, and describes how recent scientific developments like affordable DNA analysis supports the pharmacy model. With modern DNA analysis, it is easy to determine the plant's beneficial compound and with current technology readily available today, a compounding pharmacist could easily and inexpensively quantify the levels of ca nnabinoids, and then use the appropriate cannabis blend to create a customized medication for an individual patient. Under the Controlled Substances Act, any interested party is allowed to petition to add, delete or change the schedule of a drug or other substance. When a petition is received by the DEA, the agency begins its own investigation of the drug. 1 -16 http: w w.governor.wa.gov/ news /news view. asp ?pressRelease 1809 &newsType =1 12/28/2011 O December 19, 2011 Michele Leonhart, Administrator Drug Enforcement Administration Attn: Administrator 8701 Morrissette Drive Springfield, VA 22152 Subject: Rulemaking petition to reclassify cannabis for medical use from a Schedule 1 controlled substance to a Schedule 11 Dear Administrator Leonhart: We write in support of the petition that Governor Gregoire and Governor Chafee recently submitted to initiate rulemaking proceedings for the reclassification of medical cannabis (also known as marijuana) from Schedule I to Schedule 11 of the CSA. As Mayors responsible for upholding the laws of our community, state and federal government, we need resolution regarding the legality of medical cannabis. We are caught in the middle of the desire expressed by the residents of our state to see cannabis available for medical use and the federal government's absolute inflexibility in regards to the medical benefits of cannabis. It is an untenable situation for our communities and has cost our cities significant time and resources to address. We sympathize with patients suffering from serious medical conditions who could benefit from medical use of cannabis and do not have a safe and consistent source of the drug. The divergence in state and federal law creates a situation where there is no regulated and safe system to supply legitimate patients who may need medical cannabis. The federal government could quickly solve the issue if it reclassified cannabis for medical use from a Schedule 1 drug to a Schedule 11 drug, which we believe the petition provides substantiated peer reviewed scientific evidence to support. The solution lies with the federal government. We urge the DEA to immediately initiate rulemaking proceedings to reclassify medical cannabis as a Schedule II drug so qualifying patients who follow state law may obtain the medication they need through the traditional and safe method of physician prescribing and pharmacy dispensing. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, cc: The Honorable Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General The Honorable Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services The Honorable Margaret Hamburg, M.D., FDA Commissioner 1 -17 Scheduling Actions Controlled Substances List I and II Regulated Chemicals Alphabetical Order Alphabetical Order Alphabetical Order Chronological Order DEA Drug Code Number DEA Number CSA Schedule List Number Illicit Uses and Threshold quantities DEA Diversion Control Controlled Substance Schedules RensLi 1.,ni Reportlny Info d Legal rturc; vr.'o I, Dl de Unto' F4011 Cnnlro! Giusti Medicine, U d, Sehftnur, To slew PDF documents Gt dl�ti'C"gDVB.SR" Eder al !Inks included in tills webs,ie should not he construed es nn o81cIn endor amen of the views contained (here Controlled Substance Schedules Information and Legal Resources List of Controlled Substances Exempted Lists List of Controlled Substances Exempted Lists Controlled Substance Schedules Exempt Anabolic Steroid Products Procedures Exempt Anabolic Steroid Products List PDF (October 24, 2008) Exempt Chemical Preparations Procedures Exempt Chemical Preparations List PDF (June 30, 2011) Exempted Prescription Products Application Exempted Prescription Products List PDF (May 24, 2010) Page 1 of 3 ra Li! firugerii Disclaimer Abbreviations Definition of Controlled Substance Schedules Lists of Scheduling Actions, Controlled Substances, Regulated Chemicals (November 2011 lens document IS a general lefererce end nor a comprehensive fig rhs 1151 descnbes foe bests or parentchemical end does nol detenbe Ipe salts, Isomers and salts of comers, esters, ethers and de vahves whim may also be conimlled substances List of Controlled Substances Disclaimer Section 812 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 001 et seq.) (CSA) lists substances which were controlled In 1970 when the law was enacted. Since then, approximately 180 substances have been added, removed, or transferred from one schedule to another The current official list of controlled substances can be found in section 1308 of the most recent issue of Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1300 to end (21 CFR §t 308) and the final rules which were published in the Federal Register subsequent to the issuance of the CFR. This list describes the basic or parent chemical and do not describe the salts, Isomers and salts of isomers, esters, ethers and derivatives which may be controlled substances These lists are intended as general references and are not comprehensive listings of all controlled substances. Please note that a I 18 http /www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov /schedules /index,himl 12/28/2011 2C -B 4- Bromo-2 ,5- dimethoxyphenethylamins 2C -T -7 2, 5- Dimelhoxy- 4(n)- propylthlophenethylamine BZP N- Benzylptperazlne DMT Dimethyltrypiamine DOM 4- Methy1- 2,5- dimethoxyamphetamine GBL Gamma butyrolactone GHB Gamma hydroxybutyrIc acid, gamma hydroxybutyrate, 4- hydroxybutanoic acid, sodium oxybate LAAM Levo- alphacetylmethedol LSD Lysergic acid diethylamide, lysergide MDA 3,4- Methylenedioxyamphetamine MDE 3, 4- Melhylenedioxy- N- elhylamphelamine MDMA 3, 4- Melhytenedioxymethamphetamine MPPP 1- Methy1-4- phenyl- 4- propionoxypipeddine P2P Phenyl- 2- propanone, phenylacetone PCC 1- Piperldtnocyclohexanecarbonitrile PCE N- Ethyl- l- phenylcyclohexylamine PCH 1- Phenylcyclohexylamine PCP 1- (1- Phenylcyclohexygpipendine, phencyclidine PEPAP 1-( 2- Phenylethyl 4- phenyl- 4- acetoxypiperldine PHP 1- (1- Phonylcyclohexyl)pyrrolidine SPA 1- Dimethylamino- 1,2- diphenyfethane TCP 1[ 1- (2- Thienytjcyciohexytjpiperidine TCPy 1-[ 1-( 2- Thienypcyclohezyljpyrrolidine THC Tetrahydrocannabinols THG Tetrahydrogestdnone DEA Diversion Control Controlled Substance Schedules substance need not be listed as a controlled substance to be treated as a Schedule I substance for criminal prosecution. A controlled substance analogue Is a substance which s intended for human consumption and Is structurally or pharmacologically substantially similar to or is represented as being similar to a Schedule I or Schedule II substance and Is not an approved medication in the United States. (See 21 U.S.C. §802(32fA) for the definition of a controlled substance analogue and 21 U.S.C. §813 for the schedule.) Definition of Controlled Substance Schedules The drugs and other substances that are considered controlled substances under the CSA are divided Into five schedules. A listing of the substances and their schedules is found In the DEA regulations, 21 C.F.F. Sections 1308.11 through 1300.18. A conholled substance Is placed in its respective schedule based on whether it has a currently accepted medical use In treatment in the United Stales and Its relative abuse potential and likelihood of causing dependence. Some examples of controlled substances in each schedule are'outlined below NOTE' Drugs listed in schedule 1 have no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States and, therefore, may not be prescribed, administered, or dispensed for medical use In contrast. drugs listed In schedules II -V have some accepted medical use and may be prescribed, administered, or dispensed for medical use. Schedule I Controlled Substances Schedule 11 Controlled Substances Defined Abbreviations Page 2 of 3 Substances in this schedule have a high potential for abuse, have no currently accepted medical use in treatment In the United Stales, and there is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision. Some examples of substances listed in schedule I are heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), peyote, methaquatone, and 3,4- mnthylenedioxymethamphelamine °ecstasy Substances in this schedule have a high potential for abuse which may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence. Examples of single entity schedule 11 narcotics include morphine and opium. Other schedule II narcotic substances and their common name brand products Include: hydromorphone (Dllaudld®), methadone (Dolophine meperidhte (Demerol®), oxycodone (OxyContm®), and fentanyl (Sublimaze® or Duragesic®). Examples of schedule 11 stimulants Include: amphetamine (Dexedrine Adderall 1 -19 ht tp: /www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov /schedules /iudex.html 12/28/2011 DEA Diversion Control Controlled Substance Schedules methamphetamine (Desoxyn and methylphenidate (RRalm Other schedule II substances include: cocaine. amobarbital, glutethlmlde, and pentobarbital. Schedule 111 Controlled Substances Substances in this schedule have a potential for abuse less than substances In schedules I or II and abuse may lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence. Examples of schedule III narcotics include combination products containing less than 15 milligrams of hydrocodone per dosage unit (VIcodin and products containing not more than 90 milligrams of codeine per dosage unit (Tylenol with codeine®). Also included are buprenorphine products (Suboxone® and Subutex®) used to treat oplold addiction. Examples of schedule 11I non narcotics include benzphetamine (Dldrex phendimetrazine, ketamme, and anabolic steroids such as oxandrolone (Cxandnn Schedule IV Controlled Substances Substances In this schedule have a low potential for abuse relative to substances In schedule III. An example of a schedule IV narcotic is propoxyphene (Darvon® and Darvocet -N 100®). Other schedule IV substances include. alprazolam (Xanax09), clonazepam (Kionopin clorarepate (Tranxene diazepam (Valium lorazepam (Ativan midazolam (Versed temazepam (Restoril®), and triazolam (Halcion Schedule V Controlled Substances Substances In This schedule have a low potential for abuse relative to substances listed in schedule IV al Id consist primarily of preparations containing limited quantities of certain narcotics. These are generally used for antltussive, antidiarrheal, and analgesic purposes. Examples Include cough preparations containing not more than 200 milligrams of codeine per 100 milliliters or per 100 grams (Robitussin AC® and Phenergan with Codeine Back to Top home Regisaallpn 1 ftopprling 1 Ipfp_ &ypn;il Regpmses. In@ide_?tvgisio control 'I Pnvsyjlatgment a r, Page 3 of 3 I -20 http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/sehedules/indexbtml 12/28/2011 EDC Clatlam County Economic Development Council January 3, 2012 TO: Nathan West FR: Linda Rotmark RE: Quarter 4, 2011 Report Exhibit A Contract Deliverables Describe the results of the EDC's efforts to support City and County -wide economic development strategies. In response to the primary economic development strategies that include business retention, development/attraction and expansion, the following activities occurred during the fourth quarter of 2011. Business Retention: (all would fall under the definition of small businesses) During 4 Quarter 2011 continued working with a local Port Angeles retail business that requested assistance from the EDC. A technical advisory team was put together and continues to meet with the business owner. Met with two businesses to discuss exporting options Referred Feiro Marine Life Center to internship network for participation in the development of a feasibility plan Business Development Continue to participate in CBI back office support activities. During 4th Quarter the Olympic Finance Development Authority (OFDA) has: o Clatlam County serves on the Board of Directors as President and Chair (Linda Rotmark). Also, Clatlam County is very well represented by Board Member, Randy Johnson, Green Crow o Have been given permission to begin lending $400,000 Coastal Loan funds from the Economic Development Administration and the Washington State Department of Commerce. o Finalizing loan documents o Creating required North and South Counties Loan Committees o Attended the OFDA Retreat on December 30, 2011 in Port Townsend to layout plans for the coming year. SCORE advisor appointments: October 2011 2 total SCORE appointments November 2011 2 total SCORE appointments December 2011 1 total SCORE appointments BRE (Business Retention Expansion) Visits This valuable communication tool will be started up again, as a program, during 2012. A job ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL A PRIVATE NON PROFIT CORPORATION WORKING FOR BUSINESSES IN CLALLAM COUNTY 905 W. 9"', Suites 137 -139 PO Box 1085 Port Angeles, WA 98362 M a EDC Clallam County Economic Development Council description has been posted at Peninsula College for a new intern to support this program. Clallam EDC 2012 Work Plan The 2012 Work Plan was accepted along with a balanced 2012 budget at the October 20 EDC Board meeting. The Work Plan was an outcome of the Working Committee's meetings in 2011. Additional Activities Additional activities that may positively affect the economic climate in and around Port Angeles: Peninsula Development District Council Treasurer (regional) North Olympic Peninsula Resource Conservation and Development Council Board Member Olympic Workforce Development Council Board (regional) Workforce Training Advisory Committee (county wide) This year's focus: composites PA Forward Committee Member in good standing Innovation Partnership Zone administrator (regional) Received re- designation for 4 more years of the North Olympic Peninsula IPZ (Clallam County) (Clallam EDC as zone administrator with co- applicants Sequim Marine Science Laboratory (Battelle), Port of Port of Port Angeles, and Peninsula College. We are one of 12 designated in the State of Washington. Natural Resources Continue to facilitate discussions and gather data regarding Wild Olympics Initiative. Carlsborg Completed report and it is posted on www.clallam.org. Attended a day -long Community Development Block Grant workshop in Olympia in November. The funding from the CDBG could potentially fund hookups to main lines in Carlsborg but requires a certain level of residential "need" to qualify for funding. Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) Attended the November CERB meeting as a board member. Sent out information to Contract Partners with a briefing of topics presented at the meeting along with a report on Washington's proposed Infrastructure Assistance Modernization report. Export Financing Workshop Attended a two day workshop in Seattle on exporting and export financing Entrepreneurs Innovators Working with a local group on a startup project green build. Working with local manufacturer in developing training program with Peninsula College partners Working with local inventor in seeking investors for startup EDC Membership New businesses that joined in 4 Quarter: High Energy Metals Don Butler Businesses that re- invested in the EDC, 4 Quarter: Red Lion Hotel Abdellah Choukri ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL A PRIVATE NON PROFIT CORPORATION WORKING FOR BUSINESSES IN CLALIAM COUNTY 905 W. 9"', Suites 137 -139 PO Box 1085 Port Angeles, WA 98362 M -2 EDC Cla County Economic Development Council Team McAleer Mike McAleer Rayonier Timberlands CenturyLink Jan Kampbell Blake Sand Gravel David Blake Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe Frances Charles Harriette Buchmann. Individual Member Union Bank Matt Wech NTI Robert Leach Olympic Natural Resource Center Ellen Matheny Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe Doug Sellon (increased membership for 2011 to Benefactor Level) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL A PRIVATE NON PROFIT CORPORATION WORKING FOR BUSINESSES IN CLALLAM COUNTY 905 W. 9', Suites 137 -139 PO Box 1085 Port Angeles, WA 98362 M -3