HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 1/7/2003 AGENDA p _ _ . CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 EAST FIFTH STREET WASHINGTON, U.S.A. January 7, 2003 REGULAR MEETING - 6:00 p.m. A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.) ROLL CALL - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - PUBLIC CEREMONIES, PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Dr. Larry Little - "Olympic Discovery -- Presentation Marathon" - Sequim to Port Angeles, June 15, 2003 B. WORK SESSION C. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS (By Council, Staff or Public) AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10 minutes..) D. FINANCE E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council Meeting Minutes of December Approve Consent Agenda 17, 2002 2. Check Register - December 27, 2002 - $1,224,027.69 3. Electronic Payments - December 27, 2002 - $165,024.00 4. Cooperative Service Agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 5. Award Contract for Roof Drain Disconnection Pilot Project, #99-21 6. Final Acceptance for Black Diamond Reservoir Improvements, Project #99-18 F. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS & CALENDAR Report Activities & Changes to Calendar City Council Calendar G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK January 7, 2003 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 H. RESOLUTIONS I. OTI-IER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Appointments and Reappointments to City 53 Appoint & Reappoint Applicants / Members Boards, Commissions & Committees 2. Recovery of Cost for Abatement of Structure Set Hearing Date for Cost Recovery at 604 S. "B" Street J. PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) K. PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER L. INFORMATION 1. City Manager Reports: · Martin Luther King Day (Page 61) · Change Orders, Contracts Under $15K, Bids (Page 63) · Peninsula International Relations Association 4t~ Quarter Report - December 2002 (Page 65) 2.2003 Community Work Plan (Page 67) 3. Parks & Recreation Hotel/Motel Grant Report - 4~ Quarter Report (Page 69) 4.Parks & Recreation Depathnent Monthly Report - November 2002 (Page 71) 5. Fire Department Monthly Report - November/December 2002 (Page 91) M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (~Is needed and determined by City Attorney) N. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC HEARINGS Public headngs are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public headng process. G :~CNCLPKT~GENDA\03 -01-07 age NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK January 7, 2003 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES ,~ ^ s . , N G ,~ o N. o. $. ^. CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 7, 2003 I. CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins Councilman Braun Councilman Campbell Councilmember Erickson Councilman Headrick Councilmember Rogers ~" Councilman Williams Staff Present: Other Staff Present: Manager Quinn Attomey Knutson Clerk Upton B. Collins M. Connelly G. Cutler D. McKeen T. Riepe ~/// Y. Ziomkowski III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CITY OF PORT ANGELES pORLA NGE:LES w ^ s.,. G ~ o .. u. $. ^. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: January 7, 2003 LOCATION: City_ Council Chambers uo,,aoI aq plno,'a olin X^aI mil '(s~eoX sno~^o~d m asea oql uoaq setI 'olelS uol~u!qseA5 u.t ~uI oql s,leq~L se) poloodxo u~ql aaq§[q o.m sonic^ Xl:odoad oqlJI · 'saoanos ~oqlo puc ieaoI mo.tj amos lsnm %0~ · uo!lenleA ua past,'q sa~IlOp 'alms atI1 mo.tj samoa jo aaqmnu popua-uado ut lsn[ lou 'pas[m aq al iooqas o![qnd ~no ,(q papaou ,~ouotu jo %0/.AIuo lunomu .mlIOp u!m~oo u slsonbo.~ Xllenlou AAaI oqI · 'la§pnq ~gu.tlulodo s,la.uls.tp e jo · suo!lenluA ,(~odoad %0/. Xluo se ,,auI sql u! pau~ap s! ,,papunj XlIn~I,, ua §u!puodap 'u~op o~ plnoa puc auras sql ,(lle!l 'maql so:mbo.~ -uossa Xms plnoqs SlOOqas :oj [I!q xm Xl:odo~d ahaA ,(i[en~!A siooqas o!iqnd ~u!punj ~oj uintmoJ alms s;o~suv pue SUOl),san~)-Ie~auatl ~al suop, mado puc ooueua),UlelN PORT ANGELES Our Vision.'AllPortAngeles$choolDistrictstudents will reach high standards and graduate prepared DISTRICT knowledge, skills, and abilities to choose a successful future. ~.~. What is a Levy?. Levy Renewal Request ~ A school levy is the local .at, Replaces existing three- ~ " community's share of the IJk cost of providing a quality year levy with a two-year education for its children, levy request Since the state provides Stable projected rate of only 70% of the total cost, the legislature authorizes maintenance and ap- $2.88 erations levy requests for as much as 24% of a ~ Lower actual rate over last district's revenue. In Port Angeles, the levy provides about 14% of the total district budget. 13 years The levy amount is calculated from the total ~ Fallin~ actual rate trend valuation of all the real property within the over last 13 years district boundaries. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS LEVY RENEWAL February 4, 2003 '000 75 ~vd g~'g$ s! fO0g aof moa rat ~ '000 75 a~d £~'g$ s~ POOg aof vma ~ p~lom~lsv '000'15 ~d gg'g$ so~ fO0~ aof awa ~ ~l~sa '000'I$ aad g~'g$ so~ lOOff aof aloa ~1 ~lom?lsa TO0~ 'PI a°q°l°O uo sao~oaal~ fo pavoE looyos DO0 '15 sad g~'~ff som 000~ aof zlos ~t paiomlisa ~laguv lsod a~l ~q paaoaddo sam uollnlosaa s~ ~ 91 I'8 I~'g$ 88'~$ / ~00g~ O~ lunomv XA~ ~lm ~ao~ olem[xo~ddv uo~l~allOD :sosu~dxo suo}l -mado pund tmauao l,~luossa ~oj 'XaaI ~u~a~dxa ue ,~[daa ol 'I g I 'ON lo~s~o looq~s s*la~ 'f00g -uv l~Od u~qlm ~aadoad olqexgl II* uodn pa[aaI oq sax~l ~aado~d a~ln~a jo ssaoxa u~ soxel fo pua [[~qs 'I~[ 'ON lo~s[o Iooqos SOlo~uv laOd oql u~ sluopnls jo spoau l~UO~l~np* oql laom o& qo~qm &oI ava,(-o~l / v  qV~M~ XA~ ~MOI&V~dO ~ ~DMVM~IV~ foog oq: puo ~oog '~ ~ -lO~ &al 'fOOg '~v pa~;d~ uo sao~Id -: ~ ,~ ,~ .~oo~ / I ~ I '°N l~ls~o [°°qos solo~uV Hod Kq pon~mqng -~q~ o~ ~o ~.~op.. I 'oN uo[l[sodo~ t - uo~l~oI~ OOr'P ~of ~agpnq aqt fo ~t'~ ~,~oaa., I Z [ 'OM &D~&SIO qOOH DS S~DMV &HO~ Xauom lWOl uogool~ Ie~ads ~ '9~u~ualu~m ~l$ovf puv uo!wiaodsuva1 lugpnls sapnlou~ OSlV I1 'slS~lV~aads uo~j 'foo~ fo pu~ ~l -at~ '~ooqlxa~ 'az!s SSVlO aall~mS ~p]ao~d puv uo!tvonpa ~!lvnb ~u!vtu!vm ~aal lOllefl aldmeS-le~ouoB ~01 suollmado puc ooueualu!e~ 'SO!l.tmuJ a!oql os.tm ol oaoq amoo ol moql loe~lu qo[q~ sonsst oj~I jo ~lunb oql jo ~ud iuo[l~o ~ st ~utmm~oad iuuo[leonpo ano jo ~[[unb oql lee Les Xiluols~suoo aop~suoo lee sl~uo~ssojoad ¢Ieoq pue sossou~snfl '~aodsoad puu ~[~qels otmouooo ¢~ ~u[dloq ~unmmoo ano ut umm -aa saullop ~o] 'lou ao lOOqOS m uoaPt[qo OAUq no~ aoqloq~ %[unmmoo oql m OUO~OAO loudm[ XIOA~l~sod SO~AOI IOOqO8 '9[[Z'L I~ 1~ oo~jo s,aossossV ~unoD oql 1~1 -uoo plnoqs polso~olm osoq~ 's~o~oomoq omoou[-~oI pu~ s~otuos ~mXj~[~nb ~oj olqel[e~e uo~ldmoxo 'Xlaa~l~odsoa 6L'Z$ pu~ gL'Z$ XlUO oq ol lno pom~ xel Ienlo~ lnq 88'Z$ o~o~ solm lOlIeq palgm[lso 'aldm~xo ~oj 'g00g pue 100~ ~ uo~°I oq Xio~I lI~ pu~ ~unoo oql Xq gas oae salm xm lenlov '8661 oou~s solm om~s aql 'S00g ~oj 88'~$ pu~ ~00~ ~oj 88'~$ si ~*l ~.u aql ~oj loll~q aql uo ~oqs olin xm pal~m~lso · ~op soo~ aim xm oql 'dh soo~ lo,stp aC jo anlea passass~ aC JI 'lunom~ pax~ e s~ ~oI Iooqos oq& 'pa~o~dde oouo ~o1 oql uo loolloo II[~ l~s~p oql lunome o¢ oseo~out lou soop uo[lenlea passass~ '$OU~UO1 -umm pu~ uo~l~vnpo I,[vads 'K~olo~ol 'luamd~nbo 'S$[I[A~lgB 'uog~lJodsu~ luopms 'luamdolaaop jjels leUO¢.~su~ '~u~j~ls l*uo~l~ppe ~oddns dloq II~ 1~ 'lo~pnq ~urlmodo lo~s[p o¢ jo %~1 lnoqe sap~o~d · mac sao~ldo~ 1~ 'soxel ~oI ~u~ls[xa ol uo pp~ lou soop 1~ '~oI ~u~rdxo ue oo~ida~ ol lsonbo~ a~oX-o~l '1~ lnoql~ po~ajjo oq lou plnoo l~ql sme~o~d lu~odm~ Imagos ~oj ~u~punj i~v[l~o sop~aoad ~I l°~s[G l°°q°s SOlO~W ~od oqz 'spunj popoau jo %08 lnoq~ Xluo sop[ao~d ~u~punj Ieaopo~ pu~ alms asnevoq ~essaoou s~ '~00~ jo pua aql 1, sa~dxa qv~q~ '~oI lua~nv 0¢ O~elda~ II~ ~oI s~q& 'suo[lmodo leUO~le~npo lo[~s~p ~es -saaou ~oddns ol ~Ol a~o~-o~l ~ oaoaddg ol po~se oq II[~ lo[~s~G looqvs soIo~ ~Od oql u[ s~oloa '[00~ '~ ~emqo~ uO uo!l~m~OlUl Im~ua~-I~auo~ ~1 suo!lmad0 pu~ fO-a/'I fO~Z-i I O00 000 [/ol~d P°~Oof°.td l°llel~ + ] lenlov [OOE ~00~ I00~ O00E 666l 8661 L661 9661 5661 ~661 ~661 ~66I 1661 oo'~$ sa~,e~j leto, or 'SA pa~,oa[oad-le~aualj ~Aaq suop, modo pue aoueua~,u!el61 Maintenance and Operations Levy Renewal-District Revenues No. Many educational programs are funded in large part by money from the levy. Almost all maintenance costs, approximately half the cost of school bussing, all extra-curricular activities, much of the cost for teacher training, nearly one-third of the cost of special education, along with the financial support to keep smaller class sizes, comes from the levy. The levy IS the "somewhere else." 5% · Schools are limited by law as to where they can raise the money--the levy is the pri- mary place allowed. · We already cut the budget last year in re- sponse to enrollment declines and the re- duced ability of the state to pay. Maintenance and Operations Levy Renewal-Program Expenditures 2004 2005 Levy Amount $5,312,129[ $5,418,116 100%I Basic & Special Education Staff/Materials $2,432,706 $2,481,245 46% [] 2% Technology & Vocational Equipment $600,000 $611,971 11% · 12% Student Transportation to & from school $740,000 $754,764 14% ~ 15% · 46% Athletics, Music & Student Activities $820,000 $836,360 15% Facilities Maintenance &Improvements $630,000 $642,569 12% [] 14% Student Safety Staffing & Improvements $89,423 $91,207 2% · 11% Projected Tax Rates $2.88/$1,000 $2.88/$1,000 The Olympic Discovery Imagine our community Marathon hosting 1000 athletes, their family and friends to one of the premier road races in the worM. 2 What would it take to draw this number of people here? Port Angeles Marathon Association Mission: Organize and produce a high qualitymarathonshowcasittgthe Objectives~ Port Angeles/ Sequim area along the Discover), Trail. 5 6 Promote Port Organize and produce a Angeles/Sequim Area high quality marathon, focusing on its natural ~ beauty and warm hospitality~ 7 8 Showcase the community Goals: commitment to oualitv of > Bring in 10oo parttcigan~ wlaln tint 3 yrs. volunteerism and lifeawareness. ~ Generate recognition in the athletic community ora hlgh~ quality event desirable to attend. ~ Remra to community Enhance recognition ofcommnnity Physical Beauty Commuaity Spirit 2000-3000, 2-day visitors every year Enhance downtown trade and visibility 9 10 venue. The nice will Ihen be txm along fig: D~cov~y Trail trail is not complete o~ as m~d~d to gain thc full 262 miles. Vision: Volunteers will supply the heart and soul of this UHiq//~° Co/~/'$e '* ~ = ~t ~ ~:] event. To h ........... ful .... the volunteer base is vital. Aid stations will be located approximately eve~ 3-~ miles along the course. Service groups or The Olympic Discovery Trail merchants will staff these aid stations and will offers one et'the fiuest and most compete for various recognition prizes such as uniquc settings lot a long ~ ~ ~ best theme/costumes, or most enthusiastic. distance race in the World. Where else can an athlete run 26.2 miles almost all on a traffic free, smooth path with snow capped mountains standing walch in the distance, then finish running for almost five miles of pristine salt water front? 13 14 The finish will be located at Hollywood Beach. It will be vital for the race organizers Here we will provide music and access to post race to provide seamless transportation to massage. A finish venue will be established on the pier providing post race refreshments and medical the starting area. Other marathon aid. This area also allows the athletes the events provide transportation for up opportunity to mingle and swap stories about to 20,000 participants with the use of their race. school district buses or local transit, s ~ 15 16 A street fair, merchant expo., and food ,~,..~ ~ stands will be available to all participants and their family/supporters on Laurel St. This area and the activities it generates will offer shopping/dining opportunities to all of the family and friends of the Opportunities for exciting activities abound on the participants. From the time the athletes Peninsula. Rafting the EIwha, exploring Olympic National leave to be transported to the start until Park, trips to the coast, wine tasting in Sequim, visiting the Fine Arts Center are but a few of the many examples. the last runners finish, 5-8 hours will be Information about activities in our area will be made available for the exploration of our available to the participants and their families. We will downtown area by 2000+ people, encourage merchants to partner with The Olympic Discovery Marathon and offer packages or discounts. 3 edParticipants will need to be at the~ early on race day and may not be '~ ~o ~ravel a~er ~'le race. T~tereforeI What can we hts of stay in local accommodations // · participants and their families can .~ anticipate? reasonably be anticipated~/..// 19 20 21 22 Donate to help with start up costa Money is needed to advertise, for What can I do? design costs, office supplies, mailings, and the other 101 things required to start up an undertaking like this evenL 23 24 Sponsor an aid station. Get involvet~ Orgnnlte and sponsor an aid station. The aid stations will be ~Fe need people to help with the the place to be on race day. The various committees, from compedtion will be keen for the arranging transportation for the soon to be coveted theme and athletes to sanicans! costume award as well as the best spirit award. 25 26 poRTA. L S WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL January 8; 2003 Dr. Larry Little 314 Columbus Ave. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Re: North Olympic Marathon Dear Larry, This letter is written as a follow-up to the presentation you made this past evening before the City Council on the proposed North Olympic Marathon which is sCheduled for June 15, 2003. I'm sure you were pleased with the positive reactionofthe City Council to this proposed event! The Council was appreciative of the professional planning involved in the event and is particularly pleased to have yet another opportunity to showcase the North Olympic Peninsula. As you heard, each and every Council member wholeheartedly supported this effort to further enhance economic development, tourism, and the overall recognition of the community. It was for those reasons that the Council unanimously passed a motion endorsing the North Olympic Marathon. Please accept our best wishes as you proceed in the.planning process for this event. We most certainly support your efforts, and we look forward to a most successful marathon in June. Sincerely yours, Glenn Wiggins Mayor 321 EAST FIFTH STREET ® P. O. BOX 1150 ® PORT ANGELES, WA 98362-0217 PHONE: 360-417-4500 ® FAX: 360-417-4509 ® TTY: 360-417-4645 E-MAIL: COU NCl L@CI. PORT-ANGELES.WA.US CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 17, 2002 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Wiggins called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order REGULAR MEETING: at 6:00 p.n~ ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell, Erickson, Headrick, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Quiun, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, L. Haehnlen, J. Cole, S. McLain, L. Dunbar, J. Harper, and S. Roberds. Public Present: J. Schmitz. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Retired Naval Captain Glenn Cutler. ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC CEREMONIES, Port Angeles as Second National City: Mayor Wiggins welcomed June Robinson, who PRESENTATIONS AND informed the Council that, in addition to being a columnist for the Peninsula Daily PROCLAMATIONS: News, she was President of the Clallam County Historical Society. She was asked to speak to the Council about one of the most loved myths of the City of Port Angeles, Port Angeles as Second that being Port Angeles as the Second National City. A transcript of Ms. Robinson's National City comments is set forth in Exhibit "A",which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Presentation of Employee Presentation of City of Port Angeles Employee Association Scholarship: Mayor Association Scholarship Wiggins and City of Port Angeles Employee Association President Lou Haehnlen presented the Association's first scholarship to Anya Ziomkowski. Accepting the scholarship on Anya's behalf was Finance Director Ziomkowski. WORK SESSION: None. LATE ITEMS TO BE The matter of Council seating arrangements was added as Agenda Item I. 1. at the PLACED ON THIS OR request of CouncilmanHeadrick. Discussion concerning a fishing derby was added as FUTURE AGENDAS: Agenda Item 1.2. at Councilman Braun's request. Mayor Wiggins added Agenda Item 1.3., relative to setting a date for a Council retreat. He also added the National League of Cities March meeting as Agenda Item 1.4. Manager Quinn asked to add Agenda Item 1.5., consideration of the Gateway Visitors Center. Jace Schmitz, 234 Horizon Hills Road, Sequim, informed the Council that he had been talking to one of the Councilmembers about some real estate transactions that had failed because of certain City regulations. That particular Councilmember asked that Mr. Schmitz speak to the Council about the negative impact of City regulations on development. Mr. Schmitz distributed supportive information to the Council and staff, noting five specific properties that he wanted to address this evening. He indicated that the cost of development had caused these transactions to fail, as developers cannot - 1 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 17, 2002 LATE ITEMS TO BE afford to make the investment required. PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: Directing reference to a 34-acre parcel, Mr. Schmitz had an investor who wanted to (Cont'd) move to Port Angeles to develop the property. The property, located adjacent to the IBC Church, was going to be developed, annexed to the City, and rezoned if possible. The investor hoped to develop the parcel into 80 quarter-acre lots. Development costs provided to Mr. Schmitz by Steve Zenovic were ranging from $15,000 - $17,000 per lot. Additionally, the developer would have been required to extend Laurel Street, resulting in an investment of approximately $22,000 per lot. There would have been no profit for the investor, so he chose to leave. The second parcel cited by Mr. Schmitz was located on Milwaukee Drive, across the street from homes on the high bank waterfront. This is a four-acre parcel, and the interested developer wanted to do quarter-acre lots. The City's requirements involve improvements to both Milwaukee and 10th Street. Because the City had indicated a willingness to work with the developer, it was thought feasible for the developer to build a home on the property and live there a few years until the time was right to proceed with development. However, because a home is considered a development, the developer would still have been required to improve Milwaukee and l0th Street. The developer chose not to proceed with the purchase, as this concept would not be economically feasible. Mr. Schmitz then cited property located on "N" Street, which was appropriately zoned RS-9. The property fronts on "lq" Street and on 14th Street, and then 16t~ Street doesn't exist at that particular location. Nevertheless, Mr. Schmitz indicated the City wants 16th Street to be improved when this particular parcel is improved. Whatever the reason for the rules, he felt the regulations to be overkill, as having to improve the two roads plus everything else that is required makes the development too expensive. Mr. Schmitz indicated that development of the parcel in the near future would not be likely. With the two companies coming to Port Angeles and with the jobs that will be created because of this commercial growLh, Mr. Schmitz felt that all of this property will eventually be developed, as interested purchasers are causing the prices to go up - it is a matter of supply and demand. He felt that there is a desire to be certain that individuals other than the wealthy should be able to purchase property, but he noted he had already cautioned the County about restrictions causing people to be priced out of the market. He reviewed prices being paid in the County by individuals who could only afford mobile homes, and he indicated the same scenario will also occur in Port Angeles. Mr. Schmitz urged the use of common sense in applying development regulations, citing the property on "N" Street, where there could be no rational reason applied to the requirement to improve 16th Street. He felt the development of these parcels would result in taxes being paid that could eventually help fund the street improvements needed. Mr. Schmitz then cited an 8-acre parcel he owns on the unpaved portion of Milwaukee. Zoning in this particular area is for up to fifteen units per acre, which would be perfect for either a mobile home park, retirement mobile home park, or condos. He indicated there are more and more people asking for this type of housing. However, as the owner of the property, he would be required to improve all of the roads which is too expensive. He felt that the City is waiting for property owners to make the improvements, while the property owners are waiting for the City to make the improvements, so ultimately nothing is happening. Mr. Schmitz indicated there is an entire tax base that is disappearing. Mr. Schmitz directed attention to the last parcel, which is 7/10 of an acre located in the in-between area of Milwaukee Drive and has been almost sold two or three times. The property has both sewer and water; however, the power is 421 feet away and, because - 2- CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 17, 2002 LATE ITEMS TO BE it's in the City, it would cost $12,500 to bring the power that 421 feet. If this were PLACED ON TillS OR PUD, he learned it would cost about $2,200 or $5.00 a lineal foot to put in power. Mr. FUTURE AGENDAS: Schmitz could not understand the difference in the costs for power. (Cont'd) Using the properties cited this evening, Mr. Schmitz ran some calculations on what could have been 211 lots developed at a value of $35,000 per lot. Had those properties been developed, there could have been over $7 million worth of lots that would be on the tax rolls in the City. Figuring development costs of $17,000 per lot, there's $3.5 million that didn't come to the community that would have been paid to contractors and would have benefitted the community. Mr. Schmitz urged the Council to give this matter further thought and to consider changing the roles. He felt that once development is accomplished and properties are placed on the tax rolls, then the City could arrange to pave the roads. In the ensuing discussion, Councilmember Rogers advised the Council that these issues had already been addressed recently by the Utility Advisory Committee, as well as the Community & Economic Development Committee. Action is being taken on property development, and she and Deputy Mayor Campbell are working on a plan for street development. Manager Quinn informed the Council that he had recently asked Economic Development Director Smith to work on the matter of development standards in the City. There have been recent successes in the commercial and industrial areas, but not many residential developments have been accomplished of late. He indicated that City staffis looking at a combination of standards and incentives, and alternative ways to finance development. Mr. Schmitz was thanked for his comments. FINANCE: 1. Contract Change Order No. 1: "I" Street & Lauridsen Boulevard Sidewalks, Project #22-03: 'T' Street & Lauridsen Boulevard Sidewalks Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler explained the nature of the change order, Contract Change Order indicating the request was being submitted in order to maximize grant funding for the project. Because the low bid was significantly below the level of grant funding available, the City could install additional sidewalks without asking for any additional funds. $4,500 of City funds was budgeted for leverage against the grant funds which, if unused, must be returned to the State. Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the City Manager to sign Contract Change Order No. 1 to the Aldergrove Construction contract for "I" Street & Lauridsen Boulevard sidewalks, for expanded sidewalk construction in the added amount of $55,904.28 and 15 working days. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried unanimously. Institutional Network 2. Institutional Network Services Agreement Amendments: Services Agreement Amendments Power Resource Manager Dunbar presented the gift of new information in that the Northland Wide Area Network Use Agreement is now complete; Northland has established the fiber link and all nodes are in place and have been tested. Mr. Dunbar indicated that formal acceptance will be forthcoming at a future Council meeting. Of the $330,000 budget, the project is 17% below budget, which represents $56,000. Mr. Dunbar then reviewed the proposed amendments to the I-Net Sepsis, es Agreement with Capacity Provisioning that would allow the Local Area Networks to exceed previous budget and allow sales tax to be added to the agreement, a matter that was inadvertently overlooked in the contract. He reviewed the background of the I-Net Services Agreement and other telecommunications efforts, noting the sales tax amendmentwould increase the City' s non-recurring charges by a maximum of $ 34,768. Contingencies were included in the Cable Television Franchise, the WAN Use Agreement, and the I-Net Services Agreement, but each of those agreements stand on - 3 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 17, 2002 Institutional Network their own. Staffis asking for an allowance to use the overall project contingency where Services Agreement needed; no budget increase is being asked. With the $56,000 savings noted earlier, Mr. Amendments (Cont'd) Dunbar indicated that the overall project would come in less than what was originally budgeted. Mr. Dunbar introduced Jim Harper, Information Technology staffrepresentative, and Craig Johnson from Capacity Provisioning. During the time the agreement was being negotiated with Capacity Provisioning, Mr. Dunbar indicated that the Information Technology Division was undergoing an audit, looking at the infrastructure in the City buildings. Recommendations that came forward from that audit involved the need to improve security as relates to Homeland Security threats plus other unforeseen costs, and Mr. Dunbar expressed the need for flexibility to spend more funds to assure appropriate levels of security. Mayor Wiggins inquired as to whether any expenses could be refunded specifically as they relate to the Homeland Security issue. Mr. Dunbar responded that all expenses on Homeland Security wouldbe tracked separately in the event grant funds could be applied for at a later date. Brief discussion followed, after which Councilmember Rogers moved to approve the proposed amendments to the Institutional Network Services Agreement and authorize the City Manager to use the contingency funding for local area networks as necessary. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Break Mayor Wiggins recessed the meeting for a break at 6:55 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:10 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 1. MCA 02-01 - Industrial Heavy Zone Amendment: OTHER: Assistant Planner Roberds presented the matter of the proposed amendment to the MCA 02-01 - Industrial Industrial Heavy (IH) Zone, which would amend the setbacks and would impose a Heavy Zone Amendment maximum height of 75'. Indicating that such a change would put the City of Port Ordinance No. 3133 Angeles more in alignment with other municipalities, Ms. Roberds noted that the 75' height maximum could be exceeded by a Conditional Use Permit. She clarified that the setback from a right-of-way would be retained, but the other setbacks would be eliminated except when they are abutting commercial or residential zones. Mayor Wiggins asked how this would apply to the Westport project and whether the 30' setback from Marine Drive would still be required. Ms. Roberds indicated the setback in that particular instance must be retained. Councilman Campbell asked for clarification as to the reasoning for the 75' height maximum, and Ms. Roberds explained that research indicated that other municipalities all had height maximums. The 75' figure seemed to be a reasonable starting point and, again, anything exceeding that figure would be subject to a Conditional Use Permit. Director Collins pointed out that, based on the Shoreline Master Program, a height of 75' would not require a variance either from the City or from the State. If the language were to be left ambiguous, height maximums could be 35' under the Shoreline Master Program. This amendment is an effort to clarify the height so as to avoid running afoul of the State shoreline requirements. In addition, by eliminating the setback fromproperty lines, one of the disadvantages is that one may be unable to get between buildings, but because of the height limitation, firefightmg apparatus would be able to get on top of the structure to fight fires. Lengthy discussion followed concerning the height limitation as relates to current structures, such as at Daishowa, or potential structures, such as hangers at the airport. Ms. Roberds stressed the fact that it would be unlikely that a Conditional Use Permit would be denied unless there are specific findings that could apply to such a denial. Following further discussion, Mayor Wiggins read the Ordinance by title, entitled - 4- CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 17, 2002 PUBLIC HEARINGS - ORDINANCE NO. 3133 OTI-IER: (Cont'd) AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the area and dimensional requirements for the Heavy Industrial (IH) MCA 02-01 - Industrial Zoning district and amending Ordinance 1709 as amended and Heavy Zone Amendment Chapter 17.34 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Ordinance No. 3133 (Cont'd) Councilman Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings 1 - 11 and Conclusions 1 - 4, as set forth in Exhibit "B" which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman Headrick seconded the motion. Clerk Upton pointed out that the public hearing had not been conducted, so Mayor Wiggins opened the public hearing at 7:20 p.m. There being no public testimony, the public hearing was closed at 7:20 p.m. Brief discussion was held concerning the height limitation for chimneys, antenna towers, and the like. Director Collins clarified these items would be exempt from the height limitation. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. MCA 01-02B - Parking 2. MCA OI-02B - Parking Ordinance: Ordinance Director Collins advised the Council that the recommendation is being made to continue the public hearing. Mayor Wiggins opened the public hearing at 7:25 p.m. There being no public testimony, Councilman Braun moved to continue the public hearing on Municipal Code Amendments MCA 01-02B revising the City's parking regulations to the February 4, 2003, meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Rogers and carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: Discussion was held relative to Item 6, concerning the lease of a Caterpillar Track Type Tractor D-7R. The matter was being returned to the Council, as previous approval was not inclusive of sales tax. The issue was explained by Director Cutler, after which the Council considered the payment options for the lease. Finance Director Ziomkowski offered further clarification regarding the cost effectiveness of annual payments in advance, and Conncilmember Rogers indicated the Utility Advisory Committee had discussed the issue in depth. Councilman Campbell moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City Council minutes of December 2, 2002; 2.) Check List - December 6, 2002 - $516,937.80; 3.) Electronic Payments - December 6, 2002 - $1,219,944.25; 4.) Western Public Agencies Group Agreement for 2003; 5.) Olympic Medical Center Rebate Agreement; and 6.) D-7R Equipment Lease from N.C. Machinery Company. The motion was seconded by Councilman Braun and carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Rogers reported on attendance at the Utility Advisory Committee COMMITTEE meeting, as well as the Community& Economic Development Committee meeting. A REPORTS: recent meeting of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee involved discussion about surplus conference center funding. At a Chamber of Commerce retreat, discussions were held pertinent to Parks & Recreation activities, field maintenance, and efforts to work with the City on impacts of what the programs can do in the City. Councilman Williams attended a breakfast presentation at Peninsula College and participated in the value engineering discussions at the Transit relative to the Gateway project. Councilman Braun also participated in the value engineering discussions; he attended the OPS Award Breakfast hosted by Parks & Recreation, and he attended the Clallam Transit Board meeting. Councilman Braun also attended the meeting on the pool renovation, and the figure of $4.1 million has been projected for renovation purposes. The group meeting on the ice skating rink has been considering the location of Lincoln Park for a skating facility, and he has asked that consideration be given to a combination of indoor recreational activities in a new facility at Lincoln Park. Possible 5 - 5- CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 17, 2002 CITY COUNCIL activities that could be accommodated are ice skating, swimming, tennis, and soccer. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont'd) Mayor Wiggins attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting, at which time Larry Nelson from Westport made a presentation. Kudos to the City of Port Angeles were offered by Mr. Nelson. Councilmember Rogers indicated that a contingent from Port Angeles would be traveling to Olympia on Wednesday relative to the graving yard project. Councilman Headrick attended the OPS Award Breakfast, as well as the meeting with Councilmembers Braun and Erickson on pool renovation. He, Mayor Wiggins, and Councilman Braun also met with Parks Director Connelly concerning a proposed activity involving hydroplanes. This activity, proposed for the fall, is being coordinated by Bob Harbick and Jack Harmon. The proposed Timber Town was also discussed. Councilman Campbell, having attended the NLC Conference on behalf of the City, submitted a comprehensive report on meetings attended. One of the overriding issues discussed was that of the fiscal crisis being confronted by state and local governments. It is not likely that federal assistance will be forthcoming; however, on the matter of Homeland Security, it appears funding will be disseminated mainly at the national and state levels. Regional and statewide plans will be the focus, but funding should be made available locally for hardware infrastructure for purposes of communications. It is unclear if planning moneywill be set aside. Councilman Campbell indicated that intergovernmental partnerships in the form of intra and inter governmental response agreements are being strongly endorsed. He spoke of the number of consulting companies that have come into being for the purpose of conducting security risk assessments. Councilman Campbell gathered a great deal of information, and he offered to disseminate the information to the other Councilmembers. Councilman Campbell also attended a seminar on "Guarding the Public Checkbook", and he also noted the focus of the National League of Cities in 2003 on early childhood success. He has asked for further information from the NLC on this subject, keeping in mind the possibility of surveying the community as relates to support services for small children. In addition, he distributed copies of an article from the Salt Lake CiO; Tribute relative to a property tax increase of 138% being implemented in that county. Mayor Wiggins inquired of Chief Riepe and Chief McKeen as to a brie£mg on the regional status of Homeland Security. ChiefMcKeen reported on a meeting attended today of the Regional Homeland Security Coordination District. The State has been divided into nine districts; Port Angeles is part of District 2 involving Clallam, Jefferson, and Kitsap Counties. The meeting's purpose was to discuss the role of the group and what deliverables must be provided to the State. Region 2 was given $123,000 through the Federal Govermnent for mostly planning purposes. There are three basic deliverables required for this funding. One is to ensure that all jurisdictions have a comprehensive emergency plan that has an all-hazard approach, but more specifically, addresses bio-terrorism as well as other types of terrorism. Also, there must be good coordination not only among jurisdictions in acounty, but the counties have mutual aid agreements as well and, further, the regions must have mutual aid agreements with the other regions. Concerns discussed centered around the fact that emergency aid is often provided after a declared disaster has occurred and all mutual aid resources have been exhausted. As mutual aid agreements are expanded, the resources become very large, and it would be extremely difficult to expend all of those mutual aid resources. Ultimately, then, it may be difficult to obtain emergency funding because of these mutual aid agreements. This issue is being approached with caution by all participants. Chief McKeen noted that much of the funding just approvedwill be used for a planner and some of the associated costs. Committee members who will be setting policy will be those who are generally emergency managers for the counties and municipalities. Brief discussion followed, and Police ChiefRiepe informed the 6 -6- CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 17, 2002 CITY COUNCIL Council that the Police Department has been in contact with the FBI and the Joint COMMITTEE Terrorism Task Force. There has not been any indication of terrorism activity in the REPORTS: (Cont'd) Puget Sound area. Councilmember Rogers urged Chief Riepe to keep a placeholder for the City of Port Angeles in the Task Force. ORDINANCES NOT None. REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS: None. OTHER 1. Council Seating Assignments: CONSIDERATIONS: As a follow-up to a suggestion by Mayor Wiggins that Council seating assignments be Council Seating changed, thc Council agreed by consensus to retain the current seating arrangement. Assignments Fishing Derby 2. Fishing Derby: Councilman Braun referenced a recent newspaper article concerning the return of a fishing derby to Discovery Bay. Noting past successes of the fishing derby in Port Angeles, he urged thc Chamber of Commerce to explore the possibility of reintroducing the derby to Port Angeles. Councilmember Rogers indicated that Russ Veenema, Chamber Director, has already been in pursuit of that possibility. City Council Retreat 3. City Council Retreat: Thc Council scheduled a retreat for Saturday, January 25, 2003, 10:00 a.m., at Mayor Wiggins' cabin. National League of Cities 4. National League of Cities March Meeting: March Meeting Mayor Wiggins asked for discussion concerning Council representation at the NLC Conference in March. It was agreed that Mayor Wiggins and Councilmcmbers Erickson and Campbell would likely attend. Also hoping to attend were Councilmembers Williams and Rogers, who will attempt to seek travel funding from other sources. Gateway Visitors Center 5. Gateway Visitors Center: Manager Quinn advised the Council that the Gateway Projectis presently at the 75% design state, and it is timely to consider whether a Gateway Visitors Center should be added to the project. The Chamber of Commerce previously expressed interest in such a building, and the City must now decide whether to extend the second floor area to create additional office for public or private use and how to finance such an addition. Manager Quinn had distributed information relative to the proposal, to include a preliminary design with associated costs from the architect, mortgage amortization schedules, a 2-dimensional design concept, and the floor layout from the design plans. He discussed the details relative to projected costs, noting that the costs for the Chamber building could approximate $381,120, and the costs associated with the second floor extension could approximate $172,824. Discussions have been held with the Chamber of Commerce on the matter of financing, and the Chamber has indicated a preference for the City to finance the building with a payback of the principle and interest in the form of lease payments structured for ownership of the building when the term is satisfied. Manager Quinn discussed other financing options that could be considered, as set forth in the memorandum he had distributed. He itemized certain matters for the Council's consideration, such as 7 - 7- CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 17, 2002 Gateway Visitors Center whether the City is willing to f'mance the construction or if the financing should be Cont'd) directed to the private sector. Another consideration is, if the City is willing to finance the addition, whether there should be a minimum down payment as opposed to financing in full. Also, if the City is willing to fmance the second floor extension, should construction occur now or at a future date? Manager Quinn added the Council could consider an additional amount beyond construction financing to cover the fair market value of the building for ownership at the end of the term in order to avoid the issue of gifting a public asset. He reviewed certain options that could be incorporated that may make portions of the project eligible for FTA funding. Examples of this would be if Chamber volunteers are distributing Transit information, or if the Police Department were to have an office and a presence on site for security purposes. Mayor Wiggins spoke as a champion of this building, as it would add a necessary dimension to the building. He felt the Chamber offices and Visitors Center would add something of real value. The Councilmembers echoed Mayor Wiggins' comments and spoke in support of the addition. Therefore, it was agreed by consensus that the building and second floor addition should move forward. Manager Quinn felt that many of the financial issues could be addressed and finalized at a later time. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. QUASI-JUDICIAL: INFORMATION: Manager Quinn reminded the Council of the December 21 Christmas Party. The January 14 Real Estate Committee meeting was changed from 4:00 to 2:00 p.m. Councilmember Rogers announced a Parking Committee meeting on January 9 at 3:00 p.m., as well as an open house for Capacity Provisioning and the Tech Center on January 10, 4:00 - 7:00 p.m., at the 8~ Street Tech Center. Manager Quinn announced the receipt of $25,000 from Alaska Tanker for the Valley Creek restoration. Brief discussion was held concerning the placement of funds derived from the joint auction in either Equipment Services or the General Fund. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:45 p.m. to discuss two matters of litigation and one matter of personnel/performance evaluation for approximately one hour. Later, Attorney Knutson announced additional items for consideration, one being a matter of real estate and the other regarding union negotiations. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 p.m. Glenn Wiggins, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk 8 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - L[VE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 1 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 001 73724 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-Edgington 1 2295000 24.00 73744 BLack Box Corp 02501 Wall-mount cabinet 1 2370000 122.82- 73763 Cia[lam Cnty Treasurer 03075 CVCA remittance-November 1 2294000 285.47 73775 Washington (DOL), State of 04137 Concealed pistol Licenses 1 2296000 306.00 73782 Emergency Medical Products Inc 05131 Safety eyeware I 2370000 3.28- 73798 Governing 07178 Postage,handling 1 2370000 1.32- 73809 Insight Direct Inc 09085 Exabyte Exatape cartridges 1 2370000 61.93- 73814 Jeffco lnc 10264 File folders 1 2373000 15.25- 73824 MPI Technologies Inc 13721 Printer 1 2370000 83.81- 73840 National Fire Protection Assn 14005 NFPA subscription service 1 2370000 46.13- 73872 Peak Software Systems Inc 16559 SportsMan Basic pe 05/22/03 1 2370000 24.52- 73886 Quill Corporation 17000 Toner,sheet protectors 1 2370000 11.64- 1099 forms,envelopes I 2370000 3.69- 73936 Washington State Treasurer 23120 Revenue remittance-November 1 2293000 13,246.64 Revenue remittance-November 1 2291000 94.50 73961 Birch, Greg 02720 Refund key deposit 1 2391000 100.00 73971 Discount School Supply 04395 Paper,foam,pipe cleaners 1 2370000 5.54- 73990 In The Line of Duty Inc 09005 Training tapes 1 2370000 56.99- 74010 Olympic Memorial Hospital 15145 Refund deposit 1 2391000 150.00 74013 Oriental Trading Co Inc 15033 Pencils,tatoos,bags,jewels 1 2370000 3.84- 74026 Sharpe, Fred 19944 Refund key deposit 1 2391000 50.00 74118 Northwoods Nursery Inc 14525 Plants 1 2370000 35.88- Total for Department 13,779.97 0001 73731 Advanced Travel 01090 Coons-WCIA mtg Renton 12-06 113 4310 14.40 Headrick-AWC mtg-Bremerton 112 4310 54.75 Williams-AWC REgional Conf 112 4310 54.75 73753 Camera Corner 03044 Digital memory card 113 3101 32.41 73798 Governing 07178 Postage~handling 111 4901 17.32 73802 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc 08052 Seasona[ decorations-hooks 111 3101 5.19 73812 JPMorganChase 16421 Chamber Board lunch meeting 112 4310 10.87 73859 Olympic Printers Inc 15027 Time cards 113 3101 83.37 73862 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Binders 111 3101 32.81 73868 Pacific Office Equipment inc 16004 Toner cartridge 113 3101 75.74 NP6412 Copier-December 111 4810 32.46 73875 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Beautification Award 112 4901 98.24 73896 Safeway Inc 19045 City Council refreshments 112 3101 14.98 73909 Sunset Do-lt Best Hardware 19035 Seasonal decorations-hooks 111 3101 10.40 Taps 111 3101 18.45 73911 Swain's General Store ]nc 19037 Gift card-OPS award 125 3101 25.00 Seasonal decorations 111 3101 206.99 Season decorations 111 3101 95.97 Hooks 111 3101 3.15 73914 Telecom Labs %nc 20362 Maintenance agreement-Dec 111 4210 30.94 Maintenance agreement-Dec 113 4210 30.94 Maintenance agreement-Dec 124 4210 15.47 73917 Thurman Supply 20005 Hooks,fasteners,ext cords 111 3101 46.47 73933 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-November 111 4210 62.85 S~ charges-November 113 4210 23.66 Scan charges-November 124 4210 1.99 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 2 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 73951 Albertsons Inc 01204 City Council refreshments 111 3101 12.42 73952 All Flags Travel Inc 01015 Campbell to NLC Conference 111 4310 372.69 73966 Clallam Cnty Auditor 03018 General Election cost 124 4150 50.70 73967 Connelly, Susanne 03690 Reimburse tuition 113 3101 493.80 74012 Olyn~oic Stationers Inc 15030 Memo pads,clips,calendar 111 3101 75.36 74072 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maint agreement-January 2003 111 4210 30.94 Maint agreement-January 2003 113 4210 30.94 Maint agreement-January 2003 124 4210 15.47 74082 AT&T Business Service 01085 12-13 AT&T a/c 0172134468001 111 4210 42.30 74126 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Ferry-Quinn 111 4310 5.10 Mediation, lunch-Coons 113 4210 42.00 74144 WAPELRA 23045 Renew membership-Coons 113 4901 200.00 Total for Administration 2,471.29 73731 Advanced Travel 01090 Bryant-APA Y/E Seattle 11-07 230 4310 84.63 73740 Asquith, Karen 01507 NTE training business meals 240 3101 101.22 73776 Diversified Resource Center 04052 Copy Center svcs-Noven~er 205 4150 1,626.68 73800 Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Binders,stap[er 230 3101 47.53 Shredder trash bags 205 3101 15.79 73812 JPMorganChase 16421 HTE working Lunch 230 3101 3~ Budget Lunch 201 3101 14._. HTE training meats 230 3101 106.53 Registered letter to Cayenta 201 4210 10.35 73824 MP! Technologies Inc 13721 Printer 240 3160 1,105.81 73833 Microftex Inc 13203 Tax audit program 230 4150 78.41 73854 Olympic Delivery Service lnc 15020 Nove~/~er delivery service 240 4150 85.25 73859 OLympic Printers Inc 15027 Deposit slips 240 3101 557.74 73862 OLympic Stationers Inc 15030 Paper 205 3101 287.16 F~ting Labels 230 3101 40.02 Check registers,highlighters 240 3101 15.46 Check registers,highlighters 230 3101 35.94 Binders 230 3101 17.27 Binders 240 3101 17.27 Paper 205 3101 438.26 Files 240 3101 12.94 Paper 205 3101 438.21 10 cases computer paper 205 3101 438.21 10 cases computer paper 205 3101 438.21 73868 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 16004 Ribbons 240 3101 16.66 Ribbons 240 3101 30.95 73869 Pacific Office Furniture 16518 Chair 240 3180 432.80 73874 Pen Print Inc 16009 Customer Responsibility forms 240 3101 245.07 Invoice paper 240 3101 135.25 73875 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Code fee schedules 201 4410 21.07 73881 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 HTE dinner-Bryant 230 3101 3r HTE Lunch-Emery 230 3101 2, HTE lunch-Hainstock 230 3101 17.49 GL Lunch meeting-Kheriaty 201 3101 18.66 73886 Quitt Corporation 17000 l~190forms,envetopes 230 3101 48.62 73892 Ricoh Business Systems 18398 Copier rental 205 4530 632.13 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 3 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 73914 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maintenance agreement-Dec 201 4210 30.94 Maintenance agreement-Dec 230 4210 38.68 Maintenance agreement-Dec 240 4210 92.83 73924 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping chgs-November 230 4210 41.96 73933 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-Noven~r 201 4210 23.31 Scan charges-November 230 4210 15.89 Scan charges-November 240 4210 15.52 73943 Xerox Corporation 24001 WCP416C3 lease-October 205 4530 256.68 73949 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 12-05 AT&T a/c 49548233 240 4210 36.16 74001 Microflex lnc 13203 Tax audit program 230 4150 117.69 74016 Pitney Bowes Credit Corp 16127 Mailing equipment leases 205 4530 3,385.42 74017 Postmaster 16028 Renew 1st class i~orint #67 205 4210 150.00 74064 Pen Print Inc 16009 Utility bills 240 3101 1,027.90 74066 Postmaster 16028 Replenish Permit #67 account 205 4210 5,000.00 74069 Reserve Account 21062 Prepaid postage meter 7117717 205 4210 5,000.00 74072 Telecom Labs lnc 20362 Maint agreement-January 2003 201 4210 30.94 Maint agreement-January 2003 230 4210 38.68 Maint agreement-January 2003 240 4210 92.83 74095 Climate Crafters 03658 Stop pmt chg ck 73017 240 4150 8.00- 74126 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 HTR lunches-Asquith 230 3101 29.41 Over 200 36981000 5.00- 74128 Radix Corporation 18004 Monthly maintenance-Jan 2003 240 4810 176.37 Total for Finance 23,297.74 73731 Advanced Travel 01090 Knutson-WSAME Conf-Pasco 311 4310 414.70 Knutson-WClA City Atty Conf 311 4310 257.49 73742 Barkhuis, Sijke Selinda 02678 Prof svcs-Logan Hansen 312 5090 123.75 Prof svcs-Cherie Hovik 312 5090 37.35 73760 Cia[tam Cnty Oist 1 Court 03069 Court costs-Noveni~er 312 5090 7,212.00 73819 LexisNexis Matthew Bender 12311 WA Appellate Rpts Bd Vol 109 311 3101 16.94 73859 Olympic Printers Inc 15027 Time cards 311 3101 83.86 73868 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 16004 Toner cartridge 311 3101 106.04 73881 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Office supplies-Lusby 312 3101 14.82 73914 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maintenance agreement-Dec 311 4210 54.15 73933 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-Novent~er 311 4210 20.12 73938 West Group 23018 Law of Muni Corps Rev V18A 311 3101 76.29 Law of Muni Corps Rev V18A 312 3101 76.28 WA Code Anno 2003 PP 311 3101 256.84 WA Code Anno 2003 PP 312 3101 256.84 WA Revised Code Gert Index 311 3101 59.24 WA Revised Code Gen Index 312 3101 59.24 Bankruptcy Handbook 311 3101 32.46 Bankruptcy Handbook 312 3101 32.46 73942 Wolfley, Basden and Hansen 23658 Prof svcs 11-05-02 PCR 9225 312 5090 112.50 Prof svcs 10-29-02 PCR 9236 312 5090 157.50 Prof svcs 11-13-02 PCR 8282 312 5090 112.50 Prof svcs 11-27-02 PCR 9327 312 5090 90.00 73943 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC220SLX Lease-November 312 4530 239.03 D12~OSLX lease-November 311 4530 102.44 73958 Baumann Atty at Law, Mark 02494 Professional svcs pe 12-06 312 5090 236.25 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 4 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 74012 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Paper 311 3101 43.82 Paper 312 3101 87.64 74040 A N P Publishing 01247 Book insert 311 3101 67.28 74062 Office of The Code Reviser 15019 Renew WA State Register-2003 311 3101 211.38 74072 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maint agreement-January 2003 311 4210 54.15 Total for Attorney 10,705.36 73728 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 12-02 AT&T a/c 44324994 420 4210 12.06 73731 Advanced Travel 01090 Johns-Land Use Seattle 10-04 411 4310 103.40 Collins-Shoreline Plan 10-25 411 4310 22.50 Johns-APA Conf-SeaTac 09-22 411 4310 381.04 Collins-GMA Blue Ribbon 10-4 411 4310 72.90 Collins-GMA Next Yr 11-07 411 4310 119.40 Collins-LID,WSDOT mtgs 11-20 411 4310 21.00 Col[ins-APA mtg Seattle 12-3 411 4310 78.90 73840 National Fire Protection Assn 14005 NFPA subscription service 420 4901 216.40 73862 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Pads~penststap[es 411 3101 30.19 73875 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Business parking 411 4410 52.46 Daishowa cable replacement 411 4410 64.~n Reinforce Daishowa shoreline 411 4410 7. City sign code 411 4410 Revise sign regulations 411 4410 26.66 Replace Daishowa power cab[es 411 4410 30.10 Industria[ zone setbacks 411 4410 48.16 Safeway fueling station 411 4410 43.86 Building permit 411 4410 52.46 Clearing/grading permit 411 4410 54.18 Environmental impact 411 4410 50.82 Code fee schedules 411 4410 10.54 73881 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Home Bldrs Assn mtg-Haehn[en 420 4310 19.00 73914 Telecom Labs [nc 20362 Maintenance agreement-Dec 411 4210 30.94 73933 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-November 411 4210 18.16 74012 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Paper 420 3101 43.82 74072 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maint agreement-January 2003 411 4210 30.94 74083 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 12-14 AT&T a/c 49079080 420 4210 8.08 74126 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Chamber luncheon-Collins 411 4310 10.00 Total for Community Development Dept 1,760.83 73728 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 11-27 AT&T a/c49635824 530 4210 71.93 11-27 AT&T a/c 49945710 530 4210 7.30 11-27 AT&T a/c 49947112 530 4210 15.04 12-02 AT&T a/c 49975063 530 3101 4.06 73731 Advanced Travel 01090 Zappey-Weapons Training 530 4310 14.40 Dombrowski-Street Survival 530 4310 75~ Gallagher-WCIA mtg-lO-lO 511 4310 9.o~ Riepe-Terrorism Conference 511 4310 14.40 Miller-WS Police K9 seminar 530 4980 282.45 BltJ~eau-K9 Seminar 09-29 530 4980 297.45 73735 Angeles Communications inc 01069 Handset cords, labor 584 4810 59.51 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 5 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 73746 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equip 02047 Switchcover,switch kits 530 3101 12.08 Stars 530 3101 43.50 Battery 530 3101 30.41 73748 Bryant's Upholstery 02059 Alter pants 530 4980 27.05 7-5753 Camera Corner 03044 Prints 530 4990 6.19 Prints 530 4990 9.14 Prints 530 4990 6.23 Prints 530 4990 4.72 Prints 530 4990 12.46 Prints 530 4990 8.03 Prints 530 4990 19.97 Prints 530 4990 46.22 73754 Captain T's 03048 Hats,embroidery 530 3101 12.44 7-5757 ChoicePoint Bus & Govt Svcs 03633 November service fee 530 3101 35.00 73758 City of Forks 06075 Hovember board bi[[ 512 5099 2,946.60 73759 C[allam Cnty Dept of Health 03065 Innoculations 530 3101 72.00 7-5762 Clallam Cnty Juvenile Services 03130 Safe Policy program-2002 530 4150 4,920.84 73812 JPMorganChase 16421 Travel meals 511 4310 27.51 Travel gasoline 511 4310 13.59 73831 Metrocal[ 20000 11-23 Metrocal[ billing 530 4210 44.65 73835 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc 13117 Car wash 511 3101 41.38 73841 Nat[ Assn School Resource Offc 14444 Membership-Knight 530 3101 30.00 7-5851 Office of The Code Reviser 15019 RCW & WAC & Court Decisions 530 3101 162.00 73859 Olympic Printers Inc 15027 Deposit slips 534 3101 79.68 Letterheads 534 4990 201.04 73862 Olympic Stationers lnc 15030 Lead,diskettes 534 3101 17.54 Batteries 530 3114 135.16 Paper,pens,business cards 534 3101 58.09 Books,pens 530 3101 19.28 Gloves 530 3101 23.37 Sign holder,staplers 534 3101 45.99 Pens 530 3101 14.04 Sign holder,plaque system 534 3101 24.54 Memo books 530 3101 9.23 Memo books 530 3101 9.23 Pens,cartridges 534 3101 288.79 Pens,cartridges 530 3101 288.80 Men~ books 530 3101 9.23 Binders 534 3101 15.15 Liquid paper,correction tapes 534 3101 31.02 73863 Olympic Veterinary CLinic 15065 Ear infection treatment-Sable 530 4980 53.70 7'5868 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 16004 Paper 534 3101 29.76 Toner cartridges 534 3101 287.81 Toner cartridges 511 3101 74.57 Toner cartridges 530 3101 74.58 - NPI020 Copier-December 511 4810 32.46 NP3050 Copier-December 534 4810 54.10 NP6230 Copier-December 534 4810 167.82 73888 Qwest 21001 11-20 Qwest billing 534 4210 261.45 Radio 18009 R~r phone Line 584 4810 97.38 73891 Richmond 2-Way Install HF kit/radio 530 4980 535.67 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 6 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Replace clip 530 3114 10.82 Service call,restore PL 584 4810 129.84 Harness,tap, instal[ radio 530 3101 117.93 Battery 530 3101 80.07 73911 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Disinfectant 530 3101 4.26 Keyblanks 530 3101 2.60 Phone adapters 511 3160 4.70 Hinge 530 3101 4.08 Batteries 530 3101 3.65 Sandwich bags 530 3101 10.66 73914 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maintenance agreement-Dec 511 4210 54.15 Maintenance agreement-Dec 534 4210 38.68 Maintenance agreement-Dec 530 4210 7.74 73915 Territorial Supplies lnc 20001 Switch 530 3101 4.43 73929 WA State Dept of General Admin 04075 Administrative fee 530 4901 350.00 73930 WA State Patrol 23057 Emerg vehicle Dp training 530 4310 733.00 73933 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-November 511 4210 35.05 Scan charges-November 530 4210 56.35 Scan charges-November 534 4210 3.63 73935 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Extinguisher maintenance 530 4810 27.05 73949 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 12-05 AT&T a/c 49470974 530 3101 c 73974 Eastern Washington Hay Company 05135 Dog food 530 4980 21~ 73982 Ga[[s Incorporated 07027 Gloves 530 3501 54.08 73990 In The Line of Duty Inc 09005 Training tapes 530 4150 751.99 74012 Olyn~oic Stationers lnc 15030 Paper 534 3101 87.64 74032 WA Assn of Sheriffs & Police 23003 Accreditation svcs & plaque 530 4150 2w008.44 74072 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maint agreement-January 2003 511 4210 54.15 Maint agreement-January 2003 534 4210 38.68 Maint agreement-January 2003 530 4210 7.74 74083 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 12-14 AT&T a/c 49655020 511 4210 15.64 74094 Clallam Cnty Sheriff's Dept 03074 Inmate care-May 512 5099 23~730.53 Inmate care-June 512 5099 24,763.77 Inmate care-July 512 5099 32,287.42 Total for Po[ice 98,702.61 73728 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 12-02 AT&T a/c 46898102 611 4210 52.93 12-02 AT&T a/c 47951801 643 4210 30.76 12-02 AT&T a/c 43736255 644 4210 7.76 12-02 AT&T a/c 45598455 642 4210 6.37 73731 Advanced Travel 01090 Chastain-EMS Conf 10-25 643 4310 141.50 Hal[-FF Surviva[-Centralia 641 4310 190.00 Moroz-Paramedic Refresher 641 4310 704.04 DeRousie-Fire training 10-18 641 4310 76.00 Hie[sen-EMS Conf-Be[[ingham 643 4310 285.80 Whee[er-Regiona[ Workshop 611 4310 390 '~ 73746 Btumentha[ Uniforms & Equip 02047 Boots-Moroz 641 2080 26 73782 Emergency Medical Products Inc 05131 Safety eyeware 643 3113 43.28 73788 Family Shoe Store 06151 Shoes 645 2080 170.90 73795 GE Medical Systems 01027 ~i4ed equipment-December 643 4150 54.10 73800 Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Fax machine 611 3101 194.75 02/12/]1-07:48 City of Port Angeles - L%VE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 7 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Office supplies 611 3101 210.57 Batteries 641 3101 64.03 Trash bags 642 3101 15.79 Paper products 684 3101 163.51 Bldg maintenance supplies 684 3120 26.17 73807 Huffman, Colin 08426 Teach CPR class 11-26 643 3108 35.00 73812 JPMorganChase 16421 Dishwasher door gasket 684 4810 57.93 Office supplies 645 3101 58.28 Flashlight batteries 641 3101 56.64 Travel meals 611 4310 21.23 Office supplies 643 3101 32.19 Travel meals 643 4310 32.01 73816 Larry's Janitorial Svcs Inc 12040 Janitorial svcs-November 684 4150 395.00 73840 National Fire Protection Assn 14005 NFPA subscription service 642 4901 392.23 73844 Nielsen, Tony 14120 Teach First Aid 11-16 643 3108 160.00 73856 Olympic Medical Center 15028 First Aid supp[ies-FIREPA 643 3113 86.04 73862 Olympic Stationers [nc 15030 Labels 611 3101 18.17 Pens,cassettes 645 3101 47.89 73868 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 16004 Laminate 611 3101 2.71 Comb bound copies 611 3101 26.78 Comb bound copies 611 3101 2.43 73882 Port Angeles Fire Department 16025 Aspirin 643 3113 4.09 Customer Assistance-Reid 611 4990 50.00 Meeting refreshments,stamp 611 3101 16.34 Plumbing supplies,drink mix 642 3101 13.31 73891 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Factory repair 644 3114 64.92 73909 Sunset Do-it Best Hardware 19035 Oxygen 643 3101 71.80 Oxygen 643 3101 35.90 7-5911 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Fire team coveralls 641 3111 1,514.80 Bulba ~ 3120 6.76 Duct tape 645 3101 8.53 Glue 645 3101 2.02 Battery tester 641 3101 4.30 73912 Systems Design 19943 Ambulance billing Set-up fee 643 4150 400.00 73914 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maintenance agreement-Dec 611 4210 38.68 Maintenance agreement-Dec 642 4210 7.74 Maintenance agreement-Dec 643 4210 7.74 Maintenance agreement-Dec 641 4210 23.21 73924 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping chgs-November 641 4210 105.86 73933 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-November 611 4210 14.59 Scan charges-November 643 4210 1.81 73943 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC2LOSS lease-November 611 4530 344.99 74060 Moroz, James 13065 First Aid class 12-14 PAFD 643 3108 160.00 First Aid class 12-10 Sequim 643 3108 160.00 74072 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maint agreement-January 2003 611 4210 38.68 Maint agreement-January 2003 642 4210 7.74 Maint agreement-January 2003 643 4210 7.74 Maint agreement-January 2003 641 4210 23.21 74083 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 12-02 AT&T a/c 47190061 645 4210 7.51 74084 Abram, Jeff 01054 R~surse clothing allowance 641 2080 209.82 Reimburse lens repair 641 3111 263.00 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 8 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 74085 Acordia 01265 Volunteer fire group coverage 644 4901 799.42 74086 Advanced Travel 01090 TwitchelL-Conference 643 4310 262.30 74087 Angeles Plumbing Inc 01039 Urinal repair kit 684 4810 31.03 74089 Bogues, Keith 02165 Reimburse tuition 645 4310 386.85 74098 DoyLe~ Lance 04239 Reimburse clothing allowance 643 2080 117.13 74101 Fire & Rescue Training (FRTC) 06244 CLass registration-Reid 641 4310 250.00 74109 Life Assist 12202 Insta-Glucose 643 3113 43.24 EKG paper 643 3101 29.05 74110 Lisenbury Fire Protection 12417 Pull pin safety seals 642 3101 16.23 74115 National Wildlife Federation 14495 Christmas cards 611 3101 121.12 74116 NieLsen~ Tony 14120 Reimburse tuition 641 4310 354.90 74126 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 MeaL-Gunn 643 4310 12.50 74130 Reid, Terry 18007 Reimburse tuition 641 4310 574.42 Total for Fire 11,144.65 0007 73728 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 12-02 AT&T a/c 43263680 711 4210 14.54 73731 Advanced Travel 01090 Partch-Contract seminar 11-12 711 4310 174.43 MahLum-UTEC mtg Kent 10-24 711 4310 65.00 Cutler-APWA Fall Conf 10-29 711 4310 588.50 Kenworthy-APWA Stormwater 711 4310 68 ~ Cutler,Quinn~Knutson-Tribe 711 4310 6 Sperr-APWA Stormwater mtg 711 4310 72.00 Kenworthy-PRTPO mtg 10-10 711 4310 27.50 Kenworthy,Sperr DOE permit 711 4310 42.00 Walrath-Contracting Seminar 711 4310 154.34 73733 American Public Works Assn 01064 Risk Mgt CEU's-Cut[er 711 4310 7.00 73739 Angeles Mi[lwork & Lumber Co 01073 Stakes 711 3101 18.90 73812 JPMorganChase 16421 Computer software program 711 3160 359.00 73862 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Ctips,cords,folders~dividers 711 3101 175.67 Glue,folders,staple pullers 711 3101 20.36 Wipes,pads 711 3101 51.62 Journal record books 711 3101 8~.98 Journal record books 711 3101 41.99 [omega diskettes 711 3101 167.71 Xacto knives 711 3101 11.20 75864 Oracle Corporation 15113 Renew support agreement 711 4530 2,698.14 Renew support agreement 711 4530 3,661.17 738~5 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Trimmin9 trees by power lines 711 4410 122.80 Trimming trees by power lines 711 4410 92.10 73881 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Stamps-Rinehart 711 4210 37.00 Video camera tapes-Sperr 711 3101 27.00 73911 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Film 711 3101 32.43 75914 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maintenance agreement-Dec 711 4210 216.58 73933 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-November 711 4210 109.79 Autodesk conversion to N/W 711 3160 391.~2 Disk drive, firmware,memory 711 3160 1,1~ 75943 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC460SLC lease-November 711 4530 1,190.~ 74020 Qwest 21001 12-05 Qwest billing 711 4210 41.52 74030 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 N~v~ber locates 711 4150 33.00 74033 Washington (OMWBE), State of 23115 Operating costs 711 4901 12.50 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 9 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 74072 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maint agreement-January 2003 711 4210 216.58 74086 Advanced Travel 01090 Kajfasz-Commrcl BLdg Audits 711 4310 371.27 Walrath-Erosion Control 711 4310 75.00 Kenworthy-FTA/RTPO meetings 711 4310 42.10 Dunbar-Broadband Seminar 711 4310 427.35 74126 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Business lunch-Cutler 711 4310 43.22 74140 Verizon Wireless - Bellevue 01105 12-15 Verizon billing 711 4210 9.92 12-15 Verizon billing 711 4210 9.92 12-15 Verizon billing 711 4210 9.92 74147 Zee Medical Service Co 26005 First Aid supplies 711 3101 58.91 Total for Public Works 13,324.51 73728 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 12-02 AT&T a/c 44704773 865 4210 9.93 12-02 AT&T a/c 46008926 865 4210 8.01 73731 Advanced Travel 01090 Oliver-Pool Operation 10-24 862 4310 194.41 Detikat-WCIA Playground 09-3 865 4310 8.50 73738 Angeles Machine Works lnc 01072 Aluminum 862 3120 13.69 73739 Angeles MilLwork & Lumber Co 01073 Lumber 865 3120 53.96 Brushes 865 3120 4.90 Gloves,ropes 865 3120 22.38 Bit,screws 865 3120 15.47 Concrete mix 8663120 12.92 Drywall joint tape,compound 862 3120 7.49 Durabond 830 3120 6.77 Shellac,brushes,signs 865 3120 16.27 Screws,safety hasp,padlock 865 6510 15.30 73743 Bentley Company, The 02585 Trimmer reel 865 3120 327.02 73745 BLake Sand & Gravel Inc 02045 Black chips 866 3120 135.79 73751 CED/Consolidated E[ec Dist Inc 03267 Lighting parts 830 3120 63.67 Bulbs 830 3120 125.19 Lugs,heat shrink sleeve 830 3120 15.00 PLug outlet 830 3120 31.33 Lamps 830 3120 86.02 FLuorescent bulbs 830 3120 196.17 Wire 830 3120 17.96 Bulbs 830 3120 73.79 73802 Hartnaget Building Supply Inc 08052 Putty knives,roof patch 865 3120 7.02 Lumber,screwa,nuts,washers 865 3120 26.16 73814 Jeffco Inc 10264 File folders 866 3101 201.21 73820 Lincoln Industrial Corp 12047 Pipe 865 3120 35.06 73826 Mathews Glass Co Inc 13107 Plexiglass 865 3120 220.17 73829 McCrorie Interiors 13038 Reducer strip 830 3120 8.60 73857 Olympic Medical Ctr Auxiliary 15241 Deposit rfd-VBCC 865 34730018 150.00 73858 Olympic Paper & Supply Co 15111 Dispensers 830 3120 759.17 Pads 862 3106 30.67 Bags 830 3120 41.13 GLoves,window washer,brush 830 3101 36.74 Skin cleanser 862 3106 23.18 Tti~et tissue 830 3120 183.85 Disinfectant 830 3120 115.82 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 10 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 73859 Olympic Printers Inc 15027 Deposit slips 811 3101 79.68 73862 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Pads,tape,highlighters 866 3101 13.58 73868 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 16004 Toner 862 3101 74.66 Service Canon copier 862 4810 86.56 73871 Parker Paint Mfg Co Inc 16201 Primer 865 6510 38.37 73872 Peak Software Systems Inc 16559 SportsMan Basic pe 05/22/03 861 4150 323.52 73875 Peninsula Daily Hews 16012 Pool Supervisor ad 862 4210 203.35 Prearrangement 866 4410 195.00 Code fee schedules 811 4410 10.53 73881 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Candy-Oliver 862 3101 18.21 73883 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Weedeater parts 865 3120 282.33 73885 Puget Safety Equipment lnc 16248 Eyewash 865 3120 44.78 73887 Quiring Monuments Inc 17001 Bronze, foundation-Hilt 866 3401 355.30 Foundation-McCartney 866 3401 57.95 Marker,foundation-Rains 866 3401 274.55 Marker,foundation-Haines 866 3401 243.20 Marker-Nickles 8663401 349.60 Pittow,foundation-Ormbrek 866 3401 441.75 73888 Qwest 21001 12-02 Qwest bitting 830 3101 29.35 12-02 Qwest bitting 863 4210 40.87 73900 Shotwell Corp~ Jonathan 19019 Crushed rock 865 3140 15 73909 Sunset Do-lt Best Hardware 19035 Oil 865 3120 c.. Screwdrivers,drift bits 862 3120 6.41 S-hooks,screws 865 3120 29.15 Screws~bulbs 862 3120 4.63 Cylinder rentals 866 3101 11.36 Cylinder rentals 865 3101 17.04 Paint markers 866 3120 21.08 Bits,spacers,washers,nuts 862 3120 16.75 Rotozip tool 865 3501 108.19 73911 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Picture hanger,lanterns 862 3120 12.89 Tape,paste,couplings 862 3120 23.30 Plier,ratchet,wrench,bits 865 3501 52.28 Padlock 865 3120 18.36 Roof patch 830 3120 37.33 Paintbrushes 865 3120 2.25 Starting fluid 866 3120 9.54 Hooks 865 3120 6.67 Cleanser 830 3101 7.51 Thermemater 865 3140 8.52 Bo[ts,hooks,screws 865 3120 34.02 Plungers 830 3120 9.32 De-icer 865 3120 1.88 Trash cans 865 3120 25.69 Trash can 865 3120 12.84 Cleansers,vacuum bags 830 3120 2~ Douglas fir 863 3101 1, Tree stand 863 3101 20.53 73914 Telecom Labs lnc 20362 Maintenance agreement-Dec 811 4210 23.21 ~Stenance agreement-Dec 866 4210 7.74 Haintenance agreement-Dec 865 4210 7.74 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 11 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Maintenance agreement-Dec 861 4210 15.47 Maintenance agreement-Dec 862 4210 7.74 Maintenance agreement-Dec 863 4210 23.21 73917 Thurman Supply 20005 Cover,lan~o holders 862 3120 11.11 Heater,ballasts 830 3120 50.31 Nipples,e[ls,3-way stop 830 3120 11.13 73926 Viking Fence Company 22092 Pipes,ends0bands,eyetops 865 6510 3,209.21 73928 WA Recreation & Park Assn/WRPA 23007 Renew Cole 2003-#10401 861 4901 110.00 Renew Conne[[y 2003-#10189 811 4901 150.00 7'5933 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-NovemJ3er 811 4210 6.6~ Scan charges-November 861 4210 24.95 Scan charges-November 865 4210 .78 Scan charges-#ovember 8664210 3.11 73943 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC220SS lease-November 863 4530 289.55 73960 8ilsborrow, Mari 02188 Reimburse office supplies 861 3101 153.18 Reimburse office supplies 863 3101 33.52 Reimburse office supp[ies 811 3101 32.86 7'5978 Familian NW 06020 Adapter,unions,valves 830 3120 254.06 7-5985 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc 08052 Laminate 863 3120 51.47 74011 OLympic Printers Inc 15027 Membership cards 863 3101 183.24 74012 O[~npic Stationers Inc 15030 Paper 811 3101 43.82 74019 Puget Safety Equipment Inc 16248 Eyewash 865 3120 44.78 74020 Qwest 21001 11-20 Qwest billing 863 4210 60.50 74021 Qwest Dex The Directory Source 21024 Nov directory advertising 866 4410 159.74 74038 Zee MecHca[ Service Co 26005 Metal cabinet 830 3120 275.76 74072 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maint agreement-January 2003 811 4210 23.21 Maint agreement-January 2003 866 4210 7.74 Maint agreement-January 2003 865 4210 7.74 Maint agreement-January 2003 861 4210 15.47 Maint agreement-January 2003 862 4210 7.74 Maint agreement-January 2003 863 4210 23.21 74086 Advanced Travel 01090 Morris-Lifeguard Training 862 4310 119.50 74118 Northwoods Nursery Inc 14525 Plants 865 3140 473.38 74126 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Sr Ctr key-Breitbach 863 3101 3.25 Keys-Breitbach 830 3101 7.34 OPS supp[ies-¢o[e 811 3101 43.09 74127 Qwest 21001 12-14 Qwest billing 862 4210 41.03 12-14 Qwest bitting 865 4210 37.97 12-14 Qwest billing 862 4210 56.50 Total for Parks & Recreation 13,264.78 Total for General Fund 188,451.74 73880 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm 16023 Reimburse expenses 115 5083 13,675.61 74125 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm 16023 Marketing PLan costs-Dec 115 5083 8,951.06 Total for Convention Center Fund 22,626.67 73722 Ridout, Ken 18011 R~ourse mileage expense 752 4310 79.99 73728 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 12-02 AT&T a/c 43487438 752 4210 11.94 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 12 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 73731 Advanced Travel 01090 Welts-Traffic Control Devices 752 3125 470.69 73732 ALpine Products lnc 01177 Traffic cones 752 3125 693.60 73736 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Concrete 752 3120 281.58 73739 Angeles Nil[work & Lumber Co 01073 Stakes,screws 752 3120 11.50 Stakes 752 3120 11.61 Screws,bolts,washers,nuts 752 3120 7.74 Fasteners 752 3120 12.12 Drill 752 3501 236.15 Contact cement,brushes 752 3120 24.12 Screws 752 3120 6.48 Combs, insert bit 752 3120 4.03 Foamular 752 3120 134.23 Exchange foamular 752 3120 36.60- Lumber,stakes 752 3120 26.45 Paint supplies 752 3120 6.61 White enamel paint 752 3120 21.58 Paint supplies 752 3120 42.67 Stakes,lap siding 752 3120 67.80 73745 Blake Sand & Gravel [nc 02045 Expansion joints 752 3120 12.98 Concrete mix 752 3120 25.68 Concrete mix 752 3125 12 73765 ClinJCare of Port Angeles lnc 03080 DOT physica[-Thomas 752 4310 8~ 73769 Cornel[ Auto Parts 03092 BLack paint 752 3120 43.09 73776 Diversified Resource Center 04052 Janitorial svcs-November 752 4810 77.83 73802 HartnageL Building Supply lnc 08052 Rope,brush 752 3120 15.79 Masking tape.adhesive,plastic 752 3120 28.75 Plastic tray 752 3120 2.42 73820 Lincoln Industrial Corp 12047 Steel plate 752 3120 100.38 Steel plate 752 3120 150.74 73835 Midd[eton Auto and Truck Inc 13117 De-icer 752 3120 22.98 73862 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Clips,cords,folders,dividers 752 3101 43.42 73889 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 Speaker phone,warranty 752 3101 ~7.42 73894 Roadwfse Inc 18459 De-icer 752 3120 3,093.50 73909 Sunset Do-lt Best Hardware 19035 Nuts,washers,bolts 752 3120 2.39 Nonstock fasteners 752 3120 7.21 73911 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Punches 752 3125 13.35 Pruning saw 752 3120 36.76 Keys, key tag 752 3125 2.85 73914 Telecom Labs [nc 20362 Maintenance agreement-Dec 752 4210 23.21 73933 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-November 752 4210 .~ 74072 Telecom Labs [nc 20362 Maint agreement-January 2003 752 4210 23.21 74086 Advanced Travel 01090 FLores-Erosion Control Cert 752 4310 51.00 74124 PLatt ELectric Supply Inc 16185 Batteries 752 3120 104.68 74129 Ralston, John M 26227 Grant Avenue drainage 752 4810 2,028.75 74140 VerJzon Wireless - Bellevue 01105 12-05 Verizon billing 752 4210 11.62 Total for Street Fund 8,32. 73789 Federal Express Corp 06022 Shipping charges 123 4210 17.65 73881 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 ~ness luncheon-Smith 123 4310 21.49 PABA breakfast-Smith 123 4310 10.73 02/12/31-07:48 City of PortAngeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 13 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name NL~ber Number 73914 Telecom Labs inc 20362 Maintenance agreement-Dec 123 4210 7.74 73933 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-November 123 4210 18.73 74072 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maint agreement-January 2003 123 4210 7.74 74126 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Chamber luncheons-Smith 123 4310 30.73 Meats,transport commission 123 4310 48.70 Breakfast-Smith 123 4310 14.28 Total for Economic Development 177.79 73731 Advanced Travel 01090 Wu-APCO mtg-SeaTac 11-20 532 4310 57.50 Wheeler-Telecommunications 532 4310 437.55 73754 Captain T's 03048 Jackets,eo~aroidery 532 2080 112.27 73812 JPMorganChase 16421 Travel Lodging 532 4310 83.18 73843 New World Systems 14184 Trainer travel expenses 532 6510 1,411.47 Software consultations 532 6510 3,875.00 73868 Pacific Office Equipment [nc 16004 Service printer 532 4810 108.20 Toner cartridge 532 3101 70.33 73886 Quill Corporation 17000 Toner,sheet protectors 532 3101 153.62 73888 Qwest 21001 11-23 Qwest billing 532 4210 60.50 73891 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Service call,factory repair 532 4810 1,169.36 Boost microphone gain 532 4810 64.92 73914 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maintenance agree~nt-Dec 532 4210 131.51 73933 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-November 532 4210 30.25 74005 New World Systems 14184 Trainer travel expenses 532 6510 1,414.31 Software consultation 532 6510 4,125.00 Trainer travel expenses 532 6510 1,438.84 Software consultation 532 6510 4,000.00 74072 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maint agreement-January 2003 532 4210 131.51 74086 Advanced Travel 01090 Wu-911 Coordinators Forum 532 4310 60.00 Sin1~ons-911 Database Forum 532 4310 60.00 74114 Miami Com~3uter Products & Cons 13618 Backup tapes 532 3101 255.20 Total for PenCom 19,250.52 73801 Hansen's Trophy 08047 Plaques 852 3101 205.58 Plaques,engraving 852 3101 48.69 Plaques,engraving 852 3101 146.07 73812 JPMorganChase 16421 Cross Country Racing tags 852 3101 12.97 Bill error credit 852 3101 3.77- 73924 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping chgs-November 852 4210 13,14 73927 Viking Office Products 22054 Paper, rubber bands,receipts 852 3101 130.38 73950 Abreu, John 01530 Officiate Basketball Leagua 851 4150 300.00 Officiate BB Tournament 852 4150 180.00 73960 BiLsborrow, Mari 02188 Reimburse office supplies 852 3101 97.84 73963 Bissonette, Luke 02527 Officiate BB Tournament 852 4150 90.00 73965 Charles, Francis 03650 Officiate Volleyball League 851 4150 30.00 7-5969 Cottam, Leonard 03636 Officiate Basketball League 851 4150 220.00 73971 Discount School Supply 04395 Paper,foam, pipe cleaners 854 3101 73.10 73986 HelpenstelL, Scott 08539 Officiate BB Tournament 852 4150 100.00 73987 Hert, Richard F 08173 O~ciate Basketball League 851 4150 320.00 Officiate BB Tournament 852 4150 120.00 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 14 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 7-5989 Hunt, Brandon 08584 Officiate BB Tournament 852 4150 110.00 7-5992 Inside Out Mktg & Web SLtns 09152 Change website design 852 4410 800.00 73995 Johnson, Stephen 10241 Officiate BB Tournament 852 4150 290.00 73996 Ketchum Ill, John W 11268 Officiate BB Tournament 852 4150 60.00 73997 Laurel Lanes Corp 1217'5 Games,shoe rentals 854 3101 41.95 74008 O'Hara, Patricia 15228 Officiate BB Tournament 852 4150 60.00 74009 Oden, Sean M 15230 Officiate Volleyball League 851 4150 240.00 74013 Oriental Trading Co Inc 15033 Pencils,tatoos,bags~jewels 854 3101 50.73 74022 Rooney, Randy L 18462 Officiate BB Tournament 852 4150 80.00 Officiate Basketball League 851 4150 280.00 74024 Seelye~ Kristin Jenice 19945 Officiate Volleyball League 851 4150 45.00 74025 Serrianne, Michael D 19808 Officiate BB Tournament 852 4150 120.00 74027 Stone, Richard 19872 Officiate BB Tournament 852 4150 180.00 74028 Swanson, Dan 19878 Officiate Volleyball League 851 4150 90.00 74029 Ulin, Bradley V 21110 Officiate BB Tournament 852 4150 290.00 74031 WA Amateur Softball Assn 23648 Sanction Softball Tournament 851 4150 30.00 74037 Wilson, Donald L 23636 Officiate BB Tournament 852 4150 180.00 74088 Antioquia, Lola 01522 Officiate Volleyball League 851 4150 15.00 74126 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Holiday Hoops officials 852 3101 45.37 Reindeer Run supplies 852 3101 14.26 Film development-Oliver 854 3101 ll Total for Recreational Activities Fund 5,121.30 178 0005 73899 Sears 19297 VCR 537 4810 75.73 Total for Law Enforcement Firearms Range 75.7'5 186 0008 7"5745 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc 02045 Flex tubes 873 3101 28.09 73827 Matthews International [nc 13459 P[aque-Crampton 873 3401 62.00 73999 Matthews International Inc 13459 Plaque-Butch 873 3401 62.00 Plaque-Pollock 873 3401 62.00 Total for Waterfront Trail Fund 214.09 310 0007 7'5731 Advanced Travel 01090 Mahtum-WSDOT Plan Review 792 4310 65.00 73768 Community Trade & Ecnmc Dev 03718 Repayment Loan P~-00-691-044 792 33404020 199,599.74 73945 Zenovic & Associates 26216 Centennial Trail pe 11-25 792 4150 196.00 73970 Washington (DOT), State of 23119 Engineering services 792 4990 194.08 74002 Mi[bor-Pita & Associates Inc 13702 Engineering svcs pe 10-31 783 4150 460.00 74045 Clallam Transit System 03145 Gateway Project Design-20% 777 4150 10,464.57 Total for Public Works 210,979.39 0008 73727 ARC Architects 01078 PA Pool II pe 10-25 891 4150 1,104.70 73981 Frontier Bank 14177 Retainage 7173001392-Primo 890 4150 44' Retainage 7173001392-Primo 890 4150 8,59~. 74018 Prime Construction Inc 16033 Francis St Park Proj #21-07 890 4150 9,122.38 22 Total for Parks & Recreation 19,261.81 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MJ~CHINE December 31 2002 Page 15 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Nun~Der Name Nt~ber Number Total for Capital l~rovement Fund 230,241.20 316 0008 73739 Angeles Millwork & Lumber Co 01073 Lumber 860 3101 33.06 73806 Henry, John R0460 Deposit rfd-Clubhouse 11/23 860 36240012 50.00 73900 Shotwetl Corp, Jonathan 19019 Sand 860 3101 64.38 Sand 860 3101 45.98 7-3962 Birch, Lorraine 02721 Refund damage deposit 860 36240012 50.00 74112 Manes~ Chris 13731 Refund deposit 860 36240012 50.00 Total for Lincoln Park Im~rovement Fund 293.42 327 0007 73847 Northwestern Territories Inc 14017 Material testing pe 11-20 796 4150 892.65 74105 Hoch Construction lnc 080~ Carnegie Library Revitalize 796 6510 64,892.16 74138 US Bank of Port Angeles ~7 210T~ Retainage-153591659518-Ochs 796 6510 3,144.00 Total for Carnegie Library 68,928.81 401 73720 Bonneville Power Admin 02048 Mortgage satisfactions 401 2325100 43,470.52 73721 Buchanan, Jim 02719 Utility overpmt rfd-085049003 401 1222200 431.63 73771 Deaton, Elizabeth 04331 Utility deposit rfd-038601023 401 2391200 111.56 -~ 73-3778 Dotson, Ann-Cary 04438 Utility overpmt rfd-029602033 401 1222200 12.36 7'3780 Duncan, David 04439 Utility overpmt rfd-088137002 401 1222200 139.05 73803 Hayworth, Jim 08588 Utility deposit rfd-019534014 401 2391200 98.05 73825 Maneva[, Hetene 13725 Utility deposit rfd-043427027 401 2391200 15.85 73828 Maybury, Keith 13726 Utility deposit rfd-048585020 401 2391200 38.16 73-5845 North Coast Electric Company 14173 Conduit couplings 401 1411000 77.47 Conduit couplings 401 1411000 33.20 Conduit plugs,elbows,efts 401 1411000 794.47 73873 Peake, Laurel R0186 Utility deposit rfd-046892026 401 2391200 83.63 73890 Reyes, Nancy 18495 Utility overpmt rfd-086932010 401 1222200 89.08 73907 Stroup, Lila 19942 Utility deposit rfd-034286002 401 2391200 59.7'3 73941 Western States Electric Inc 23025 Cinch clays 401 1411000 74.66 74036 Western States Electric Inc 23025 Fuse[inks 401 1411000 511.24 Fuse links 401 1411000 503.73 Freight charges 401 1411000 132.71 74042 Bushnell, Kelly 02722 Utility deposit rfd-099406045 401 2391200 14.31 74047 Ethier, Joan & Peter 05264 Utility deposit rfd-060496043 401 2391200 67.08 74049 Gase PA 15 Partners, Dan 07397 Utility ovrpmt rfd-035971017 401 1222200 97.31 74051 Hodges, Lisa 08590 Utility deposit rfd-034819021 401 2391200 195.37 74052 Hougham, Doran or April 08591 Utility ovrpmt rfd-033014004 401 1222200 178.93 74053 [otte, Serena 09146 Utility ovrpmt rfd-055867011 401 1222200 74.15 74055 Machenheimer, Irene 13727 Utility deposit rfd-040410028 401 2391200 105.3~ 74056 Matthews, David Heir 13728 Utility ovrpmt rfd-091~9026 401 1222200 106.84 74057 Mayhal[, Katrina 13729 Utility deposit rfd-043222033 401 2391200 125.00 74058 McNeece, Charene 13730 Utility deposit rfd-O04359022 401 2391200 34.25 .~ 74061 Nolan, Michael 14538 Utility deposit rfd-013609030 401 2391200 125.00 74063 Palmer, Rebecca 16619 Utility deposit rfd-066354026 401 2391200 24.96 74067 Pratt, Charles & Jackqutyn 16620 Utility ovrpmt rfd-049751007 401 1222200 103.10 74070 Schtaffman, Beth 19946 Utility deposit rfd-O09326012 401 2391200 250.00 74073 Tenison, Earnest 20364 (~ity ovrpmt rfd-030562001 401 1222200 87.47 74075 Trilogy Group Inc 20336 Utility ovrpmt rfd-104876013 401 1222200 34.86 02/12/]1-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December ]1 2002 Page 16 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 74076 Ward, Ryan & Tammy 23687 Utility deposit rfd-094892016 401 2391200 14.]6 74079 Weatherbee Construction 23672 Utility ovrpmt rfd-135914001 401 1222200 19.41 74132 Sellars, Cynthia Byrne 19948 Utility deposit rfd-049603008 401 2391200 250.00 Total for Department 48,584.81 73731 Advanced Travel 01090 Mc[ain-BPA Transmission mtg 915 4310 56.50 73736 Angeles Concrete Prnducts 01070 Ecology blocks 911 4810 64.92 73739 Angeles Millwork & Lumber Co 01073 Lc~nber 930 3402 12.15 73744 Black Box Corp 02501 Wall-mount cabinet 930 3402 1,620.56 73751 CED/Consolidated Elec Dist Inc 03267 Traffic signal lan~os 911 3402 361.44 73753 Camera Corner 03044 Film 911 3120 13.25 73776 Diversified Resource Center 04052 Janitorial svcs-November 911 4810 175.10 73789 Federal Express Corp 06022 Shil~oing charges 930 4210 5.25 73802 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc 08052 Bolts,washers,nuts 911 4810 14.68 73811 Ireland, David H 09133 Reimburse mileage expense 911 4310 50.05 73832 Metropolitan Conlnctn Conslnts '13568 Telecom 3-6, I-Net consulting 915 4150 4,050.00 73846 Northwest Public Power Assn 14013 Commercial bldg audits-Kajfasz 915 4310 485.00 73862 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Pens 911 3101 20.98 73866 PUD #1 of Clallam County 16038 12-12 billing- 2110 Glass Rd 911 3350 104.22 Wheeling charges pe 06-30 911 3350 3,730 -' Wheeling charges pe 09-30 911 3350 3,90, 73881 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Car wash-Hebner 911 3101 10.00 7388] Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Fi[es 911 3501 16.18 73891 Richmond Z-Way Radio 18009 Battery 911 3501 42.19 73897 Sanderson Safety Supply Co 19048 Battery pack 911 3501 101.41 73900 Shotwell Corp, Jonathan 19019 Concrete rubble 911 4810 54.10 73909 Sunset Do-lt Best Hardware 19035 Marking stick 911 3501 25.91 Sealant,nutsetter 930 3402 1].41 Lock nut 911 3501 9.84 73914 Telecom Labs Inc 20]62 Maintenance agreement-Dec 911 4210 108.30 7'5924 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping chgs-Noven~r 914 4210 6.30 Shipping chgs-Noven~er 911 4210 5.23 73933 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-Novemt~er 911 4210 33.64 73934 Washington (DES), State of 23141 Statewide pensioners 911 2030 200.16 73939 West, Clarence A 23686 Cable Transfer matter 915 4150 1,560.00 73943 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC220SS lease-November 911 4530 314.88 73949 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 12-02 AT&T a/c 44625127 911 4210 7.38 12-02 AT&T a/c 44690139 911 4210 11.75 12-02 AT&T a/c 45528387 911 4210 15.52 12-02 AT&T a/c 45570652 911 4210 25.72 73956 Asp[undh Tree Expert Co 01119 Tree trimming contract 2002 930 4150 13,197.22 73957 Assn of Energy Engineers 01570 Membership renewal-Dunbar 915 4901 200.00 73959 Beck Inc, R W 02690 Elwha UG Rebuild pe 11-30 930 4150 8,533.89 Valley St Rebuild pe 11-30 9]0 4150 118.53 73968 Cornel[ Auto Parts 03092 Pinstripe 911 3402 12 ~ Hex key wrench 911 3501 73973 EES Consulting Inc 05140 WPAG 2002 pe 11-30 914 4901 488.~f 73976 Equifax Information Svcs LLC 05160 Credit inquiries,fees 911 4150 ]2.37 Controls Supply Co 09155 ~l.~lJlPnd nema[ enclosures 930 3402 908.23 73991 Industrial 73998 Marsh Mundorf Pratt Sullivan 13287 WPAG 2002 pe 11-30 914 4901 581.09 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 17 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Nu~f~er Name Number Number 74004 Natl Assn of Telecom Officers 14557 Membership renewal-Dunbar 915 4901 575.00 74007 Northland Cable Television lnc 14533 Institutional Network-pmt 5 930 6510 80,599.32 74012 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Paper 911 3101 43.83 74014 PUD #1 of Clallam County 16038 12-12 billing-SRl01 & Euclid 911 5350 16.18 12-13 billing-Woodhaven Ln 911 3350 16.35 Install pole 911 4810 313.54 74020 Qwest 21001 12-02 Qwest billing 911 4210 64.92 74034 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Extinguisher maintenance 911 4810 16.23 Extinguisher maintenance 911 4810 210.99 74050 Hi-Line 08589 Cable ties 911 3501 289.50 74072 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maint agreement-January 2003 911 4210 108.30 74078 Washington (Ecology), State of 23106 Claim 282 Morse Crk Lic Fee 915 4990 100.08 74117 Northwest Public Power Assn 14013 August safety training 911 4150 1,592.76 September safety training 911 4150 1,592.76 October safety training 911 4150 1,592.76 November safety training 911 4150 1,592.76 74127 Qwest 21001 12-14 Qwest billing 911 4210 40.65 74140 Verizon Wireless - Bellevue 01105 12-15 Verizon billing 911 4210 36.00 Total for Light 129,704.25 Total for Light Fund 178,289.04 7'5779 Douglas Products and Packaging 04361 Sanafoam vaporooter 402 2370000 204.80- 73944 YSI Inc 25009 Repair probe 402 2370000 5.72- 73954 Analytical Standards Inc 01441 Test standards 402 2370000 9.02- 74071 Schuler, Liliana 19947 Utility overpmt rfd-094269003 402 1222200 192.50 Total for Department 27.04- 73729 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Sharpen chain 754 4810 8.65 73731 Advanced Travel 01090 Young et aL-NW Clean Water 754 4310 38.00 Richmond-Compost Testing 754 4310 117.10 Becker-ABPA Conference 09-29 753 4310 319.19 Beverford-Training-Surrey BC 753 4310 129.88 73732 Alpine Products Inc 01177 Traffic cones 753 3402 693.60 73735 Angeles Communications Inc 01069 Install jacks 754 4810 63.78 73736 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Concrete 755 5402 152.57 Control density fill,standby 754 4810 1,249.71 7-5739 Angeles Millwork & Lumber Co 01073 Contractor tape 753 3120 19.47 73745 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc 02045 Bricks,solids,blocks 753 3402 37.26 Top soil 753 3402 113.07 Top soil 753 3402 113.07 Top soil 753 3402 113.07 Expansion joints 753 3120 12.99 Patio blocks,brick 753 3402 30.51 73747 Brown and Caldwell 02057 PA WW Projects 2000 pe 11-22 794 4150 4,056.56 73756 Certified Cleaning Sevices Inc 03717 Clean fuel tank 754 4810 1,852.76 73761 Clallam Cnty Div of Env Health 03066 Water testing 753 4810 108.00 73765 CliniCare of Port Angeles lnc 03080 ~5ohysical-Edgington 753 4310 82.00 73766 Cole Industrial lnc 03300 Fuel oil pump 754 3501 258.20 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 18 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount NunVoer Namo N~r Nun~oer Oil ptanp,puLLeys,insuLators 754 3501 434.48 ASCO valves 754 3501 392.90 73776 Diversified Resource Center 04052 Janitorial svcs-November 753 4810 77.83 73777 Dobson's Inc 04054 Belts 754 3120 36.33 73779 Douglas Products and Packaging 04361 Sanafoam vaporooter 754 3501 2,702.30 73781 Edge Analytical 05223 Water testing 753 4810 1,070.00 73789 Federal Express Corp 06022 Shipping charges 793 4210 7.45 Shipping charges 793 4810 18.00 Shipping charges 754 4210 14.85 Shipping charges 793 4210 7.95 Parts shipment to TMG 753 4210 18.24 75796 Geotivity Inc 07375 tdW,FLow Monitoring pe 11-07 794 4810 6,250.00 t~J, Flow Monitoring pe 11-21 794 4810 11,655.00 73812 JPMorganChase 16421 Registration/books Water Dept 754 3101 177.00 73815 Lakeside Industries Inc 12036 Asphalt 754 3120 146.82 73817 Les Schwab Tire Center (City) 19459 Simulators 754 3501 261.30 Mount tires 754 3120 27.05 73820 Lincoln Industrial Corp 12047 Step 754 3120 129.09 Crane pick/set 753 4810 357.06 Scrap steel 753 3402 48 Ag 7'5821 LLoyd Electric Apparatus Co 12049 Repair pump motor 753 4810 2,6~ Repair pump motor 753 4810 7,072.uU 73831 Metroca[[ 20000 11-23 Metroca[l billing 754 4210 33.66 7-5835 MiddLeton Auto and Truck Inc 13117 Mirror 753 3402 6.29 73837 Mi[ltronics Inc 13631 Hydrorangers~accessories 754 4810 5,296.40 73848 ONDEO Nalco Company 14170 FLoccutant 754 3120 3,554.38 73853 OLympic Chemical Corporation 15117 Sodium bisutfite 754 3120 1,511.88 73855 Olympic Electric Co Inc 15024 Re-cable bar screen motor 754 4810 225.06 Interface pumps 754 4810 431.50 Disconnect 754 4810 85.15 Troubleshoot circuit 754 4810 499.88 Reset starter overloads 754 4810 232.09 Bar screen press 754 4810 296.47 73858 OLympic Paper & Supply Co 15111 Liner,paper towels 754 3120 186.79 Towels,Liquid chlorine 753 3105 219.54 73~60 OLympic Springs thc 15029 Water,cups 754 3101 34.79 Cooler rentals 754 3101 21.53 73862 OLympic Stationers Inc 15030 File boxes 754 3120 21.09 Pens,pencils,folders 754 3101 28.78 Paper 794 3101 9.52 Envelopes 754 3101 4.91 73868 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 16004 Ink cartridge 754 3120 41.88 Ink cartridge 753 3101 34.36 Interface card reader 754 3101 32.45 73870 Pacific Utility Equipment Inc 21011 Knobby tires 754 3120 564.03 73876 Pettit Oil Company 16302 Oil 753 3120 E 73877 PLatypus Marine Inc 16618 Set wet[ pump motor-Hatchery 753 4810 39~.., 73879 Pors Arty at Law, Thomas M 16575 Water Rights pe 11-19 793 4150 1,210.50 73881 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Safety Committee lunch-Young 754 4310 37.81 73888 Owest 21001 21~ Qwest bitting 754 4210 38.32 12-02 Owest bitting 754 4210 38.32 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 19 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 11-20 Qwest billing 754 4210 57.42 11-20 Qwest billing 754 4210 57.42 11-20 Qwest billing 754 4210 57.42 11-20 Qwest billing 754 4210 57.42 11-20 Qwest billing 754 4210 57.42 11-20 Qwest bill ng 754 4210 57.42 11-23 Qwest bill ng 754 4210 57.42 11-23 Qwest billing 754 4210 57.42 11-23 Qwest billing 754 4210 57.42 11-20 Qwest billing 754 4210 40.75 73893 River City Infrared 18451 Infrared scanning chgs 754 4150 650.00 73895 S & B [nc 19040 WI~TP Upgrade pmt #2 754 6410 53,828.80 73897 Sanderson Safety Supply Co 19048 Jackets,overalls 753 3120 117.92 73900 Shotwell Corp, Jonathan 19019 Concrete rubble 754 4810 70.33 Concrete,asphalt 754 3120 129.84 73903 Skillings-Connolly Inc 19888 Peabody Crk Water Main #7 793 4150 3,641.18 Sanitary Sewer Replacement 794 4150 854.03 73904 Snap-on Tools - Chugger Deane 19108 Gloves 753 3120 53.83 73905 Sparling Instruments Inc 19083 Flow meter 753 4810 1,883.44 73906 Stouder General Construction 19876 Release retainage Proj 21-20 793 6510 2,008.55 73909 Sunset Do-lt Best Hardware 19035 Rope,wedges 754 3120 12.97 Drill,grinder,cords,tools 754 3501 957.67 Carbon dioxide 753 3120 74.63 Grind wheels,crimping too[ 754 3501 16.35 Bolts,nuts,washers 753 3120 12.42 Extension ladder 754 3501 400.33 Bolts,nuts 753 3402 20.08 Credit bolts 753 3402 15.23- Bushings,unions,nuts,tubing 754 3120 72.81 SLeeve,nuts,bottle 754 3120 6.56 Hacksaw,blade,buLbs,eyeguards 754 3501 57.75 Couplings,bolts 754 3120 45.39 Spring clamps 753 3120 5.60 Chisels,latch kits 753 3120 43.23 Sawzall blades 754 3501 29.84 Screws,spacers 753 3120 3.05 Elbow 754 3120 12.43 Taps 753 3120 11.66 Brooms 753 3120 97.36 Drill pun~o 754 3120 15.35 Plumbing supplies 754 3120 4.56 Steel wire 754 3120 3.30 Brass brazing rod 753 3120 11.84 73911 Swa~n's General Store [nc 19037 Cultivator 754 3501 15.66 Hand pump 753 3120 20.42 Bar,keys,box 754 3501 14.87 Oil absorbent 754 3120 12.28 Saw,washers,bolts 754 3501 22.93 Heaters 754 3120 64.86 Key 753 3120 1.30 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 20 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Flashlight battery 753 3120 10.68 Batteries 753 3120 36.~3 73914 Telecom Labs lnc 20362 Maintenance agreement-Dec 754 4210 15.47 Maintenance agreement-Dec 753 4210 7.74 73920 Transfac Funding Corporation 20059 Bait packs 754 3120 1,105.35 73921 Twiss Analytical Laboratories 20153 Coliform testing 753 4810 102.00 73923 US Filter Distribution Group 21077 Breakaway flange repair kits ?53 3402 269.69 73924 United Psrcel Service 21005 Shipping chgs-November 754 4210 29.55 73933 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-November 753 4210 12.13 Scan charges-Novendaer 754 4210 31.05 73944 YSI Inc 25009 Repair probe 754 3120 75.39 73948 ADS Equipment Inc 01003 Seals,rings,valves,breakers 754 3120 1,787.58 Switches 754 3120 202.37 73949 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 12-05 AT&T a/c 49862030 753 4210 11.22 73953 AmTest Inc 01034 Water sample testing 754 4810 428.00 73~54 Analytical Standards Znc 01441 Test standards 754 4150 119.02 73955 Angeles Lock Shop 12050 Duplicate key 753 3120 2.54 73964 CSUS Foundation lnc 03277 Manual,enrollment-Becker 753 4310 31.00 73975 Economic & Engineering Svc Inc 05004 Water/Sewer Rate Study-Oct 753 4150 1,500.00 Water/Sewer Rate Study-Oct 754 4150 1,219.75 73980 Flow Products Inc 06125 Liquifram,fluorofilm 754 3120 14F 73985 Hartnage[ Building Supply Inc 08052 Lumber 754 3120 4, 73993 JCI-Jones Chemicals Inc 10027 Hypochtorite solution 754 3120 2,678.64 74012 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Pens,message pads 754 3101 21.33 74014 PUD #1 of Cia[lam County 160~ 12-10 billing-203 Reservoir Rd 753 4710 94.86 74023 Sears Commercial One 19109 Wrenches,sockets,extension 754 3501 210.39 74030 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 November locates 753 4150 t6.50 November locates 754 4150 16.50 74048 GRCC/WW 07026 Drinking Water Sem-Edgington 753 4310 25.00 Renew Backftow cert-Becker 753 4310 32.00 Renew 8ackflow cert-Edgington 753 4310 32.00 Renew Backf[ow cert-Severford 753 4310 32.00 74054 WWCPA Secretary-Treasurer 23216 2003 Dues-Beverford 753 4310 10.00 2003 Dues-Divelbiss 754 4310 10.00 2003 Dues-Owens 754 4310 10.00 2003 Dues-McGinley 753 4310 10.00 74072 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maint agreement-January 2003 754 4210 15.47 Maint agreement-January 2003 ?53 4210 7.74 74074 Transfac Funding Corporation 20059 Frt chgs-Spar[ing Instruments 753 3402 165.27 74077 Washington (DOH), State of 23108 Renew Backflow Tester-Beverfor 753 4310 27.00 Renew Backflow Tester-Messinge 753 4310 27.00 Renew Backflow Tester-Becker 753 4310 27.00 Renew Backflow Tester-Edgingto 753 4310 27.00 Renew Backflow Tester-Wilcox 753 4310 27.00 Renew Backflow Tester-Siebens 753 4310 27.00 Renew Backflow Tester-McGin[ey 753 4310 27 '* Renew Backflow Tester-Holbrook 753 4310 2 Renew Backflow Tester-Kenyon 753 4310 27.00 74078 Washington (Ecology), State of 23106 Operator cert-McGin[ey 753 4310 30.00 ~ator 754 4310 30.00 cert-Owens Operator cert-Siebens 753 4310 30,00 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE HACHIHE December 31 2002 Page 21 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Humber Number 74081 ASM Signs 01405 FLag,sign 754 3120 128.00 74086 Advanced Travel 01090 Messinger-Surrey training 753 4310 125.98 74124 PLatt Electric Supply Inc 16185 Batteries 753 3120 104.68 74126 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Certified mail-Young 754 4210 4.65 74127 Qwest 21001 12-08 Qwest billing 754 4210 37.97 12-10 Qwest billing 753 4210 515.41 74133 Snetson Companies Inc 19828 SLack Diamond reservoir #4 793 6510 86,447.21 74137 US Bank 21029 Retainage-#153591699357 793 6510 5,252.53 74140 Verizon Wireless - Bellevue 01105 12-15 Verizon bitting 754 4210 23.22 74143 WA Water Utilities Council 23061 2003 Dues 753 4901 500.00 Total for Public Works 228,188.42 Total for Water/Wastewater Fund 228,161.38 73937 Waste News 23238 Renew subscription-26 issues 404 2370000 3.20- Total for Department 3.20- 73723 TaylorSparks Refrigeration Inc 20290 Remove compressor oil,freon 755 4810 2,280.86 73731 Advanced Travel 01090 McCabe-Evergreen EverweLl 755 4310 26.50 Richmond-Compost Facility 755 4310 618.35 McCabe-WORC seminar-Vancouver 755 4310 208.44 73737 Angeles ELectric lnc 01071 Install well Level sensors 755 4810 1,205.45 73739 Angeles MilLwork & Lumber Co 01073 Plug adapter 755 3101 4.62 73741 Automotive Environmental Svc 01041 Antifreeze processing 755 4810 50.00 73776 Diversified Resource Center 04052 Janitorial svcs-November 755 4810 194.54 73784 Engineered Compost Systems 05249 Compost aeration 755 6510 220370.75 73787 Fairchild Floors 06019 Install blinds 755 3120 45.56 73789 Federal Express Corp 06022 Shipping charges 795 4210 7.45 73862 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 CLips,cords,folders,dividers 755 3101 43.42 Planner,calendars 755 3101 39.01 73865 Overall Laundry Services [nc 15234 Laundry services 755 3120 11.11 Laundry services 755 3120 12.20 Laundry services 755 3120 12.56 73868 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 16004 Ink cartridge 755 3120 34.35 Disk box 755 3101 4.27 73874 Pen Print Inc 16009 Labels 755 4990 459.64 73881 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Leadership Moment-Stromski 755 4310 15.00 73888 Qwest 21001 12-05 Qwest billing 755 4210 81.29 73897 Sanderson Safety Supply Co 19048 Boots 755 3120 332.28 Vests,gloves 755 3120 148.85 73900 Shotwel[ Corp, Jonathan 19019 Used brick 755 3120 571.30 Used brick 755 3120 402.54 73909 Sunset Do-lt Best Hardware 19035 Grind wheels,angle grinder 755 3120 47.24 73911 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Brake cleaner 755 3120 12.42 Stripper,wire,terminals 755 3101 28.06 Cutting wheels 755 3120 50.58 Spraypaint 755 3120 10.61 ~easer 755 3120 4.26 73914 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maintenance agreement-Dec 755 4210 38.68 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 22 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 7-5924 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping chgs-November 755 4210 9.00 73933 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-November 755 4210 14.94 73935 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Extinguisher maintenance 755 3120 102.79 73937 Waste News 23238 Renew subscription-26 issues 755 3120 42.20 73946 Zumar Industries [nc 26001 Signs 755 3120 428.10 73983 Glacier Environmental Svcs Inc 07223 Release composting retainage 795 4150 2,630.15 74041 Brem-Air Disposal Inc 23060 November recycling services 755 4150 43,110.74 74065 Peninsula Daily News 16012 LF ads November a/c 4000238 755 4410 331.56 LF ads November a/c 4000238 755 4410 98.24 LF ads November a/c 4000238 755 4410 73.68 74068 Radio Pacific Inc 11019 November KONP commercials 755 4410 212.50 74072 Telecom Labs [nc 20362 Maint agreement-January 2003 755 4210 38.68 74082 AT&T Business Service 01085 12-06 AT&T a/c 0512527756001 755 3120 18.45 74086 Advanced Travel 01090 McCabe-SWANA meeting 755 4310 14.40 74122 Parametrix Inc 16155 LF Engineering 2002 pe 11-22 755 4150 7,352.15 LF Engineering 2002 pe 11-22 795 4150 312.11 LF Engineering 2002 pe 11-22 795 4150 4,532.03 74126 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Refreshments-Loghry 755 4310 5.99 74136 TaylorSparks Refrigeration Inc 20290 Remove refrigerant,compressors 755 4810 826.65 74142 WA State Recycling Association 23058 Renew Miller dues #41 2003 755 4901 125.00 Total for Public Works 89,65, Total for Solid Waste Fund 89,648.35 73749 Burwell, Alan R0568 City rebate program 913 4986 150.00 73750 C & F Insulation 03102 City rebate program-Cantor 913 4986 2,424.84 City rebate program-Epstein 913 4986 7,606.10 City rebate program-Money 913 4986 427.68 City rebate program-Cantor 913 4986 44.00 73755 Carroll, Sylvia R0517 City rebate program 913 4986 118.99 73764 Clevenger, Deborah R0569 City rebate program 913 4986 210.00 73770 DaiLidenas, John R0570 City rebate program 913 4986 55.00 73772 DelGuzzi, Lisa 04436 City rebate program 913 4986 30.00 73786 Everwarm Hearth & Home Inc 05013 City rebate program-Beck 913 4986 670.50 City rebate program-Beck 913 4986 585.00 City rebate program-Eyestone 913 4986 896.50 City rebate program-Eyestone 913 4986 1,506.00 73793 Freilich, Helen R R0571 City rebate program 913 4986 150.00 73797 Glass services Co lnc 07037 City rebate program-Bigbie 913 4986 1,315.00 City rebate program-Allison 913 4986 1,950.00 73822 Loftus, Rodger R0502 City rebate program 913 4986 55.00 73826 Mathews Glass Co [nc 13107 City rebate program-Berg 913 4986 307.90 City rebate program-Cavalari 913 4986 520.00 City rebate program-Torrence 913 4986 767.95 73836 Miller, Kristi R0062 City rebate program 913 4986 5" q 73842 Neudorfer, Thomas R0572 City rebate program 913 4986 L 73852 Olmstead, Justina R0528 City rebate program 913 4986 50.00 73916 Thomas, Richard A R0573 City rebate program 913 4986 36.00 73918 Tiderman, Bill & Maureen R0574 ~0 rebate program 913 4986 50.00 73919 Titterness, George & Diane R0254 City rebate program 913 4986 150.00 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 23 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Nun~oer Nunt)er 73947 A & J GLass Inc 01511 City rebate )rogram-Gray 91] 4986 2,814.00 73977 Everwarm Hearth & Home [nc 05013 City rebate ~rogram-DePaolo 913 4986 474.00 City rebate ~rogram-OePaolo 913 4986 1,879.48 75984 Greening, Rich R0509 City rebate ~rogram 913 4986 118.00 75988 Houk, Robert R0575 City rebate ~rogram 913 4986 175.00 74003 Montice, dohnnie R0576 City rebate ~rogram 913 4986 50.00 74035 West, Jeff & Janet R0577 City rebate ~rogram 913 4986 50.00 74080 A & d Glass Inc 01511 City rebate ~rogram-Coy[e 913 4986 395.00 City rebate ~rogram-Madtson 913 4986 206.25 74090 Bur[ey, Alan R0578 City rebate ~rogram 913 4986 200.00 74091 C & F Insulation 03102 City rebate =rogram-Sydow 913 4986 4,666.50 City rebate =rogram-McHugh 913 4986 1,467.44 City rebate 3rogram-Podersen 913 4986 1,320.00 City rebate ~rogram-Bruntz 913 4986 984.00 City rebate 3rogram-Henning 913 4986 1,957.50 City rebate 3rogram-Cooter 913 4986 2,512.50 City rebate ~rogram-Hoch 913 4986 1,365.60 74092 Chapman, Steven R0579 City rebate 3rogram 913 4986 50.00 74095 Climate Crafters 03658 City rebate 3rogram-Graves 913 4986 25.00 _ 74097 Davems Heating & Cooling Svc 04393 City rebate orogram-Lundstrom 913 4986 2,450.00 74099 Ellis, Sherri R0580 City rebate orogram 913 4986 150.00 74100 Everwarm Hearth & Home Inc 05013 City rebate orogram-Lindquist 913 4986 1,006.50 City rebate ~rogram-Southmayd 913 4986 770.00 City rebate ~rogram-Hammers 913 4986 663.50 City rebate ~rogram-Carruthers 913 4986 527.50 74103 Gardner, Terra R0556 City rebate ~rogram 913 4986 86.54 74104 GLass Services Co Inc 07037 City rebate ~rogram-Peterson 913 4986 565.00 City rebate ~rogram-Mercier 913 4986 660.00 City rebate ~rogram-Clifford 913 4986 120.00 City rebate )rogram-Kim 913 4986 135.00 City rebate )rogram-Wright 913 4986 485.00 74107 Lawson, Aleilah R0581 City rebate )rogram 913 4986 150.00 74108 Leonard, Charles & Deborah R0582 City rebate ~rogram 913 4986 50.00 74111 Lott, Barbara R0583 City rebate )rogram 913 4986 150.00 74113 Mathews Glass Co Inc 13107 City rebate )rogram-ELliott 913 4986 146.40 City rebate )rogram-Bealle 913 4986 239.99 City rebate ~rogram-Mortensen 913 4986 83.35 City rebate )rogram-dacobsen 913 4986 147.90 City rebate )rogram-West 913 4986 1,038.11 City rebate )rogram-Tulloch 913 4986 976.45 74131 Sargent, Joan R0342 City rebate )rogram 913 4986 150.00 Total for Conservation Fund 51,642.97 501 0007 75754 Angeles Auto Alectric 01067 Replace starter brushes 760 3402 43.28 75759 Angeles Mil[work & Lumber Co 01073 Fir timbers 760 3402 26.73 73741 Automotive Environmental Svc 01041 Antifreeze processing 760 3402 641.74 75748 Bryant's Upholstery 02059 New boot 760 3402 43.28 Recover bench seat 760 4810 405.75 ~Plir seats,cushions,panels 760 4810 216.40 Repair seats,cushions,panels 760 3402 21.64 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 24 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Nc~nber Number 73752 Schuck's Auto Parts 19008 Cassette players,speaker box 760 3402 60.57 Cassette players,speaker box 760 3402 60.57 73767 Commercial Brake & CLutch Inc 03444 Brake kits,brake shoes 760 3402 257.90 73769 Cornelt Auto Parts 03092 Kevlar 760 3402 378.70 Coolant caps 760 3402 7.29 Window weld sealer 760 3402 26.24 Spark plugs 760 3402 8.08 Circuit breaker 760 3402 7.27 73774 Denver's Tire Co Inc 04044 Wheel change,mount 760 4810 21.64 Wheel change 760 4810 15.15 Wheel change 760 4810 15.15 Mount,balance ?60 4810 34.62 Wheel change 760 4810 22.72 LOF,safety check, labor 760 4810 28.14 Lubra kteen ?60 3402 2.43 Fuel filter 760 3402 19.47 Labor 760 4810 32.47 Tires 760 3110 469.58 Mount,balance,studding 760 4810 125.52 Turn signal lever,antifreeze 760 3402 18.40 LOF,safety check, labor 760 4810 9~ LOF,mount,balance, labor 760 4810 45.~ Lubra kleen 760 3402 2.43 Mount,balance 760 4810 34.62 Lubra kleen 760 3402 2.43 LOF,safety check, labor 760 4810 28.14 Wire ?60 3402 2.43 Mount,balance 760 4810 83.32 Wheel change 760 4810 8.66 Wheel change,mount,balance 760 4810 35.71 Mount,balance 760 4810 17.31 Flat repair,wheel change 760 4810 69.25 Mount,balance 760 4810 34.62 Tires 760 3110 119.02 Studding,wheel balance 760 4810 31.27 Mount,balance 760 4810 27.05 Tires 760 3110 164.57 Credit adjustment to car #43 760 4810 17.31- Credit adjustment to car #43 760 3110 54.10- Credit adjustment to car #43 760 4810 31.38 Mount,balance 760 4810 17.31 Tires 760 3110 54.10 Flat repair 760 4810 16.77 Lubra kleen 760 3402 2.43 Mount,batance, lOF,tabor 760 4810 62.76 LOF,safety check,labor 760 4810 Lubra kleen 760 3402 LOF,safety check, tabor 760 4810 129.84 Brakes,filters 760 3402 167.01 ~safety check, labor 760 4810 44.37 Lubra kteen 760 3402 2.43 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 25 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Mount,balance,LOF,labor 760 4810 99.45 Snow tires 760 3110 120.57 Lubra kleen 760 3402 2.43 Lubra k[een 760 3402 2.43 Tires 760 3110 165.87 Mount,balance,LOF,[abor 760 4810 90.89 Labor 760 4810 64.92 Hose assembly,ATF,nut serts 760 3402 20.11 Lubra kleen 760 3402 2.43 LOF,mount,balance, labor 760 4810 45.45 Tires 760 3110 137.95 Lube,mount,stud,balance 760 4810 68.01 Lubra kleen 760 3402 2.43 LOF,safety check, labor 760 4810 28.14 Tires 760 3110 140.44 LOF,mount~balance,[abor 760 4810 121.08 Shocks,filter, lubra kleen 760 3402 79.80 Repair flat 760 4810 10.82 Tires 760 3110 146.07 Mount,balance,stud 760 4810 44.25 Vacuum valve 760 3402 28.13 Labor 760 4810 97.38 Repair flat 760 4810 7.57 LOF,safety check, tabor 760 4810 62.76 Brakes,lubra kleen 760 3402 59.78 Fitter,butbs~tubra kleen 760 3402 16.50 LOF,safety check, labor 760 4810 60.59 Tires 760 3110 267.90 Mount,balance 760 4810 54.10 Mount,balance 760 4810 34.62 Light truck sipe 760 4810 21.64 73776 Diversified Resource Center 04052 Janitorial svcs-November 760 4810 116.70 73777 Dobson's Inc 04054 Octane boost 760 3402 41.77 73799 H & R Parts & Equipment Inc 08045 Credit core deposit 760 3402 10.82- Switch 760 3402 8.37 Motor mount 760 3402 69.55 Solenoid,pop off valve ?60 3402 116.]6 Lights 760 3402 5.90 Lights 760 3402 5.90 E3 Valve 760 3402 105.55 73802 Hartnage[ Building Supply Inc 08052 Catches 760 3402 11.36 73805 Heartline, The 08054 Battery 760 3402 32.41 Batteries 760 3402 64.81 Batteries 760 3402 136.22 73817 Les Schwab Tire Center (City) 19459 Valves 760 3402 9.74 Tires 760 3110 572.59 Repair flats 760 3110 79.47 Tubes 760 3110 12.51 Tires 760 3110 226.59 ~l~nce 760 4810 24.89 Valves 760 3402 9.74 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE HACHINE Oecember 31 2002 Page 26 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number NtJ~ber Tires 760 3110 172.18 Dismount,mount 760 4810 16.23 Repair flats 760 4810 67.08 Valves 760 3402 4.86 Repair fiats,mount 760 4810 49.66 Tires 760 3110 209.90 Repair fiat 760 4810 28.67 Tube 760 3110 22.51 Tires 760 3110 210.04 Mount 760 4810 16.24 Repair flats 760 4810 59.19 73818 Les Schwab TireCtr-Solid Waste 19755 Repair flat tire 760 4810 43.71 Repair flat tire 760 4810 36.19 Tires 760 3110 160.46 Casings 760 3402 75.74 Mount,switch 760 4810 36.25 Tires 760 3110 493.95 Repair 760 3402 105.91 Dismount,mount 760 4810 64.92 Repair flat tire 760 4810 32.41 Tires,studs 760 3110 32C Balance 760 4810 35. Wheels,valve stems 760 3402 117.81 Tires 760 3110 72.37 Balance 760 4810 10.55 Repair flat tire 760 4810 36.19 Tires 760 3110 159.50 Mount 760 4810 16.23 Casings 760 3402 75.75 73820 Lincoln Industrial Corp 12047 Paint & body materials 760 3402 135.25 Labor 760 4810 584.28 Washers,nuts,flat bar 760 3402 15.76 Blades,steel 760 3402 812.22 BLades,steel 760 3402 812.22 Cut steel 760 3402 66.95 73823 M & P Garage Doors 13100 Replace rollers 760 3402 76.31 73830 McPherson Emerg Veh Srvc Ctr 13493 Switch,actuators 760 3402 87.27 73835 Middteton Auto and Truck Inc 13117 Gauge 760 3402 7.23 Credit core deposit 760 3402 17.85- Filters 760 3402 101.08 Air filters 760 3402 57.69 Hydrometer 760 3402 5.40 Air filter 760 3402 4.20 Bulbs 760 3402 88.33 Air filter 760 3402 14.76 Starter,core deposft 760 3402 177 Belts 760 3402 Screwdriver 760 3501 14.23 Air filters 760 3402 7.40 6f4[er,[ighter 760 t402 38.13 Bonnet 760 3402 8.09 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 27 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Cede Amount Number Name Number Number Clips,terminals,filters 760 3402 76.17 Credit core deposit 760 3402 48.69- Air fitter 760 3402 28.61 Pipe 760 3402 17.15 Repair kit 760 3402 17.29 Lightbutbs 760 3402 10.26 Heater hose,hose clamps 760 3402 122.55 Transmission fitter 760 3402 8.08 Caps 760 3402 7.99 Heater hose 760 3402 306.80 Filters 760 3402 112.52 Triangular tight 760 3402 20.08 Air fitter,fittings 760 3402 35.01 Brass fittings 760 3402 6.06 Hose,si[icone 760 3402 21.45 Coolant hose 760 3402 68.70 Oil seat 760 3402 3.26 Cable ties 760 3402 22.22 Credit hose 760 3402 16.17- Fuel fitter 760 3402 20.27 Hose coupling 760 3402 12.20 Filters,switch 760 3402 194.82 Handle 760 3402 6.85 Seal beam headlights 760 3402 18.26 Circuit,fuel fitter,fittings 760 3402 31.36 Alarms 760 3402 67.06 Fuel fitter 760 3402 3.70 Fuel fitter 760 3402 10.66 oil filter 760 3402 14.99 Bur set 760 3402 162.29 Switch 760 3402 7.17 Punches 760 3402 7.57 De-icer 760 3402 11.49 Socket 760 3501 1.86 Wrench,batteries 760 3402 11.95 Re[ay, switch,filters,cleaner 760 3402 208.59 Circuit 760 3402 2.15 Looms 760 3402 11.42 Wire 760 3402 27.92 Wrench 760 3501 6.77 Switch 760 3402 12.59 Circuit breakers 760 3402 13.94 Trailer connector 760 3402 7.93 Fitter 760 3402 34.33 Tubing 760 3402 12.66 Wrench 760 3501 8.26 Scotseat 760 3402 30.05 73839 N C Machinery Co 14001 Rods,latch,Lock,handle 760 3402 158.32 73862 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Clips,cords,folders,dividers 760 3101 86.84 ~6, fotders,stapte putters 760 3101 40.72 73865 Overall Laundry Services lnc 15234 Laundry services ?60 4990 51.05 02/12/31-07:48 C(ty of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 28 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 FndOpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Lau~ry services 760 4990 52.48 7386? Pacific Detroit Diesel-Allison 16060 TranSyr~ ?60 3220 1,626.57 73876 Pettit OiL Co~any 16302 EQ? diesel-November 760 3211 31.06 EQ9 gas-November 760 3210 30.90 EQ14 gas-November 760 3210 20.70 EQ15 gas-November 760 3210 42.35 EQ18 gas-November 760 3210 37.99 EQ27 gas-November 760 3210 17.37 EQ28 gas-November 760 3210 20.39 EQ29 gas-November 760 3210 38.38 EQ30 gas-November 760 3210 214.42 EQ40 gas-Noven~er 760 3210 15.60 EG41 gas-November 760 3210 67.74 EQ42 gas-November 760 3210 26.05 EQ43 gas-November 760 3210 78.88 EQ44 gas-November 760 3210 115.77 EQ45 gas-November ?60 3210 90.26 EQ46 gas-November 760 3210 90.61 EQ47 gas-November ?60 3210 116.49 EQ48 gas-November ?60 3210 88.11 2053 gas-November 760 3210 14' EQ54 gas-November 760 3210 71.. EQ66 gas-November 760 3210 135.86 EQT5 gas-November 760 3210 185.88 EQ78 gas-November 760 3210 46.62 EQSO gas-November 760 3210 78.36 2081 gas-Nove~oer 760 3210 141.67 EQ82 gas-Noven~er 760 3210 44.43 EQ83 gas-Noven~er ?60 3210 156.34 EQ85 gas-Noven~r 760 3210 65.40 EQ86 gas-November 760 3210 72.92 EQ87 gas-November 760 3210 58.81 EQ88 gas-November 760 3210 35.18 EQ89 gas-November 760 3210 115.32 EQgO gas-November 760 3210 45.90 EQ95 gas-November 760 3210 61.43 EQ96 gas-November 760 $210 49,27 EQ138 gas-November ?60 3210 94.25 EQ147 gas-November 760 3210 24.98 EQ148 gas-November 760 3210 14.48 20151 gas-Nove~oer 760 3210 28.?8 EQ8995 diese[-November 760 3211 3.38 73881 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Temp permit-Bur?err 760 4520 20.00 UPS-Burrett 760 3402 38.46 73883 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Starter 760 3402 101.38 73891 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Mobile radio 760 3402 739 Program radio,add scramble 760 4810 43~ Repair radio 760 4810 21.64 Service radio 760 4810 421.98 J,,~6all radio 760 3402 48.69 Replace fuse in controls 760 4810 16.23 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 29 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 73898 Sandy's Race Street Auto Parts 18048 Yellow LED 760 3402 12.81 73902 Simpson's Used Parts & Towing 19199 Tow charge to city garage 760 4810 135.25 73909 Sunset Do-lt Best Hardware 19035 Bo[ts,nuts 760 3402 6.28 Air filter 760 3402 41.32 Shaft,seal kit,bearing 760 3402 350.28 Hydraulic shop labor 760 4810 90.88 0 rings 760 3402 2.36 Hose, inverted flare fits 760 3402 23.47 Hydraulic labor 760 4810 9.73 Charger,screws,washers,nuts 760 3402 76.34 Sanding discs,battery 760 3101 150.26 Credit charger 760 3402 71.40- Paint 760 3402 8.00 0 rings 760 3402 8.06 Screws 760 3402 28.12 Nuts 760 3402 5.82 Cylinder rentals 760 3101 28.40 Couplers 760 3402 96.09 73911 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Pumps 760 3402 78.85 Pumps 760 3402 78.84 73914 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maintenance agreement-Dec 760 4210 7.74 73915 Territorial Supplies lac 20001 Switch 760 3402 1.40 7-5929 WA State Dept of General Admin 04075 2003 Subscription fee 760 4901 2,000.00 73933 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-November 760 4210 7.18 73940 Western Peterbilt Inc 23020 Flange adaptors 760 3402 68.64 Flange adaptors 760 3402 68.64 7'5968 Cornel[ Auto Parts 03092 Spark plugs 760 3402 7.39 73994 Jennings Equipment Inc 10151 Bushings,bearings,wheels 760 3402 312.43 Bushings,bearings,wheels 760 3402 247.77 74000 McMaster-Carr Supply Co 13202 Fuel pump,blades,rivets,tags 760 3402 399.68 Fuel hose swivel 760 3402 52.39 74039 Angeles Overhead Doors 01571 Rollers 760 3402 48.23 74043 Chevron USA 03060 Credit card gas purchases 760 3210 22.57 Credit card gas purchases 760 3210 12.05 Credit card gas purchases 760 3210 18.82 74046 Coastline Tractor Co Inc 03082 Tractor/Loader 760 6410 25,152.68 74072 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maint agreement-January 2003 760 4210 7.74 74093 Chris' Towing 03318 Tow to Rudde[['s 760 4810 144.99 74119 Novus Windshield Repair 14206 Sa[es tax adjustment 760 3402 28.74- Windshield 760 3402 389.99 Total for Equipment 3ervices Fund 52,518.15 73800 Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Cables,batteries,COs 250 3101 268.17 73809 Insight Direct lac 09085 Exabyte Exatape cartridges 250 3101 817.13 7-5812 JPMorganChase 16421 Cisco training refreshments 250 3101 9.98 73838 Moss Bay Group 13704 Document tasks,recommendations 250 4150 10,424.00 73914 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maintenance agreement-Dec 250 4210 23.21 73933 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-November 250 4210 165.17 T5972 Dungeness Communications Inc 04210 ~v~mber website maintenance 250 4150 372.50 74072 Telecom Labs lac 20362 Maint agreement-January 2003 250 4210 23.21 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 30 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Nc~nber Number 74146 Nest Group 23018 Database/Cemm allocation 250 4t50 200.98 Total for Information Technology Fund 12,304.35 503 0001 1000 Healthcare Ngt Admnstrs Inc 08492 12-17 Weekly claims pd EFT 117 4601 2,184.70 73791 Fitness West I lnc 06306 Membership-Reifenstaht 121 4150 584.28 Renew Possinger #60960016401 121 4150 1,168.56 73794 Funston, Trenia 06116 Reimburse medical expenses 121 4630 78.51 73804 Healthcare Mgt Admnstrs Inc 08492 Add'l premium-December 117 4601 9.20 73813 Jacobs, Ian 10265 CLaim settlement 119 4999 40.00 73881 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Safety Conm~ittee Lunch-Coons 118 4909 40.51 Wellness event juice-Coons 121 4150 10.47 73901 Silva, Michael L 19316 Disability board-Aug,Oct 121 4635 67.99 73922 UNUM Life [ns Co of America 21000 Admin Dec premium 121 4631 1,191.94 Po[Jce/IBEW Dec premium 121 4631 1,062.24 73979 Fitness West IInc 06306 Membership-Wheeler 609600109 121 4150 584.28 74006 Nielsen, Tony 14120 Reimburse medical expenses 121 4630 30.89 74044 Ctattam CnW YMCA 03076 Member Becker 01-31062-01 121 4150 434.00 Membership-Halt 01-34331-01 121 4150 570.00 74059 Miller, Dale 13056 Reimburse medical expenses 121 4630 75.11 74096 Crabb, Oiana 03719 Settlement of claim #02-25 119 4999 2,50C 74126 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Refreshments-Coons 121 4150 14. 74134 Sourcecorp Heatthserve 19936 Settlement of claim #02-25 119 4999 24.03 925518833 Healthcare Mgt Admnstrs ]nc 08492 12-10 Weekly claims pd EFT 117 4601 1,357.00 Total for Self - Insurance Fund 12,028.34 602 0002 73785 Evans, Sidney 05103 Medicare adj-13 mos a 8.50 225 4635 110.50 Total for Firemen's Pension Fund 110.50 652 0008 73914 Te[ecem Labs Inc 20362 Maintenance agreement-Dec 868 4210 7.74 73933 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-November 868 4210 28.85 74072 Telecom Labs Inc 20362 Maint agreement-January 2003 868 4210 7.74 Total for Esther Nebster Trust Fund 44.33 698 1001 PERS 16016 PERS 3 PR deduction pe 12-08 698 2315130 769.91 1002 LEOFF 12043 November contributions 698 2315120 18,244.45 1003 PERS 16016 November contributions 698 2315130 19,885.60 73725 AFSCME Local 1619 01152 Pa',rol[ deductions ~e 12-08 698 2315200 89.00 73726 AFSCME Local 1619 01153 Pa'~rotl deductions ~ 12-08 698 2315200 178.00 73783 Employees Association 05041 Pa'~roll deductions ~ 12-08 698 2315210 73790 Firefighter's Local 656 06076 Pa'~ro[[ deductions ~ 12-08 698 2315200 1,100.00 73792 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 Pa'~rotl deductions ~ 12-0§ 698 2315210 890.65 73808 IBEN Local 997 09034 Pa'froL[ deductions ~ 12-08 698 2315200 603 73810 Internal Revenue Service Ctr 09150 Pa'~roll deductions De 12-08 698 2315210 25. 73849 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Pa'~rol[ deductions )e 12-08 698 2315210 1,124.96 73850 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 Pa'~ro[L deductions ~ 12-08 698 2315210 169.85 7'5878 Police Association 16156 P~[I deductions ~e 12-08 698 2315210 251.00 73913 Teamsters Local 589 20056 Payroll deductions )e 12-08 698 2315200 2,405.00 02/12/31-07:48 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 31 2002 Page 31 CHECK REGISTER Oate From 12/07/2002 To 12/27/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name N~nber Number 73925 United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions ~e 12-08 698 2315240 383.48 73931 WSCCCE AFSCME AFL-CIO 23167 Payroll deductions ~e 12-08 698 2315200 3,301.50 73932 DiMartino/WSCFF Disability 06052 Payroll deductions ~e 12-08 698 2315190 875.78 74015 Peninsula Collection Services 01364 Payroll deductions ~e 12-08 698 2315210 203.37 74102 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 Payroll deductions ~e 12-22 698 2315210 890.65 74106 Internal Revenue Service Ctr 09150 Payroll deductions =e 12-22 698 2315210 25.00 74120 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll deductions ~e 12-22 698 2315210 1,124.96 74121 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 Payroll deductions =e 12-22 698 2315210 169.85 74123 Peninsula Collection Services 01364 Payroll deductions oe 12-22 698 2315210 77.68 74135 States West Life Insurance Co 19313 January premium 698 2315160 549.30 74139 United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions pe 12-22 698 2315240 388.48 74141 Volunteer Fire Association 22060 Payroll deductions pe 12-22 698 2315210 38.00 74145 WSCFF/Employee Benefit Trust 23628 Payroll deductions pe 12-22 698 2315210 1~425.00 Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund 55,573.47 Grand Total 1,224,027.69 39 40 Finance Department Electronic Payments December 07, 2002 - December 27, 2002 Fund 401 12-20-02 Avista wire - November __165,024.00 Total 165,024.00 C :\WINNTkProfilesL~kdministratorkPersonal\Wires.wpd 42 pOR NGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 7, 2003 To: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities/~(/d'~ SUBJECT: Cooperative Service Agreement with U.S. Department of Agriculture [USDA] Summary_: USDA has provided wildlife management services during the last four years to alleviate wildlife strike hazards to aircraft in the vicinity of the City Landfill. Continuation of these services is important to the operation of the Landfill. The current agreement expires on January 31, 2003 and a new agreement for the period of February 1, 2003 to January 31, 2004 needs to be executed. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign the Work Plan/Financial Plan with the Department of Agriculture to provide wildlife management services through January 31, 2004. Background / Analysis: An agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture to provide wildlife services is essential for the continued use of the Landfill. Reissuance of our landfill permit relies on the continuance of the ongoing effort to alleviate wildlife strike hazards to aircraft which might result from the operation of the Landfill. The United States Department of Agriculture has provided services to the City of Port Angeles since January 1998 to alleviate wildlife strike hazards to aircraft in the vicinity of the airport and landfill. The attached proposed agreement involves a cost of $58,450 for the period of February 1, 2003 to January 31, 2004. Last year the services were provided for a cost of $55,201. The work involved is consistent with the Wildlife Hazard Assessment and Management Plan developed by USDA which is the foundation of our demonstration of no increase in bird/aircraft strikes as a result of the operation of the Landfill. This demonstration is essential for the issuance of our landfill permit by the County. USDA efforts involve an integrated approach of hazing, trapping, and shooting at the landfill, airfield and related areas and are the greatest measure of our ability to demonstrate that the landfill should be permitted. Funds in the amount of $65,000 have been budgeted for the year 2003. Attachment: USDA Work Plan / Financial Plan N:\CCOUNCIL~FINAL\USDA Wildlife Management Agreement.wpd WORK PLAN/FINANCIAL PLAN Cooperator City of Port Angeles, Contact: Glen Cutler 360-417-4800 WA Tom McCade 360-417-4872 Cooperative Service 03-73-53-5211 (RA) Accounting 37373-53479 Agreement No. Code Location Port Angeles Landfill, Date February 1, 2003 - January Airport and vicinity 31, 2004 In accordance with the Cooperative Service Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Wildlife Services (WS), this Work Plan sets forth the objectives, activities and budget of the wildlife control activities for the period of February 1, 2003 through January 31, 2004. Program Objective/Goals To provide assistance to the City of Port Angeles and the Port of Port Angeles when they experience conflicts caused by birds at the landfill and/or airport. This assistance may be in the form of educational information, non-lethal techniques or direct control. If direct control is necessary, the most effective and safe tools and techniques available will be utilized. The specific goal is protect human health and safety by alleviating wildlife strike hazards to aircraft. This will require a reduction in the number of birds using the airfield and surrounding areas, particularly at the landfill. PLAN OF ACTION: Plan of Action 1. APHIS-WS will assign one full-time Wildlife Specialist to conduct operational.control activities at the Port Angeles Landfill, airfield, and surrounding areas. WS will provide the Specialist with a vehicle equipped with radio communications equipment, flashing beacon, and necessary markings for accessing the Air Operations Area (AOA). WS will arrange for the Specialist to obtain training in the appropriate AOA driving procedures and radio communications protocol. 2. The City and Port of Port Angeles will be responsible for providing the necessary security clearances and access to the Landfill and Airport properties. All animal carcasses obtained through activities related to this project will be disposed of in the landfill. 3. WS will compile and maintain detailed records of hazing and control activities and will conduct monthly bird surveys to. monitor wildlife populations in areas associated with this project. WS will provide City and Port with verbal reports on at least a quarterly basis. WS will maintain efforts to evaluate habitat changes as a means of controlling bird numbers on and around the landfill/airfield, and will work with the City and Port to implement changes as necessary. A Wildlife Biologist specializing in bird aircraf~ strike hazards (BASH) will provide technical and operational assistance to the WS Specialist as needed. 4. WS will reduce wildlife hazards through an integrated approach of hazing, trapping, and shooting at the landfill, airfield and related areas that may serve as roosts, rookeries or attractants for problem bird species. In addition to direct control actions, a number of animated and static deterrent devices may be used. 5. WS will coordinate with the City of Port Angeles and the Port of Port Angeles on all matters conceming problem wildlife and WS will serve as liaison between these entities and regulatory wildlife agencies. 6. Keel Price in the APHIS-WS District Office in Poulsbo, 360-337-2778, will supervise this project. It will be monitored by Roger Woodruff, State Director, Olympia, WA, 360-753-9884. 7. APHIS-WS will cooperate with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, county and local city governments and other entities to ensure compliance with Federal, State and local laws and regulations. 8. The City of Port Angeles will provide APHIS-WS $58,450 to support these activities. In accordance with the Debt Collection Improvement Act (DCIA) of 1996, bills issued by APHIS- WS are due and payable within 30 days of receipt. COST ESTIMATE FOR SERVICES Feb. 1, 2003 - Jan. 30, 2004 Salaries/benefits $46,350 Supplies 2,500 Travel 500 Vehicle Costs 9,100 Total $58,450 CITY OF PORT ANGELES P.O. BOX 1150 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Date UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE WILDLIFE SERVICES State Dire(dtor, WA/AK // Date Director, Western Region Date 46 ORT NGELES CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 7, 2003 TO: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities ]~ SUeaECT: Award Contract for Roof Drain Disconnection Pilot Project, Project 99-21 Summary: Bids were requested for the project to disconnect roof drains from the sewer system in a pilot study area near the high school. Three bids were received and opened on December 23, 2002. Horizon Excavating submitted the lowest responsive bid in the amount of $53,605.42, including tax. Recommendation: Award the contract to Horizon Excavating of Port Angeles and authorize the Mayor to sign a contract in the amount of $53,605.42, for Roof Drain Disconnection Pilot Project, Project 99-21. Background / Analysis: The subject project involves the disconnection of roof drains from the City's sewer system as part of a pilot project to reduce the flow to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The work includes rerouting all roof drains at 24 homes to the curb, alley or yard. After completion, sewer flows in the study area will be measured and compared to pre-removal flows, especially during rainfall events. The project was advertised using the City's Small Works Roster on December 2, 2002 and the bid opening occurred December 23, 2002. Three bids were received. The low responsible bid, from Horizon Excavating of Port Angeles, in the amount of $53,605.42, was 13% less than the engineer's estimate. Summar t of Bid Results FIRM [ CITY I BID(Includingtax) Horizon Excavating Port Angeles $53,605.42 Jordan Excavating Port Angeles $61,960.73 C&J Excavating Carlsborg $75,675.08 Engineer' s Estimate $61,746.49 It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Horizon Excavating in the amount of $53,605.42. The Wastewater budget includes $70,000 for the work. N:\CCOUNCIL~FINALLRoof Drain Disconnections, Proj 99-21 .wpd 47 48 W A $ H I N ~ T 0 N, U.S.A. ~TY (~OUN~[. M£~O DATE: January 7, 2003 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities b{f'L/ SUBJECT: Final Acceptance for Black Diamond Reservoir Improvements, Project No. 99-18 Summary: Snelson Companies, Inc. has completed all work associated with the project. The project has been inspected and accepted as complete. Final payment has been processed. Recommendation: Accept the project as completed by Snelson Companies, Inc. and authorize the release of the retainage in the amount of $47,947.79 upon receipt of clearances from the Departments of Revenue and Labor and Industries. Background / Analysis: On March 18, 2002, Snelson Companies completed the installation of the improvements to the Black Diamond Reservoir, including an aluminum domed roof, as defined in the contract documents. Twenty three days of liquidated damages were assessed, at $955 per day. Original Contract Change Orders Liquidated Final Cost Project Cost Amount (3) Damages Variance $963,967.94 $73,622.32 $21,965.00 $1,015,625.26 7.6% It is recommended that Council accept the project as completed by Snelson Companies, Inc. and authorize the release of the retainage in the amount of $47,947.79 upon receipt of clearances from the Departments of Revenue and Labor and Industries. N:\CCOUNCIL~FINALXFinal Acceptance for Black Diamond Reservoir Improvements, Project 99-18.wpd 50 FOR WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR January 7, 2003 II "tentative": to be verified before next meeting. Reminder: this calendar is projected with regularlyl] I scheduled meetings as well as impromptu. As each day goes by, many items will be added or deleted. Il CITY COUNCIL MEMBER MEETING SCHEDULE ] DATE.I TIME Board of Adjustment Meeting Monday, January 6 7:00 p.m. City Council Meeting Tuesday, January 7 6:00 p.m. Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority Meeting Wednesday, January 8 6:30 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, January 8 7:00 p.m. Parking Committee Meeting Thursday, January 9 3:00 p.m. Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday, January 14 3:00 p.m. Real Estate Committee Meeting Tuesday, January 14 2:00 p.m. North Olympic Peninsula Cities Association Meeting (3 Mayor's) Wednesday, January 15 6:00 p.m. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Meeting Thursday, January 16 7:00 p.m. City Council Meeting Tuesday, January 21 6:00 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, January 22 7:00 p.m. Civil Service Commission Meeting Thursday, January 23 10:30 a.m. Community Economic Development Meeting Friday, January 24 9:00 a.m. City Council Retreat Saturday, January 25 10:00 a.m. Downtown Forward Executive Committee Meeting Monday, January 27 7:30 a.m. Clallam Transit Board Meeting Monday, January 27 1:00 p.m. Law Enforcement Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday, January 28 6:30 p.m. City Council Meeting Worksession - EMMT Tuesday, February 21 4:30 p.m. City Council Meeting - Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. G:\CNCLPKT~CTYMGR\CMREPTX2003\03-01-07.wpd 52 pORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR January 7, 2003 "tentative ": to be verified before next meeting. Reminder: this calendar is projected with regularly scheduled meetinl~s as well as impromptu. As each day l~oes by, man~' items will be added or deleted. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER MEETING SCHEDULE ] DATE [ TIME JANUARY ~; Board of Adjustment Meeting Monday, January 6 7:00 p.m. City Council Meeting Tuesday, January 7 6:00 p.m. Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority Meeting Wednesday, January 8 6:30 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, January 8 7:00 p.m. Parking Committee Meeting Thursday, January 9 3:00 p.m. Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday, January 14 3:00 p.m. Real Estate Committee Meeting Tuesday, January 14 2:00 p.m. North Olympic Peninsula Cities Association Meeting (3 Mayor's) Wednesday, January 15 6:00 p.m. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Meeting Thursday, January 16 7:00 p.m. City Council Meeting Worksession - EMMT ~ Tuesday, January 21 4:30 p.m. City Council Meeting - Regular Meeting ~PJ 6:00 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, January 22 7:00 p.m. Civil Service Commission Meeting Thursday, January 23 10:30 a.m. Community Economic Development Meeting Friday, January 24 9:00 a.m. City Council Retreat Saturday, January 25 10:00 a.m. Downtown Forward Executive Committee Meeting Monday, January 27 7:30 a.m. Clallam Transit Board Meeting Monday, January 27 1:00 p.m. Law Enforcement Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday, January 28 6:30 p.m. G:\CNCLPKT~CTYMGR\CMREPTX2003\03-01-07.wpd pORTA.NGELES VV A $ H I N G; T O N, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 7, 2003 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant~ FROM: SUBJECT: Appointments & Reappointments to City Boards, Commissions & Committees Summary: In addition to three resignations, various terms of office on City Boards, Commissions, and Committees expire as of February 28, 2003. It is timely to consider making certain reappointments and to identify those vacancies that will need to be filled as of March 1. Recommendation: Set forth below. Board/Commission or Committee Positions Held By Status Recommendation Port Angeles Forward 1. Don Corson Terms expire 2/28/03 - Reappoint to two-year Executive Committee 2. Joe Melton both eligible for term, March 1, 2003 - (At-large two-year terms) reappointment February 28, 2005 3. Valerie Fox To be replaced by Dan Appoint Mr. Gase as Gase as Chamber of Chamber of Commerce Commerce Repr. Representative 4. At-Large position Vacant Direct staff to seek formerly held by Jim interested applicants Haguewood (moved from at-large position to EDC position) Parks, Recreation & 1. Diana Tschimperle Terms expire 2/28/03 - all Reappoint to four-year Beautification Commission 2. Chuck Whidden eligible for reappointment terms, March 1, 2003 - (Four-year terms) February 28, 2007 3. Matt Kirsch - resigned Creates vacancy for Direct staffto seek due to move to Spokane unexpired term ending interested applicants 2/28/06 Civil Service Commission 1. Jim MacDonald Term expires 2/28/03 - Reappoint to four-year (Four-year terms) eligible for reappointment term, March 1, 2003 - ~ February 28, 2007 Board/Commission or Committee Positions Held By Status Recommendation Lodging Tax Advisory 1. Zoe Bayton (resigned) Terms expire 2/28/02 - all Appoint Michael Committee 2. John Brewer eligible for reappointment Luehrs and Dave (One-year terms) (replaced) Neupert and reappoint 3. Carol Griffith Michael Luehrs all others to one-year 4. Jim Haguewood recommended to replace term, March 1, 2003 - 5. Patty Hannah Zoe Bayton and Dave February 29, 2004 6. Bob Harbick Neupert to replace John 7. Jack Harmon Brewer as Chamber of 8. Steve Oliver Commerce repr. 9. Bill Rinehart Planning Commission 1. Fredrick Norton Terms expire 2/28/03 - Reappoint to four-year (Four-year terms) 2. Charles Schramm both eligible for terms, March 1, 2003 - reappointment February 28, 2007 3. Rick Porter - resigned Creates vacancy for Direct staff to seek due to election as District unexpired term ending interested applicants Court Judge 2/29/04 Board of Adjustment 1. Stanley Harris Term expires 2/28/03 - Reappoint to four-year (Four-year terms) eligible for reappointment term, March 1, 2003 - February 28, 2007 Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the appointments and reappointments to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees, as set forth above. Further, it is recommended that City staff seek interested applicants to fill vacancies as identified, via news releases, paid ads, and the like. Please note that there are current vacancies that exist on the Economic Development Steering Committee (Port Angeles Works!). However, staff is presently working on aproposal to consolidate the roles and duties of the Port Angeles Forward Executive Committee with the Port Angeles Works! Committee. Both groups are working on issues related to economic development, and the matter of consolidation will be presented to the City Council Community and Economic Development Committee in the near future. Attachments: Rick Porter Resignation Matt Kirsch Resignation Letter re. Chamber of Commerce Representatives Cl1't' OF PORT ANGELES 120MMUNI~ DEVELOPMENT City of Port Angeles November 13, 2002 Planning Commission I deeply appreciate the opportunity to serve the people of Port Angeles as a member of the Planning Commission. It has been a distinct pleasure working with each of you and the entire Planning Staff. The Judicial Cannons of Ethics, prohibit judges from holding any other elected or appointed position, including that of Planning Commissioner. Given the apparent outcome of thc election, it is with a heavy heart that I must tender my resignation. Thank you, Rick Porter ,55 Matthew Kirsch 6!0 E '! 1th St. Pod Angeles, WA 98362 Phone: (360) 457-.83!4 December 24, 2002 Marc Connelly, Director City of Port Angeles Parks and Recreation 321 E 5th St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Dear Marc, It is with great regret that I must sit and write this letter. The Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission has been a part of my life for over 5 years now. I love this community, the people and the quality of life here. However, I must inform you and the Parks Board that I have accepted a position with the United States Government in Spokane, WA. I start at the Ninth Circuit, United States Bankruptcy Court on January 13, 2003. I will no longer be able to serve the community and the City of Port Angeles as the current bylaws state that any member appointed must be a resident of the community. I have really enjoyed taking the time to get to know you, Marc, and each and every member of the current board. Since I will be unable to attend the regularly scheduled meeting in January, please convey to each and every one of the fellow members my best wishes and a sincere thanks for the time I had with them. And to you, Marc, thank you for involving me and the Board in decision-making in the community. I will not forget your generosity and willingness to help me during this time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will miss all of you!! Best wishes! Sincerely, Matthew ~rs~ch 56 Helping Protect Your Financial Future Ermail: ray~raygruver.com 210 East 7th Street Port Angeles, Wa 98362 Office: (360) 457-4567 Fax: (360) 457-0030 December 10, 2002 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY CLERK Ms. Becky J. Upton, CMC City Clerk City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 _ Port Angeles, WA. 98362-0217 Dear Becky: This is to request that the City Council appoint the following representatives ~om the board of directors of the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce to one-year terms on the following city advisory committees for 2003: Downtown Forward (PA Forward) - Dan Gase, P.O. Box 2163, Port Angeles, Wa 98362; 360-417-3500; dan~commercialexpert.com. He will succeed Valerie Fox on this committee. Lodging Tax - David Neupert, 403 South Peabody, Port Angeles 98363; 360-457-3327; lawpa@teforward, com. He will succeed John Brewer on this committee I write this letter in my position as president of the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce for 2003. Under the bylaws of the chamber it is my responsibility to offer these representatives to the Council for review and approval. t IA-ID - 57 58 FOR' WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 7, 2003 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Lou Haehnlen, Building Official~ SUBJECT.' Set Hearing Date for Recovery of Cost for Abatement of Structure at 604 S. "B" Street Summary: The structure at 604 S. "B" Street was declared a hazard and was removed by a contractor at the City's expense on November 29, 2002. The contractor has been paid. The next step in the abatement process is to hold a public hearing on the charges and any objections. Recommendation: Set a public hearing to accept public comment on the abatement cost for the structure removed at 604 S. "B" Street for February 04, 2003. Direct the City Clerk to proceed with the notification of the owners and other interested parties, as required in the 1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings. Background / Analysis: The Department of Community Development, Building Division received a number of complaints concerning the subject structure. The Building Official inspected the structure and found that the structure was becoming an attractive nuisance and that the entire structure was becoming unsound due to obsolescence and lack of maintenance it was also declared a fire hazard The Building Official followed the abatement procedures as required by PAMC 14.01.090 and the appeal time period passed without the property owner filing an appeal with the Construction Board of Appeals. The Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings as adopted by the City requires the removal of buildings that have been declared dangerous buildings. Three bids were received for demolishing the structure and on October 25, 2002, the City Council authorized the removal of the structure. The structure was removed and Morrison Construction has been paid. Lead Testing Bldg Demo Dump Fees ORCAA Admin Fees Total Cost $438.04 $4084.55 $2595.08 Permit $559.05 $~701.72 $25.00 The next step in the formal abatement process is to hold a public hearing on the charges and obtain any comments, prior to placement of a lien against the property. 59 D:\doc_HOLD\WPWIN60\WPDOCSLa, BATE\604SBHearing.wpd 60 WASHINGTON, U.S.A. OFFICE OF THE CiTY MANAGER To: City Council From: Michael Quinn,.-~ ~-~ Date: January 2, 2003 Subj: Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 20* is the national observance of this designated holiday honoring the memory and accomplishments of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As a unique and negotiated element of our labor contracts, the City does not recognize this holiday as a paid day-off since we have 11 designated holidays including 2 floating holidays. Our contracts recognize New Year's Day, Veteran's Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas, and 2 Floating holidays. The most common solution to this issue and still preserve 11 paid holidays is to substitute one floating holiday for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. However, this has to be bargained with the Unions and there is always resistance to change unless a clear benefit is perceived. The other option is to grant the holiday and increase our paid days off to 12 rather than the standard 11. Each year this issue remains unresolved, and we had hoped that we could fashion a solution in the labor contracts prior to the actual observance. With the added complications of medical premium co- pays, it is clear that any resolution in the contracts will occur well beyond January 20*. Because we have the impact of protracted labor negotiations, and because we have the impact of promoting a tourism and convention economy in our community; I feel that we must take a pro-active stance to address this issue rather than lose another year to inaction. In order to not compromise the potential for continued labor negotiations on the subject nor usurp the Council's authority in approving labor contracts; I offer the following action: 1. Close City Hall and non-essential public facilities to the Public for normal business. This will enable us to observe the holiday in a public sense similar to other public agencies. 2. Certain facilities that are open during select holidays will remain so such as PenCom, Fire, Landfill for commercial trucks, and certain recreational facilities like the Swimming Pool and Senior Center. 3. Employees will still come to work and use the day for productive operations. In fact, this day should allow more concentration on HTE and other project tasks that will benefit by having a dedicated time frame that is heavily task concentrated. 4. As a mandatory requirement, the City will sponsor a special training session on diversity or similar topic in honor of the spirit of this holiday. 5. These actions will be administrative under the authority of the City Manager and still preserve our options for future labor negotiations this year with the goal of having a permanent solution. 61 62 PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2002 CHANGE ORDERS FOR ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS (COSTS SHOWN INCLUDE APPLICABLE TAXESI PROJECT BUDGET ORIGINAL PREVIOUS CHANGE REVISED TITLE CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS CONTRACT AMOUNT ORDERS THIS AMOUNT MONTH Carnegie Library, 97-08 $1,060,000 $957,346.03 $9,771.13 $16,817.24 $983,934.40 Compost Equip, 22-12 $80,000 $75,334.00 $0.00 $0.00 $75,334.00 "I' & Blvd. Walks, 22-03 $300,000 $234,360.26 $0.00 $55,904.28 $290,264.54 Front Watermain, 22-19 $310,000 $301,766.88 $0.00 $0.00 $301,766.88 Pump Sra. Retrofits, 22-16 $60,000 $64,020.86 $0.00 $0.00 $64,020.86 Francis Street Park, 21-07 $414,000 $338,239.62 $111,250.13 $0.00 $449,489.75 Laurel Ret. Wall, 96-05 $180,000 $125,951.04 $0.00 $0.00 $125,951.04 Mezzanine Const., 22-08 $45,000 $39,089.41 $0.00 $0.00 $39,089.41 E. Entr. Sidewalks, 20-31 $261,000 $269,220.50 $1,278.30 $0.00 $270,498.80 L.F. Cell 3 Drainage 22-29 $35,000 $30,512.40 $0.00 $0.00 $30,512.40 PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS/PURCHASE ORDERS APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER (COSTS SHOWN INCLUDE APPLICABLE TAXES) CONTRACTOR Project- DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OR VENDOR PO # Liquivision Technologies 22-32 Reservoir Cleaning and Inspections $11,793.80 UPCOMING PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS (NEXT 30 DAYS, ESTIMATED DATES SHOWN ) PROJECT ADVERTISE BID START END TITLE FOR BIDS OPENING CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION Roof Drain Disconnects, Nov 2002 Dec 23, 2002 January 2003 March 2003 99-21 Fireball Plumbing Repair Dec 18, 2002 Jan 7, 2003 February 2003 February 2003 N:~PWKS~ENGINEER~IGRRPT~co 12-02.wpd 63 64 ?I?~'s Quarterly Report October- December 2oo2 This quarter began with the arrivalof $9 students and5 adults from our Sister City in ~vtutsu, Japan. The delegation was representing Tanafru Senior }figh School. ?I~t met the deleBation at Sea-Tac, touredSeattle, arri¥ing at ?.~l~'s city hall welcomedwarmly by a ~roup of students from Jefferson Elementary School. ~vtayor Glen 34~i~gins, City ~vtanager ~tike Quinn anda few city councilmen were on hand to formally.greet the delegation andwelcorne them to our city. The group then toured the U.S. Coast Guard Base, pilot Gene dida wonderfuljob! The next stop was a groupphoto on the Friendship Bridge locatedat the :Estuary. The delegation was warmly greetedat the }limb Schoolandwent home with their host families. The next few days were very busy and the delegation hada great time. ~q new element was introduced this year. The Japanese students met theirpenpals frorn Jefferson Schoo£ Thank you to IMarilyn ~vtattie and her second grade classes from this year and last year. What an exciting event for both the Japanese students ardour students. We hope that this event will continue in the future! PIRgt has been workinb with P, oosevelt and Steven's Middle Schools on the January visit of the Jr. Ambassadors from the Jqiddle Schools in 9Vlutsu. q~here willbe 20 students and9 adults. Port AnOeles does a wonderfuljob welc°min~l our friends from Ytutsu! P, eport compiledby PIP~ President 66 WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: JANUARY 7, 2003 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MICHAEL QUINN, CITY MANAGER ~~ SUBJECT: 2003 COMMUNITY WORK PLAN Summary_: The proposed 2003 Community Work Plan will be distributed to the Council at the meeting. It is a document listing work projects developed by the staff to reflect Council Goals and Objectives. It is a draft document in need of Council review and establishment of priority. Recommendation: Review this Work Plan and add / subtract projects in accordance with Council priorities. It is requested that Council input be returned to "Sam" for document finalization by Wednesday, January 15th. This will enable final action at the January 21 st Council meeting, unless the Council desires to set priorities as part of your agenda on January 25th. Background / Analysis: This preliminary Work Plan has been formulated by staffto reflect work projects that are dedicated in the 2003 Budget. They do not reflect on-going operations and general support functions. Projects with an asterik reflect staff's priorities. It must also be noted that some projects are long-term in direction and will take several years for completion. The recommended task of the Council is to review the document for any modifications, especially any additions / deletions of projects desired by Council. In order to prioritize the top projects in each goal category, it is recommended that you have five (5) votes in each goal category. You may combine them on one project of priority or spread to five projects. 67 G:\CNCLPKT~CTYMGR\jan 7 03 draft goals memo.wpd 68 CITY OF PORT ANGELES HOTEL/MOTEL GRANT FOURTH QUARTER REPORT OCTOBER 1-DECEMBER 31 2002 We, at the Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Department, have been very busy during the fourth quarter of 2002 with recreational activities that have brought additional tourists to Port Angeles. In keeping with our goal to impact tourism through the promotion and hosting of recreational events, we respectfully submit our Fourth Quarter Report. During the fourth quarter of 2002, Hotel/Motel Grant Funds helped make possible four basketball tournaments, one for men's teams and three for youth teams. The Talking Rain Tip-Off Classic, an invitational tournament for men's basketball teams, was held November 2"d and 3rd. Seven teams took part, including six from out- of-town. A tipoff tournament for boys' teams was also held November 2"d and 3rd, and had 13 teams enter in four different divisions. Ten of these teams came from out-of- town. The Sixth Annual Port Angeles Turkey Shoot, for boys' teams from 6"' grade through high school, took place November 16th and 17th. Nineteen teams entered this event, including 15 that traveled from out-of-town to play. The Holiday Hoops Classic, held December 14"' and 15"' for boys' and girls' teams from 5th grade through 8th grade, attracted 18 teams. Fifteen of these teams were from out of town. In summary, the four events held during the fourth quarter of 2002 attracted 44 teams, or almost 900 overnight visitors, spending over $65,000.00 in Port Angeles. 70 Parks Recreation Revenues November 2002 Ocean View Cemetery $15,619.45 $11,521.94 $143,943.91 $139,777.47 William Shore Memorial Pool $10,765.23 $9,996.92 $138,285.09 $130,453.37 Vern Burton Community Center $970.00 $4,030.50 $22,146.50 $21,380.00 Senior Services Center - Rentals $899.50 $1,805.00 $11,290.50 $11,637.50 Senior Services Center - Leases $172.50 $135.00 $1,367.50 $1,365.00 Senior Services Center - Kitchen $550.00 $550.00 $6,050.00 $6,050.00 Banner $120.00 $915.00 $6,990.00 $6,475.00 Lincoln Park Camping Fees $0.00 $0.00 $2,432.00 $2,951.00 City Pier Moorage Fees $0.00 $0.00 $752.21 $2,908.50 City Pier Rental Fees ~..i. -?. ' $0;00 ": ...-.-?--~* .. ~ .... $1,092.21 * General Fund Revenue Total $29,096.68 $28,954.36 $334,349.92 $322,997.84 '~,:,':'~,~'~ ~,~ ,~'~'"'~ ~" ~~_ "' '~ ' ~' ;~ ~M6~tTM.... !~ '~,~1~;~"'~=- ~,' 't .... " ........ Longhouse/,Clubhouse/koomis Bldg . ~: -. ~.-$700:00 - --:- $650.00.- - .', $10;335'.00 .... ; ..... $0,820.00 Eincoln Park Camping Fees $0.00 '- $0.00 $470.00 ~. $5~80.00 Improvement-Fund Total .............. .. ,$7'00;00 ..... .'-.$650.00 ..... ver,n: Burtoh':~,t~hea:Fce~'-::':.i":):~- .............. $395i00 ............ :~--$60~i0p ........ $3¼5~4':~8§ ........ $2','6~7:50 C0;Ed. . -Votley.b~tl~.--./'¢. -,, · ':~ · "' ''''= ...... '': --: --~ , .............$220i~00. . :'?$;~5i00, .......... $i,930:00.. .., ............. $2;4.~,0,.00.. .-, T~nni~: ..- _ .......... :':: :"' '": ..... "'"' .......... '"" ......... i -: $0:00_~. ...... No.prog~a'rn ........ $-2.}.~;00 ........... N0:P¢0gram $1owpitch ". ,~. '.-'.~:'-T. ;'. '. ':"; .......... :-$0.0'0 ........ --$3.00 ' $26','480, ;00 ......... $20; ..96.3;.00 SI0Wpitch !ouma~m~t.: ': ....................... $0.00 ............. $0.00 ....... $:2}6-20:00 .......... $i;470.00 MensB~s~e{~,lt:~ '~ -".'' ................ ::-" i '-: ..... $3;86.5.00 $2;175.00 ........ $6-~?1-;42.~b ......... $;4;37~,°0 B.~sketball: Tburnament..~ ..... _ ....... i ........... $3.;~.b0 ....... .-$5T2.-7t $44;'S47;:~ 2 ....... .--$.1 ,~58.5T ' . ' ~' ' " ' ';'' '"'~'~ , ' ;T'" ' -,' - Youth-Programs:'``..`.`'..`: ........ ' ............ :-$2}805.50 '-: ........ ' -.$6;497.73 ....... :--$3;102:~0 ................. $51,534.'86 .__~.._ o~ ~Adult. Proornms:~.- ........ .- : -. .. -,.-,,- ~-~'~.nn -,.,..-- ~-~'nT.nn - -."~'n-,~'~-?n~,,,,~, ~ ........,,~,,,,,,,,,~°,'~'n.nn MiscellaneoUs. Special E~'vent/Sports $0.00 N° program ·. $5,00o.00i No program So~.cer- .-:;'-:~'- :-.. , .:- ~;._' ..... ;. $30.00 ' I ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~: ~ 1 ~a': :~!~0~i~.32~:.5.,0t .... ' "$7;'::29g;50 ~'~'_a~io'n'~a!-~-X~?ities~F~!'nd, ......... :.., .... ~;~al-t .... ~: $1(J;8'70;501.., ........ $10,1.40i,'44 - $.~-'1 6;!'T;7.'.,0~ .............. $9'~,;50;t~.37 · NotcalCul~ated:-in 200;I - - ' " '~ * ........ "-" .;''~-. ' ....... -i'"'.' - ' .... ';'.,,~' ' ' ........... : .... :' :'"' .... :"' ~' ' November 2002 This Month This Month This Year to Last Year to 2002 2001 Date 2002 Date 2001 Main Hall/Gym Special Uses 6,376 5,817 44,839 44,554 Main Hall/Gym Regular Uses 136 400 3,535 3,404 Meeting Room Special Uses 392 446 7,456 4,660 Meeting Room Regular Uses ..... 275 .... .. 408 4,846 .. 3,360 Council Chambers :. 432 .... 1:;450 : "" 5,646 6;900 Total Attendance .... ' ' - 7,,611 *: · 8,521 .... 66,322 . '62',878 City .... Pier Uses " : .':'-4'" ...... ~- '- 2 ' 74 - :100 City Pier Event Attendance · . .',,:..'; ~',80 * ' .: , 100 10,-i62 5,850 L°ng~°u~/Club. h°u~e/L~0mis~;~:~':":':"fI ' ':'~]' "- 281' ' 2~'~I '~'~'' "20~1 ReCreati~-~Pmg'ramS?. ,~: .? ' 35 ,'98 .1,94~ :1,367 SpeCie: Events ~;~ ?.~ ' :~ . -. ~ . 564 -~. 84 7,~60 8,661 Tetai;Pa~ipants':;,..' ;',; .~ . 599 . 182 9,307 10,028 Recreation Services Monthly Activities Report November 2002 Vern Burton Community Center Main Hall Events Date [Event [Attendance [November I Olympic Christ/an School Auction (set up) 50 November 2 """ 'OlYmpi~-~hrisfiansehbol'Aucti°nJDLrmer ': '' ~ ' ' 300 November 5 Goodwin/AAU Basketball ~ :: 20 November 6 Independent Bible Church Basketball ' 25 November 6~8 Extended' After School Program (teacher workshops) . 51 November 7 . . GoodwinlAAU Basketball. 30 November 8 Franklin School 8ock Hop , ........ . '200 November 9 Monohon Wedding & Reception 300 November 12 Red Lion for Christian'Women Luncheon ' 85. Goodwin/AAU Baskeibal!'.~ '~' . ' ' 25 November 13 Red Lion for Rotary.Luncheon . - 100 November 14-1.7 Christmas. Cottage- .... .... · ..... - - - ~. :-:: ..... ,...: :...-. -. : .... .1~,500 November 18 Juan de Fuca Campfire Awards 40 November 21-22 H/trrickne Rictge'winter Fest'. '- .... ' · '-"" 300 E.oy~mCer 33 ..... sk~ S~ap 3.00 November 25 - O1 ~7jnpic Medical Center Foundation Festival of Trees . 3,000: ...... --- "'"": iRegular Ver'fi B~irton~GYm Users ~. November Attendance: ~: d:~: ::; I t5 Vern Burton Meeting Room Events Date [ Event IAttendance November 1-2 Olympic Christian School Dinner/Auction see VBMCC November 6-8 After School All Day Program at VBMCC see VBMCC November 6 Clallam County Food Handlers 41 November 9 Monohom Wedding & Reception 40 November 11 Ostomy Support Group 25 November 12-13 55 Alive Defensive Driving Class 50 .N0veil/ber 'i'2 ~ Board' of Industrial Appeals · ' '6 November 13 Fors/FastPitch Meeting . . 12 November 14 Clailam CountY Elwha Management Team 25 North Olympic Baseball Association 15 November 16 Jim Owen 30 November 18 Olympic Roundup 15 November 20 Healthy Families 10 November 25- Festival of Trees ', · ~ . , ' ' :'~::. 100 December 2 -' ""~"-'- - Vern BurtonCMeeting Room - Regular Users ~ ' School District .................. Olympic Round up Mtg'.. '.',... V'.: .':. i":': ':.-~';"~-.:: I ]qo.vember Altendance~ ..... ',C_':. ~ .~ .... -;..: ........................................... ! ......... 27511 I November 8 Clallam County: Bar,Association Seminar ......... . 40 November '14 Clallam CoUnty Drag Task F6~ce DUI Victim's Panel 2,5 'Iqovvrnber25 DowntowiiForward · ,:: : , '- ,: :',..~: ,~ . '20 75 City Hall Council Chambers - Regular Users City Council Meetings ...................... 130 Wellness Committee ......................... 20 Board of Adjustment ........................ 12 Planning .................................. 24 Human Resources ........................... 25 November Attendance .................................................................... 211 .' ,-ii. :Park & Facility Rentals :' ClUbhOuse ' 3 75 "] SCoUts: ' 'Each Wednesday .L0ngho. uS~ .~ ~ .... : ~ 2 · . 36 No month!YuseSlschedUl_ed:~.:i, '~ ..: . i LoomisBuilding ~ '.-81 ' ' ~ '- ' 76:: -2{2H: ~' .~:'::": l~t&4th Tues - ...... . .:. , . . , ._:~..: :_, ,,Scouts: 3~dTuesday Fly Fishermen: 1st Monday Lioif~ P~r~:': ~ ': 0 9 Various users ~eteram Park : . ..... 2 : !3 Veterans Program Last Friday 'COrtrad :D),ar FoUntain 1, ; 2 . Various,users ........ ? :~ ' Scheduled City Pier Uses , i'~.: ..~: ~;:(;[!:' ..c?:, :~,? ThisMonth: 14 ' Year to Date,: 831 I Date. · .; 7::,:_, None scheduled for November:, Recreation Division Programs Approximately 35 participants After School Program at Franklin School Children registered .......................................................... 35 children enrolled Parks & Recreation Special Events Approximately 564 Participants ~November 2-3. ~. Boys & Girls 5th grade through varsity basketball Tip Off Tournament ,., ..... -~ 13 Teams; 10 oUt-of-town . ' - · November 6,7,8 Extended After School Program (to accommodate school conferences) . · . A total 51 children Participated 19 Teams; i5 °ut-of-t6wn ': · i".. :" ..:_-.-: .~....:~:, .. : .. ~ .Upcoming RecreationPrograms-. Date Event th th December 14-15 Holiday Hoops:-Boys'& Girls, 5 ihrortgh 9. ~grarle!basketball December 15 Family Holiday Picmc~: ..: :-: . ~ ~.,,-~ .: .7. D'e~emb-er2I ....... '~ Raifi-'deef Rttn 'i)eeembek23~24 :ParentsD~yOut- C'hiid:ear~& fun' :'.::' ~,i ', · ,. ~: ·} _ : '- i:.;'5 i!' '~'i~ ! -"-' -:l ....... , , , ,... Miscellaneous 'W'eekl~"''Fie'id Schedu~in8'' for: Adult SOccer,,Youth<SOceer. William Shore Memorial Pool Monthly Attendance and . , ReVenue November 2002 Children 833 833 10,386 12,073 Adults 1,863 1,816 20,714 22,274 Middle School Nite 38 23 175 220 Kids Da~ 2~ 28 233 2 / f Pool..Paffy- Paticpants ........ 19 11 ..... 128 21 [ Pool .Pa~ies (not included in total)'.' 245 -.. 133 1,955 ~2,! 21 REcREATIoN:TOTALSt: ~ -~ ~ 2,774 : : ,2-,711 ' · 31,636 ~ '. ~... 35061 Children 678 .... 665 8,570 9,315 Adults :26 :' :.~.: 0 162 112 Paren~Child Orientation . 16 : . 0 1,519 552 Pre-School 408 398 4,344 3,280 ~ater..~ercise ......... 499 .. 465 ......... 5,580 ............ 5,831 S~heolDistHct .' ~ 431 797 ' ' 5,642 . ': - 6,407 PPg!. Renta!~/CJasses Ifistructio~ ,Totals 2,618 2,928 31,475 30,809 ~ATTENDANCE TOTAL - : - 5;392~ ~ 5 ~9~ : -63~:~:1~ .65~8~0 ............ 27~.ofl ....... ]ent~:Suits;Towels~Caps,-:' ....... · .......... ." $240:12 -: ........... $197.65 ..... $2;171.41 :-:-$2,Z~-.79 Le~o~ ~.,378.0p .......... $2,75Z::~ ............ $51,288,!'6.. .... $47,.131.04 S~'oW:erS_. ............................. $27.~6 ......... $8~9~. ........... $925.:84' - ........ $1,298.2~ R°dl: ~edtals-. ............................... $846.] 9~ ..... ..$84.6.46 ......... '. $8,372:.93 ........ L$7,9~5.56 ADMINISTRATION -kGirls High School swim team has one swimmer at State ¢rBoys High School swim team began on November 18th -kWinter/Spring Swim Lesson Registration began December 2 INSTRUCTIONAL Exercise classes for August -k Water Aerobics AM & PM classes Monday through Friday ~r Deep Water AM classes M - W - F Deep Water PM.classes : Tuesday,.&.Thursday 'Swim LeSsons Schedule: ~ 'October 28 - November 22 Grade-school :~ October 29 J NoVember 21 ~ October 29, November 22 '- ..... -~Adults ~ On-going _ , cLUBs AND ORGANi~ TiONS ::::' "" -'5~0%~'00 pm MOnday through Friday W Po~ Angeles Diving Club . ....................... Kid'S'Day' :~e~beft23 Middle School Night 38 Pa~icipants .. ...... '" pOrtAnge' ':les . Senior Center Monthly Activity Report November 2002 This Month This Month This Year This Year Percent 2002 2001 2002 2001 Change Information & Referral 1,8.15 1,485 16,733 : 20;914 Estimated ^ttendance.. 5,841 4,700 57,396 59,716 Health Pro~rams 571 423 5,456 1,604 Education Programs - 4~2'0 : '' ': ~:-~! ~' '778 7,628 .7,362 2,252.1 ~ 1,130 · 18,732 17,246 g il/E /Po _oc.a__vents__royram/Meals Trips - Offered '9 :'.' ' ' -- r '' 0 54 0 Trips - Passengers 6 0 54 50 Volunteers ......... ................ , . · -..'.' ':" -,;..'.: : ...... ~.:~--" Hours . : 1,453~ ,.!,318 ..,.~:21 268 v.,rl,8,457.'.: ,..:~ .:~ .......................... Individuals ...... 13i. ......... 165 ............ * ....... * -- '~_..':'_.,. :"F::?;"-. , ....... MemberShil~S' .... :"' .............. ' ...... 6- ...... 165 ........... :1 ;'656 .,.: ........................................... Cit~ ....... ;-":"'5 - :. ,1~ .......... .'il,050 ...... ....:.. ':.:: .... ~ ........ . -C.ounb/ .......... 1 ............. 0 ....... 6061 .......... 56~ .......... ::~ ;*~Ndt C~lculated ........... ', ............. : ..... ~ ........... : ..... :-..- ,' ' -*?;C~ih0 in 2003 ..... .':," :':: ..... :":'- ::"::. ....... -' '"'; ..... F. . .-: ..........' .... .-'-- ...... _ .. ,-~ " '., . ". '- "'~, , ' '-~ '. d_" ......... '- . -~,: ......... ' ' _." L ............ ~. ..... ;- '' ..... , - ,1 '"-- -': "; ................ ',~ .... ~- _-. · -t.~..'., ...................................... : ........... . "-'?' ..... :; '" ........... ;'-. ?'~'~::'?L' "~t7 - .............. : ""- ...... ....... -, ' ........ :- :-~--~.;--.,~:.., ;':?:,!.,'? _ .... : Senior Center Events Date I Events November Senior Center Flea Market & Bazaar Flu Shots Square Dance · . :. Community Use Events November City/County Computer Firewall Computer. Training PA Fire DePartmenl ' First United Meth.odist: Church~ '. Juan de Fuca Chapter of'Am~,r!can Rhody Society Virginia Mason AARP -: · ~ ~- '.- OilPainting Computer Classes:~' .... ' ...... ~ ..... -' - Pro:Bono-Lawyers: '- ' :~ ':" -':::-: -'..-: -': .-~ .~ - - :.Gompu~ Lab Drop In .... : : ~Round,. Table onPolitics Computer I~b Tutoring ; -"-. Spanish I Conversational Spanish, .~ ......... :; Spring Chicken Band Creative Writing ' , ~:~. - .... ~.,-~ Tap Dance Classes Harmonica Lessons ..~ · . '. - ~ -~VVatei' GQlo~ C_~ass .,~ -- Infinite Variety of Mu. sic, - ~ -... Wine' Tasting _. investment Class ..... ~.fige~t~mer~t-~G~dtil~--. -~.~- .... . ........ ,~: _-~ ....... ......... . ...... ...,.~:. _~..~:. ......... ..~ ........ .,_:~.. Aerobics Low Vision Support GrQup Chair Exercise ' T;~i mi ':- - '~b~0~li~a S~Pp0rt Group wai~,rcoidr~-~lhss ~ ' -- [ ~He~rih~4~8' R~it/Testing 'wi~a:·:Testing Senior center. SponsOred Social & Recreational Programs At the Movies: Videos Olympic Peninsula Chess Club Bingo Paint on Your Own Bridge Pinochle Calligraphy Poker Lessons Canasta Pool Coffee Lounge Senior Minute Committee Crafts Senior Singers Cribbage . . Senior Swingers Dance Golden Agers Club Guiding Committee Join us for Coffee & a donut!! Ocean View cemeterY Revenue November 2002 II 2002 2001 2000 1999 II II $15,619.45 $11,521.94 $14,376.14 $5,451.95l~ This Month 2002 This Month 2001 This Month 2000 This Month 1999 Property $935.16 Merchandize .................... $10,503.-12 ................. ....... - : ' ~ Sales Tax -$906.17 Net Sales $14,664.16 Not Available Not Available Not Available Ground Burials ...... 30 .... 23 . ,~6 24 Ground Burial ;" :: .- .,-. Yearto Date Totals ~ 67~ .53~ 51~ 54 OCean View Cemetery Sales Revenue November 2002 This This This This This This This This Month Year Month Year Month Year Month Year 2002 2002 2001 2001 2000 2000 1999 1999 Total Adu t Lots 2 31 · 2 30 1 34 .~ 2 38 Infant Lots 0 · . · , . Cremation Lots 12 Niches 16 1 6 3 15' 13 Crypts 1 .~... .~ .. ;, .... 1 Veterans LotsA u -. · Memorial Lots 0 Monthly Parks & Cemetery Monthly Division Report November 2002 Turf Management: Mowing and trimming ALL locations ........................................ 63.5 hrs. Turf Renovation/Repairs .................................................. 27.0 hrs. Equipment repairs and maintenance ......................................... 50.5 hrs. Total Hours Previous Year: 134.5 ~ · · Total Hours Current Year: 141.0 Beautification: -Downtown planter maintenanCe(cleanup water etc.) .............................. 4.0 hrs. 'Maintenance of planted areas ....... . ~... ~ ,,.~ .~: ~? ~ ....................... 34.0 hrs. Greenhouse, plant maintenance ..... . .... ,.. ..... ...... ~ ...... .................. 29.0 hrs. Tree wellmaintenance .. !~'! 'iii:.' i'.~.,....,:. :.... ~.. i~!.''. :.i. ................ 6.0 hrs. ~ '. Total Hours Current Year: 73.0 Total Hours Previous Year: 7.0 '. :~ .... Amenities: Pi~malnten&n~ei: i-!.?::. ( ................................................. 19.0 hrs. ~z Hoo~City Pi~floaUmaintenance .... ,...............~... ,....... ,. -..- ...... ~..... .... . -. (: 0..0 ~. 'WaShroom :se~i~i~mainten~ee 8~ ~0 ~s Si'~:mainten~ee: ~ ~..:~..~..~ ~ .~ ;, ',:~.: ::::. q.......... · ~ · ~. · · ,... -. · · .. · · -. · · .. -. '. · .... ~. ~..... ,.....,. ,... 51 ,O ~S~ Play ?eqUipment maintefi~ ~ ~ ~ .: .................... '. ~ ', ::: ::. :~...~ '~ :,.:'.~ .":;;.;:. '~: ~; 225 O~er mainten=ce~onds, fo~tain etc.) ...................................... 22;5 ~s. 'Total ,Hours Previous Year: 157.0 Total Hours Current Year: 149.0 SpOrt Facilities:, ........ ;.,;.:~ Baseball~ :and sO,ball, fr~ld*mainten~ce...:....,.. -...: ,,...., .... .. ~.... ~........... ,... .... -2 110 ~s. $~cer field :mainten~ee .... ~ ?~ ,. ,.....-..-. -........., .... .... ....... j... .... .....,...... ~. 1:5:5 ~s. 'Football fietd mainten~ee~: .~ ? (~ ....... .. .... :..,: .' ....~':~ ~. :,~:':: ~.. ':; .':'2~::~:: :, ~. :. ~: 31 Te~is co~ m~nten~ce .................................................. 0.0 ~s. Fiel61ighting m~nten~ce .................................................. 0.0 ~s. Total'Hours Previous Year: 31.0 Total Hours Current Year:!74,5 inStallatio~mainten~ce :)0:0 Bench'~d mmofial -. '~reePlmfing~d m~n~enmce,' .~ ~. .................... .. j,~_. ,.. ~.. ~ :'... ~ ::~, .',. ,. ,.'..: ~-~ :T6tal H°urs Previous Year: '48~0: ~:: ~:. ...... Total Hours Current year:: 0~0 BUilding Maintenance: William Shore pool ...................................................... 43.0 hrs. Veto Burton Community Center ............................................ 53.0 hrs. Senior Services Center .................................................... 80.0 hrs. City Hall/Police Department ..... ~ .......................................... 97.0 hrs. Total Hours Previous Year: 419.0 Total Hours Current Year: 273.0 Civic Complex: City Hall Atrium maintenance .............................................. 14.0 hrs. Total Hours Previous Year: 17.0 Total Hours Current Year: 26.5 Parks General Maintenance: Litter pickup ............................................................ 46.0 hrs. Park ImprOvements ' 63.0 hrs. Building Maitite/~aribe~ .................................................... 44.0 hrs. F6rest Management ............ . .... . .......................... · ..... . ........ 74..5 hrs. Other. maintenance'activities ...... . ................... . .................. ...... 4?.:0 :hrS. '.Total'Hours .Previous Year: 459.5 ~ Total Hours Current year:.'274i5 Other: . ,,. .............................................................. 60.0 hrs. 'Toi//l,I-iodi-S~P)evi0us Year: 51.0 Total Hours Current Year: 60.0 campgrouna: ' - ' Site Maintenance .......................................................... 0.0 hrs. HoU?~Previous,Year: OiO' ..: ' ~, Total Hours Current Year:O.O 'ff'~xm t'~,ar !';7 ...... ,": ,IC~ ............... ,~i~d~b3~!,:~'q~;ments '. .......... '.' .......'.. '.. '.. '.. '..' ........... '. '... '... '.-.. -cr'e~a,ti¢:i~t;~en~:?,, .. '....'...-.-.. '.......~..'.. '..-...-. '....~...'..-...-... '.'.. crypt ento~.bment. .... - .................. 10.0,hrs. . , .... :. ~ .r' ': ........................ ? ' ':?' '??:['7' ' ' Niche M~ents ......................................................... 6.5 ~s. Memorial m~ker settings .......... ~ ............................................ 1'8.5 ~S. )M6w~fig ~ ~M~ing ..... '} ........................... :... ~'. .......... ~2.11.5 ~s. · Bfiildin~Chapel clewing md mainten~ce .................. .., .- ........... Grave:site refil:ling/re~ading. ' ........................... ..": ,-". ': ...... 33,5 ~s. 'CUstomer Semite. ' ' 9.5 ~s. Total~ HoUrs~ PrevioUs Year: 91'.5 Total Hours Current. year: 202,5 parks Administration: Daily Supervision, crew training and safety meetings ........................... 160.0 hrs. Total Hours-Previous Year: 10.5 Total Hours Current Year: 160.0 NON Productive Hrs: (Illnesses, doctor, dental, vacations) Total Hours Previous Year: 233.0 Total Hours Current Year: 464.0 TOtal Parks & Cemetery Division Hours: Total HOurS'Previous Year: 1,799.0 Total Hours Current Year:l,895.5 _ ,. -. /- . .Monthly Activity Hours November 2002 [] #1 Turf Mangement 141.0 hrs. · #2 Beautification 73.0 hrs. · #3 Amenities 149,0 hrs ..... · #4 Sports Faciliti~es, 1 m #5 Wat~r~i T¢~ii o h~.~ ' '' ....B #6'l~lJii'ding' r~/l'ain~'nar~:ce,';~3,0 hrs. 1. #7 Civic Complex 26.5 hrs, ... ........ · #8 Parks General Maintenance 274.5 hrs. . · #9'special Events 60 hrs. ,. · #1'0 Campground 0 hrs. · -#11 Cemetery 202.Shrs~.'''_I-' · #t2 ParEs Administration 160.0 hrs. · #13 Time Loss 464.0 hrs. P°rt- 'Angeles- , . · .. ..... Fine Arts:Center~ '";;': ~: "~' :i' Attendance and Revenue November 2002 Date Event Attendance Event Hours Nov 1-30 Additional Outdoor Visitors to Art Outside 300 ongoing Nov 1-30 Allen Moe/Life Vessels 507 96 Total 807 96 ~ ! · . ~ :' '.'~:: ArtPaths EduCation Program 1-Nov z~th Grade/Dry Creek/2 classes '50 3 7-Nov 3rd GradelFranklin/1 class , - ' · : . '27 1.5 14-Nov 4th Grade/F('anklin/lclass.,., ~.. .,.. ' ' .75 4.5 15-Nov 2nd Grade/Fairview/1 clasS : "'..: 23 1.5 15-Nov 5th Grade/Hamilton/1 clasS!: ;' :, , r::, , :; · .~ ., 23 , 1.5 20-Nov 5th & 6th Grade/FiVe Acre School/t cla~s:~ -_-'_,, ~-~:..: -~ 24 1.5 20-Nov Helen Hailer/3 classes . · _ 55 4.5 21-Nov Monroe/1 class ' '~'''' ' '~ : . i' i': :..' ' 22 1.5 22-Nov : · .... Mixed Ages/Stevenst-1 class..,- ....... ~ .... ..... t 6 .--. ..... .-.. .... 1 ~5 ..... Home. Room, Cla,s,,sroom EOII0w Up :seSsign,s.. , .. 66 12 Zrblov._ ........ InquisitNe-Eye Tour .................................................. 2:N~v ................. Bai~ddge~u~!ic ~Group .......... ; ...... ~ ;.,.. '~ I ..... 7-' 7' , .... .- - ,- ~ , , ,- - , - ',r ] , , Onaoina GallewDocents "· :';' ,37 ' -. 96 ..... . . . . - , .,,, ,:.: ' ............. 40 ..... f36 O ~ ~ . ,. ~, :,. Jake Seniuk: Juror for WSAC 1/2 ~ for a~ 1 pOrt Angeles Fine ArtsCenter Attendance,. and Revenue ' - .... November 2002 :.t.,- Fine Arts Center Revenue Memberships $1,175.00 T-Shirt/Cap Sales $45.00 Donations $121.00 Art Sales $175.00 Events $394.00 . $200.00: Memorials -. Hastings Foundation Grant $6,000.00 :ota.I Revenue $8,11-0.00 89 90 Port Angeles Fire Depar[ment It is the purpose of the Port Angeles Fire Department to improve the quality of life for the citizens and visitors of the City while providing a broad range of services designed to save lives and property. Monthly Report PAFD Monthly Report, November/December 2002 Page 1 of 4 PAFD Monthly Report November 2002 Onerations 2000 2001 2002 % increase or decrease over previous year Total numberofcallstodate I 2,476 2,678 13,123 I 14.2%T Total Medic I patient contacts to date I 2,062 2,102 I 2,151 2.2 % 1 Total number of volunteer fn'efighters [ N/A 1,441.511,165 19.1%1 hours of service to date Average daily responses per crew this I 7 % 8.4 % I 9.9 % 15.1% 1 month I I December 2002 --v --t~"era*~ons 2000 2001 2002 % increase or decrease over previous year Total number of calls to date 2,715 2,951 3,394 13 % ! Total Medic I patient contacts to date I 2,266 2,322 2,374 2.1% ! Total number of volunteer firefighters [ N/A 1,663.511,234.5 25.7%1 hours of service to date Average daily responses per crew this I 7.7 8.8 ] 8.7 1.1% ! month I I Operations · Using money from a FEMA grant, we have purchased our new integrated Personal Alert Safety (PASS) devices. Firefighter Kelly Ziegler has provided training for all personnel and the new devices have been placed into service. These new PASS devices will provide a greater margin of safety for firefighters working in hostile environments. 92 PArD Monthly Report, November/December 2002 Page 2 of 4 November 2002 Prevention 2001 2002 Fire and life safety inspections to date 861 1,096 Permits/Plan reviews to date 79 74 Number of fire investigations performed to date 19 17 Number of public education contacts to date 1,651 3,342 December 2002 Prevention 2001 2002 Fire and life safety inspections to date 898 1,162 Permits/Plan reviews to date 86 94 Number of fire investigations performed to date 23 18 Number of public education contacts to date 1,686 3,432 Prevention · The Fire Department has once again partnered with the local Godfather's Pizza Restaurant to provide a pizza lunch incentive in conjunction with the Fire Department Fire Prevention Week school visits. For the past several years, classes that had a 100% homework return were treated to a free pizza lunch. Godfather's donated 16 pizzas this year and two lucky classrooms at Hamilton Elementary School shared pizza with the firefighters. · We have been providing ongoing fire extinguisher training for all Clallam County employees. This month we provided training for an additional 45 personnel. We also provided fire safety training for residents at two of the City's larger assisted living facilities. · The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and TYCO Industries have joined to advertise a voluntary recall of several million glass-bulb fire sprinkler heads. These recalled heads have been installed in thousands of building around the Country -- including Port Angeles. In an effort to facilitate the free replacement of these recalled sprinklers, the Port Angeles Fire Department has visited every building in the City that is protected by a fire sprinkler system. We have assisted the building owners with the identification of the recalled sprinklers and we are also assisting with the completion of the required paperwork. This has been an extremely labor intensive project, however we feel that it is worth it in order to demonstrate our commitment to the value of fire sprinkler systems. PAFD Monthly Report, November/December 2002 Page 3 of 4 November 2002 Training 2001 2002 Career personnel: Total number of training hours to date 2,698 2,899 (21 career firefighters) Volunteer personnel: Total number of training hours to 1,074 1,135 date (22 volunteer firefighters) Number of citizens trained in CPR to date 221 391 Number of citizens trained in first aid to date N/A 274 Number of citizens trained in disaster preparedness N/A 25 December 2002 Training 2001 2002 Career personnel: Total number of training hours to date 2,798 2,814 (21 career firefigvhters) Volunteer personnel: Total number of training hours to 1,136 1,175 date (22 volunteer firefighters) Number of citizens trained in CPR to date 300 391 Number of citizens trained in first aid to date N/A 274 Number of citizens trained in disaster preparedness N/A 25 Training · The first draft of the Departments' new Standards for Hose Evolutions has been distributed for comment. These hose evolutions are "bread and butter" operations that are frequently used during Fire Department operations. We will be tailoring future training to these standards and we will be developing time and performance measures that will enable us to adequately measure the ability of our personnel to perform these tasks. 9,1 PAFD Monthly Report, November/December 2002 Page 4 of 4 Department News The Fire Department has recently lost several Support Officers to attrition. In an effort to reduce the subsequent increased workload on the remaining Support Officers, we have recruited two new Support Officers. These new personnel are currently undergoing training and are expected to join the crew shortly. This year, for the 17th year, the Port Angeles Fire Department has sponsored "Operation Candy Cane." For seven straight nights, volunteer and career firefighters staffed the brightly decorated Operation Candy Cane fire engine as they traveled throughout the City collecting donations of cash and food items for the benefit of the Food Bank. This year, firefighters collected 9,929 pounds of food and $1,015. 95 96