HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 01/18/2000 , ~;:.:,,~ . ~. ~.{;; :,.:c" WAS H IN G TON, U. S. A. .'. .'. .' '.' .....AG}:.~DA CITY}COUN~IL MEETING ~21 EAST FIFTH S1JU!ET e January 18, ~ooci REGULAR MEETING' -6:00 p.m. A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.) ROLL CALL - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - CEREMONIAL MATTERS & PROCLAMATIONS I. Presentation of recycling calendar to Council 1 by Dale Miller 2. Proclamation declaring January 2000"School 3 board Recognition Month '" . B. WORK SESSION C. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTUREA.GENDAS (By Council, Staff or Public) AND PUBLIC COMMENT FORJTEMS NOT ON AGENDA.. (This is theoppor@nityfor members of ...._~.-_' ....... 1h~ p"I/J.lic to speak to the City Council about al'l{thtng not on the ~genda, please k,eepfominents to 5-10 mmutes.)' '.' ' " D. FINANCE E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Council minutes of January 4, 2000 2. Check list - February 7, 2000 - $1,131,313.49 F. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS H. RESOLUTIONS 1. Street Vacation Petition - S,T\' 99-03;:: City of Port Angeles: Resolution setting' a;Fpu~lic hearing for consideration of vacation. of. a portion of 8th, 9th, the 8/9 alley,' anqrJones Streets in the area of the Esther Webster Fine Arts Center 2. Street Vacation Petition -STV.8P~gl - Heerschap: Resolution setting a public hearing for consideration of vacation of a portion of "H" Street adjacent to 1440 Marine Drive 5 9 Action 41 Action Action 45 . NOTE: HEARINGDEVI<JES A VAILABLEFOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYORTOiDETERMINE TIME OF BREAK January 18, 2000 . Port Angeles'Cjty Council Meeting Page - 1 OTHER"CONsrJ~;ta'TJbNS 1. SolilWci.ste Priva~HaUlhs Contract 2. 'Lease Agreementiwith~Seriior Nutrition 3. Finalize City Council committee assigmnents 4. United Way contract 5. Vacancies ofBoards/Cornrnissions 6. Contract withYMGA PATHTeen.'Scerie .7., Amendment to Fir~fight#.rs.I,.al>CJi,,Agr~~~t J.,i'PU,:QLIC HEA~~G~ - QlJ~I-JUDIG!;A~ (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) ~~" ,.~ K.PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER', I. ,Municipal Cod~A1nendments - ~CA 99-qf - 81 City of Port Angeles: Proposed aniendmentsto portions of the Zoning, Short PlatJ and Subdivision Ordillances maJ<#ig f changes consistent with those regulationS' by" clarifying specific sections f mcluding the home occupation, b~d and breakfast, 'in residential areas, and retail sta!tdBeririit prqsesses,'ljeaVy industri<1l use Il>WI~!1 ~jgp,Jegula1:i,ons, ~al husbandry qefinitiq~~',i anqi~f1 ~ubdiyision improveInellt ,i~quire~en!s'i (ThirAt~ is c("mtinued from the JflIlu4rY4, f9,O:Ol;nf?!iling.) , . " +" ',' ,"';," '.',;', ," ,." 121 2. 'Local Law EnforcementBlock Grant award " 49 Action 57 Action 63 Action 67 Action 69 Action 73~. Action 77 ""Action J I ',' Action L. INFORMATION 1. City Manager's Calendar.. (Page 123) 2. Planning DepartmeptMonthly Report - December 1999 (Page 127) 3. Planning Department Year. End Report - 1999 (Page 129) 4. Planning COInmissi~n minutes - De~~ber 8, 1999 (Page 13'1) 5 . 'Fire Departrrierit -'December 1 99,9,(Page 135) 1 i; M. EXECUTIVE SESSI,DN (As neeaed7lnddetermined by Citt.A.~torney) N. ADJOURNMENT , . _.. _, __,". ..: . <:'_-':-':>: ::: -. .;:;,--.-,.F}~.~. . -::'. ';'. :.;:; ~- ~t"T :_~: .:,'-;:,':: ,.f , , " '" ",,' """, "'" ""PI.JBLICHEARINGS '"",', '" ". , ~I~~~;!.i,',.,:,h,:,',:,~m".,.,~,~,:.'.:,:,~,..',~,;:'irir~,.Wj', "j'.',~~~~!i~~la~cl'i1~:r.~k~~~' . _. . "'L' .:?;: .~.,.:.:.::::.;::;;~;;:;;;:~:;;;; :~~;::';~;~-:;:m:l;~tt:: ,.. .-~:::: G:\CNCLPK1\AGENDA\OO-Ol18. WPD ~;Il",:<:~~" . NOTE:fHEARINq,DEy:ICES A~;AI~~I!I.E'.IfOR THQ~E,!NEEDING;ASSISTANCE j'MAYORtTQ1I>EJTE~~E TIME..OF,BREAK January ,18, 2000 PortAhgeles. Giij:,Council Meeting , , Page - 2 FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 18, 2000 · pORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON. U. S. A. DATE OF MEETING: January 18.2000 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster LOCATION: City Council Chambers ~-- 7(j-L/. 6a.~+ -;tA S~4~ mL p~S~ ~ ~ ~ b \,J b It\ (, '. L. ~ Cd yO .:s- ~ / t!. - ~ E: ~7l-I :51"": 7.--- 2lk~ ~ ~O\I/' K R-d I 0.3 L 'l---+-1 k k::c ,...... City of Port Angeles OrdinancelResolution Distribution List Cky C..ncll Meetlnz ~ J () At, 4' J ll, rlO/)() fJAJ ~^JJ 1\ J( ~, ; nt> .f?e~ i--fJ/) IN\Allt/f ~.. r /1111 .. 7"\7 ..::.rr\/ ~: r- \ l LA A .4f"Al'i1A1 .-Id"171 '_A City Manager 'i ~ City Atty. (l) J/ Iv' IV Planninsz J V- 17 ]./ City Clerk ,:; ../ ~-7 ,:;../ ( IvI JV' J/ Deputy Clerk Personnel Cust. Svcs. Finance Dir./Mszr. Police Dept. Fire Dept. Light Dept. Pub. Works (2) :JV' ~/ :J""V Parks & Rec. MRSC (1) 1/ IV IV PDN (Summarv) ~J M.N\. / / Extra Copies 4. J' 0 n J v'/ ~:L'Oo I "" I/nA t- ~ \/ J. ~.A+ ~\I / TOTAL ~ 1,1) _ 1:J '" I I I I I . . . DATE: To: FRoM: SUBJECT: FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO January 18, 2000 MA YOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utility Services America Recycles Day Washington Calendars Summary: America Recycles Day Washington sponsored a poster contest for all elementary and middle school students in Washington State. Recommendation: None. Information only. Background / Analysis: In September of 1999 Dale Miller, Recycling Coordinator, sent a packet of information to each elementary and middle school in Clallam County regarding a poster contest sponsored by America Recycles Day Washington Committee. This contest was part of the activities plan for America Recycles Day on November 15. The winners of the State contest would see their art work featured in the A.R.D.W. 2000 calendar. Clallam County had two winners. Collin Johnson, a sixth grader at Neah Bay will be featured for the month of February. Lindsay Hilliard, a third grader at Hamilton Elementary in Port Angeles will be featured for the month of May. These students along with the other twelve State winners were honored in ceremonies at the State Capitol on November 15. . In recognition of the Mayor and Council's continued support of the recycling programs we present each of you with a copy of the calendar. 1 . . . 2 . . . ,::'c:-i",)::' ;""""[;'~;::-;'~k:;' PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 121 216 East Fourth Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 457-8575 FAX (360) 457-4649 Dr. George R. Woodruff Superintendent Dr. Sharon Bancroft Curricu lu mIl nstruction Jim Jones. Jr. Financial Services Steve Rogers Alternative Education Mary Ann Unger Asst. to Superintendent Jim Widsteen Human Resources PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, school boards create a vision for what students should know and be able to do; WHEREAS, school boards establish clear standards for student performance; WHEREAS, school boards ensure that student assessments are tied to established standards; WHEREAS, schoof boards are accountable to the community for operating schools that support student achievement; WHEREAS, school boards align school district resources to ensure that students meet standards; WHEREAS, school boards create a climate that supports the philosophy that all. children can learn at high levels; WHEREAS, school boards build collaborative relationships based on trust, teamwork and shared accountability; and WHEREAS school boards are committed to continuous education and training on Issues related to student achievement; NOW. THEREFORE, we. the Port Angeles City Council, hereby declare our appreciatIon to the members of the Port Angeles School Board and proclaim the month of January 2000 to be School Board Recognition Month. We urge all citizens to join us in recognizing the dedication and hard work of local school board members in preparing today's studen~s for tomorrow's world. Signed: Dated: - BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Margaret Cra"ford Dorothy Duncan Charlie McClain Ken Schermer Kevin Snyder "Qua/i(\' Education in a Quality Community" 3 a...m -.-. --- ---.- PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICTND: 121 ~ 0 216 East Fourth Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362. . (360) 457-8575 FAX (360) 457-4649 JAN 1 .. 2000 eit~tlfPRIt I\RHVli~ Dr. George R. Woodruff Dr. Sharon Bancroft Superintendent Curriculum/Instruction Jini Jones, Jr. Financial Services Steve Rogers Alternative Education Mary Ann Unger Asst. to Superintendent Jim Widsteen Human Resources January 11, 2000 Mike Quinn, City Manager City of Port Angeles P. O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362 Dear Mike: Enclosed is a proclamation that I am asking you to present to the City Council recognizing the work of the Port Angeles School District Board of Directors and declaring January 2000 as School Board Recognition Month. T e Board was recognized for their efforts at our regular meeting on Monday, January 10,2000. . . 4 - BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Margaret Crawford Dorothy Duncan Charlie McClain Ken Schermer Kevin Snyder "Quality Education in a Quality Community" DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ."..._.,c,."",.,....""'~",..~'..,~'V,':'.T;'.'."., -""""A?\{"J':;1l">"'i(:)'-'j',"" FORTANGELES _~ 4e-o/ . ~~~~ WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO JANUARY 18,2000 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Steve Ilk, ChiefofPolice~/<....... L/~-, Swearing in of Police Corporals - Ceremonial Summary: During the week of January 10, 2000 fourteen officers participated in a two-day long process testing for the position of Police Corporal. Four candidates were promoted to the position on January 17,2000 and will begin their new responsibilities during the month of January. Recommendation: It is recommended that Mayor Doyle perform a ceremonial swearmg In ceremony for the new Corporals and present them with their stripes. Background / Analysis: Historically, the police department first used the corporal position about 1975. The last individual to hold this position was retired in 1988. Since that time the department has used "relief supervisors" to fill in during a sergeant's absence. As society has become more litigious it has become necessary to ensure that all supervisors have the necessary training and expertise to provide continuity in supervision twenty-four hours a day. Using patrol officers without formal supervisory training to fill these positions on an interim basis has the potential to expose the city to an unnecessary risk. The state training academy only offers supervisory training to officers holding a rank of corporal or higher. As a result of the promoting four officers to corporal we will be able to have trained supervisors on all shifts. Those officers who placed one through four on the civil service test and who will be sworn are: Ed Schilke Tyler Peninger Eric Kovatch Steve Coyle 005 - 2000 . . . CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: Administration of Oath of Office Election/Seating of Mayor Election/Seating of Deputy Mayor ROLL CALL: .I PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL MA TTERS/ PROCLAMA TIONS: Recognition of Resignation of Fire Chief Becker WORK SESSION: LA TE ITEMS TO BE PLACED. ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: FINANCE: Tumwater & 5th Street Slide Repair CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington January 4, 2000 Deputy Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Clerk Upton administered the oath of office to Orville Campbell, Lauren Erickson, and Glenn Wiggins who were then immediately seated with the City Council. Deputy Mayor Doyle opened nominations for the position of Mayor. Councilman Wiggins placed the name of Larry Doyle in nomination for Mayor. There being no further nominations, Councilman Wiggins moved to elect Larry Doyle as Mayor. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Larry Doyle was then seated as Mayor. Mayor Doyle opened nominations for the position of Deputy Mayor. Councilman Williams placed the name of Cathleen McKeown in nomination for Deputy Mayor. There being no further nominations, Councilman Williams moved to elect Cathleen McKeown as Deputy Mayor. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Cathleen McKeown was then seated as Deputy Mayor. Mayor Doyle and Deputy Mayor McKeown thanked the Council members for their confidence, and Mayor Doyle introduced his son, Dennis, and his wife, Genelle. Members Present: Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Campbell, Erickson, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Becker, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, G. Cutler, S. Ilk, D. McKeen, and S. Martin. Public Present: L. Lee, J; Becker, T. Martin, T. Biss, B. Harbick, R. Chard, C. Powell, R. Clark, J. Chen, and H. Wait. Mayor Doyle introduced and welcomed the newest Council member, Lauren Erickson. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Dennis Doyle. Proclamation Recognizing the Resignation of Bruce Becker, Fire Chief Mayor Doyle read a proclamation recognizing the resignation of Fire Chief Becker and acknowledging his service to the City. Councilman Williams commended Chief Becker for his vigilance during the Y2K preparations. None. None. Fina/ Acceptance andRe/ease of Retainage for Tumwater and 5th Street Slide Repair Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Public Works and Utilities Department. Councilman Campbell moved to accept the project and authorize the release of General Construction Company's retainage in the amount of $5,060.26 upon - 1 - 5 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 4, 2000 Tumwater & 51h Street Slide Repair (Cont'd) CONSENT AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: INFORMA nON: 6 receipt of clearances. from the Departments of Revenue and Labor & Industries. Councilman Williams seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: . Council minutes ofQecember 21, 1999, regular meeting. Councilman Wiggins . seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilmember McKeown informed the Council that the Downtown Forward Executive Committee will be meeting Monday, January 10,2000, 7:00 a.m., in the Public Works Conference Room. The City Council is invited toattend. The purpose of the meeting is to update the downtown forward plan in order to prepare for a presentation to the Council. Councilman Wiggins reminded the Council that the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee will meet Friday, January 7, 2000, at 2:00 p.m. He and Councilman Campbell will be making allocation recommendations; he invited other Council members to attend this m~~. ' Mayor Doyle commended Councilman Wiggins on the television presentation he gave recently. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings: None. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings: None. Other Considerations: None. City Manager's Report Manager Quinn reviewed his work schedule, which included fmalization of the budget. He announced that Dan McKeen has been appointed as the Interim Fire Chief. A process and time line for filling that vacancy will be brought to a future meeting. He stated that lodging tax allocations will be forthcoming and are scheduled for Council . review at the next regular meeting. He has also reviewed outstanding labor contracts and is working on negotiations. Manager Quinn explained the changes being made to the public hearing process and approval of personnel replacements. He again thanked Chief Becker for his service to the City and wished him well in his new venture. Manager Quinn announced that a meeting is scheduled with Senator Patty Murray on January 21, 2000, 1:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Representatives from various agencies, including the City, will be participating in the discussion of economic development and telecommunications. The City's representatives were to be Tim Smith, Economic Development Director; Attorney Knutson; and Councilman Campbell. Unfortunately, due to a conflict of interest, Councilman Campbell is unable to attend, and Manager Quinn asked for a volunteer to replace him. Councilman Williams will attend in Councilman Campbell's place. Manager Quinn reminded the Council that the National League of Cities Conference is coming up. Any Council member wishing to attend should contact the City Manager's office so reservations can be made. On January 10, 2000, at 2:30 p.m., Representative Norm Dicks will be in Port Angeles. The meeting will take place in the Caucus Room, all Council members are invited to attend. Mayor Doyle noted that UAC meets at 3:00 p.m. that day and suggested that meeting be deferred until 3 :30 p.m. Manager Quinn pointed out that the packet contains summaries on public nuisance and the fiberoptic feasibility study. Discussion followed regarding the changes to the public hearing process and personnel replacement process. Councilman Williams suggested the City's e-mail address be . utilized to gamer public input on public hearing issues. Staff will draw up e- mail guidelines and return this issue to Council at a future meeting. - 2 - . . . Committee Assignments Break PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: Municipal Code Amendment MCA 99-02 CITY COUNcn.. MEETING January 4, 2000 Councilmember stated that Councilman Williams has asked to be on the Downtown Forward Executive Committee; therefore, she will step down from that Committee. She asked if the CFP Committee could be disbanded, as it has not met and the CFP.is developed in conjunction with the Council's goals and objectives. Manager Quinn announced that staff is drafting recommendations to the Council regarding the CFP. It may be of benefit to have the CFP Committee review the plan prior to bringing it to the Council. Regarding the Public Health Advisory Board, Councilman Wiggins will step down, and Councilmember McKeown will take his place. Councilmember McKeown asked that someone take her place as alternate to the Transit Board; she will remain as alternate on the School Board Multi-Ethnic Committee. Councilman Wiggins noted that the Art Feiro Marine Life Center Committee is not listed and should be. Councilmember McKeown is on that Committee and would like to remain. Councilmen Wiggins and Campbell will also retain their seats on that Committee. Councilmen Hulett and Campbell offered to retain their current committee assignments as listed, Director Cutler noted that Councilman Wiggins is also a member of the Elwha/Morse Management Team. Councilman Campbell suggested an alternate be appointed to this Committee, and Councilmember Erickson volunteered for this position. Councilman Wiggins asked Councilmember Erickson if she would like to take his position on the Transit Board to which she agreed. Councilman Hulett offered to take Mayor Doyle's place on the Real Estate Committee. Councilman Williams offered to retain his current committee assignments, but he offered to step down from the Public Information and Law & Justice Committees. He did not feel the Tacoma Narrows Advisory Committee would be meeting in the future, but did feel a Peninsula representative must continue to monitor the City's interests. Councilmember Erickson volunteered to replace Mayor Doyle on the Pool Renovation Committee, offered to be a second.representative to the Human Services Committee, will replace Councilman Williams on the Law & Justice Committee, will serve on the Clallam Transit Board, and will serve on the Public Health Advisory Board instead of Councilmember McKeown. Mayor Doyle asked for a volunteer as alternate to the Marine Resources Committee, and Councilmember Erickson will fill this position. Councilmember McKeown offered to replace Mayor Doyle on the Vehicle Committee, to which he agreed. Clerk Upton noted that a representative, in addition to the Mayor, was necessary for the Volunteer Firemen's Board. Councilman Hulett volunteered for this position. Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 7:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:10 p.m. None. Municipal Code Amendment MCA 99-02 - City of Port Angeles: Proposed amendments to portions of the Zoning Ordinance, Short Plat Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance making changes consistent with those regulations by clarifying specific sections, including the home occupation, bed and brealifast in residential areas, and retail stand permit processes, heavy industrial use/buffer/sign regulations, animal husbandry definitions, and subdivision improvement requirements. Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department. Director Collins gave a brief review of the language and possible changes regarding animal husbandry and house pet defmitions. The draft ordinance was inadvertently left out of the packet, but was placed in Council's mailboxes prior to the meeting. Attorney Knutson noted that a number of changes to the draft ordinance are anticipated before the fmal Ordinance is presented to the Council for approval. Discussion ensued, and Director Collins responded to questions and provided clarification especially as relates to chickens. - 3 - 7 r CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 4, 2000 PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: Municipal Code Amendment MCA 99-02 (Cont'd) EXECUTIVE SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: 8 Councilmember McKeown asked if this amendment would prohibit chickens in the backyard, which was the complaint that promoted this ordinance. Director Collins replied that it would prohibit chickens in the RS-7 zone, which is where the complaint occurred, but it would not prohibit people from keeping chickens as a house pet. . Keeping chickens outside is allowed in the RS-9 zone; therefore, there is potential for the problem to continue to exist. After further discussion and clarification, Mayor Doyle opened the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. There was no public testimony. Councilmember McKeown moved to continue the public hearing to January 18,2000. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Doyle introduced Dan McKeen, Interim Fire Chief, who was present in the audience and again welcomed Councilmember Erickson to the Council. There was no need for Executive Session. The meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m. Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Larry Doyle, Mayor . . - 4 - 00/01/12-08:02 . Fnd Opt Check Number 001 . . City of Port Angeles Vendor Name 55139 ATD-American Co 55248 Stoner Associates Inc. 55265 WA State Patrol - WASIS 55331 55381 55425 55432 55437 55469 55475 55493 55499 Sunpro Insight Direct Inc. AcuPrint Inc American Athletic, Inc. Bobbie's Flower Basket Jones, Scott Larson Sports, Greg Positive Promotions Quill Corporation MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 Tb 01/07/2000 Vendor Number 01426 19394 23281 19100 09085 01385 01336 02291 10189 12303 16262 17000 55503 Sound Analytical Services Inc. 19025 55518 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 55519 WA State Patrol - WASIS (HA) 55522 Washington (DOL), State of 0001 55186 Hansen's Trophy 55204 Maybee's Deli 55218 Olympic Memorial Hospital 55219 Olympic Paper Company 55221 Olympic Stationers Inc. 23359 04137 08047 13036 15028 15111 15030 55223 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 55225 paymentech 16421 Description Table skirt clips SynerGEE Electric software Criminal history-Wilcox Criminal history-Helgeson 2000 Annual Maintenance Fire D Data cartridges,cleaning tapes Cleaning tapes Data cartridges Secure check chip for printer Software upgrade-Secure Check Installation-portable basketba Containers-Christmas party Reimburse cell phone deposit Portable ball cart Carbon Monoxide,Fire Extinguis Credit envelopes Envelopes Paper. calculator ribbons Pens, labels Cassettes Cassettes, notes, stap ler, pens W2's,1099's,summary forms Storage boxes Organizer,pens Message pads, paper clips,pens Test soil samples-Albert and R Criminal history-G Worber Criminal history-B Worber Criminal history-Stenger Criminal history-Chapman Criminal history-Clark Criminal history-Ewing Criminal history-Blevins Criminal history-J W Ray Concealed weapons licenses-Dec January 12 2000 GL Code Number 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2254010 1 2391000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2296000 Total for Department Name tag 111 3101 Engraving,materiaL 111 4155 Assorted Lunches-Finance mtg 112 3101 Assorted Lunches-finance mtg 112 3101 Vol firefighter physicaL-Bear 113 4131 VoL firefighter physicaL-Bear 113 4131 TabLe covers 112 3101 PenciLs,highLighter,pens 113 3101 CaLendars,clips,enveLopes 111 3101 Calendars 111 3101 File foLders 111 3101 Inkjet cartridges 111 3101 Braun-Pt AngeLes,DoyLe to Vict 112 4310 Page 1 Amount 3.94- 148.13- 24.00 24.00 63.05- 76.71- 15.80- 28.44- 144.50- 47.01- 23.70- 55.03 100.00 13.02- 3.19- 3.01 3.01- 9.35- 7.78- 5.52- 19.12- 15.73- 1.89- 5.09- 16.94- 44.32- 24.00 24.00 24.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 24.00 24.00 90.00 205.20- 4.59 9.87 32.37 32.37 n.84 119.30 53.09 23.82 109.82 18.24 43.99 64.74 184.20 9 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Number Name Number 55226 Peninsula Daily News 16012 55231 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 55242 Safeway Inc. 19045 55278 Bergsma Showroom 02296 55284 Clallam Co Dept of Personnel 03503 55292 Evergreen Meats 05033 55294 Gina's Bakery 07132 55295 Goldzimer Consulting Group 07080 55305 Lucent Technologies 12215 55306 Maybee's Deli 13036 55316 peninsula Int'l Relations Assn 16460 55320 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 55338 WAPELRA 23045 55344 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 55362 Boys & Girls Club of Sequim 02420 55368 Clallam County Auditor 03018 55412 US West Communications 21001 55421 AT&T Business Service 01085 55422 AWC Assn of Washington Cities 01080 55427 Advanced Travel 01090 55429 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 55434 Bergsma Showroom 02296 55495 Price Cost co Credit Card Pmts 03261 55508 Thompson MacKeLLar 20004 55527 Xerox Corporation 24001 10 " Description GL Code Number FiLing-City Budget,Hearings 111 4410 Petty cash reimbursements 111 3101 Petty cash reimbursements 111 4155 Petty cash reimbursements 113 4310 Coffee, pepsi 112 3101 Mayor Braun procLamation 112 3101 Registration-Martin. Upton 111 4310 City luncheon 111 4155 Council cookies,Hayor retireme 112 3101 Prof svcs-October retainer 111 4155 12-02 BiLLing 111 4210 12-02 Billing 113 4210 Two sack lunches, sa lad 111 3101 Sister Cities Int'l-Dues reimb 111 4150 Petty cash reimbursements 111 3101 Petty cash reimbursements 112 3101 2000 WAPELRA membership-Coons 113 4901 Scan charges November 113 4210 Scan charges November 111 4210 1999 Funding-Ht Angeles unit B 114 4972 1999 Funding-Westside extensio 114 4972 SpeciaL Election-Nov 2, 1999 111 4150 12-14 Billing 111 4210 12-14 BiLLing 113 4210 11~10 BiLLing redistribution 111 4210 11-10 BiLLing redistribution 113 4210 12-13 BiLling 111 4210 Registration-Quinn 2000 City L 111 4310 Registration-Doyle 2000 City L 112 4310 Registration-CampbeLL 2000 Cit 112 4310 Registration-WiLLiams 2000 Cit 112 4310 Registration-Wiggins 2000 City 112 431~ Registration-HuLett 2000 City 112 4310 Registration-Erickson 2000 Cit 112 4310 Registration-Erickson "Welcome 112 4310 WiLliams to pt Townsend 11-04 112 4310 Doyle to Vancouver, WA 12-09 112 4310 CoLLins to Vancouver,WA 12-09 111 4310 DoyLe to Victoria 11-11 112 4310 Adjustments for 1999 111 4310 Adjustments for 1999 113 4310 Coons to SeattLe 12-03 113 4310 12-15 BiLLing 111 4210 12-15 BiLLing 111 4210 Becker ProcLamation-framing 111 3101 Credit card purchases 111 4155 Credit card purchases 111 3101 City newsLetter,radio spots 111 4150 DC214S Lease Agreement 12-99 11\4530 January 12 2000 TotaL for Administration Page 2 . Amount 62.72 16.95 24.57 31 . 94 ~ 16.99 205.05 30.00 281.98 119.00 370.00 46.50 31.00 15.65 280.00 16.95 11.47 150.00 20.82 193.33 7,500.00 7,500.00 3,11. 142. 94.89 130.43- 86.95- 64.14 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 65.00 66.32 148.00 139.71 13.50 2.35 30.40 10.40 16.27 16.27 197.48 258.24 1~ 50 70. 23,086.26 'f:_t~\:" ~:t,f~.~~T(~\~~~'1~~Wt~, i<}1~f*'~ ,;t~M;~;' 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port Angeles MACHINE . CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name" Vendor Number 0002 55150 Angeles Millwork 01073 55176 Federal Express Corp. 06022 55216 Olympic Delivery Service Inc. 15020 55219 Olympic Paper Company 15111 55220 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 55221 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 55223 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 55235 Postmaster 16028 . 55263 United Parcel Service 21005 55278 Bergsma Showroom 02296 55296 Hagar, Carol A. 08218 55305 Lucent Technologies 12215 55334 United States Postal Service 21062 55339 WMTA (WA Municipal Treasurer) 23243 55344 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 55399 PathMasters International 16066 55400 Pitney Bowes Inc. 16018 55401 Postmaster 16028 55412 US West Communications 21001 55416 WFOA (WA Finance Officers Assn 23006 55427 Advanced Travel 01090 . 55429 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 55443 Captain T's 03048 Description GL Code Number Melamine 201 3101 Shipping charges 240 4210 Delivery service-November 240 4150 Paper 205 3101 Stamp 230 3101 Waste basket,calendar,staplers 240 3101 Copy paper, frames 240 3101 Copy paper, frames 205 3101 Copy paper, frames 240 3101 Tape, paper 230 3101 Grips 240 3101 Tape,markers.name plates 230 3101 Tape,markers.name plates 240 3101 Registers,envelopes,bands 230 3101 Registers,envelopes,bands 240 3101 Chair,bookcase,shell 240 3101 Cut panel,install glass 240 3101 Toner cartridges 240 3101 Toner cartridges 230 3101 Laser printer 240 3101 Prepaid postage 205 4210 12-04 Shipping charges 201 4210 Proclamation-Niemi retirement, 230 3101 Frame,print-Niemi retirement 230 3101 Reimburse toner cartridges 201 3101 12-02 Billing 201 4210 12-02 Billing 2304210 12-02 Billing 2404210 Postage for meter-15214174 205 4210 Annual dues 2ooo-Ziomkowski 201 4901 Scan charges November 201 4210 Scan charges November 230 4210 Scan charges November 240 4210 Registration-Filigno-Accounts 2304310 Postage meter rental pe 03-31- 205 4150 First class presort permit 67 205 4210 12-14 Billing 201 4210 12-14 Billing 230 4210 12-14 Billing 2404210 11-10 Billing redistribution 201 4210 11-10 Billing redistribution 230 4210 11-10 Billing redistribution 240 4210 2000 Membership Dues-Ziomkowsk 201 4901 Adjustments for 1999 201 4310 Adjustments for 1999 230 4310 Bryant to Portland 11-09 230 4310 Papandrew to Everett 11-05 230 4310 11-15 Billing 240 4210 12-15 Billing 240 4210 Shirts,embroidery 240 3101 Shirts,embroidery 230 3101 January 12 2000 Page 3 Amount 15.36 11.15 15.55 25.90 16.19 48.98 32.36 258.87 12.62 7.73 3.71 98.97 49.87 17.38 99.39 257.88 188.83 80.38 80.39 754.22 100,00 4.20 137.84 196.89 53.94 31.00 38.75 93.00 5,000.00 20.00 10.21 28.09 39.82 145.00 363 . 53 100.00 94.89 118.61 284.66 86.95- 108.69- 260.85- 50.00 2.35 12.60 410.02 45.40 21.42 33.52 36.30 36.30 " 11 00/01/12-08:02 Fnd Dpt Check Number City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name 55455 Equifax - Credit Information 55482 Microflex Inc. 55492 Port Angeles City Treasurer 55495 Price Cost co Credit Card Pmts 55499 Quill Corporation 55500 Retail Lockbox Inc. 55527 Xerox Corporation 0003 55181 55182 55189 55199 55221 55247 55263 55305 55333 55344 55346 55412 55438 55446 55449 55476 55499 55527 Gellor Insurance Inc. Gish Atty at Law, Steven C. Inland Pacific Lexis Law Publishing Olympic Stationers Inc. Solutions Group, The United Parcel Service Lucent Technologies United Parcel Service Washington (DIS), State of Washington (Notary), State of US West Communications CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2Q()Q Vendor Number 05160 13203 03062 03261 17Q()Q 18258 24001 07030 07245 09026 12311 15030 19476 21005 12215 21005 23111 23140 21001 Book Publishing Company 02051 Clallam County District Ct 1 03069 Clallam Jefferson Public Dfndr 03274 Lexis Law Publishing 12311 Quill corporation 17000 Xerox Corporation 24001 0004 55223 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 55226 Peninsula Daily News 55231 55291 55305 12 Port Angeles City Treasurer Evans & Associates, David Lucent Technologies 16004 16012 03062 05199 12215 Description GL Code Number Credit inquiries pe 12-20-99 240 4150 Tax Audit Program 230 4150 Petty cash reimbursements 201 3101 Credit card purchases 240 3101 Credit envelopes 240 3101 Envelopes 240 3101 Paper. calculator ribbons 240 3101 Paper. calculator ribbons 230 3101 W2's,1099's,summary forms 230 3101 Storage boxes 230 3101 File folders 2303101 Lockbox services-December 240 4150 DC230SLX Lease Agreement 11-99 205 4530 5800 Duplicator Lease Agreemen 205 4530 Surety Bond-Lusby 10-29-2000 311 4150 Professional svcs pe 12-06-99 311 4150 Stamp, ink 311 3101 Publications-WA State Environm 311 3101 Copy paper, frames 311 3101 Labels 311 3101 12-04 Shipping charges 311 4210 12-02 Billing 311 4210 11-06 Billing 311 4210 Scan charges November 311 4210 Notary name change-Kathol 311 4150 12-14 Billing 311 4210 11-10 Billing redistribution 311 4210 US District Court Rules-2Q()Q e 311 3101 Court costs-December 1999 311 5090 Public Defender fees-January 311 4150 WA Admin Law 311 3101 Cassettes, notes, stapler, pens 311 3101 DC220SLX Lease Agreement 11-99 311 4150 Toner cartridges 411 3101 Summary Ordinance #3028 411 4410 Determination-Zenovic and Asso 411 4410 Notice-Lund,Turner 411 4410 Notice-Amendments to Muncipal 411 4410 Notice-Daishowa 411 4410 Notice-Puget Sound Pilots 411 4410 Notice-Withers 411 4410 Notice-Planning Commission 411 4410 Petty cash reimbursements 411 3101 pt AngeLes Annexation EIS pe 1 411 4150 12-02 BilLing 411 4210 January 12 2000 Total for Finance Total for Attorney Page 4 . Amount 30.95 185.83 30.52 78.85 41.04- 41.04 86.30 41.31 214.84 25.n 24.71 212.35 855.61 2,610.33 13,524.95 75.00 356.00 34.21 :I 4.09 54.25 34.50 14.38 15.00 166.05 152.16- 29.87 5,416.74 2,500.00 65.15 261.05 568.31 9,680.56 157.53 29.01 43.12 26.66 83.10 54.88 54.10 . 1,874.30 31.00 "i'".;;J.' !,.i[:"'i ,~; 1\1 &:'t fh:;~i l: ;/; ::>."~:r,"::;ri ~t;.:::<:(,,~ 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port Angeles -,LIVE MACHINE . Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name 55344 Washington (DIS), State of 55379 Gellor Insurance Inc. 55412 US West Communications 55427 Advanced Travel 0005 55156 Camera Corner CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Vendor Number 23111 07030 21001 01090 03044 55158 Clallam County Dept. of Health 03065 55159 Clallam County Sheriff's Dept. 03074 55221 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 55223 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 . 55228 Pocket Press Inc 55255 Swain's General Store Inc. 55263 United Parcel Service 55279 Blue Top Cab Co. 55299 Irwin DMD, Todd R 55305 Lucent Technologies 16459 19037 21005 02091 09126 12215 55322 Port Angeles Police Department 16105 55344 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 55405 Servicemaster 55412 US West Communications . 19069 21001 , Description GL Code Number Scan charges November 411 4210 Renew Notary Bond-Roberds 2000 411 4901 12-14 Billing 411 4210 11-10 Billing redistribution 411 4210 Sawyer to Mt Vernon 11-10 411 4310 Collins to SeaTac 12-03 411 4310 Prints,film Photo processing Photo processing Medical charges-City inmates Inmate care-October 1999 Folders Copy paper,frames Pencils Virus scan software Toner cartridges Paper Color cartridges Color cartridges, WA Criminal Code copies Power outlet Spring clamps Cable ties Film 11-06 Shipping charges 11-06 Shipping charges 12-04 Shipping charges 12-04 Shipping charges Refund fingerprint fees-taxi Forks prisoner-Charles 12-02 Bi LL ing 12-02 Billing 12-02 BiL ling Petty cash reimbursements Petty cash reimbursements Petty cash reimbursements Petty cash reimbursements Scan charges November Scan charges November Scan charges November Couch cleaned 12-14 Billing 12-14 BiL ling 12-14 Billing 11-10 Billing redistribution 11-10 Billing redistribution 11-10 Billing redistribution 12-20 Billing 530 4990 530 4990 530 4990 530 5099 530 5099 530 3101 534 3101 511 3101 530 3101 530 3101 511 3101 530 3101 511 3101 530 3101 530 3101 530 3101 530 3101 530 3101 530 4210 534 4210 530 4210 530 4210 d 500 9422 530 5099 511 4210 534 4210 530 4210 530 4210 530 3101 511 3501 534 3101 511 4210 534 4210 530 4210 584 4150 534 4210 530 4210 511 4210 511 4210 534 4210 530 4210 534 4210 January 12 2000 Total for Planning Page 5 Amount 28.02 75.00 94.89 86.95- 25.50 19.50 2,595.58 24.54 10.14 7.46 871.97 24,929.14 8.98 194.16 5.76 59.29 107.90 28.86 29.14 29.13 118.n 5.36 9.37 10.22 96.27 70.42 21.17 16.94 51.50 100.00 374.00 54.25 38.75 7.75 45.69 22.61 46.21 31.31 20.74 6.06 55.88 50.00 118.61 23.72 166.05 152.16- 108.69- 21.74- 219.65 13 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 55427 Advanced Travel 01090 55429 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 55436 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 55444 Chinook Pharmacy 03513 55445 Clallam County Dept. of Health 03065 55448 Clallam County Humane Society 03072 55460 GTE/ERS Inc. 07005 55465 In The Line of Duty Inc. 09005 55471 Kovatch, Eric 11171 55472 LEIRA 12185 55499 Quill Corporation 17000 55516 WA State Crime Prevention Assn 23099 55520 WACA - Wa. Animal Control Assn 23239 55526 Wicklander-Zulawski & Assoc. 23091 0006 55140 Abram, Jeff 01054 55141 Ace Equipment Company 01055 55152 Avery's Cameras 11016 55157 City of Redmond 03510 55177 Federal Firesafety Inc. 06023 55200 Lincare Inc. 12134 55217 'Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 55220 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 55221 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 55233 Port Angeles Fire Department 16025 14 Descr'iption GL Code Number Viada to Portland 11-15 530 4310 Peninger to Portland 11-15 530 4310 Kovatch to Seattle 12-16 530 4310 Benedict to Tacoma 11-08 530 4310 12-15 Billing 5304210 12-15 Billing 5304210 12-15 Billing 5304210 12-15 Billing 5304210 12-15 Billing 530 4210 12-15 Billing 530 4210 12-15 Billing 530 4210 12-15 Billing 5304210 12-15 Billing 5304210 12-15 Billing 5304210 12-15 Billing 5304210 12-15 Billing 530 4210 Safety holster 530 2080 Identification case 530 3501 Shirt,emblem,alterations 530 2080 Ink remover towelettes 534 3101 Car door opening tool 530 3501 Service bar 530 3111 Prescriptions-G Clark 530 5099 Prescription-G Clark 530 5099 Prescription-G Clark 530 5099 Inmate medical charges 530 5099 Contract payment-December 530 4150 Repair,calibrate traffic radar 530 4810 Subscription renewal-2oo0 530 4901 Reimburse uniform allowance 530 2080 Registration-Zenonian Spring C 534 4310 Pens, labels 530 3101 Pens, labels 534 3101 Cassettes 530 3101 Message pads, paper clips,pens 530 3101 Membership dues-Schilke 2000 530 4901 Dues-20oo 530 4901 Registration-Winfield.Reid Met 530 4310 Reimburse clothing allowance Sharpen chains Film processing Registration-Becker Haz/Mat Remove,replace generator Refill cylinder Cleaning service-November Inspection notices Calendar,calculator Petty cash reimbursements \ 641 2080 641 3101 642 3101 cl 645 4310 684 4810 643 3101 641 4990 642 3101 611 3101 611 3101 January 12 2000 Total for Police Page 6 . Amount 200.81 57.00 19.90 15.00 10.44 35.73 15.01 17.58 9.38 16.71 47.12 24.95 13.16 9.38 15.82 53.10 66.47 87.89 94.96 74.10 it 20.64 8.98 94.00 3,391.50 64.25 695.00 43.02 150.00 90.12 16.13 75.32 38.80 50.00 25.00 379.00 33,946.33 142.39 8.09 6.02 90.00 323.70 5_ 21.83 38.76 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port Angeles -$~LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 . Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 55234 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 55239 Region One Training Council 18101 55242 Safeway Inc. 19045 55250 Sunpro 19100 55255 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 55305 Lucent Technologies 12215 55427 Advanced Travel 01090 55429 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 . 55436 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 55443 Captain T's 03048 Description GL Code Number Carburetor kit, fuel line 641 3101 Registration Incident Safety-W 641 4310 Tang,plates 642 3101 Software upgrade-Fire RMS 5.0 611 3101 Bowl cleaner,rivet,fasteners 684 3101 Car wax 641 3101 Oven thermometer 641 3101 Rivets, lights 641 3101 Surge suppressor 641 3101 Flashlight,sheath 641 2080 Rug cleaner 641 3101 Tape 641 3101 12-02 Billing 611 4210 12-02 Billing 642 4210 12-02 Billing 643 4210 12-02 Billing 641 4210 Scan charges November 611 4210 Scan charges November 643 4210 Scan charges November 641 4210 Resolving Workplace Conflict-M 645 4310 Nasal spray 643 3101 Batteries 643 3101 Misc medical supplies 643 3101 Gauge,gauge guard 641 3101 Uniforms 641 3111 Cylinder gauge guard 641 3101 Reconfigure Service Main 648 4157 Modify electrical service 648 4157 12-14 Billing 611 4210 12-14 Billing 642 4210 12-14 Billing 643 4210 12-14 Billing 641 4210 11-10 Billing redistribution 611 4210 11-10 Billing redistribution 6424210 11-10 Billing redistribution 643 4210 11-10 Billing redistribution 641 4210 Doyle to Bellingham 10-29 643 4310 Twitchell to Bellingham 10-29 643 4310 Becker.to Kirkland 11-30 645 4310 Adjustments for 1999 643 4310 12-15 Billing 643 4210 12-15 Billing 641 4210 12-15 Billing 641 4210 12-15 Billing 643 4210 12-15 Billing 641 4210 12-15 Billing 641 4210 Uniforms,emblems,boot zippers 643 2080 Uniforms,emblems,belts 643 2080 Uniforms,emblems 643 2080 Shirts,sweatshirts,pants 643 2080 Jacket,embroidery 642 2080 January 12 2000 Page 7 Amount 55.55 40.00 17.65 654.00 10.09 34.40 4.50 13.94 10.00 95.75 20.47 6.19 38.75 7.75 7.75 23.25 41.94 .89 1.94 15.00 5.59 6.67 54.57 246.10 902.09 16.14 4,705.52 3,955.00 118.61 23.72 23.72 71.16 108.69- 21.74- 21.74- 65.21- 252.92 257.70 215.42 20.80 3.92 2.53 15.39 28.97 21.22 9.31 299.57 ,276.57 250.27 383.85 113.83 15 00/01/12-08:02 Fnd Dpt Check Number 55447 55452 55457 55464 55466 55474 55481 55493 55527 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name Clallam County EMS/Trauma Curtis & Sons Inc, L. N. Fire & Rescue Training (FRTC) IAAI Washington State Chapter Int'l Assoc of Fire Chiefs Larry's Janitor Service Maybee's Deli Positive Promotions Xerox Corporation 0007 55144 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 55156 Camera Corner 55162 Complete Line, The 55183 Grainger Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Vendor Number Care 03068 03098 06244 09075 09099 12040 13036 16262 24001 01061 03044 03087 07015 55217 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 55219 Olympic Paper Company 15111 55220 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 55221 Olympic Stationers Inc. 55223 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 55231 Port Angeles City Treasurer 55242 Safeway Inc. 55252 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 55257 Thurman Supply 15030 16004 03062 19045 19035 20005 55287 Clinical Psychology Associates 03460 55298 IAPMO 09059 55305 Lucent Technologies 12215 55310 Miner & Miner 13457 55320 Port Angeles City Treasurer 55337 WABO 55340 WSDOT - Local Programs 55344 Washington (DIS), State of 55355 Alpha Information Mgmt. Inc. 55376 Familian NW 16 03062 23136 23098 23111 01019 06020 Description GL Code Number Medic 1 Advisory for January 643 4150 Foam 641 3101 Registration-Wheeler,Bogues 645 4310 Y2K Dues-McKeen 642 4901 Membership dues-McKeen 642 4901 Janitorial svcs,bags-December 684 4150 82 sack lunches-Y2K food 648 4157 Carbon Monoxide,Fire Extinguis 642 3101 DC220SS Lease Agreement 11-99 641 4810 Lamps 784 3101 Photo processing 711 3101 Photo processing 711 3101 Paper 711 3101 File folders,envelopes,pens 711 3101 Return paper 711 3101 Pens 711 3101 Safety sign 784,3101 Fluorescent lights,wall fixtur 784 3101 Light bulbs,safety sign 784 3101 Light bulbs 784 3101 Cleaning service-November 7843101 Cleaning service-November 784 3101 Toilet tissue,plastic bags 784 3101 Crevice tool,hose 784 3101 Warning notices 711 3101 Paper 711 3101 Sign 784 3101 Post-it notes 711 3101 Tape, paper 711 3101 Markers 711 3101 Folding tables 784 3101 Petty cash reimbursements 711 4990 Carpet brush 784 3101 Tank flapper,ball 784 3101 FLuorescent tubes 784 3101 Tube Lights 784 3101 EvaLuation-Brown 711 4150 Membership dues-HaehnLen 2000 711 4901 12-02 BiLLing 711 4210 ConsuLting svcs-UtiLity data c 711 4150 Consulting svcs-Utility data c 711 4150 Petty cash reimbursements 711 4310 AnnuaL membership dues-Haehnle 711 4901 Training-CutLer-TooLkit for Pe 711 4310 Scan charges November 711 4210 Scan charges November 711 4210 MicrofiLm,microfiche jacket 711 3101 Water heaters-City Hall 784 4810 January 12 2000 TotaL for Fire Page 8 . Amount 500.00 363.97 100.00 25.00 165 .00 423.00 575.11 43.52 337.03 16,954.49 15.99 8.88 25.94 291.62 43.60 291.62- 19.60 36.98 5. 41.71 8.74 83.72 50.30 198.64 50.86 5.05 32.02 258.87 20.63 233.78 18.00 6.99 12.39 16.16 21.56 800.00 150.00 209.22 9,900.00 3,744.00 52.05 50.00 3~ ~;y 1,122.15 5,656.12 '~~,?::Fi\}, '';):i;,~;-;1;:i.ti.~{'$'~\:,'-l'~;:'~',\ :;.j:;,.;- :lh~1(- ,',. ""~F~Vt~;'" 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port Angeles -LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From' 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 . Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 55397 PERS 16016 55402 Professional Office Machines & 16324 55412 US West Communications 21001 55427 Advanced Travel 01090 55429 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 55443 Captain TIs 03048 55463 Home Service 08260 55514 Viking Office Products 22054 55527 Xerox Corporation 24001 0008 55138 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 . 55144 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 55147 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 55150 Angeles Mi llwork 01073 . Description GL Code Number Excess compensation-J Pittis 711 2010 Laser printer 711 4810 12-14 Billing 711 4210 11-10 Billing redistribution 711 4210 Kenworthy to Port Hadlock 12-9 711 4310 Kenworthy to Renton 11-15 711 4310 Cutler to Tukwila 11-15 711 4310 Sperr to Seattle 12-05 711 4310 McLain to Renton 11-14 711 4310 12-15 Billing 711 4210 12-15 Billing 711 4210 Shirts,embroidery 784 3101 Shirts,embroidery 711 3101 Remove sheetrock-125 W First 711 4150 Labels,cartridges,tabs 711 3101 DC220SLX Lease Agreement 11-99 711 4530 DC265 Lease Agreement 11-99 711 4530 12-01 Billing Lamps Meterbase,breakers,ground bar Concrete mix Brush Lag bolts,washers Drill bit Hammer,stakes,lumber,rebar Return tie wire ( Marking wand, paint Wedges, lag bolts,washers Wire wheel,brass screws Steel wool,sandpaper,lumber Chisel, screws Screws Screws,nuts,gloves,brush Tack cloth Tack cloth Screws, nuts Screws, toggle bolts Gloves Plywood,screws Staples,apron,hatchet,vent Plywood Tape,Banner,brushes,paint Cap, zinc strip,knife,hammer Screws,nuts Nails,starting fluid Roofing material Plastic sheeting,nipple,cap P lywood,screws, cleaner January 12 2000 Total for Public Works 861 4210 863 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 861 3199 861 3199 865 3120 861 3101 865 3120 866 3120 865 3501 861 3199 865 6510 865 3120 865 3120 865 6510 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 6510 865 3120 865 6510 866 3120 865 3120 865 3120 861 3199 Page 9 Amount 39,368:20 2,152.61 664.21 608.62- 34.50 50.40 60.45 832.40 65.40 9.38 26.50 141.35 145.20 498.50 134.56 574.93 796.36 68,633.65 48.55 172.85 114.41 105.45 6.95 42.81 19.37 233.60 3.58- 36.66 15.32 17.58 79.49 10.62 9.20 25.03 1.28 1.28 2.91 8.42 2.85 17.53 127.61 2.10 15.45 85.01 11.65 6.43 5.73 15.33 38.14 17 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port AngeLes - LIVE MACHINE January 12 2000 Page 10 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 . Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Nuts,screws,washers 861 3199 2.62 Tape 865 3501 .60 Wonder bar,chiseL,door 861 3199 98.69 NaiLs,casing 861 3199 21.58 Lumber 861 3199 12.12 Brackets 865 3120 5.34 MouLding,casing 861 3199 39.84 MouLded casing 861 3199 12.86 Return mouLding casing 861 3199 8.57- SeaLer,pLaster,brush,bLades 861 3199 14.50 Carpenter penci L 861 3199 1.49 PLywood 861 3199 9.17 Concrete mix 861 3199 12.89 Putty,brushes,mouLding 861 3199 15.06 Concrete mix 861 3199 12.89 Lumber,screws 866 3120 62.13 SeaLer 861 3199 6.14 Strap,screws,screwdriver 861 3199 11.58 Wonder bar,naiL-puLLer,bag 861 3199 59.42 BoLts,screws,nuts 861 3199 7.38 Connector 865 3120 .78 Concrete mix 861 3199 1. Brushes,paint 861 3199 Drain pipe,coupLer,tee,bLades 861 3199 89.97 Screen door,door,shims 861 3199 294.21 Paint 861 3199 n.64 GLue,screws,washers 866 3101 6.69 Screws, squares, Lumber 861 3199 64.43 PLywood, Lumber,door 861 3199 280.40 Door Locks 861 3199 54.45 Lumber 861 3199 40.57 Lumber,joist hanger,cauLking 861 3199 315.63 Lumber 861 3199 21.88 Concrete mix 861 3199 2.58 Extension cord, Christmas Light 865 3120 44.09 55152 Avery's Cameras 11016 FiLm,sLide processing 865 3101 15.03 55153 BLake Sand & GraveL Inc. 02045 Rubber gLoves 861 3199 6.74 BLended soiL 865 3101 91.26 BLended soiL 865 3101 75.15 Cement 865 6510 82.65 Soil 865 3101 32.21 Rake,rubber fLoat 861 3199 25.94 Top soil 865 3101 128.83 Blended soil 865 3101 32.21 Top soiL 865 3101 21.47 Top soil 865 3101 16.11 55176 Federal Express Corp. 06022 Shipping charges 811 4210 4,721 55185 Halberg Pacific Appraisal Svcs 08049 Appraisal svcs-LangLey propert 811 4150 55187 HartnageL BuiLding SuppLy Inc. 08052 Screws, nuts 865 6510 2. Drip caps 861 3199 15.61 Gutters,downspouts 865 3120 51.08 18 . ~";;\':'~1~/;~"~F!;:;{(1~ii~::)_i1;;~~{_:\~;; . -:;i)'~!~" 0' - '-"?~. 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port Angeles ..;f;;LIVE MACHINE . Fnd Dpt Check Number . . Vendor Name 55191 Jackson's Signs 55201 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 55215 Old Town T-Shirt Co. 55220 Olympic Printers Inc. 55221 Olympic Stationers Inc. 55223 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 55224 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 55227 Pettit Oil Company 55231 Port Angeles City Treasurer 55241 Rose Lumber 55252 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 55255 Swain's General Store Inc. 55257 Thurman Supply CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Vendor Number 10018 12047 15130 15027 15030 16004 16201 16302 03062 18016 19035 19037 20005 Description Deposit City Parks signs Paint striper Hats,shirts Business cards-Kochanek Receipt books, covers, folders Folding tables Toner cartridge Paint,brushes Paint,drop cloth Kerosene Petty cash reimbursements Petty cash reimbursements Lumber,knobs,hinges,seal Bar Socket Couplings,elbow,pipe Sockets Bit,wedges Tapping bolts,stop nuts Socket,rachet Bit,caulking,wedges Bit Bit,toggle bolt Stop nuts, clamp, rod Screws, cord Burn barrel Cylinder rentals November Cylinder rentals-November AcetyLene Hardware Jacket Screws Gloves ELectrical receptor PLiers CuLtivator carwash,nippLe,Lampholder Scrapers, putty knives,varni;h Pliers,wrench,square Screwdrivers Wood poLe, washers Candy, battery Toys, candy C-c Lamp Sandpaper~texture spray Gas cans,sponge,mitt,pails Boots Lantern,batteries Light buLbs,anti-freeze Christmas tree'decorations Ballast,saw GL Code Number 865 6410 865 3120 865 3120 866 3101 861 3101 877 3101 866 3101 865 3120 861 3199 865 3120 811 3101 862 9450 861 3199 865 6510 865 3120 866 3120 865 3501 865 3120 865 3120 865 3501 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 862 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3101 866 3101 866 3120 865 3140 865 3120 865 3140 865 3101 865 3120 865 3501 865 3101 866 3120 861 3101 865 3501 865 3501 865 3120 862 3101 862 3101 861 3101 861 3101 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 866 3120 January 12 2000 Page 11 Amount 3,500.00 2.04 421.50 78.44 21.77 233.79 71.21 71.04 108.12 29.18 81.45 18.00 153.98 31.17 12.51 11.73 6.99 8.12 2.46 21.77 10.92 3.98 4.22 8.80 9.86 164.98 16.19 10.79 37.03 .86 65.86 .90 6.41 18.14 23.24 15.61 10.77 96.57 41.74 22.59 3.24 27.30 22.81 2.56 20.22 52.74 64.60 78.85 15.62 32.37 49.06 19 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE January 12 2000 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 55261 US West Communications 21001 55263 United Parcel Service 21005 55272 William Smith & Assoc Inc. 23195 55273 York Bronze Co dba La Haye 12289 55305 Lucent Technologies 12215 55333 United Parcel Service 21005 55344 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 55412 US West Communications 21001 55418 Zenovic & Associates 26216 55421 AT&T Business Service 01085 55429 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 55432 American Athletic, Inc. 01336 55488 Northwest Playground Equipment 14481 55492 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 55507 Terma-Planners and Architects 20244 55515 WA Recreation & Park Assn/WRPA 23007 55524 Watermill Inc., The 23010 55527 Xerox corporation 24001 20 Description GL Code Number Tank flapper,ball 862 3120 Seat 865 3120 Wing nuts,wire nuts 865 3120 12-02 Billing 863 4210 11-06 Shipping charges 866 4210 11-06 Shipping charges 865 4210 12-04 Shipping charges 865 4210 Pool lift water jack,seals 862 3120 Name plate-Lehman 866 3401 12-02 Billing 811 4210 12-02 Billing 8664210 12-02 Billing 865 4210 12-02 Billing 861 4210 12-02 Billing 862 4210 12-02 Billing 863 4210 09-04 Billing shipping charges 861 3199 Scan charges November 811 4210 Scan charges November 866 4210 Scan charges November 865 4210 Scan charges November 861 4210 Scan charges November 862 4210 Scan charges November 863 4210 12-14 Billing 862 4210 12-14 Billing 811 4210 12-14 Billing 866 4210 12-14 Billing 865 4210 12-14 Billing 861 4210 12-14 Billing 862 4210 12-14 Billing 863 4210 12-14 Billing 865 4210 12-14 Billing 863 4210 12-14 Billing 862 4210 11-10 Billing redistribution 811 4210 11-10 Billing redistribution 8664210 11-10 Billing redistribution 865 4210 11-10 Billing redistribution 861 4210 11-10 Billing redistribution 862 4210 11-10 Billing redistribution 863 4210 Prof svcs-Trail pe 11-25-99 811 4150 12-13 Billing 862 4210 12-15 Billing 861 4210 12-15 Billing 861 4210 Installation-portable basketba 861 4810 Challenger Structure-Raines Pa 865 6410 Challenger Flyer-Crown Park 865 6410 Petty cash reimbursements 862 34730013 Prof svcs-PALions99 pe 11-11-9 811 4150 Membership renewal-Hicks 2000 861 4901 Sodium bicarbonate,harborlite 862 3120 DC220SS Lease Agreement 11-99 861 3101 DC220SS lease Agreement 11-99 863 3101 Page 12 . Amount 3.65 18.33 2.11 48.42 10.06 ~ 25.43 4.36 143.25 80.00 23.25 7.75 7.75 15.50 7.75 23.25 5.34 15.27 11.44 .28 22.65 41 71.16 23.72 23.72 47.44 23.72 71.16 38.25 75.02 46.63 65.21- 21.74- 21.74- 43.48- 21.74- 65.21- 165.00 12.49 9.38 9.38 323.70 8,166.72 7,919.11 38.19 7. 1,266.00 320.57 275.08 00/01/12-08:02 . Fnd Opt Check Number 101 0001 . 0007 "'.;:;'.:}'j{:e ;'?"l't~'r1ir'>('ti. ~"U "i>i>,. City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name 55312 North Olympic Peninsula 55319 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm. 55350 Wendt Advertising 55366 Certified Folder Display 55439 Brewer, David 55137 3M RVV7992 55138 55142 55147 AT&T Wireless Services Advanced Traffic Products Angeles Concrete Products 55150 Angeles Millwork 55156 Camera Corner 55190 Int'l Municipal Signal Assn 55197 Lakeside Industries Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Vendor Number 14127 16023 23426 03477 02055 20186 01404 Inc. 01224 01070 01073 03044 09029 12036 Description GL Code Number January 12 2000 Total for Parks & Recreation Total for General Fund Internet chgs-Nov,Dec-Rainier 122 4150 Distribute Hurricane Ridge Ski 115 5083 Blue Grass Festival promotion 115 5083 Hurricane Ridge Brochure distr 115 5083 Contract services-December 115 5083 Visitor Center-Nov,Visitor Cen 115 5083 Fall,Winter,Spring Campaign Ad 122 4150 Gilmore Conversion Study 122 4150 Horizon Air Magazine Internet 122 4150 1999-2000 Campaign Strategy 122 4150 December brochure distribution 122 4150 January brochure distribution 122 4150 Contract services for January 115 4990 Total for Convention Center Fund Reflective sheeting Barricade sheeting 12-01 Billing Lamps Concrete, fiber mesh Concrete,fiber mesh Concrete mix, fiber mesh Screws, nuts, washers, lumber Cap Coat hook, anchors Spikes Condensation blanket Lumber Lumber, p lywood, stakes Polaroid film Annual Dues 200o-Wells #20034 Annual Dues 2000-Wahto Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Thermometer Absorbent Handle Tape, paper Petty cash reimbursements Storage cabinet Spill control pallets Install radio,antenna Radios Trousers,jackets 752 3125 752 3125 752 4210 752 3125 752 3101 752 3101 752 3101 752 3101 752 3101 752 3101 752 3101 752 3101 752 3101 752 3101 752 3101 752 4310 752 4310 752 3101 752 3101 752 3101 752 3101 752 3501 752 3101 752 3101 752 3101 752 4940 752 3101 752 3101 752 4210 752 4210 752 3101 Page 13 Amount 34,187~56 202,404.18 70.00 400.00 860.00 200.00 3,717.00 7,595.61 260.71 93.75 2,025.00 75.00 261.25 261.25 100.00 15,919.57 647.54 416.05 15.90 465.69 379.55 397.61 289.17 25.54 4.09 7.61 5.00 132.59 25.43 69.83 56.00 40.00 40.00 200.40 358.37 195.84 307.42 188.07 312.91 25.70 64.72 21.00 633.89 319.58 126.27 170.48 646.00 21 00/01/12-08:02 Fnd Dpt Check Number 103 0001 104 0002 107 0005 22 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name 55257 Thurman supply 55258 Traffic Safety Supply Co. 55283 Chemsearch 55302 Kaufmann, Tom 55305 Lucent Technologies 55325 Ridout, Ken 55344 Washington (DIS), State of 55348 Washington State University 55371 Davy, Walt 55373 DustChem Inc 55412 US West Communications 55427 Advanced Travel 55429 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 55511 US West Communications-Claims 55305 Lucent Technologies 55344 Washington (DIS), State of 55427 Advanced Travel 55160 55194 552n 55285 55288 55451 55478 Clallam Title Company Kathol Construction Angeles Plumbing Inc. Clallam Jefferson CAC Inc. Cozi Homes Construction Cozi Homes Construction Lindquist Construction 55150 Angeles Millwork 55155 Builders Hardware & Supply Co. 55187 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 55221 Olympic Stationers Inc. 55223 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 55240 Richmond 2-Way Radio 55263 United Parcel Service January 12 2000 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Vendor Number 20005 20010 14004 11131 12215 18011 23111 23009 04152 04304 21001 01090 01105 21033 12215 23111 01090 03286 11178 01039 03022 ' 03299 03299 12200 01073 02071 08052 15030 16004 18009 21005 Description GL Code Number Batteries,face shield 752 3101 Oi l 752 3101 Jackets,trousers 752 3101 Boots 752 3101 Boots,gloves 752 3101 Wye,elbow 752 3101 Barricade light 752 3125 Circuit for barricade light 752 3125 Defroster spray,Opti Grow-iron 752 3101 Pesticide training, license ren 752 4310 12-02 Billing 752 4210 Mileage reimbursement-Nov,Dec 752 4310 Scan charges November 752 4210 Book-Weeds of West-Ridout 752 3101 Pipe, fittings 752 3101 Pipe,fittings 752 3101 Snow removal material 752 3101 Snow removal material 752 3101 12-14 Billing 752 4210 11-10 Billing redistribution 752 4210 McCabe,Wilcox to Seattle 11-12 752 4310 11-15 Billing 752 4210 12-15 Billing 752 4210 Buried cable damage #0024019 752 3101 Total for Street Fund 12-02 Bit ling Scan charges November Smith to Wenatchee 11-02 123 4210 123 4210 123 4310 Total for Economic Development Title Ins,recording-O'Brien 214 4941 Contractor pmt-Matney 98PA3IL 214 4150 Final billing-Cicotte 98PA02E 214 4150 Loan fee-Runnion 98PA25L 214 4150 Contractor pmt-Clarke 98PA34L 214 4150 Contractor pmt-Clarke 98PA34L 214 4150 Contractor pmt-final Dagley 98 214 4150 Total for Community Development Fund Plywood Wax,brush,dowels Drawer glides Dowels Copy paper,frames Toner cartridges Service call to fix headset 11-06 Shipping charges 532 6410 532 4810 532 4810 532 4810 532 3101 532 3101 532 3114 532 4210 Page 14 . Amount 48.50 4.76 313.95 86.18 34;11 ) 25.73 615.25 217.22 505.96 95.00 23.25 39.25 .59 37.75 199.62 98.73 623.42 623.42 71.16 65.21- 5~ ", 266.64 10,509.86 7.75 8.49 302.53 318.n 125.30 5,042.82 142.33 490.20 13,013.19 4,863.65 4,500.00 28,1n.49 75.51 11.50 50.91 . 85.24 97.11 4.86 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port Angeles -uIVE MACHINE I. CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number . 174 0008 186 0008 . 55305 Lucent Technologies 12215 55318 Plantronics/Santa Cruz 16089 55331 Sunpro 19100 55344 Washington (015), State of 23111 55380 Gouin Inc, Daniel L 07304 55391 New World Systems 14184 55412 US West Communications 21001 55420 APCO (Assn of Public Safety 01158 55427 Advanced Travel 01090 55443 Captain T's 03048 55487 National Emergency No. Assn 14154 55494 PowerPhone Inc 16140 55499 Quill Corporation 17000 55510 US West Communications 21001 55517 WA State Patrol 23057 55139 ATD-American Co 55221 Olympic Stationers Inc. 01426 15030 55223 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 55231 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 55255 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 55320 Port Angeles city Treasurer 03062 55383 Jim's Pharmacy (Inc) 10020 55408 Sound Restaurant Supply Inc. 19315 55454 District 13 04050 55458 Food Services of America 06094 55475 Larson Sports, Greg 12303 55492 Port Angeles city Treasurer 03062 55147 Angeles Concrete Products 55150 Angeles Millwork 01070 01073 Description GL Code Number 12-04 Shipping charges 532 4210 12-02 Billing 532 4210 Adapters,amplifiers 532 3114 Adapters,amplifiers 532 3114 2000 Annual Maintenance Fire 0 532 4810 Scan charges November 532 4210 Design,install Pen com network 532 6410 Consult, install CAD software p 532 6410 12-14 Billing 532 4210 11-10 Billing redistribution 532 4210 Annual dues-Wu #57241 532 4901 Rife to Stevenson 11-14 532 4310 Wu to SeaTac 11-17 532 4310 Wu to Olympia 12-08 532 4310 Shirts,embroidery 532 2080 Shirts,embroidery 532 2080 Membership dues-Wu 2000 532 4901 Registrations-Emergency Medica 532 4310 Message pads, paper clips,pens 532 3101 12-23 Billing 532 4210 Access User Fees-POR304 532 4810 Table skirt clips 889 3101 Pens 880 3101 Pencil lead,pad 8803101 Paper 888 3101 Copy paper,frames 882 3101 Folding tables 889 3101 Petty cash reimbursements 888 3101 Whistle, padlock 888 3101 Soccer ball 888 3101 Petty cash reimbursements 888 3101 Ice packs 888 3101 Dishwasher soap, spray handle 889 3101 Officials-:-"D" Basketball Leagu 882 4150 Officials-Open Basketball Leag 882 4150 Officials-Co-ed Volleyball Lea 884 4150 Coffee, tea filters 889 3101 Portable ball cart 888 3101 Petty cash reimbursements 888 3101 January 12 2000 Total for PenCom Total for Recreational Activities Fund Concrete mix Trowel,string holder,tote Stakes Stakes, measuring tape Wedge Rope, lumber 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 Page 15 Amount 7.43 131.75 105.74 147.82 861.05 47.51 543.75 2,880.00 403.26 369.54- 60.00 222.00 142.62 203.60 290.25 82.00 75.00 498.00 192.48 47.81 3,339.51 10,305.13 53.80 35.15 9.61 2.62 32.36 233.78 95.16 6.73 51.60 176.26 6.43 281.68 1,500.00 1,400.00 1,225.00 34.62 1n.72 30.39 5,352.91 868.60 25.93 20.07 30.58 31.56 26.32 23 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 55153 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 55171 Eclipse C Corp. 19019 55219 Olympic Paper Company 15111 55224 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 55252 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 55255 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 55257 Thurman Supply 55273 York Bronze Co dba La Haye 20005 12289 206 0002 55359 Bank of New York, The 02175 208 0002 310 0007 55144 ALL Phase ELectric SuppLy Co. 01061 55286 CLaLLam Transit 03145 55329 Spence, Karen 19641 55385 Key Bank of WA (Bellingham) 11128 55403 R J Services Inc. 18108 55410 Strider Construction Co Inc 19447 55470 Key Bank of WA (Bellingham) 11128 55505 Strider Construction Co Inc 19447 55525 West rem, John & Evelyn M 23460 316 0008 55147 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 55175 Fairchild Floors 55180 Free Methodist Church 55255 Swain's General Store Inc. 06019 06242 19037 24 Description Nails,lumber,stakes,paint pot Concrete mix Cement Concrete mix, cement Concrete mix Concrete mix Edger,nozzle Pea gravel Pea gravel Brush,handle Drop cloth Markers Zinc spray, carpenter pencil Clothes li ne wi re Square, level Paint Screws Screws,tape,cable,elbow P laque-Ha LLoran January 12 2000 GL Code Number 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 Total for Waterfront Trail Fund Administrative fees 295 4150 Administrative fees Total for 1991 GO Bonds ( Sr. Center) 292 4150 Total for L.I.D. Control Fund Lamps 781 3101 Gateway project planning-20% 777 4150 Gateway Project planning-20% 777 4150 Airport Rd ROW,Karen's Bookkee 774 6101 Escrow acct-473544009516 792 4150 Retainage release-Carnegie Lib 796 4150 Prof svcs-"I" St Sidewalk proj 792 4150 Escrow 473544009516 792 4150 Final pmt-"I" St Sidewalk #98- 792 4150 Rent-1424 Airport Rd-January 774 4150 Total for Capital Improvement Fund Concrete mix 860 3101 Concrete mix 860 3101 Concrete mix 860 3101 Concrete mix 860 3101 Carpet-Caretakers, Lincoln Park 860 3101 Damage deposit refund 860 9636 Cleaner,pail,sponges,scrubbers 860 3101 Paint rollers,trays,tape 860 3101 Page 16 . Amount 64.96 5.16 25.36 97.97 36.69 36.69 34.18 59.34 59.34 28.42 5.83 7.75 37.54 4.82 17.63 4.28 3.96 36.82 63.50 1,633~ 6'" 67.18 67.65 67.65 357.91 824.72 6,566.40 10,118.00 7,725.26 5,121 .45 146,779.89 25.95 493.05 540.00 178,552.63 341.23 263.69 791.05 13~ 3,22 50. 48.51 56.40 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port Angeles MACHINE January 12 2000 Page 17 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Knee boots 860 3101 39.78 Paint trays,rollers,brushes 860 3101 38.61 55257 Thurman Supply 20005 Light globes, fitters 860 3101 16.90 Knife,putty 860 3101 7.12 Range hood,flex pipe,elbow 860 3101 225.59 Return duct pipe,elbow,pipe 860 3101 41.88- 55276 Angeles Electric Inc. 01071 Repairs to Little League shed 860 3101 849.93 Total for Lincoln Park Improvement Fund 6,045.86 401 55271 Whitting, Scott 23496 Utility deposit rfd-005347008 401 2131100 160.17 55289 DeChant, Kimi 04305 Utility deposit rfd-087025021 401 2131100 125.00 55293 First Street Plaza LLC 06240 Utility overpmt rfd-078751003 401 1222200 21.36 55297 Hearthstone Group 08416 Utility overpmt rfd-034133001 401 1222200 20.10 55301 Jamieson, Scott 10187 Utility deposit rfd#013692020 401 2131100 147.57 55309 Melos, Beverly 13497 Utility overpmt rfd-046655010 401 1222200 19.79 55320 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursements 401 2131100 78.63 55326 Robertson, Donald 18350 Utility deposit rfd-084999003 401 2131100 250.00 55336 Vaughan, William 22094 Utility deposit rfd-041998oo7 401 2131100 250.00 55343 Wahlsten, Bryan 23284 Utility deposit rfd-004189021 401 2131100 67.38 55349 Webster, Melody 23497 Utility deposit rfd-048577008 401 2131100 67.43 . 55351 Young, Bruce 25126 Utility overpmt rfd-093378009 401 1222200 20.00 55360 Bartman, Ju lie 02488 Utility deposit rfd-001066006 401 2131100 74.14 55361 Black, Sarah 02489 Utility deposit rfd-023213023 401 2131100 93.26 55364 Burwash, Jed 02490 Utility deposit rfd-033413031 401 2131100 89.66 55375 Eldridge, Travis 05204 Utility deposit rfd-025739021 401 2131100 10.44 55378 Foss, Justin 06243 Utility deposit rfd-052876014 401 2131100 62.35 55382 Jaros, Margaret 10188 Utility deposit rfd-048356012 401 2131100 125.00 55386 Lenz, Mark 12323 Utility deposit rfd-037958003 401 2131100 99.14 55389 Matsui, Yoko 13390 Utility deposit rfd-081434038 401 2131100 17.26 55406 Seward, Loretta 19642 Utility deposit rfd-058351030 401 2131100 59.93 55414 Van Buren, Jessica 22095 Utility deposit rfd-033294028 401 2131100 86.49 55521 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 Lighting kit 401 1414000 1,428.00 Lighting kit 401 1411000 119.95 Total for Department 3,493.05 0009 55141 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Chainsaw chain 911 4810 16.13 55144 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Wire insulation 9113101 100.73 Locking ties 911 3101 427.34 Heater element 911 4810 24.92 Fuse reducers 911 3101 29.84 Insulated wire splicers 911 4810 105.01 Conduit 911 4810 100.99 Grounded light receptors 911 4810 236.54 Flex pipe, crimp tool 911 3501 42.52 . Return conduit 911 4810 100.99- Grounded light receptors 911 3402 161.75 55150 Angeles Millwork 01073 Saw, pi lot drill-card 911 3101 23.05 55156 Camera Corner 03044 Photo proccessing 911 3101 12.95 55164 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Floor mats, tapping screw 911 4810 30.10 25 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port AngeLes - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 55195 L & L TooL SpeciaLties 12035 55208 MiddLeton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 55219 OLympic Paper Company 15111 55221 OLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 55223 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 55234 Port AngeLes Power Equipment 16122 55237 PubLic UtiLity Dist CLaLLam Co 16038 55248 Stoner Associates Inc. 19394 55252 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 55255 Swain's GeneraL Store Inc. 19037 55257 Thurman SuppLy 55261 US West Communications 20005 21001 55263 United ParceL Service 21005 55305 Lucent TechnoLogies 12215 55317 PeninsuLa MiLitary SurpLus 16298 55323 PubLic UtiLity Dist CLaLLam Co 16038 55335 UtiLities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 55341 WUCC 23498 55344 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 55346 Washington (Notary), State of 23140 55352 Zee MedicaL Service Co. 26005 55374 EES ConsuLting Inc. 05140 55379 GeL Lor Insurance Inc. 07030 55388 Marsh Mundorf Pratt & SuLLivan 13287 55412 US West Communications 21001 55421 AT&T Business Service 55427 Advanced TraveL 01085 01090 26 Description GL Code Number Screwdriver 911 3501 SiLicone 911 4810 Socket 911 3501 Return sockets 911 3501 Return socket 911 3501 Foam peanuts 911 3101 Sponges 911 4810 Copy paper, frames 911 3101 FiLe cabinet 911 3101 InstaLL spark pLug 911 4810 Purchase poLe 911 3402 SynerGEE ELectric software 911 6410 RebuiLd.pump 911 4810 Patch tooL,putty knife 911 4810 Circuit breaker 911 4810 Circuit tester 911 3501 Extension cord 911 3101 Return extension cord 911 3101 Drawer organizers 911 4810 Grommet kit 911 4810 Sprayer 911 3101 Tape,adhesive 911 4810 CabLe bundLer 911 4810 Junction box,Light gLobes 911 3101 12-05 BiLLing 911 4210 12-02 BiLLing 911 4210 11-06 Shipping charges 911 9237 12-04 Shipping charges 911 3101 12-04 Shipping charges 911 4210 12-04 Shipping charges 911 3101 12-02 BiLLing 911 4210 Y2K meaLs 911 3101 12-09 BiLLing SR101 and EucLid 911 3350 12-14 BiLLing Lauridsen BLvd a 911 3350 Dashboard caLendar 2000 911 3101 November Locates 911 4150 AnnuaL Dues-2000 911 4901 Scan charges November 911 4210 Notary renewaL-Rinehart #25601 911 4990 Bandages,antiseptic 911 3101 Prof svcs,WPAG rates-Oct,Nov 911 4901 Renew Notary Bond-Rinehart 200 911 4990 Prof svcs,WPAG rates-November 911 4901 Prof svcs,SLice Group-November 911 4901 Prof svcs,WPAG-November 911 4901 12-14 BiLLing 911 4210 12-14 BiLLing 911 4210 11-10 BiLLing redistribution 911 4210 12-13 BiLLing 911 4210 Madison to Aberdeen 11-02 911 4310 Adjustments for 1999 911 4310 January 12 2000 I Page 18 . Amount 12.93 29.94 15.33 1.86- 13.47- 63.96 82.61 32.36 43.16 14.92 406.76 2,023.13 101.97 5.66 25.78 10.76 15.86 15.86- 23.91 12.38 I 20.48 41.69 60.42 15.10 3.15 2.56 5.03 108.50 262.50 15.36 17.36 9.19 25.64 60.00 12.07 20.00 42.89 3,254.89 75.00 763.15 636.30 474.64 332.10 3~ 300.24 52.35 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port Angeles . January 12 2000 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number . 402 . 55429 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 55443 Captain T's 03048 55455 Equifax - Credit Information 05160 55490 Parsinen Landscape Maintenance 16258 55497 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 55499 Quill Corporation 17000 55502 Sears Commercial One 19109 55503 Sound Analytical Services Inc. 19025 55509 Trainor, Kathleen E 20250 55512 Valley Freightliner Inc. 22062 55513 Valley Nursery Inc 55514 Viking Office Products 22096 22054 55523 Washington (DRS), State of 55527 Xerox Corporation 23141 24001 55376 Familian NW 06020 55393 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 55433 American Water Works Assoc. 01066 55484 Milwaukee Crane & Equipment Co 13495 0007 55144 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 55145 AmTest Inc. 55147 Angeles Concrete Products 55153 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 01034 01070 02045 Description GL Code Number Adjustments for 1999 911 4310 Adjustments for 1999 911 4310 McLain to Fife 12-03 911 4310 Brown to Silverdale 11-08 911 4310 Brown to Silverdale 11-19 911 4310 12-15 Billing 911 4210 12-15 Billing 911 4210 12-15 Billing 911 4210 12~15 Billing 911 4210 12-15 Billing 911 4210 12-15 Billing 911 4210 12-15 Billing 911 4210 12-15 Billing 911 4210 Shirts,embroidery 911 3101 Credit inquiries pe 12-20-99 911 4150 Landscape maintenance-Substati 911 4150 12-28 Billing-2110 Glass Rd 911 3350 Organizer,pens 911 3101 Reversible drill 911 3501 Test soil samples-Albert and R 911 4150 Reimburse mileage-Trainor 911 4310 Tow hooks,grab handle assembli 911 4810 Grab handle assembly 911 4810 Gaskets,grab handle reinforce 911 4810 City light plantings-Frances S 911 4150 Calendars 911 3101 Pens,adding machine tape, tabs 930 3101 Statewide pensions November 911 2010 DC220SS Lease Agreement 11-99 911 4150 Total for Light Total for Light Fund Water meter 402 1414000 Water meter 402 1411000 Replacement electrode 402 2370000 Coliforms, volumetric flask,st 402 2370000 Water Quality & Treatment 402 2370000 Warning tags 402 2370000 Total for Department Heater Battery Thermostats Silver testing Cement mix,aggregate rock Return pallets Stone, pal lets Cinder rock 754 4810 754 3101 754 3101 754 4150 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 Page 19 Amount 250;00 57.87 55.00 43.75 35.00 21.60 23.41 9;38 13.57 16.46 9.38 66.84 9.38 36.30 10.79 1,727.69 n.15 69.43 172.63 605.32 21.08 118.16 42.21 30.79 467.42 31.18 52.03 200.16 240.10 14,989.46 18,482.51 371.35 29.34 2.09- 21.71- 8.28- 1.40- 367.21 345.28 221.20 55.51 14.45 517.92 60.00- 512.14 6.47 27 00/01/12-08:02 Fnd Dpt Check Number City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name 55154 Brown and Caldwell 55156 Camera Corner 55166 55168 55176 55178 55187 55192 55195 55197 55198 55217 55219 Cutler, Glenn Datastream Systems Inc Federal Express Corp. Ferrellgas Onc) Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. K & L Supply Inc. L & L Tool Specialties Lakeside Industries Inc. Laucks Testing Labs Inc. Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. olympic Paper Company 55220 Olympic Printers Inc. 55221 Olympic Stationers Inc. 55223 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Vendor Number 02057 03044 03509 04143 06022 06024 08052 11010 12035 12036 12109 15026 15111 15027 15030 16004 55226 Peninsula Daily News 16012 55227 Pettit Oil Company 16302 55237 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 55240 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 55252 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 55255 Swain's General Store Inc. 55257 Thurman supply 28 19037 20005 Description GL Code Number Sidewalk bricks 753 3101 Prof svcs-WW system pmt #23 754 4150 Photo processing 753 3101 Photo processing 754 3101 Reimburse registration-Cutler 753 4310 Sales tax on Inv144869 tech su 754 4150 Shipping charges 753 4210 Propane 754 4710 Rubber mastic 754 3101 55 gallons Bio 4 754 3101 Windshield solvent,sanitizer 754 3101 Tool rest 753 3101 Asphalt 753 3101 Asphalt 753 3101 Peabody Heights Water Main Imp 793 4150 Drinking water analytes 753 4150 Rags 753 3101 Liquid chlorine 753 3101 Towels,tape,toilet deodorant 7543101 Business cards-Owens 754 3101 Copy paper,frames 754 3101 Desk,chair 753 3101 Cartridge 753 3101 Ribbon 754 3101 Notice-wastewater water rates 754 4410 Diesel 754 4710 203 Reservoir Rd 12-09 Billing 753 4710 Cell phone battery 753 3101 Fuse 753 3101 Waste can 753 3101 Safety glasses 753 3101 Tape,pump oiler 753 3101 Gloves 753 3101 Gloves 753 3101 Rod 754 3101 Carbon dioxide 753 3101 Bushing,gauge 753 3101 Bleach,tape,gloves.coolant 754 3101 Batteries 754 3101 Bark,batteries,ice 754 3101 Coveralls 754 3101 Rubber gloves 754 3101 Hand pump 753 3101 Batteries 753 3101 Jars 753 3101 Cleats, rope 754 3101 Batteries,markers 754 3101 Poly sheeting,elbows,duct tape 754 3101 Pressure valve 753 3101 Duct tape,pipe wrap 754 3101 Pipe 753 3101 January 12 2000 Page 20 . Amount 10.36 15,729.58 15.67 6.92 895.00 6.32 26.25 133.91 14.56 968.40 354.99 10.75 162.88 100.21 44,156.00 495.00 27.51 338.81 175.07 78.44 3~.2.36 34 9.07 16.46 522.06 98.03 44.23 .96 86.10 20.05 19.10 95.56 47.78 12.80 58.27 28.31 123.42 21.30 24.58 59.20 29.51 29.64 4.18 6.98 23.06 1~ ~;y 13.67 118.67 00/01/12-08:02 . Fnd Dpt Check Number . . City of Port AngeLes Vendor Name CH2M Hi LL Cascade ControLs & ELectric Chemsearch DeLhur Industries Inc Linn-Benton Community CoLLege 55342 WWCPA Secretary-Treasurer 55344 Washington (DIS), State of 55345 Washington (DOH), State of 55384 Jones ChemicaLs Inc. MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Vendor Number 55261 US West Communications 21001 55263 United ParceL Service 21005 55266 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 55269 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 03005 03457 14004 04042 12208 55304 Lower ELwha KLaLLam Tribe 12162 55305 Lucent TechnoLogies 12215 55308 McGraw-HiLL Inc. 13248 55323 PubLic UtiLity Dist CLaLLam Co 16038 55335 UtiLities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 23216 . 23111 23107 55363 BuiLders Hardware & SuppLy Co. 02071 55365 C & J Excavating Inc 03495 55376 FamiLian NW 06020 10027 Description GL Code Number 55281 55282 55283 55290 55303 Adapter 753 3101 TefLon paste 753 3101 FLuorescent Lights 7543101 12-02 BiLLing 754 4210 12-02 BiLLing 7544210 11-06 Shipping charges 754 4210 11-06 Shipping charges 754 4210 11-06 Shipping charges 753 4210 11-06 Shipping charges 754 4210 12-04 Shipping charges 754 4210 12-04 Shipping charges 754 4210 Meter,cabLe 754 3501 Signs 754 3101 Signs 754 3101 Prof svcs-PA Water SuppLy pe D 753 4150 Lamp hoLders 754 3101 Hand cLeaner,grease 753 3101 InstaLL ELwha emergency vaLve 753 4150 Registration Hunt-Instrumentat 754 4310 Registration Richmond-Industri 754 4310 ELwha River Gaging Station-ope 753 4150 12-02 BiLLing 754 4210 12-02 BiLLing 753 4210 Piping Handbook-McGinLey 753 3101 12-16 BiLLing Crown Z Water Rd 753 4710 November Locates 753 4150 November Locates 754 4150 AnnuaL renewaL 200Q-McGinLey,O 754 4901 AnnuaL renewaL 200Q-McGinLey,O 753 4901 Scan charges November 754 4210 Scan charges November 753 4210 WW Operator certification rene 753 4901 WW operator certification rene 753 4901 WW Operator certification rene 753 4901 WW Operator certification rene 753 4901 WW operator certification rene 753 4901 WW Operator certification rene 753 4901 WW Operator certification rene 753 4901 WW Operator certification rene 753 4901 WW Operator certification rene 753 4901 BackfLow AssembLy Tester renew 753 4901 BackfLow AssembLy Tester renew 753 4901 BackfLow AssembLy Tester renew 753 4901 Light kit,gLass 753 6510 Retainage reLease, W 13th St S 794 4150 Service saddLe 753 3101 Diaphrams 754 3101 Shaft nose, spade bit-tapmate 753 3101 HypochLorite 754 3101 ChLorine,container deposit 753 3101 Refund container deposit 753 3101 January 12 2000 Page 21 Amount 1 ~61 23.31 40.89 37.97 42.15 87.18 9.21 4.31 14.16 86.87 6.88 329.38 38.84 6.47 3,273.54 71.40 375.22 9,631.88 325.00 325.00 440.00 15.50 7.75 147.55 15.03 12.83 12.83 10.00 20.00 23.01 4.22 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 48.56 3,445.33 196.41 243.88 287.15 2,916.26 1,249.72 750.00- 29 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port Angeles - ~IV~ MACHINE CHECK: REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Number Name Number 55387 Maristar Service Co. Unc) 13186 55393 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 55397 PERS 16016 55398 Paramount Supply Company 16405 55412 US West Communications 21001 55417 Whitney Equipment Co. Inc. 23073 55424 AWWA Northwest WA Section 01371 55427 Advanced Travel 01090 55429 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 55431 AmTest Inc. 01034 55433 American Water Works Assoc. 01066 55484 Milwaukee Crane & Equipment Co 13495 55491 Peninsula Concrete Cutting Inc 16263 55492 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 55501 S & B Inc. 19040 55502 Sears Commercial One 19109 55504 Steam Supply 19290 55510 US West Communications 21001 30 Description GL Code Number P~nn Street resurfacing 753 4150 Replacement electrode 753 3101 Coliforms, volumetric flask,st 7543101 Excess compensation-R Ellswort 753 2010 Valve control unit 754 3101 11-10 Billing redistribution 753 4210 12-10 Billing 753 4210 12-14 Billing 754 4210 12~14Billing 7534210 11-10 Billing redistribution 753 4210 12-10 Billing 753 4210 11-10 Billing redistribution 753 4210 12,10 Billing 753 4210 11-10 Billing redistribution 753 4210 1?-10 Billing 753 4210 11,10 Billing redistribution 7544210 11~10 Billing redistribution 753 4210 Injectors,preventative mainten 753 3101 Flex pigtai ls,valve seats,stem 753 3101 Header valves 753 3101 Injectors 753 3101 Valve kit 753 3101 Registration-Beverford,McGinle 754 4310 Richmond,Raymond to pt Ludlow 754 4310 Adjustments for 1999 754 4310 Adjustments for 1999 753 4310 Waldron to Albany, OR 12-13 754 4310 Cutler to San Francisco 12-05 753 4310 11-15 Billing 753 4210 1~-15 Billing 753 4210 11-15 Billing 754 4210 12-15 Billing 7544210 Sample testing-November 754 4150 Sample testing-November 754'4150 Silver testing 754 4150 Water. Quality & Treatment 753 3101 Warning tags 754 3101 Drill holes 754 4150 Petty cash reimbursements 754 4310 Computer-Water System Service 753 3101 Tap and die set 754 3501 Relief valve,flange 753 3101 Flange 753 3101 Solenoid valves 753 3101 12-23 Billing 7544210 12-23 Billing 753 4210 12-23 Billing 7544210 12-23 Billing 7544210 12-23 Billing 7544210 12-23 Billing 754 4210 12-23 Billing 7544210 January 12 2000 Page 22 . Amount 6,482.28 28.52 296.43 39,612.73 382.83 449.23 164.67 47.44 23.72 1,103.15 40.30 654.64 51.44 1,075.35 39.57 43.48- 21.74- 813.37 533.72 308.23 1~1 9 . 15.00 23.00 10.40 258.26 601.98 15.10 21.86 4.05 2.49 888.25 790.50 14.45 113.03 19.13 349.33 7.20 3,633.09 53.94 412.16 15.74 527.28 143.91 59.20 ~. 47.81 47.81 47.81 00/01/12-08:02 . Fnd Dpt Check Number 404 . 421 t ;~~'Y!,:~,';; 1!f'$'1l '.!"~;~ ..~ {ir" ,,-OJ"':,';. ";':r~:~~?f,0t;i City of Port AngeLes Vendor Name 55372 Direct Safety Company 55473 Lab Safety SuppLy Inc. 0007 55217 OLympic Laundry & CLnrs Inc. 55219 OLympic Paper Company 55221 OLympic Stationers Inc. 55252 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 55255 Swain's GeneraL Store Inc. 55257 Thurman SuppLy 55261 55269 55270 55305 55315 55344 55354 55356 55358 55367 55372 55376 55390 55412 January 12 2000 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Vendor Number 04279 12004 15026 15111 15030 19035 19037 20005 US West Communications 21001 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Waste Management - Northwest Lucent TechnoLogies Parametrix Inc. washington (DIS), State of Airgas-Norpac Inc. American Management Assn Automotive EnvironmentaL Svcs CLaLLam Co Dept of PersonneL Direct Safety Company FamiLian NW Nason, Ray US West Communications 55427 Advanced TraveL 55473 Lab Safety SuppLy Inc. 55231 Port AngeLes City Treasurer 55440 C & K Equipment Co Inc 23060 12215 16155 23111 01411 01183 01041 03503 04279 06020 14433 21001 01090 12004 03062 03039 Description GL Code Number 12-23 BilLing 12-23 BilLing 12-20 Bi LL ing 754 4210 754 4210 754 4210 TotaL for PubLic Works TotaL for Water/Wastewater Fund SpiLL containment unit 404 2370000 PH buffer,caLibration soLution 404 2370000 TotaL for Department CLeaning service-November 755 3101 CLeanser,toweLs,tape 755 3101 Gift certificate,hoLder,frame 755 3101 Oxygen,acetyLene,nuts,boLts 755 3101 Rope cLips,shackLe,cabLe 755 3101 Shotgun sheLLs,camera 755 3101 Saw bLade, eyeboLts, fasteners 755 3101 Check vaLve 755 3101 12-05 BiLLing 755 4210 Signs 755 3101 November recycLing 755 4150 12-02 BiLLing 755 4210 Prof svcs-LandfiLL pe 11-01-99 795 4150 Scan charges November 755 4210 Hazardous materiaL 755 3101 Manage,Lead a Team-WiLcox regi 755 4310 Antifreeze processing 755 4150 Hot Topics Project Mgt-McCabe 755 4310 SpiLL containment unit 755 4810 ELbows,CoupLings,vaLve,pipe 755 3101 Crushed rock 755 3101 12-14 BiLLing 755 4210 11-10 BiLLing redistribution 755 4210 MiLLer to OLympia 11-15 755 4310 McCabe,WiLcox to SeattLe 11-12 755 4310 PH buffer,caLibration soLution 755 3101 TotaL for PubLic Works TotaL for 'SoLid Waste Fund Petty cash reimbursements 421 2451000 TotaL for Conservation Fund 1990 Cat Compactor 501 2370000 TotaL for Department Page 23 Amount 47.81 28.11 28.11 151,338.42 151,705.63 20.20- 8.15- 28.35- 93.16 39.78 24.18 47.83 102.02 86.88 25.16 14.57 40.82 2.15 40,768.61 38.75 10,834.80 11.16 11.93 159.00 112.00 15.00 275.86 52.83 1,650.87 118.61 108.69- 32.00 53.05 111.32 54,613.65 54,585.30 8.00 8.00 6,517.50- 6,517.50- 31 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE January 12 2000 Page 24 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To. 01/07/2000 . Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 0007 55143 Airpro Equipment Inc. 01270 Rebui lt starter 760 3101 357.28 55146 Angeles Auto Alectric 01067 Replace starter 760 3101 203.93 Overhaul alternator,parts,labo 760 3101 207.17 55150 Angeles Millwork 01073 Hangers,ties,lumber 76031'01 236.83 Lumber 760 3101 9.12 Post caps, screws 760 3101 17.06 Snap locks,screws 760 3101 180.69 Bolts 760 3101 7.16 Plywood 760 3101 21.68 55151 Automotive Environmental svcs 01041 Antifreeze processing 760 3101 759.09 55161 clyde/west Inc. 03100 Bearings,pinion,gear box,gear 760 3101 1,463.06 55164 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Speed locks 760 3101 15.32 Pads, shock absorbers, turn roto 760 3101 130.94 Turn rotors 760 3101 16.19 Metalic pad 760 3101 17.35 Credit for turning rotors 760 3101 16.19- Grease cartridge 760 3101 2.81 Copper tubing 760 3101 .95 Fuses 760 3101 26.85 Turn rotors 760 3101 16.19 Fuses 760 3101 ~I Fuses 760 3101 55165 Cummins Northwest Inc. 03097 Water pump, core 760 3101 14 . 55169 Denver's Tire Co. Inc. 04044 Tire mount,demount,tires 760 3101 965.41 Tire mount,demountitires 760 4810 82.00 Tires,wheel balance 760 3101 188.82 Tires,wheel balance 760 4810 11.87 Mount tires 760 4810 34.53 Tire'repair,wheel change 760 4810 55.03 Mount tires 760 4810 34.53 Mount tires 760 4810 34.53 Mount tires 760 4810 17.26 LOF,labor,lubra kleen 760 3101 13.23 LOF,labor,lubra kleen 760 4810 17.25 LOF,labor,lubra kleen, lights 760 3101 24.01 LOF,labor,lubra kleen, lights 760 4810 46.39 LOF,labor,lubra kleen,mount ti 760 3101 13.32 LOF,labor,lubra kleen,mount ti 760 4810 34.43 LOF,labor,lubra kleen,mount ti 760 3101 13.32 LOF,labor,lubra kleen,mount ti 760 4810 34.43 Mount tires 760 4810 34.53 Mount tires 760 4810 17.26 Service call, change out tire 760 3101 480.15 Service call,change out tire 760 4810 49.91 LOF,labor,lubra kleen,mount ti 760 3101 27.79 LOF,labor,lubra kleen,mount ti 760 4810 66.35 Belt,bracket,labor 760 3101 :. Belt,bracket,labor 760 4810 Tire repair,wheel change 760 4810 22.12 Wiper refill,labor 760 3101 9.17 Wiper refill,labor 760 4810 7.28 32 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port Angeles MACHINE January 12 2000 Page 25 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Mount tires 760 4810 34.53 LOF,labor,lubra kleen,tire rep 760 3101 13.32 LOF,labor,lubra kleen,tire rep 760 4810 23.64 Mount tires,wheel change 760 4810 20.50 Tire repair 760 4810 32.91 Tires,mount,balance 760 4810 38.85 Tires,mount,balance 760 3101 168.32 Tires,studs,mount,balance 760 4810 79.64 Tires,studs,mount,balance 760 3101 197.02 LOF,lubra kleen,belt 760 3101 47.75 LOF,lubra kleen,belt 760 4810 31.83 LOF,labor,mount tires 760 3101 13.23 LOF,labor,mount tires 760 4810 34.52 LOF,labor,mount tires 760 3101 13.23 LOF,labor,mount tires 760 4810 34.52 LOF,lubra kleen,mount tires 760 3101 336.92 LOF,lubra kleen,mount tires 760 4810 62.58 LOF,lubra kleen,mount tires 760 3101 13.23 LOF,lubra kleen,mount tires 760 4810 40.99 Tirerepair,wheel balance 760 4810 55.03 Tires 760 3101 490.95 . 55170 Dobson's 04054 Pressure gauge 760 3101 18.30 55173 Evergreen Collision Center Inc03207 Tow 1993 Chev Caprice 760 4810 50.71 55174 Evergreen Collision-Body Shop 05000 Flush,paint radiator 760 4810 32.37 55178 Ferrellgas CInc) 06024 Propane 760 3212 123.78 55184 H & R Parts & Equipment Inc. 08045 Air switch 760 3101 5.85 Filter head 760 3101 39.44 55188 Heartline, The 08054 Batteries 760 3101 184.35 Battery 760 3101 74.40 Battery 760 3101 74.40 55201 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Repair fender, replace headligh 7603101 75.03 Repair fender, replace headligh 7604810 171.66 Repair,paint quarter panel 760 4810 299.42 Repair,paint quarter panel 760 3101 58.26 D ri ngs 760 3101 48.29 Steel 760 3101 4.32 Fix tailgate 760 4810 46.94 Hitch,steel 760 3101 50.88 Hitch,steel 760 3101 49.36 Hitch pin 760 3101 5.22 55202 Craft, Don 03424 Pry bars 760 3501 118.58 55203 Mark's Mobile Tune 13289 Truck brake rotors 760 4810 32.37 55205 McPherson Emergency Vehicle 13493 Repair duplex box receptacle 760 3101 653.92 Windshield bonded 760 3101 437.85 Switch,tilt column 760 3101 164.55 55208 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Head light,bulbs 760 3101 33.36 . Credit core deposits 760 3101 129.48- Filter warranty credit 760 3101 4.61- Starter, core deposit,brake flu 760 3101 198.80 Credit core deposits 760 3101 77 .69- Fuses 760 3101 30.32 33 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/1~/1999 To 01/07/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Number Vendor Name 34 Description GL Code Number Fuses 760 3101 Credit fuses 760 3101 Credit core deposit 760 3101 Fuses 760 3101 Fitting 760 3101 Air:filter,fuses 760 3101 Jack stand 760 3101 Lamp bulbs 760 3101 Heater core,distributor cap 760 3101 Cable ties 760 3101 Wire set,gasket 760 3101 Gasket 760 3101 Wire set,filler 7603101 Distributor cap, ignition contr 760 3101 Credit fuses 760 3101 Flasher,headlights,filters 7603101 Map sensor, fuses 760 3101 Horns 760 3101 Water hose fitting 760 3101 Batteries,clips 760 3101 Spark plugs 760 3101 Fuel pump 760 3101 Spark plugs 760 3101 Air filters 760 3101 Hydraulic filter 760 3101 Air filters 760 3101 Disc pad, wheel seals 760 3101 Headl ights 760 3101 Trunk light 760 3101 Unions 760 3101 Relay switch 760 3101 Filter 760 3101 Oil filters 760 3101 Clamps 760 3101 Wipers,filters 7603101 Lock washers 7603101 Cable ties 7603101 Wiper blades 760 3101 Oil 760 3101 Brake pads, shock absorbers 760 3101 Spark plugs 760 3101 Lens 760 3101 Fuel pump 760 3101 Fuel filter 760 3101 Filters,switch,horn relay 760 3101 Fittings 760 3101 Gauges 760 3101 Screws 760 3101 Credit relay switch 760 3101 Tail light 760 3101 Oil,filters 760 3101 January 12 2000 Page 26 . Amount 11.29 30.32- 53.41- 5.71 5.38 20.49 64.72 13.68 84.71 66.97 32.73 3.09 5.87 79.91 18.71- 81.17 61.47 32.87 4.84 17.45 ~~ 5" 19.38 6.18 32.62 45.49 22.81 9.17 7.38 11.03 10.36 5.79 5.84 187.64 23.74 11.78 14.14 31.81 85.71 5.14 7.29 32.36 6.20 71.00 20.46 2~ 1:'f1! 81.87 56.91 00/01/12-08:02 . City of Port Angeles- MACHINE Fnd Opt Check Number . . Vendor Name 55209 Miller Signs 55210 Murray Motors Inc. 55211 N C Machinery Co. 55212 Norstar Industries Inc. 55213 Novus Windshield Repair 55217 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 55227 Pettit Oil Company 55229 Points Sharp Steel Inc. 55234 Port Angeles Power Equipment 55240 Richmond 2-Way Radio 55243 schuck's 55244 SeaTac Truck 55245 Simpson's Used Auto Parts CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Vendor Number 13291 13129 14001 14108 14206 15026 16302 16092 16122 18009 19008 19261 19199 55246 Snap-on Tools - Chugger Deane 19108 55252 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Description GL Code Number Clamps 760 3101 Credit fuel filter 7603101 Fuses 760 3101 Solder 760 3101 Cores 760 3101 Tar remover,wipers 760 3101 Oil filter 7603101 Decals 760 3101 Fuse 760 3101 Seal,switch,connector,plug kit 760 3101 Switch 760 3101 Bulbs 760 3101 Exchange pump, Honda engine 760 3101 Orifice plates 760 3101 Used vent glass 760 3101 Windshield 760 3101 Cleaning services-October 760 4990 cleaning services-November 760 4990 Grease 760 3220 November card lock 760 3210 November card lock 760 3211 Gasoline 760 3210 Diesel fuel 760 3211 Diesel fuel 760 3211 Diesel fuel 760 3211 Diesel fuel 760 3211 Points,chisels,asphalt cutters 760 4810 Points,chisels,asphalt cutters 760 4810 Float set,valve set,muffler 760 3101 Replace wig-wag unit 760 4810 Repair camera, sanitation truck 760 4810 Replace wig-wag unit,bulb 760 3101 Knock sensor 760 3101 Return knock sensor 760 3101 - Windshield cleaner 760 3101 Ball kit,bracket 760 3101 Tow truck City Hall to Garage 760 4810 Tow van City Hall to Garage 760 4810 Wrench,punch,hammer,pliers 760 3501 Power pack kit 760 3101 Measuring tape, rules 760 3101 Tail gate chain 760 3101 Gloves 760 3101 Hose fittting,pipe 760 3101 Steel angles 760 3101 Slotted pan holders 760 3101 Knob,bolts 760 3101 Head gear,striker,igniter 760 3101 Set screws 760 3101 Bolts,nuts,tarps 760 3101 Washers 760 3101 January 12 2000 Page 27 Amount 16.15 3.88- 25.06 3.71 3.71 99.68 22.64 202.85 7.77 96.83 40.04 29.81 105.10 115.30 37.77 199.62 319.22 300.81 169.42 2,513.93 19.31 2,714.00 2,255.40 955.68 329.72 226.94 30.35 26.02 84.55 96.03 80.92 131.63 25.89 25.89- 38.41 361.99 48.55 43.15 326.89 248.71 36.78 86.10 47.78 107.05 32.15 1.42 3.29 102.89 .65 34.51 11.50 35 00/01/12-08:02 Fnd Opt Check Number City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name 55255 Swain's General Store Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Vendor Number 19037 55256 Territorial Supplies Inc. 20001 55262 55263 55268 55300 55305 55314 55321 55327 55328 55344 55347 55357 United Fire Service Inc. United Parcel Service Washington (Procur), State of J.B.'s Upholstery Lucent Technologies Pacific Utility Equipment Inc. Port Angeles Ford Lincoln Ruddell Auto Mall Smith Tractor & Equip. Co.Inc Washington (DIS), State of Washington (Procur), State of Associates Capital Bank 21015 21005 23219 10001 12215 21011 16158 18019 19023 23111 23219 20003 55370 Coastline Ford Tractor Co Inc. 03082 55392 North American Crane & Equip 14196 55407 Snap-on Tools - Chugger Deane 19108 55412 US West Communications 55427 Advanced Travel 55430 Airpro Equipment Inc. 55440 C & K Equipment Co Inc 55489 Novus Windshield Repair 55492 Port Angeles City Treasurer 55496 Pryor Seminars, Fred 55498 Quality 4x4 Truck Supply 55512 Valley Freightliner Inc. 55514 Viking Office Products 502 0002 21001 01090 01270 03039 14206 03062 16117 17006 22062 22054 55223 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 36 Description GL Code Number Velcro 760 3101 Power brush 760 3101 Notebook, rai ngear 760 3101 Rain gear 760 3101 Exchange rain gear 760 3101 Strobe lights 760 3101 Siren lock, timer 760 3101 Return siren 760 3101 Exchange siren lock,timer 760 3101 Mini bulbs,push button locks 760 3101 11-06 Shipping charges 760 3101 St purchasing subscription fee 760 4901 Repair seat cushion, back rest 760 4810 12-02 Billing 7604210 New 1999 Ford Line truck with 760 6410 Manlift for Freightliner line 760 6410 Flap,flap bracket,blower motor 760 3101 Hood transition weldment 760 3101 Hood 760 3101 Electronic key 760 3101 Replace,reinstall hinge pins 760 3101 Fuel pump, gasket 760 3101 Scan charges November 760 4210 Purchase requistion-Truck Manl 760 6410 Credit card purchase 760 3210 Credit card gasoline purchases 760 3210 Tail light assembly 760 3101 Front light assembly 760 3101 Flasher switch 760 3101 Hydraulic filter element 7603101 Hydraulic filter element 7603101 Extension set 760 3501 Power bits,extension sets 760 3101 12-14 Billing 760 4210 11-10 Billing redistribution 760 4210 Surrett to Shelton 12-14 760 4310 Construction rack-pickup 760 3101 1990 Cat Compactor 760 6410 Front door glass 760 3101 Front door glass 760 4810 Petty cash reimbursements 760 3101 Conflict Management-Burett 760 4310 Slip yolk,U-joint 760 3101 Rocker,pressure switches 760 3101 Binder,legal pads, markers 760 3101 January 12 2000 Total for Public Works MS Project 98 software Total for Equipment Services Fund 250 4810 Page 28 . Amount 20.18 8.06 96.87 91.43 3.24 150.08 452.77 436.56- 16.21 113.61 5.81 2,000.00 133.80 7.75 82,710.85 58,537.15 4,753.49 517.82 1,358.51 28.32 8~ ~~ 200.00 13.33 40.92 35.05 34.04 82.27 93.68 120.78 118.10 169.03 23.72 21.74- 66.00 672.23 89,017.50 67.11 37.77 29.50 195.00 76.35 119.02 105.21 267,36. 260,842.75 570.79 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 . Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 55236 Professional Office Machines & 16324 55263 United Parcel Service 21005 55274 ZD Journals 26218 55280 Brooks, Gary 022n 55305 Lucent Technologies 12215 55313 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 55344 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 55381 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 55412 US West Communications 21001 55425 AcuPrint Inc 01385 55429 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 55450 CompuMaster 03512 . 503 0001 55156 Camera Corner 03044 55172 Evergreen Adjustment Service 051n 55249 Summit Law Group PLLC 19437 55259 UNUM Life Ins Co of America 21000 55267 washington (Notary), State of 23140 55294 Gina's Bakery 07132 55307 Mccauley, Joy 13496 55324 Regence Blue Shield-Dental 18234 55332 US West Communications-Claims 21033 55369 Clallam County YMCA 03076 55423 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 01231 55435 Bi shop, Vi rgil 02019 55441 Cameron, Kenneth 03252 55442 Camporini, Richard 03273 55453 Darling, Greg 04004 55456 Evans, Sid 05103 55459 Fox, Kenneth 06191 55461 Gellor Insurance Inc. 07030 55462 Hansen, George D. 08048 . 55467 Johnson, Donald G 10052 55468 Johnson, Harry 10047 554n Lindley, James K. 12019 55479 Loucks, Jasper 12186 Description GL Code Number Printer kit,repair printer 250 4810 11-06 Shipping charges 250 4210 12-04 Shipping charges 250 4210 Inside Netware renewal Mar 200 250 4901 Reimburse Novell Certification 250 4310 Surge strips,anti-virus softwa 250 4810 12-02 Billing 2504210 Laser printer,external print s 250 6410 Novell Netware software 250 4810 Novell Standby Server,annual m 250 4810 Scan charges November 250 4210 Data cartridges, cleaning tapes 250 4810 Cleaning tapes 250 4810 Data cartridges 250 4810 12-14 Billing 2504210 11-10 Billing redistribution 250 4210 Secure check chip for printer 250 4810 Software upgrade-Secure Check 250 4810 12-15 Billing 250 4210 Registration-O'Neill,Keriaty 250 4310 January 12 2000 Total for Information Systems Fund Photo processing,film 119 4999 Photo processing 119 4999 Photo processing 119 4999 Adjustment svc-perry claim#503 119 4999 Prof svcs-labor representation 119 4150 Insurance premium-January 2000 121 4631 Notary renewal-Roberds #25601 121 4150 Christmas cookies-Safety mtg 118 4909 Plumber costs-sewer back-up 119 4999 Administrative fee-January 200 117 4601 Settlement of claim #39-99 119 4999 Annual memebership renewal-Dau 121 4150 Insurance premium-January 121 4630 Insurance premium-January 121 4632 Insurance premium-January 121 4634 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 Disability Board claims-Dec 99 121 4634 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 Disability Board claims-Dec 99 121 4634 Renew Workers Comp Policy 1184150 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 Disability board claims-Dec99 121 4634 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 Page 29 Amount 392.76 16.72 19.34 106.82 665.00 87.35 23.25 3,008.25 73.78 2,287.78 14.90 1,047.71 215.80 388.44 71.16 65.21- 1,973.50 642.01 16.27 398.00 11,954.42 15.59 6.29 17.78 62.10 1,647.00 1,738.10 20.00 59.79 100.07 1,490.90 95.30 399.00 61,058.15 1,201.60 3,978.00 94.00 68.30 46.10 54.00 45.50 422.59 18,380.00 46.80 43.80 45.50 4,564.40 45.50 85.00 37 00/01/12-08:02 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 55483 Miesel, Phil 55485 Morgan, Roy 55486 Myers, William 55506 Sweatt, Johnnie 13261 13145 13130 19146 602 0002 55423 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 01231 625 0008 55167 Daishowa America LTD 55193 K Ply Inc. 04002 11050 650 55232 Port Angeles Downtown Assn. 16024 652 0008 55156 Camera Corner 03044 55187 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 55221 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 55230 Port Angeles Auto Glass 16021 55255 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 55305 Lucent Technologies 12215 55311 Morris, William 13494 55344 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 55412 US West Communications 21001 55510 US West Communications 21001 697 55480 Maxhimer, Bradley 13498 698 55179 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 55196 LEOFF 12043 55214 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 55222 PERS 16016 55260 US Department of Education 21075 55264 United Way (payroll) 21028 55330 States West Life Insurance Co. 19313 38 Description January 12 2000 GL Code Number Disability board claims-Dec 99 121 4634 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 Total for Self - Insurance Fund Insurance premium-January 225 4635 Total for Firemen's Pension Fund Damage deposit refund Damage deposit refund 889 9613 889 9613 Total for Recreational Activities Fund PBIA and Decal Funds PBIA and Decal Funds 650 2319100 650 2319200 Total for Off - Street Parking Fund Slide processing Slides Cleaner,towels Envelopes Paper, enve lopes Paper Glass Pencils,pen Cleaner,soap,trash bags 12-02 Bill i ng Artist honorarium-Morris Scan charges November 12-14 Billing 11-10 Billing redistribution 12-23 Billing 868 3101 868 3101 868 3120 868 3101 868 3101 868 3101 868 3101 868 3101 868 3101 868 4210 868 4150 868 4210 868 4210 868 4210 868 4210 Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund Refund Medic 1 overpmt-MAXHIB 697 2391000 Total for Accts.Receivable Clearing Fund Payroll deduction pe 12-12 698 2315210 November contribution 698 2315120 Payroll deduction pe 12-12 698 2315210 November contributions 698 2315130 Payroll deduction pe 12-12 698 2315210 Payroll deduction pe 12-12 698 2315240 Supplemental Life Ins-Jan 2000 698 2315160 Page 30 . Amount 21.03 46.10 46.10 45.50 65.70 96,055.59 2,565.00 2,565.00 210.00 90.00 300.00 400.00 2,100.00 2,500. 24.00 8.92 16.54 30.34 12.92 4.86 4.65 10.01 7.75 250.00 93.18 23.72 21.74- 47.81 521.32 381.80 381.80 1,115.76 21,052.04 1'28~ 44,3 69. 426.20 682.80 00/01/12-08:02 . City of Port AngeLes Fnd Dpt Check Number . . Vendor Name 55377 FLex-PLan Services (PayroLL) 55394 Office of Support Enforcement 55395 Office of Support Enforcement 55411 US Department of Education 55413 United Way (payroLL) 55415 VoLunteer Fire Association MACHINE January 12 2000 CHECK REGISTER Date From 12/11/1999 To 01/07/2000 Vendor Number 06062 15072 15166 21075 21028 22060 Description GL Code Number PayroLL deductions pe 12-26-99 698 2315210 PayroLL deductions pe 12-26-99 698 2315210 PayroLL deductions pe 12-26-99 698 2315210 PayroLL deductions pe 12-26-99 698 2315210 PayroLL deductions pe 12-26-99 698 2315240 PayroLL deductions pe 12-26-99 698 2315210 Page 31 Amount 1,115.76 1,287.15 89.08 69.41 426.20 44.00 TotaL for Accounts PayabLe CLearing Fund 72,056.64 Grand TotaL 1,131,313.49 39 . . . 40 . . . ~0Rr.ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. s. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: DECEMBER 21, 1999 To: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: STREET VACATION PETITION - STY 99-03 CITY OF PORT ANGELES et al - Portion of 8th Street, 8/9 alley, 9th, and Jones Streets in the area of Esther Webster Fine Arts Center Summary: A resolution setting a date for consideration of a petition for vacation of right-of-way. Recommendation: Set a public hearing for Council's February 15, 2000, regular meeting. Background I Analysis: Per 35.79 RCW, once the City receives a valid petition for vacation of right-of-way, a date for consideration of such petition shall be set by the City Council by resolution. The attached resolution will set such a hearing for consideration of the petition for right- of-way vacation in the area of the Esther Webster Fine Arts Center. In the meantime, the Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on January 26, 2000, and will forward a recommendation to Council. Attachments: resolution petition C:\ WP\FORMS\councilmemo. wpd.\ 41 RESOLUTION NO. . A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of 8th Street, the 8/9 alley, 9th Street, and Jones Street abutting Blocks 220, 221, 278, and 279, of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion of 8th Street, the 8/9 alley, 9th Street, and Jones Street; and WHEREAS, the petition has been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds ofthe property abutting upon the right-of-way sought to be vacated; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES as follows: Section 1. The petition to vacate the above-described City right-of-way shall be heard and determined by the City Council in the Council Chambers, 321 East Fifth Street, at the Council's regular meeting on February 15,2000, at 7:00 p.m., Of.as soon thereafter as possible, which is not more than sixty (60) days nor less than twenty (20) days hence. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give twenty (20) days notice of the pendency of the petition and the time and place of the hearing in accordance with the provisions ofRCW 35.79.020. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 18th day of JanuaI)' . 2000. ATTEST: MAYOR Becky Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig Knutson, City Attorney 42 ''''1'1C';':eo:'i?;i:''" "':::_:"'\:'>':;':(':,d:;\<:;/'~ -"'- .......,."., .' ,,',. CITY-OPPORT ANGBLBS .STRBETYACA770N PETITION . TO: n" City Council of 'he City of Pon Angeles. Washington- Come now the undersiped petitioners and pursuant to Chapter 3S.79 RCW respe..tfUUy show: I. . The 1IIldersignecl petitioners request that the CoUowiDg dc:sCribed portion of StreetlAIJey in the au oCPort Angela be vacated pulSUaDt to Chapta' 3S.79 RCW (legally de.rt:ril.lAe . prol1ertt1 retlIl&Jted for vacatiOll below'. Th~t portion of 8th Street, abutting lots 10-18 of Blk 220 TPA, and lots 1-9 of Blk 279 TPA That portion of 8/9 alley, abutting lots 4-15 of Blk 279 TPA That portion of 9th Street; abutting lots 10-15 of Blk 279 TPA I~'~ That portion of Jones Street, abutting lots 9&10 of Blk 220 TPA, lot 9, Blk 279 TPA, lot~. Blk 221 TPA, ... lot 1 of Blk 278 TPA. 2. Each 01 the UndClsJped petitiODen 18 t&e oWner 0'" aa mtcrest in re8I i:8fate abuumg 0.- the above described area.. J. _ perscms own pmpcrty abutting on said area. 4. The names and addresses of p."ped)' ownas abuttiDg OD said areas an: as follows: j;:;i' . Name Adm-. ~. '7//Vip. Howard)/Ruddell. 1134 East 8th . ~'- ~. James Targett 1133 East 9th ~) ~ PA Community Players c/o 1203 South laurel f. O. U./ Duncan McKiernan 1133 East 8th Street ~ ~1.3 Harman .9 g3> Mary.Burrqws Johnson S. The undersigned petitioners constitute alore tlaaa two tlalnls of the ownas of said abutting property. ., . WHEREFORE. the petitioners ask tIW: proceedings be coDimeoced hereon for the vacation of said area of said SIn:efiAlley ill the mAImer pleMaibed in Chapter 3S.79RCW. .... . Respectfully submitted, . File No. ({~fV qq - Dare Recc:iy~d /1' - I,f".- 9 9 . bIImc Addrt'!..lII!1l ~dYt:{ ~ #3f' ~. . J""1::. ~~//3~ Z-~~: J/-I/~~k J1:- " c' . 1133 t=;- _ Z-- ~~ 1>2\ ~. CS~ Pl1,,1IC f&"7- 70? ..3 4.5"7-7&93 15~- 3 v-t1~? ~~ 4\."1.- 4~ Heanng(s) Dare 43 .....""" ft;p .............. .... ..,..__.... .. _. _ ~ _. _,. _. _1 ~ r~~; r-I~-' - 'mr I .\ '\f""-~ ." q. . I \ ! ___--.---' i I ... ,~ ! 1 i '1:::: 1 ~ d .! / I 7 ~y i ",) cr---\~"~ ~!-" ~ i . --(--/-~/-"'l . i~ I h. I ,--...,. - ' ' \. I / ' ' " ~ ' I ~ ' , \ ~--v 7TH I (-- --~ ~~ I \ - ;t:: t./ ~ . .~ 44 CITY OF STY OO_O~ORT ANGELES . . . ,. ?'/"':.:' ~1'~.t?:' '1""!';.fi.,'W, "i' '", I:' ~'K:;y;'f;i!:(": ;"'r"t:-'i:"f'\:';:'Y0 tr ' ~ORTANeELES U. S. A. DATE: JANUARY 18,2000 To: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITVCOUNCIL FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: STREET VACATION PETITION - STY 00-01 HEERSCHAP - "H" Street south of Third Street Summary: The City has received a petition for vacation of right-of-way. Recommendation: meeting. The Council should set a public hearingfor its February 15, 2000, regular Background / Analysis: Per 35.79 RCW, once the ,City receives a valid petition for vacation of right-of-way, a date for consideration of.such petition: shall.be set by the City Council by resolution.?'The attached resolution will set such a hearing for consideration of the petition for right- of-way vacation. The area is that portion of "H" Street located west of the structure known as "Brickie's Tavern", located at the juncture of Hill Street and Marine Drive. In the meantime, the Planning Commission will conduct apublic hearing on January 26, 2000, and will forward a recommendation to Council. Attachments: resolution petition c:\ WPlFORMS\councilmemo.3. wpd.l 45 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of"H" Street abutting Blocks 123 and 125 ofthe Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion of "H" Street abutting Lot 7, Block 123, and Lot 1, Block 125, Townsite of Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, the petition has been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon the right-of-way sought to be vacated; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES as follows: Section 1. The petition to vacate the above-described City right-of-way shall be heard and determined by the City Council in the Council Chambers, 321 East Fifth Street, at the Council's regular meeting on February 15,2000, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, which is not more than sixty (60) days nor less than twenty (20) days hence. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give twenty (20) days notice ofthe pendency of the petition and the time and place ofthe hearing in accordance with the provisions ofRCW 35.79.020. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 18th day of January. 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig Knutson, City Attorney 46 ,- ,....:::-..'\... C11Y OF R.GRT ANGELES STREET VACATION PE'1l'110N . TO: nze City Council a/the City of Port Angeles, Washington- Come now the undersigned petitioners and pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW respectfully show: . ~ 1. The un.gersigned petitioners request that the follo~ng described portion of ~ --st:u t' +:- Street/Alley irilhe City of Port Angeles be va.cated pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW (legally describe the property requested for vacation below). . Lc~ ?/ ..6L /vZ3 (that portion of "H" Street abutting) 2. Each of the undersigned petitioners is the owner of an interest in real estate abutting on the above described area. 3. .& persons own property abutting on said area. t. 4. The names and addresses of property owners abutting on said areas are as follows: . If d ~-- L) ~7 -1~ M6 :so<tl-tr. ,~ ~, t-tef'f6Vl~:..~,_ ----A-tt.~~." to uJCl. qgOf') I *- C\-byoPPoA~~ +1 ". \) . " --.::L I J .:\ ..t/ i....'-~_ \(-.....:~<;,.\,' ~A J A.Q f' . J t"1 C"I."_ Cj.~ A >.<"\ l' '0y~ /57 - & / ...2/Z 5. The undersigned petitioners constitute more than two thirds of the owners of said abutting propeny. WHEREFORE, the petitioners ask that proceedings be commenced hereon for the vacation of said area of said \,\-\11 Street/Alley in the manner prescribed in Chapter 35.79 RCW. Respectfully submitted, Name ~. ,~.~ l ~cLi Address H. H. Heerschap 37242 42ndAve. S. Auburn, WA 98G01 Plume ~3- R3B-47lB ~d2...'- ../ .FileNo. ~)N 0:0 -at Date Received 1c2../IO / 9 9..p~ Heanng\s) Date. ~ilk~ .f{/;> - ~th7 CITY OF PORT ANGELES, 321 East Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150, Pon Angeles, WA 98362 (360)417-4750 47 p- ""l . "- / , / '.... I /9 I'.. CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBUC WORKS . SCALE b... 60 , I 30 HEERSCHAP STY 00-01 ate: x . . "<-,,' ."?'''':i1:-'C;:_-~'' ' ::.', , ~ORTAN~ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 18,2000 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Solid Waste Private Hauler Contracts Summary: Contracts with two solid waste private haulers, Murrey's Disposal and the City of Sequim, expired December 31, 1999. Staff has made minor modifications to standarcjize the form of the contracts and has included the Waste Acceptance Policy in the contract conditions. Currently, the haulers are operating under the expired contracts and neither contractor objects to the proposed changes. No cost increase to haulers is proposed. Recommendation: Approve the new contracts for Murrey's Disposal and the City of Sequim to haul solid waste to the Port Angeles Landfill until December 31, 2000 and authorize the Cit Mana er to si n the contracts. Background I Analysis: Contracts with private haulers started in February 1997 and are renewed annually. The first contracts were signed when the City of Port Angeles agreed to a reduced tonnage rate at the landfill for private haulers. The hauler rate was $63.00 compared to $76.80 a ton. (PAMC 13.56.045) To receive this rate private haulers are required to bring in a minimum of 2,000 tons annually. The City of Port Angles has two private haulers under contract, Murrey's Disposal and the City of Sequim. City staff has taken this opportunity to modify the contract so that the same form may used for each hauler. The City of Port Angeles has developed a Waste Acceptance Policy for the Landfill and this policy has been included in the new contracts. The UAC has reviewed the contract formats and recommends approval. The rate will remain unchanged at $63.00 per ton. Changes: 1. Include Waste Acceptance Policy. 2. Minor format and language changes. 3. Modify hours contractor is allowed to come to landfill. (By stopping them at 4:30 p.m. city staff can finish daily cover by closing time.) 4. Notification to Landfill Supervisor on holidays that will allow us to better plan staffing levels. . N:\PWKS\SW ASTE\LANDFILL\CC-HAUL.WPD 49 "'? CONTRACT FOR DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE AT THE PORT ANGELES LANDFILL . This Contract is entered into this _ day of by and between the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, (hereinafter "City"), and MURREY'S DISPOSAL (hereinafter "Contractor"). WHEREAS, Contractor provides collection of residential and commercial solid waste generated in Clallam County; and WHEREAS, Clallam County is charged with the responsibility of providing for disposal of solid waste generated within the County; and WHEREAS, Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles have agreed that the City will provide landfill disposal services for the entire County as 'set forth in the County's Solid Waste Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to PAMC 13.56.040, the City may negotiate a spedallandfill disposal rate for commercial haulers of over 2,000 tons per year; and WHEREAS, the City and the Contractor have in good faith negotiated this contractfor the disposal of solid waste in the Port Angeles Landfill; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the terms, . conditions, covenants, and agreements set forth below, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Definitions. 1.1 "Acceptable waste" is described in detail in the Port Angeles Waste Acceptance Policy, which is made a part of this Contract as Attachment No.1. 1.2 "Director" means the City of Port Angeles Director of Public Works & Utilities. 1.3 "Hazardous waste" is described in detail in the Port Angeles Waste Acceptance Policy, which is made a part of this Contract as Attachment No.1. 1.4 "Unacceptable waste" is described in detail in the Port Angeles Waste Acceptance Policy, which is made a part of this Contract as Attachment No.1. 1.5 The Waste Acceptance Policy may be revised as necessary to maintain compliance with state and federal laws. 2. Terms of Contract. The term of this contract shall commence on January 1, 2000 and continue until December 31, 2000 or until such additional time as the parties may agree by a written amendment extending this contract for an additional period based on mutually acceptable terms Page 1 of 3 . 50 . . . ''iN '-~:t~i:~1,:!-",~",~,_~-,~,;",:-~j " ,,- )"', :"r.r"Fi, Y:5'.~>"1~'~~C:,>,; and conditions. This contract shall terminate in the event that the City's legal authority to operate the landfill expires, is rescinded, or is invalidated. 3. Consideration. Contractor shall pay City the sum of $63.00 for each ton of acceptable waste delivered to the Port Angeles Landfill pursuant to this Contract. Acceptable waste that requires special handling will be charged at $190.00 a ton in accordancewith PAMC 13.56.020C. 4. Payment Procedure. The City shall bill the Contractor each month for the amount of services used by the Contractor. The Contractor shall make payment in full to the City within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice from the City in accordance with Chapter 3.64 PAMC. 5. Weighing of Waste. The City shall weigh the waste .ofthe Contractor using certified scales. Tare weights from 'the City's scales will be acceptable in determining the net weight of solid waste delivered to the Landfill. The net weight from the City's scale tickets shall be the basis for billing under this contract. 6. Operating Hours. The City shall accept solid waste from the Contractor at the Port Angeles Landfill Monday through Saturday from 9:00 A.M. to no later than 4:30 P.M. Holiday arrangements must be made two weeks in advance with the landfill disposal supervisor. 7. Indemnification/hold harmless. The Contractor agrees to indemnify the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and litigation costs, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this contract is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability fordamages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and. the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Contractor's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this contract. Page 2 of 3 51 ~ I .- 8. Venue The venue of any state court litigation brought under this contract shall be Clallam County Superior Court. 9. Assignment. In the event the Contractor is sold, transferred, or in any way vested to another company, this Contract will continue in force with the new company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the day and year first written above. CITY OF PORT ANGELES MURREY'S DISPOSAL Michael Quinn, City Manager Name and Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk N:\PWKS\SWASTE\LANDFILL\CONTRMUR. WPD Page 3 of 3 52 . . . . . . CONTRACT FOR DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE AT THE PORT ANGELES LANDFILL This Contract is entered into this _ day of by and between the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, (hereinafter "City"), and the CITY OF SEQUIM (hereinafter "Contractor"). WHEREAS, Contractor provides collection of residential and commercial solid waste generated in Clallam County; and WHEREAS, Clallam County is charged with the responsibility of providing for disposal of solid waste generated within the County; and WHEREAS, Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles have agreed that the City will provide landfill disposall?ervices for the entire County as set forth in the County's Solid Waste Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to PAMC 13.56.040, the City may negotiate a special landfill disposal rate for commercial haulers of over 2,000 tons per year; and WHEREAS, the City and the Contractor have in good faith negotiated this contract for the disposal of solid waste in the Port Angeles Landfill; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the terms, conditions, covenants, and agreements set forth below, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Definitions. 1.1 "Acceptable waste" is described in detail in the Port Angeles Waste Acceptance Policy, which is made a part of this Contract as Attachment No.1. 1.2 "Director" means the City of Port Angeles Director of Public Works & Utilities. 1.3 "Hazardous waste" is described in detail in the Port Angeles Waste Acceptance Policy, which is made a part of this Contract as Attachment No.1. 1.4 "Unacceptable waste" is described in detail in the Port Angeles Waste Acceptance Policy, which is made a part of this Contract as Attachment No.1. 1.5 The Waste Acceptance Policy may be revised as necessary to maintain compliance with state and federal laws. 2. Terms of Contract. The term of this contract shall commence on January 1, 2000 and continue until December 31,2000 or until such additional time as the parties may agree by a written amendment extending this contract for an additional period based on mutually acceptable terms Page 1 of 3 53 and conditions. This contract shall terminate in the event that the City's legal authority to operate the landfill expires, is rescinded, or is invalidated. . 3. Consideration. Contractor shall pay City the sum of $63.00 for each ton of acceptable waste delivered to the Port Angeles Landfill pursuant to this Contract. Acceptable waste that requires special handlingwill be charged at $190.00 a ton in accordance with PAMC 13.56.020C. 4. Payment Procedure. The City shall bill the Contractor each month for the amount of services used by the Contractor. The Contractor shall make payment in full to the City within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice from the City in accordance with Chapter 3.64 PAMC. 5. Weighing of Waste. The City shall weigh the waste of the Contractor using certified scales. Tare weights from the City's scales will be acceptable in determining the net weight of solid waste delivered to the Landfill. The net weight from the City's scale tickets shall be the basis for billing under this contract. 6. Operating Hours. The City shall accept solid waste from the Contractor at the Port Angeles Landfill Monday through Saturday from 9:00 A.M. to no later than 4:30 P.M. Holiday arrangements . must be made two weeks in advance with the landfill disposal supervisor. 7. Indemnification/hold harmless. The Contractor agrees to indemnify the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and litigation costs, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. ' Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this contract is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Contractor's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this contract. Venue The venue of any state court litigation brought under this contract shall be Clallam County Superior Court. Page 2 of 3 . 54 . . . '~T0??FfW'?~: C'i,\~.;;;~;'r;~ {f::':"Jf{N'~'!S!';'rJf~~'~!;n~t;: 8. Assignment. In the event the Contractor is sold, transferred, or in any way vested to another company, this Contract will continue in force with the new company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the day and year first written above. CITY OF PORT ANGELES '- Michael Quinn, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk N:\PWKS\SWASTE\LANDFILL\CONTRSEQ. WPD CITY OF SEQUIM ' Name and Title Page 3 of 3 55 . . . 56 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTAN ISLES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A.. CITY COUNCil MEMO January 18,2000 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Scott Brodhun, Parks & Recreation Director Rental and Use Agreement - Senior Nutrition Summary: When construction ofthe Sr. Services & Community Center was completed an effort was made to bring as many Sr. Service agencies as possible under one roof. Sr. Nutrition has operated from the facility since it was opened. The arrangement has worked well, however the original agreement has expired. Attached is.a new five year agreement with minimal changes, with the exception that the lease amount is recommended for adjustment from $450 per month to $500 per month. The agreement has been reviewed by the Real Estate Committee who recommend City Council approval. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council renew the lease with Senior Nutrition by authorizing the Mayors signature on the attached "Rental and Use Agreement". Background / Analysis: Attached find a Rental and Use Agreement between the City and Sr. Nutrition. The agency is a division ofClallam-Jefferson Community Action Council providing low- cost meals to Sr. Citizens. As the City considered development of the Port Angeles Senior Services and Community Center it was contemplated that in addition to providing a program for Seniors and a facilityfor community use, an effort would be made to bring as many senior service providers as possible under one roof. Thus, Senior Information and Assistance and RSVP also operate from the building. Sr. Nutrition provides low cost meals to older adults. and has operated from the building since opening in 1994. Essentially, nutrition leases the "commercial end" of the kitchen for most ofthe day Monday through Friday, and the dining room on the same days from approximately 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. The relationship created by this agreement has benefitted the City, and more importantly the older adult population oiour community. Park and Recreation staff recommend approval of the agreement, as do the Senior Center Board of Advisors and the Park Board, as well as the City Council's Real Estate Committee. C:\COUNCIUnutrition WPT 57 '-ry;,;~.~~ RENTAL AND USE AGREEMENT This rental and use agreement is entered into this 1st day of January, 2000, by and between the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as "Owner", and the Clallam-Jefferson Community Action Council, Inc:, a private non-profit corporation formed under the laws of the State of Washington, 802 Sheridan, Port Townsend, Washington, which operates a Senior Nutrition Program providing low-cost meals for senior citizens, hereinafter referred to as "Tenant": . In consideration of the promises and covenants set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Premises The premises which are the subject of this rental and use agreement are that portion of the Port Angeles Senior Services and Community Center located at 328 East 7th Street in the City of Port Angeles, Washington, which includes the dining room and kitchen facilities, together with appropriate access. 2. Use of Premises The premises shall be used for the storing, preparing, and serving of foodstuffs and meals to persons eligible under Tenant's Senior Nutrition Program. Tenant shall use the subject premises for this purpose on Monday through Friday of each week. Tenant shall come upon the subject premises at 10:30 a.m. o'clock and shall vacate the same at 7:30 p.m. o'clock. Tenant . shall have primary use of kitchen facilities during the period of2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Tenant shall have exclusive use of the dining room during the period of3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Upon completion of each day's preparation and serving of meals, Tenant shall leave the premises in a neat, sanitary and safe condition, having washed and stored all cooking and dining equipment, cleaned tables and chairs, and vacuumed or broom-cleaned the floor, as appropriate. Tenant shall abide by all laws, rules and regulations concerning the protection of such premises from fire and other casualties and applicable h~a1th regulations. 3. Term This rental and use agreement shall be for a term of five years commencing 1/1/00 and ending 12/31/04. Extensions to the term of this agreement may be negotiated by the parties, provided that notice of intention to negotiate a lease extension shall be given at least 120 days prior to expiration of the lease term, and further provided that Tenant shall not be in default at the time of giving such notice of intention to negotiate for extension or on the date of the expiration of the original lease term. Such extended term shall be upon all of the provisions applicable to the original term of this rental and use agreement other than the provision relating to rental amount. - 1- . 58 e e e. 4. Rental Amount Tenant agrees to pay to Owner,iatJ21 East 5th Street, Port Angeles, Washington, rental in the amount of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) per month, payable in advance on the first day of each and every month during the first yearly period hereof. The rental amountfor each subsequent yearly period of this rental and use agreement shall be negotiated by the parties, but in no event shall such rental amount be less than the amount of the rental rate for the initial yearly rental period plus 80% of the increase shown in the Consumer Price Index for the Seattle,_ Washington area, nor more than the rental rate for the initial rental period plus 100% of the increase shown in the Consumer Price Index for the Seattle, Washington area. Such negotiated rental amount shall-become effective on the first day of November of each yearly period and shall be payable in advance on the first day of each month during that rental period. The rental amount shall be negotiated by and between an authorized representative of the Clallam-Jefferson Community Action Council, Inc. and the City Manager or his designee. 5. Utilities Owner agrees that it will provide electricity, water and sewage service to Tenant without charge. Tenant agrees to monitor the use thereof and to prevent abuse or waste thereof. 6. Maintenance Owner agrees to maintain and repair structural portions of the leased premises including electrical and plumbing, fixtures and appliances, except for damage or malfunction thereof which may be caused solely by the Tenant, in which case the Tenantagrees promptly to reimburse the Owner for the Owner's cost in repairing or replacing the same. Owner shall be responsible for general janitorial services and maintenance of the premises in a neat, sanitary and safe condition after use by other tenants. 7. Agency The parties agree that the Tenant is a separate, distinct and independent agency; is not the agent or representative of the Owner; has no right to bind the Owner, whether by contract or conduct; and that no employee of Tenant shall, for any purpose, be deemed an employee or agent of Owner. 8. Liens Tenant shall not suffer or permit any lien to be filed against the property subject to this agreement, by reason of work, labor, services or materials performed or supplied to Temint. If any such lien is filed, Tenant shall cause the same to be discharged of record within thirty (30) days after the date of filing the same. . 9. Indemnification and Hold-Harmless Tenant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Owner, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers, harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including - 2- 59 attorneys fees, caused by or arising out of or in connection with any acts or omissions occurring on the premises subject to this rental and use agreement, which maybe caused or contributed to . by Tenant or its agents, employees or patrons, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of Owner. 10. Insurance Tenant shall procure and maintain for the duration of this agreement, liability insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may ariseTrom or in connection with the rental and use of the subject premises. Said policy shall provide coverage with a company authorized to do business in the State of Washington and shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. Said policy, shall name Owner as an additional insured and shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately as to each insured, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. The Tenant's insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to the Owner, and the Owner shall be given thirty (30) days' prior written notice of any cancellation, suspension or material change in coverage. 11. Assignment The rights and obligations of Tenant as set forth in this rental and use agreement shall not be assigned without the express written authority of Owner. 12. Civil Rights and Other Compliances A. During the performance of this agreement, Tenant agrees to comply with Title 6 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and all subsequent legislation relating to civil rights, which provides that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity. . B. The work to be performed under this rental and use agreement is in the Port Angeles Senior Services Community Center building which was constructed with federal financial assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and is subject to the requirements of section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 USC 1701. Section 3 requires that to the greatest extent feasible, opportunities for training and employment be given to lower income residents of the project area and contract for work in connection to the project be awarded to business concerns which are located in or owned in substantial part by persons residing in the area of the building. 13. Modification This rental and use agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Owner or the Tenant may suggest changes or modification in the terms of this agreement; The - 3- . 60 . . . however, no alteration or modification. of the agreement shall be effective unless such modification of the agreement shall be in writing and signed by the parties hereto. 14. Severability If any provision of this agreement is found to be in conflict with any rule or statutory provision of the State of Washington, then such provision which may be in conflict shall be deemed inoperative and null and void, but shall not be deemed to affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this agreement. 15. Applicable law Any terms and provisions of this rental and use agreement shall be determined under the laws of the State of Washington; Venue for any action brought pursuant to this agreement shall be exclusively in the Superior Court for Clallam County, Washington. 16. Termination Should Tenant fail to operate the Senior Nutrition Program in good faith, within the time and manner herein set forth, or fail to keep or perform any or all of the agreements contained herein, and fails to cure said default within 30 days notice of said default by Owner, then this Rental and Use Agreement may be terminated by. Owner. J This Rental and Use Agreement may be terminated by Tenantin the event Tenant is no longer operating the Senior Nutrition Program, provided Tenant gives Owner at least 45 days written notice of such termination. EXECUTED by the parties hereto the day and date first above written. CITY OF PORT ANGELES By Its CLALLAM-JEFFERSON COMMUNITY ACTION COUNCIL By Its STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. County of CLALLAM ) On this day.personally appeared before me to me known to be the Mayor of the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, the municipal corporation that executed the - 4- 61 ""'i>" I within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corpqration, fqr the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on . oath stated that he was authorized to' execute said instrument, and that the seal affixed is the seal . of said municipal corporation. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this _ day of ,2000. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Port Angeles. My appointment expires: ! STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. County of CLALLAM ) On this day personally appeared before me to me known to be the of the CLALLAM-JEFFERSON COMMUNITY ACTION COUNCIL, the private non-profit corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said non-profit corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was . authorized to execute said instrument, and that the seal affixed is the seal of said municipal corporation. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this _ day of ,2000. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Port Angeles. My appointment expires: A:\seniorcenter.wpd - 5- . 62 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ",;;-:,')''}''';,:':.:':- ".:i:......>i' ".:<!.:.,,'" "".- F................... Q,?,'R ,'T'. ..'Pt'.................N.... ,. .. ,: - .'~' ,_ l ~ >' .. '; /. ; r v _.. ..' .. . " . .. WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO JANUARY 18,2000 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management AssistantV' City Council Committee Assignments As a follow-up to the January 4, 2000, Council meeting, at which time consideration was given to the various City Council committee assignments, attached is a draft list reflecting the changes made to the assignments. Please review the list to determine if any further'changes or additions need to be made. Please provide clarification as to the Council representative to the Port Angeles School District Multi- Ethnic Committee. Attachment 63 0) ~ City of Port Angeles City Council Committee Assignments As of January, 2000 DRAFT I Mayor I~ I iremen's Pension Board (meets once per year, usually March r Avril) I~or II I X ,I 2 II I I X I I I~ owntown Forward Executive Comtnittee (meets 4th Mon. ea. Month~ 7:00 a.m., at Cit Hall) ~ I I I I X I Alt. ehicle Comtnittee (meets as needed) X X eal Estate Comtnittee (meets 1't Tues. ea. month, 8:00 a.m., aucus Room) II~ I I I X I I X ~ X X Alt. Mayor +1 X X 2 X X olr Course Development Comtnittee (meets as needed) I 2 X X conomic Development Steering Comtnittee [P.A. Works!] meets as needed) ~I X I I I X I I r ateway Review Comtnittee (meets as needed) X X od2in2 Tax Advisorv Comtnittee (meets as needed) II 2 II X I J I I I X . . . . . . City of Port Angeles City Council Committee Assignments As of January, 2000 DRAFT 2* x Alt. x 3 x x x blic Health Advisory Board (meets 151 Tues. ea. month, 12:00 oon, at the County) olid Waste Advisory Committee x 1* x Alt. 1* Alt. x 1 x itv of Port Angeles Human Services Committee hamber of Commerce Liaison (meets 2nd & 4th Fri., 12:00 oon, location varies) 2 x x x orth Olympic Peninsula Visitor & Convention Bureau (meets rd Tues. ea. month, 6:30 p.m., location varies) x 2* x Alt. x X en CJ1 -2- 0) 0) City of Port Angeles City Council Committee Assignments As of January, 2000 I DRAFT conomic Development Council (meets monthly, schedule set by oard) ~I Alt. I I I I I~ . M. Lauridsen Trust (meets 4th Thurs. ea. month, 2:00 p.m.) X 'eninsula Development Association (meets twice a year) I Mayor II I X 'eninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization meets everv other month, 2nd Fri., 10:00 a.m., location varies) II 1* II I I I I I Alt. ~ X II 1..--- ater Resources Inventory Area 18 (WRIA 18) (meets as eeded) t-;-l~ Iwha/Morse Manal!:ement Team (meets as needed) I I Alt. I I --f----! X ;:II I ? I I ~. X . . . . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~:1,>;"'Jii;-"i~"r; > ;;\,:~~;,>tf,~- ""'~.<; ',,,,!; 7f!,fiL;iif:,::;@~f~t~ ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO January 18, 2000 MA YOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management AssistantW Contract with United Way for Administration of City of Port Angeles 2000 Human Services Funds Summary: As part of the City's budget process, Deputy Mayor McKeown worked with United Way to determine the recommended level of City funding to various social service agencies. The City Council has reviewed and approved the itemized list of recommended allocations, and it is timely to approve a contract with United Way to administer those funds. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with United Way for the administration of the City's 2000 Human Services funds. Background / Analysis: Approximately six years ago, the City contracted with United Way to administer the City's Human Services funds. United Way will again be administering these funds in 2000 and, similar to previous agreements, United Way will receive 2% ofthe distributed funds as reimbursement for administrative costs. The level of Human Services funding for 1999 was $139,701, inclusive of the fee to cover administrative costs. For the year 2000, the total commitment has been increased to $149,481. G:\EXCHANGE\CNCLPKT\COUNCIL. WPT 67 . . . I 68 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: '~'...'..'..".".' '0.' :R.w.T....:f\l!......i.....N... rn.liiL." E....:.S.' ". . i...} j: . ... ./ ....: \..JD m;!Jj , , 1 WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO January 18,2000 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant V-- Vacancies on City Boards and Commissions Summary: Certain terms of office on various City Boards and Commissions expire as of March 1, 2000. It is timely to make reappointments and to begin advertising in order to seek replacements. In addition, the Port of Port Angeles has submitted the narpe of Leonard Beil to be the Port's representative on the City's Downtown Forward Executive Committee, as well as the Economic Development Steering Committee. The Council should formally appoint Mr. Beil to the membership of these two committees. Recommendation: 1. That the City Council make the following reappointments: a. Robert King to the P~anning Commission for the term, 3/1/2000 to 3/1/2004; .'. b. Barbara Gase and Louise Meyer to the Board of Adjustment for the term, 3/1/2000 to 3/1/2004; c. David Morris to the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission for the term, 3/1/2000 to 3/1/2004; and d. Fred Norton to the Building Code Board of Appeals for the term, 3/1/2000 to 3/1/2004; 2. Direct staff to publicize the vacancy noted via news releases to seek replacements; and 3. Appoint Leonard Beil as the representative of the Port of Port Angeles to the Downtown Forward Executive Committee and the Economic Development Steering Committee. Background / Analysis: To provide staff sufficient time to seek a replacements for vacancies on CitY Boards and Commissions, it is appropriate to proceed with reappointments as recommended by staff. Those eligible for reappointment have expressed a desire to continue service. The following delineates vacancies and proposed reappointments on City Boards and Commissions: Planning Commission: Robert King - eligible for reappointment to 3/1/2004 . Dean Reed - not seeking reappointment (moving to UAC) - creates vacancy 69 Mayor Doyle and City Council January 18,2000 Page Two Board of Adjustment: Barbara Gase - eligible for reappointment to 3/1/2004 Louise Meyer - eligible for reappointment to 3/1/2004 Parks. Recreation & Beautification Commission: David Morris - eligible for reappointment to 3/1/2004 Building Code Board of Appeals: Fred Norton - eligible for reappointment to 3/1/2004 In addition, the Port of Port Angeles has a representative on the Downtown Forward Executive Committee and the Economic Development Steering Committee. Former Port Commissioner Foster served as the representative to both committees. The Port has identified Commissioner Leonard Beil as the Port's representative, and the Council should formally appoint Mr. Beil to these committees. Attachment 70 . . . . ~rQBEI .WASHINGTON . . Becky J. Upton, CMC City Clerk/Management Assistant City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 Dear Becky: "'-,';",}r~"'::i':'~'::i:";')';-""'-' .. January 11, 2000 OO~l\l~DW~OO ~12mJ I CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY CLERK The Board of Port Commissioner took action yesterday to establish Board representatives to various committees and organizations. In resporise to your letter of December 28, 1999, Leonard W. Beil has been identified as the Port's Board representative to the Downtown Forward Executive Committee and the Economic Development Steering Committee. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please let me know. Sincerely, PORT OF PORT ANGELES ~ M. Christine Anderson Executive Director 338 West First Street P.O. Box 1350 Port Angeles, VIA 98362 (360) 457-8527 Fax: (360) 452-3959 portofpa@olypen.com COMMISSIONERS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Glenn Beckman M. Christine Anderso~ ~~PBQ)2000DOCS\LETIERS\CITYREP.DOC I 1 Jack Waud . . . 72 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORTANGELES WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEMO u. s. A. January 18, 2000 MA YOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Steve Ilk, Chief of Polic~--- .....e'L z- Authorization to sign contract between City of Port Angeles and YMCA Summary: The Governor's Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee (GJJAC) that administers the federal Title V grant for the YMCA PATH (Teen Scene) grant has requested that the operational contract be updated to reflect our current grant. The attached contract has been prepared and reviewed with the assistance of City Attorney Craig Knutson. The contract delineates the responsibilities of the Police Department and the YMCA under the terms of the grant and does not involve the expenditure of funds. Expenditure of funds is governed by the current operational grant documents. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager, Mike Quinn, to sign the attached contract on behalf of the City of Port Angeles. Background / Analysis: The Police Department has applied for and received Title V federal grant funding for the past four years on behalf of the YMCA teen programs, specifically the management and operation of the Teen Scene. Under the terms of the grant, the City contracts with the YMCA to administer this program. The attached agreement is essentially a housekeeping issue, bril1ging the contract between the City and the YMCA up to date at the request ofGJJAC. 002 PAPD/COUNCIL - 2000 73 CONTRACT between City of Port Angeles and Clallam County YMCA FOR PATH Teen Center Project . This Contract is made and entered into by and between the City of Port Angeles, hereinafter referred to as "City," and the Clallam County "YMCA," hereinafter referred to as the "YMCA." Purpose It is the purpose of this Contract to commit the services of the City of Port Angeles Police Department, hereinafter referred to as "PAPD," and the YMCA in achieving the goals and objectives as outlined in the PAPD's Title V, PATH (port Angeles Teen Help) Teen Center Expansion grant. Both agencies recognize the need of a cooperative effort in providing a facility and programs designed for the prevention and intervention of at-risk behaviors in local youth. The project is designed to continue providing services and opportunities to the high-risk youth originally targeted in PAPD's Title V Grant and to exparid community support for and participation in these efforts. Therefore, it is mutually agreed that: Performance Both PAPD and the YMCA agree to abide by and perform the terms and conditions of the grant application and award titled "Path Teen Center Expansion," a copy of which is attached hereto as "Exhibit A." P APD shall have the lead role in governance of this project. The YMCA shall perform the day to day operation and presentation of the program. . P APD shall administer the Grant and make payment of Grant funds t~ the YMCA in consideration of the YMCA performing services, as provided in the Grant and in this Contract. PAPD and the YMCA agree to support, encourage, and contribute to efforts in maintaining, as well as enhancing and improving, the YMCA's Teen Scene and Teen Scene programming. Administrators and personnel from P APD and YMCA pledge to work in partnership and cooperation for the benefit of community youth as outlined in the Teen Center Expansion grant proposal. Independent Capacities The employees or agents of each party who are engaged in the performance of this Contract shall continue to be employees or agents of that party and shall not be considered for any purpose to be employees or agents of the other party. Term The term of this Contract shall be the same as the term of the PAPD Title V PATH Teen Center Expansion Grant term. Subject to the termination provisions below, this Contract shall remain binding for the term as stated. Termination Either party may terminate this Contract upon 30 days prior written notice to the other party. If this Contract is so terminated, the parties shall be liable only for performance rendered or costs incurred in accordance with the terms of the Agreement prior to the effective date of termination. Either party may terminate for cause this Contract, if a party does not fulfill, in a timely and proper manner, its obligations under said Contract, or if either party violates any of these terms and conditions, the aggrieved party will give the other party written notice of such failure or violation. The responsible party will be given . 74 I 'j'>'\\::;1";":;"');P,' 'l".~:r:, "lX';, J . c1i1.~F::~':,;"'f'~l'!~;:~(:'(t:'!'S(~';,~i!-~""-' the opportunity to correct the violation or failure within 15 working days. If failure or violation is not corrected, this Contract may be terminated immediately. by written notice of the aggrieved party to the other. . Billin~ Procedure The YMCA shall submit invoices for compensation of grant approved expenditures. Payment to the YMCA for approved and completed work will be made by warrant or account transfer by the City of Port Angeles within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. Upon expiration of the Contract, any claim for payment not already made shall be submitted within 30 days after the expiration date or the end of the fiscal year, whichever is earlier. Records Maintenance The parties to this Contract shall each maintain books, records, documents and other evidence which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs expended by either party in the perfo~ance of the service(s) described herein. These records shall be subject to inspection, review or audit by personnel of both parties, other personnel duly authorized by either party, the Office of the state Auditor, and federal officials so authorized by law. All books, records, documents, and other material relevant to this Contract will be retained for six years after expiration. .The Office of the State Auditor, federal auditors and any persons duly authorized by the parties shall have full access and the right to examine any of these materials during this period. Records and other documents, in any medium, furnished by one party to this Contract to the other party, will remain the property of the furnishing party, unless otherwise agreed. Each party will utilize reasonable security procedures and protections to assure that records and documents provided by the other party are not erroneously disclosed to third parties. . . Indemnification /Hold Harmless The YMCA shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the acts, errors or omissions of the YMCA in performance of this Contract, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. Insurance The YMCA shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Contract, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the YMCA, its agents, representatives, or employees. Said insurance shall comply with the following requirements: . 1. Minimum Scope of Insurance YMCA shall obtain insurance of the types described below: a. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO)form CA 00 01 or substitute form providing equivalentliapility coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. b. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence for CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, 9perations, independent contractors and personal injury and advertising injury. The City shall be named as an insured under the Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance policy \Vith respect to the work performed for the City. c. Worker's Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. 2. Minimum Amounts of Insurance The YMCA shall maintain the following insurance limits: a. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1 ,000,000 per accident. b. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate. 2 75 ".~,!" -I 3. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability, Professional Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: . a. The YMCA's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the YMCA's insurance and shall not contribute with it. b. The YMCA's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be canceled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt . requested, has been given to the City. 4. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. 5. Verification of Coverage The YMCA shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the YMCA before commencement of the work. Alterations and Amendments This Contract may be amended by mutual agreement of the parties. Such amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind each of the parties. Waiver No provision of the Contract or the right to receive reasonable performance of any act called for by its terms shall be deemed waived by a waiver of a breach thereof as to a particular transaction or occuQ"ence. Severability If any term of condition of this Contract or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other terms, conditions, or applications of the Contract which can be given effect without the invalid term, conditions, or applications of the Contract which can be given effect without the invalid term, condition, or application and, to this end, the terms and conditions of this Contract are declared severable. . Governinl! Law and Venue This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington and any action or litigation undertaken to enforce the terms of this Contract shall be conducted in Clallam County, Washington. All Writin~s Contained Herein This Contract contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Contract shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract on the date recorded below. City of Port Angeles Clallam County YMCA Signature Signature City Manager Title Date Director Title Date . 3 76 . MEMO FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief [4651] Daniel K. McKeen Fire Marshal [4652] Coral Wheeler Administrative Assistant [4650] L. Keith Bogues . Training Officer [4652] , David R. Chastain Medical Officer [4665] \, . FORTANGBLES WAS H I N G TON, U.S. A. DATE: January 11,2000 TO: Mayor Larry Doyle and the City Council Dan McKeen, Acting Fire Chief 0-, t' - FROM: RE: Amendment to the Current Firefighters (IAFF Local 656) Labor Agreement SUMMARY: The City and Firefighters Local 656 have agreed upon contract language which will provide fire administration the ability to block-out periods oftime during the year in which nO vacation will be granted. These blocked-out periods during the year will be used to conduct required training. The above mentioned blocks of time will help ensure all members are present when required training is conducted -- allowing the department the ability to comply with L&I regulations efficiently, and provide the teamwork and consistency needed during training. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the proposed contract language submitted by the City and signed by Firefighters Local 656. BACKGROUND: In December, 1998, the City blocked out periods of time FY 1999 in which no vacation would be granted. The City interpreted the language in that year's current labor agreement to allow the denial of vacation requests as "such leave shall not interfere with the work of the department." As the blocked-out periods were used to assist the department in ensuring all members received required training, granting vacation during periods in which required training was to be conducted was considered to "interfere with the work of the department." 77 "':'C:c,;";;\",~'~];?itt~~,r~:l~~\~t":'>'-' City Council Page 2 January 11,2000 Shortly after the City blocked-out the aforementioned time, Firefighters Local 656 ;filed an unfair labor practice stating the City imposed a change in a previous practice, ahd did not negotiate the impact of that change. The parties agreed to put the unfair labor practice on hold while they attempted to negotiate a mutually acceptable resolution of the issue. The City and Union took the issue to mediation, with no resolution. The City and Union then agreed to enter into interest arbitration to resolve the issue. Prior to an arbitration hearing, the City and Firefighters Union resolved the issue through additional negotiations. The agreed upon language allows the City the ability to block-out the same amount of time periods as originally proposed. J By approving the mutually agreed upon language, the Firefighters Union has agreed to drop the unfair labor practice. DM/cw 78 -uf-."", . . . . . . The following represents language to modify Article V, Sections A and B, of the current Firefighters labor agreement: . Article V, Section A - Vacation ( a) Vacation will be granted only after the completion of one (1) full year's service. Thereafter, the leave credited for any month of service may be taken in any subsequent month. (b) Scheduling of leave (vacation, K-day, floating holiday) for the upcoming year will be conducted by the second Tuesday of December. Leave requests will be picked upon department seniority. Each member may take up to a maximum of nine consecutive shifts off per pick, after such time the bid for vacation will rotate to the next senior person. At the time of leave scheduling for the upcoming year the Union will identify and guarantee a minimum of four time periods (ABC, BCA, CBA) in which no leave will be granted. These "blocked periods" will be exclusively used as dedicated training days to address state mandated training requirements. Forty-five days shall be provided between the scheduled leave request to the first blocked training period. Aside from the "blocked periods", leave requests conducted by the second Tuesday of December shall be guaranteed provided that established department manning levels are maintained, with utilization of the floater. When the Department wishes to establish additional dedicated training in which no leave will be granted, the Department shall identify the day(s) and place them on the leave calendar 45 days in advance. Previously approved leave will not be rescinded to accommodate additional dedicated training. To decrease the likelihood of interruptions during the dedicated training periods, the City agrees to provide first o\1t EMS coverage by either using daytime employees when available, or two off duty employees. EMS coverage assignments shall be filled in the same manner as overtime shift assignments. ( c) Unscheduled leave will be requested in advance and is subject to approval by the Department head, provided the unscheduled leave request will not interfere with the work of the department. (d) Previously approved leave may only be rescinded in the event of a catastrophic emergency. (e) No employee shall be permitted to accumulate vacation in excess of the amount earned in a two (2) year period. (f) Personnel transferring from a 24-hour shift schedule to an 8-hour shift schedule, or vice versa, shall, at the date of transfer, have their annual leave accumulation rate adjusted to , 79 ,'''>iC'c,.,C reflect the new working hours; i.e., 12/8 or 8/12; however, no reduction or addition shall . occur in previously accumulated annual leave. Article V, Section B - Holidays. Change the current language to the following: J Each floating holiday shall be one 24-hour shift to be taken as vacation, subject to department manning requirements. The three floating holidays are excluded from cash payment as described below and are taken in the same manner as vacation leave. FOR THE CITY: 0,. FIREFIGHTERS UNION #656: lM~JJL.ee4.~ 11~ Mike Sanders, PresiClent, IAFF #656 Daniel McKeen, Acting Fire Chief ~ ~"V'A - Bob Coons, Human Resources Manager ~.e:I'IAFF#656 . Mike Quinn, City Manager i /, v I(?O , Date 1- IJ-/Jl) . Date 1 All other language contained within Section B to remain. . 80 . . . J ~RTANGELES " WAS H I N G TON U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 18, 2000 To: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Planning Department ~ Administrative Municipal Code Amendments FROM: SUBJECT: Summary: Each year the Planning Department prepares administrative.amendments to various chapters of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (P AMC) consistent with interpretations and decisions regarding the Zoning Code and the Subdivision Ordinance. On December 8, 1999, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Planning Department's proposed administrative amendments and recommends these changes be made clarifying certain sections of the Municipal Code. There are proposed amendments to the home occupation, bed and breakfast, and retail stand permit processes, heavy industrial use! buffer/sign regulations, definitions adding animal husbandry and house pets, subdivision improvement requirements, and other proposed administrative code changes as appropriate. Recommendation: FoUowing close oftbe City Council's public hearing, adopt Municipal Code Amendment MCA 99-02, citing 7 fmdings and 4 conclusions as recommended by the Planning Commission, except for definitions affecting animal related land uses which will be brought back to the City Council at a later date. Background / Analysis: During the course of the year, the Planning Director, the Planning Commission, and the City Council make interpretations or decisions concerning the regulatory language in the Port Angeles Municipal Code. The Planning Department proposes amendments to the Municipal Code based on those interpretations and decisions to make it easier for the public to read and understand what the rules mean. The nature of these administratively proposed code changes is to clarify existing code requirements and rules and not to change the existing zoning, subdivision, or other land use policies. Among the issues that came up in 1999 were concerns about street improvements and bonding allowances at the time of subdivision approval and a number of minor clarifications regarding zoning regulations. One particular zoning issue, which.was raised at a City Council meeting by a citizen, dealt with the raising of chickens in the Residential Single Family RS-7 Zone. A review of the present zoning language revealed that the regulations say very little about keeping animals in the City of Port Angeles. Animal husbandry is allowed only as a conditional use in the Industrial Light IL Zone. The only other zoning provisions about keeping animals is for kennels as a conditional use in the 81 MCA 99-02 January 18, 2000 Page 2 Commercial Arterial CA, Industrial Light IL, and Industrial Heavy IH Zones and for private stables as an accessory use in the Residential Single Family RS-9 Zone. Both kennels and private stables are defined in the Zoning Code. When read altogether, these zoning regulations with no definitions for animal husbandry or house pets can be interpreted to prohibit the keeping of all other animals outdoors except for two dogs or cats. This is the first zoning complaint of which current st~ is aware that involves keeping animals outdoors as opposed to having a farm. . The original staff proposed language for animal husbandry and house pets included in the Planning Commission recommendation has been subjected to more analysis. Alternate laJ1guage will need code amendments to the RS-9 and IL Zones and require a separate Zoning Code' Amendment to be brought back to the City Council at a later date. Attachments: Municipal. Code Amendments MCA 99-02 Ordinance Findings and Conclusions Excerpt of December 8, 1999, Planning Commission Minutes Staff Report c:\exchange\cnclpkt\planning\OOOI18 82 . . . .. . Summary ofMCA 99-02 Municipal Code Amendments The short plat (16.04) and subdivision (16.08) changes were made to better reference the approved City street standards, which were not understood by a subdivision applicant; the addition of the references do not change the approved City street standards. The zoning (17.08- 17.96) are wording changes that clarify, identify, and correct language that was updated or in error of some kind; these revisions do not change the interpretation of code requirements and, therefore, are considered to be clerical not substantive amendments. The proposed code amendments for keeping animals within the City have been eliminated from this Ordinance, due to the substantive amendments that are now being considered, and will be brought back to the City Council following a new public review process. Code Chapter Amendment Reason Effect 16.04 short plat street standards issue raised clarify 16.08 subdivision approved security practice identify approved security job changes identify rewording procedural changes correct typographical error mistakes correct street standards issue raised clarify 17.08 Zoning Def definitions practice identify 17.15 RHD rewording syntext clarify typographical error mistakes correct 17.17 HO rewording simplify clarify reorganization simplify clarify 17.18 B&B rewording simplify clarify reorganization simplify clarify 17.21 CN rewording simplify clarify reorganization simplify clarify 17.22 CSD rewording simplify clarify 17.24 CBD rewording simplify clarify rewording mistakes correct 17.26 RTS rewording simplify clarify rewording procedural changes correct typographical error mistakes correct reorganization simplify clarify 17.30 IP rewording update correct 17.32 IL rewording update correct 17.34 IH rewording mistakes correct rewording simplify clarify 17.94 Gen Prov rewording practice identify typographical error mistakes correct 17.96 Admin rewording simplify clarify rewording procedural changes correct reorganization mistakes correct . . . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, making amendments to the City's land use ordinances by revising the permitting process for home occupations, bed and breakfast uses within residential areas, and retail stand uses, eliminating confusing and unnecessary wording found throughout the zoning ordinance, clarifying permitted uses and buffer and signage requirements within the Industrial Heavy zone, and clarifying the improvement requirements for short subdivisions and subdivisions, including street improvement and bonding requirements, amending Ordinances 1709, 1631, and 2222, as amended, and amending Chapters 16.04, 16.08, 17.08,17.15,17.21,17.22,17.24,17.30,17.32,17.34, 17.94,17.96. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Ordinance No. 2222, as amended, and Chapter 16.04 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending P AMC 16.04.070 and 16.04.140 to read as follows: 16.04.070 Preliminary Short Plat - Design Standards. All preliminary short plats shall conform to the following design standards: A. Right-of-Way Access. 1. Each lot shall abut on a dedicated, improved and maintained City street. Such street shall connect directly to an existing improved street that meets current street improvement standards as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. the Urban Services Ordinance. and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to P AMC 18.08.40 and 18.08.130. 2. If the abutting right-of-way does not meet minimum width standards, additional right-of-way shall be required in accordance with the requirements of the Public Works Department. 3. An exception from the right-of-way access requirements in this section shall be allowed for a single lot within a proposed short plat, provided that the following conditions are met: a. the single lot already abuts and is accessible by emergency vehicles over a 20-foot-wide all-weather street that does not meet City standards and already contains a habitable dwelling, and b. all other lots in the short subdivision shall meet the right-of-way access standards of this section 16.04.140 Final Short Plat - Improvements - ReQJ.lired. The following minimum improvements shall be made or installed for each lot created by the short subdivision, before fInal short plat approval: A. Watermains and other appurtenances necessary to provide adequate potable water supply and fIre protection as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan... and ~ Urban Services Ordinance and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promuliated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130: dCvclopmcm standards, 83 I I I B. Sanitary sewer or approved septic tank and drain field site; C. Power, telephone, and all other necessary utilities. D. Appropriate dedications or easements if required; E. Minimum street improvement cross-section standard as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan... and ~ Urban Services Ordinance. and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines: de. v c.1opnlCnt standar ds. 1. Improvements to I'rinc.ipal Frontage and Access Streets.: A principal fFrontage and access streets. within City right-of-way furnishing access from the nearest fully improved City street to newly created lots shall be improved to a minimum of 20-foot wide asphaltic concrete street with one 3-foot wide shoulder and one 6-foot wide shoulder for pedestrian traffic. All dead-end City streets in excess of 150 feet in length shall be a&phaltic concrete paved and provided with a turn-around which has a minimmn l00~foot diameter right--of-way and 90~foot dianlcter asphaltic concrete street, or an alternativc approved by the Ciry consistent with the Urban Services Ordinance.the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines. and the Uniform Fire Code. Thc m1nimum sttuctmal section shal.i...comist oi2-inch top rock on roadwa, and shoulders, with a mininnnn 8-inch compacted ballast sttbgrade. . 2.... Improvements to Arterial Streets: Arterial streets that will provide access to. and front. the lots or parcels bein~ developed shall be improved to the minimum City arterial street improvement standards. 2-:-l.. EXCEPTION: The Public Works Department shall'require the minimum standard to be increased to match the immediately adjoining City street when the immediately adjoining City street is more fully developed than the minimum standard. This exception shall not apply to short plats when the City fmds that there will be an economic and physical hardship in relocating public utilities and there will be no increase in the number of lots within a subject short plat. F. Roadway ditches and/or culverts shall be provided to address existing and anticipated storm water run-off occurring on the site and/or in the principal frontage right-of-way as set forth in the Urban Services Ordinance and Clearing and Grading Ordinance development standards. G. The subdivider shall provide a street profile acceptable to the Public Works Department for the principal fr()ntage street if the fmal street grade has not been previously established or accepted by the City. H. The subdivider shall execute an L.I.D. consent and non-protest agreement or other agreement acceptable to the City for street and utilities improvements on the. principal frontage street whenever required improvements are less than the City's full development standard, as established by the City Engineer. 1. The subdivider shall provide all other public improvements as may be required as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan and the Urban Services Ordinance. J. When commercially zoned property is being short platted without any increase in the number of lots, the minimum improvements required by this Section may be made or installed after short plat approval without the necessity of being bonded, provided that the fmal short plat shall be conditioned to provide that such improvements shall be made or installed as part of the building permit process, that vertical construction of the building shall not begin unless or until the Uniform Fire Code's fire hydrant requirement has been met, and that the property or development shall not be occupied until such improvements have been completed, provided further that said construction shall be noted on the fmal plat. K. Sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for 2 84 . . . . students who only walk to and from school. (Ord. 2948~2 (part) 2/14/97; Ord. 2920, 6/14/96; Ord. 2909 ~1, 3/15/96; Ord. 2880 ~1 (part) 8/25/95; Ord. 2631 ~2, 3/29/91; Ord. 2222 ~14, 8/11/82.) . Section 2. Ordinance 1631, as amended, and Chapter .16.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 16.08.050, 16.08.060, and 16.08.070 to read as follows: 16.08.050 - Procedure A. PRELIMINARY STEPS. The developer shall submit a slCetSh of a proposed subdivision of la.nd to the City~la.nning Department for review prior to submittal of the Preliminary Plat. . B. PRELIMINARY APPROVAL. The devel()per.or his surveyor shall then transmit six (6)(or more if required) copies of the Preliminary plat, together with a filing fee, to the City Planning Department. The amount of the filing fee shall be as established by ordinance and set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC. The City Planning Department shall submit written recommendations to the Planning Commission prior to the Commission's public hearing in which the Preliminary plat is on its agenda. The proposed plat shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor and shall be submitted to the City Planning Department at . least thirty .om days prior to the public hearing of the City Planning 'Commission. Notice of the public hearing on a proposed pla~ or subdivision shall be posted by the developer in a conspicuous place on..or adjacent to the land proposed to be subdivided. Such notices shall clearly indicate the time and place of the public hearing and shall be posted not less than ten days prior to the hearing. The Planning Commission shall examine the proposed plat, along with written recommendations of the City Departments, and shall either approve or disapprove and shall make recommendations thereon to the City Council. Within a period of ninety (90) days after a preliminary plat has been submitted to the City Planning Department.and other affected agencies, the City Council shall either approye or disapprove the proposed Preliminary plat.i. The ninety (90) days time period may be extended with the consent of the applicant. If an Environmental Impact Statement is required, the ninety (90) day period shall not include the time spent preparing and circulating the EIS. Following fInal action of the City Council on a preliminary plat, the Planning Department shall notify the developer regarding s~anges required and the type and extent of improvements to be made. A copy of the Commission's action and recommendations shall be forwarded to the developer .and to any agency submitting recommendations in regard to the preliminary plat. Approval of a preliIniruiiy platshall be considered conditional approval of the preliminary plat, and shall not constitute approval of the Final plat; it shall be considered only as approval of the layout submitted on the pr~liminarypl~~ as a guide to the. preparation of the Final plat. If the preliminary plat is approved by the City Council, the developer, before requesting fInal approval, shall elect to install or assure installation of the improvements required by Section 16.08.070 PAMC by one of the following methods: . 3 85 1. Actual installation of the required improvements, to the satisfaction and approval of the City Engineer; 2. fo-umishing to the Crt, a subciivision bond, with an approved insmer, in an amount cqual to the cost of the impro v cnlcnts as determined b, the Cit)! L'1igincer, which bond shall aSStlIe to the Cit)! actual installation of the. required improvenlCnts to the satisfaction and approval of the Ci~ Enginecr. The City Engineer shall dc.temnnc the pcriod of the bond. ;u... Furnishing to the City an assignment of a savings account or another approved security or placing in trust an amount equal. to 150% of the cost of the improvements as determined by the City Engineer, which assignment of savings account... <?ther security, or trust shall assure to the City the installation of the improvements, to the satisfaction and approval of the City Engineer. This savings account. other security. or trust. shall be conditioned so that no amount may( be removed therefrom without prior written approval of the City, and shall further provide that, if the improvements are not installed within the time limitations set by the City Engineer, or not installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, then the City may withdraw from the savings account . other security. or trust the amount necessary to complete the improvement. The City Engineer shall determine the period of the assignment of the savings account. other security. or the trust. After completion of all required improvements the City Engineer and any government agency involved shall submit a written notice to the Planning Department stating that the developer has completed the required improvements in accordance with Section PAMC16.08.070 PAMC and with required installation standards. C. FINAL APPROVAL. The Final plat shall conform to the Preliminary plat as approved by the City Council. If desired by the developer, the Final plat ma.y constitute only that portion of the approved Preliminary plat which he proposes to record and develop at the time. The Final plat shall be submitted to the Planning Department within five years after City Council approval of the Preliminary plat. Said preliminary approval shall become void unless a Final plat is submitted. The developer shall submit a mylar tracing and six (6) prints (or more if required) of the Final plat and other required exhibits, including a filing fee, to the City PI~g Department at least fourteen days prior to the meeting in which the Final plat is to be considered by the Planning Commission. The amount of the fee shall be set by Resolution of the City,Council and may be I amended or changed by Resolution from time to time, or as necessary. The Planning Commission shall review the Final plat to determine if the plat conforms with the Preliminary plat, the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Code and other land use regulations, the Urban Services Ordinance, the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines. and these Subdivision Regulations and shall make its recommendation to the City Council. If the Planning Commission approves' the Final plat, the Chairperson shall sign the Final . I tracmg. Following the approval of the Final plat by the Planning Commissiqn, the City Planning. Department shall obtain the signatures of the County Health Officer (when required by the Commission), City EnginccrPublic Works Director, City Clerk, City rvJanager, Fire Chief, Director of Public Works and Utilities DcputyDircctor of Utility Sc.:nices, Planning Director, and 4 86 . . . ;------ " . City Attorney on the Final tracing and shall submit the tracing of the Final plat to the City Council for approval and signature by the Mayor. . At least ten days prior to the public hearing of the City Council in which the Final plat is to be considered, the developer shall post a notice regarding said hearing in a conspicuous location on the site. Within thirty (30) days the City Council shall act upon the Final plat. The thirty (30) day limit may be extended from the date of the Final plat being filed with the Planning Department with the consent of the applicant. The developer shall have his Final plat recorded within thirty (30) days from the date his Final plat is approved by the City Council. After obtaining signatures of City officials and prior to thirty (30) days after recording, the developer shall obtain and give to the City Engineer a mylar or equivalent duplicate of the Final plat. D. APPROVAL AND REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLATS. When a proposed plat or subdivision is situated adjacent to the right-of-way of state highways, said plat or subdivision shall be submitted to the Director of Highways. Approval by the Commission shall be withheld until said Director or his assistant has made a report to the Commission. When a proposed plat, subdivision or dedication is adjacent to unincorporated territory notice of such proposed plat shall.be given to the Clallam County Planning Commission. Any decision by the City Council approving or refusing to approve a plat or subdivision shall be reviewable for arbitrary, capricious or corrupt action or non-action, by petition before the Superior Court of Clallam County, by any property owner of the county having jurisdiction thereof who deems himself aggrieved thereby. Provided, that due application for petition shall be made to such court within twenty-one days from the date of any decision so to be reviewed. (Ord. 3007 ~4, 1/15/99; Ord. 2990 ~3, 5/15/98; Ord. 2880 ~2 (part) 8/25/95; Ord. 2789 ~12 1/1/94; Ord. 2743 ~1, 1/29/93; Ord. 2719 ~2, 11/13/92; Ord. 2143~2, 5/31/81; Ord. 2034 ~1, 7/16/79; Ord. 1631 ~4, 11/14/67.) . . 16.08.060 - Standards and Policies. A. GENERAL STANDARDS. If a proposed street and/or lot pattern for any zone in Port Angeles has been made by the Council or the Commission, the street layout of any new plat submitted shall be in general conformance to said pattern or plan. Otherwise proposed streets in new subdivisions shall conform to the Comprehensive Plan and Urban Services Ordinance as adopted. No territory proposed to be subdivided shall be a part of, nor encroach upon, any area designated in the Comprehensive Plan for future public facilities. No plan for the platting, replatting, subdivision, or dedication of any area shall be approved by the City recommended fur approval bJ the Comnrission unless streets shown therein are connected directly by surfaced mad to an existing improved public riiht-of-way street that meets current street improvement standards as setJorth in the Comprehensive Plan. the Urban Services Ordinance. and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promuliated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130 and that public right-of-wa, ~ adequate to service the "existing and new lots. 5 87 Where the Comprehensive Plan or the City's official street plan indicates the necessity of a new right-of-way of a required width or portion thereof for street purposes, whether within a new plat or new subdivision, or along the boundaries of a new plat, new subdivision or new lot, such required right-of-way or portion thereof shall be dedicated to the City of Port Angeles by the filing of a plat. The area of a cemetery in one unit shall be not more than eighty (80) acres, which may or can be surrounded by streets and highways. If the area of a cemetery is intersected or cut by dedicated or unplatted streets the areas on opposite sides of said streets shall form and be considered separate units. The Planning Commission may require plats to provide areas for parks, playgrounds, open spaces, recreation facilities, schools, school grounds, safe walking conditions on school routes, transit stops, and drainage ways.. Each proposed subdivision and the ultimate use of the land therein shall be in the interests of public health, safety and welfare, and subdividers shall be prepared to present evidence to this effect when requested by the Commission. Restrictive covenants not contrary to existing regulations regarding the use of land, governing and binding all future owners of lots or tracts, may be showno'n any plat. No Final plat of land within the force and effect of existing Zoning Regulations shall be approved unless it is conforming with such Regulations. Whenever there is a discrepancy between minimum standards or dimensions noted herein and those contained in Zoning Regulations, Building Codes, or other official Regulations, the highest standard shall apply. B. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. POLICIES. The Commission shall ensure that appropriate provision is made for: (1) the harmonious development of neighborhoods by requiring coordination of streets within subdivisions with existing or planned streets, or with other elements of the Comprehensive Plan; (2) adequate open spaces for recreation, schools, light and air; (3) distribution of population and traffic which will create conditions favorable to public health, safety and convenience. The Commission shall inquire into the public use, interest or need proposed to be served by the establishment of a subdivision. If the results of such an inquiry indicate that a subdivision will not serve the public use, interest or need, the Commission may deny approval of such subdivision. The Commission shall ensure that a subdivision is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Urban Services Ordinance. Land which the Commission has found to be unsuitable for subdivision due to flooding, bad drainage, steep slopes, rock formations or other feature likely to be harmful to the safety, welfare and general health of the future residents, - and the Commission considers inappropriate for subdivision, - shall not be subdivided unless adequate methods which are consistent with the City' s Wetlands and Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinances are formulated by the developer and approved by the City Engineer. C. STREETS AND ROADS. 1. The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade and location of all roads shall conform with the Comprehensive Plan, including the Capital Facilities Plan,-and-Urban 6 88 . . . ;,""\\'f -,>,-' ,....<-, {-,-<;:>""(-'-:~:;>;:-:,,. {' . Services Ordinance... and Urban Services Standards and Guidelines. and shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned roads, to topographic conditions, to public convenience and safety, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such roads. 2. Where such is not shown on the Comprehensive Plan, the arrangement of streets in a subdivision shall either provide for the continuation or appropriate projection of existing major streets in the surrounding area; or shall conform to a plan for the neighborhood, approved by the Commission, to meet a particular situation where topographic or other conditions make continuance or conformance to existing roads impracticable. This shall also apply to cluster subdivisions . 3. If a preliminary or suggested plan for an area has been made by the Commission, the street layout of a proposed subdivision in such an area shall be in general conformance to the plan. 4. When a portion of a subdivider's tract is to be subdivided, a street plan for the entire tract shall be submitted to indicate how the street pattern of the plat submitted will coordinate with the entire tract when fully platted. 5. Where a tract is subdivided into lots or tracts of an acre or more in area, the Commission may require an arrangement of lots and streets such as to permit a later re- subdivision in conformity with the street and lot requirements specified in these Regulations. 6. Wherever practical, dead-end streets shall be avoided. However, roads designed with a turn-around at one end (cul-de-sac) may be used when conditions warrant their use. 7. Wherever practical, minor streets shall be laid out to discourage through traffic within residential neighborhoods. 8. Where a proposed subdivision abuts or contains an existing or proposed major road, or is adjacent to an existing or planned business, commercial or industrial district, the Commission may require treatment as may be necessary (1) for the adequate ,protection of residential properties; and (2) to afford separation of through and local traffic. 9. Where a subdivision borders or contains a railroad or limited access highway right-of-way, the Commission may require a road approximately parallel to and on each side of such right-of-way at a distance suitable for appropriate use of the intervening land. Such distances shall also be determined with due regard for the requirements of approach grades and future grade separations. 10. Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles. Acute angle intersection shall be avoided. 11. There shall be no reserve strips controlling access to roads, except where the control of such strips is definitely placed in the City under conditions approved by the Commission. 12. Sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school shall be provided pursuant to RCW 58.17.110. D. BLOCKS. 1. The lengths, widths and shapes of blocks shall be determined with due . . 7 89 regard to provision of adequate building sites suitable to the special needs of the type of land. use contemplated, the zoning requirements as to lot area and dimensions, limitations and opportunities of the topography, and needs for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. 2. The width of blocks shall be sufficient for two (2) tiers of lots, unless existing conditions are such, in the judgment of the Commission, to render such requirements - undesirable or impractical. 3. Where frontage is on a major road, the long dimension of the block should be oriented with the direction of traffic flow. 4. Pedestrian crosswalk-ways shall be required where deemed essential to provide circulation or access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers, transportation, and other community facilities. E. LOTS. 1. The lot area, width, depth, shape and orientation, and the minimum building setback lines shall be appropriate for the location of the subdivision, for the type of development and land use contemplated, and shall conform with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. Excessive depth in relation to width shall be avoided. No lot shall have a depth greater than twice its width. 3. Comer lots for residential use shall have extra width to permit appropriate building setback from and orientation to both streets. 4. To ensure public health, convenience and safety, the subdividing of land shall provide, by means of a public street, each lot with satisfactory access to an existing public street. 5. Double frontage and reverse frontage lots shall be avoided, except where essential to provide separation of residential development from traffic arteries or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation. A planting screen easement across which there shall be no right of access shall be provided along the line of lots abutting such a traffic artery or disadvantageous use. 6. Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or radial to street lines. ) 7. No lot or lots for residential purposes shall be divided or sold into additional lots or building sites, without compliance with these Subdivision Regulations. F. PUBLIC SPACES. 1. Where a proposed park, playground, school, or other public use shown in the Comprehensive Plan, including the Capital Facilities Plan, and Urban Services Ordinance is located in whole or in part in a subdivision, the Commission may require the dedication or reservation of such. area within the subdivision in those cases in which the Commission deems such requirement to be reasonable 2. Where deemed essential by the Commission, upon consideration of the particular type of development proposed in the subdivision, and especially in large-scale neighborhood unit developments not anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan, the Commission may require the dedication or reservation of such areas or sites of a character, extent and location 8 90 . . . ';~-"""';".<;,'; ',,.,, ~f);'::\~::t;'i',',B "'il:;:;'," - . suitable to the needs created by such development for schools, parks and other neighborhood purposes. 3. Due regard shall be shown for the preservation of outstanding natural and cultural features such as scenic spots, water courses, and historic sites, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the Wetlands Protection Ordinance, and the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance.. ' G. EASEMENTS. 1. Utility easements shall be provided, centered on front, rear, or side lot lines. . 2. Where a subdivision is traversed by a water course, drainage way, channel, or stream, there shall be provided a storm water easement or drainage right-of-way conforming substantially with the lines of such water course, and such further width or construction, or both, as will be adequate for the purpose. Parallel roads or parkways may be required in connection therewith. H. STREET LIGHTING. Street lighting installations shall be located in reference to the dimensions of full grown trees and in accordance with the determinations and standards of the City Engineer. I. DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS. Variations from and exceptions to the following standards may be made by the Commission, where topographic or other existing conditions make adherence to these Regulations impractical. J. ROADS AND EASEMENTS. STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Street Improvements shall be provided in accordance with the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promul~ated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130. 1. Principal Artel ial Streets a. The nlirrimmnlight-of-wltJi width shall be not less than se.ven~ (70) fcet. b. The. nlinimnm pavement width shall be not less than forty-e.ight(48) fcet, e. The. maxinmm grade shall be not greatel than five (5) pel cent. d. The. mininuml radius of ctlr v Mure shall be not less than three hundred (300) feet. c. A tangent of at least two htmdled (200) fuc.t in length shall be provided between ICverse. CUI ve.s. 2. MiMf Arterial Street a. The. n1inimtmllight-of-wltJi width.shall be not less than six~ (60) fce.t. b. The. nnnm1ttnl pavement width shall be. not less than tort,-fOtl1' (44) fuc.t, e. The. maXmlnnl grade shall be. not greater than se v e.n (7) percent. d. The. 11linimmn radius of ctll vatule. shall be. not less than two hundred (200) fe.et. . e.. A tangent of at lcast two ht111drcd (200) feet in length shall be plovided between Ie.ve.ISe Ctlrves. 3. Collector Arterial Stl eet 9 91 92 . be not less than ten (10) feet in width. 2. Sidewalks serving proposed apMtl:ncnt buildings, cluster housing, or aparLlllent courts shall not be less than eight (8) feet in width and shall be located not less than one. (1) foot fIOm the prope~ line and within the right of. w~. 3. Sidcwal:ks sening MCM proposed for single-family honlCs shan be not less than five (5) feet wide and shall be located not less than one (1) foot fronl the propert, line and within the. right-of-way. 4. Sidcwal:ks shall be provided as set forth in Comprehensive Nan and Urban Ser v ices Or dinance. . N K... BLOCKS. 1. Maximum length of all blocks shall be approximately twelve hundred (1200) feet. 2. Minimum length of all blocks shall be approximately five hundred (500) feet. . 3. Crosswalk-ways shall be required near the middle of all blocks longer than approximately eight hundred (800) feet. 4. Minimum width of all blocks (plus width of alley, if any), shall be two hundred (200) feet. 6:-L.. WIS. 1. The minimum width, depth, area and setback dimensions of all lots in proposed subdivisions shall conform with City Zoning Regulations. If any dimension in a plat is more restrictive than the said Regulations, then the most restrictive dimension shall apply. P M. BUILDING LINE SETBACK. 1. The building line setback from the property lines of all lots shall be indicated by a dashed line on all plats. 2. Required setbacks are a minimum, not a uniform standard. Varied setbacks along a street help avoid a monotonous barracks appearance. ~ N... STANDARD PIPE SIZE. The size of water, sanitary and storm sewer pipes shall be as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan and Urban Services Ordinance. R Q. PROCEDURE FOR REIMBURSEMENT Procedures for reimbursement shall .. be the same as that set forth in Section 13.68.140 PAMC. Sf. SIGNAGE One (1) free standing sign no larger than twenty-four (24) square feet in area shall be permitted for identification of the subdivision. The sign shall be placed in a located in conformance with the development standards of a particular zone. (Ord. 2977 ~2, 12/26/97; Ord. 2948 ~3 (part) 2/14/97; Ord. 2880 ~2 (part) 8/25/95; Ord. 2795 ~1, 2/11/94; Ord. 2743 ~2, 1/29/93; Ord. #2732 ~16, 12/25/92; Ord. #1881~1, 6/23/76; Ord. #1631 ~5, 11/14/67) . 16.08.070 - Requirements for Acceptance of Plats. A. DATA REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT. 11 93 .The preliminary plat shall be at a scale of not less than two hundred (200) feet to one (1) inch. Data required for the preliminary plat shall include the following information, unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer: 1. Location, width and purpose of all easements, existing and proposed. 2. Name and right-of-way widths of all existing and proposed streets on or adjacent to the proposed subdivision. 3. Approximate location and size of all utilities (water mains, sewers, etc.) on - an adjacent to the proposed subdivision. 4. Contours, based on City adopted vertical datum, shall have intervals of not more than 5 feet for slopes of 10% or more and not more than two feet for slopes of 10% or less. 5. Locations of and results of tests made to ascertain subsurface soil, rock, and ground water conditions, when required by the City Engineer. 6. Approximate locations of water courses, marshes, rock outcrops, wooded areas, natural retention areas, direction of drainage, culverts, houses, all non-residential land uses and all other significant features on and adjacent to the proposed subdivision. 7. Zoning on and adjacent to the proposed subdivision. 8. All highways or other major improvements planned by public authorities for future construction on or near the proposed subdivision. , 9. A vicinity sketch showing relation of the proposed subdivision to the surrounding area with regard to major improvements. 10. The.legal description of the tract to be platted, title under which the proposed I subdivision is to be recorded, names and addresses of the owners, date, scale, north arrow. 11. The legal description of the proposed lots. 12. Ownership ofunsubdivided land adjacent to the proposed subdivision and names of adjoining existing plats. 13. The required building setbacks shall be shown for each proposed lot as well as any existing buildings and/or major structures and their distances from property lines. 14. Identification of each lot and each block. 15. Approximate square footage and scaled dimensions of each lot. 16. Summary of site data, including total acreage, acreage in residential use, acreage in streets, and number of acres in parks and other non-residential land uses. 17. Environmental Checklist with filing fee. 18. Shoreline and Wetland permit applications and Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance compliance (when required). 19. Affidavits of posting and publication. B. SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED. All roadway and utility improvements must be designed to comply with the current APW A standards and as specified by the City Engineer and with the Comprehensive Plan~-ttnti the Urban Services Ordinance. and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promul~ated consistent with and pursuant to P AMC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130 tle;-.rdopment standards. Plans and specifications for roadway and utility improvements must be approved by the City Engineer prior to the beginrung of construCtion. Minimum improvements shall be as follows: 12 94 . . . . C. STREETS AND ROADWAYS. 1. The entire right-of-way shall be cleared and grubbed of all objectionable materials. Trees approved for preservation shall be identified. 2. Streets shall be graded and improved with paving, curbs and gutters, drainage and sidewalks according to the approved plans and roadway section. 3. Street lights shall be installed as specified by the City Engineer. 4. Street name signs shall be provided and installed by the City at cost to the developer. . 5. Permanent monuments shall be installed and each lot shall be staked. D. UTILITIES. A water distribution system, storm drainage system, electrical distribution system and a sanitary sewage disposal system shall be designed and installed in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and Urban Services Ordinance development standards. E. PARKS. Parks and recreation shall be provided consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Urban Services Ordinance. F. RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS. 1. Street Trees. Street trees are a protection against excessive heat and glare and enhance the attractiveness and value of abutting property. The City will assist the subdivider in location of trees and species to use under varying conditions. It is recommended that trees be planted inside the property lines where they are less subject to injury, decrease the chance of motor accidents and enjoy more favorable conditions for growth. If trees are to be planted within a planting strip in the right-of-way, their proposed locations and species to be used are to be submitted for review and approval by the City. G. REQUIRED DATA FOR APPROV AL OF FINAL PLAT. The fmal plat shall be an eighteen (18) inch by twenty-four (24) inch permanent reproducible, and shall be at a scale of not less than two hundred (200) feet to one (1) inch. A reduced copy no larger than 11" x 17" shall be submitted with the final prints. For large subdivisions, the plat may be on several sheets, accompanied by an index sheet showing the entire subdivision. The final plat shall be accompanied by a report containing accurate square footage and dimensions of each lot and block and the coordinates of each monument; a title report; and shall include a warranty that all assessments in favor of the City have been paid. The final plat and survey shall be based on the Washington Coordinate System, North Zone, as adopted by the City. The final plat shall show the following: 1. A minimum of two permanent plat control monuments with coordinates, to which all dimensions, bearings, azimuths and similar data on the plat shall be referred. 2. Permanent monuments at all comers. 3. Subdivision boundary lines, right-of-way lines, easements, lot lines with accurate dimensions, bearings or azimuths, radii, central angles, and lengths of all curves. 4. Name and right-of-way width of each street. Any street not dedicated to the public must be so marked on the face of the plat (RCW 58.17.165). 5. Location, dimensions and purpose of all easements. 6. Identification of each lot and block with addresses shown on the lots. 7. The required building setbacks shall be shown for each proposed lot as well as any existing buildings and/or major structures and their distances from property lines. . 13 95' 8. Purpose for which sites, other than residential, are dedicated to the public or reserved for future development. 9. The required building setbacks on each proposed lot. 10. Location and description of all monuments. 11. The title under which the subdivision is to be recorded, true north and grid north arrows, scale, and legend. 12. Legal description of the land to be platted; 13 The legal description of the proposed lots. 14. Certification by registered land surveyor as to the accuracy of plat and survey. 15. Certificate by owner( s) contaiiring the legal description of the land to be platted and dedicating roads, rights-of-way, easements and any sites for public purposes. 16. Certification of approval by: (a) the Planning Gpmmission; (b) €tty EfiginccrPublic Works Director and Utilities; (c) Health DepartIDent (when required); (d) City Council; (e) City Manager, City Clerk, Fire Chief, Planning Director~ and City Attorney. 17. Certification by the County Treasurer that all state an"d county taxes levied against the land to be subdivided have been paid in full. 18. Certification of filing by County Auditor. 19. If improvements are to be bonded rather than actually installed prior to final plat approval, the plat shall show a notation as follows: "No occupancy of dwelling units will be allowed until all roadway and utility improvements have been completed and approved by the City Engineer." (Ord. 2909 ~3, 3/29/96; Ord. 2880 ~2, 8/25/95; Ord. 2743 ~3, Section 3. Ordinance 1709, as amended, and Chapters 17.08, 17.15, 17.21, 17.22,17.24,17.30,17.32,17.34, 17.94,17.96 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC Sections 17.08.010, 17.08.045, 17.15.050, 17.15.080, 17.21.200, 17.22.200, 17.24.200, 17.24.230, 17.30.070, 17.32.070, 17.34.050, 17.34.070, 17.34.020, 17.94.160, 17.96.050, and 17.96.070 to read as follows: 17.08.010 - "A" A. Accessory Building or Use - one which ~ += is subordinate and incidental to and serves a principal building or principal use; and ~ which is located on the same zoning lot as the principal building or principal use served. (Ord. 2921 ~1, 6/28/96; Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2652 ~1 (part), 9/27/91; Ord. 1709 ~1 (part), 12/22/70) B. Accessory Residential Unit - a dwelling unit which~ += is incidental to a detached single family residence, ~ is subordinate in space (i.e., fifty percent or less space than the single family residential use}, and 3-:- is located on the same zoning lot as the single family residence. An accessory residential unit is served by Water and electrical service that is separate from the primary residential service and has a separate address. (Ord. 2861 ~ 1 (part), 3/17/95) C. Adult Family Home - a one-family dwelling of a person or persons who are providing 14 96 . . . . personal care, room and board to more than one (1) but not more than six (6) adults who are not related by blood or marriage to the person or persons providing the services and who are licensed by the State of Washington pursuant to Chapter 18.48 and Chapter 70.128 RCW (Adult Family Home regulations). (Ord. 2948 ~5 (part), 2/14/97; Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2652 ~1 (part), 9/27/91) D. Alley - a public right of way which provides service access to abutting property. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2652 ~1 (part), 9/27/91; Ord. 1709 ~1 (part), 12/22/70) E. Amendment - a change in language of the zoning text which is an official part of these Zoning Regulations. (Ord. 2861 ~ 1 (part), 3/17/95) F. Apartment - a room, or a suite of two or more rooms in a multiple dwelling, occupied or suitable for occupancy as a dwelling unit for one family. G. Assisted Living Facility or Boarding Home - A residential facility that provides domiciliary services to three or more persons of the age 65 or more, or less than age 65 who by reason of infirmity require domiciliary care and who do not require the more intensive care provided by a nursing home, and that is licensed by the State as a "Boarding Home" pursuant to chapter 18.20 RCW. (Ord. 294895 (part), 2/14/97; Ord. 2861 91 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 265291 (part), 9/27/91; Ord. 170991 (part), 12/22/70) 1/29/93; Ord. 204591, 10/27/79; Ord. 196692,4/29/78; Ord. 1631 96, 11/14/67.) . 17.15.050 Area and Dimensional Requirements. A. Minimum Lot Area - 7,000 square feet. B. Density shall not exceed two (2) dwelling units for the first 7,000 square feet oflot area plus one (1) dwelling unit for each additional 1;000 square feet oflot area (maximum 38.56 units/acre). C. Minimum Yard Requirements 1. Front: 25 feet from front lot line. 2. Sides: No structure shall be permitted closer than 7 feet to any side lot line on the front two thirds of the lot. Detached accessory buildings only, on the rear one third of the lot may be permitted to within 3 feet of the side line. On comer lots, the side yard abutting a street shall have a setback of 13 feet unless more is required by Ordinance No. 1635. Rear: No residential structure shall be permitted within 25 feet of the rear property line. Detached accessory buildings are permitted not closer than 10 feet to the rear property line or alley. Maximum Lot Coverage - 30% 16tft1 site area (not 16 apply 16 tmem:le>stx! swimming 3. D. pools.) E. Maximum Height - 35 feet. (Ord. 2948 ~5 (part), 2/14/97; Ord. 2861 91 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2668 ~3 (part), 1/17/92; Ord. 2666 93 (part), 1/17/92; Ord. 2652 96 (part), 9/27/91; Ord. 263699 (part), 5/15/91; Ord. 239791 (part), 6/16/86; Ord. 170991 (part), 12/22/70) . 17.15.080 Design and Landscaping. A. All outdoor storage areas, except for City mechanized refuse collection system containers, shall be screened from view from public rights-of-way and abutting property by a vision- obscuring fence 6 feet in height. 15 97 B. All lighting on the site shall be so directed as to reflect away from adjoining residential properties and public rights-of-way. C. Unused space which is over 24 square feet and which results from the design of parking space arrangements or accessory structures shall be landscaped. D. One tree shall be provided for each 10 parking spaces, exclusive of any perimeter landscaping. Trees shall have a minimum caliper of two inches and shall have a height of at least 20 feet at maturity. E. All parking lots shall be screened by a 3-foot to 60-foot vision-obscuring fence or vegetation on all~ sides adjacent to residentially zoned property. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2668 ~3 (part), 1/17/92; Ord. 2666 ~3 (part), 1/17/92) . 17.17.020 Applicability. A Conditional Use Home Occupation Permit in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter is required for all Home Occupations occurring in residential use districts except those exempted pursuant to Section 17.17.030. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2103 ~5, 10/18/80) 17.17.050 Application and Notice Procedures. The application for a Conditional Use Peront for a Home Occupation Permit shall be submitted on a form obtained from the Planning Department and shall be acknowledged by the owner of the property, if other than the applicant. In addition to the notice procedures contained in PAMC 18.02.050. notice shall be mailed to the latest recorded real property owners within at least 300.feet of the boundary of the site as shown . by the records of the County Assessor. Labels shall be provided by the applicant.(Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2595 ~4, 6/27/90; Ord. 2103 ~8, 10118/80) 17.17.110 I'crmit Limitations. A. Once a Conditional Use I'crn:rit for a Home Occupation Permit has been issued, it shall not be transferred to another person or to a location other than as stated on the permit. B. The initial time limit on approved Conditional Use I'crolits for Home Occupations Permits shall not exceed one year, after which time extensions may be granted as provided in ~17.96.070(P) this Chapter. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2595 ~4, 6/27/90; Ord. 2103 ~16, 10/18/80.) 17.17.120 Existini Home. Occupations. A. IIonle .... Oecnpatiom, othe.r than those specifically exc.mpted tinder Section 17.17.030, established prior to the. effccti v e date of this Chapter and not ha v ing a Conditional Use Pemlit in accordance with the. provisiom of ~17.96.050, shall, within ninc.ty (90) dlt)ls after the. effective date of this Chapter, initiate. a Conditional Use I'cmlit applic.ation. After the. ninc.ty-day period, the. penalties section of this Chaptc.r shall be in full force. D. Tinle ext~miom of Conditional Use Permits. for IIome. Oeetlpatiom lawfully established prior to the. effective date of this Chaptc.r shall not be. appIo~ed tlnless the. IIon1c. Ocetlpation eOftlplies full, with this Chapter. (Ord. 2861 U (part), 3/17/95, Ord. 2103 ~16, 10/181'80) . 17.17.200 Appeals. 98 16 . &. Any person a~~rieved by the decision of the Plannin~ Director may ap.peal the decision to the City Council. a. A'ppeals shall be submitted to thePlannifli De.partment in writiIJi within fifteen (15) days following the date of the decision. c.. The City Council shall conduct an o'pen record public hearin~ on the appeal of the Plannin~ Director's decision with noticebein~ ~iven as set forth in PAMC 17.96.140. The Council's decision shall be final unless appealed to Clallam County Superior Court in accordance with PAMC 17.96.150. 17.17.210 Extensions. &. Extensions of approved Home Occu.pation Permits shall be considered in accordance with the same procedures as for the ori~inal permit application and may be ~ranted for sJ)ecified or unspecified time periods provided that the followin~ minimum criteria are met: L. The use complies with the permit conditions: and 2. There have been no si~nificant. adverse chan~es in circumstances. a. Upon written request for an extension submitted to the Plannin~ D~partment prior to the expiration of the Home Occqpation.Permit. said Permit shall re automatically extended for ninety (90) days to allow the City to review. and process the extension request. . 17.17.300 Revocation of I'cIlnrt. Any permit issued pursuant to the terms of this Chapter maybe revoked in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1, Section 13, Ordinance No. 2050. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2103 ~18, 10/18/80) 17.17.310 Penalties. A. Any person violating any prOVISIon of this Chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fme not to exceed Five Hundred ($500) Dollars. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. B. In addition to the criminal penalty of Subsection A hereof, any person operating under an exemption authorized by any portion of this Chapter shall be deemed to have forfeited said permit as a result of said violation. Such person shall re required to apply for a Conditional &e Home Occu,pation Permit pursuant to the provisions ofPAMC 17.17.050. Failure to apply for and obtain a Conditional Use Home Occupation Permit pursuant to PAMC 17.17.050 shall subject the person to the penalty specified in Section 17.17.310 A. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2103 U9, 10/18/80) . 17.17.320 Existin~ Home Occupations. A. Home Occupations. other than those specifically exempted under PAMC 17.17.030. established prior to the effective date of this Chapter and not havin~ a Home Occupation Permit in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter shall. within ninety (90) days after the effective date of this Chapter. initiate a Home Occupation Permit application. After the ninety-day period.the home occu.pation shall be considered to be in violation of this Chapter. a. Time extensions of Conditional Use Permits for Home Occu.pation Permits lawfully established prior to the effective date of this Chapter shall not be approved unless the Home Occupation complies fully with this Chapter. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part). 3/17/95: Ord. 2103 ~16. 10/18/80. 17 99 17.18.010 Pw:pose. The purpose of the bed and bre8:kftl:M e~nuliti6ftal tlSC this Chapter is to ensure that a bed and breakfast is compatible with its surrounding properties, and when located in a residential neighborhood, to preserve the residential character of the neighborhood and the surrounding residences. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2636 ~4, 5/15/91; Ord. 2483 ~1 (part), 3/23/88) . 17.18.020 Definitions. A "bed and breakfast" is a single family residence located in a residential zone. containing one kitchen and shared dining area, providing lodging for guests and travelers for a period of up to thirty (30) days and serving primarily breakfast only to people registered to use the facility for lodging or special events that require facilities to provide more thanjust meals. (Ord. 2483 ~1 (part), 3/23/88) 17.18.030 Ap.,plicability. A Bed and Breakfast C6ftditi6ftal Usc Permit in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter is required for all bed and breakfasts occurring in residential zones. A Bed and bBreakfast Permit shall be not be required permitted tlSCS within commercial zones. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2534 ~1 (part), 5/24/89; Ord. 2483 ~1 (part), 3/23/88) 17.18.040 Development Standards. All bed and breakfasts shall comply with the following development standards: A. All bed and breakfasts shall be located in single family residences and shall exhibit no outward appearance of a business or of a non-residential nature, other than permitted signs. . B. All bed and breakfast operators shall live on the premises. C. A bed and breakfast with four or fewer rooms for let shall provide parking spaces for the operator and guests. Bed and breakfasts with more than four rooms for let shall provide parking spaces for the operator, guests, and employees. D. All off-street parking areas shall be screened in a manner that is compatible with and respectful of adjacent properties. E. All on-site signs 16cated v.ithin residential Z6ftCS shall be no more than five (5) square feet in area, indirectly lighted, and parallel to the building facade to which they are attached unless they are free-standing in the yard. Free-standing signs cannot exceed three feet in height but may be perpendicular to the facade. The light source shall be shielded from abutting property and rights- of-way. There shall be a maximum of two ill free-standing signs. F. All bed and breakfasts shall comply with the applicable local and State Fire and Health Codes. G. All bed and breakfasts shall not be transferable to new locations. H. Size and area requirements: No. ofBdrms. To Let 0- 4 5 - 8 9 - 12 13 - 16 17 - 20 21 - 24 Min. Lot Area 7,000 sq.ft. (RS-9, 9,000 sq.ft.) 14,000 sq.ft. (RS-9, 18,000 sq.ft.) 28,000 sq.ft. 1 acre 2 acres 4 acres . 100 18 . 1. Accessory Activities and Facilities". Bed and breakfasts shall have the following minimum lot area in order to provide these activities or facilities: Activity and/or Facility Minimum Area Hot tub 7,000 sq. ft. (RS-9, 9,000 sq. ft.) Sauna 7,000 sq.ft. (RS'-9, 9,000 sq. ft.) Swimming Pool 1 acre Tennis Court 1 acre Other outdoor rec. courts (volleyball, hand ball) 1 acre Meeting rooms 2 acres Playing fields 2 acres "NOTE: Combination of activities and facilities; e.g., tennis courts and swimming pools, may require additional lot area beyond the minimum listed; however, the minimum areas are not additive; e.g., if the bed and breakfast has one acre, it can have a pool and a tennis court. Nor are these areas additive to the base minimum. J. Any change in the ownership, structure, or the site plan requires a revised permit. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2666 ~2, 1/17/92; Ord. 2534 ~1 (part), 5/24/89; Ord. 2483 ~1 (part), 3/23/88) . 17.18.050 Application and Notice Procedure. A. The application for a Ceftditional Use Penn1t fer a bBed and bBreakfast Permit shall be submitted on a form obtained from the Planning Department and shall also be signed by the owner of the property if other than the applicant. In addition to the notice procedures contained in PAMC 18.02.050. notice shall be mailed to the latest recorded real proJ>erty owners within at least 300 feet of the boundaty of the site as shown by the records of the County Assessor. Labels shall be provided by the applicant. B. Upon receipt of an application satisfying the requirements of this Chapter, the Planning Department shall route it to all appropriate Departments. Each City Department shall submit to the Planning Department recommendations and comments regarding the application. (Ord. 2483 ~ 1 (part), 3/23/88) 17.18.090 Pt:mlit Limitations. A. Once a Cenditienal Use Bed and Breakfast Permit has been issued for a bed Mid breakfast, it shall not be transferred to another location. B. The Conditiontt:l Use Bed and Breakfast.Permit shall be valid only for so long as the bed and breakfast complies with the requirements of this Chapter and the conditions of approval. C. Any change in the ownership, the structure, or the site plan requires a revised permit. (Ord. 2483 ~ 1 (part), 3/23/88) D. The initial time limit for approved Bed and Breakfast Permits shall not exceed one year. after which time extensions may be granted as provided in this Chapter. . 17.18.091 Appeals. A. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Planning Director may apJleal the 19 101 decision to the City Council. . B. Appeals shall be submitted to the Planning Department in writing within fifteen (15) days following the date of the decision. C. The City Council shall conduct an open record public hearing on the apl>eal of the Planning Director's decision with notice being given as set forth in PAMC 17.96.140. The Council's decision shall be final unless appealed to Clallam County Superior Court in accordance with P AMC 17.96.150. 17.18.092 Extensions. A. Extensions of approved Bed and Breakfast Permits must be submitted in writing prior to the expiration date of the original permit ap,.proval and shall be considered in accordance with the same procedures as for the original permit application. An extension may be ~anted for specified or unspecified time periods. provided that the following minimum criteria are met: .L. The use complies with the permit conditions: and 2. There have been no significant. adverse changes in circumstances. B. Upon receipt of a written request for extension of a Bed and BreakfastPennit (,prior to expiration of the permit) said permit shall automatically be extended for ninety (90) days to allow the City time to review and process the request. 17.18.100 Permit Revocation. The Planning Director may immediately revoke~ or suspend or thE permit, Of a permit. eithEr thE iS~5UaneE or the renewal thereof, ifhe finds that: A.' The applicant or permittee has violated or failed to meet any of the provisions of this . Chapter or conditions of the permit; or B. Any required licenses have been suspended. revoked, or canceled. Upon denial, suspension or revocation, the Planning Director shall notify the applicant or permittee in writing of the action he has taken and the reasons therefor. After giving such notice by certified mail, if the bed and breakfast has not been removed within thirty (30) days, the Planning Director, or his designee, may cause the closure of any bed and breakfast found in violation of this Chapter. (Ord. 2483 ~ 1 (part), 3/23/88) 17.21.200 Development Standards. A. Area and Dimensional Requirements: 1. Minimum Lot Area - 7,000 square feet for non-residential uses. Residential uses shall comply with the RHD area requirements. 2. Minimum Lot Width - 50 feet. 3. Minimum Yard Requirements No structure shall be built within 15 feet of an alley or any property that has a residential zoning classification. Setbaeks shall conform to thE requirEments fif Ordinance No. 1635 for arterial streets. 4. Maximum Lot Coverage - 50% oftk totttlsite ftfCa. 5. Maximum Height - 30 feet. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2797 ~3, 2/11/94) 17.22.200 Development Standards. A. Area and Dimensional Requirements: . 102 20 . 1. Minimum Lot Area: 7,000 square feet for non-residential uses. Residential uses shall comply with the RHD Zone area requirements. 2. Minimum Lot Width: 50 feet. 3. Minimum Yard Requirements No structure shall be built within 15 feet of an alley that abuts a residential zoning classification or of any property that has a residential zoning classification. Setbat;ks shttll conform. t6 the reqttirements ofOrdinanee No. 1635 forBrteri8:l 3trcets. No loading structure or dock with access onto the alley shall be built within 15 feet of an alley. Driveway access onto an alley shall maintain a vision clearance triangle.. The. vision clearance triangle shall extend 10 feet along the alley and 15 feet along the edge of the driveway, measured from the point of intersection of each side of the driveway and the alley right-of-way line. 4. Maximum Lot Coverage - 50% of the totB:lsite Mea. 5. Maximum Height - 35 feet. (Ord. 2977 ~1 (part), 12/26/97; Ord. 2863 ~3, 4/14/95; Ord. 2861 ~ 1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2797 ~4, 2/11/94) . 17.24.200 Development Standards. A. Area and Dimensional Requirements: 1. Minimum Lot Area: 3,500 square feet for non-residential uses. Residential uses shall comply with the RHD area requirements. 2. Minimum Lot Width: 25 feet. 3. Setbacks/Building Envelope Distances: Side - None, except no structure shall be built within 10 feet of any property that has a residential zoning classification. No side yard required when abutting a commercial, green belt, or industrial zoned lot; except that for residential and mixed commercial/residential structures a 7- foot side yard shall be required. Rear - None, except no loading structure or dock shall be built within 15 feet of any alley. . Front - At least 50% of the front property line shall be abutted by a building; provided, however, that for the purposes of this Section, a publicly accessible plaza, square, outdoor dining area, or similar area shall be considered a building. 4. Maximum Lot Coverage: 100% N6 maximum.. lot co-/erage execpt that north of Railroad l\.-..enue, nlaximwn lot covemge shall be :mbjeet 16 the requil't:ments of the CI8:l1am C<nmty Shoreline Ma8ter Progrmnas adopted and tlftlended by the City ofrort Angeles. B. Maximum Building Height: 45 feet except that within the City's shoreline jurisdiction. maximum height shall be determined by the City's Shoreline Master Program. Where the Shoreline Master Program does not identify a specific height limit. maximum building height shall be determined through the shoreline permit process. In areas outside of the City's shoreline jurisdiction. additional height may be ap.proved through a conditional use permit process that considers the impacts upon existing views and solar protection. shadow impacts. and factors such as the height of the bluff south of First Street. 1. North of Railroad f.:ielltle: Maximum building height shall be established during the Shoreline Stlbstlmtial Development Permit process, tltiliring.the I't:gulations tmd 45% cxeept that t1fl.less specifically restricted b)' the City's Sh6reline Magt.cr Progmm. 2. South of Raill'Oatl A-v'Cllue: Unlimited maximtlm height; pro"lided, hO'vvever, 21 103 that additi6nal height 6ver 45 feet shall be 6btained by C6nditi6ftfll Use Permit that e6nsiaers the . impacts up6n existing views and s61M pooteetiofl., Sftad6w impftets, 8:ftcl the height 6f the bluff so1:lth of First Street. 3. Lett3ed air rights 6fv,ay shttll fttlve the sttme mB:Ximtim height 88 the abtlttmg pr6perty . 4. Upper n60rs devoted exeltlsively to p1:tblie fteeess shttll be exempt &om maximum height imitations; pr6-v"ided that ",rie"Jig 6f the -.vater art: l:lft6bstrtletecl. 5. lIeight ealeulati6ns shall be b88ed tlfJ6n the existmg grade of the lot 6r the existmg gme 6fthe &ont pr6perty lin, "v-,hiehever is higher. (Ord. 2861 ~ 1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2303 ~1 (part), 7/4/84) 17.24.230 Design and Landscaping Standards. A. All outdoor storage areas, except those associated with municipal solid waste collection, shall be screened from public view from public rights-of-way and established marine and pedestrian routes. B. At least the first five feet of the 10-foot setback area abutting a residential zone shall be landscaped. Landscaping shall include shrubs of at least 6-foot mature height capable of forming a hedge, evergreen, deciduous, or ornamental trees. C. Development abutting the 6rdinttry high '.vater mark, 88 aefmcd in the Clallam Cmmt)" Sh6rc1ine M88ter Pf6gra-m., shallpf6",ride publie aeeess t6 the shoreline. D. Sh6reline rchabilitati6n ftftd/6r rce6ft3tmeti6n shallpf6vide a ooek riprap edge and v.e>oden b6Md-,r.a:lk 6r an impf6ved 6n grade path fur publie ftecess. . E. De".relopment e>eeumng in IIftl'b6f Le88e Me88 over the "v\'ftter shall be 6n piers and doeks that eomply "v\"ith the requirements of the Clallam C6tlftty Shorcline Mtt3rer Progrttm. F. Landfill is pf6hibited exeept to inefett3e publie aceess t6 the sh6reline 8:ftcl shall comply 'vvith the Clallam Cotmt)" Sh6relinc Mtt3rer Poogrttm tt3 adoptt;d b:r the City fif P6rt Angeles and hereafter ftftlendea. GC. Drive-in facilities, including accessory uses such as drive-in windows of banks and restaurants, except for ferry terminals and parking lots and structures, are prohibited. (Ord. 2861 ~ 1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord" 2303 ~1 (part), 7/4/84) 17.26.010 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to ensure that retail stands are appropriately located in the commercial and public btlilcling areas, are compatible with the uses allowed in such areas, and are conducive to the public health, safety, and welfare, and to promote the diversity of retail stand activity. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2596 ~1, 6/27/90; Ord. 2471 ~ 1, (part), 1/1/88) 17.26.030 Conditional Use Retail Stand Permit Required. No retail stand shall be permitted in the City of Port Angeles unless a Conditional Use Permit is approved pursuant to, and in compliance with, the provisions of this Chapter. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2471 ~1, (part), 1/1/88) 17.26.065 Right-of-Way Use Fee. In addition to the C6nditififl.all}se Retail Stand Permit . fee, retail stands that are to be located within City right-of-way shall also be required to pay to the City of Port Angeles an annual rental fee in the amount set forth in PAMC 3.70.040, which shall be 104 22 . paid prior to initial occupancy on a pro-rata basis for use beginning during the calendar year and shall be paid on January 1 st of each calendar year thereafter. (Ord. 2883 ~ 1, 9/15/95) . 17.26.070 Ap,plication and Notice Procedure. Applications for new Retail Stand Conditi6nal Bse Permits shall be considered starting in February of each year. In addition to. the notice procedures contained in PAMC 18.02.050. notice shall be mailed to the latest recorded real property owners within at least 300 feet of the boundary of the site as shown by the records of the County Assessor. Labels shall be provided by the applicant. The application for a Retail Stand Conditional Use Permit shall be submitted on a form obtained from the Planning Department and accompanied by the following documents: A. Certification that adjacent property owners and/or businesses, including those one entrance to the left and one entrance to the right, both at street level, have been notified by the applicant of the application request and that the applicant has paid all applicable dues, assessments, and taxes. B. Detailed scale drawings of the retail stand to be used including materials, specifications, and drawings showing all four sides of the stand, including any logos, printing, or signs which will be incorporated. An example of the type of drawings required may be obtained from the Planning Department. Color schemes must be indicated on the drawings. For existing retail stands, five by seven color photographs may be substituted for drawings. C. An accurate drawing (plot plan to scale) of the retail stand and its location. The drawing must show the public or private place. to be used, including design and size of the retail stand and support equipment accessories as placed adjacent to the retail stand during operation. D. If the area to be occupied is City-owned, such as a sidewalk, plaza, public access site, or parking lot, the permittee must obtain and retain a minimum of $500,000 public liability and property damage insurance coverage, naming the City as co-insured, and must sign an agreement to indemnify and hold the City harmless. E. The scheduled hours of operation for the season that includes times of day, days of the week, months of the year, and scheduled closings. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2596 ~4, 6/27/90; Ord. 2471 ~1, (part), 1/1/88) 17.26.100 Penn it Limitations. A. A Retail Stand Conditi6nal Use Permit may not be transferred to another person or to a location other than that stated on the permit. B. Efteh A permit shall be for a retail stand located in a public right-of-way shall be atwroved for a period not to exceed eight ill months.:. [tmkss othcm'ise stated by tht: City and maJ be rene'.ved by extension of an appro'v'ed CUP. Preferenee may be gi-,en t6 a rem:';.'ftl extensi6n request bdore a nev. applieation for that retailstaftd loeation shall be considered.] (Ord. 2861~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2596 ~5, 6/27/90; Ord. 2471 ~1, (part), 1/1/88). C. A permit for a retail stand located on private property shall be approved for an initial period of time not to exceed one (1) year. . 17.26.110 Pennit Revocations. The Planning Director may immediately revoke or suspend the permit,. or deny either the issuance or renewal thereof, if he finds that: A. The applicant or permittee has violated or failed to meet any of the provisions of this 23 105 Chapter or conditions of the permit; . B. The cart or operation is detrimental !Q the surrounding businesses or to the public due to either appearance or condition of the cart; C. Any required licenses have been suspended, revoked, or canceled; D. The applicant or permittee does not have a currently effective insurance policy in the minimum amount provided in this Chapter; or E. The scheduled hours of operation are not followed. Upon denial, suspension or revocation, the Planning Director shall notify the applicant or permittee in writing of the action he has taken and the reasons therefor. After giving such notice by certified mail, if the retail stand has not been removed within 15 days, the Planning Director, or his designee, may cause a removal of any retail stand found in violation of this Chapter and is authorized to store such cart or stand until the owner thereof shall redeem it by paying the removal and storage charges.(Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2596 ~6, 6/27/90; Ord. 2471 ~1, (part), 1/1/88) 17.26.130 Appeals. A. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Planning Director may appeal the decision to the City Council. B. Appeals shall be submitted to the Planning Department in writing within fifteen (15) days following the date of the decision. ' C. The City Council shall conduct an open record public hearing on the appeal of the Planning Director's decision with notice being given as set forth'in P AMC 17.96.1'40. The Council's decision shall be final unless appealed to Clallam County Superior Court in accordance with P AMC . 17.96.150. :A:- D. The retail stand shall be removed and shall not be operated during the appeal process. B. Appeals shall be: submitted in aee6raanet: ";lith Seeti6n 17.96.070. (Ord. 2861 ~ 1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2596 ~7, 6/27/90; Ord. 2471 ~1, (part), 1/1/88). 17.26.135 Renewals. A. Renewals of approved permits shall be considered in accordance with the same procedures as for the original permit apJllication. provided that the following minimum criteria are met: 1" The use complies with the permit conditions. 2. There have been no significant. adverse changes in circumstances. B. Permits for a retail stand located in a public right-of-way shall be granted on an annual basis. C. Permits for a retail stand located on a private property may be granted for a period of one (1) to five (5) years. D. Preference may be given to a renewal request before a new application for that retail stand location shall be considered. 17.30.070 Signs. A. One business sign for each wall not to exceed one square foot for each horizontal lineal foot of building wall or 300 square feet, whichever is less, shall be permitted. . B. One detached business sign, not exceeding 15 feet in height and 35 square feet in area, shall be permitted. 106 24 ',- i ""<","f,:;:,:!;~,,>.:,cr ,; --V,-i'0>"'J~,_:t",: . C. Public and private directional, traffic, and warning attached and detached signs shall not exceed-4 .Q square feet in area. D. Signs may be lighted, but not intermittent or flashing. E. Sign M'Ca shall be ealct1:latcd by eircl:t11}seribing the exterior limits on the mass of each displtty ereeted Oft one sign stmettlre \vith a cirde, tria:ngle, or qtltldra:ngle connecting all exmme pomB. Where a sign is composed ofm'6 or morc iftdhidtta:lletters mottftted direetl)" on a '.vall, the total display smfaee, indl:lding its background, shall be eonsiekrcd one sign for pl:l1'poses of calet1:latmg sigfi Mea. The MmCturc Sl:lpporting a sign is not included in dctennining the M'Ca of the sign unless the stn.lt:mre is desigfied in a ....."fty to fom} an ifttegml p8rt of the digpla:y. (Ord. 2861 ~ 1 (p8rt), 3/17/95) . 17.32.070 Signs. A. One business sign for each wall not to exceed one square foot for each horizontal lineal foot of building wall or300 square feet, whichever is less, shall be permitted. B. One detached business sign, not exceeding 15 feet in height and 35 square feet in area, shall be permitted. C. Public and private directional, traffic, and warning attached and detached signs shall not exceed-4 .Q square feet in area. D. Signs may be lighted, but not intermittent or flashing. E. Sign M'Ca shttll be calet1:lated by eiretul'lseribing the e}dcrior limit-s en the mass of eaeh display erected on Ofte sign stmettlrc \\ith a circle, tria:ngle, or ql:ladnmgle eonneeting all extreme points. vYherc a sign is composed of tvffl or morc indi\idtlftl1cttcrs mol:lfttcd direetly on a wml, the total digplay smfaee, indliding its background, shall be considered one sign for pl:l1'p6ses of calcl:llating sign M'Ca. The stmcturc supporting a sign is not inchlded in detennining the Mea of the sign unless the stnleture is designed in a v."fty to form an ifttegrttl p8rt of the digpla:y. (Ord. 2389 ~1 5/30/86; Ord. 2329 ~ 1 (part), 3/11/85) 17.34.010 PUI:pose.~ IH Zone - This is the least restrictive industrial zone intended to be the area in which heavy industry could develop causing the least impact on other land uses. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2668 ~6 (part), 1/17/92) . 17.34.020 Permitted Uses. A. Automobile body, fender, laundry, paint shops and wrecking yards. B. Bakeries, wholesale. C. Battery rebuild, tire repair & recapping. D. Boiler works. E. Book, newspaper & magazine printing & publishing. F. Bottling plants, creameries. G. Cabinet and carpenter shops. H. City pound. 1. Draying, freight & trucking yards and terminals. 1. Dry cleaning: clothes, carpets, rugs, laundries. K. Night club, pool hall, dance hall, boxing arena, penny arcade, shooting gallery or similar amusement enterprise. L. Railroad yard or roundhouse. 25 107 M. Sawmills. paper mills. pulp mills. . N. Ship building, storage, repair, boat havens, marinas. O. Storage yards; building materials, tractors, trucks, boats, equipment. P. Transportation or freight terminal. Q. Truck, trailer, motorcycle, repairing, overhauling, rental, sales. R. Utility buildings and structures. S. Veterinary or pet shop hospital, kennel and hatchery. T. Warehousing, distributing plants. U. Wood products manufacture. V. Manufacturing, processing, packing, storage of: 1. alcohol 2. brick, tile or terra-cotta 3. brooms, brushes 4. celluloid or similar cellulose materials 5. cloth, cord or rope 6. concrete 7. electrical products and appliances 8. food and food products 9. kelp reduction 10. lumber 11. machinery 12. paper and pulp . 13. prefabricated buildings 14. signs, all types 15. salt works 16. vegetable or other food oil. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2668 ~6 (part), 1/17/92; Ord. 1709 ~1 (part), 12/22170) 17.34.050 Area and Dimensional Requirements. A. Minimum lot size is 7,000 sq. ft. B. Minimum Yard Requirements No buildings shall be constructed closer than 30 feet to any public right-of-way line, nor closer than 15 feet to any property line. Buffers bctv.'Ccn. this rene and rcsidclltim and commcrcim ZOftCS 3hml be prO'"v'ided eOllsistcllt -"villi the Comprehenshre Plan. Unless deemed by the City to be impracticaL ineffective. or unnecessary. buffers shall be provided between industrial and other uses in order to mitigate nuisance and hazardous characteristics such as noise. particulate matter in the air. water or odor pollution. objectionable visual material. or other such impacts. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2837 ~4 ,9/30/94; Ord. 2668 ~6 (part), 1/17/92; Ord. 1709 ~1 (part), 12/22170) 17.34.070 Signs Permitted. A. Maximum sign area: 400 square feet. Sign.s and billboards ~ permitted by City of Port .t\n.gdcs sign. codes. &- C. Intermittent or flashing types are prohibited. e B. Maximum height: 35 feet, 400 sq. ft. in. area. (Ord. 2668 ~6 (part), 1/17/92; Ord. . 108 26 .;, " (,-..'0. .,.;,'.:~~,: . 1709 gl (part), 12/22/70). 17.94.160 Exempt Signs. The following signs are hereby exempt from signage requirements in all zones: A. Official signs- Official traffic signs, directional signs, communitr identification signs. and warning signs erected by public authorities. B. Informational signs - Signs that give direction, service information or warnings such as "Enter", "Exit", "Customer Parking", "Drive thru", "Restrooms", "Telephones", "No Parking", etc. if: 1. The single side, maximum area of the sign does not exceed six (6) square feet: and 2. The sign does not contain advertising; C. Real estate signs - Real estate signs that advertise real estate for sale, lease, or rent if: feet; and 1. The sign is located on the property for sale, lease, or rent; 2. The single side, maximum area of the sign is no greater than six (6) square 3. The sign is removed within seven ill days from the date of closing. (Ord. 3007 g5 (part), 1/15/99; Ord 2668 glO (part), 1/17/92; Ord. 1709 gl (part), 12/22/70) . 17.96.050 Conditional Use Permit A. The Planning Commission or PIMming Dirl;;e;t6r shall consider applications for Conditional Use Permits of uses as specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning Regulations. The Planning Commission or PI8fll1ing Dirce;t6r may grant said permits which are consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is located, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public use and interest. The Planning Commission-er Planning Dircetor may refuse to issue.a Conditional Use Permit if the characteristics of the intended use as related to the specific proposed site are such as would defeat the purpose of these Zoning Regulations by introducing incompatible, detrimental, or hazardous conditions. B. In each application the Planning Commission Of Pla:rming Director may impose whatever restrictions or conditions they consider essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. C. Purpose of a Conditional Use Permit: The purpose of a Conditional Use Permit shall be to assure that the maximum degree of compatibility between uses shall be attained. The purpose of these regulations shall be maintained with respect to the particular use of the particular site and in consideration of other existing and potential uses within the general area in which such use is to be located. D. The federal Fair Housing Act requires that reasonable accommodations be made in rules policies, practices, or services, when such accommodations may be necessary to afford disabled people equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. The Planning Commission is therefore authorized to make accommodations in the consideration of Conditional Use permits for group homes for disabled persons as defined in the federal Fair Housing Act, when the Commission determines that such accommodations reasonably may be necessary in order to comply with such act. (Ord. 2861 gl (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2668 ~12 (part), 1/17/92; Ord. 1709 ~l (part), 12/22/70) . 27 109 17.96.070 Hearin~ and Appeal of Conditional or Unclassified Use Permit Applications. A. Notice and Hearing for Conditional or Unclassified Use Permits. Upon filing an application for a Conditional or Unclassified Use Permit in which the application sets forth fully the grounds for, and the facts deemed to justify, the granting of the i! Conditional or Unclassified Use Permit, the Planning Commission shall give public notice, as provided in P AMC 17.96.140, of the intention to consider at a public hearing the granting of the i! Conditiona~ or Unclassified Use Permit...; provided, hOv"v'Cyer, that Conditional Use Penmts fur bcd and bre~, h6me oectlpat1ons, and retail stands shall be eonsidered b)" the Pla:rdiing Director in aeeordance -.-nth Chapters 17.18, 17.17, and 17.26. The Planning Commission's or Pla:r.ning Direet6r's decision shall be final unless appealed to the City Council. B. Decisions. Conditional or Unclassified Use Permit decisions issued by the Planning Commission, Pltmning Direetor, and City COWlcil shall be set forth in writing and shall be accompanied by written findings and conclusions. Decisions shall be deemed effective upon adoption of the written decision, findings~ and conclusions. 1?he A 14-day appeal period shall commence upon such adoption. On the next business day following the leffective date of the decision, or as soon thereafter as practicable. the Planning Department shall mail copies of the decision, findings~ and conclusions to the applicant and anyone else who has in writing requested such notification and shall place a le~al notice of decision in the local newspaper. C. Appeals. 1. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Planning Commission 6t' Plttftlling Director may appeal the decision to the City Council. 2. Appeals shall be submitted to the Planning Department in writing within fourteen (14) days following the date of the decision. 3. The City Council shall conduct a closed record hearing on the appeal of the Planning commission's decision and an open record pttblie heftfing on the appealof~ Pltmning Direet6r's decision with notice being given as set forth in PAMC 17.96.140. The Council's decision shall be final unless appealed to Clallam County Superior Court in accordance with P AMC 17.96.150. D. Requests for Exceptions. All applications fur exceptions from these Zoning Regtllations shall contain all basic infunnation, along with other pertinent faets, maps, and data reqttired by the Pltmning Commission. ED. Permits Void After One Year. All Conditional or Unclassified Use Permits shall become void one year from the date of granting such permits if use of the land or buildings or applying for necessary building permits(s) has not taken place in accordance with the provisions in granting said requests. FE. Extensions of Approved Conditional Use Permits. Extensions of those previously approved Conditional Use Permits that have specified time periods of authorization shall be considered in accordance with the same procedures and by the same entity as for the original permit application, and may be granted for a period of one to five years, provided that the following minimum criteria are met: 1. The use complies with the permit conditions. 2. There have been no significant, adverse changes in circumstances. (Ord. 2935 ~1, 11/15/96; Ord. 2911 ~2, 3/29/96; Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2796 ~16, 2/11/94; Ord. 2668 ~12 (part), 1/17/92; Ord. 2636 ~18 (part) 5/15/91; Ord. 2595 ~1, 6/27/90; Ord. 2503 ~1, 110 28 . . . . 7/27/88; Ord. 2334 g3, 4/10/85; Ord. 1798 g2, 8/15/73; Ord. 1709 gl (part), 12/22/70) Upon written request for an extension submitted to the Planninl: De.,partment prior to the expiration of the conditional use permit. said conditional use permit shall be automatically extended for ninety days to allow the City adequate time to review the extension request. GF. Minor Amendment of Approved Conditional Use Permits. 1. Upon written request submitted to the Planning Department, the Planning Director may approve a minor amendment to an approved conditional use permit if: a. The amendment does not increase the intensity of the use by more than 10% of the original approval; . b. The amendment will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is located; and c. The site has been posted and adjacent property owners notified fifteen (15) days prior to the decision. 2. Any applications that are not granted a minor amendment by the Planning Director pursuant to this section must obtain an amendment through the City's normal conditional use permit procedure Upon "J.Titten rcqtlest for Ml extension stlbmitted t6 the PI8flfiin.g Depar'"..ment pri6r t6 the cxpimti6n of the eonditioftftl use pennit, said e6nditi6ftftl use permit 3haU be tluoomatiettlly extended for nim:ty days to aIl6""'; the City adcqtlftte time t6 re.;ie.....; the extensi6n rt:qocst. . Section 4. If any section, sentence, clause, or,. phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the _ day of , 2000. ATTEST: Larry Doyle, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney . PUBLISHED: By Summary G:\GROUP\A TIYCLRK\PLANNING\HSKP.WPD 29 111 . . . 112 1-- . . . FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 99-02: Findin~s: 1. The City's Comprehensive Plan lists several goals and policies intended to provide for a community where. residential development and use of the land are done in a manner that is compatible with the environment, the characteristics of the land and the users, and the desired urban design of the City, and where neighborhoods provide a variety of opportunities for personal interaction attractive to people of all interests. 2. It is the practice of Planning Department staff to note a) areas within the City's land use ordinances that cause confusion over the course of time or that can be amended to better serve the public and intent of said land use ordinances and b) amendments necessary to reflect staff, Planning Commission, and City Council interpretations. Staff brings these issues to the attention of the Planning Commission for a recommendation of action to the City Council on a routine basis. 3. In an attempt to further streamline certain application processes, specifically retail stand activities, home occupations, and bed and breakfast uses within residential areas, the current set of administrative amendments contains a proposal to further refine procedures for these activities by designating them as special use permits rather than general conditional use permits and setting them apart from the standard conditional use permit approval process. 4. Wording to provide clarification and provide consistency as to street improvement standards required for short plats and subdivision developments is proposed in the administrative amendment proposal. 5. Requirements for accessory residential uses are proposed to be added to the City's zoning regulations. 6. Typographical errors have been noted for correction. 7. A Determination of Non Significance and Adoption of a Previous Document was issued for the proposal on December 8, 1999. Conclusions: A. The proposed amendments add only clarification to the existing regulations. Findings and Conclusions in Support of Municipal Code Amendment - MCA 99-02 Page 1 of2 113 B. The proposed Municipal Code Amendfu~nt is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies B 1- 3 and C 1.:. :: C. )'>;,j The proposed amendments are in the pW:>lic use and interest. D. The proposed revision to the retail stancJ;1bed and breakfast uses in residential areas, and home occupation permit process is inte&.ged to make the process more user friendly and at the same time retain the integrity ofthe,~~oning Code. c ~:\. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council atit~meeting of January 18,2000. Larry Doyle, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk G:\GROUPIATIYCLRKIPLANNINGIFIND&CON.WPD Findings and Conclusions in Support of Municipal Code Amendment. MCA 99-02 Page 2 of2 114 . . . . . . ~';~ it , \,;1\il.'. December 8, 1999 Planning Commission Mfuutes PUBLIC HEARINGS MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT .. MCA 99-02 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES: Proposed amendments to portions of the Zoning Ordinance, Short Plat Ordinance, and' Subdivision Ordinance making changes consistent with those regulations by adding definitions and clarifying specific sections, revising the home occupation, bed and breakfast uses in residential areas, and retail stand permit processes, and animal husbandry regulations. Planning Director Collins reviewed staff's memorandum and a draft ordinance indicating suggested amendments to various City regulations. To better serve the community, during the year, staff makes note of specific sections of land use ordinances that may need clarification in order to achieve the intent of an ordinance, and to correct typographical errors that have not earlier been noted." During the past year, staff noted several areas where the City's land division provisions with regard to development standards and bonding allowances needed clarification. Staff suggested that the permit process regarding home occupations, bed and breakfast uses in residential areas, and retail stand permits could be further streamlined. A member of the community made a specific request that the City clarify the conditions under which animals are pennitted in residential zones (specifically, chickens). He responded to questions from the Commission regarding when specific types of utility developments are required such as cul-de-sacs. Gary Kenworthy, Deputy Director of Engineering and Utility Services, responded to Commissioner Nutter that dimensional standards, were removed from specific ordinances because they are duplicated in the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines which is an easier document to amend if need be. In response to Commissioner Reed, Mr. Kenworthy answered that if a bond or some other form of security is approved in lieu ofa requirement for a specific period of time, 150% of the expected work expense is required to take into account inflation over the period of time prior to completion of the work. Commissioner Nutter led a detailed discussion of the draft ordinance page by page. Staff provided clarification of specific questions'and explained the process of retail stand, home occupation, and bed and breakfast applications. Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. There being no public present to speak, he closed the public hearing. Commissioner Reed moved to recommend that the City Council approve the amendments as proposed citing the following findings and conclusions: Findings: 1. The City's Comprehensive Plan lists several goals and policies intended to provide for a community where residential development and use of the land are done in a 11'5 manner that is compatible with the environment, the characteristics of the land and the users, and the desired urban design of the city, and where neighborhoods provide . a variety of opportunities for personal interaction attractive to people of all interests. 2. It is the practice of Planning Department staff to note a) areas within the City's land use ordinances that cause confuSioIl over the course of time or'that can be amended to better serve the public and intent of said land use ordinances and b) amendments necessaty to reflect staff, Planning Commission, and City COuncil interpretations. Staff brings.. these issues to' the attention of the Planning' Commission for a recommendation of action.to the City Council on a routine baSis. 3. In an attempt to further streamline certain application process~, specifically retail stand activities, home occupations, and bed and breakfast uses within residential areas, the current set of administrative amendments contains h proposal to further refine procedures for these activities by designating them as special use permits rather than general conditional use pCnnits and setting themap~ from the standard conditional use permit approval process. 4. Wording to provide clarification and provide consistency as to street improvement standards required for short plats and subdivision developments is proposed in the administrative amendment proposal. 5. I At the request of a City resident, definitions of animal husbandry and house pets are proposed to be added to the City's zoning regulations. Requirements for accessory . residential uses.are further defined as welL 6. Typographical errors have been noted for correction. 7. A Determination of Non Significance and Adoption of a Previous Document was issued for ~e proposal on December 8, 1999. Conclusions: ') A. The proposed amendments add only clarification to the existing regulations. B. The proposed Municipal Code Amendment is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies BI-3 and CI. C. The proposed amendments are in the public use and interest. D. The proposed revision to the retail stand, bed and breakfast uses in residential areas, and home occupation permit process is intended to make the I process more user friendly and at the same time retain the integrity of the Zoning ~ode. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed unanimously. . 116 PUBLIC HEARING . MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 99-02 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES: Proposed amendments to portions of the Zoning Ordinance, Short Plat Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance making changes consistent with those regulations by adding definitions and clarifying specific sections, revising the home occupation, bed and breakfast uses in residential areas, and retail stand pennit processes, and animal husbandry regulations. Planning Director Collins reviewed staff's memorandum and a draft ordinance indicating suggested amendments to various City regulations. To better serve the community, during the year, staff makes note of specific sections of land use ordinances that may need clarification in order to achieve the intent of an ordinance, and to correct typographical errors that have not earlier been noted. During the past year, staff noted several areas where the City's land division provisions with regard to development standards and bonding allowances needed clarification. Staff suggested that the pennit process regarding home occupations, bed and breakfast uses in residential areas, and retail stand permits could be further streamlined. A member of the community made a specific request that the City clarify the conditions under which animals are permitted in residential zones (specifically, chickens). He responded to questions from the Commission regarding when specific types of utility developments are required such as cul-de-sacs. . Gary Kenworthy, Deputy Director of Engineering and Utility Services, responded to Commissioner Nutter that dimensional standards were removed from specific ordinances because they are duplicated in the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines which is an easier document to amend if need be. In response to Commissioner Reed, Mr. Kenworthy answered that if a bond or some other form of security is approved in lieu ofa requirement for a specific period.oftime, 150% of the expected work expense is required to take into account inflation over the period of time prior to completion of the work. Commissioner Nutter led a detailed discussion of the draft ordinance page by page. Staff provided clarification of specific questions and explained the process of retail stand, home occupation, and bed and breakfast applications. Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. There being no public present to speak, he closed the public hearing. Commissioner Reed moved to recommend that the City Council apprpve the amendments as proposed citing the following findings and conclusions: Findin~s: 1. The City's Comprehensive Plan lists several goals and policies intended to provide for a community where residential development and use of the land are done in a manner that is compatible with the environment, the characteristics of the land and the users, and the desired urban design of the city, and where neighborhoods provide a variety of opportunities for personal interaction attractive to people of all interests. . 117 Planning COmmission Minutes December 8, 1999 2. It is the practice of Planning Department staff to note a) areas within the City's land . use ordinances that cause confusion over the course of time or that can be amended to better serve the public and intent of said land use ordinances and b) amendments necessary to reflect staff, Planning Commission, and City Council interpretations. Staff brings these issues to the attention of the Planning Commission for a recommendation of action to the City Council on a routine basis. 3. In an attempt to further streamline certain application processes, specifically retail stand activities, home occupations, and bed and breakfast uses within residential areas, the current set of adminiStrative amendments contains a proposal to further refine procedures for these activities by designating them as special use permits rather than general conditional use permits and setting them apart from the standard conditional use permit approval process. 4. Wording to provide clarification and provide consistency as to street improvement standards required for short plat~ and subdivision developments is proposed in the administrative amendment proposal. 5. At the request of a City resident, definitions of animal husbandry and house pets are proposed to be added to the City's zoning regulations. Requirements for accessory residential uses are further defined as well. 6. Typographical errors have been noted for correction. . 7. A Determination of Non Significance and Adoption of a Previou.s Document was issued for the proposal on December 8, 1999. Conclusions: A. The proposed amendments add only clarification to the existing regulations. B. The proposed Municipal Code Amendment is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies Bl-3 and Cl. C. The proposed amendments are in the public use and interest. D. The proposed revision to the retail stand, bed and breakfast uses in residential areas, and home occupation permit process is intended to make the process more user friendly and at the same time retain the integrity of the Zoning Code. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed unanimously. Commissioner Norton thanked staff for observing and suggesting a method to further . streamline certain administrative processes. 118 - 'r"",V,."';"),'-,,;:.,"'; """'c'c...:....\.:;. ::-,' t~,~; . ,;r,': 'it~~: '..,:U :~'~j,:y:{'t'j-t<';:';;A:fi . .i~1~~;.~!'{j::5~." FORTANIELES . WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: December 3, 1999 To: Chair Hewins and Planning Commissioners FROM: Sue Roberds, Planning Department RE: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 99-2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Happy Holidays to you all! . Enclosed you will find a draft administrative amendment ordinance - yes, it's that time of year again. As usual, over the year, we have tried to keep track of those instances where confusing information has caused questions regarding the intent with a land use ordinance, typographical errors that are found, or confusion resulting from a manner in which the material is presented that could be corrected. Historically we have presented these types of Municipal Code amendments to you during the last part of the year so we can start the new year off on the right fool The amendments contained in the attached draft ordinance cover mainly three issues. (1) streamlining the City's regulations as they relate to home occupations, bed and breakfast uses in residential areas, and retail stand permit; (2) specifics dealing with bonding limitations and when improvements are ~uired in the case ofland divisions - short plats and subdivisions; and (3) an animal husbandry definition. Currently, home occupations, bed and breakfasts in residential zones, and retail stands are processed as conditional use permits. These are done administratively by the Planning Director with. appeal to the City Council (so far there have been no appeals!). Conditional use permits are processed through the City's permitting procedures that are a result of the State Senate House Bill 1724 permitting process requirements. These requirements proyidc:~t ~ minimum 15 days period of notification be provided prior to action on a permit and that a SEP A checklist be processed. Although in larger communities a 15 day waiting period is considered exceedingly minimal, in our community, it is more common to "streamline" the permitting timeline as well as the processing fees that would be required. By removing these three permit processes from the "conditional use" category and placing them in a ''permit'' category, we could cut the processing timeline by about a week and allows us to consider a potential reduction in the processing fee. '. 119 ~ The processing of a final short plat recently revealed some confusion as to who has the authority to determine whether improvements required in a preliminary short plat or subdivision process must be completed prior to final approval or if a bond or other form of security may be submitted. This amendment designates that the Public Works Director shall decide when improvements may be bonded and for what period of time. A citizen complained earlier this year that her neighbors chickens should not be allowed in the City. The Planning Director determined that animal husbandry uses are not appropriate in RS'-7, Residential Single Family zones and has provided a definition which will make that interpretation clear. The remainder of the amendments are pretty much corrections of typo&raphical errors. I hope I have covered eveiything, if you have any questions, of course, staff will be available at the December 8th meeting for discussion. See you then. 120 . . . o ~ . ~ ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. POLICE DEPARTMENT Date: January 18,2000 To: Mayor and City Council From: Steve Ilk, Chief of Police j(:., Tom Riepe, Deputy Chief By: Subject: Public Hearing Required For Grant . Summary: A public hearing must be held prior to the police department receiving a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG), in the amount'of$12,750, from the U.S. Department of Justice. The police department intends to use the funds toward the purchase of a budgeted police patrol vehicle that is scheduled for replacement. The Department of Justice requires that the public hearing be held, prior to the award of the grant, to allow members of the public an opportunity to provide written and/or oral opinions about the proposed use of the grant funds. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council hold a public hearing and take oral or written opinions about the proposed use of the grant funds. The City Council is not required to take an official action. Background / Analysis: LLEBG funds may be used for seven broad-based purpose areas. One of the areas is "Procuring equipment, technology, and other material directly related to basic law enforcement functions". The police department has received 2000 budget approvals to replace three nine-years-old "marked" police patrol vehicles, and believes applying the LLEBG grant funds ($12,750) toward the purchase of these vehicles would be an effective and efficient use of resources. . 102-00-404 121 . . . 122 . :FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO CITY MANAGER'S REPORT January 18, 2000 ! CITY MEETING SCHEDULE ..........-.....-,.-.:......... .,.............................................-...................-............................,........,.,.:...:.-.,..,.-.-......,.:......... . . -. -.- . ", . :i!j~::::::;W:.C;;;;:"':;:;':;:;:,:::;':;,:,:;":;:;':::;'L::;:;:;:;,':::":'::.:;::;':':"',..... I DATE I TIME Mike to speak @ Soroptimist No-host dinner for Gary Braun - Joshua's City Council Meeting Gateway meeting Parks, Recreation & Beautification Meeting Patty Murray meeting . Planning Commission Meeting Elwha Morse Mgmnt T earn Meeting Friday, January 14 Noon Friday, January 14 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 18 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 19 10:00 a.m. Thursday, January 20 7:00 p.m. Friday, January 21 12:00 noon Wednesday, January 26 7:00 p.m. Thursday, January 27 City Council Meeting Gateway Committee Meeting WRIA 18 Coordinating Council Meeting Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Board of Adjustment Meeting A WC Legislative Action Conference - Olympia Planning Commission meeting Law Enforcement Advisory Committee City Council Meeting Mike speak @ Board of Realtors meeting . Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission meeting Planning Commission meeting G:\CNCLPKT\CTYMGR\CMREPT\2000\JAN18. WPD Tuesday, February 1 6:00 p.m. Thursday, February 3 8:15 a.m. Thursday, February 3 10:00 a.m. Monday, February 7 3 :00 p.m. Monday, February 7 7:00 p.m. W-Th-F, February 9-11 Out of Office Wednesday, February 9 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 9 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 15 6:00 p.m. Thursday, February 17 8:00 a.m. Thursday, February 17 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 23 7:00 p.m. 123 . . . 124 . . . ~ORT ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: January 13,2000 To: MA YOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Michael Quinn, City Manager ~[) SUBJECT: Informational Report Work Schedule: To keep the City Council informed on the general activities to which I have been involved the last two weeks, the following highlights are included for your information: Legislative Contacts: None Staff Tour: None Community Contacts: (1) Speech at Chamber of90mmerce concerning 2000 Budget and Economic Development, (2) Speech at Soroptimist Jet-Set concerning rebuilding Downtown and public space improvements like the Waterfront Trail, (3) Speech and Question period at Roundtable on Politics at the Senior Center, (4) Speech at Soroptimist noon club on Downtown improvements, (5) Erickson Trust Board meeting, (6) Downtown Forward meeting, (7) UAC meeting, (8) Real Estate Committee meeting, (9) press interview ~ith Rayonier representatives concerning the cleanup and future development potential of the site, and (10) Lodging Tax Committee meeting. Major Items: (1) staff review and development of proposals dealing with property management leases to review with the Real Estate Committee, (2) personnel meetings on outstanding labor contracts and review of the non-union -status prior to Council presentation scheduled for February, (3) review of impacts associated with the Lodging Tax Committee recommendation which continues the current program direction without a capital element, (4) staff meeting on One-Stop Permit System improvements to enhance customer service applications, and (5) NOAA Conference planning for preliminary details. Additional Staff Information Reports: These items are general interest information and minutes for your use. I have reviewed the reports with the respective departments and have no further additions at this time, but am available for any questions. Council Approval of Personnel Replacements - In regard to the issue raised at the last meeting in my report to handle routine personnel replacements administratively, our research ofthe records does not indicate any formal ordinance or policy that would have to be altered to accommodate this change in practice. We will still review all vacancies for necessity and adjustment, and will bring 1 25 126 all changes not budgeted to the Council for approval. Art Feiro Marine Life Center - While final decisions regarding the funding ofthis facility are still to be determined by the Council, the current status involves no appropriation in the General Fund, and an unstable funding status from the HoteVMotel tax as being contemplated by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Staff is working on several alternatives that involve different scenarios for funding and service provision that would adequately meet our desired goals for this facility. While it may involve a revisiting of our expense appropriations and reserves, we do believe that a reasonable solution can be found. My point is that it appears to me that no one desires this facility to not be operational this Summer, and that we will forge a way to reach an equitable solution. While I am not presenting this information at this time until we firm some more details, I did want to ease any fears that the City was not doing any contingency planning for this issue. . . . . . . ",/,,->", .-, " , ':"Y"'~: ~ORTAN ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO, DATE: January 18,2000 To: Mayor Braun and City Council FROM: Brad Collins, Planning Director SUBJECT: Planning Department Monthly Report - December, 1999 CURRENT PLANNING ApPLICATIONS: Shoreline Substantial Development Permits Conditional Use Permits Municipal Code Amendments Administrative Review Approvals Environmentally Sensitive Areas Reviews Minor Deviation Code Enforcement Variance SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS: Subdivision Short Plat Boundary Line Adjustments o o o 4 2 1 o o o 1 o ST ATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEP A) DETERMINATIONS: Determinations of Non Significance 4 Mitigated Determinations of Non Significance 0 Determinations of Significance 0 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATIONS: Clearing and Grading Permits Building Permits 1 o GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES: Water Resources Inventory Area 18 Watershed Plan UGN Annexation Planning Victoria/Cascadia Regional Plan Salmon Recovery Plan Census 2000 c:\ WP\FORMS\Morpt9912. wpd 127 . . . 128 . . . FORTANGELES PLANNING DEPARTMENT WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. 1999 YEAR END REpORT CURRENT PLANNING ApPLICATIONS: Comprehensive Plan Amendments Conditional Use Permits Environmentally Sensitive Areas Reviews Minor Deviations Municipal Code Amendments Parking Variances Shoreline Substantial Development Permits Wetland Permits Variances Street Vacations Rezones 3 18 (11 = standard, 7 = administrative) 11 4 2 1 10 o 8 1 l 29 Total SUBDIVISION ApPLICATIONS: Boundary Line Adjustments Subdivision (BSIP) Short Plat 3 1 -.4... 8 Total STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) DETERMINATIONS: Determinations of Non-Significance 58 Determinations of Significance 0 Mitigated Determinations of Non-Significance ~ Total 62 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ApPLICATIONS: Clearing and Grading Permits Building Permits 17 -2l. 110 Total GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES: Downtown ParkinglForward Plan UGN Annexation Planning Victoria/Cascadia Regional Plan Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization Water Resources Inventory Area 18 Watershed Plan Salmon Recovery Plan Census 2000 STATUS: Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing, Phase I complete Ongoing Ongoing 129 . . . 130 . . . MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 December 8, 1999 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Fred Hewins, Fred Norton, Bob King, Linda Nutter, Dean Reed, Bob Philpott, Chuck Schramm Members Absent: None Staff Present: Brad Collins, David Sawyer, Sue Roberds, Gary Kenworthy, Dan McKeen Public Present: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Nutter moved to approve the October 27, 1999, meeting minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner King and passed 5 - 0 with Commissioners Schramm,and Philpott abstaining. Director Collins introduced two new Planning Commissioners: Commissioners Chuck Schramm and Bob Philpott. He noted that Mr. Philpott is returning to the Commission following previous service on the Commission. PUBLIC HEARINGS MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 99-02 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES: Proposed amendments to portions of the Zoning Ordinance, Short Plat Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance making changes consistent with those regulations by adding definitions and clarifying specific sections, revising the home occupation, bed 'and breakfast uses in residential areas, and retail stand permit processes, and animal husbandry regulations. Planning Director Collins reviewed staff s memorandum and a draft ordinance indicating suggested amendments to various City regulations. To better servethc:lcommunity, during the year, staff makes note of specific sections of land use ordinances that may need clarification in order to achieve the intent of an ordinance" and to correct typographical errors that have not earlier been identified. During the past year, staff recorded several areas where the City's land division provisions with regard to development standards and bonding . allowances needed clarification. Staff suggested that the permit process regarding home occupations, bed and breakfast uses in residential areas, and retail stand permits could be 131 Planning Commission Minwes December 8. 1999 Page 2 further streamlined. A member of the community made a specific request that the City . clarify the conditions under which animals are permitted in residential zones (specifically, chickens). Mr. Collins responded to questions from the Commission regarding specific types of requirements for street improvements such as for cuI de sacs. Gary Kenworthy, Deputy Director of Engineering and Utility Services, responded to Commissioner Nutter that dimensional standards were removed from specific ordinances because they are duplicated in the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines which is an easier document to amend if need be. In response to Commissioner Reed, Mr. Kenworthy answered that if a bond or some other form of security is approved in lieu of a requirement for a specific period of time, 150% of the expected work expense is required to take into account inflation over the period of time prior to completion of the work. Commissioner Nutter led a detailed discussion of the draft ordinance page by page. Staff provided clarification of specific questions and explained the process of retail stand, home occupation, and bed and breakfast applications. Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. There being no public present to speak, he closed the public hearing. Commissioner Reed moved to recommend that the City Council approve the amendments as proposed citing the following findings and conclusions: . Findings: 1. The City's Comprehensive Plan lists several goals and policies intended to provide for a community where residential development and use of the land are done in a manner that is compatible with the environment, the characteristics of the land and the users, and the desired urban design of the city, and where neighborhoods provide a variety of opportunities for personal interaction attractive to people of all interests. 2. It is the practice of Planning Department staff to note a) areas within the City's land use ordinances that cause confusion over the course of time or that can be amended to better serve the public and intent of said land use ordinances and b) amendments necessary to reflect staff, Planning Commission, and City Council interpretations. . Staff brings these issues to the attention of the Planning Commission for a recommendation of action to the City Council on a routineba.sis. 3. In an attempt to further streamline certain application processes, specifically retail stand activities, home occupations, and bed and breakfast uses within residential areas, the current set of administrative amendments contains a proposal to further refine procedures for these activities by designating them as special use permits rather than general conditional use permits and setting them apart from the standard conditional use permit approval process. . 132 . . . ~';:\'}:\::?Y:~~'n\:~q~v''16~:'!~:Y;":;,;.' , '.1 !ti;1j;Y\':%1m~~'~'l.'i(t,~~iI,; Planning Commission Minllles December 8. 1999 Page 3 4. Wording to provide clarification and provide consistency as to street improvement standards required for short plats and subdivision developments is proposed in the administrative amendment proposal. 5. At the request of a City resident, definitions of animal husbandry and house pets are proposed to be added to the City's zoning regulations. Requirements for accessory residential uses are further defined as well. 6. Typographical errors have been noted for correction. 7. A Determination of Non Significance and Adoption of a Previous Document was issued for the proposal on December 8, 1999. - Conclusions: A. The proposed amendments add only clarification to the existing regulations. B. The proposed Municipal Code Amendment is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies BI-3 and Cl. c. The proposed amendments are in the public use and interest. D. The proposed revision to the retail stand, bed and breakfast uses in residential areas, and home occupation permit process is intended to make the process more user friendly and at the same time retain the integrity of the Zoning Code. The motion was secollded by Commissioner Norton and passed unanimously. Commissioner Norton thanked staff for observing and suggesting a method to further streamline certain administrative processes. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None. STAFF REPORTS Staff noted that there are no current planning issues for the regularly scheduled December 22, 1999, meeting. The Chair concurred that the meeting will be canceled. A training session will be scheduled once the new Council member takes her seat for Council and Planning Commission members for March, 2000. 133 \ 134 Planning Commission Minutes December 8. 1999 Page 4 REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS The Planning Commissioners introduced themselves to new Commissioners Philpott and Schramm. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. 1- . ':; - _.;..... c--,-:_~--_._ ',-,_ 'Brad Collins, Planning Director Fred Hewins, Chair PREPARED BY: S. Roberds . . . i · Port Angeles Fire Department Saving Hearts anD Homes . Decem er 1999 . e ,("',- ~ ", .... ~ ~ .', ... December 1999 Total Fire Dept. Calls Fire $ Loss/Saved 3000 . 2750 2,000,000 i I i ! I I I I I 1750 1,500,000 1,000,000 H I I I 500,000 2500 2250 o 1998 1999 1500 1997 1998 1999 o Saved . Loss Dee 98/99 Total Calls 279 / 220 1999 Total Calls YTD 2,621 1998 Total Calls YTD 2,574 Saved Loss 1999 YTD 647,845 431,496 1998 YTD 2,405,235 966,380 160 80 . 140 120 100 60 40 20 o Fires> 5K Fires < 5K Auto Brush HazMat . 1998 . 1999 Year to Fires > $5,000 Fires < $5,000 Auto Fires Brush Fires Haz Mat Date Incidents 1999 9 72 16 29 151 1998 15 54 22 44 123 I$(P --- 1000 . 800 600 .000 800 . 'J;'_ . -~ Fire & Life Safety Insp 1200 400 200 o Inspections Reinspections [] 1998 II 1999 Inspections Reinspections 1999 YTD 1,085 926 1998 YTD 899 740 Medic I Transports 600 400 - 200 o ALS BLS [J 1998 II 1999 Advanced Life Support (ALS) & Basic Life Support (BLS) Fire Dept. 1998 1999 % ALS-YTD 849 906 6.2 I BLS-YTD 117 92 21.3 ! ~"':,u:.r"t:' Prevention Activities YTO 300 l 2501 200 I 150 100 50 o ,----. ---------~- i -I ~- I 1998 1999 D Permit Inspections II Plan Reviews . Public Education Contacts Permi~ Plan Public Ed Inspections Reivews Contacts 1999 260 67 39 1998 243 64 56 Patients Assisted 2500 2000 i 1500 1000 500 o Fire Dept. Olympic Ambulance [J 1998 II 1999 Patients Assisted Fire Dept. 1998 1999 % YTD 2,012 2,086 3.5 I /37 \. ~ Summary of Fire Department Overtime Hours December, 1999 Activity Hours Year To This Date Month Acting Captain 11.3 72.73 Emergency Callback 48 341 EMS Inservice 0 56 Meetings 2 80 Shift Coverage 151 1,005.5 Training Total 212.3 .1,555.23 Percent of Scheduled Work Hours 5.1% . . Summary of Fire Department Training December, 1999 Activity Hours Career Personnel (20) Computer Training 18.5 Ladders 10 Tactics 1 Supervisory Training 8 Pumping 9 Ladder Testing 6 EMS 54 Hazardous Materials 17 Total 123.5 Volunteer Personnel (20) Hazardous Materials 16.5 " EMS 28 Total 44.5 . . . . . Residential Fire Safety Institute 1998 1Lift ~aftt!' ~cbitbtmtnt altlarb rr1iis awan{ is Iiere6y 6estowea upon tlie CPort}lngeCes Pire (])epartment in recognition of its wor{to kJep its community free of aeatlis from fire in tlie year 1998. )fwaraea tliis 1st day of fl.U{Just, 1999. _.1, " w -..() . i. L t. " 1%'.l ' ary L. Corso Washington State Fire Marshal &~8~ Patrick J. Coughlin, EFO Executive Director, Residential Fire Safety Institute In December, the Port Angeles Fire Department was presented with a Life Safety Achievement Award for 1998. This award recognizes the department's prevention activities that contribute to reducing the number of lives lost in residential fires. The Fire Del7artment a.ualified for the award as the City eXl7erienced no fire deaths durina 1998. - -- - Mr. Jerre Boyd - . 121 W. "llth 8t. >..:: . Port Angeles; W A 98362 _;~_~~ ~ __ ,~"O_ , , "', Ii,.,:'; . ~... , -, i~:~ ~ \ ~l r ~~ - / "t,.. 12'" . ~. :-0" --:--_"::'~,_'..::.:':'"_ ;"-'~-'.-~ .,..' ~_. ~Ory~ . Iaz. ~ ~6t~ G2 /uL~~ ~&~E,2~::,t:)\~ ' I Iltll HI!lI n It n: II tl! ill Ht n 1\1I1111111d \I !IIi! i uilll !:::l~~ ~~~~ . t::!!::::::: ~~ ~. ~ ~~. -L.P~~' ~G A.-I~,u. A~~I ~. ~~ ~~~<L~b-.~ -ZU~-.~~ ~~~~5I~) 6UL-~ 0 O-L h-- -/d, . ~... ~./~~L f!S. -~d.-~ r~'- .. leD . . . Nottnwe'st. MO~'DAY, DECE.\fBER6,1999 .A5 i, : ; ~ ;1- ;",,-_:-,~:~,'~:;",-!;;~d_';;;i .'.. I ill,' California pension plan lures Port Angeles fire chief away / By l\lAJu< MOREY PENI\Sl'LA DAILY NEWS PORT A..'\GELES - A better state retirement svstem has lured Fire Chief Bruce 'Becker back tu California, where he first became interested in fightin~ the flames. Becker's resignation was announced Tuesday. He will start Jan. 10 as one of two deputy fire chiefs in Redding, a city of about 80,000 in northern California. Becker, 46, joined the Port Angeles department in 19M6. He served as fire marshal until being promoted to the top job in April 1995. .. I've been able tp leave the fighting when he joined the Air Force in 19i2. After leaving the military, he took his first civilian job in the fire field at Yuba City, about two huurs southeast of Redding. Beside~ knocking down the flames; he took additional train. ing to qualify as a paramedic. Becker then came to Port Angeles. Here, he championed the cause of fire sprinklers, which authori. ties say ha\'e prevented several major fires since a cit)' ordinance required their installation in much new construction. . . PhUtOiA2 place better than when I first l'ound it," he said. "In my heart, I do believe Purt Angeles is a lot more fire safe," Becker said. That conditiun results from several programs, including fire sprinklers required for many new buildings around the city, that he advanced and continued while chief, Becker said. Riding on a Los Angeles fire truck during a high-school career day promptro him to pursue fire- . . KKrili TuollPJtlPENJNsliAoA!i.v NEWS ttrt.AngelesFlreChlef Bruce Becker, aboard an 'antique tire uck,willleavePort Angeles fora post with the Redding, iliff., fire department. TURN TO CHJEFiA2 etiie.'#!i:~)ppiEt~@:t;s',~~ '~~';~~~?~~!rf~!!11~~~~f2~t.,. ~~,;~~1t ':Go . .... STY LOckeappoInt~a~".supplemen.~;.tP()se;:~hefit,.s:"Ii~' . .Bec~~rt.o sen'e...?u ~.sPe:lal s~'~'l!holtl;~8b1~,prt;'Vig(;!l,;a,~~~.~~~ "advl~ry.~,fl~et~bo~t firesJ!'r~-i' .8i()pl\'.pla:rJ,~~hElll,i: '. ..' n,:p". . " lklers~r~ ~~~IY:,l~tlJj~~e~~O'!anO~s'~reDieri ,,;~~n ArlingWhiCare:home"f6r.ll,~~~t:.,,',r'B~al{Ei'r~ii':wifl' ,{JldcrIY";'*'i!' . ~'r;~.i' daQghter. 'c>will. re i:',Durmg"f.I~,,,l,gf~~le,~*,:~~~,!t~';\f"~ui:t"JtAri ." rterpr '. _ ~r:Jbw~~~t1~~~~~,u~~t~~'f';:~~el\,"~~fise~iori~l;~: ., ;:~' . the sprmklers..have stopP:cJhres. High School, to gradu8te\Vit.!the~j, almost as' t.heYQegan"'i4"~0';Ni;;'~~.j'; class inJ une ..... ''l'',;:(;;n','i[~2~:~t'l~i! .!~Wei"e: l>een;re~lprooct~vc.. in~ c',>Beckersaidhe;:~~',fi~' our department )~regar~s'.to marsnafnan"McKeeIi'to;~~7as}' buildi nght'. that . mst~n t " fire- . intt;riinctiief.Untirtlie-ctti,Ctl~nCil;S fighte~ 14at, coll!~J o~,.~hen\Jl1e; decides'o i', leader'.'for'ffie""'i fITe starts,"Bec~t}fsaul." .c.'>. air" ... ... . ."'il{;';;'jl,.Ij,;j" . He Cl'ediUlthcdt~':sJuIHime~,,':f"-kTt;'h"'" -'7'1 "'LO;:';': .\ ""furi~. -. ',.i"" - ....,.. ....-.th... .'0= er as8SOUt%nam.. ......... . and voI~!Itio(,t;Hre,To~ct;,l~r._"..~-H., ofthe';'Rc:)t1lijtl~Tc:)r~weSter'ise~~ work to Improve. thed~partmt;l'!t; cIl.fIj anaraaiv~'~~~'"tli. ';; as welL,.. .....",...., . .. .' COunty~CA>>or~~miat ,"'ii . ." When t~e Ra~oni~plllI shllt"'P?rt'''lA.9geles'~ayor;:' ga'if' down 'in"'19~?," t~e ..'. ~()Illpany Brau~ 'a {oW'el'citY'fin;~~li~I}' donate~:its' ..... speciul~~p(mitions' wasori'lhe'eity eou~cil 'wh!'!n:ttlle: equipritent'to ;thedty.: Now' the panel approved hiril1gl.leC~~f'~ department's ()\\-'tlmeJnbe~ stand the. 'chi,ers~pot: '.::"i,'riC,,{\;,';';\i'If ready to respond,to,such'situa-;;nffHc;,had a;good:unde~tiin~ tions as :trench;Tescues and high- ofthefireServiee;'lBraunsaid;(!.~ an~le retrievaI8~~f victims.;;..,"! think he'll ~o as goO? ~ijo,l) Becker.. said he.and, bis, family, for!thcm.cas,.he:s:.done~p\:.here,;. did not particularly want to leave the mayor ~dd~ about Becker's the Olympic P<;p.insula. .. _ move t~ Cahforma:" . . . ....The.,' qpal.ityvfilife is iJ11.wlr"'\,i;~~ecKrt;!~"n~~il~e~SI:".t~cddw~r ..'tant.',Ul..' ,*j\ye\'e}'heen...,. spri!l~<!"it.Ij)iE~:iCHic(~K,;~p:;!Wagn~t;;"was .~,;; 'here inPorf Allgcles:' hesaiU~ c..iavailabl~ Wednesday for comment But with 12 years already on the hIre. . 142 . ~ rJ:; Cl) ~. ..-C ~ .- f. :.'.~.'..O~ ":""". . ,~; ""ill ... "."...'."::1 ; :.' .~':." .!;,CI) ',I: .- "1: f. rg ~ tr) z . . >: :~ o ~ -- if; Z .~ ~ c., /43 , // . --.. .. . . /4+