HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 01/19/1999 AGENDA
January 19, 1999 - REGULAR MEETING - 5:30 p.m.
A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (5:30 p.m.)
1. Swearing in ceremony of new Police Officer
Tom Kuch
2. "Bicycle Friendly Community" Award 1
PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the
public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10 minutes.)
Closeout of tree trimming contract Action
1. City Council minutes - January 5, 1999 Action
2. City Council minutes - January 11, 1999
3. Checklist $1,509,458.12 - January 15, 1999
4. Interlocal Joint Purchasing Agreement with '
City of Sequim
5. Interlocal Joint Purchasing Agreement with
Clallam County
Ordinance revising Ediz Hook sewer connection Action
charge and Milwaukee Drive sewer connection
charge ordinance
January 19, 1999Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1
1. Lease Agreements with North Olympic 74 Action
Library System:
a. Lease for new Library
b. Termination of lease for former Carnegie
c. Termination of lease for parking facility
adjacent to former Carnegie Library
2. Con,act with United Way for administration 86 Action
of City's 1999 Human Services funds
(7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) Action
Appeal &Napier/Jones Short Plat SHP 98-04 94
1. City Manager's Report (Page 110)
2. Letter to Vice President Gore regarding Elwha Dam (Page 115)
3. Parks & Recreation Monthly Report - November, 1998 (Page 117)
4. Parks & Recreation Monthly Report - December, 1998 (Page 133)
5. Public Works & Utilities Monthly Report - December, 1998 (Page 148)
6. Fire Department Monthly Report - December, 1998 (Page 152)
7. Planning Department Monthly Report - December, 1998 (Page 156)
8. Planning Department Annual Report - 1998 (Page 158)
9. Parks Board Minutes - December 17, 1998 (Page 160)
10.Museum o£Clallam County Historical Society Report - Fourth Quarter, 1998 (Page 164)
11. Chamber of Commerce Report - November, 1998 (Page 168)
12. Feiro Marine Lab Report - Fourth Quarter, 1998 (Page 172)
M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney): Real Estate, Personnel, and
PubUc hearings am set ~ the C~ Coun~l in order to meet legal requirements ~ining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed
amendmen~ ~ City land use regulations, ~ning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive
public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public
opinion through the public hearing process.
January 19, 1999Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2
January 19, 1999
Members Present:
Mayor Braun /.
Councilman Campbell
Councilman Doyle
Councilman Hulett
Councilmember McKeown
Councilman Wiggins
Councilman Williams
Staff Present: Otl'ner Staff, Present:
Manager Ibarra V
Attomey Knutson X,/
Clerk Upton
B. Becker
S. Brogan
~. conin~
K. Godbey
s. nk }~'-.
J. Pittis
~k~PPiv' ~L~;g~tNh: SESSi CX~N:
Led by:
Attendance Roster
DATE OF MEETING: January 19, 1999
LOCATION: City_ Council Chambers
Please Note: IF I plan on testifying by signature below, I certify that my testimony is true and
correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington.
~ ~ ~D~S~i~ I ~OUl~ ~ke to testify
City of Port Angeles
Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List
City Council Meeting of ~//~ , ] ~. ] ~
City Manager
City Atty. (1)
City Clerk
Deputy C erk
Cust. Svcs.
Finance Dir./Mgr.
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
Light Dept.
Pub. Works
Parks & Rec.
msc (~)
PDN (Summary)
Extra Copies
· I, Thomas Kuch, do solemnly swear
· that I am a citizen of the United States and of the State of
· that I will support the Constitution of the United States
· and the Constitution and laws of the State of Washington,
· and, will, to the best of my judgment,
· diligently and impartially perform the duties of a police officer
· in and for the City of Port Angeles, State of Washington,
· as such duties are prescribed by law,
· and will abide by the Code of Ethics adopted by the Port Angeles
Police Department,
· so help me God.
DATE: January 19, 1999
FROM: Tom Riepe, Deputy Police Chief
FOR: NonMotorized Advisory Committee/Chief S. Ilk
SUBJECT: "Bicycle Friendly Community" Award
Issue: Should the Mayor accept, on behalf of the City, a plaque and two signs from the League of
American Bicyclists, designating Port Angeles a Bicycle Friendly Community?
Recommendation: The Non-Motorized Advisory Committee, which comprises citizens and
City staff members from the Police, Public Works and Planning Departments, recommends
that the Council authorize the Mayor to accept, on behalf of the City of Port Angeles, a plaque
and signs sent by the League of American Bicyclists, designating Port Angeles a Bicycle
Friendly Community.
Summary.: The Non-Motorized Advisory Committee applied to the League of American Bicyclists
to designate Port Angeles as a Bicycle Friendly Community. After reviewing the application, the
League of American Bicyclists determined the work being done by the Public Works, Planning,
Parks, Police and other City Departments and the Non-Motorized Advisory Committee and the fact
that the Council passed a proclamation recognizing May as National Bicycle Month and encouraged
citizens to observe Bike-to-Work Day qualified the City to receive the Bicycle Friendly Community
The League of American Bicyclists sent the City a plaque and two Bicycle Friendly Community
signs which will be placed at the east and west entrances to the City upon official acceptance by the
Background / Analysis: With the assistance of City staff, the Non-Motorized Advisory Committee,
currently chaired by Mr. Bruce Monro, applied to the League of American Bicyclists for their
"Bicycle Friendly Community" designation. By receiving this designation, the City will
automatically be listed in numerous journals and publications as a "Bicycle Friendly Community".
The Non-Motorized Advisory Committee believes this designation will be an enticement for tourists
to visit Port Angeles and convey to local citizenry and visitors the City's commitment to developing
and maintaining bicycle safe streets and pathways and demonstrate the City's support for bicycling
DATE: January 19, 1999
FROM: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works & Utilities
SUBJECT: Closeout of Tree Trimming Contract
Issue.' Closing out the contract for tree trimming along City Light power lines and authorization of
the final payment to Asplundh Tree Expert Company.
Recommendation: City Council accept the work of Asplundh Tree Expert Company as being
complete and authorize the final payment of $20,719.80 for tree trimming services.
S_mmmary__: The Asplundh Tree Expert Company was hired to trim trees along City Light power
lines to minimize the likelihood of outages caused by trees which frequently occur during winter
storms. City Light has regularly budgeted funds to keep trees a safe distance from power lines. The
work has been completed and final payment is now due.
Background / Analysis: Asplundh Tree Expert Co. was hired in October of 1998 to finish trimming
trees along power lines that was started in late 1997. City Light had budgeted $30,000 to trim trees
along power lines in 1997 and was unable to complete the necessary trimming for the budgeted
amount. $30,000 was again budgeted in 1998 for tree trimming but at the start of the year it was
determined that city crews might be able to finish the work started by Asplundh. By late Fall 1998
it was obvious that city crews would not be able to complete all the necessary trimming work prior
to the winter storm season so a request for proposals was issued for a tree trimming contractor.
Asplundh Tree Expert Company submitted the low quote and a purchase order was issued on
October 7, 1998 for Asplundh to complete the trimming work on a time and material basis with the
total cost not to exceed the $30,000 budgeted. This is the same process used to hire a contractor to
paint the street light standards.
As discussed at a previous council meeting, both of these agreements should have received City
Council approval prior to authorizing the work. Both agreements were entered into in early Fall
1998 and staff will follow the purchase ordinance in the future. One payment of $10,586.40 has been
made to Asplundh and a final payment of $20,719.80 is now due. The work on this project was
completed on December 11, 1998.
Port Angeles, Washington
January 5, 1999
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett,
McKeown, Wiggins and Williams.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Ibarra, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Becket, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, and Y.
Public Present: P. Tietz and L. Lee.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilman Wiggins.
LATE ITEMS TO BE Councilman Doyle asked Council to consider whether Executive Sessions should
PLACED ON THIS OR continue to be taped. He asked that Attorney Knutson provide an opinion on the matter
FUTURE AGENDA: for discussion at a future meeting. Attorney Knutson agreed to prepare for such a
discussion, with a target set for one of the next two Council meetings.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Wiggins stated he would abstain from voting on the minutes due to his
absence from that meeting. Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent
Agenda which included: (1.) Minutes of the regular Council meeting of December 15,
1998; and (2.) Request to circulate annexation petition - Corbett/Stetson - north and
east of DelGuzzi Drive and Highway 101. Councilman Williams seconded the
motion. At Council's request, Director Collins and Attorney Knutson provided
clarification on the annexation petition process. Councilman Williams expressed
concern regarding the topography of the land and asked if this would be addressed by
the Planning Commission; Director Collins assured him it would. A vote was taken
on the motion, which carried by a majority, with Councilman Wiggins abstaining
due to his absence from that meeting.
ADJOURN TO Mayor Braun adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 5:45 p.m. for one half hour
EXECUTIVE SESSION: to forty-five minutes discuss an item of personnel and litigation.
-1- 5
January 5, 1999
RETURN TO The meeting returned to open session at 6:35 p.m.
Mayor Braun noted that Esla Kim asked to address the Council. Ms. Klm, 208 S.
Cherry Street, reported to the Council on the formation of an organization which
provides cultural support to Korean children. Ms. Klm announced a dinner is being
held on Saturday, January 9, 1999, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Carrie Blake Park.
Ms. Kim invited Council and staff to attend, noting that proceeds would go toward
funding a trip to Korea for the children.
CITY COUNCIL There were no committee reports; however, Mayor Braun read a thank you note from
COMMITTEE the Employees' Association Prize Committee concerning Council's Christmas party
REPORTS: gift.
Mayor Braun reminded the Council that the Congressional City Conference 1999 will
be held in Washington D.C. from March 5 - 9, 1999. Deputy Mayor Doyle attended last
year and is considering attending again this year. Councilman Campbell stated he
attended last year and found it worthwhile and educational. He encouraged other
Council members to attend. Manager Ibarra stated anyone wishing to attend should
notify his office as soon as possible so that reservations can be made.
Landfill Rates for Lee Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings
Hotel Project
Ordinance No. 3006 Ordinance Extending Landfill Rate for Charitable Organizations to Lee Hotel Project
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney's office and
asked Attorney Knutson for additional input. Attorney Knutson stated the Project has
already begun, and Pam Tietz of the Housing Authority was present to answer
questions. Attorney Knutson indicated the City previously offered this type of rate
reduction for certain charitable organizations. The City has tried to limit such a
reduction to specific kinds of situations, which would include the Lee Hotel project.
Mayor Braun read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, extending the special landfill rate for
charitable organizations to include the Clallam County
Housing Authority's Lee Hotel Project demolition debris
and amending Ordinance 2317 as amended and Chapter
13.56 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Wiggins moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Campbell seconded the motion. Councilman Doyle asked if the metal from the
building was being recycled to help reduce costs. Para Tietz, Executive Director of the
Housing Authority, 1311 W. 9th Street, stated this can be investigated; however, she
thought this type of debris may have akeady been removed from the building. For
those items not yet removed, she indicated she would follow up to determine if
recycling would be a possibility. Councilman Doyle further suggested that Clallam
County be asked if they would like to pay for 50% of the reduction, particularly since
the Housing Authority is a County organization. Manager Ibarra stated staff will
contact the County and inquire about their desire to participate in this expense. A vote
was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings: None
January 5, 1999
Other Considerations
Agreement with Clallam 1. Agreement with Clallam County Humane Society for Animal Shelter Services
County Humane Society
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Manager's office. Mayor
Braun asked for additional input, which was provided by Police Chief Ilk. Following
brief discussion and clarification, Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize the
Mayor to sign the agreement with the Clallam County Humane Society for the
period January 1, 1999, to December 31, 2001. Councilman Hulett seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 6:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 7:00 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARINGS - Municipal Code Amendment - MCA 98-07 - Administrative Amendments
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and asked
Municipal Code Director Collins for additional input. Discussion followed, and Director Collins
Amendment responded to questions and provided clarification. Councilmember McKeown
Ordinance No. 3007 expressed concern with the parking requirements for physical therapy services, and
Director Collins explained the reasoning behind the parking requirement. He also
explained the reasons for including the sign definition in this particular ordinance.
Following further limited discussion, Mayor Braun opened the public heating at 7:10
p.m. There was no public testimony, and Mayor Braun closed the public hearing at
7:00 p.m. He read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, making
several changes to the City's land use ordinances by clarifying the
zoning code's definition of a sign and which types of signs are
considered exempt in areas other than the Central Business District,
correcting references in the right-of-way use ordinance to what
mobile sales carts are and where they may be located, adding a
parking ordinance category and requirements for physical therapy
uses, allowing the Planning Director to determine when sensitive
areas tracts, maintenance bonds and/or performance bonds are
required for wetland permits, clarifying when public heatings will be
scheduled before the Planning Commission, correcting zoning code
errors in wording regarding to what standards residential uses shall
be developed in the Commercial Office, Commercial Neighborhood,
Community Shopping District, Commercial Arterial District, and
Central Business District zones, adding public parks and recreational
facilities as conditional uses in the Industrial Light zone, adding
publicly owned convention centers and associated activities as
permitted uses in the Public Buildings and Parks zone, clarifying
zoning code wording regarding extensions of, and adding provisions
for minor amendments to, approved conditional use permits, and
amending Ordinances 1588, 1631, 1709, 2350, and 2655, as
amended, and amending Chapters 11.12, 14.40, 15.24, 16.08, 17.08,
17.26, 17.94, 17.20, 17.21, 17.22, 17.23, 17.24, 17.32, 17.40, and
17.96 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
January 5, 1999
PUBLIC HEARINGS - Councilman Hulett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
OTHER: (Cont'd) Doyle seconded the motion. Councilman Doyle noted that Chapter 17.96 is listed
twice in the title of the Ordinance. This will be corrected. A vote was taken on the
Municipal Code motion, which carried unanimously.
Ordinance No. 3007 Clerk's Note: Later in the meeting it was noted that Council had failed to cite the
(Cont'd) Findings and Conclusions as part of the Ordinance adoption. Therefore, a motion was
passed to cite Findings 1 - 4 and Conclusions A - D, as set forth further in the minutes.
Boards and Commissions 2. Vacancies on City Boards and Commissions
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Clerk. Councilman Doyle
moved to reappoint Mary Craver to the Planning Commission for the term, 3/1/99
- 3/1/2003; reappoint Diana Tschimperle to the Parks, Recreation & Beautification
Commission for the term, 3/1/99 - 3/1/2003; accept the resignation of Paul Ziakin
from the Planning Commission; and direct staff to publicize the vacancies via news
releases to seek replacements. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Lee Hotel - Community 3. Approval of Lee Hotel Community Development Block Grant Loan
Block Grant Loan
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney's Office and
asked Attorney Knutson for additional input. Attorney Knutson stated the cost of the
Lee Hotel renovation is in excess of $4.5 million. Most of the fimding has come from
private funding sources. The City obtained two grants for this project, and City Council
is being asked to authorize the Mayor to sign the loan documents. Pam Tietz of the
Housing Authority was present to answer questions.
Councilman Williams stated that to preclude a conflict of interest, he would abstain
from discussion and voting on this issue.
Councilman Campbell asked if tonight's action only covered the $250,000 housing
rehabilitation loan and if the $175,000 grant would be dealt with later. Attorney
Knutson agreed this was correct; at a previous Council meeting the City Manager had
been authorized to sign the grant. At Councilman Wiggins' request, Attorney Knutson
explained the Block Grant process which gave the City the $250,000 to loan to the
Housing Authority for this project.
Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the necessary
documents for the $250,000 loan of CDBG housing rehabilitation funds for the
Clallam County Housing Authority's Lee Hotel project. Councilman Wiggins
seconded the motion, which carried by a majority with Councilman Williams
Municipal Code Mayor Braun asked to briefly return to this item, as he did not believe the Findings and
Amendment Conclusions had been included in the motion, which Clerk Upton con£n-med.
Ordinance No. 3007 Councilman Hulett amended his motion to include citing Findings 1-4 and
Conclusions A-D as set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached to and becomes a
part of these minutes. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried
INFORMATION: Manager Ibarra referred to the City Council committee assignments, and Mayor Braun
stated he had spoken to each Council member who had agreed to be reappointed to the
Council Committees committees on which they currently serve. Councilman Campbell noted that the he had
participated in the North Olympic Cities Association in the past; however, Mayor Braun
was currently the City's representative.
January 5, 1999
Council Committees Councilman Hulett noted that the Oak Street Property Development Committee could
(Cont'd) be eliminated, as this was now part of Downtown Forward.
Councilman Williams stated he had not attended a Law and Justice meeting in 1998,
and he asked if the Committee was still active. Chief Ilk responded affirmatively, and
Councilman Williams asked that he be provided with notice of meetings.
Manager Ibarra felt the Library Committee could be deleted, and Council concurred.
Endangered Species Act Councilmember McKeown stated a letter had been received from the Kitsap County
Board of Commissioners regarding the Endangered Species Act. A meeting will be
held January 26, 1999, and Councilmember McKeown suggested Downtown Forward
participate in this meeting and report back to the Council. Manager Ibarra stated notice
of the meeting has only recently been received, and he was not sure how active that
group would be. Manager Ibarra stated some staff members would attend the meeting
as well, and he welcomed the Council to attend.
Meeting with Senator Manager Ibarra informed the Council that due to inclement weather, the meeting with
Gorton Senator Gorton was canceled. Therefore, a conference call was held. It went very well,
and the Senator was helpful and insightful.
Angel Tree Manager Ibarra noted that the Angel Tree was coordinated by Director Collins this year,
and he recognized the fact that City employees removed nearly 100 tags from the tree.
Snow and Ice Control Manager Ibarra stated the City will be doing more to respond to snow and ice in an
effort to eliminate snow days. He then reviewed steps which would be taken to improve
response time.
AWC Conference Manager Ibarra asked any Council members interested in attending to contact his office
for travel arrangements.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor
-5- 9
Port Angeles, Washington
January 11, 1999
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, McKeown, and
Members Absent: Councilmembers Doyle, Hulett, and Williams.
Staff Present: Manager Ibarra.
ADJOURN TO Mayor Braun adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 11:05 a.m. to discuss a
EXECUTIVE SESSION: matter of personnel for approximately one-half hour.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to Open Session at 11:40 a.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.m.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor
~/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1~ Page 1
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
001 4~ DARE America 04036 Sticker sheets, pennant, mug 1 2370000 65.19-
48689 Firefighter's Bookstore 06092 Hazardous Materials books 1 2370(0)0 47.6~+-
487'53 Quill Corporation 17000 Calculators 1 2370000 9.15-
Envelopes,pads, post-its,pens 1 2370(0)0 6.15-
W-2s,1099s,envelopes 1 2370000 15.40-
Disks,pens,tmpe, highliters, 1 237~0 22.49-
Video tapes 1 2370(0)0
Labels, shelves, box, stamp 1 2370000 11.48-
48~5 Robotronics 18151 Dalmation costume I 2370000 32.39-
z~8755 Washington (DOL), State of 0/+137 Concealed weapon license-Nov I 22960(0) 451.00
/~B767 Accent Publishing 01299 FireArt 3 color windows 1 2370000 6.48-
48809 Insight Direct Inc. ~5 Hard drive for server PW1 1 2370000 41.55-
4~846 R & T Specialty Inc. 18129 Pencils, checkbook cover,tents I 23700(0) 21.37-
zd~51 Treadway Graphics 20135 Bumper sticker, medallions 1 2370(0)0 26.22-
4887'5 American Hearing 01357 Ear molds I 2370000 53.72-
48888 DARE America 04036 Elemantary/Jr. High Workbooks 1 2370000 12.96-
48903 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Hard drive, microscanner, hub 1 2370000 144.01-
128MB Hemory N~ule 1 2370(0)0 33.89-
48905 Learnkey Inc. 12154 Windows NT training video 1 2370(0)0 12.40-
48908 Lynn Peavey Company 12056 ID envelopes,evidence tubes,tm I 2370000 12.93-
Evidence tubes 1 2370000 14.55-
Check protector bag 1 23700(0) 1.25-
48920 PC ServiceSource 16045 Power supply digital server I 2370(0)0 7.39-
Power supply-digital server I 2370(0)0 5.73-
48942 Stephens Publishing Company 19392 Fire Safety balloons,clips, lab 1 2370(030 25.88-
48945 Tea's Plus Screen Printing 20065 Oval auto sticker I 2370(0)0 8.62-
48951 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal History-M Pedersen 1 2295000 24.00
Criminal History-G Waldroup I 2295000 24.00
48958 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 November excise taxes I 2373000 113.12
November excise taxes 1 2372~ 307.63
November excise taxes 1 2370000 1,099.01
48971 All-Luminum Products 01395 Folding cot I 2370(300 44.99-
48984 Computerworld 03033 Annual subscription I 2370000 3.09-
48990 Employees Association 05041 Reimbursement-Christmas Party I 2254010 2,270.77
49020 Quill Corporation 17000 Cassettes, envelopes, labels 1 2370(0)0 8.21-
File box I 2370000 2.17-
49035 Washington CEO 23440 Annual subscription I 237{~00 2.57-
49039 911 Magazine 14103 1999 Annual subscription 1 2370(~0 1.34-
49073 Dyna Mad Inc. 04034 Disposal container, cartridge 1 2370000 11.24-
49089 IPMA 09082 Police Officer exam, stencil I 2370000 50.67-
49090 In The Line of Duty Inc. 09005 Annual subscription I 2370000 54.91-
49133 Smith & Associates Inc.,David 19122 Digital photo mosaic I 2370000 90.85-
49142 TBW Industries Inc. 20098 City logo lapel pins I 2370(0)0 ~.16-
49143 TimeValue Software 20225 TValue Special Offer I 23700(~ 7.51-
49152 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal History-M Modlin I 2295000 24.00
49153 WA State Patrol - WASIS (HA) 23359 Criminal History-B Bohannan I 22950(0) 24.00
49157 Washington (DOL), State of 04137 Dec 1998 concealed pistol Lic I 2296(~X) 132.00
49272 Quill Corporation 170(0) Computer paper,calculator,pens I 2370(0)0 26.27-
Pens,correction tape,dividers I 2370000 2.53-
49299 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-J Paul I 2295000 24.00
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 2
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Total for Department 3,481.12
0(0)1 48674 CPU Services 03456 Computer, accessories 111 6410 2,449.69
4~75 Cart, Michael G 04229 Superior Performance Award 111 1019 100.00
4~76 Chivers, Stephen 03459 Refund Police Officer exam fee 113 4150 10.00
48680 CliniCare of PA Inc. 03080 Employee physical-Thomas,Homan 113 4131 217.00
~5 Oept of Community,Trade,Ec Ov 04061 The Race to Recruit 111 3101 28.00
4~91 Flex-Plan Services Inc. 06158 November services 111 4150 110.10
~97 Ilk, Steve 09024 Computer cart 111 3101 183.42
48707 NcNitt, Jack 133~ Superior Performance Award 111 1019 100.00
48710 Noffitt, David R 13349 Superior Performance Award 111 1019 100.00
48711 Murray, Vince 13350 Superior Performance Award 111 1019 100.00
~728 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursment 111 3101
Petty cash reimbursment 113 3101
48~1 Price Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 11-24 Billing 111 3101 118.~
48~6 Rowley, Reverend Ken 18263 Superior Performance Award 111 1019 100.00
48741 Smith, Gary 19464 Superior Performance Award 111 1019 100.00
~7~ Soldo, Andy 19465 Superior Performance Award 1tl 1019 100.00
4874.B Successories 19560 Framed prints 111 3101 402.80
Z,8773 Angeles Communications Inc 01069 Modem for Human Resources 113 3101 4~.56
J~8783 Bonny's Bakery 02298 Cake, decorations 112 3101 41.00
~5 Dugan, Duain 04266 Rfd Police Officer exam fee 113 4150 10.00
~28 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper 111 4150 197.13
48829 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Employment Applications 113 3101 325.21
Announcements, envelopes 111 3101 143.56
Thank you cards 111 3101 2~.93
44~831 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 111 3101 16.18
Tags 111 3101 18.96
Floor mat 111 3101 418.22
48833 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 1(~:)0~, Printer maintenance 111 4810 32.37
Computer 111 6410 1,348.75
Floppy drive 113 3101 26.98
Toner 113 3101 82.00
Lunstead desk 111 3101 642.01
4~836 Peninsula Daily News 16012 6 Month subscription 111 4901 52.50
48~40 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03Ck52 Petty cash reimbursement 111 3101 7"~.93
4~51 Safeway Inc. 19045 Cookies 111 3101 16.95
Cookies 112 3101 10.95
Cookies 111 3101 16.95
Cookies 111 3101 16.95
48853 Scontrino & Associates 19561 Prof Svcs-Employee Survey 113 4150 1,138.83
4~2 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping services-November 112 4210 15.21
Shipping services-November 113 4210 30.47
48872 AWC Assn of Washington Cities 01080 1999 Membership fee 113 4131 1,899.00
~907 Lucent Technolc~gies 12215 12-2 Billing 111 4210 46.50
12-2 Billing 113 4210 31.00
~909 Marra PH.D.,Herbert A. 13103 Pre-employement evaluations 113 4131 2,/+00.00
48935 Ripley, Peter 18313 Subsription for 1999 on-line 111 4990 50.00
489/~, SuperValu Cash & Carry 23016 Groceries-Quarterly breakfast 111 4155 75.83
489~ Trafalgar Branch No. 42 20073 Reimbrsmnt-Rememberance Wreath 112 3101 38.25
48952 WAPELRA 23045 Annual membership-B Coons 113 4901 150.00
9<)/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL C~e Amount
Number Name Number Number
48955 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 12-3 Billing 113 4210 19.65
12-3 Billing 111 4210 192.21
48967 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 12-15 billing 111 4210 16.30
12-15 billing 111 4210 16.30
4~9 All Flags Travel Inc. 01015 B Upton to Spokane 1-8-99 111 4310 280.00
48~ Employees Association 05041 Reimbursement-Christmas Party 111 3101 250.00
4~9<)6 Gina's Bakery 07132 Cookies-Council meeting 112 3101 24.00
ze8997 Goldzimer Consulting Group 070~) Contract payment-November 111 4155 745.52
49~)15 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03(~52 Petty cash reimbursement 113 4150 38.91
4~20 Quill Corporation 170(0) File box 113 3101 14.76
4~35 Washington CEO 23440 Annual subscription 111 49~)1 35.10
49043 AWC Assn of Washington Cities 01080 Register Y2K Ready-Braun,Willi 112 4310 130.00
49065 Clinical Psychology Associates 03~0 Fitness for Duty Examination 113 4131 800.00
4~77 Flex-Plan Services Inc. 06158 December 1998 services 111 4150 110.10
4~9 IPMA 09082 Police Officer exam, stencil 113 4150 692.02
49113 Olympic Air Pollution Cont Aut 15017 1999 contribution 111 4150 6,328.00
49118 Peninsula Radiolc~2ists P.S. 16014 Pre-employment X-rays-T Kuch 113 4131 72.00
49123 Price Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Air duster,tapes,monitor 111 3101 19.41
49130 Scontrino & Associates 19561 Professional svcs-Survey rpts 113 4150 ~3.14
49142 TBW Industries Inc. 20(~28 City lc~jo lapel pins 111 3101 g~)3.56
49145 US West Communications 21001 12-14 billing 111 4210 137.30
12-14 billing 113 4210 91.54
49146 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping services-December 113 3101 15.89
49156 Waldron & Company 23399 Prof svcs-PW Director pmt #I 111 4150 5,000.00
49162 Jackson's Signs 10018 Bal due Marine Life Center 111 4150 3,527.58
49166 AWC Assn of Washington Cities 01080 Recjistr-City Manager/ Council 111 4310 80.00
Registr-City Manager, Council 112 4310
1999 Service fee 113 4901 8,815.16
491~5 Bobbie's Flower Basket 02291 Basket ferns, silk arrangement 111 3101 59.35
49193 Clallam County EDC 03067 4th Quarter Services-Dec 1998 111 49~20 6,250.00
4920] DiJulio Displays 04000 Downtown Christmas Decorations 111 4150 5,100.00
49206 Evergreen Meats 05033 City Breakfast supplies 111 4155 37.20
49213 Hansen's Trophy 08047 Engraving, plaque label 112 3101 13.27
49214 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Lumber 111 3101 40.03
49218 ICMA Distribution Center 09021 99 Subscription-Inquiry Svcs 111 4901 461.0(3
49231 MS Associates 13257 Carved Crystal Award 111 3101 369.37
49239 NLC Conference 14195 Conf Registr-Ibarra,Campbell,D 111 4310 425.00
Conf Registr-Ibarra,Campbell,D 112 4310 850.00
492/+8 Olympic Memorial Hospital 15028 Pre-employment physical-Thomas 113 4131 141.00
49250 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Business cards-Tim Smith 111 3101 21.15
49253 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Copy paper 111 4155 124.09
Tabs 111 3101 48.56
Stamp pads, labels,envelopes,pa 111 4155 14.51
Calendar refill, envelopes 111 ]101 ]6.47
Dividers, note pads, Lead 113 3101 23.~
Pen refills 111 3101 14.57
49255 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Maintenance agre-NP6412 111 ~10 32.37
Deskjet ink 111 4155 223.03
Reupholster chair 111 3101 129.4~S
Deskjet ink 111 4155 106.~
Deskjet ink 111 4155 106.71
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1~9 Page 4
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/19~
Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL C~e Amount
Number Hame Number Number
49260 Peninsula Daily News 16012 OPS Award-Liz Zenonian-Waud 111 4155 158.55
Applications for Vendor Lists 111 4410 16.50
49261 Peninsula Radiologists P.S. 16014 Pre-employment physical-Thomas 113 4131 24.00
49265 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 112 3101 7.91
Petty cash reimbursement 113 4150 5.64
49278 Safeway Inc. 19045 Cookies 111 3101 16.95
Cookies, coffee 111 3101 24.94
City Breakfast groceries 111 3101 32.90
Cookies, dispenser 111 3101 18.67
49302 Washington City,County Mgmt An 23044 I~ Dues-P Ibarra 111 4901 95.00
49305 Xerox Corporation 24001 Cabinet stand, paper tray 111 4530 70.94
Total for Administration 58,350.78
0002 ~87 Diversified Industries 04052 Copy Center Services-November 205 4150 1,210.00
48728 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursment 230 4210 11.85
Petty cash reimbursment 201 3101 14.98
48731 Price Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 11-24 Billing 230 3101 14.65
48733 Quill Corporation 17000 Calculators 230 3101 62.46
Calculators 240 3101 62.45
W-2s,1099s, envelopes 230 3101 210.31
~1 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 205 3101 163.14
Paper 201 3101 32.36
Paper 205 3101 210.33
Disk mailers 230 3101 28.83
Business card holders,paper 201 3101 16.03
Paper 205 3101 970.78
4~833 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 160(0 Service calculator 230 4810 31.29
Calculator 240 3101 214.72
Toner 201 3101 91.72
Returned calculator 240 3101 214.72-
48836 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Job announcement-Cashier 201 4410 65.92
Notice - Budget filing 201 4410 43.74
4~40 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 201 3101 43.12
Petty cash reimbursement 201 3101 30.09
4~59 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Rainwear 240 3101 96.97
Hand tools, hardware 240 3101 5.25
Rainwear- shoe cover 240 3101 12.81
48~52 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping services-November 201 4210 27.22
48907 Lucent Technologies 12215 12-2 Billing 201 4210 31.00
12-2 Billing 230 4210 38.75
12-2 Billing 240 4210 93.00
48922 Pitney Bowes Inc. 16018 Postage meter rental pe3-31-~ 205 4530 341.08
48923 Post~m~ster 16028 1st Class presort,bulk fee 205 4210 170.00
48925 Practitioners Publishing Co. 16173 GAAP Guide U~date 230 3101 67.17
48953 WFOA (WA Finance Officers Assn 23006 1999 Membership dues-K God, bey 201 4901 40.00
~955 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 12-3 Billing 201 4210 16.05
12-3 Billing 230 4210 38.99
12-3 Billing 240 4210 15.52
48958 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 November excise taxes 230 4950 16.16
48~7 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 12-15 Billing 240 4210 27.55
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 5
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL ¢~e Amount
Number Name Number Number
48~1 Federal Express Corp. 06022 Shipping services-November 201 4210 7.75
4~K)08 Microflex Inc. 13203 Tax audit proz2ram 230 4150 194.61
49015 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 230 3101 18.00
Petty cash reimbursement 240 3101 7.75
49020 Quill Corporation 17000 File box 230 3101 14.77
49033 WFOA (WA Finance Officers Assn 23006 ~ Membership dues-Ziomkowski 230 4901 40.00
49034 WMTA (WA Municipal Treasurer) 23243 99 Membership dues-Ziomkowski 230 4~1 20.00
4g045 Angeles Communications Inc 01069 Install network connection 240 4810 48.56
4~)~5 Armory Express Pizzeria 01340 Pizza for Clean-up Day 201 3101 45.29
4g~)71 Diversified Industries 04052 Copy Center svcs December 1998 205 4150 1,210.00
49074 Equifax - Credit Information 051(>0 Credit inquiries-December 240 4150 13.75
49123 Price Costco Crc~dit Card Pmts 03261 Air duster,tapes,monitor 201 3101 41.94
49143 TimeValue Software 20225 TValue Special Offer 230 3101 102.51
49145 US West Communications 210{)1 12-14 billing 201 4210 91.54
12-14 billing 230 4210 114.42
12-14 billing 240 /,210 274.61
49149 Viking Office Products 22054 Address Labels, staples, files 240 3101 62.33
Address labels, staples, files 230 3101 25.97
Address Labels/ staples, files 201 3101 4.29
49244 Olympic Delivery Service Inc. 15020 Delivery services-November 240 4150 64.70
December delivery services 240 4150 136.69
49247 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Cleaning services 201 3101 12.85
49249 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper 205 3101 150.20
49250 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Envelopes 240 3101 895.14
Receiving stamp 230 3101 16.19
Business cards-Finance 240 3101 105.75
Business cards-Finance 230 3101 21.15
49253 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Finger grips 230 3101 17.48
Business cards, envelopes, pen 201 3101 26.60
Stamp pads, labels,envelopes,pa 240 3101 62.36
Stamp pads, labels,envelopes,pa 230 3101 71.57
Stamp pads, labels,envelopes,pa 201 3101 1.86
49255 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Labor, typewriter spring 230 3101 33.18
Cassette 240 3101 36.77
Paper 240 3101 94.41
Calculator tape 240 3101 40.~
Paper 240 3101 19.42
Return Calculator tape 240 3101 40.46-
49260 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Ordinanace Summary-3003-3005 201 4410 24.00
49268 Postmaster 16028 Permit mailings #67 205 ~10 5,000.00
49272 Quill Corporation 170{~ Computer paper,calculator,pens 240 3101 307.00
Computer paper,calculator,pens 230 3101 51.47
49305 Xerox Corporation 24001 Form feeder,modem, line device 205 4530 2,050.32
49306 Ziomkowski, Yvonne 26011 Reimbursemnt-Sr. Accountant Ad 230 4410 75.00
Total for Finance 15,963.77
4~577 Clallam County District Ct I 03069 November 1998 Courts costs 311 5090 5,342.96
48709 Michie 13118 WA Employment publication 311 3101 119.49
48720 Ortloff Atty. at Law, Kimberly 151~ Legal Services-October 1998 311 5090 135.50
Legal Services -November 1998 311 5090 158.50
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 6
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
4~29 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Time cards-Attny, Park,Utility 311 3101 36.00
48831 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 311 3101 32.36
Business card holders,paper 311 3101 1.53
4~33 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Toner 311 3101 68.52
Drive floppy 311 4810 26.98
48840 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Lunch meeting 311 4150 24.82
48902 IMLA (Int. Municipal Lawyers) 09084 1~8 Conf R~istr-C Knutson 311 3101 58.00
4~K)7 Lucent Technologies 12215 12-2 Billing 311 4210 54.25
4~912 Michie 13118 Legal publishings 311 3101 69.85
~955 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 12-3 Billing 311 4210 10.27
48959 West Group 23018 Legal publishings 311 3101 534.01
/~982 Clallam County Sheriff's Dept. 03074 Civil process-A R~ers 311 5090 14.80
49015 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03(~52 Petty cash reimbursement 311 4210 15.00
4~56 CD Law Inc. 03104 WA Statutes & Decisions Update 311 3101 162.90
49059 Captain T's 0304~ Polos, embroidery 311 3101 42.09
4~)61 Clallam County District Ct I 03069 Court costs December 1998 311 5090 3,546.41
49064 Clallam Jefferson Public Dfndr 03274 Public Defender fees for Jan 311 4150 2,500.00
49083 Gish Atty at Law, Steven C. 07245 Legal services-Bishop, Phillips 311 5090 640.50
49111 Norris, Law Ofc of W. Kenneth 14448 Prof Svcs-May-August 311 50~) 628.65
Prof Svcs - June-September 311 5090 3?9.80
Professional svcs 01-05-99 311 5090 156.60
49114 Ortloff Atty. at Law, Kimberly 151~ Legal Services-December 311 50~) 2~.25
49145 US West Communications 21001 12-14 billing 311 4210 160.19
49235 Michie 13118 Law publications 311 3101 61.76
49242 Norris, Law Ofc of W. Kenneth 14448 Prof Svcs-M Hass 311 5090 511.20
49265 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 311 4210 10.75
49276 Ritchie & Strohmeyer 18242 Legal Svcs-Fi le#N608598ca-4067 311 5090 202.50
49303 West Group 23018 Legal publishings 311 3101 1,081.97
Total for Atty 17,071.41
4~776 Angeles Millwork 010~ Hubs 411 3101 52.44
48831 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 411 3101 32.36
4~36 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Notice-Downtown Parking 411 4~+10 22.62
Notice-Environmental Policy 411 4410 55.80
Determination-Rayonier 411 4410 108.58
Determination-City of PA 411 4410 45.24
Ordinance Summary #3002 411 z~+10 19.60
Determination-J Westrem 411 4410 40.72
Conditional use permit approva 411 4410 17.34
z~840 Port Angeles City Treasurer 030(~ Petty cash reimbursement 411 3101 44.38
~907 Lucent Technol~ies 12215 12-2 Billing 411 4210 31.00
48955 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 12-3 Billing 411 4210 30.62
49059 Captain T's 03048 Polos, embroidery 411 3101 127.60
49145 US West Communications 21001 12-14 billing 411 4210 91.54
49253 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Pens,correction tape 411 3101 66.00
Pen refill 411 3101 1.14
File folders 411 3101 11.17
Calendar 411 3101 5.14
49260 Peninsula Daily News 16012 NOtice-Rainbow Signs 411 4410 57.30
Determination-Port of PA 411 4410 1(~+.06
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 7
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Notice-City of Port Angeles 411 4410 32.42
Determination-Lee Notel/Housin 411 4410 56.55
Determination-Daishowa 411 4410 102.54
Notice-City of Port Angeles 411 4410 32.42
Notice-Amend Titles 14,15,11,1 411 4410 55.80
Determination-City of PA 411 4410 65.60
Ordinanace Summary-3003-3005 411 4410 12.0(]
Determination-J Westrem 411 4410 128.26
Determination-City of PA 411 4410
Determination-City of PA 411 4410 41.34
Total for Planning 1,532.14
0005 48~3 AT&T Wireless Services 2CX)00 11-28 Billing 530 4210 34.75
48671 Boys & Girls Club of Sequim 02420 Start-up funding assistance 530 4150 15,000.D[)
4~572 Brodsky's Uniforms 02219 Body armor 530 2(~BO 654.47
48692 Forks, City of 06075 November Board Bill 512 5099 1,620.00
4~98 FACES 06212 Composite picture software 530 4810 59.90
48~0 Port Angeles Police Department 16105 Reimburse petty cash 534 4990 30.81
Reimburse petty cash 534 4210 1.00
Reimburse petty cash 530 49~) 28.64
Reimburse petty cash 530 4210 7.65
Reimburse petty cash 530 ~10 6.96
Reimburse petty cash 530 4210 7.42
Reimburse petty cash 530 4210 8.95
Reimburse petty cash 530 4310 10.00
48ir53 Quill Corporation 17000 Envelopes,pads,post-its,pens 534 3101 64.71
Envelopes/pads/post-its/pens 511 3101 19.22
Disks,pens,tape,highliters, 530 3101 39.82
Video tapes 530 3101 14.51
Labels, shelves, box, stamp 534 3101 156.74
48752 WA Assn of Sheriffs & Police 23003 Monitoring Svc-October 512 5099 3~.00
~757 Washington (OOH), State of 23439 Register Control Substance-K 530 4980 35.00
48758 West Group 23018 Legal publications 530 3101 50.71
48785 Camera Corner 03044 Prints 530 49z20 39.39
Processing 530 4990 9.66
Processing 530 4990 33.26
48796 Evergreen Collision Center Inc 0320? Towing services 530 4150 52.87
Towing services 530 4150 52.87
48831 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 534 3101 129.~
Index tabs, binder, acct bc~k 530 4980 56.14
~33 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16(X)4 Maintenance agreement-NP1020 511 4810 32.37
Maintenance agreement-NP3050 534 ~I0 53.95
Maintenance agreement-NP6230 534 ~10 167.35
Disk zip, drive zip 534 4810 205.01
Credit Data XI Mat 534 ~10 64.74-
Crodit Data XI-Mat 534 4810 64.74-
~36 Peninsula Daily News 16012 6 Month subscription (Police) 511 49D1 52.50
48&49 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Wig wag for headlights 530 4810 96.03
4~59 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Shoes 530 20~) 161.71
Hardware for drug locker 530 4980 34.75
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 8
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
ArmoraLl 530 3101 25.33
Trash bags 530 3101 14.11
48862 United ParceL Service 21005 Shipping services-November 534 4210 10.16
48898 Gateway 2000 07195 Computers, monitors, software 530 6410 4,570.64
Computer, monitor, software 530 6410 1,878.54
48907 Lucent Technologies 12215 12-2 Billing 511 4210 54.25
12-2 Billing 534 4210 38.75
12-2 Billing 530 4210 7.75
48908 Lynn Peavey Company 12056 ID envelopes,evidence tubes,ta 530 3101 176.53
Evidence tubes 530 3101 198.70
Check protector bag 530 3101 17.00
48919 Olympic Memorial Hospital 15028 Services for Case #P009819547 530 3112 74.25
48955 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 12-3 Billing 511 4210 14.85
12-3 Billing 534 4210 5.67
12-3 Billing 530 4210 70.38
48967 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 12-15 Billing 530 4210 35.49
12-15 Billing 530 4210 9.39
12-15 Billing 530 4210 23.20
12-15 Billing 530 4210 9.39
12-15 Billing 530 4210 9.79
12-15 Billing 530 4210 9.39
12-15 Billing 530 4210 9.39
12-15 Bi lling 530 4210 10.51
12-15 Billing 530 4210 74.81
48978 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Badge 530 3111 290.97
Strobe light, mounting kit 530 3101 156.75
48981 Clallam County Humane Society 03072 Contract Payment-December 530 4150 3,325.00
48982 Clallam County Sheriff's Dept. 03074 Inmate care-October 1998 512 5099 29,300.32
4th Qtr AFIS services 530 4150 675.00
49020 Quill Corporation 17000 Cassettes, envelopes, labels 530 3101 86.11
Cassettes, envelopes, labels 534 3101 25.84
49025 Solutions Group, The 19476 Furniture station 534 4810 3,519.12
49029 US West Communications 21001 12-20 billing 534 4210 219.65
49042 AT&T Wireless Services 20000 12-26 Billing 5304210 60.91
49053 BratWear 02245 Unifor~navy jumpsuit 530 2080 332.25
49055 Brown's Inc. 02056 Cassette player, microphone 530 3101 I~.23
49080 6TE/ERS Inc. 07005 Radar,doppler traffic 530 4810 69.33
49090 In The Line of Duty Inc. 09005 Annual subscription 530 4150 749.91
49121 Port Angeles Police Department 16105 Petty cash reimbursement 530 4210 41.69
Petty cash reimbursement 534 3101 11.~
Petty cash reimbursement 530 3101 5.39
Petty cash reimbursement 511 3101 4.41
Petty cash reimbursement 530 49~) 17.85
49123 Price Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Air duster,tapes,monitor 534 3101 35.14
49124 Public Disclosure Commission 16412 Public Disclosure records 530 4990 8.50
49138 Staples 19564 Computer cart 534 3101 183.42
Fax mc~em 511 3101 161.80
49145 US West Communications 21001 12-14 billing 511 4210 160.19
12-14 billing 534 4210 114.42
12-14 billing 530 4210
49146 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping services-December 530 4210 17.15
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 9
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
49148 Van Meter & Associates Inc 22075 Registration-Riepe, Gallagher 530 4310 200.00
49190 Camera Corner 03044 Process prints 530 4990 46.45
Process prints 530 4990 18.95
Process prints 530 4990 15.25
Process prints 530 4990 6.22
Process prints 530 4~0 12.69
49194 Clallam County Sheriff's Dept. 03074 November 1998 inmate care 512 5099 18,653.~
49195 Copies Plus 03091 Foam mounts 530 3101 22.~
49197 Coyle, Steve 03093 Reimburse uniform expense 530 2080 3~.34
49209 Forks, City of 0~)75 December board bill 512 5099 720.00
49219 Ilk, Steve 09024 Reimburse air fare-Las Vegas 511 4310 202.00
49249 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Kraft wrap 530 3101 35.78
49253 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Name tags, paper 534 3101 16.81
Pen refills, all weather pad 530 3101 6.65
Transparency film 530 3101 12.93
49255 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 160(0~ Repair arm on furniture 530 4810 43.16
Maintenance agre-NPl020 511 /~BIO 32.37
Maintenance agre-NP3050 534 4810 53.95
Maintenance agre-NP6230 534 4810 167.35
Toner 511 3101 63.66
Speaker labtec 511 3101 21.53
Calculator ribbon 534 3101 4.26
Data XI-Mat 534 4810 64.74
49260 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Notice-Meeting change 534 4410 12.~
49275 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Repair d~r activation buttons 530 4810 48.55
Repair syntor mic, cable 530 4810 41.00
Repair radio line 530 3114 194.22
Replace radio A relay, labor 530 3114 58.00
Connector, audio module, labor 530 3114 149.17
49288 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Work boots 530 2080 161.71
Uniform shirt 533 2080 34.25
Plumbing 584 3120 8.57
Polaroid film 530 3101 189.72
Return film 530 3101 173.68-
Film 530 3101 160.45
49290 Thurman Supply 20005 Chrome handle, faucet 584 3120 59.32
49296 WA Assn of Sheriffs & Police 23003 Electronic Monitoring Svc-Nov 512 50~) 126.50
49297 WA State Crime Prevention Assn 230~ 19<2<) Membership-E $chilke 530 4901 50.00
49298 WA State Law Enforcement 23241 99 Membership E Zappey 530 4901 20.00
99 Membership-G W~ 530 4901 20.00
99 Membership-M Silva 530 4901 20.00
493{)0 WACA - Edmonds 23375 1999 WACA Dues - M McCawley 530 4901 20.00
49303 West Group 23018 Legal publishings 530 3101 45.86
Total for Police ~,352.85
48~53 AT&T Wireless Services 20000 11-28 Billing 611 4210 24.24
12-01 Billing 611 4210 15.45
~9 Firefighter's B~kstore 06(F~2 Hazardous Materials books 641 3101 650.59
48719 Olympic Memorial Hospital 15028 Dipine shot administration 643 3101 4.17
48724 Physio Control Corporation 16017 Battery support system 641 6410 1,812.38
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 19)9 Page 10
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/199)
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
48725 Pierce County 16410 Trench rescue class-R Gunn 641 4310 300.00
48728 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03~2 Petty cash reimbursment 611 3101 48.54
48729 Port Angeles Fire Department 16025 Reimburse petty cash 611 3101 36.84
48731 Price Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 11-24 Billing ~4 3120 66.82
48~4 Reid, Terry 18007 Reimburse clothing allowance 645 3101 39.77
48735 Bobotronics 18151 Dalmation costume 642 3101 442.39
48749 Sunpro 19100 1999 Annual Maint-Access Shell 642 4901
487~ AWC Assn of Washington Cities 01080 Registration-B Becket 648 4310 65.00
48767 Accent Publishing 0129) FireArt 3 color windows 643 3101 88.~
48768 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Gas can 641 3501 18.29
Plugs 641 3501 7.28
48770 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01(~51 Fluorescent light, wire, me,Jul 6~,~10 367.44
/~1~773 Angeles Communications Inc 01(~59 Repair network connection 611 3101 ~.56
48776 Angeles Millwork 01073 Latex caulk, masking tape 684 4810 3.37
48778 Avery's Cameras 11016 Processing 642 3101 4.65
48780 Bebe Co., Channing L. 02415 Fire Safety B~k 642 3101 184.73
48782 Boise Marketing Services 02416 Helmet 642 3101 190.05
48787 Copies Plus 03091 Laminating 648 3101 9.17
4879) Ferrellgas (Inc) 06024 Propane 684 4710 204.32
48805 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Panel, adhesive, divider 684 4810 572.84
4~;~22 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Belt 684 4810 5.01
Small parts cleaner 643 4810 32.36
48~27 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Cleaning services 641 49)0 21.31
48831 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Labels, stick on letters 611 3101 24.98
Post it notes, letters 611 3101 10.79
~35 Pen Print Inc. 1(~)(~) CPR basic cards 6/,3 3108 155.38
/~B838 Pettit Oil Company 16302 Disposable filters 684 4810 185.59
48849 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Portable radio 641 3114 9~)8.02
Replace broken case, labor 644 4810 54.~
~857 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Hydro test gas cylinders 641 3101 132.07
Worm drive saw, carrying case 6~+1 3101 302.93
48859 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Dishwashing so~p 684 3120 5.98
Concrete cleaner, outlet 684 4810 18.28
Film, sound 643 3101 13.99
Electrical supplies 643 4810 13.78
48863 WA State Patrol 23057 Registration-K Denton 645 4310 2,157.00
48873 American Hearing 01357 Ear molds 641 3101 733.72
~906 Life Assist 12202 Synetron gloves 643 3101 ~2.18
Stethoscope, trauma box,shears (>43 3101 407.12
EMS Field Guide 643 3101 134.23
Stair chair (>43 3101 624.45
~907 Lucent Technologies 12215 12-2 Billing 611 4210 38.75
12-2 Billing 642 4210 7.75
12-2 Billing 643 4210 7.75
12-2 Billing 641 4210 23.25
48911 McKeen, Deniel 13110 Transportation to SeaTac 01-02 645 4310 80.00
~914 Music World Travel 13071 Airfare to WA DC 01/02/99-D Mc 645 4310 515.50
4~942 Stephens Publishing Company 19392 Fire Safety balloons,clips, lab 642 3101 353.46
~955 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 12-3 Billing 611 4210 22.93
12-3 Billing 643 4210 5.93
12-3 Billing 641 4210 2.01
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - ~K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 11
Date From 12/05/1~)8 To 01/15/19~7
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
48967 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 12-15 Billing 611 4210 9.39
12-15 Billing 611 4210 1.92
12-15 Billing 611 4210 3.84
12-15 Billing 611 4210 4.23
12-15 Billing 611 4210 31.82
12-15 Billing 611 4210 12.12
12-15 Billing 611 4210 .78
48971 All-Luminum Products 01395 Folding cot 648 3101 614.45
48978 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Jacket, emblem, shirt, belt 641 2080 416.86
Uniform Pants 643 2080 113.30
Uniform pants 641 2080 113.30
Pants 641 2080 113.32
Pants 641 2~0 113.30
Uniform-shirt,emblems 643 2~0 119.95
48995 Gig Harbor Silkscreen 07199 Helmet shields 641 3101 136.14
49003 Larry's Janitor Service 12040 Janitor svcs-Dec,tissue,towels 684 4150 251.75
Janitor svcs-Dec,tissue,towels 6~ 3120 251.75
49016 Port Angeles Fire Department 16025 Petty cash reimbursement 611 3101 ~.32
49024 SeaWestern Inc. 19104 Uniform-Coats, pants 641 3111 2,CF~7.93
49042 AT&T Wireless Services 20000 12-26 Billing 611 4210 24.24
1-01 billing 611 ~I0 17.03
49052 Board for Volunteer Fireftrs 02022 Pension fund remittance ~ 4901 1,960.00
49059 Captain T's 03048 Jacket, embroidery ~ 3111 237.05
4~2 Clallam County EMS/Trauma Care 03~8 Medic I Advisory for January 643 4150 500.00
490~ Curtis & Sons Irc, L.N. 03098 Return fitting, nipple 641 3501 76.02-
Phoschek foam 641 3101 299.74
Handtight fitting,seal,nipple 641 3501 112.81
49069 Disney Educational Productions 04261 Rescue Ranger Fire Safety Vide 642 3101 112.53
49073 Dyna Med Inc. 04034 Disposal container, cartridge 643 3101 153.44
4~)95 Kolleen's Korner 11166 Mats, fitting 642 3101 /+4.52
49(~7 Lincare Inc. 12134 Refill Cylinder-K 643 3101 20.00
49100 M & P Garage Doors 13100 Repair doors 684 4810 729.40
491~ Price Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Air duster,tapes,monitor 684 3101 224.55
49145 US West Communications 21001 12-14 billing 611 4210 114.42
12-14 billing ~ 4210 22.88
12-14 billing 643 4210 22.88
12-14 billing 641 4210 68.65
49150 WA State Assr Fire Marshall 23047 1999 Membership - Dan McKeen 642 4901 75.00
Register-D McKeen,B Becket 645 4310 215.00
49155 WSAFC 23304 1999 Membership-Becker,~ues 611 4901 660.00
49168 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Sharpen chain 644 4810 8.CF~
49195 Copies Plus 03091 Laminating 611 3101 8.~79
49220 Int'l Assoc of Fire Chiefs 090~ OSHA Publication 645 3101 12.00
49237 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Clamp 644 4810 1.79
Antifreeze 641 3101 7.54
Car wash 643 4810 12.93
49247 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Cleaning services 641 4990 4.48
49249 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper 611 3101 104.34
Cleaner, dc~odorizer, mat 684 3101 78.13
49250 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Business cards-Fire Dept 611 3101 84.59
Business cards-Fire 611 3101 21.15
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 12
Date From 12/05/1~8 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL C~e Amount
Number Name Number Number
49253 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Thank you cards,p~d,protectors 611 3101 15.87
Cassette, folder labels 611 3101 47.14
Day planner, letter trays 643 3101 18.89
Post it pads, paper, foam core 611 3101 38.42
49255 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Toner 611 3101 85.24
Toner 611 3101 85.24
49257 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 Paint 648 3120 19.69
49275 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Radio repair 644 3114 118.37
Bone mike for portable radio 644 4810 347.43
492~ Schmitt's Sheet Metal Inc. 19007 Furnish/install hockS,duct,fan 684 4810 1,920.62
492~ Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Hydro test gas cylinder 641 3101 148.58
C lamp 644 ~I0 3.53
492~ Swain's General Store Inc. 19~)37 Surge protector,mop head,soap 64~ 4810 29.44
Gas can, k~lts, nuts, washer 644 4810 10.30
Duct tape, hand lotion 643 ~10 15.84
Power tools, hand tools, blade 641 3101 255.41
WD-40 643 4810 5.33
49290 Thurman Supply 20005 PVC cap, PVC cement, pipe 642 3101 7.02
Total for Fire 26,417.03
0007 48718 Olympic Electric Co. Inc. 15024 Fluorescent lamps 784 3101 324.24
48728 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursment 711 3101 5.38
Petty cash reimbursment 711 4210 32.00
48762 Zenovic & Associates 26216 Prof Svcs-Port pe 11-25-98 711 49~ 270.00
~769 Air Control Inc. 01058 Filters 784 3101 462.51
48785 Camera Corner 03044 Reprints, processing 711 3101 15.08
Photos 711 3101 7.15
Photo processing 711 3101 4.34
~ Financial Systems Products ~208 Reader/printer, fiche carrier 711 6410 7,727.98
~ Insight Direct Inc. 09(~5 Hard drive for server PW1 711 6499 567.55
~2 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Hose clamp 711 3101 2.70
48827 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Cleaning services 784 3101 1,016.09
4~28 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper towels, cleaner 784 3101 63.15
Clear liner 7843101 64.87
Paper towels, bathroom tissue 784 3101 202.02
Disinfectant,dispenser,hand so 784 3101 89.40
~29 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Time card$-Attny,Park,Utility 711 3101 145.31
4~31 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Pencils, scissors, p~d 711 3101 47.38
Highlighter pens, pen refills 711 3101 8.64
Paper 711 3101 22.65
~33 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Book-Lotus 711 3101 21.57
48836 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Job announcement-Engineer Mgr 711 4410 96.80
Job announcement-Engineer 711 4410 75.40
48840 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 711 4310 24.(~)
~ Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Fixed bail, wheel assembly 711 3101 67.86
Tractor,mower,brush mower,edge 711 ~+10 3,223.31
Tire and wheel, assembly 711 3101 81.79
48849 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Install battery power supply 784 4150 188.82
~57 Sunset D~It Best Hardware 19035 Gloves, cement, broom 711 3101 182.~
4~59 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Paint, accessories ?84 3101 13.22
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 13
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
48862 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping services-November 711 3101 11.82
48867 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 230(0, Extinguisher 711 3501 43.16
/~8870 APWA/Amer. Public Works Assn 01359 Membership fee-J Pittis 711 4901 330.00
48880 Burke, Joseph 02083 Fire Sprinkler System Rebate 700 9211 5(X).O0
488~5 City Engineer's Assn of WA 03002 19~9 Membership-J Pittis 711 4901 70.0{)
~907 Lucent Technol~ies 12215 12-2 Billing 711 4210 23.25
12-2 Billing 711 4210 15.50
12-2 Billing 711 4210 178.24
48955 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 NT 4.0 Workstation license 711 3101 947.51
12-3 Billing 711 4210 10.75
12-3 Billing 711 4210 77.92
48962 Zee Medical Service Co. 26005 First aid supplies 711 3101 63.98
48967 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 12-15 billing 711 4210 9.39
48979 CED/Consolidated Elec. Dist. Inc 03267 Lamps 784 3101 523.40
489~ Complete Line, The 03087 Binder clips, roll file, tape 711 3101 271.40
Wire roll file 711 3101 130.94
~9~4 Computerworld 03033 Annual subscription 711 4901 42.09
49001 Honeywell Inc. 08030 Thermostats 784 3101 179.04
49029 US West Communications 21001 12-5 Billing 711 3101 41.76
49044 American Public Power Assn 01031 Public Works Publications 711 3101 37.00
49(}45 Angeles Communications Inc 01069 Wired phone and network 7843101 2~.~
49049 Betzvog Lighting 02239 Lamp 784 3101 35.28
49~7 Dept of Labor & Industries 04045 Boiler inspection fee 784 4810 15.60
49085 Graybar Electric Co. Inc. 07040 Junction box cover 784 3120 8.09
Trunk base, cover, transition 784 3120 48.95
Trunk transition 784 3120 11.99
Trunk end cap 784 3120 14.51
Junction box cover 784 3101 8.09
Trunk transition 7~ 3101 11.40
49093 Kenworthy, Gary 11013 Vehicle mileage reimbursement 711 4310 15.00
49133 Smith & Associates Inc.,David 19122 Digital photo mosaic 711 3101 1,240.85
49145 US West Communications 21001 12-14 billing 711 4210 6~0.76
491~ United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping services-December 711 4210 11.91
49161 Zenovic & Associates 26216 Engineering srevices-4th & A 711 4150 175.00
49170 All Weather Heating-CoolingInc 01060 Duct 7~ 3101 48.56
49176 Angeles Millwork 010~ Bit, wrench, screwdriver 784 3101 18.27
4919(~ Camera Corner 03044 Prints 711 3101 4.02
Photo processing 711 3101 5.28
Photo processing 711 3101 6.53
Batteries 711 3101 17.04
49216 IAPMO 0~59 1999 Membership dues-Haehnlen 711 49(}1 150.00
49217 ICBO (Int'l Conference of 09001 Certification renewal-Haehnlen 711 4901 30.00
UBC Softcover Volume I 711 4990 735.87
49226 King Co. Dept. of Trans. 11168 Registr-G Kenworthy 711 4310 225.00
49249 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Air freshener,squeegee, cleaner 784 3101 93.39
Cleaner,deodorizer,paper towel 784 3101 100.64
Paper towels, trash liners 784 3101 94.20
Bathroom cleaner, tissue, soap 784 3101 270.38
49250 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Business Cards-Haehnlen,Gloor 711 3101 63.45
49253 OLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Scissors 711 3101 3.98
49255 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16(X)4 Color cartridge, toner 711 3101 196.38
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 19~ Page 14
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/19<20
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
49259 Parsinen Landscape Maintenance 16258 Nuisance cleanup-1833 W 5th 711 3101 218.50
49265 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 711 3101 5.00
49267 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Bar wrench, hose plug 784 3101 15.27
49272 Quill Corporation 17000 Pens,correction tape,dividers 711 3101 34.49
49286 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Fluid, snap, rope 784 3101 31.46
492~ Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Batteries 711 3101 12.53
Hardware 784 3101 5.36
Hardware 784 3101 5.27
Return hardware supplies 784 3101 1.29-
49290 Thurman Supply 20(0)5 Fasteners 784 3101 4.14
Fastener, fluorescent bulb 78/+3101 7.16
Tube 784 3101 34.83
49305 Xerox Corporation 24001 Cabinet stand, paper tray 711 4530 70.94
Copier Lease Agreement-Nov 711 4530 728.89
Total for Public Works 24,302.29
~ 48667 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 C Kochanek pe 11-30-98 866 4150 675.92
48679 Clallam Jefferson CAC Inc. 03022 Deposit rfd-Vern Burton 865 9457 40.00
48690 First Presbyterian Church 06113 Damage deposit rfd-Senior Ctr 863 9608 150.00
48694 Grainger Inc. 07015 Fluorescent battery packs 862 3120 298.38
48699 Jackson's Signs 10018 Banner deposit 865 6510 458.58
48702 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 Radial bearing 865 3120 15.29
Radial bearing 865 3120 17.60
48?4? Stull and Cheryl Stull, Peter 19282 Rfd payment for banner space 811 9615 90.00
48?53 WA Recreation & Park Assn/WRPA 23007 Membership- J Hicks 861 4901 90.00
48?68 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Mower wheel belt 865 3120 24.12
Piston, starter recoil 865 3120 23.25
4~770 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Fluorescent bulb 863 3120 21.73
Lamps 865 3120 336.57
48776 Angeles Millwork 01073 Wrench, groove joint 865 3120 18.33
Battery 865 3501 66.62
Concrete mix 8663120 10.32
Barrel bolt, zinc bolt 865 3120 17.01
Lumber 865 3t20 15.26
Hex cap, washers,hex nut,tape 865 3120 16.53
Hex cap, hex nut 865 3120 .80
Laminate 863 3120 44.80
Cordless hammer drill 865 3501 302.11
Lexan panels 865 6510 413.26
Screws 865 6510 12.08
Box, hardware 865 6510 12.48
Hardware 865 3120 1.88
Lumber 865 3120 185.83
File 865 3120 2.86
48781 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Parking bumpers 865 3120 76.73
Drain rock 865 3140 79./+4
Crushed rock 865 3140 96.86
Ballards 865 3120 97.11
Concrete mix 865 3120 9.39
48785 Camera Corner 03044 Slides 811 3101 18.88
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 15
Oate From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
48788 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Thinner, gavton, brush 865 3120 49.31
Oil 8663120 19.42
48793 Dobson's 04054 Hose, hex clamp, fitting, tape 865 3120 54.93
Coupling 8455 3120 17.22
Fitting, coupling 865 3120 14.85
4~05 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Trim roller, bolts, hex nut ~55 3120 5.36
Cement ~55 3120 24.89
Leather palm glove 865 3120 12.93
Nutsetter, weathertuff 865 3101 22.37
Nails 865 6510 1.39
Door weatherstrip 865 3120 57.03
48807 Hospital Foundation 08373 Damage deposit rfd-Vern Burton 865 9457 195.00
48815 L & L Tool Specialties 12035 Screwdriver set/ wrench set 865 3501 97.02
Tool box 865 3501 37.74
/~B818 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Sheet metal, cutting services 865 3120 10.88
48820 Mayflower Horticulture Service 13425 Nov consultation contract pmt 865 4150 593.45
48827 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Cleaning services 861 3120 6.59
Cleaning services 861 3120 6.59
48828 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper 862 3101 168.00
Trash bags,paper towels,tissue 865 3101 144.53
Wet mop 863 3120 10.74
Bowl cleaner 862 3120 6.93
Paper towels 863 3120 37.12
Paper towels, bathroom tissue 861 3101 85.94
Mop, cleaner,applicator 865 3101 30.02
Cleaner, disposable gloves 863 3120 23.45
Paper towels, hand soap 863 3120 64.98
48829 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Time cards-Attny,Park,Utility 865 3101 120.00
Time Cards-Pool 862 3101 134.88
48833 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Printer, memory 863 6410 909.59
Printer, memory 861 6410 909.60
Printer, memory 811 (>410 909.60
Calculator ink rolls 862 3101 21.58
4~834 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 Paint 865 3120 29.73
Chip brush 865 3120 2.21
Paint 865 3120 101.05
~36 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Great Pumpkin Oktoberfest 861 4410 105.70
Job announcement-Park Counselo 861 4410 95.15
48838 Pettit Oil Company 16302 Kerosene 865 3120 8.09
48840 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 862 3101 9.99
Petty cash reimbursement 862 9451 42.50
488/,2 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Tie down 865 3120 22.61
/~B844 Pro Rentals Inc. 16034 Credit Inv#PA337938 paid twice 862 3101 32.65-
48857 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Plastic, bowl brush 865 3120 3.66
Cap 865 3120 3.84
Plug, bushing, coupling 865 3140 2.56
Adjustable wrench 865 3501 14.56
Battery 862 3120 20.24
48859 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Pesticide 865 3120 14.58
Paint, accessories 865 3120 3.36
Electrical, paint, accessories 861 3101 10.48
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 16
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Cc~Je Amount
Number Name Number Number
Pesticide 865 3140 18.43
Rope, gloves 8~>6 3120 5.90
Lawn, garden 865 3140 18.43
Rope 866 3120 3.51
Hand tools, hardware 865 3120 15.6~)
Automotive supplies 8~ 3120 29.79
Shovel E~55 3501 24.25
Hand tools ~55 3501 29.07
Gloves 865 3120 18.57
Plumbing supplies 865 3140 5.25
Trailer strap 865 3120 9.68
Supplies for the Pool 862 3101 68.58
Automotive, hand tools, hardwa 865 3501 56.64
Insoles 866 3120 18.06
Distilled water 862 3101 6.28
Drill bits 865 3120 4.36
Paint/ accessories/ panel 863 3120 24.25
Gloves 86~3120 93.96
48~50 Thurman Supply 20005 Rubber, jack plate, connector 861 3120 61.79
Bell wire,wire nuts,count box 865 3101 11.97
Downspout, contact cement 862 3120 17.~
Light tube 865 3120 192.67
Rain gutter, bulb changer kit 865 3120 119.67
Hal~en flcx~light 865 3120 22.64
Appliance tube 863 3120 21.56
Appliance tube 863 3120 21.56
Downspout 865 3120 4.21
Union rake 865 3120 24.58
Snap wye, snap cap, valve box 865 3140 26.86
PVC water, pipe 865 3140 12.(~5
Gate valve,teflon tape, nipple 865 3140 ~.25
Halogen floodlight 865 3120 11.32-
Bracket, downspout elbow 865 3120 23.46
Downspout, silicone caulk 865 3120 26.00
Downspout bracket, fasteners 865 3120 3.09
~71 ARC Architects 01078 Prof Svcs pe 11/98-PA Pool 862 6510 12,515.31
48907 Lucent Technolczjies 12215 12-2 Billing 811 4210 23.25
12-2 Billing 8~>6 4210 7.75
12-2 Billing 865 4210 7.75
12-2 Billing 861 4210 15.50
12-2 Billing ~2 4210 7.75
12-2 Billing 863 4210 23.25
48930 Quiring Monuments Inc. 17001 Monument-US Coast Guard ~6 3401 764.00
Marker-Johns ~ 3401 155.00
Marker-E Kelly ~ 3401 243.00
48931 Rainier Richlite Company 18312 Laminate, panels 865 3120 730.11
48934 Restaurant Appliance Svc Inc. 18168 Steam hose,valve kit,host,valv 863 3120 250.87
Steam hose 863 3120 49.36
48939 Sears Commercial Cr~it Centrl 191~ Washer, electric dryer 865 3501 776.86
48955 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 12-3 Billing 811 4210 5.~
12-3 Billing ~ 4210 9.94
~/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 17
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
12-3 Billing 865 4210 .18
?2-3 Billing 861 4210 59.46
12-3 Billing 862 4210 .09
12-3 Billing 863 4210 4.(~5
48958 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 November excise taxes ~ 9431 6.89
November excise taxes 866 9435 15.55
November excise taxes 866 9436 8.23
November excise taxes 866 9426 10.49
November excise taxes 866 9430 31.89
November excise taxes 866 9434 17.06
November excise taxes 862 9450 179.82
November excise taxes 862 9452 29.55
November exclse taxes ~2 9454 7.93
November excise taxes 862 9455 1.86
November exc~se taxes 865 9457 218.44
November excise taxes ~2 9451 113.07
November excise taxes 862 9626 60.99
~967 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 11-15 Billing 861 4210 9.39
12-15 Billing 861 4210 19.43
11-15 Billing 861 42+210 18.78
12-15 Billing 861 4210 28.17
48973 American Red Cross 01032 CPR/PP/Life Guard cards 862 3101 165.00
49015 Port Angeles City Treasurer 05062 Petty cash reimbursement 861 3199 13.25
49029 US West Communications 21(X)1 12-2 Billing 863 4210 32.57
12-2 Billing ~53 4210 47.18
12-14 Billing 862 4210 40.96
12-14 Bi lling 865 4210 38.23
12-14 Bi lling 862 4210 42+2.52
49041 AT&T Business Service 01085 12-13 Billing 862 4210 6.13
49122 Port Angeles School Dist #121 16123 Sand-High School soccer field 865 3120 2,009.10
49123 Price Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Air duster,tapes,monitor 811 3101 20.48
49145 US West Communications 21001 12-14 billing 811 4210 68.65
12-14 billing 866 4210 22.88
12-14 billing 865 4210 22.88
12-14 billing 861 4210 45.77
12-14 billing 862 4210 22.88
12-14 billing 863 4210 68.65
12-14 Bi lling 863 4210 35.18
491~ United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping services-December 862 4210 12.39
49162 Jackson's Signs 10018 Bal Welcome to Port Angeles 811 4150 458.57
49168 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Brush cutter 865 6510 378.78
Carburetor kit, filter, clutch 865 3120 85.67
Carburetor kit 865 3120 11.81
49169 ALL Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Fluorescent lamp 863 3120 83.52
49176 Angeles Millwork 01073 Drillbit 865 3120 8.55
Tape 865 3120 2.42
Clear sealant,hinges,plywood 865 3120 51.60
Lumber 865 3120 80.53
Staples, hex cap, washer 865 3120 5.56
Staples 865 3120 .98
Brush 865 3120 6.32
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 18
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Oescription GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
49190 Camera Corner 03044 SLides, film/ slide film 865 4810 21.87
49204 Dobson"s 04054 Motor oil, fitting 865 3120 23.46
49214 HartnageL Building Supply Inc. 08052 Putty knife, gloves 865 3120 7.06
Brush, rags 865 3120 3.46
Paint, sanding belts, brush 865 3120 74.34
Lumber 865 3120 46.89
49224 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 Radial ball bearing 865 3120 13.62
49227 Kochanek, Cindy Lou 11136 December Commission 866 4990 465.15
49234 Mayflower Horticulture Service 13425 Contract services-Oecember 865 4150 593.45
49237 MiddLeton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 CLamp, hose clamp 863 3120 6.76
49249 OLympic Paper Company 15111 Air freshener, bathroom tissue 861 3120 135.07
Cleaner 865 3120 10.39
Paper towels, mildew remover 863 3120 46.93
49250 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Membership cards 863 3101 134.50
49255 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Calculator ink roll 862 3101 10.79
Ink roll 862 3101 21.58-
Cable 863 3120 16.72
49256 Paint Store, The 16064 Paint City Pier Tower 865 6510 5,327.52
49257 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 Chip brush, tape 865 3120 10.90
49262 Pettit Oil Company 16302 Kerosene 865 3120 8.09
49267 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Snow thrower 865 3501 631.22
49274 Reifenstahl, Patty 18180 Reimbursement-Lifeguarding kit 862 3101 101.45
49280 Schmitt's Sheet Metal Inc. 19007 Furnish/install hood,fan,duct 861 3120 1,985.36
49284 Sound Restaurant Supply Inc. 19315 Jet Kleen plus 861 3120 73.64
49286 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Drill screw 865 3120 14.05
Flat washer, hex nuts, eyebolt 865 3120 28.59
Drill bit, drill screw 865 3120 16.94
Bolt, hex nuts, flat washer 865 3120 43.92
Hex cap, anchor, eye bolt, tap 862 3120 17.77
Flat washer,hex nuts,drill bit 865 3120 55.23
Woc~l chisel, bit 8455 3120 11.73
Square nuts 865 3120 3.24
Hex nuts, flat washer, bolt 865 3120 2.42
Chain, washer, bolt, hex nuts 865 3120 4?.88
49288 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Light bulbs 865 3120 21.58
Hardware 865 3120 4.60
Automotive, paint, gloves 865 3120 9.69
Moss killer 862 3120 21.30
Hand tools, hardware 865 3120 15.77
Automotive supplies 862 3120 6.30
Hand tools 865 3120 26.34
ELectrical, cover 862 3120 3.99
Food 862 3101 7.35
Electrical supplies 863 3120 13.44
49290 Thurman Supply 20005 Fluorescent tube, duplex cover 863 3120 35.12
Sheet metal, gasket, connector 861 3120 13.21
Fluorescent tubes 865 3120 61.06
Switch, cover, coupling, hose 862 3120 10.56
Pin 863 3120 43.12
Pipe, hose bib, strap, valve 862 3120 48.58
Coupling, elbow, pipe 862 3120 5.41
~f01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 19~ Page 19
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/19~
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL C~e Amount
Number Name Number Number
Total for Parks & Recreation 40,~.28
Total for General Fund 276,159.67
101 ~1 4~569 Black Graphic Design, Laurel 02044 1999 PA Visitor Guide-Deposit 122 4150 1,2~.00
48717 North Olympic Peninsula 14127 4th Quarter Contract Services 115 5083 4,379.82
Travel expense, WA St Clipping 122 4150 666.37
48915 North Olympic Peninsula 14127 Travel Show and Sportmen Show 122 4150 5~.00
Big Hurt Advertising 122 4150 405.00
4~ Museum of Clallam County, The 13131 Contract payment 4th Qtr 115 5089 1,150.00
49~)54 Brewer, David 02055 Contract Services for January 115 4~ 100.00
49117 Peninsula College 16011 4th Qtr Marine Lab services 115 50~ 3,113.48
49120 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm. 16023 1~ Membership dues-Ibarra 115 5082 610.00
Reimburse November expenses 115 5082 3,482.00
49264 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm. 16023 Reimburse December expenses 115 5082 4,820.15
Total for Convention Center Fund 20,426.82
102 ~958 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 November excise taxes 102 23700(~ .69
Total for Department 0.69
-0007 486~3 AT&T Wireless Services 20000 12-01 Billing 752 4210 12.88
48680 CliniCare of PA Inc. 03080 Employee physical-Miller 752 4310 72.00
48727 Polaris Engineer.& Survey Inc. 16019 Prof Svcs - Airport Rd 752 4150 1,407.50
4~4 Angeles Concrete Prc~ucts 01070 Crushed rock 752 3101 5,799.63
~776 Angeles Millwork 010~ Hardware 752 3101 4.91
Lumber 752 3101 5.~
Corner brace, fastener 752 3101 2.36
Poly brush 752 3101 8.09
Tube rainseal 752 3101 3.65
Blade/ dust m~sk 752 3101 39.33
Q779 Baxter Farms 02035 Post 752 3101 49.20
Post driver 752 3101 30.16
Post 752 3501 30.75
48781 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Catch basin, frame/ grate 752 3101 299.96
Concrete mix, jet set 752 3101 37.87
48784 Breitbach's Sharpening Service 02247 Sharpening services 752 3101 67.08
48805 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Sidewalk repair supplies 752 3101 12.39
48816 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 Asphalt 752 3101 487.16
Asphalt 752 3101 104.40
Asphalt 752 3101 162.18
4~.~28 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Bathroom tissue, paper towels 752 3101 144.22
4~29 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Time Cards-Street, Water 752 3101 124.30
48831 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 752 3101 16.18
4~ Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 752 4310 25.00
4~857 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Shovel, rake 752 3501 172.50
48~59 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Hardware 752 3101 11.87
4~860 Thurman Supply 20005 Solid pipe, internal coupling 752 3101 172.55
Tubing 752 3125 .59
Fasteners, snap tee 752 3101 13.35
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1~ Page 20
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1~
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Solid pipe, coupling 752 3101 132.78
48907 Lucent Technologies 12215 12-2 Billing 752 4210 23.24
48929 Puget Safety Equipment 16248 Safety glasses, lenses 752 3101 75.80
Respirators, gloves 752 3101 141.30
48938 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 19048 Flameguard bunker 752 3101 270.83
48955 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 12-3 Billing 752 4210 .08
48977 Blue Mountain Tree Service Inc 02021 Tree falling-15th & Pine 752 4150 215.80
49002 Int'l Municipal Signal Assn 09029 1999 IMSA Membership dues 752 4310 80.00
49015 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 752 4990 9.00
Petty cash reimbursement 752 4990 10.00
Petty cash reimbursement 752 4310 13.76
Petty cash reimbursement 752 4310 8.63
Petty cash reimbursement 752 4310 8.63
Petty cash reimbursement 752 4310 8.62
49123 Price Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Air duster,tapes,monitor 752 3125 215.79
49145 US West Communications 21001 12-14 billing 752 4210 68.65
49173 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Crushed rock 752 3101 5,799.63
Concrete mix 752 3101 415.42
Concrete 752 3101 385.20
Sand 752 3101 4,117.46
49176 Angeles Millwork 0107'5 Hardware 752 3101 43.13
Clear sealant 752 3101 12.49
Varnish brush,gloves,wet/dry 752 3101 8.25
Ply~oc~l 752 3101 24.01
Duct tape 752 3101 17.22
Stakes 752 3101 11.58
Saw blades 752 3101 6.12
49184 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Hooded frame and gate 752 3101 438.61
49190 Camera Corner 03044 Polaroid film 752 3501 28.00
49192 CLallam Cooperative Assn Inc. 03063 Straw matting 752 3101 138.51
49228 Lakeside Industries Inc, 12036 Asphalt 752 3101 76.71
Asphalt 752 3101 259.23
Asphalt 752 3101 99.39
49233 Mathews Glass Co. Inc. 13107 Plexiglas 752 3101 40.38
49255 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Cleaner 752 3125 11.28
Keyboard 752 3101 49.58
Surge protector 752 3125 34.53
49283 Smitty's Restaurant 19237 Overtime meals-Street Crew 752 4310 54.88
49286 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Pipe 752 3101 89.75
Oxygen 752 3101 10.47
Silver pencil 752 3101 1.03
49288 swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Screw driver, punch 752 3501 8.14
Hardware 752 3125 13.85
Raingear 752 3101 129.20
49307 Zumar Industries Inc. 26001 Signs 752 3101 554.20
Total for Public Works 23,479.04
Total for Street Fund 23,479.73
107 0005 48~2 APCO (Assn of Public Safety 01158 Membership-D Homan 532 4901 32.00
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 21
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
48716 New World Systems 14184 Travel expenses-Collins 532 6410 746.16
Travel, CAD support 532 6410 2,340.00
~733 Quill Corporation 170(0) Disks,pens,tape, highliters, 532 3101 267.37
48750 US West Communications 21~1 11-23 Billing 532 4210 47.81
~31 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 532 3101 97.08
~833 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Toner 532 3101 169.40
Canon thermal paper 532 3101 12.14
~ IBM Corporation 09020 Warranty on 3151 equipment 532 4810 58.91
48907 Lucent Technologies 12215 12-2 Billing 532 4210 131.75
48955 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 12-3 Billing 532 4210 (>4.57
49039 911 Magazine 14103 1999 Annual subscription 532 4901 18.29
49040 APCO (Assn of Public Safety 01158 Membership-H Blakefield 532 4901 23.00
Membership-Dispatch 532 4901 4~.00
Membership-Naomi Wu 532 4~K)1 60.00
49059 Captain T's 03048 Polos,jacket,embroidered logo 532 2080 173.73
Jacket, embroidery 532 2080 58.27
Polos, embroidery 532 2080 197.47
Polos, jacket, embroidery 532 2080 241.71
Polos,embroidery 532 2080 85.25
Embroidery 532 2080 19.43
49~)~ IBM Corporation 09020 Maintenance agre-3151 Green 532 4810 40.41
49108 National Emergency No. Assn 14154 1999 Membership dues-Naomi Wu 532 4901 75.00
49145 US West Communications 21001 12-14 billing 532 4Z10 389.03
12-23 Billing 532 4210 47.81
49151 WA State Patrol 23057 Access user fees for 1st Qtr 532 4810 3,339.51
49255 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Service Printer 532 4810 86.32
Toner 532 3101 145.67
Toner 532 3101 85.24
Toner 532 3101 69.06
49275 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Service call-call recorder 532 4810 64.74
49301 Washington Cities Ins. Auth. 23204 9<) Property Prc~2ram Assessment 532 4610 12,199.00
Total for PenCom 21,859.13
206 0(0)2 ~76 Bank of New York, The 02175 Prof Svcs pe 12-2-98 295 4150 63.68
Total for 1991 GO Bonds ( Sr. Center ) 63.68
2(~ 0002 Prof Svcs pe 12-2-98 297 4150 82.55
Total for 1~2 GO Bonds ( Fire Station ) 82.55
310 0(0)7 ~g9 Harding Lawson Assoc Infra Inc ~248 Prof Svcs pe 12-4-Airport Rd 792 4150 1,894.69
49131 Seattle Daily Journal of Comm. 19058 Advertisement-Carnegie Library 796 4410 279.00
Total for Public Works 2,173.69
0{)08 49174 Angeles Electric Inc. 01071 Electrical supplies 895 3101 1,498.87
Total for Parks & Recreation 1,498.87
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 19~ Page 22
Date From 12/05/1998 To01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Total for Capital Improvement Fund 3,672.56
316 0(0)8 48776 Angeles Nillwork 01073 Fixture, bulb/ halogen Light 860 3120 123.93
49223 K Ply Inc. 11050 Fir peeler cores 860 3120 249.25
Total for Lincoln Park Improvement Fund 373.18
321 0(0)7 ~4 North Sound Bank 14177 Escrow acct #750800542 716 4150 1,436.25
48927 Primo Construction Inc. 16033 Contract Pmt #18-Library Proj 716 4150 29,558.03
4~ Best Locking Systems 01079 Control key 716 4150 5.89
49110 Nixon Associates Inc., Robert 18131 Prof Svcs pe 11-30-98-Library 716 4150 35.59
49181 B~rclay Dean Interiors 02410 Prof Svcs proj 9419-Library 716 4150 7,3~.30
Total for Library Construction Fund 38,409.06
401 ~ Bechtold, Kelli 02418 Utility deposit rfd-01~848015 401 2131100 10.72
4~570 Box, Catherine G. 02419 Utility ovrpmt rfd-124~18001 401 1222200 13.03
48(~3 Deaney, Michael 04264 Utility deposit rfd-035394020 401 2131100 94.81
4~595 Granum, Steven 07271 Utility ovrpmt rfd-041106013 401 1222200 138.~
4~596 Holt, James 08371 Utility deposit rfd-093416009 401 21311(X) 250.00
48708 Merikaarto, Kaarina 13429 Utility deposit rfd-O0958~ 401 2131100 65.~
48728 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Tank rebate-James Sullivan 401 1343300 25.00
~746 Strickland, Jason 19557 Utility deposit rfd-043222024 401 2131100 99.59
4~760 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 One shot seal 401 1411000 250.33
487?0 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Bulk wire pulling lube 401 14110(0~ 21.~4
~7~5 Clallam County Housing 03305 Weatherwize incentive-Villa Ap 401 1344000 3,650.00
48797 Everwarm Inc. 05013 Weatherwize incentive-Swinford 401 1344(~0 405.17
4~04 Harris, Amy 08372 Utility deposit rfd-0949590(O5 401 2131100 125.00
4~23 Murray, Larry 13430 Heat pump rel~ate 401 134~+000 250.00
4~75 Arens, Dana 01392 Rfd utility deposit-0815~5047 401 2131100 54.70
48917 O'Toole, Edward 15171 Utility deposit rfd-03(~535013 401 2131100 60.57
48940 Shipman, Ray 19565 Utility deposit rfd-105~014 401 213110(3 250.00
48965 Adams, Kelly 01393 Utility ovrpmt rfd-(~53002017 401 1222200 19.47
48968 Albright, Jeff 01394 12-17 Billing 401 2131100 71.69
48985 Dean, Roger Charles 04267 Utility deposit rfd-092002-023 401 2131100 37.12
48994 General Pacific Inc. 07034 9KV Riser-pole surge arrest 401 14140(0) 218.24
48998 Graybar Electric Co. Inc. 07040 Vector parallel hole connector 401 14140(0~ 1,458.52
49004 Malone, Ronny 13432 Utility deposit rfd-043443036 401 2131100 32.14
49005 Manner, Barbara 13389 Utility deposit rfd-050962011 401 2131100 29.66
49007 McCauley, Thane 13433 Utility deposit rfd-124596004 401 2131100 70.39
49017 Poulsen, Trevor 16359 Utility deposit rfd-066915035 401 2131100 169.96
49023 Rongstad, Tricia 18314 Utility deposit rfd-031674013 401 2131100 177.60
49031 Viney, Sarah 22084 Utility deposit rfd-081388026 401 2131100 16.55
49032 Vliet, Melissa 22085 Utility deposit rfd-043435036 401 2131100 40.33
49050 Bevel, Brian 02421 Utility deposit rfd-061166031 401 2131100 60.63
49136 Spires, Georgiana 195~ Utility deposit rfd-040983006 401 2131100 194.15
49137 Stallings, Maggie 19567 Utility deposit rfd-O04383014 401 2131100 143.57
49141 Sweeney, Michael D. 19568 Utility deposit rfd-052213014 401 2131100 29.41
49159 White, Edward & Klm 23441 Utility deposit rfd-057959004 401 2131100 73.36
49172 Anderson, Betty Jo 01397 Weatherwize incentive 401 13440(0) 343.74
49182 B~rnes, Amoreena 02422 Utility deposit rfd-0187(~021 401 2131100 41.32
90/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1909 Page 23
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
49185 Blatter, Paul 02423 Utility ovrpmt rfd-05~85001 401 1222200 81.82
49191 Campbell, Edgar 03~1 Utility deposit rfd-102121025 401 2131100 250.00
49200 Denuel, Greg 04268 Utility deposit rfd-091618020 401 2131100(3 12.55
49205 Employment Security Dept. 05058 Utility ovrpmt rfd-054500002 401 1222200 619.24
49225 Kashizu, Emi 11167 Utility deposit rfd-081418040 401 2131100 57.~
49237 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Energy Smart Design Incentive 401 13420(30 1,364.00
49258 Parker, Richard 16413 Utility deposit rfd-104817015 401 2131100 19.74
49265 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Tank rebate-R Hoque 0423580~ 401 1343300 25.00
Tank Rebate-T Hoque 049280{)13 401 1343300 25.00
Tank rebate-T Hoque 042340020 401 1343300 25.00
Tank rebate-T Hoque 049409012 401 1343300 25.00
49277 Robbins, Daniel 18315 Utility deposit rfd-040126013 401 2131100 48.~
49282 Smith, Rebecca J. 19570 Utility deposit rfd-094579026 401 2131100 250.00
49295 Viphartana, Mitt 22086 Utility deposit rfd-029211022 401 2131100 77.78
Total for Department 11,874.49
48~3 AT&T Wireless Services 20000 11-21 Billing 911 4210 14.18
48665 Alligator Communications Inc. 01391 Repeater station,external dupl 911 6510 7,749.84
48673 Business Answerphone Service 02166 December services 911 4210 130.00
48706 Mallory Company 13139 Returned jacket 911 3101 83.73-
Jacket 911 3101 85.65
48723 Parsinen Landscape Maintenance 16258 Substation Landscape Maint 911 4150 1,245.60
48732 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 2110 Glass Rd - 12-02 billing 911 3350 155.03
Mult lug, Corflow P&C Flex 911 3402 178.49
48743 Sound Analytical Services Inc. 19025 Test oil samples for PCB conte 911 4150 125.00
487?0 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Locking tie 911 4810 32.34
Ignitor 911 3402 69.51
PVC box, electrical box 911 3101 120.21
Junction box, reducer, clamp 911 3101 34.05
PVC entrance 911 3101 11.02
Circuit tester 911 3501 56.49
Wire 911 3101 36.72
Conduit, clamp, receiver 911 3101 78.29
Connector, blank plate, washer 911 3101 7.54
/~B788 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Fitting 911 3403 2.33
Wiper refill 911 4810 6.26
48793 Dobson's 04054 Lubricant 911 4810 47.45
48806 Heartline, The 08054 Battery 911 3101 75.43
48815 L & L Tool Specialties 12035 Dry cutting blade 911 3501 387.72
48819 Mathews Glass Co. Inc. 13107 Reglaze frame 911 4810 47.38
/+~831 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Calendars 911 3101 35.39
~33 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Service typewriter 911 4810 48.56
Memory 911 4810 76.61
Keyboard, adaptor 911 3101 80.39
~36 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Subscription 911 4901 105.00
~40 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 911 3101 39.00
48842 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Chain 911 4810 25.90
Flocked filter 911 4810 21.83
Tank cap assembly 911 4810 4.35
~ Pro Rentals Inc. 16034 Mini backhoe rental 911 3402 219.58
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 24
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Humber Hame Humber Number
48853 Scontrino & Associates 19561 Prof Svcs-Employee Survey 911 4150 906.18
48855 Smitty's Restaurant 19237 Meal tickets-Outage overtime 911 3101 51.94
40857 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Hex cap, lockwashers 911 3101 3.97
Hardware 911 3101 1.88
Crimping tool,galvanized spray 911 3403 19.38
Crimping tool,galvanized spray 911 3101 15.37
Brushes 911 3101 12.16
Hammer 911 3501 13.15
Nylon rope 911 ]101 169.30
Fender wash 911 4810 4.64
Electric cord,nuts,bolts 911 ]101 17.27
Hardware 911 3101 1.86
415859 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Cleaning supplies 911 3101 14.44
Plumbing 911 3403 1.37
Hardware 911 4810 2.29
Electrical 911 3403 55.08
Hand tools 911 3501 34.25
Hand tools 911 3501 35.~
Belt 911 3101 24.18
Batteries 911 3101 24.18
4~0 Thurmaan Supply 20005 Threaded plug 911 3101 3.06
Tube energy saver ballast 911 3101 92.75
Cover, box, PVC cover 911 3101 6.~
PVC coupling, slip cap 911 3403 3.30
4~ Washington (DRS), State of 23141 Statewide pensioners for Nov 911 2010 200.16
48907 Lucent Technologies 12215 12-2 Billing 911 4210 108.50
48928 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 SR 101 & Euclid Ave-Dec 98 911 3350 15.36
Lauridsen Blvd & L St-Dec 98 911 3350 17.98
48955 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 12-3 Billing 911 4210 18.34
48~? AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 12-15 Billing 911 4210 9.39
12-15 Billing 911 4210 14.22
12-15 Billing 911 4210 19.91
12-15 Billing 911 4210 9.39
12-15 Billing 911 4210 9.39
12-15 Billing 911 4210 9.39
12-15 Billing 911 4210 13.59
12-15 Billing 911 4210 9.39
12-15 Billing 911 4210 9.39
48989 EE$ Consulting Inc. 05140 Contract payment-November 911 4901 774.21
490(0) Highline Equipment Inc. 08063 Lineman gloves 911 3501 248.44
49002 Int'l Municipal Signal Assr 09029 1999 IMSA Membership dues 911 4901 40.00
49006 Marsh Hundorf Pratt & Sullivan 13287 Prof Svcs for Nov-Rates 1998 911 4901 220.98
49029 US West Communications 21001 12-14 Billing 911 4210 40.89
12-2 Billing 911 4210 60.42
49036 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 Shielded cable terminator 911 3402 553.21
49042 AT&T Wireless Services 20000 12-19 Billing 911 4210 39.14
49074 Equifax - Credit Information 05160 Credit inquiries-December 911 4150 10.79
49130 Scontrino & Associates 19561 Professional svcs-Survey rpts 911 4150 384.44
49139 Stoner Associates Inc. 19394 Software-Analysis/Graphics 911 6410 2,125.00
49145 US West Communications 21001 12-14 billing 911 4210 320.37
49147 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 November locates 911 4150 14.74
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 25
Date From 12/05/1998 To01/15/1999
Fn~ Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
49160 Zee Modical Service Co. 26005 Bandaids,histenol,ointment 911 3101 47.26
491~ Ace Equipment Company 01055 Chain saw oil 911 3101 14.03
49169 ALL Phase Electric Supply Co. 01~1 Street Lighting supplies 911 4~10 37.85
Lamp 911 3101 117.59
Fuse box, adapter, conduit 911 3101 108.65
Bulb 911 3101 17.70
Bulb 911 3101 53.09
Voltage tester, plate, plug 911 3501 290.32
Battery 911 4810 77.09
Wire 911 4810 118.97
Electrical supplies-Fountain 911 3101 83.99
Battery 911 3101 25.90
Terminal ring 911 4810 19.75
Terminal ring 911 4810 98.73
Vinyl 911 4810 22.92
Fuse box, receiver, bushing 911 4810 127.15
Ballast, locking terminal 911 4,~10 200.42
Street lighting supplies 911 /~BIO 10.52
Cable cleaner 911 3101 16.58
Bulb 911 4810 13.20
49177 Angeles Plumbing Inc. 01039 Rebuild urinal valve, faucet 911 4810 179.75
49196 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Car wash 911 3101 61.45
Rope, brush 911 3501 48.73
49198 Credit Bureau of Clallam Co 03094 Public records bulletin 911 4150 23.73
49211 H & R Parts & Equipment Inc. 08045 Hose clamp 911 4810 34.85
49214 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Down spout 911 4810 8.49
Fir timbers 911 3101 18.05
49221 Jim's Pharmacy (Inc) 10020 Gloves 911 3101 19.39
49237 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Clamp 911 4810 4.63
Clamp 911 4810 7.85
49246 Olympic Electric Co. Inc. 15024 Lugs 911 4810 114.37
49249 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Pole extension, squeegee 911 4810 70.14
Paper table cover 911 3101 15.05
49269 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 2110 Glass Rd-December 911 3350 237.49
49270 Puget Safety Equipment 16248 Glove warmers, safety glasses 911 3501 116.47
Winter liner cap 911 3501 102.84
Eye wash 911 3101 149.30
49279 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 19048 Safety boots 911 3501 1,035.19
49286 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Polypro yellow CWC 911 3101 65.11
Credit polypro yellow CWC 911 3101 65.12-
Acetylene, electrcx~e 911 3101 1~.56
Credit Acetylene, electrode 911 3101 196.56-
Nutdriver 911 3501 9.03
Hex nut, clamp 911 4810 3.18
Bolts 911 4810 15.54
Nylon rope, tracer 911 4810 326.82
Clamp 911 3501 14.51
492~ Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Power tools, automotive 911 3501 32.05
Hook bungee 911 4810 3.96
Total for Light 22,234.75
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 26
Date From 12/05/1~8 To 01/15/1~
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL C~e Amount
Number Name Number Number
Total for Light Fund 34,109.24
402 ~ American Water Works Assoc. 01066 Waterweek subscription 402 2370(0)0 9.09-
4~74 American Water Works Assoc. 01066 CCR Handbook 402 2370(0)0 3.14-
~9~ USA BlueBook 21060 Settlometer kit, dippers 402 2370(0)0 18.24-
48958 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 Hovember excise taxes 402 2371000 .54
Hovember excise taxes 402 2370000 111.26
48976 Bavco 02346 Rubber kits 402 2370000 3.06-
48986 Display Sales Inc. 04263 Flag pole top, US flag 402 2370000 14.94-
49010 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 Potassium Permanganate 402 2370000 1.0<)-
PH Electr~e 402 2370000 3.80-
49171 American Water Works Assoc. 01~6 Annual AWWA Standard Revisions 402 2370000 15.80-
49243 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 Fecal Coliform 402 2370000 3.80-
49294 United States Plastic Corp. 21083 Teflon balls 402 237~ 1.72-
Total for Department 37.12
0(0)3 ~63 AT&T Wireless Services 200(0) 11-28 Billing 354 4210 33.87
12-01 Billing 354 4210 33.34
~681 Cooperative Extension Publictn 03237 Law and safety, Weed control 354 3101 34.94
48700 K & L Supply Inc. 11010 Dishwashing soap 354 3101 ~.50
48703 LDR Flooring Services 12138 Carpet cleaning 354 4150 50.00
48737 S & B Inc. 19040 DMS Computer upgrade 354 4150 5,~54.40
48739 Sears Commercial Credit Centrl 19109 Hose extension 354 3101 19.41
48750 US West Communications 21001 11-23 Billing 354 4210 28.11
11-23 Billing 354 4210 47.81
11-23 Billing 354 4210 47.81
11-23 Billing 354 /,210 47.81
11-23 Billing 354 4210 47.81
11-23 Billing 354 ~I0 47.81
11-23 Billing 354 ~I0 28.11
11-20 Billing 354 4210 28.11
~759 Western Fluid Components 23321 Jet hose 354 3101 1,908.41
48765 AT&T Business Service 01085 11-25 Billing 354 4210 6.38
48771 All World Scientific 01377 Petri dishes,ammonia hydroxide 354 3101 107.62
48799 Ferrellgas (Inc) 06024 Propane 354 3101 57.28
4~13 K & L Supply Inc. 11010 Gloves,soap 354 3101 676.53
~22 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Mirror head 354 3101 21.56
48830 Olympic Springs Inc. 15029 Bottled water 354 3101 11.22
48833 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Service printer 354 3101 40.46
Labor-Hewlett laserjet 354 3101 40.~
Chair 354 3101 106.~
Binder clip, binders, dividers 354 3101 24.49
Toner, core charge 354 3101 171.56
Business card holder, binders 354 3101 29.49
Index dividers 354 3101 3.4t
Credit interface, sound blaster 354 3101 38.52-
48~36 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Job announcement-WW Specialist 354 4410 124.80
~8 Pettit Oil Compony 16302 Heating fuel 354 4710 455.45
48853 Scontrino & Associates 19561 Prof Svcs-Employee Survey 354 4150 300.30
4~57 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Hex nuts, screws 354 3101 37.23
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 27
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Cable tie 354 3101 10.36
Nozzle 354 3101 183.60
Brazing rod 354 3101 18.75
48859 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Caseron 354 3101 69.43
Washer, blue ice, batteries 354 3101 45.31
Sandpaper,spray paint,cleaner 354 3101 54.49
Coveralls 354 3101 41.77
Gloves 354 3101 29.65
~ Thurman Supply 2~5 Electrical tape, teflon tape 354 3101 14.05
4~62 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping services-November 354 4210 8.91
48878 Brown and Caldwell 02057 Prof Svcs-WW System Improvemen 354 4150 15,~8.20
48882 CH20 Inc. 03295 Sample testing 354 3101 ~.45
~ Chemsearch 14004 Instant gel,naturalizer aeroso 354 3101 180.77
48907 Lucent Technologies 12215 12-2 Billing 354 4210 15.50
48910 Marsh-McBirney Inc. 13104 Flo-ware software 354 3101 533.95
48936 S & B Inc. 19040 Reverse credit, labor 354 3101 108.60
System support services 354 3101 500.(X)
489~ USA BlueBook 21060 Settlometer kit, dippers 354 3101 249.03
4~954 WWCPA Secretary-Treasurer 23216 1999 Annual dues-Owens, Johnson 354 4901 30.00
~955 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 12-3 Billing 354 4210 25.74
48956 Washington (DOH), State of 23107 Certification renewal WW Opera 354 4901 26.00
48957 Washington (Ecolo~Jy), State of 23106 Group II exam fee-Richmond 354 4901 50.00
~958 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 November excise taxes 354 4950 5,043.18
48970 All World Scientific 01377 Glucose Glutamic Acid 354 3101 17.55
68972 AmTest Inc. 01034 Sample testing 354 4150 17.00
Sample testing-silver 354 4150 17.00
~986 Display Sales Inc. 04263 Flag pole top, US flag 354 3101 203.94
49010 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 Potassium Permanganate 354 3101 14.84
PH Electrczle 354 3101 51.89
49029 US West Communications 21001 12-2 Billing 354 4210 38.90
12-2 Billing 354 4210 41.20
11-23 Billing 354 4210 47.81
49042 AT&T Wireless Services 20000 12-26 Billing 354 4210 33.87
Cell phone for WWTP alarms 354 4210 252.96
49078 FLow Products Incorporated 06125 Cap assembly 354 3101 16~+.02
49084 Grainger Inc. 07015 Timer,socket relays 354 3101 81.94
490~6 Hach Company 08124 Buffer, inhibitor, ammonia 354 3101 267.69
49107 Nalco Chemical Company 14170 Flocculant 354 3101 4,305.21
49126 Rosemount Analytical Inc. 18224 Dissolve oxygen sensor 354 4~10 585.90
49130 $contrino & Associates 19561 Professional svcs-Survey rpts 354 4150 127.40
49145 US West Communications 21001 12-14 billing 354 4210 45.77
12-23 billing 354 4210 47.81
12-23 billing 354 4210 47.81
12-23 billing 354 4210 47.81
12-23 billing 354 4210 47.81
12-23 billing 354 4210 47.81
12-23 billing 354 4210 47.81
12-23 billing 354 4210 28.11
12-20 Billing 354 4210 28.11
49146 Unite~l Parcel Service 21(X)5 Shipping services-December 354 4210 63.58
49147 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 November locates 354 4150 7.38
[ ........................................ ~ 71I
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1990 Page 28
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
49208 Ferrellgas (Inc) 06024 Propane 354 4710 138.52
49243 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 Fecal Coliform 354 3101 51.80
49249 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Towels/soap, floor finisher 354 3101 259.78
49250 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Budget code stamp, ink refill 354 3101 24.17
49252 Olympic Springs Inc. 15029 Cooler rental 354 3101 10.74
Bottled water 354 3101 17.12
49253 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Desk calendars, pads 354 3101 42.34
Post its, clipboard, folders 354 3101 105.69
49255 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Install software, interface 354 3101 45.32
Data cartridge 354 3101 118.69
Disk storage pages, adhesive 354 3101 11.~
Push pins, binders, legal pad 354 3101 28.01
49262 Pettit Oil Company 16302 Diesel 354 4710 529.18
492~ Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Flashlite, tape, chain 354 3501 43.27
Hammer bit 354 3501 10.02
Hard hat 354 3101 10.35
Duct tape, hex key, tie wire 354 3101 27.96
Brush wire, drill bit, tap 354 3501 26.79
Bushing 354 3101 .42
492~ Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Coveralls 354 3101 75.25
Coveralls 354 3101 27.91
Coveralls 354 3101 27.91
Batteries 354 3101 140.74
Coveralls 354 3101 27.91
Rubber hose 354 3101 3.60
Tape, batteries, marker pens 354 3101 13.29
Bleach,tape, windshield cleaner 354 3101 31.86
Heater 354 3101 81.72
Coveralls 354 3101 59.20
Mens coveralls 354 3101 107.76
Coveralls 354 3101 59.20
Coveralls 354 3101 59.20
49290 Thurman Supply 20005 Pipe, coupling,strap,drill bit 354 3101 22.73
PvC cement, primer, riser 354 3101 6.52
49294 Unitt~d States Plastic Corp. 21083 Teflon balls 354 3101 23.50
Total for ~astewater 42,683.75
0(0)7 4~566 American Water Works Assoc. 01066 Waterweek subscription 753 4~1 124.09
48~0 CliniCare of PA Inc. 03080 Employee physical-Edgington 753 4310 72.00
48684 Oept of Community Development 03066 Water test-November 753 4150 438.00
486~ Familian NW 06020 Couplers 753 3101 956.51
Meter,strainer 753 3402 9zd~.80
Air vacuum 753 3101 334.22
4~593 Foster Pepper & Sheffelman 06~3 Prof Svcs-Water Rights Issues 753 4150 4/+1.00
48744 Sound Dive Center 19558 Drysuit & Diving gear rental 753 3101 151.06
48750 US West Communications 21001 11-23 Billing 753 4210 59.20
11-23 Billing 753 4210 267.52
48768 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Rope, labor, pipe saw part 753 3101 39.22
Bushings, chain 753 3101 25.63
487'/6 Angeles Millwork 01073 Ball valve, union, broom clip 753 3101 27.50
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 29
Date From 12/05/1~8 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Adaptor, bushing, ball valve 753 3101 7.07
Coupling, PVC tee, PVC pipe 753 3101 10.40
48781 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Paver edge, spikes 753 3101 210.28
Pavers 753 3101 371.02
Roll fabric 753 3101 25.77
Cement/ trowel, brush 753 3101 36.82
Rock 753 3101 135.57
48785 Camera Corner 03044 Polaroid film 753 3101 35.93
48816 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 Asphalt 753 3101 69.59
~17 Laucks Testing Labs Inc. 12109 Thallium testing 753 4150 35.00
4~18 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Meter box lid 753 3101 67.04
48828 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Liquid chlorine 753 3101 339.89
Liquid chlorine, paper towels 753 3101 80.51
4~29 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Time Cards-Street, Water 753 3101 124.30
~31 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 753 3101 6.47
~833 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 160(34 Case, motherboard, CPU, drive 753 3101 302.99
Credit interface, sound blaster 753 3101 38.52-
48~ RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 Telephone 753 3101 96.01
48851 Safeway Inc. 19045 Fm>d-Water mainbreak 11-25-98 753 3101 28.49
48852 Schuck's 19008 Value pack ratchet 753 3101 23.73
~53 Scontrino & Associates 19561 Prof Svcs-Employee Survey 753 4150 474.21
~57 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Oxygen 753 3101 54.38
Eye bolt, flat washer 753 3101 4.34
Oxygen 753 3101 27.19
Work gloves 753 3101 95.56
48859 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Plumbing 753 3101 3.60
Plumbing 753 3101 2.88
Batteries 753 3101 4.18
Duck tape, pipe wrap 753 3101 2.77
Paint, accessories 753 3101 3.53
Lawn, garden 753 3101 10.66
~ Thurman Supply 2(X)05 Frost bulb 753 3101 11.61
~ Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 23333 Flowers for corp yard 753 3101 42.51
/~B~65 Washington (DOH), State of 23107 Operator Certificate-Foster, 753 4901 135.00
/~B874 American Water Works Assoc. 010~ CCR Handbook 753 3101 42.B4
48B81 CH2M Hill 03005 Engineering Svcs-Jones St p//1 793 4150 6,162.54
48~ Chemsearch 14004 Instant gel,naturalizer aeroso 753 3101 180.76
48893 Familian NW 06020 Bate valve 753 3101 772.43
48~95 Foster Pepper & Sheffelman 06~3 Prof Svcs-Water Rights pe12-10 753 4150 1,261.57
48896 GRCC/WW 07026 Register Cross Connection-D Mc 753 4310 255.00
48904 J & J Key Inc. 10084 Repair building damaged by Cit 793 4150 511.38
48907 Lucent Technolc~jies 12215 12-2 Billing 753 4210 7.74
48928 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 203 Reservoir Rd-December 753 4710 144.94
48955 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 12-3 Billing 753 4210 10.20
48956 Washington (DOH), State of 23107 Backflow assembly tester-Water 753 4901 78.00
Operator Certif renewal-Water 753 4901 2~.00
48958 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 November excise taxes 753 4950 8,137.01
48g~50 Western Utilities Supply Co. 23022 Drilling machine 753 3101 130.57
Flange kit 753 3101 149.63
48~7 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 12-15 billing 753 ~I0 3.49
48976 Bavco 023~ Rubber kits 753 3101 41.76
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 30
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
48991 Federal Express Corp. 06022 Shipping services-November 753 ~10 9.25
4~993 Fowler Company, H.D. (~5110 O-ring, coupler, seal, lugs 753 3101 289.17
49015 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 753 3101 2.68
49019 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 Crown Z Water Rd-December 753 4710 16.81
49026 Steam Supply 19290 ASCO valve 753 3101 328.11
Valve rebuild kit 753 3101 127.95
49~)42 AT&T Wireless Services 20(0)0 12-I Billing 753 4210 16.50
49~}76 Familiar NW 06020 M~a lug 753 3101 163.08
49128 Ryan Nerco Products Corp. 18216 Pump housing, drive pump 753 3101 505.12
Pump housing 753 3101 43.15
49130 Scontrino & Associates 19561 Professional svcs-Survey rpts 753 4150 201.18
49145 US West Communications 21001 12-14 billing 753 4210 22.88
12-23 billing 753 4210 59.20
12-23 billing 753 4210 267.52
12-23 billing 753 4210 28.11
49147 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 November locates 753 4150 7.38
49154 Pacific NW Section/AWWA 16181 Professional Services for 1~ 753 4901 500.00
49171 American Water Works Assoc. 01066 Annual AWWA Standard Revisions 753 4901 215.80
49175 Angeles Machine Works Inc. 01072 Pipe fitting 753 3101 38.3o
4917'/ Angeles Plumbing Inc. 01039 Plumbing reconnection-McCrorie 753 3101 959.40
49178 Anjo Soils 01057 Soil 753 3101 156.46
49183 Best Locking Systems 01079 Cores, blank keys 753 3101 190.04
491~ Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Washed rock 753 3101 95.33
Washed rock 753 3101 95.33
Expansion joints 753 3101 25.90
49189 CH2M Hill 03005 Engineering Svcs- Water Supply 753 4150 747.34
Prof Svcs-Water Supply Study 753 4150 617.60
Prof Svcs-Jones Reservoir p#2 793 4150 6,925.98
49214 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Foamular 753 3101 17.65
Galvanized nails 753 3101 9.72
Foamular 753 3101 8.83
49222 Jones Chemicals Inc. I0027 Chlorine, container depasit 753 3101 1,240.65
49228 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 Asphalt 753 3101 231.42
49230 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Pipe 753 3101 11.11
49247 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Cleaning services 753 3101 27.51
49249 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Liquid chlorine 753 3101 338.81
Handle 753 3101 4.28
Liquid chlorine 753 3101 338.81
49253 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Record b~k,binders,calendar 753 3101 138.04
At-a-glance calendar 753 3101 23.26
Pendaflex folders 753 3101 44.67
Record books 753 3101 95.41
49255 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16~4 Install software, interface 753 3101 45.32
Color cartridge 753 3101 34.53
Folding table 753 6410 96.03
49257 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Irc. 16201 Fire hydrant paint 753 3101 112.81
49267 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Cut off wheels, bushing 753 3101 193.49
Bushing 753 3101 25.48
49269 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 203 Reservoir Rd-January 753 4710 24.09
49286 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Eye bolt, flat washers 753 3101 4.34
Extension cord 753 3101 38.19
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Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Clear plastic, white sandbag 753 3101 212.30
Cord, cable tie 753 3101 8.28
File, recoil hose, drill 753 3101 89.07
Viton O-ring 753 3101 51.40
Tape 753 3101 58.78
49288 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 PLumbing 753 3101 55.58
Electrical supplies 753 3101 64.46
Plumbing, cutter tubing 753 3101 22.92
Bark 753 3101 16.02
Cleaning brushes, batteries 753 3101 16.16
49289 Technical Systems Inc. 20025 Replace resevoir relays 753 4150 420.81
49290 Thurman Supply 20005 PVC cement, teflon paste 753 3101 34.96
Heater/fan 753 3101 43.15
Cap, plug 753 3101 18.52
Total for Public Works 41,~3.82
Total for Water/Wastewater Fund 84,494.69
404 48738 Safety Vision Inc. 19402 CCD Camera 404 2370(~0 97.43-
48975 Automotive Environmental Svcs 01041 Waste antifreeze 404 2370000 14.38-
Total for Department 111.81-
0007 48700 K & L Supply Inc. 11010 Bio power 4 bacteria 755 3101 1,024.36
48701 KONP Radio 11019 November Commercials (KIKN) 755 4410 37.50
November Commercials (KONP) 755 4410 37.50
48722 Parametrix Irc. 16155 Prof Svcs-Landfill Engineering 795 4150 55,~.42
Prof Svcs-LF Enviro Monitoring 755 4150 481.99
~8 Safety Vision Inc. 19/,02 CCD Camera 755 4810 1,330.61
~762 Zenovic & Associates 26216 Prof Svcs- Rayonier pe 11-25-9 755 4150 214.63
4~770 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Insulation, locking tie 755 3101 64.72
4~776 Angeles Millwork 01073 Nails 755 3101 2.29
~781 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Risers, grout 755 3101 170.05
48790 Oelhur Industries Irc 04042 Contract pmt#3-Landfill Proj 795 4150 176,486.0/,
4~11 Jackson's Signs 10018 Sign-Recycle center 755 4/,10 205.01
48818 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Repair dumpster rails 755 4810 312.20
4~826 Olympic Bank 15132 Escrow Acct #1701088820 795 4150 8,575.61
4~27 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Cleaning services- November 755 3101 80.36
48833 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16CX)4 Service fax 755 3101 75.53
Labor-Epson printer 755 3101 40.46
Ribbon, toner 755 3101 81.65
Case, motherboard, CPU, drive 755 3101 302.99
Case, motherboard, CPU, drive 755 3501 302.99
Credit interface,sound blaster 755 3501 38.52-
4~36 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Fair section-Recycle Booth 755 4/,10 125.00
~ RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 Connector, fan 755 3101 19.94
48~49 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Movile radio, antenae, labor 755 4810 599.6~,
Install radio,antenna 755 4810 165.08
48~50 SWANA 19101 R~2istration-T McCabe 755 4310 415.00
48853 Scontrino & Associates 19561 Prof Svcs-Employee Survey 755 4150 380.16
99~01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 32
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
4~857 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Lockwash, washer, rope clips 755 3101 8.84
Ear plugs, gloves 755 3101 22.63
4~859 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Automotive 755 3101 12.82
Can crusher 755 3101 9.57
Gloves 755 3101 12.67
4~860 Thurman Supply 20005 Plier, connectors, ring lug 755 3101 27.50
48889 DiStar 04162 Bracket 755 3101 21.58
48907 Lucent Technol~ies 12215 12-2 Billing 755 ~I0 38.75
48916 Northwestern Territories Inc. 14017 Prof Svcs - Landfill Staking 755 4150 477.50
48926 Preston Gates & Ellis 16175 Prof Svcs pe 10-98-Solid Waste 755 4150 1,773.05
48955 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 12-3 Billing 755 ~I0 38.14
48958 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 November excise taxes 755 4950 14,096.78
48961 Whitney Equipment Co. Inc. 23073 Flow meter for leachate 755 3101 5,~6.25
48962 Zee Medical Service Co. 26005 First aid supplies 755 3101 83.14
48974 Angeles Communications Inc 01~9 Service call-no dial tone 755 4210 48.56
48975 Automotive Environmental Svcs 01041 Waste antifreeze 755 4150 196.38
489E~) Canal Pumps & Service Inc 03134 230V 2-wire 755 ~10 799.54
48991 Federal Express Corp. 06022 Shipping services-November 755 4150 13.55
4~999 Hermann Bros. Inc. 08127 Prof Svcs-grind waste, brush 755 4150 12,462.45
49014 Parametrix Inc. 16155 Prof Svcs pe 12-1-98-Landfill 795 4150 42,223.60
Prof Svcs pe 12-1-98-Landfill 755 4150 1,814.28
49018 Preston Gates & Ellis 16175 Prof Svcs pe 11-30-98 755 4150 525.00
49047 Basin Oil Company Inc. 02138 Recycle 100 Gallons used oil 755 3101 60.00
49129 SWANA 19101 Registration-Tom McCabe 755 4310 415.00
49130 Scontrino & Associates 19561 Professional svcs-Survey rpts 755 4150 161.28
49145 US West Communications 21001 12-14 billing 755 4210 114.42
49158 Waste Management - Northwest 23060 December Recycling services 755 4150 39,270.72
49161 Zenovic & Associates 26216 TCLP Lead tests 755 4150 200.00
49176 Angeles Millwork 01073 Duct tape, garden hose 755 3101 50.~
Power bit, nutsetter, bit 755 3101 15.02
Stud anchor wedge 755 3101
49215 Heartline, The 08054 Battery 755 3101 61.45
49230 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Hook 755 3101 79.31
49240 NW Electric Apparartus Inc 14459 Overhaul reliance motor 755 3101
49247 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Cleaning services 755 3101 60.27
49249 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Brush, anchor w~ handle 755 3101 57.69
49251 Olympic Refrigeration 15085 Removed freon 755 4150 1,048.79
49255 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Install software, interface 755 3101 45.32
49265 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 795 4210 15.00
49275 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Remote control, labor 755 4810 474.76
49280 Schmitt's Sheet Metal Inc. 19007 Plate bracket 755 3101 21.58
49286 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Strap, multi cement, hole saw 755 3101 11.94
Hole saw, bosch jigsaws 755 3101 27.82
49288 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Mens miscellaneous, knives 755 3101 177.27
Mens gloves 755 3101 42.32
Plumbing, electrical, caulk 755 3101 31.99
Automotive, cleaning supplies 755 3101 83.55
Automotive,bird control suppli 755 3101 79.68
Electrical supplies 755 3101 14.53
49290 Thurman Supply 20005 Pipe, coupling, lock nut,bushing 755 3101 9.43
PVC conduit,adapter,tape,putty 755 3101 17.64
99~01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - ~K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 33
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1990
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Total for Public Works 371,833.23
Total for Solid Waste Fund 371,721.42
~1 48728 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursment 421 24510(X) 8.00
Total for Department 8.00
0009 ~40 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03(~52 Petty cash reimbursement 913 4990 16.00
Total for Light 16.00
Total for Conservation Fund 24.00
501 48921 Parts Incorporated 18126 Overspaed switch kit 501 2370000 22.33-
48958 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 November excise taxes 501 2370(K)0 30.05
49116 Parts Incorporated 18126 Packer rod 501 2370(0)0 18.85-
Packer rod 501 2370(0)0 14.44-
Total for Department 25.57-
0007 48705 Craft, Don 03424 Creeper, ratchet, putty knife ?60 3501 191.85
48726 Pierce Manufacturing Inc. 16086 Prepayment Pumper truck 760 6410 15,795.00
48740 Smith Tractor & Equip. Co. Inc 19023 Arm rest, seat 760 3101 333.58
48751 Valley Freightliner Inc. 22062 Idler, hex nut 760 3101 37.85
Manual 760 3101 1~.38
Parts manual 760 3101 216.80
Core 760 3101 47.43-
Washer 760 3101 .75
48756 Washington (Procur), State of 23219 Cooperative Subscription fee 760 4901 2,000.00
48~r72 Angeles Auto Alectric 01067 Overhaul generator, regulator 760 3101 39.70
Overhaul generator, regulator ?60 4810 51.80
Starter repair kit, labor 760 3101 124.25
487~ Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Domestic starter 760 3101 224.15
Alternator, drain plug, gasket 760 3101 200.44
Wheel cylinder assembly 7(=0 3101 159.63
Flasher for car lights 760 3101 10.01
Muffler, pipe 7603101 ~.09
Spring 760 3101 5.72
Rags 760 3101 22.29
Hinge pin kit 760 3101 11.80
48792 Denver's Tire Co. Inc. 04044 Flat repair, casing repair 760 4810 21.58
Service call,flat repair,O tin 760 4810 ~.52
Safety check, labor, lubra klean 760 3101 13.22
Safety check, labor, lubra klean 760 4810 17.26
Safety check, labor, lubra kle 760 3101 13.22
Safety check, labor, lubra kle 760 4810 17.26
Labor, safety check, lubra klean 760 3101 13.22
Labor,safety check, lubra kleen 760 4810 75.53
Labor,front brakes,safety chec 760 3101 35.88
Labor,front brakes,safety chec 760 4810 51.79
~/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - ¥2K LIVE January 14 1~ Page 34
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Hame Number Humber
Labor, switch assembly, labor 760 3101 75.81
Labor, switch assembly, labor 760 4810 162.92
Mount, demount 760 ~10 17.26
Flat repair, wheel change 760 4~10 48.56
Mount, demount, balance 760 4810 34.53
Mount, demount, truck sipe 760 4810 43.16
Mount, demount, balance 760 4810 34.53
Safety check, labor,air filter 760 3101 22.58
Safety check, labor,air filter 7604810 17.26
Safety check, labor,air filter 760 3101 21.13
Safety check, labor,air filter 7604810 17.26
Brakes,belt tensioner,bearings 760 3101 237.75
Brakes,belt tensioner,bearings 76~) 4810 78.22
Labor, rear brakes, shocks 760 3101 90.91
Labor, rear brakes, shocks 760 4~10
Tire servicing 760 4810 17.26
Tire servicing 760 4810 17.26
Safety check, labor, lubra kleen 760 3101 13.22
Safety check, labor, lubra kleen 760 4810 51.79
Wintermark tires,wheel balance 760 3101 144.11
Wintermark tires,wheel balance 760 4810 22.66
Tire servicing 760 4810 17.26
Snow tires, mount, balance 760 3101 134.97
Snow tires, mount, balance 760 4810 22.65
Belt, labor, mount, balance 7603101 43.88
Belt, labor, mount, balance 760 4810 39.12
Snow tires/balance/safety chec 760 3101 82.48
Snow tires,balance, safety chec 760 4810 51.80
Safety check, laker, tire stud 760 3101 1~+.17
Safety check, labor, tire stud 760 4810 61.50
Filter, gasket, fluid, labor 760 3101 34.54
Filter, gasket, fluid, labor 760 4810 21.84
Winterize vehicle, labor 760 3101 287.55
Winterize vehicle, labor 760 4810 57.18
Air cleaner, drain radiator 760 4810 29.13
Air cleaner, drain radiator 760 3101 14.39
Labor to replace tail pipe 760 4810 29.13
Flat repair, wheel change 760 4~10 24.28
Service cell, flat repair 760 ~10 49.09
Mount, demount, balance 760 4810 17.26
Winterize vehicle 760 3101 148.26
Winterize vehicle 760 4810 11.86
Wiper blades, light bulb 760 3101 28.15
Alternator, labor 760 3101 292.41
Alternator, labor 760 4810 21.85
Labor, fix brake rattle 760 4810 14.57
Front brakes,turn rotors, labor 760 4~I0 64.92
Antifreeze, labor 760 3101 9.71
Antifreeze, labor 760 4~10 7.28
Flat repair, wheel change 760 4810 27.51
Tires ?60 3101 512.19
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 35
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01~15~1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Humber
Waste hauler lug 760 3101 133.45
Flat repair, wheel change 760 4810 ~.94
Mount, demount, balance wheel 760 4~10 34.53
Tires, wheel balance 760 3101 29.14
Tires, wheel balance 760 4810 277.30
Water pump, gasket, labor 760 Z~lO 29.13
Water pump, gasket, labor 7f~) 3101 107.55
Mount, demount, balance 760 4810 21.58
Tires, wheel balance 760 3101 139.~
Tires, wheel b~lance 760 4810 39.93
Tires, service call 760 3101 221.19
Tires, service call 760 4810 74.46
Switch, labor, def~ger 760 4810 43.70
Switch, labor, def~ger 760 3101 13.67
Flasher, labor 760 4810 61.86
Flasher, labor 760 4810 18.16
48799 Ferrellgas (Inc) 06024 Propane 760 3212 213.19
Tank rental 760 3212 6~+.74
~02 H & R Parts & Equipment Znc. 08045 Plug, light 760 3101 72.36
~8~ Heartline, The 08054 B~ttery 760 3101 52.82
48810 J.B.'s Upholstery 10001 Repair seat, labor 760 4810 144.60
~12 Jenning's Equipment 10151 Switch 760 3101 36.37
48814 Koenig Chevrolet Oldsmobile 11018 Parts 760 3101 30.21
48818 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Repair utility box, labor 760 4810 616.65
Welding services 760 3101 76.53
4~]~22 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Muffler 760 3101 95.25
Oil filter 760 3101 11.31
Brake set, core deposit 760 3101 97.43
Seal 760 3101 14.35
Silicone 760 3101 37.03
Seal beam, cable tie 760 3101 24.~
Air filter 760 3101 24.21
Halogen bulb, filters, coupling 760 3101 84.52
Halogen bulb 760 3101 4.66
Air filter 760 3101 18.25
Cylinder 760 3101 32.78
Oil filter 760 3101 17.B3
Air filter 760 3101 6.45
V-belt 760 3101 31.77
Switch 7~)3101 92.~
Switch 760 3101 ~.05
Switch, air filter 760 3101 12.31
Wrench set 760 3501 109.37
Oil filter, wipers, fuel filte 760 3101 189.60
Cable tie 760 3101 4.61
Wrench set 760 3101 44.03
Hose end, cable tie 760 3101 37.70
PCV valve 760 3101 2.66
Air filters,oil filters,tee, bu 760 3101 132.31
Display 760 3101 15.51
Bulb 760 3101 149.22
~/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 I~ Page 36
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Blade, knife 7(~) 3101 16.90
Screw, washer 760 3101 3.42
Gun coupling 760 3101 6.05
Cap screw 760 3101 13.27
Flat washer 760 3101 9.71
Fuse, cleaner, filter, bulb 760 3101 81.76
Female adapter 760 3101 3.22
Flat washer/ bulb 760 3101 23.31
Seal beam 760 3101 49.15
Tape 760 3101 7.05
Battery 760 3101 11.85
4~5 Novus Windshield Repair 14206 Tint glass, Labor 760 4810 37.76
Tint glass, labor 760 3101 113.30
~27 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Cleaning services 760 4990 155.14
Cleaning services 760 4~ 162.23
/~B831 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 760 3101 6.47
/~8833 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Case, motherboard, CPU, drive 760 3101 100.97
Credit interface, sound blaster 760 3101 12.84-
48837 Peninsula Towing 16077 Towing services 760 3101 145.66
48838 Pettit Oil Company 16302 November Cardlock 7(>0 3211 38.91
November Cardlock 760 3210 1,860.99
Diesel fuel 760 3211 263.31
Unleaded gasoline 760 3210 2,139.00
Diesel 760 3211 1,824.90
Diesel fuel 760 3211 564.08
Diesel fuel 760 3211 217.25
Diesel fuel 760 3211 188.98
Oil,grease 760 3220 1,308.75
~39 Port Angeles Auto Glass 16021 Truck mirror ?60 3101 27.95
48841 Port Angeles Ford Lincoln 16158 Switch assembly 760 3101 42.63
Gear assembly, valve 76~) 3101 557.35
Throttle position sensor 760 3101 32.11
Throttle cable 760 3101 25.43
Credit valve, switch 7(>0 3101 109.65-
Core return 760 3101 161.85-
48845 Quality 4x4 Truck Supply 17~ Sleeve, shaft, labor,VJ kit 760 3101 51.79
Sleeve, shaft, labor,VJ kit 760 4810 162~.49
48847 Race Street Auto Parts 18048 Return brake shoe core 760 3101 8.09-
Tail pipe 760 3101 /+4.34
48853 Scontrino & Associates 19561 Prof Svcs-Employee Survey 760 4150 71.61
4~57 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Clutch cam/housing/labor/pin 760 3101 61.41
Boot 760 3101 14.45
Weld stick 760 3101 3.98
Plug, cap 760 3101 8.85
Pipe cap, pipe plug 760 3101 22.61
Bc~t 760 3101 14.45
Hose, fitting, Labor 760 3101 26.87
Boot 760 3101 14.45-
Acetylene 760 3101 31.33
Sealant, caulk gun 760 3101 15.06
Eye bolt, cement 760 3101 9.70
99~01~14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 37
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL C~e Amount
Number Name Number Number
4E~59 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Automotive, hardware 760 3101 69.24
Hardware 760 3101 12.05
4~5 Chevron USA (Credit Card pmts) 03060 Fuel 760 3210 42.15
48890 Diversified Inspections Inc. 04230 Annual Lift Safety Inspection 760 ~10 345.00
Annual Lift Safety Inspection 760 4810 345.00
48907 Lucent Technologies 12215 12-2 Billing 760 4210 7.75
48921 Parts Incorporated 18126 Overspeed switch kit 760 3101 30/+.97
48924 Power Take Off Specialties 16193 Hydraulic pump 760 3101 513.31
48938 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 19048 Boots 760 3101 340.96
48955 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 12-3 Billing 760 4210 7.66
49060 Certified Laboratories 03057 Gear oil 760 3101 153.25
49072 Diversifie~l Inspections Inc. 04230 Annual Aerial Lift Safety insp 760 4810 345.00
Annual Aerial Lift Safety insp 7604810 345.00
49084 Grainger Inc. 07015 Valve plate kit,gasket kit 760 3101 77.13
49105 N C Machinery Co. 14001 Returned links,seals,rings 760 3101 533.28-
Repair track link 760 4810 253.13
Lamp, switch 7603101 44.20
V-belts,pulley, washer,bolt 760 3101 209.22
Cap bearing,bolts,nuts 760 3101 185.80
Fl)nvheel assembly 760 3101 357.68
Caterpillar rental 12-16 760 4810 453.18
49115 Pacific Co~st Truck Center 16002 Relay switch 760 3101 54.60
49116 Parts Incorporated 18126 Packer rcx~ 760 3101 257.50
Packer r~ 760 3101 197.23
49123 Price Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Air duster,tapes,~nitor 760 3101 56.88
49127 Ruddell Auto Mall 18019 Run system check,valve,gasket 760 3101 227.82
Run system check,valve,gasket 760 4810 131.42
49130 Scontrino & Associates 19561 Professional svcs-Survey rpts 760 4150 30.38
49134 Snap-on Tools - Chugger Dearie 19108 Socket set,b~t 760 3501 159.64
4914~+ Transfac Funding Corporation 20059 Freight on cylinder head 760 3101 45.~
Freight on tJres 760 4810 330.55
49145 US West Communications 21001 12-14 billing 760 4210 22.88
49175 Angeles Machine Works Inc. 01072 Sleeve bearing, labor 760 4810 104.7~'
49179 Apollo Equipment Company 01285 Chain 760 3101 17.44
49187 Bryant's Upholstery 02059 Recover/repair upholstery-1919 760 4810 70.14
491~ Cornell Auto Parts 03(~22 Box cover 760 3101 37.~
Drop line 760 3101 93.85
Drill, air ratchet, brush 760 3101 382.~
Grinder 760 3501 140.26
Brush on tape 760 3101 4.72
Hand cleaner 760 3101 130.96
Chassis 760 3101 77.77
Chassis 760 3101 ~.61
Return chassis 760 3101 77.77-
49202 Denver's Tire Co. Inc. 04044 Wheel change, tires, service cal 760 3101 371.00
Wheel change,tires, service cal 760 4810 42.08
Flat repair, wheel change 760 4810 22.12
Tire servicing 760 4~I0 34.53
Tire servicing 760 4810 17.26
Tire servicing 760 4~I0 17.26
Rear rod assembly, labor 760 3101 64.90
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - ~K LIVE January 14 I~ Page 38
Date From 12/05/1~8 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Rear r~ assembly, Labor 760 4810 14.57
0 ring, mount, demount 760 4810 119.77
Tires,sipe, wheeL change 760 4810 146.74
Tires, sipe, wheel change 760 3101 1,381.12
Mount, demount, balance 760 4810 17.26
Flat repair,wheel change, tires 760 3101 188.82
Flat repair,wheel change, tires 760 4810 42.63
Tires, mount, demount, balance 760 3101 232.20
Tires, mount, demount, balance 760 4810 38.84
Flat repair, 760 4810 78.39
Tire servicing 760 4810 34.53
Mount, demount 760 4810 17.26
Tire servicing 760 4810 17.26
Tire servicing 760 4810 17.26
Mount, demount, studs 760 4810 41.00
Tires, mount, demount, balance 760 4810 45.32
Tires, mount, demount, balance 760 3101 388.44
Tires,studs, labor,balance 760 3101 283.56
Tires,studs, labor,balance 7604810 197.46
Battery 7603101 103.58
Safety check, labor, alignment 760 3101 13.21
Safety check, labor, alignment 760 4810 75.48
Service call, labor 760 4810 49.90
Flat repair, wheel change 760 4810 22.12
Transmission 760 3101 1,332.57
Flat repair 760 4810 10.79
Tires, studding,balancing 760 3t01 146.74
Tires,studding, balancing 760 4810 29.03
Flat repair/ wheel change 760 4810 22.12
Tire servicing 760 4810 17.26
Tires,studding,balancing 760 3101 161.74
Tires,studding,balancing 760 4810 11.87
Flat repair, wheel change 7604810 22.12
Flat repair, tires, casing 760 3101 246.17
Flat repair, tires, casing 760 4810 42.62
Pass balance inspection 7603101 17.26
Tire servicing 760 4810 34.53
Tires,studding,balancing 760 3101 154.29
Tires,studding,balancing 760 4810 29.03
Tires, wheel change 760 3101 512.09
Tires, wheel change 760 4810 22.76
Flat repair, wheel change 760 4810 24.28
Service call, labor 760 4810 40.46
Service call, jump start car 760 4810 31.02
Flat repair 760 3101 22.66
Service call, flat repair 760 4810 59.35
Tires, casing, mount, demount 760 4810 15.11
Tires, casing, mount, demount 760 3101 234.66
Bulbs, labor 760 4810 9.44
Tires, mount, demount, balance 760 3101 431.60
Tires, mount, demount, balance 760 4810 130.56
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 39
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
LOF, labor 760 3101 13.22
LOF, labor 760 ~810 17.26
Tires, wheel balance 760 3101 119.23
Flat repair/ wheel change 760 4810 27.51
49211 H & R Parts & Equipment Inc. 08045 U joint 760 3101 110.42
Clutch assembly/pilot bearing 760 3101 739.09
Cable assembly 760 3101 87.7T
Air line antifreeze 760 3101 8.09
49215 Heartline, The 08054 Battery 760 3101 61.41
Batteries 760 3101 140.87
Battery 760 3101 68.74
Batteries 760 3101 150.95
49224 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11~2 Bearing cup 760 3101 15.20
Plain radial bearing 760 3101 55.48
49230 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Cut metal 760 3101 8.85
Steel 7603101 292.19
Gloves 7603101 40.79
49232 Craft, Oon 03424 Spanner wrench set 7~) 3501 214.07
49237 MiddLeton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Core deposit 760 3101 28.59-
Muff Let 760 3101 84.36-
Seal beam 760 3101 75.91
HaLc~3en bulb 760 3101 29.10
Seal 760 3101 50.60
Battery 760 3101 11.85
Cable tie 760 3101 10.10
Distributor cap, rotor,wire set 760 3101 31.92
Wire set 760 3101 6.97
Brake cleaner, wipers, bulb 760 3101 219.71
Air filter, fitting 760 3101 19.18
Core solder 760 3101 3.71
Lamp 760 3101 11.33
Light bulb 760 3101 6.56
Lamp 760 3101 26.33
Flasher,filters,fitting,seal 760 3101 192.86
Hydraulic part 760 3101 5.95
Air hose connectors 760 3101 2.79
Jack stand 760 3501 171.56
Air hose connector 760 3101 2.79
Wiper blade 760 3101 17.26
Wiper blade 760 3101 17.26
Heater core 760 3101 93.80
Ignition lead 760 3101 36.80
Belt 760 3101 20.80
Heater core 760 3101 82.25
Halogen bulb, air filters 760 3101 44.42
Fitting 760 3101 5.12
Switch 760 3101 27.15
Relay 7603101 31.14
Thermostat, gasket 760 3101 5.55
Cable tie 760 3101 16.33
Flasher, adhesive, oil filter 760 3101 21.25
~/D1/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 40
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Lamp 760 3101 4.97
Wrench 760 3101 10.63
Light bulbs 760 3101 31.01
Hose 760 3101 7.74
Air filter ?60 3101 3.94
Air filter, oil filter 760 3101 54.46
Flat washer, lockwash, swivel 760 3101 183.86
Silicone 760 3101 9.90
49238 N C Machinery Co. 14001 Engine rebuild- Vehicle 1908 760 3101 5,328.57
Grill, latch,nut,hinge, washer ?60 3101 1,962.31
Engine rebuild- vehicle 1908 760 3101 4,369.21
Engine rebuild- vehicle 1908 760 4810 2,446.36
49255 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Install software, interface ?~) 3101 15.10
Toner 760 3101 55.03
49262 Pettit Oil Company 16302 December Cardlock 760 3210 1,928.67
December Cardlock 760 3211 44.60
Gasoline 760 3211 2,405.00
Diesel fuel 760 3211 1,217.47
Diesel 760 3211 1,910.25
Diesel 760 3211 190.67
Guardol 760 3220 221.95
49266 Port Angeles Ford Lincoln 16158 Assembly,bezel, reinforcement 760 3101 370.60
Retainer 760 3101 8.61
49271 Quality 4x4 Truck Supply 17006 Friction modifier, battery 760 3101 3~.03
492~ Race Street Auto Parts 18048 Gas charge bruiser 760 3101 126.40
Light bulbs 760 3101 3.19
49275 Richmond 2-Way Radio 180(~ Install radio in pickup, laker 760 4810 98.72
492~ Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Cylinder rent-November 760 3101 26.98
Wear ring 760 3101 6.75
Wear ring 760 3101 13.33
Bolt, drill bit 760 3101 19.18
Hex bit 760 310t 31.36
Carbon pipe die 760 3101 16.~
Pipe nipple 760 3101 10.08
Wear ring 760 3101 26.65
Back-up ring 760 3101 3.02
Fitting, labor 760 3101 17.20
CLamp 760 3101 12.32
Hardware 760 3101 .52
Hose, labor, 0 ring 760 3101 82.90
Cable, hyco stop 760 3101 1.ir~
O-ring 7~ 3101 1.39
Cylinder rent-December 760 3101 26.98
Hose, fitting, labor, swivel 760 3101 I~.63
49291 Tranco Transmissions Inc. 20036 Resurface flywheel 760 4810 40.~
49293 Unit~ Fire Service Inc. 21015 Ambulance switch bulb 760 3101 59.~
Locking switch 760 3101 30.27
49304 W~y Froom Firestone 23335 Landfill-Loader tires 760 3101 5,137.10
Total for Public Works 84,~2.04
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 41
Date From 12/05/1998 To01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code A~ount
Number Name Number Number
Total for Equipment Services Fund 84,636.47
502 0002 48~T5 Angeles Communications Inc 01~9 Labor,wire office,computer rm 250 4210 425.54
Move extensions,new network ja 250 4210 2~.85
/~776 Angeles Millwork 0107'5 Lumber,door,visqueen,wallboard 250 4990 550.72
Minwax, lumber, brush 250 4~ 41.09
Paint 250 4~ 11.77
48777 Angeles Plumbing Inc. 01039 Copper line, labor 250 4990 126.82
48798 Foderal Firesafety Inc. 06023 Labor-computer room halon 2504810 70.13
Disconnect/reconnect halon sys 250 4810 70.13
4~33 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Post it notes, pens, discs 250 4,~10 430.52
Switchbox, cable 250 4810 81.~
~40 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03~2 Petty cash reimbursement 250 4810 20.70
48853 Scontrino & Associates 19561 Prof Svcs-Employee Survey 250 4150 28.71
~3 CPU Services 03456 IBM CD-Rom Drive SCSI 250 4810 323.70
4~91 Electro Products Inc. 05179 Vertical enclosure, fan set,she 250 4810 1,189.71
4~900 IBM Corporation 09020 Maintenance agre-printer, RS600 250 4810 ~50.93
Maintenance agre-RS6~ 250 4810 380.62
Maintenance agre-printer,RS600 250 4810 660.93
Maintenance agre-printer,RS600 250 4810 660.93
Maintenance agre-March 250 4810 1,083.39-
Maintenance agre-Dec 97 250 4810 660.93
Maintenance agre-RS6000 250 4810 380.62
Maint agreement-4234 Printer 250 4810 127.17
48901 IBM Parts Order Center 09116 Power supply for IBM server 250 4810 199.62
48903 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Hard drive, microscanner, hub 250 4810 1,966.96
128MB Memory Module 250 4810 462.89
48905 Learnkey Inc. 12154 Windows NT training video 250 4310 169.35
48907 Lucent Technologies 12215 12-2 Billing 250 4210 23.25
48920 PC ServiceSource 16045 Power supply digital server 250 4810 100.93
Power supply-digital server 250 4810 78.16
48955 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 12-3 Billing 250 4210 ~.29
489~ Dungeness Communications & ~I0 November Internet Maintenance 250 4150 100.00
49021 R & D Industries Inc. 180(0) Netserver, adapter 250 4810 3,257.10
Mounting tray 250 4810 79.16
49~)45 Angeles Communications Inc 01069 Movod phone/network connection 250 4810 ~.75
49125 Rocket 04043 Fire sprinkler modification 250 4990 510.37
49130 Scontrino & Associates 19561 Professional svcs-Survey rpts 250 4150 12.18
49135 Software Spectrum 19343 Corel CLP Freedom WP Suit Pro 250 4810 9,279.40
Computer upgrade software 250 4810 2,833.45
Arcserveit V6.6 Netware upgrad 250 4810 326.66
Corel Universal WP Media 250 4810 12.95
Wanderlink software upgrade 250 4810 272.99
Software upgrade 250 4810 630.14
49145 US West Communications 21001 12-14 billing 250 4210 ~.65
49169 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01~1 Flex steel, washer, switch 250 4990 80.67
49176 Angeles Millwork 01073 Door closer 250 4990 299.96
Door closer, crodit door closer 250 4990 6.88
Lumber, cedar shims,anchor wodg 250 4990 83.01
Lumber 250 499~) 34.96
Paint,primer, cover,tray, liner 250 4990 38.35
99/01/14-16:32 City of Port Angeles - ~K LIVE January 16 1~ Page 62
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Ve~or Description GL Cede Amount
Number Name Number Number
Dr~aLL mud,mosking paper 250 6990 12.39
Paint 250 4990 57.32
Paint, brush, roll cover 250 6990 28.01
Pemko #272-D Low Sill 250 6990 38.95
Casing nails 250 6990 1.28
Wall door stop 250 4990 4.52
69183 Best Locking Systems 01079 Cylindrical Locks 250 6990 127.20
69216 HartnageL Building Supply Inc. 08052 Tray Liner, brush, roller 250 6990 9.72
Cove base,flooring accessories 250 6990 31.96
Tray Liner,brush, roller cover 250 6990 12.30
69245 OLympic Drywall Supplies Inc. 15023 Sheetrock, nails, utility saw 250 6990 96.37
Visqueen 250 6990 12.03
69269 OLympic Paper Company 15111 Paper 250 3101 295.97
49250 OLympic Printers Inc. 15027 Business cards-Finance 250 3101 21.16
69255 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16(X)4 Tape drive, cable printer 250 6810 1,807.33
Cable 250 4810 37.77
Cable 2504810 25.90
Interface adaptec 250 /+810 222.27
UPS Backup Smart-UPS 250 /+810 1,456.49
49265 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 250 6810 13.66
Total for Information Systems Fund 31,561.30
503'0001 48666 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 01231 Insurance Premium-Oec 1998 121 6630 63,190.70
Insurance Premium-Oec 1998 121 4632 1,173.60
Insurance Premium-Dec 1998 121 6636 10,625.00
Insurance Premium-Dec 1998 121 6635 2,297.00
48678 CLaLLam County YMCA 03076 Annual Membership- J Hall 121 6150 470.00
48712 NW Admin Transfer Acct (Non-S) 14169 Insurance Prem- December 98 121 4633 8,619.00
48713 NW Admin. Transfer Acct CSW) q~016 Insurance Pree-December 98 121 ~633 2,236.60
48714 NW CLeaning and Restoration 16217 Payment for CLaim #37-98 119 6999 1,917.08
48765 Standley, Guy 19559 Payment for Claim #37-98 119 4999 86.32
48789 Curtis, Kevin 03099 Reimbursement for ambulance sv 121 4630 50.00
48794 Drake, Francis and Sylvia 04265 Payment of Claim #40-98 119 4999 992.19
4B~1 Gordy'$ Pizza & Pasta 07272 Safety meeting lunch 118 4909 58.75
48854 Simpson, Ken and Heidi 19562 Payment of Claim #36-98 119 4999 526.32
48877 Benoff, Jerry 02099 Reimbrsmnt for out-patient svc 121 4630 18.65
48879 Budget Rent-A-Car 02152 Payment of Claim #44-98 119 4999 727.84
48887 Clallam County YMCA 03076 Membership-R McGahan 121 4150 436.00
Annual membership-J Abram 121 4150 536.00
48892 Evergreen Safety Council Inc 05011 Flagger instructor recertif-Br 118 4909 105.00
48913 Miller, Dale 13056 Reimbrsmnt for in-patient svcs 121 4630 275.77
48932 Regence Blue Shield-Dental 18234 Administrative fee-Jan 99 117 4601 1,202.04
48963 Summit Law Group PLLC 19437 General Labor Representation 119 4150 225.50
48947 UNUM Life Ins Co of America 21000 Long-Term Disability Prem-Jan 121 4631 1,675.20
49022 Rainier EAP Inc. 18057 December services 121 4150 330.00
49051 Bishop, Virgil 02019 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 94.00
49057 Cameron, Kenneth 03252 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 65.70
49058 Camporini, Richard 03273 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 46.10
49063 Clallam County YMCA 03076 Membership-G Drake 121 4150 60?.50
49075 Evans, Sid 05103 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 42.50
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 43
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
49079 Fox/ Kenneth 06191 Disability Board claim-Dec 98 121 4635 19.49
49081 Gates Service Company, Frank 07208 Professional svcs-Oct/Dec 1998 118 4140 1,250.00
49082 Gellor Insurance Inc. 07030 Renew Worker's Comp policy 118 4950 18,380.00
4~7 Hansen, George D. 08(0+8 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635
4~1 Johnson, Donald G 10052 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 ~35 43.80
49092 Johnson, Harry 10047 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 ~35 45.50
Disability Board claim-Dec 98 121 ~35 27.00
49094 Kochanek, Harry 11017 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 85.00
49098 Lindley, James K. 12019 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 43.80
49099 Loucks, Jasper 121~ Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 85.00
Disability Board claim-Dec 98 121 ~35 11.00
49101 Marks Jr, Arthur G. 13002 Reimburse out-patient svcs 121 4630 110.59
49102 Miesel, Phil 13261 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 4635 46.10
49103 Morgan, Roy 13145 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 ~35 46.10
49104 Myers, William 13130 Reimburse Jan Medicare Premium 121 ~35 43.80
Disability Board claim-Dec 98 121 4635 54.79
491~ NW Admin Transfer Acct 14169 Medical,dental,vision-Jan 1999 121 4633 11,494.35
49112 O'Donnell, David 15152 Reimburse out-patient svcs 121 ~30 172.17
49132 Silva, Mike 19316 Disability Board claims-Dec 98 121 4635 60.00
49140 Sweatt, Johnnie 19146 Reimburse Jan Medicmre Premium 121 ~35 65.70
49167 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 01231 Insurance Premium-January 1999 121 4630 70,310.20
Insurance Premium-January 1999 121 4632 1,174.60
Insurance Premium-January 1999 121 4634 11,714.20
491~ Burns, Ann Forest 02424 Contribution-Lewis Cnty v Belc 119 4999 1,0(X).00
49199 Curtis, Kevin 030g¢) Reinfourse Out-patient services 121 ~30 1~.66
49207 Farr, Marie 06214 Settlement of claim #01-99 119 4999 169.41
49212 Haller, M. Ryan 08375 Settlement of Claim #47-98 119 49~ 1,050.00
49229 Legal Research Solutions 12291 Law summation-Timber Harvestin 119 4999 4~.50
49292 UNUM Life Ins Co of America 210(X) LTD Coverage - February 1999 121 4631 1,675.20
49301 Washington Cities Ins. Auth. 23204 99 Property Pregram Assessment 119 4610 169,436.00
Total for Self - Insurance Fund 387,69?.92
(>02 0002 49167 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 01231 Insurance Premium-January 1999 225 4635 2,565.00
Total for Firemen's Pension Fund 2,565.00
621 0002 4~1 ABM Construction 01287 Contractor Pmt-S Cicotte 214 4150 4,130.52
48777 Angeles Plumbing Inc. 01039 FinBl pmt-Robert Gourley 214 4150 701.35
4~97 Garland Construction & Maint 07063 Final pmt-L Gross 98PAO3L 214 4150 6,760.32
49013 Olympic Electric Co. Inc. 15024 Final pmt-Maria McBride 214 4150 2,302.69
490~ Land Title Company 12129 Reconveyance-527 W lOth St 214 4941
49165 ABM Construction 01287 Contract pmt-S Cicotte 214 4150 1,522.08
491~ Angeles Plumbing Inc. 01039 Final pmt- Vincent Cipriano 214 4150 405.47
49210 Garland Construction & Maint 07063 Final pmt-R Moon 214 4150 382.61
49246 Olympic Electric Co. Inc. 15024 Final pmt- Robert Gourley 214 4150 670.71
Total for P.A. Housing ReHab Project 16,898.75
625 0(0)0 ~ District 13 04050 Basketball officials-lst half 882 4150 1,100.00
Reimburse for office supplies ~I~2 3199 183.42
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page 44
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Ccxte Amount
Number Name Number Number
48728 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03~2 Petty cash reimbursment ~ 3101 13.75
Petty cash reimbursment 888 3101 8.33
Petty cash reimbursment 888 3101 9.95
~761 Xerox Corporation 24001 Copier ~ 4150 50.95
48803 Hansen's Trophy 08047 PLaques 882 4150 107.90
488~1 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Glue, tape, erasers, pencils 888 3120 23.61
Paint,fasteners,paper,ribbon ~ 3120 29.93
Astrobright paper, envelopes 8883120 9.73
Paper ~3101 45.30
z~8840 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement ~ 3101 8.80
48859 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Athletic supplies 8;~2 3199 52.26
Flashlight ~2 3199 6.63
Athletics ~2 3199 120.97
Athletics ~ 3120 10.70
~2 Unite<] Parcel Service 21005 Shipping services-November 882 3101 9.91
49070 District 13 04050 2nd Half -Volleyball Officials 884 4150 1,3~.00
2nd Half-Basketball Officials ~2 4150 1,350.00
49109 Newbridge Educ. Programs 14430 Holiday Happen ~ 3120 17.20
49223 K Ply Inc. 11050 Damage deposit-Senior Center ~9 9613 30.00
49253 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Liquid paper,pens,message pad 888 3120 14.91
Letter stencils ~ 3120 14.93
49255 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 160(0, Modem 8~ 3120 104.66
49265 Port Angeles City Treasurer 030452 Petty cash reimbursement 8~ 3101 19.16
Petty cash reimbursement ~3101 10.65
492~ Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 After School Prc~:jram supplies ~ 3120 5.44
Phone cord ~ 3120 3.74
Total for Recreational Activities Fund 4,~2.83
627 0(0)5 4~a582 DARE America 04036 Sticker sheets/ pennant, mug 531 3101 890.38
~38 Pettit Oil Company 16302 CardLock for November OARE 531 3q01 19.37
488z~5 R & T Specialty Inc. 18129 Pencils, checkbook cover/tents 531 3101 291.85
48861 Treadway Graphics 20135 Bumper sticker, medallions 531 3101 358.11
~ OARE America 04036 ELementary/Jr. High Workbooks 531 3101 176.~
~945 Tee's Plus Screen Printing 20065 Oval auto sticker 531 3101 117.62
49262 Pettit Oil Company 16302 Unleaded gasoline 531 3101 20.29
Total for D.A.R.E. Fund 1,874.58
650 ~728 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03~2 Petty cash reimbursment 650 2319100 43.50
48958 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 November excise taxes 650 2319100 18.21
Total for Department 61.71
0002 November excise taxes 290 4950 1.02-
Total for Finance 1.02-
Total for Off - Street Parking Fund 60.69
652 0(0)8 ~750 US West Communications 210{)1 11-14 Billing 868 4210 90.28
90/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - ~'2K LIVE January 14 1990 Page 45
Date From 12/05/19<)8 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
11-23 Billing ~58 4210 47.81
48805 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Ceiling hook/ t~gle bolt 868 3101 7.27
Anchor, screws ~ 3101 10.27
Galvanized nails, anchor ~8 3101 7.36
48834 Parker Paint Hfg Co. Inc. 16201 Paint 868 3120 39.38
48859 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Paint, accessories 868 3101 5.46
Paint, accessories 868 3101 29.83
Hardware ~ 3101 3.17
489~)7 Lucent Technol~ies 12215 12-2 Billing ~ 4210 7.75
48955 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 12-3 Billing 868 4210 41.90
49029 US West Communications 21001 12-14 billing 868 ~I0 .48
12-08 billing ~8 4210 237.60
49145 US West Communications 21001 12-14 billing ~ ~10 22.88
12-23 Billing ~ ~10 47.81
49214 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Hose stop, wood patch, blade ~3101 9.62
49253 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper ~ 3101
Foam core, cover stock ~ 3101 19.00
49260 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Annual subscription-Fine Art ~ 4g~31 105.0(3
49263 Port Angeles Auto Glass 16021 Glass ~58 3101 11.87
49281 Seniuk, Jake 19014 Reimburse expenses-Nov-Jan 868 3101 66.54
Reimburse expenses-Nov-Jan 868 4310 22.77
Reimburse expenses-Nov-Jan ~ 3210 9.99
49288 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Electrical supplies ~ 3101 5.19
49290 Thurman Supply 20005 Gimbal ring/ battery 868 3120 4.09
Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund ~50.12
654 00(~ 48715 Natural Structures 14145 Benches 873 3199 2,2~.00
48776 Angeles Millwork 01073 Hex Lags/ stud anchor wedge 873 3199 35.45
Hex nuts, washers, screws 873 3199 19.96
Trowel, mud pan 873 3190 20.20
Lumber, screws 873 3199 23.47
Lumber 873 3101 18.58
Hex Lags 873 3199 32.05
Emery cloth, sand paper 873 3199 3.88
48781 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 020/+5 Jet set 873 3199 25.36
Top soil 873 3199 104.66
48805 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Brush, pot, water seal 873 3101 27.71
~57 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Anchor wedge 8~ 3199 20.93
48859 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Pruners 8~ 3199 42.59
49180 Automatic Wilbert Vault Co Inc 01089 Cement foundations 87"5 3190 512.00
49214 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Concrete fixalL 873 3199 3.58
49241 Natural Structures 14145 Redwood benches 873 3199 2,281.01
492~ Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Ceramic epoxy, hammer bit 873 3199 33.17
Ball paint marker 873 3199 6.~
Epoxy, ceramic epoxy 873 3199
Hammer bit 873 3199 23.50
Total for Waterfront Trail Fund 5,564.24
697 ~00 Frazer, Linda 06213 Rfd ovrpmt of Medic I billing 697 2391000 185.15
99/01/14-14:32 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE January 14 1999 Page ~6
Date From 12/05/1998 To 01/15/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
48933 Regence Blue Shield 18290 Rfd Hedic I billing 697 2391000 50.58
48937 Saba & Associates 19300 Rfd pmt to Saba-Medic I billin 697 2391000 513.00
49068 Dept of Social & Health Svcs 0~168 Refund ovrpmt of Medic I 697 2391000 130.24
49119 Pont Angeles Care Center #73 16314 Rfd credit on LF Acct #106127 6972391000 9.50
Total for Accts. Receivable Clearing Fund 888.47
698 /,8704 LEOFF 12043 Payroll contributions-Nov 98 698 2315120 24,778.27
48721 PERS 16016 Payroll contributions-Dec 1998 698 2315130 66,763.53
48894 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 Payroll deductions pe 12-13-98698 2315210 1,020.34
48918 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll deductions pe 12-13-98 698 2315210 894.83
48941 States West Life Insurance Co. 19313 Life Insurance Prem-Januar~ ~ 698 2315160 701.10
48949 United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions pe 12-13-98698 2315240 406.31
48950 Volunteer Fire Association 22060 Payroll deductions pe 12-13-98698 2315210 ~.00
48992 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 Payroll deductions 12-27-98 698 2315210 1,057.38
49011 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll deductions 12-27-98 698 2315210 894.83
49012 Office of Support Enforcement 151~ Payroll deductions pe 12-13-98 698 2315210 112.15
Payroll deductions 12-27-98 698 2315210 112.15
49028 US Department of Education 21075 Payroll deductions 12-13/27-98 698 2315210 138.82
49030 United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions 12-27-98 698 2315240 406.31
Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund 97,332.02
Grand Total 1,509,458.12
DATE: January 19, 1999
FROM: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works and Utilities
SUBJECT: Interlocal Joint Purchasing Agreement with Sequim
issue: The City of Sequim would like to purchase a refuse packer track utilizing the City's bidding
process of last year and to do so an Interlocal Joint Purchasing Agreement is necessary.
Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to sign
:he Interlocal Joint Purchasing Agreement with the City of Sequim.
Snmmar~ The City of Sequim would like to purchase a refuse packer truck utilizing the City's
bidding process of last year and to do so an Interlocal Joint Purchasing Agreement is necessary as
provided in RCW Chapter 39.33. The passage of this resolution could be mutually beneficial for
future purchasing.
Background / Analysis: During the latter part of 1998 the City Council awarded a bid for a refuse
packer truck after completing a formal bid process. The City of Sequim would like to utilize the
results of that bidding process to order a refuse packer track for their use and save the time and effort
of completing the process themselves.
The attached Interlocal Joint Purchasing Agreement between the City of Sequim and the City of Port
Angeles would allow for Sequim to purchase the refuse packer truck using the bid utilized by the
City of Port Angeles. The agreement is generic in nature and will allow for either the City of
Sequim or the City of Port Angeles to utilize the results of each others purchasing process for any
future acquisitions whenever there is a benefit to do so.
Interlocal Agreement
THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is entered into under Ch. 39.34 RCW on this
day of ,1999, between the City of Sequim, a municipal corporation of the State of
Washington, and the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington.
WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, as amended and codified in Chapter 39.34 of
the Revised Code of Washington, provides for interlocal cooperation between governmental
agencies; and
WHEREAS, the parties desire to establish a procedure for making joint purchases so that
each party may acquire goods and services upon more favorable terms and conditions; and
WHEREAS, this Interlocal Agreement will provide the framework and authority by which
particular joint purchases may hereafter be made.
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agreement is to acknowledge the parties' mutual interest to
jointly bid the acquisition of goods and services and to authorize the acquisition of goods
and services under contracts where a price is extended by either party's bidder to other
governmental agencies.
2. ADMINISTRATION: No new or separate legal or administrative entity is created to
administer the provisions of this agreement.
3. SCOPE: Each party, in contracting for the purchase of goods and services for itself, agrees
to allow and hereby authorizes the other party to place orders for such goods and services
under the same contract, to the extent permitted by law and to the extent agreed upon
between the parties and vendors. Any contract for the purchase of goods and services made
by either party prior to the execution of this agreement may be extended to include the other
party with the concurrence of the vendor.
4. DURATION AND TERMINATION: This agreement shall take effect immediately and shall
remain in force until canceled by either party in writing.
the right to contract independently for the acquisition of goods or services without notice to
the other party and shall not bind or otherwise obligate the other party to participate in the
activity. Each party shall also have the right to exclude the other party from particular
purchases, for any reason, with or without notice to the other party. This paragraph shall not
impair existing or pending joint purchases of the parties.
6. COMPLIANCE WITH LEGAL REQUIREMENTS: It shall be the obligation of the party
seeking to place additional orders under the original purchase contract to be certain that legal
requirements applicable to its own jurisdiction have been met.
7. LIABILITY: Neither party shall assume any liability to the other by entering into,
performing, or not performing this Interlocal Agreement. Neither party shall be responsible
to the other for the performance or nonperformance of contracts by vendors.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Interlocal Agreement on
the day and year first above written.
Patrick Ibarra, City Manager , City Manager
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk , City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney , City Attorney
7 ~J
~/ A $ FI [ N G T O N, U.S.A.
DATE: January 19, 1999
FROM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
SUBJECT: Interlocal Joint Purchasing Agreement with Clallam County
Issue: Authorization of Interlocal Joint Purchasing Agreement with Clallam County.
Recommendation: Staff recommends authorizing the City Manager to sign the attached
Interloeal Joint Purchasing Agreement with Clallam County.
Summary: In order to "piggy back" on other jurisdictions bid processes, it is necessary to adopt
interlocal joint purchasing agreements. Since the City does not have such an agreement with
Clallam County, it is appropriate to enter into one.
Background / Analysis: The Police Department would like to purchase shelving using the same
product at the same price that Clallam County obtained following its bid process. In reviewing the
appropriateness of doing so, staff discovered that there is no interlocal joint purchasing agreement
between the City and County.
THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is entered into under Ch. 39.34 RCW on this
day of , 1999, between the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation of the
State of Washington, and Clallam County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington.
WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, as amended and codified in Chapter 39.34 of
the Revised Code of Washington, provides for interlocal cooperation between governmental
agencies; and
WHEREAS, the parties desire to establish a procedure for making joint purchases so that
each party may acquire goods and services upon more favorable terms and conditions; and
WHEREAS, this Interlocal Agreement will provide the framework and authority by which
particular joint purchases may hereafter be made.
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agreement is to acknowledge the parties' mutual interest to
jointly bid the acquisition of goods and services and to authorize the acquisition of goods
and services under contracts where a price is extended by either party's bidder to other
governmental agencies.
2. ADMINISTRATION: No new or separate legal or administrative entity is created to
administer the provisions of this agreement.
3. SCOPE: Each party, in contracting for the purchase of goods and services for itself, agrees
to allow and hereby authorizes the other party to place orders for such goods and services
under the same contract, to the extent permitted by law and to the extent agreed upon
between the parties and vendors. Any contract for the purchase of goods and services made
by either party prior to the execution of this agreement may be extended to include the other
party with the concurrence of the vendor.
4. DURATION AND TERMINATION: This agreement shall take effect immediately and shall
remain in force until canceled by either party in writing.
the right to contract independently for the acquisition of goods or services without notice to
the other party and shall not bind or otherwise obligate the other party to participate in the
activity. Each party shall also have the right to exclude the other party from particular
purchases, for any reason, with or without notice to the other party. This paragraph shall not
impair existing or pending joint purchases of the parties.
6. COMPLIANCE WITH LEGAL REQUIREMENTS: It shall be the obligation of the party
seeking to place additional orders under the original purchase contract to be certain that legal
requirements applicable to its own jurisdiction have been met.
7. LIABILITY: Neither party shall assume any liability to the other by entering into,
performing, or not performing this Interlocal Agreement. Neither party shall be responsible
to the other for the performance or nonperformance of contracts by vendors.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Interlocal Agreement on
the day and year first above written.
Patrick Ibarra, City Manager , Commissioner
, Commissioner
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
~ Commissioner
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
_, Clerk of the Board
Christopher Melly,
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
DATE: January 19, 1999
FROM: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works
SUBJECT.' Ordinance Revising the Ediz Hook Sanitary Sewer Connection Charge and
Milwaukee Drive Sewer Connection Charge Ordinance and associated Chapter of the
Municipal Code Relating to sewers
Issue: Should City Council approve an ordinance revising the Ediz Hook Sanitary Sewer
Connection Charge Ordinance, Milwaukee Drive Sewer Connection Charge Ordinance, and
associated Chapters of the Municipal Code relating to sewers?
Recommendation: The staff and Utility Advisory Committee recommend that City Council
adopt the attached ordinance as read by title.
Sammary_: The Ediz Hook Sanitary Sewer Connection Charge Ordinance needs to be revised to
reflect final project costs. The Milwaukee Drive Sewer Connection Charge Ordinance requires
revision to correct a reference error.
Background / Analysis: The Ediz Hook Sewer Project was constructed using two phases of work.
The project goals were to utilize City resources as a catalyst to provide sanitary sewer service to
property that was using septic tanks for sewer treatment. These septic tanks were often not
functional during winter periods of high water tables. It was understood that the repayment of the
wastewater funds used on the project might be difficult to recover, but the exposure of the City was
significantly reduced since the majority of property serviced by the project belong to the United
States Coast Guard and the City.
The connection charge established in the original ordinance needs to be revised to reflect the
reduction in costs to complete the final phase of the Ediz Hook Sewer Project. The original
ordinance adopted for the first phase was based on estimated costs of the planned improvements for
the completed project. The total cost of the project was originally estimated to be $490,000. The
final actual cost of the project was $382,984,71. This cost reduction resulted from a design change
that eliminated large sewage pumping stations which would have been operated and maintained by
the City. Most users of the system needed to install individual pump stations, due to the flat terrain.
By proper sizing the individual pump motors the need for the larger stations was eliminated and the
small individual pump stations will be maintained by the individual owners or leaseholders. The
individual connection charge for each equivalent wastewater service was reduced from $12,250 to
January 19, 1999
Page 2
The initial phase of the sewer project was constructed in conjunction with the Ediz Hook portion of
the Waterfront Trail in 1994. The City was working with the USCG on a joint project to serve the
base and the balance of Ediz Hook with sewer service. The details of the agreement had not been
finalized at the time but it was agreed that placement of the sewer main during the trail construction
would reduce future construction costs and avoid cutting and ditching of the new pavement project.
The initial ordinance to recover the costs of the Ediz Hook sewer construction costs was adopted by
the City following completion of the first phase. The ordinance provides for recovery of City
Wastewater Utility costs, including interest, from each owner/leaseholder along the Hook, as shown
on attached Exhibit "A", when they connect to the sewer. The individual connection costs to be
collected are apportioned based on water usage and is further explained in the updated Exhibit "B",
copy attached, which will be sent to all owners and leaseholders after adoption of the proposed
Exhibit "B" notes that the construction costs of the 4-inch wastewater force main and appurtenant
facilities needed to serve Ediz Hook were apportioned to users based on existing and projected
wastewater generation within the benefitted area. Wastewater generation is directly related to water
usage; the water consumption, existing and projected, was utilized as the basis for apportioning the
construction costs to the users. The water consumption unit utilized was an equivalent water service
which is based on an average residential water consumption of 1,000 cubic feet per month minimum
or 12,000 cubic feet per year. This resulted in 40 equivalent waste water service units for the
benefited area. Distributing the costs using the 40 projected equivalent waste water services resulted
in a connection fee of $9,574.62 per equivalent service. The calculations to develop the wastewater
usage, final project costs, and apportionment of the construction costs into connection fees were
reviewed and approved by the City Engineer.
Exhibit "B" further notes that at the time of payment, interest at the rate applicable (8%) to the City
at the completion of construction (8/04/98) and accruing subsequently will be added to the
connection fee for a period not to exceed ten years. All requests for wastewater service in the
latecomer area will be assessed accordingly. Any wastewater service outside the original latecomer
area which connects to or utilizes the wastewater force main will also be assessed using the above
The table included with Exhibit "B" compares the final and preliminary connection costs for each
of the properties involved. This table can be used by the Real Estate Committee when developing
future lease agreements with leaseholders on Ediz Hook.
In 1994 the owners, lease holders, and sublease holders were provided copies of the original
ordinance along with exhibits based on the first phase costs, and estimates to complete the second
phase of the project. City staff will be working with the Real Estate committee on an equitable
method to recover some of the City's connection costs and individual side sewer costs from its
subleases in revised subleases and/or sewer rates.
In the process of revising the Ediz Hook Sewer Connection Ordinance it was noted that the
Milwaukee Drive Sewer Connection Ordinance also needed revision to correct a reference error.
o.% Proposed Ordinance
o,% Exhibit A - Map of the benefited area
°7° Exhibit B - Description of Improvements and costs
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the
charges for connection to the Ediz Hook sanitary sewer, revising the
Milwaukee Drive sewer connection ordinance, and amending
Ordinances 2832 and 2618 and Chapters 13.70 and 13.67 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles has constructed a sanitary sewer force main to
serve Ediz Hook, making sanitary service available to the area; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles has determined that it is in
the public interest to require that the cost incurred in constructing said sewer facilities shall be paid
by the property owners/lessees benefitted by said facilities; and
WHEREAS, due to the sewage pump stations being paid for separately by the
landowners/leasees, it has been determined that the total cost for the sewer facilities is reduced from
$490,000 to $382,984.71 and that the area served by said facilities is shown on Exhibit A, which
is attached hereto and is used for the purpose of calculating an appropriate charge for connecting
to said line; and
WHEREAS, it has been calculated that the revised proportionate share of the cost of
construction of the sewer facilities attributable to the property being charged is reduced from
$12,250 to $9,574.62 per equivalent waste water service.
Section 1. Section 2 of Ordinance 2832 and Chapter 13.70 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 13.70.030 to read as follows:
13.70.030 Ediz Hook Sewer Connection Charge - Amount. The Ediz Hook sewer
connection charge shall be $-t-2;-,~09,574.62, multiplied by the equivalent waste water service factor
as calculated by the Director oi' Public Works.
Section 2. Section 2 of Ordinance 2618 and Chapter 13.67 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 13.67.020 to read as follows:
13.67.020 Milwaukee Drive Trunk Sewer Connection Charge - Amount. The
Milwaukee Drive trunk sewer connection charge shall be $150, multiplied by the equivalent water
meter factor as defined in PAMC 13.66.03069.050.
Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any
person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the day of , 1998.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
By Summary 98.20
11/30/98 Revislon ~)o~e~ x File:94FHO~4A "
~ ~ P~' ANGELES. WA~]NGTON. g8562
PHONE: (~e) 457-~411 ~/
October 31, 1998
The improvements covered by the Ediz Hook connection fee ordinance include the
construction of a 4 inch wastewater force main to serve the area as outlined on Exhibit A.
The improvements include construction of the 4 inch wastewater force main and
appurtenant facilities. Individual service laterals, pumping stations, and gravity mains are
not included in the improvements.
Documentation supporting the final cost of engineering, inspection, and
improvements has been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. A summary of the
final costs follows:
TOTAL $382,984.71
The construction costs of the 4 inch wastewater force main and appurtenant
facilities needed to serve Ediz Hook were apportioned to users based on existing and
projected wastewater generation within the benefitted area. Because wastewater
generation is directly related to water usage, water consumption, existing and projected,
is the most equitable and most commonly used basis for apportioning the construction
costs to the property owners. The water consumption unit utilized was an equivalent water
service which is based on an average residential water consumption of 1,000 cubic feet
per month minimum or 12,000 cubic feet per year. This resulted in 40 equivalent waste
water service units for the benefited area. Distributing the costs using the 40 projected
equivalent waste water services resulted in a connection fee of $9,574.62 per equivalent
service. The calculations to develop the wastewater usage, final project costs, and
apportionment of the construction costs into connection fees were reviewed and approved
by the City Engineer.
At the time of payment, interest at the rate applicable (8%) to the City at the
completion of construction (8/04/98) and accruing therefrom will be added to the
connection fee for a period not to exceed ten years, as provided by state statute. All
requests for wastewater service in the latecomer area will be assessed accordingly. Any
wastewater service outside the original latecomer area which connects to or utilizes the
wastewater force main will be assessed using the above method.
1. B.P. OFFICES 9,700 1
2. DAISHOWA 1,500 1
3. SAIL/PADDLE PARK 24,900 2
6. CITY REST ROOMS 10,100 1
8. T'BIRD BOATHOUSE 58,200 5
9. GLOBAL AQUA 150 1
10. P.A. PILOTS 24,400 2
11. U.S.C.G. 272,400 23
12. FUTURE 0 1
*Potential User
DATE: January 19, 1999
FROM: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works and Utilities
SUBJECT-' Lease Agreements with North Olympic Library System
Issue: Consideration of the termination of leases related to the old Port Angeles Branch Library on
Lincoln Street and a lease for the new branch library on Lauridsen Blvd.
Recommendation: The Real Estate Committee and City staff recommend that City Council
approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the following agreements:
A. A lease for the new Port Angeles Branch Library on Lauridsen Blvd.
B. Termination of the lease for the former Carnegie Library.
C. Termination of the lease for the parking lot adjacent to the former Carnegie Library.
Summar~ As the new Port Angeles Branch Library on Laurdisen Blvd was recently completed,
the leases related to the Carnegie Library on Lincoln Street should be terminated and a lease for the
new branch library should be executed.
Background / Analysis: The City of Port Angeles and the North Olympic Library System
(NOLS) had two previous agreements related to the library located on Lincoln Street. Those
agreements were for the lease of the former Camegie Library and a lease for the parking lot adjacent
to the library. Now that the library has been relocated, these leases should be terminated.
Specifically, the Termination of Lease Agreement (Attachment C) for the parking lot lease and the
Termination of Lease (Attachment B) for the former Camegie Library should both be approved and
executed. Both termination documents would be effective August 31, 1998, which is when NOLS
vacated the premises in favor of the City.
The lease for the new Port Angeles Branch Library (Attachment A) would provide for the lease of
the new facility on Lauridsen Blvd until 2015, which is also the term of the bonds. At that time
NOLS can either extend the lease or request the City to deed the facility to NOLS. This new lease
has a requirement for NOLS to establish and maintain a fund for the maintenance and repair of major
components of the facility. NOLS would commit to a minimum of $65,510 per year to the fund and,
with the City's written agreement, could expend from the fund to maintain major components if
The NOLS Board considered and approved the lease terminations and the new lease of the Port
Angeles Branch Library at their meetings in August, 1998 and January, 1999. NOLS Board
President Gary McLaughlin and Board member Larry Haas will be in attendance to participate in
the joint signing of the new library lease at the meeting (assuming Council approval).
7 4 Attachments: A) New library lease, B)Termination of old library lease and C)Terrnination ofoldparking lease
THIS LEASE is made this __ day of ,1999, by and between the City of Port
Angeles, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter"City"), as Lessor, and the Clallam
County Rural Library District, commonly known as the North Olympic Library System, a municipal
corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter "NOLS"), as Lessee.
1. Since at least 1980, the City has contributed a building within the City limits for the operation
of a public library by NOLS.
2. When the existing Port Angeles Library building became inadequate, the City successfully
submitted a bond issue on September 20, 1994, to the Port Angeles voters for the construction of a new
library facility in Port Angeles. The bonds will be paid off November 1, 2015.
3. The City constructed the new library on land owned by NOLS, and the parties agreed to
substantially modify and incorporate NOLS adjacent administrative building into the new library structure.
4. The Holy Trinity Lutheran Church has leased parking facilities to NOLS in order to satisfy the
parking requirements for the new library.
5. Now that the new library project is substantially complete and NOLS is occupying the premises,
the parties have agreed upon the terms of this lease. Under the terms of the bond election ordinance, the
facility must be leased by the City to NOLS at least until the bonds are paid off.
For and in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the parties hereby agree
as follows:
1. Premises. The City hereby agrees to lease to NOLS, and NOLS hereby agrees to lease from
City, the following described real property (hereinafter "premises"):
The building and fixtures located on Lot A of short plat SlIP 97-01, further described
as Lots 1 through 6 inclusive, Block 22, and Lots 1 and 2, Block 18, Puget Sound
Cooperative Colony's Second Addition, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume
1 of Plats, page 12, together with that portion of vacated alley adjacent to Lots 1 and
2 in said Block 18, located on the southwest corner of Peabody Street and Lauridsen
Boulevard in Port Angeles, Clallam County, State of Washington.
2. Tenn. This lease shall commence on August 1, 1998, and shall terminate on December 31,
2015, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this lease or by written agreement of
the parties. NOLS shall have the option of either renewing the lease for an additional fifteen years subject
to negotiation of rent and other lease terms or requesting the City to deed the facility to NOLS, which
request the City will not unreasonably deny provided that NOLS has fully and faithfully honored and
complied with the facility maintenance sinking fund requirement as set forth in paragraph 9 of this lease.
76 1
3. Rent. Rent for the premises shall consist of the performance by NOLS of the covenants and
promises contained in this lease.
4. Taxes and Assessments. NOLS shall pay any and all taxes and assessments levied and
assessed upon the property, of any kind whatsoever.
5. Utilities. NOLS shall be responsible for and promptly pay for all utilities used on the
6. Purposes and Operation. The premises shall be used for operation of a public library and
for purposes incidental thereto, and for no other purpose whatsoever without the written consent of the City
being obtained prior to commencement of the new use. NOLS shall operate the premises as a full service
library for the citizens of Port Angeles and the general public in accordance with all applicable legal
requirements and shall provide all management, supervision, personnel, materials, equipment and supplies
necessary to library operations and shall properly supervise and direct its employees and other parties
implementing the performance of its duties under this lease and shall be fully responsible for the
performance of such employees and other parties.
7. Alterations and Improvements. NOLS may, at NOLS's sole cost and expense, make such
changes, alterations or improvements as may be necessary to make the premises fit for use as a public
library. Structural or mechanical alterations and improvements shall be the responsibility of NOLS. Prior
written consent of the City shall be obtained prior to making any improvements to the building requiring
structural changes, and the City shall provide design and construction management, to be reimbursed by
NOLS, for such changes. Any improvements made at NOLS' sole cost and expense, to the extent that they
may be removed at the termination of this lease, may remain the property of NOLS. If they cannot be
removed without damage to the building, then such improvements shall become the property of the City
at the termination of this lease. Should NOLS fail to remove any removable fixtures or improvements at
the termination of this lease, they shall also become the property of the City. Improvements made at the
City's sole cost and expense shall become and remain the property of the City. The provision of this section
shall not exclude NOLS and City from jointly making changes, alterations or improvements. Such
improvements shall become and remain property of the City.
8. Repair and Maintenance. NOLS represents that it has inspected and examined the premises,
accepts them in their present condition, and agrees that the City shall be required to make only repairs that
are covered by construction warranties. NOLS agrees to make any and all other repairs, including major
structural repairs, at its sole cost and expense and agrees to keep the premises safe and in good order and
condition at all times during the term hereof. The premises shall be maintained by NOLS in a reasonably
prudent manner as necessary to promote the building's normal useful life, including all structures and
equipment necessary to keep the library facility fully operational for the purposes set forth in this lease.
Upon expiration of this lease, or any sooner termination thereof, NOLS will quit and surrender possession,
quiet and peaceably and in as good order .and condition as the same were at the commencement hereof
unless the City has deeded the facility to NOLS pursuant to paragraph 2.
9. Facility Maintenance Sinking Fund. NOLS shall establish and maintain a fund sufficient to
provide for maintenance and repair of the facility's major components as may be necessary at the conclusion
of the initial term of this lease, including asphalt paving, floor coverings, metal and membrane roofing, and
HVAC system. NOLS shall appropriate at least $65,510 per year for the seventeen-year lease term into the
sinking fund. NOLS shall expend such funds only to maintain and/or replace such structural, mechanical,
paving, flooring or other listed elements of the facility and only after the initial term of this lease has
concluded, unless the City has otherwise agreed in writing.
10. Risk of Loss and Property Damage Insurance. NOLS shall remain responsible, during the
term of this lease, for the existence of the buildings constructed on the premises. Should the premises be
destroyed, NOLS shall, at its sole expense, reconstruct the buildings to the same condition as when received.
To assure this purpose, NOLS shall obtain and retain in force a property insurance policy in an amount
sufficient to pay for the reconstruction of all or a portion of the premises should they be destroyed and shall
provide adequate proof of either this insurance or other sufficient means to assure payment for
reconstruction of the premises should they be destroyed. Such assurance shall continue to be provided
during the term of this lease.
11. Liability_. NOLS shall indemnify and hold the City harmless from any loss or damage that
may arise out of or in any way be connected with this lease, the premises, or the use of the premises by
NOLS or its agents or employees, including personal injury or property damage and will defend the City
against any claim or cause of action brought against the City as a result of personal injury or property
damage arising out of, or in any way connected with, the premises, this lease, or NOLS' use of the premises.
12. Liability Insurance. NOLS agrees to deliver to the City upon the execution of this lease
proof of liability insurance written on an occurrence basis and in a form satisfactory to City, insuring against
personal injury, bodily injury and property damage and insuring the indemnification and holding harmless
of the City against any and all claims for personal injury or property damage arising out of this lease, in an
amount of not less than $3,000,000 for injury to any one person, and $500,000 for property damage. NOLS
shall keep proof of this or a similar policy in force during the term of this lease and shall annually provide
proof thereof to City, including proof that the City continues to be a named insured. The commercial
general liability policy shall be primary insurance as respect to the City and shall provide that the City shall
be given thirty days' prior written notice of any cancellation, suspension, or material change in coverage.
13. Assi_munent or Mortgage. Neither the premises nor any portion thereof shall be sublet, nor
shall this lease, nor any interest therein be assigned or mortgaged by NOLS without the prior express written
consent of the City.
14. Default by NOLS. In the event that NOLS shall be in default of any of the terms of this
lease, the City may terminate and end this lease upon ninety days' notice, provided, that NOLS may cure
such defect during the period prior to the expiration of the 90-day notice. If such defect is cured, then this
lease shall continue. If such defect is not cured, this lease shall terminate, and NOLS shall surrender the
premises on the date stated in the notice.
15. Notices. Any notices required or permitted to be given under the terms of this lease, or by
law, shall be in writing and may be given by personal delivery or certified mail, directed to the parties at
the following addresses, or such other address as any party may designate in writing prior to the time of the
giving of such notice, or in any other manner authorized by law:
78 3
NOLS: North Olympic Library System City: City of Port Angeles
c/o Director c/o City Manager
2210 S. Peabody Street P.O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362
16. Waiver. No waiver of any right arising out of a breach of any covenant, term or condition
of this lease shall be a waiver of any right arising out of any other or subsequent breach of the same or any
other covenant, term or condition or a waiver of the covenant, term or condition itself.
17. Inte~ation. This lease constitutes a final and complete statement of the agreement between
the parties and fully supersedes all prior agreements or negotiations, written or oral.
18.. Dispute Resolution. Any party may demand submission of an alleged breach of the terms
and conditions of this lease to arbitration by written demand to the other party or parties. Each party shall
appoint a neutral and detached person as an arbitrator, and the arbitrators so selected shall agree upon one
additional neutral and detached person to also serve as arbitrator. The arbitration shall be conducted under
the rules of the American Arbitration Association. This lease shall be interpreted and construed under the
laws of the State of Washington and venue for action concerning this lease shall lie in Clallam County,
Washington. The prevailing party in any lawsuit concerning this lease shall be awarded its costs and
attorney's fees.
19. Recording. This lease shall be recorded in the office of the Auditor of Clallam County,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this lease has been executed the date and year first above written.
By By
Gary Braun, Mayor , Board President
By By
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk , Director
State of Washington )
County of Clallam )
On this day of ,1999, personally appeared before me Gary Braun and Becky J.
Upton, to me known to be the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Port Angeles, the
municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing Lease Agreement, and acknowledged said
instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes
therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal
affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year
first above written.
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington
residing at
My commission expires:
State of Washington )
County of Clallam )
On this day of , 1999, personally appeared before me
and , to me known to
be the and , respectively, of the North Olympic
Library System, the municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing Lease Agreement, and
acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and
purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument and that
the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year
first above written.
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington
residing at
My commission expires:
This termination of the June 20, 1984 lease agreement for the former Carnegie Library is made this
__ day of ,1998, by and between the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation of the
State of Washington (hereafter "City"), as Lessor, and the Clallam County Rural Library District,
commonly known as the North Olympic Library System, a municipal corporation of the State of
Washington (hereafter "Library"), as Lessee.
Now that the parties have cooperated in the financing and construction of a new library in Port
Angeles, the City and Library hereby agree that the lease of the old library building can and shall be
terminated effective August 31, 1998.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this termination of lease has been executed the date and year first above written.
Gary Braun, Mayor f~'-~lt L, ~~/~t,~ , Board President
By By
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk , Director
State of Washington )
) SS.
County of Clallam )
On this day of ,1998, personally appeared before me Gary Braun and Becky J.
Upton, to me known to be the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Port Angeles, the
municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing Termination of Lease, and acknowledged said
instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes
therein mentioned, and on oath stated that'they were authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal
affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year
first above written.
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington
residing at
My commission expires:
State of Washington )
County of Clallam )
O~n this ~ day of /~___ze~..~ 1998, personally appeared before me
('~ r,/J~/~_z~o,4/~.;7 / and -- to me known to
be the/._v'. _-~_,~,d_ .~, ~,~_o_,t..-d-:'and '-- ¢ rcspc, c, tiv~q7;, of the North Olympic
Library System, the municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing Termination of Lease
Agreement, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,
for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said
instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year
residing at/(~__//_~r-~ k3 .-, ·
My commission expires:
82 2
This termination of the June 5, 1990 parking facility lease agreement associated with the former
Carnegie Library is made this ~ day of ,1998, by and between the City of Port Angeles,
a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereafter "City"), as Lessor, and the Clallam County
Rural Library District, commonly known as the North Olympic Library System, a municipal corporation
of the State of Washington (hereafter "Library"), as Lessee.
Now that the parties have cooperated in the financing and construction of a new library in Port
Angeles, the City and Library hereby agree that the parking lease for the old library building can and shall
be terminated effective August 31, 1998.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this termination of lease agreement has been executed the date and year first
above written.
Gary Braun, Mayor ~'eQt t.., ~°/'~~,d~,~'~ , Board President
By By
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk , Director
State of Washington )
County of Clallam )
On this day of ,1998, personally appeared before me Gary Braun and Becky J.
Upton, to me known to be the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Port Angeles, the
municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing Termination of Lease Agreement, and
acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation, for
the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said
instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year
first above written.
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington
residing at
My commission expires:
State of Washington )
) SS.
County of Clallam )
(~n this .~r¢7/ day of, /~~~Tzt-~ ,1998, personally appeared before me
r-~/ /75r' ~~Z ~ - / ~d , to me known to
b~ mt~~ .~/~,L ~ ~d ~ , ~, o~ m~ ~om O~ympi~
Libra~ System, the municipal corporation that executed ~e wi~in ~d foregoing Temination of Leme,
md ac~owledged s~d insment to be ~e free md vol~ a~ md deed of said co~oration, for the uses
md pu~oses ~erein mentionS, md on oa~ sm~d ~at ~ey were au~orized to execute said ins~mem ~d
that the seal ~fixed, if ~y, is the corporate seal of said municip~ corporation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year
first above written.
'-"' '"0'
~ ~. t _'--' n., x :~ -. Notary Public i¢-qnd forCe,ate of W-ashington
~ -~ ~ '~..-~ t ' ~ residing at, _,~:]- (.~/-~3r~ ·
~- ~ ~' vt~' "- #'" ~ My commission expires:
84 2
DATE: January 19, 1999
FROM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant
SUBJECT: Contract with United Way for Administration of
City of Port Angeles 1998 Human Services Funds
Issue.- United Way administers the City's Human Services funds and, as such, it is necessary to
execute an agreement between the City and United Way.
Recommendation: City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with United Way
for the administration of the City's 1999 Human Services funds.
S_ummar~ As part of the City's budget process, Councilmember McKeown worked with United
Way to determine the recommended level of City funding to various social service agencies. The
City Council has reviewed and approved the itemized list of recommended allocations, and it is
timely to approve a contract with United Way to administer those funds.
Background/Analysis: Approximately five years ago, the City contracted with the United Way to
administer the City's Human Services funds. United Way will again be administering these funds
in 1999 and, similar to previous agreements, United Way will receive 2% of the distributed funds
as reimbursement for administrative costs.
The level of Human Services funding for 1998 was $100,011, inclusive of the fee to cover
administrative costs. For the year 1999, the total commitment has been increased to $109,701.
THIS CONTRACT is entered into this ~ day of ,1999, between the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, hereinafter referred to as "City", and United Way of Clallam County,
Washington, hereinafter referred to as "United Way".
1. It is in the public interest for City funds to be expended for human services.
2. United Way is willing and able to allocate, administer, and distribute such human
services on the City's behalf.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the payments,
covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the parties hereto,
the parties covenant and agree as follows:
1. Scope of Services. United Way shall provide the following services:
A. Annually identify local human service priorities with input and direction
from the City Council;
B. Establish a process for receipt and review of requests to the City for funding
from local human service agencies and organizations, which process shall
include the participation of a City Council member on the United Way
admissions and fund distribution committee and final approval of the
recipient program allocations by the City Council;
C. Analyze proposals received and develop recommendations for allocation of
the City's annual human services budget appropriation;
D. Ensure the distribution of funds according to City policy, legal guides and
sound fiscal policy;
E. Maintain separate accounting and auditable fiscal records for City funds;
F. Monitor and provide year-end report to City regarding provision of services
and use of funds to assure that terms are carried out and desired outcomes
2. Duration of Contract. The performance of United Way shall be commensurate with
the City's 1999 budget calendar.
3. Compensation and Method of Payment.
A. The City shall reimburse United Way for the services rendered as specified
in Section 1 of this Contract at the rate of two percent of the funds distributed.
B. The funds shall be transferred from the City to United Way on a quarterly
basis and shall be distributed by United Way to the recipient programs on a quarterly basis. Any
accrued interest shall be retained by United Way for subsequent distribution to City-funded human
services agencies.
4. Recordkeeping and Reporting.
United Way will provide quarterly financial reports reflecting agency activities
funded with City appropriations and semi-annual reports showing the agency's success in meeting
established objectives. Each quarterly report will be due within sixty (60) days of the end of the
quarter. Each semi-annual report will be due with the 2nd and 4th quarter reports.
5. Hold Harmle~ and In~temnifi9a~;ion. United Way shall protect, defend, indemnify
and save the City harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses,
including reasonable attorney's fees, occurring, arising, or resulting from supplying work, services,
materials or supplies in connection with the performance of this Contract or Subcontract thereof.
6. Breach.
A. In the event of either party's material breach of the terms or conditions of this
Contract, the non-breaching party reserves the right to withhold payments or services until
corrective action has been taken or completed. However, the party shall not exercise this right until
they have given written notice of such material breach to the breaching party and ten days have
passed since the receipt of such notice. This option is in addition to and not in lieu of the party's
right to terminate this Contact or any other right which State law offers for breach of contract.
B. If either party shall materially breach any of the covenants undertaken herein
or any of the duties imposed upon it by this Contract, such material breach shall entitle the other
party to terminate this Contract, provided that the party desiring to terminate for such cause shall
give the offending party at least twenty days' written notice, specifying the particulars wherein it is
claimed that there has been a violation hereof, and if at the end of such time, the party notified has
not removed the cause of complaint, or remedied the purported violation, then the termination of
this Contract shall be deemed complete.
7. Non-Discrimination. United Way shall conduct its business in a manner which assures
fair, equal and non-discriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed or national
origin, and, in particular:
A. United Way shall maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome
applications for employment in all positions, from qualified individuals who are members
of minorities protected by federal equal opportunity/affirmative action requirements; and,
B. United Way shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or
regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of non-discriminatory
requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all persons
without discrimination as to any person's race, color, religion, sex, Vietnam era veteran's
status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin.
8. Entire Contract. The parties agree that this Contract is the complete expression of
the terms hereto and any oral representation or understanding not incorporated herein is excluded.
Further, any modification of this Contract shall be in writing and signed by both parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto caused this Contract to be executed the day
and year first hereinabove written.
By: By:.
Gary Braun, Mayor Title
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Title:
Craig D. Knutson,
City Attorney
A:\C99 JJW
City of Port Angeles
1999 Human Services Grant
Adult Action Center 7,700 22,000 4,800
Health Care Access 7,700 18,000 7,500
RSVP (Retired Senior In Kind In Kind
Volunteer Program)
Senior Nutrition 3,500 15,000 4,000
Employment Support 3,000 12,500 7,500
Residential 1,250 8,000 4,500
i~!":':':¢ i ii~i~[!!~ '::iii:ii: .':::s':~:i
Clinic Services 1,800 2,000 2,000
Community Education 1,900 11,100 1,800
Middle School Education 400 2,100 400
I , ,oooI ,ooo
Exchange Club Center 1,500 8,500 3,000
Safehome/Sexual Assault 13,600 22,100 13,600
Intensive Outpatient 0 9,500 4,050
Challenge to Change N/A 6,600 0
Sexual Abuse Treatment 1,000 10,500 4,000
Counseling 250 4,500 0
Parent Line 750 15,200 1,200
!.?...;,:.:!!?..ii' .';!~.! !~!~:!:!:!:!..'.:.: ~:..:;.....:~::::~.?;.
Crisis Line 5,800 15,000 6,000
Older Adults 3,100 15,000 0
Charitable Care 2,500 40,000 5,000
Family Shelter Serv. 0 9,290 1,000
Childcare N/A 25,243 2,000
Youth Sports 0 3,400 0
Camp 0 6,200 2,200
Special Needs/DD 0 1,600 800
Scholarships 4,500 10,500 4,500
Youth at R/sk 4,500 19,500 0
Childcare 0 6,200 4,200
Summer Camp/Child 4,400 N/A 0
::::~:.R.'~~ ~.i"... ~::~:~1~ 98,050 411,633 107,550
.:::.:.: .:::: ::: .,.:::.:. ~:::~::iS:::: ::.-:.:.:. ? .......q~::.::.::.!!:.:.? .? .?.:.:;:...
United Way 1,961 2,151
Adminislxation Fee ~ 2%
DATE: January 19, 1999
FROM: Brad Collins, Planning Director
SUBJECT: Appeal of a Condition to the Napier/Jones Short Plat SHP 98-04
Issue: The urban services policies of the City require sidewalks to be constructed along arterial
streets and school walkways at the time of development such as subdivision of land, and the short
plat applicants wish to appeal the sidewalk/curb/gutter requirements as a safety hazard and an
unreasonable requirement for short plat approval.
Recommendation: Deny the appeal, citing 8 findings and 5 conclusions.
Summary: State law for growth management and the City's Comprehensive Plan establish the
authority for adopting urban services policies that are mandated to ensure concurrency of urban
service standards at the time of development. The City of Port Angeles has adopted urban service
policies setting storm drainage and sidewalk standards for arterial streets and school walkways. The
necessary improvements are required at the time of development, in this particular case, when the
short plat is given preliminary approval and before final approval can be given. Whenever
sidewalks, curbs, and gutters are first constructed along arterial streets, they are subject to objections
based on not being connected to other sidewalks which do not exist. The Public Works Department
has approved the design and placement of many such sidewalks, curbs, and gutters that have not
proven to be a public safety hazard. To the contrary, they are welcomed pedestrian safety
improvements. Again, State laws and City ordinances for subdivision require street improvements
including pedestrian and school walking route sidewalks to assure safe walking conditions be made
specifically at the time of subdivision and short platting. There is no basis for the appeal, except to
amend the City's urban services policies regarding sidewalk and storm drainage requirements.
Background / Analysis:
The subject short plat fronts on Lauridsen Boulevard, which east of Race St. is a collector arterial
street. There is considerable traffic on Lauridsen Blvd. in this vicinity to and from Peninsula College
Napier/Jones SHP 98-04 Appeal
January 19, 1999
Page 2
and as a 101 by-pass route following Ennis Street. Franklin Elementary School is located a few
blocks to the west along Lauridsen Blvd., which serves as a walking route for children attending that
school. There are no sidewalks on the north side of Lauridsen Blvd. in this vicinity, and there is a
sidewalk immediately west and on the south side of Lauridsen Blvd. connecting to Franklin
Elementary School. The short plat's new sidewalk would help to safely connect the Cresthaven
residential neighborhood with Franklin Elementary School. It is anticipated that the housing
developed on the two lots could be occupied by families with school age children who would walk
the approximate 3 blocks to Franklin Elementary School along Lauridsen Blvd. It is furthermore,
the City's policy to require sidewalk improvements for developments, especially subdivisions, along
arterial streets, where pedestrian safety is sorely lacking from past improvement standards. The
Public Works and Planning Departments have both recommended the sidewalks be improved as
The appellants request that the required sidewalk improvement condition be deleted. They state, "a
six foot sidewalk in the middle of the block is more of a safety hazard and represents an
unreasonable requirement for short plat approval." They are concerned that the sidewalks do not
connect to other sidewalks or are duplicating similar sidewalk improvements on the south side of
Lauridsen Blvd. Regarding their objection that "the City has improved the Fine Art Center directly
west of the subject property without the benefit of sidewalks," all development on all arterials and
any other streets identified in the transportation plan as school walking routes shall construct
sidewalks along abutting streets. Lauridsen Blvd. that abuts this short plat is both an arterial and a
school walkway. Accordingly, permitted construction at the City Fine Arts Center would now
require sidewalks on their abutting street frontage as well.
Findings and Conclusions for Denial of Napier/Jones SHP 98-04 Appeal
Letter of Appeal of Condition #7 of Napier/Jones SHP 98-04 Preliminary Approval
Preliminary Short Plat Approval for Napier/Jones SHP 98-04
Public Works Department Comments
Urban Services Standards and Guidelines Section 3C Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters, and
Curb Ramps
Site and Vicinity Map
Street Classification and School Walkway Maps
1. The subject short plat fronts on Lauridsen Boulevard, which east of Race St. is a collector
arterial street.
2. There is considerable traffic on Lauridsen Blvd. in this vicinity to and from Peninsula College
and as a 101 by-pass route following Ennis Street.
3. Franklin Elementary School is located a few blocks to the west along Lauridsen Blvd., which
serves as a walking route for children attending that school.
4. There are no sidewalks on the north side of Lauridsen Blvd. in this vicinity, and there is a
sidewalk immediately west and on the south side of Lauridsen Blvd. connecting to Franklin
Elementary School.
5. It is the City's policy to require sidewalk improvements for developments, especially
subdivisions, along arterial streets, where pedestrian safety is sorely lacking from past
improvement standards.
6. The Public Works and Planning Departments have both recommended the sidewalks be
improved as required.
7. Section 16.04.100 PAMC and 58.17.110(2) RCW require that the City of Port Angeles
determine if appropriate provisions for public health, safety, general welfare, open spaces,
drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water
supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and schoolgrounds and
all other relevant factors, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe
walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school are provided.
8. The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the goals and policies of the City's
Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map, in particular, all of the Capital Facilities Element,
Land Use Element Policies Al-2, and Transportation Element Policies A2-3.
1. The short plat's new sidewalk on Lauridsen Boulevard would help to improve public safety
for connection between the Cresthaven residential neighborhood and Franklin Elementary
2. It is anticipated that the housing developed on the two lots could be occupied by families with
school age children who would walk the approximate 3 blocks to Franklin Elementary School
along Lauridsen Blvd.
3. Development of other sidewalk/curb/gutter on the south side of Lauridsen Blvd. has benefited
public safety in the area.
4. The City's Comprehensive Plan policies and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines
requires concurrency for streets, including sidewalk/curb/gutter, and storm drainage.
5. The public use and interest to be served by development, especially subdivision, requires
street, sidewalk, and drainage improvements to assure public health and safety.
Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of January 19,1999.
Gary Braun, Mayor
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
~ .. Port Angeles, Washington 98362
~ ~' Office 360/452-3333
Fax 360/457-7365
Toll Free 800/453-9157
Brad Collins
City of Port Angeles
Planning Department
P.O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
Re: Preliminary Short Plat Approval SHP 98-04
NAPIER/JONES- Lauridsen Boulevard
Dear Brad:
Pursuant to our conversation I am filing formal appeal to the preliminary short plat
approval #SHP 98-04 Napier/Jones.
The condition I am appealing is item #7. A six foot sidewalk in the middle of the block is
more of a safety hazard and represents an unreasonable requirement for short plat
approval. These two lots would have the only sidewalk on the on the north side of
Lauridsen Boulevard. Additionally the City has improved the Fine Art Center directly
west of the subject property without the benefit of sidewalks. There are existing
sidewalks along the south side of Lauridsen Boulevard.
Please advise me of any further information I need to submit to complete the appeals
Linda deBord CRS, ABR, GRI
Associate Broker
SEC.II, T. 30N., R. 6W., W.M.
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9. The Port Angeles Public Works, Light and Fire Departments reviewed the proposed
short plat, and their comments have been considered in the determination.
10. The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the goals and policies of the City's
Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. The plan requires concurrency for streets,
water service, sanitary sewer service and electrical service (Capital Facilities Element),
Land Use Policy A. 1 and A.2, Land Use Map Transportation Policy A. 2, A~3.
11. A drainage plan approved by the City Engineer is a requirement of all land development
within the City.
12. Sewer will be extended to the site from Liberty Street and water is available in Lauridsen
Boulevard. An easement for the existing powerline is required.
13. The applicant and/or property owner shall submit a final short plat to the Planning
Department which is in compliance with the approved preliminary short plat as
conditioned within five (5) years of the Planning Director's approval of a preliminary
short plat. Failure to submit a proposed revised final short plat within the five (5) years
shall terminate the preliminary short plat approval.
14. Short plats are exempt from the state Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review.
15. A short plat (SLIP 92(09)12) was approved on October 23, 1992, to accomplish the
proposed redevelopment. The plat expired in 1995 as it was not finaled by the applicant.
16. It was discovered through the variance application process that the properties are zoned
A. As conditioned, the proposed short plat is consistent with the Port Angeles
Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code.
I B. The proposed short plat is consistent with thc Port Angeles Short Plat Ordinance,
Chapter 16.04 PAMC, and the Washington State Subdivision Act, Chapter 58.17 RCW.
I C. Approval of the short plat provides for the public health, safety and general welfare of
the community and serves the public use and interest.
I D. The area and dimensional requirements of the RS zone will be exceeded by the creation
of the two lots.
December 2, 1998
I Brad Collins, Planning Director
City of Port Angeles, Washington
~ af~ b c~sh~ofl e~ Tea d~ll~r~ and other v~Xmble c~e~t~on
.'.... ": . ,.;
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~nt of r~ ~er ~torts ~e ~.
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.J',: -.' . .
;.~ ~'-~--".~.-;-._
. ...:~ ~..~ .,
'-" ;'. ..~ .~ ~
* 2. "M" ST FROM ~0~ ST TO 7~ SI & COMPLEDON
OF SIDEWALK ON 7~ S~' ~0~ "K" TO
(~ANKLINSCHOOL). '., ~,..~
6. PARK A~ FRO~ PORTER S~ FO RACE S~ (FRANKLIN ,: ...... .,,~ ~ .......... ,.
Vicinity map -
(Lauridsen/Liberty Streets)
December 2, 1998
TO: Applicants, Chris Napier and Judy Jones
FROM: Brad Collins, Planning Director
RE: Preliminary Short Plat Approval -SItP 98-04
NAPIER/JONES - Lauridsen Boulevard
Replat of Lots AD, AE and the unnamed property abutting those lots owned by the Public Utility
District in Block A, Plat Alteration of the Cresthaven Subdivision
The preliminary subdivision is hereby approved with the following conditions:
1. The final plat shall be entitled "Napier/Jones SHP 98-04" and shall denote the two new
lots as Lots A1 and A2 with Lot A1 being the replat of AE and Lot A2 being the replat
of AD.
2. The final mylar shall contain the required signature block for approval of a short plat as
described in Section 16.04.170 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
3. The final plat shall tie into the City's vertical and horizontal datums and shall show
Grid north.
4. Sewer service shall be provided from Liberty Street through Lot AA or Lot AB as
approved by the City's Public Works Department. Water service shall extend to the lots
from Lauridsen Boulevard.
5. The existing powerline shah be shown and an easemem providing 24-hour access shall
be provided to the three phase primary overhead powerline. No structures shall be
placed under the powerline.
Preliminary Short Pht - SHP 98-04
Page 2
6. Storm drainage plans and improvemems will be required with building permits.
7. Concrete curb, gutter, and six (6) foot wide sidewalk adjacem to the curb are required
along the Lauridsen Boulevard frontage.
8. Asphalt concrete pavement widening as needed to meet curb and gutter requirements will
be required along the frontage and pavement transitions to the east and west of the
property will be required to meet existing improvement (pavement) at the northerly edge.
9. Lot size shall be shown on the resulting two lots.
10. Lot A1 shall be addressed as 1301 East Lauridsen Boulevard~and A2 shall be addressed
as 1305 East Lauridsen Boulevard.
This decision is made based upon the following findings and conclusions:
1. Approval is based upon a preliminary drawing submitted September 30, 1998, and
determined to be complete on October 8, 1998. The application is to create three
existing lots into two new lots.
2. A determination of completeness and notice of development application was placed in
the Peninsula Daily News on October 12, 1998, with a comment period extending
through October 23, 1998. No comments were received during the publication or
posting period from the public.
3. The subject property is identified as Low Density Residential (LDR) on the Port Angeles
Comprehensive Plan land use map.
4. The subject property is identified on the Port Angeles Zomg Map as RS-7, Residential
Single Family.
5. The short plat will create two new lots each containing an excess of 7,000 square feet
in area.
7. Section 16.04 PAMC sets forth the requirements for approval of a short plat.
8. Section 16.04.100 PAMC and 58.17.110(2) RCW require that the Port Angeles Planning
Director determine if appropriate provisions for public health, safety, general welfare,
open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops,
potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and
schoolgrounds and all other relevant factors, including sidewalks and other planning
features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from
school are provided.
Preliminary Short Plat - SlIP 98-04
Page 3
9. The Port Angeles Public Works, Light and Fire Departments reviewed the proposed
short plat, and their comments have been considered in the determination.
10. The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the goals and policies of the City's
Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. The plan requires concurrency for streets,
water service, sanitary sewer service and electrical service (Capital Facilities Element),
Land Use Policy A. 1 and A.2, Land Use Map Transportation Policy A.2, A. 3.
11. A drainage plan approved by the City Engineer is a requirement of all land development
within the City.
12. Sewer will be extended to the site from Liberty Street and water is available in Lauridsen
Boulevard. An easement for the existing powerline is required.
13. The applicant and/or property owner shall submit a final short plat to the Planning
Department which is in compliance with the approved preliminary short plat as
conditioned within five (5) years of the Planning Director's approval of a preliminary
short plat. Failure to submit a proposed revised final short plat within the five (5) years
shall terminate the preliminary short plat approval.
14. Short plats are exempt from the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review.
15. A short plat (SLIP 92(09)12) was approved on October 23, 1992, to accomplish the
proposed redevelopment. The plat expired in 1995 as it was not finaled by the applicant.
16. It was discovered through the variance application process that the properties are zoned
A. As conditioned, the proposed short plat is consistent with the Port Angeles
Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code.
B. The proposed short plat is consistent with the Port Angeles Short Plat Ordinance,
Chapter 16.04 PAMC, and the Washington State Subdivision Act, Chapter 58.17 RCW.
C. Approval of the short plat provides for the public health, safety and general welfare of
the community and serves the public use and interest.
D. The area and dimensional requirements of the RS zone will be exceeded by the creation
of the two lots.
4~ ~ December 2, 1998
Brad Collins, Planning Director Date
City of Port Angeles, Washington
Preliminmy Short Plat - SHP 98-04
Page 4
IV. Notes: Pre~iminaryapPr~va~ex~ir~n~¢~.~rs~mth~date~fissuance~un~cssan~xtensi~nisr~questedinwritingand
granted by the Subdivision Administrator prior to the date of expiration.
Prior to final short plat approval, the property must be surveyed and monument~d in accordance with Section 16.04.160 PAMC
by a registered land sur0~or. A title report and information required by Section 16.04.160 PAMC shall be furnished with thc final
All current and delinquent faxes and assessments, as identified in RCW 58.17.160, must be paid prior to final short plat approval.
The Subdivision Administrator's decision may be appealed to the Port Angeles Planning Commission within 14 days following
the date ofmailin~ oftbe decision. This short plat is not final until it is filed with the Clallam County Audito?s Office and a copy
of the recorded document is filed with the Port Angeles Plaru~ing Department.
cc: Engineering Division
Building Division
Fire Dept.
~,ig~t Dept.
and building
Jack PIt~s
Ph~tis Ras~r
~.~.~ Public Works Engineering has reviewed the subje~ preliminary shod plat appli~tion
A~tant [~O0]
and has the following comments:
Ca~ Ri~had
~.~..~[4z~ 1. Concrete curb, gutter, and 6 foot wide sidewalk adjacent to the curb will be
~ r~. required along Lauridsen Blvd. frontage.
~ Di~ [470 ~]
K~ ~ 2. Asphalt concrete pavement widening, as needed to meet above curb and
~ ~ [~o2]
gutter, will be required along frontage. Pavement transitions to the east and
Ga~ K~y
c~t~] west of the property will be required to meet existing pavements nodherly
Jim Hair edge.
El~t~al Engin~
~o~] 3. Storm drainage plans and improvements will be required with building
Tim S~ permits.
C~tmct & Pm~t
Administrat~ [~]
~H~.~. 4. Water and sewer services will be required with building permits,
Sr. Bui~ng Ins~
[473W ~ ._
Ralph El~h
Water, Wastewat~
Su~dnten~nt [~55]
Equip. Sauces
$u~dnte~nt [~35]
L~ht O~rat~s GWK:gk
Ma~r ~473 I]
KeWn Cu~is
T~t. Plant Copy: Building
Su~i~ [~]
T~ McCa~
SW Col~t~n lie: Planning S~ Plat
Su~1~ [~76]
Da~ Wi~x
S~t Main~na~
Su~i~ [~25]
overlay as required by the City Engineer. density.
A. All I~ench and pavement cuts shall be made by spade
bladed jackhammer or sawcuts. The cuts shall be a
minimum of 1 foot outside the trench width for A. All surveying and staking shall be performed by an
excavation, engineering or surveying firm capable of performing
B. Tack coat shall be applied to the existing pavement such work. The engineer or surveyor directing such
and edge oflhe cut and at cold joints prior to paving as work shall be licensed by the State of Washington.
specified in WSDOT/APWA Speciflca~n Section 5.04. B. A pre-construction meeting shall be held with the city
C. Asphalt concrete Class B, equal in depth to the existing I~or to commencing staking. All construction staking
pavement, shall be placed in accordance with the shall be inspected by the city prior to placement of
applicable requirements of WSDOT/APWA materials.
Spacilications of Section 5.04, except that longitudinal C. The minimum staking of streets shall be as follows:
joints between successive layers of asphalt concrete 1. Slake centerline alignment every 25 feet (50 feet
shall be displaced laterally a minimum of 12 inches, in tangent sections) with cuts and/or fills to
Asphalt concrete over 2 inches thick shall be placed in subgrade.
equal lifts not to exceed 2 inches each. 2. Stake top of ballast and top of crushed surfacing
D. Patches on all street surfaces, walks or driveways at centerline and edge of pavement every 25 feet.
shall be feathered and shimmed to an extent that 3. Stake top back of curb at a consistent interval
provides a smooth-riding connection and expeditious and offset for vertical and horizontal alignment.
drainage flow for the newly paved surface. Shimming 3B. fgO MATERIAL TESTING
and feathering as required by the City Engineer shall
be accomplished be raking out the oversized Testing shall be required at the developers or
aggregates from the Class B mix as appropriate, contractors expense. All testing shall be coordinated by the
developer or contractor. The tesi~ng lab shall be under the
E. Surface smoothness shall be per WSDOTIAPWA supervlson of a Registered Professional Engineer in the
S~n Sec~on 5-04.3(13). Unacceptable paving State of Weshinton and approved by the City Engineer.
patches shall be corrected by removal and repaying of Testing of materia, is shall be accomplished as specified in
the trench.
WSDOT/APWA Sl~eCi~a~ns.
F. When trenching within the roadway shoulder(s), the '
shoulder shall be restored to its original or better 3C SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS,
condi0on. AND CURB RAMPS
G. The final patch shall be completed as soon as
possible and shall be completed within 30 days alter 3C.010 GENERAL
first opening the trench. This time frame may be All development on all arterials and any other streets
adjusted if delays are due to inclement paving weather idenl~ed in the ~anspertation plan as school walking routes
or other adverse conditions that may exist. However, shall conslmct sidewalks along abut~ng streets. Curbs and
delaying of the final patch of overlay work is allowable gutters and curb ramps must also be constructed along the
only subject to the City Engineer's approval. The City abutting street when the City Engineer determines that the
Engineer may deern it necessary to complete the work conditions of drainage requires curbs and gutters or
within the 30 day time frame and not allow any time
extension. If this occurs, the contractor shall perform perrn~ng condi0ons requiring such.
the necessary work as directed by the City Engineer. 3C.020 DESIGN STANDARDS
H. Whenever the contractor is bacUilling a trench in Plans for the construction of sidewalks, curbs and
paved areas they shall uae controlled density backfill gutters, and curb ramps are to be submitted as part of the
par City Standard Drawing, unless another method is street plans when applicable. The minimum width for
othenvise approved by the City Engineer. All other sidewalks are contained in Table A - 'Minimum Street
trenching shall be backfilled with crushed surfacing Design Standards'. Because these are minimum
mate~tais conforming to WSDOT/APWA Specifications standards, the City Engineer may modify the improvement
Section 4-04 and shall be compacted to 95 percent to be installed based upon the conditions specific to the site.
maximum density, as described in WSDOT/APWA 3C.030 SIDEWALKS
Specifications Section 2-03. Sidewalks shall be co'~structed of cement concrete.
I. If the excavated trench material is determined by the When the sidewalk, curb and gutter are contiguous, the
City Engineer to be suitable for backfill, the contractor width of the sidewalk shall be measured from the back of
may use the material to the bottom of subgrade. All the curb and gutter to back of the sidewalk.
trench bacldill materials shall be compacted to 95% A. Arterial Strsets. Sidewalks, curbs and gutters shall be
Oct.,=, 5, 1995 Chapter 3 - '
Vicinity map -
(Lauridsen/Liberty Streets)
~ ~. LAURIDS~N ~L I~. r~OM CHAM~RS 1'0 UBERI~'
s~oot ~o A~SO S~R~S S~~S ~00~
a t~u~o~ et ~. ~ e~se s~ ~ ~t~r s~.
~ ~ewr s~ ~ ~ s~ ~ ~e ~.
(~s~ s~ ~tso ~s ~. ~ s~?.
6. PARK A ~ ~ P~R S~ ~ RA~ S~ (~ANKLIN
DATE: January 19, 1999
FROM: Patrick Ibarra, City Manager
SUBJECT: City Manager's Report
Public Information Committee Monday, January 18 4:00 p.m.
City Council Meeting Tuesday, January 19 5:30 p.m.
Gateway Center Meeting Wednesday, January 20 1:00 p.m.
P U D meeting Wednesday, January 20 10:30 a.m.
Homebuilders recognize Tim Smith Thursday, January 21 7:30 a.m.
Council Chambers
Lions Club - Patrick speak Thursday, January 21 12:00 noon
Civil Service Commission Thursday, January 21 10:00 a.m.
Parks & Rec Beautification Thursday, January 21 7:00 p.m.
Marine Bluffs Community
meeting Thursday, January 21 7:00 p.m.
Chamber of Commerce
Installation of Officers Banquet Friday, January 22 6:30 p.m.
S.W. Puget Sound ESA Group Tuesday, January 26 6:00 p.m.
Planning Commission meeting Wednesday, January 27 7:00 p.m.
City Council meeting Tuesday, February 2 5:30 p.m.
Gateway Center Project
Committee meeting Thursday, February 4 8:15 a.m.
EDC Annual Meeting Thursday, February 4 6:00 p.m.
Sr Center Board of Advisors Monday, February 8 2:00 p.m.
Utility Advisory Committee Monday, February 8 3:00 p.m.
Law Enforcement Advisory Bd Tuesday, February 9 6:30 p.m.
Three Mayors meeting Wednesday, February 10 6:00 p.m.
Planning Commission meeting Wednesday, February 10 7:00 p.m.
Newcomer's Club - Patrick to
speak Thursday, February 11 Noon
President's Day Monday, February 15 Offices closed
City Council meeting Tuesday, February 16 7:00 p.m.
Parks, Rec Beautification
meeting Thursday, February 18 7:00 p.m.
Peninsula RTPO meeting Friday, February 19 1:30 p.m.
Public Utility District meeting Friday, February 19 1:30 p.m.
Planning Commission Wednesday, February 24 7:00 p.m.
AWC Conference-Olympia Wednesday, February 24 &
Thursday, February 25
As the discussion was held at the January 5 Council meeting regarding Council Committees, a copy
of the revised list of committees follows this report.
Please note under Section L of the agenda, item number 2 proposed text for a letter to Vice-President
Gore regarding the Elwha River situation. Councilman Campbell will provide additional
background on this proposed correspondence. You may recall that a similar letter was provided to
Council at the December 1 meeting, but was not considered for submission due to some changes
being considered. Those modifications are reflected in the revised letter provided for your
Steve Ilk, Chief of Police, coordinated this past United Way Fund drive. I am very pleased to
announce that sixty-two City employees contributed $14,075, which is a 6.5% increase over the
amount raised last year, which was $13,212. This is another excellent example of community
involvement demonstrated by City employees.
The January issue of the OPBJ focused specifically on economic development. The cover story
profiled the appointment of Timothy as the City's first Economic Development Director, and
outlined the City's plan for 1999. Other articles focused on the Lee Hotel restoration, Clallam
County Economic Development Council, and the Port Angeles Downtown Association. All these
articles were recently photocopied and provided in your mailbox for your review. This type of press
coverage is excellent publicity for the City.
Timothy presented the 1999 Work Plan to the Port Angeles Works Committee on Thursday, January
7, and the Port of Port Angeles Commissioners on Monday, January 11. We will continue to seek
outlets for the presentation of this most important policy document.
The Home Builders Association have offered to host a coffee to welcome Timothy to his new
assignment and introduce him to their membership. This group hosted a similar event for me after
I began. This is scheduled for Thursday, January 21, 7:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers and Council
members are welcome to attend.
The Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce has scheduled their 1999 Installation of New Officers
Banquet for Friday, January 22, with the social hour beginning at 6:30 p.m. They have invited me
to serve as the Master of Ceremonies and Mayor Braun to actually install the new officers. I am not
aware if members of Council received invitations, but if you are interested in attending please let
Sam know so she can handle the R.S.V.P.
X X X X ~
~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ..............................................................
January 11, 1999
The Honorable A1 Gore.
Vice President
Office of the Vice President
Executive Building
Washington, D.C. 20501
RE: Elwha River Restoration Act
Dear Mr. Vice President ·
On behalf of the citizens of Port Angeles, we want to express our sense of urgency with respect to
the next steps that must be taken to implement the 1992 Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries
Restoration Act.
With the full purchase amount of $29 million now in hand, the Administration is able to move
forward aggressively with actions that will address the vital interests of the Port Angeles community.
The highest priority is for the Administration to expeditiously complete acquisition of the Elwha
Project. The important objective of putting the project in control of the federal government should
be accomplished as soon as possible. Such control will make it possible to undertake coordinated
and comprehensive efforts to achieve dam removal, protect the Port Angeles water supply, and
undertake immediate fisheries restoration measures. It will also allow the Administration to move
forward with other critical elements of the Elwha Act, including providing power supply certainty
and other business concerns for Daishowa America, the largest private employer in Port Angeles and
Clallam County.
The critical actions that must be taken as a priority by the Administration are as follows:
Ensure protection of the water supply system for the City of Port Angeles and
other users of the Elwha River and move forward with funding engineering
protection measures. Water quality protection is a key component of the Act and
is critical to the health and safety of the residents of Port Angeles and operations of
local industry. These improvements must be constructed well in advance of
restoration. Funding and engineering must start immediately. Continued delay will
create a situation where the City of Port Angeles will expend funds for water quality
measures related to the Safe Drinking Water Act that will be wasted unless those
expenditures can be coordinated with dam removal activities.
Move forward with Elwha Dam removal and restoration, planning and engineering.
The community has reached a point in the debate where it is time to convert words into
action. The Administration must seek and the Congress must provide adequate funding to
conduct this planning and engineering.
Undertake Mid-River restoration activities. Certain restoration activities such as, mid-
river tributary habitat should be undertaken before and concurrent with dam removal in
advance of returning first year spawners. This work should be planned, funded and
undertaken immediately. Continued delay will complicate the impacts of the future listing
of the Chinook Salmon in Puget Sound, which includes the Elwha Chinook.
Funding for these activities should be either made available from existing sources as
soon as possible or sought in the FY 2000 budget request and approved by Congress.
All of the constituencies that have supported the Elwha Act agree that project acquisition should by
undertaken now. The Administration and key members of Congress have all indicated their desire
to see Elwha Act implementation commence. It is now time for the Administration to take such
action, beginning with the specific measures outlined above.
The City Council believes that time is of the essence in getting underway with the restoration
program. Doing so is in the best interests of the City of Port Angeles and it citizens. Thank you in
advance to your response to this request.
Very truly yours,
Gary Braun, Mayor Cathleen McKeown, Councilperson
Larry Doyle, Deputy Mayor
Glenn Wiggins, Councilperson
Orville Campbell, Councilperson Larry Williams, Councilperson
Jim Hulett, Councilperson G:~EXCHANGEXCTYMGR\GORE-199.WPD
Port Angeles
Parks & ecreation
November 1998
November 1998
Ocean View Cemetery $114,773.97 $101,037.15
William Shore Memorial Pool $138,469.76 $129,385.36
Vern Burton Community Center $17,860.50 $21,134.41
Senior Services Center - Rentals $13,706.20 $16,058.52
Senior Services Center - Leases $10,450.00 $10,450.00
Banner $5,055.00 $3,720.50
Lincoln Park Camping Fees $2,575.00 $1,910.70
City Pier Moorage Fees $1,207.00 $1,066.00
General Fund Revenue Total $304,097.43 $284~762.64
Lonshouse/Clubhouse $3,365.00 $3,059.75
Lincoln Park Camping Fees $5,587.00* $813.00
Improvement Fund Total $8~952.00 $3~872.75
Vern Burton Kitchen Fees $3,020.05 $I ,841.07
Co-Rec Volleyball $4,515.00 $5,505.64
Volleyball Tourney Fund $0.00 $0.00
Slowpitch $ZZ,664.50 $£0,80 I
S10wpitch Tourney Fund $ 8,045.00 $4,15 ?.Z 8
Mens Basketball $6,557.00 $I 1,880.00
Basketball Tourney Fund $4,916.48 $6,487.49
Flag Football $125.00 $1,210.00
Youth Programs $28,107.97 $18,681.70'*
Adult Programs $2,109.80 $4,260.00
Recreation Activities Fund Total $75~060.80 $69~405.21
* Timber Sales
**Includes $2,500 Yes to Youth Grant
Information & Referral 1,680 19,336 1,0~ 17,405
Estimated Attendance 4,355 47,049 2,450 25,052
Health Programs 476 4,369 321 5,431
Education Programs 770 6,788 570 6,321
Social Events/Programs/Meals 1,225 17,652 1,394 18,591
Trips: Taken 3 65 4 58
Passengers $2 789 64 877
Volunteers: 18~ 15 I
Hours 1 ~631 15,941 1,236 19,405
Membership: 2 1,416 1 1,507
City 1 940 1 999
County 1 476 0 508
Included in 1997 count is an estimated number of attendance in Coffee Lounge--
(average of 60 per day)
November I 0 Juan de Puca Festival
November 12 Volunteer Chore Services Reception
Presbyterian Church Dinner
November 1 $ Olympic National Park
November 17 £ver~reen Children's Hospital Guild
November 21 Square Dance Council Dance
November 22 Ministerial Association Dinner
November 28 Spradlin Family Reunion
November 29 Alaska Whale Foundation
Senior Nutrition Board Eckankar Wave Makers
Virginia Mason NARFE Board Soroptimists Jet Set
Senior Info & Assistance Venture Club CCSWAB
Law Enforcement Board Youth Task Force Retired Teachers
Mid Manasers Crime Stoppers Paint the Town
Fine Art Center Clallam Art League Here & Now AA Group
Heart Association Square Dance Council
November $ Understanding Mental Health Disability
November 6 Flu Shots
Seattle Mariners Spring Training Trip Presentation
Prc.~aration for Hip and Knec Replacement
November 7 17~Annual Members Flea Market & Luncheon
November I 0 Reception Desk Volunteers Meeting
November I $ Beyond the Trails: Olympic National Park & Crisflers
November ! 998
.Foot Care (4x month) .Senior AA Meetings
.Blood Pressure Checks Stretch Class/Weight Training
.Tai Chi .Tap Dancing Class
.Alzheimers Support Group
.Hearing Aid Repairs
.Low Impact Aerobics ($x wk) .Chi Gong
.Arthritis Support Group .Yoga
.Fybromyalgia Support .Self Help for Hard of Hearing
.Weight Training
.Round Table on Politics .Legal Aid
.Living Healthy .Water Color
.Computers for Beginners .Culture of China
.Using Computers I & 1I .Portrait Painting
.Take Great Photos .Oil Painting
.Using the Inter Net .Defensive Driving Class
.Infinite Variety of Music Japanese I & II
.Italian I & II .Northwest Coast Native Culture
.Olympic Forests .Driftwood Sculpture
.Geography of U.S. .Culture of Japan
.Paint on Own .Coffee Lounge
.Golden Agers .P R Committee
,Senior Swingers .At the Movies (weekly)
.Senior Singers .Bingo ($x week)
.One Day/Over Night Trips .Chess Club
.Pool .Pinochle ($x week)
.Bridge .Pickle Ball (3x week)
.Cribbage .Calligraphy on Own
.Crafts .Conversational Spanish
~$ 47495.20 $ 47579.02 $ 2~022.17 $ 67291.26
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
$ 1147773.97 $ I01~057.15 $ 70~869.80 $ 86~$85.79
2 51 $ 44
Ground Burials 26 22 18 26
Gwund Burial Inurnments 23 22 17 16
Niche lnurnments 11 13 10 18
Entombments 1 1 I 1
Year to Date Totals I 59 58 I I 61
$969.09 $33,065.36 Not available Not availabe
Continuing seasonal plantings at the Conrad Dyar Fountain
Maintaining geraniums and flower bulbs in greenhouse for transplanting in Spring
Continuing litter pickup and rest room cleaning at the various park locations
Installed Coast Guard Memorial at Veteran's Park
Installed lexan panels on ticket booth roofs at Civic Field
Repaired and reinstalled backflow preventer at Shane Park
Limbed up trees along pathway at Shane Park
Painted windbreaks at Harborview Park
Removed dangerous tree from Crown Park
Winterized and covered downtown fountain
Cleaned pool water filter system
Checked chlorinator and booster pump for proper operation
Checked dive stand bol~s and lubed slider
Back washed pool water filter system
Checked circulation pumps and heat pumps
Checked heat pump blowers
Serviced filters on HVAC system
Checked emergency lighting, checked drains below sink and flushed with bleach
Clean, patch, spray texture and paint walls as needed
Checked heat pumps, and I-WAC uni~
Walk through building, checked lights and automatic doors
Cleaned drains, ~.ased exhaust fans,
Checked heat pump blower belts, filters~ draius and coils on heat system
Unplugged toilets at City Pier
Employees attended Safety meeting
Continue seasonal Beatification Program at fountain
Install waterfront trail plaques, benches and trees
Continue making improvements at various parks
Continue winterizing various facilities and rest roonu as needed
Prepare for icy sidewalks by storing ice melt products at City Hall Complex, Senior Center,
Veteran's Park, City Pier etc.
Continue repairing/overhauling turf equipment for spring mowing
Install Chri~i,~s tree at downtown fountain
Monthly Activity Report
Children 857 14,345 1
Adult 1,762 22,712 1,698 20,$15
Saturday Teen Night/Kid's Day 7/27 209/323 42/18 1 ~2/594
Pool Parties/Participants 15/266 2~745 I ~/1913 114/1,9130
Children 968 12,068 972 13,029
Adults 112 461 --- 148
Parent/Child Orientation --- 477 --- 408
Pre--School 41 $ 4,988 302 5,660
Water Exercise 65D 8,61 $ 721 9,162
School District Activities 1,099 7,475 I, 102 7,41 $
Pool Rentals/Classes 740 6,368 $19 $,905
Instruction Attendance Totals 3987 40,4S0 3,616 41,725
Days Open 29 324 29 323
Hours Open 378.50 4 ~257.75 372.00 4 ~ 134.00
Rental:Suits, towels, Caps $44.92 $694.03 $S8.95 $~04.29
Admissions $2,146.49 $32,009.21 $2,087.81 $Z9,989.92
Lessons $3,031 .S0 $48,032.90 $2,474.00 $90,817.62
Aerobics $1,490.00 $19,890.90 $1,173.00 $I9,~25.00
Passes $1,727.60 $21,923.78 $1,932.68 $I8,976.26
Showers $31.49 $I ,348.39 $48.90 $726.63
Lockers $199.49 $2,792.80 $301.20 $3,$70.$$
Pool Rentals $676.57 $6,879.39 $627.33 $5,591.57
Sales Tax $362.01 $4,947.16 $379.72 $4,283.72
William Shore Pool Activities
-.~Adjusting swim lesson format for December registration.
· -~Working with Olympic Christian School to incorporate a P.E. class during the afternoon
swim time beginning in January, 1999.
· -~Beginning in December the High School will incorporate students into the 8:30 am aerobic
class twice a week
-~Provided information and conducted a tour of the pool for Pool Feasibility Consultants
Exercise classes for November:
* Water Aerobics AM and PM classes Monday through Friday
* Deep Water AM classes M - W - F
* Water Walkiflg AM classes Monday through
Swim Lessons Schedule for November:
* November 2-20 Grade schoolers
* November 3-19 Pre-schoolers
* November 2 -25 Adults
* Private lessons - ongoing
Port Angeles Swim Club
* 4:$0pm - 5:30 pm Monday through Friday
Port Angeles School District
* 7:4 Sam - 8:1 Sam Mort, Tues, Thur, Fri '~.
9:0Sam - 9:35am Wed.
I :OOpm- 1:30 pm Monday through Friday ~ classes
3:00pm - 4:30 pm Monday through Friday
United States Coast Guard
* 9:00am - 10 am Tuesday and Thursday K'~l~' Training
* November 21 Kid's Day 2:130-4:00 27 participants
* November 21 Teen Night 8:30-10:00 7 participants
November 5 PAHS High School Band Booster Spaghetti Di
November 7 Olympic Christian School Auction
November 8 4-H Achievement Award Night
November 1 $ Image Soccer Middle School Dance
November 14 Winter Sports Club Ski & Bike Swap ~
November 15 Turkey Shoot Tournament
November 19-22 Christmas Cottage Craft Fair
November 23-30 Hospital Foundation Festival of Trees
Noon Open Gym Sunday Basketball Queen of Angeles
Gym Walkers Choice P.E. Girls AAU Basketball
AAU Boys Basketball Olympic Christian School P.E. YMCA Basketball
November Z Clallam/Jeffcrson Community Action
November 3 Prevention Works - Workshop
November 4 North Olympic Peninsula Home Builders
November 5 Clallam/Jefferson Community Action
November 6 Clallam/Jefferson Community Action
November 9 Rexall
November 9-10 55 Alive Defensive Driving Classes
November I$ Anich: Memories Workshop
November 17 CopyCo Product Show
November 20 School District
November Z3-30 Festival of Trees
Incentives Committee School District Mary Kay
Kiwanis - Juan de Fuca Group Disabilities Coalition Park Board
Transit Union Meetings Non-Motorized Trail Meeting Junior Babe Ruth
Juan de Fuca Festival Roosevelt/Stevens Parents Ski Team
Community Network Senior Class Meeting EDC
North Olympic Land Trust Bike Club PAFD
Ostomy Support Group Pool Design Committee Swim Club
Clallam County Food Handlers Class
November 1998
City Council Meetings Kiwanis
Board of Adjustments Inquiring Minds
Planning Community Welfare Forum
DUI Victims Panel North Olympic Building Assoc
PAFD Training
Continuins: After School Pro~ram - 55 full-time students:
25 children enrolled at Franklin School
$0 children enrolled at Jefferson School
Country Western Dance Class
Line Dance Class
Co-Ed Volleyball League - 1 $ Teams
November 16 Winter Basketball League Began
15- Teams
November 7-8 Talking Rain Adult Men's AA Basketball
8 Teams; 5 Out-of-Town
November 7-8 Boys 5th through 9th - Tipoff Basketball Tourney
22 Teams; 17 Out-of-Town
November 14-15 Turkey Shoot -
Boys'& Girls' 6th through Varsity Basketball Tourney
14 Teams; 1 1 Out-of-Town
January l 6-17 Martin Luther Kin~ Basketball Invite
5th through 8th Grade - Boys' & Girls'
January 30-31 Port Angeles Open Swim Meet
February 13-14 Presidents' Day Basketball Tournament
6th thwugh 9th Grade - Boys' & Girls'
None Scheduled
December 1: World Aids Awareness Day
F rank! i n E! ementa ry School
Port Ange!es, WA 9836Z
November 29, 1998
WiIttam Shore Memorial Pool
321 East 5th Street
Port AngeIes, WA 98362
Dear Barb Ottver and staff,
As a representative of the Franklin Schoot Staff, I
want to extend our gratitude for your participation
tn a donation for this schoot's Fun Run tn Septem-
ber. It ts so wonderfut to have your support! The
passes which you donated provide incentive for the
students to get and correct pledges. That ts an in-
tegra! part of the drive.
The money corrected hetps to fund severat in-schoot
pro~jects which the district cannot fund at th(s
time. This year those wonderfut tittte "satesmen"
surpassed the $10,000 goat by -over $100!
Be assured that our staff witt continue to frequent
the poo! with our friends and families. You and
your estabttshment are assets to our entire commun-
ity. Again, thank you for your much needed support.
Deanna M. Peterson
Resource Room Teacher
December 3, 1998
City of Port Angeles
Parks and Recreation Department
Mr. Scott Brodhun
321 East 5~ Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Dear Scott,
I would like to take a moment to thank Marl Billsborrow, John Hicks, Paul Breitbach, Jim
Swenson, Bill Peterson and.yourself for all of the kindness and generosity that all of you showed
to my committee during the week long decorating prOCess for the 1998 Festival of Trees. You all
extended such patience and service during a very hectic time..
It was a pleasure working with all of you and I am proud that you are representing our city.
1998 Festival of Trees
Decorations Chair
Cc: Mr. Patrick lbarra
Volut~ccr' FicM
December 1998
Ocean View Cemetery $119,493.08 $115,4 73.71
William Shore Memorial Pool $147,343.46 $135,816.79
Vern Burton Community Center $18,927.26 $22,009.41
Senior Services Center - Rentals $14,154.20 $17,577.022
Senior Services Center ~ Leases $11,400.00 $11,400.00
Banner $5,I45.00 $4,140.55
Lincoln Park Camping Fees $22,575.00 $1,910.70
City Pier Moorage Fees $1,207.00 $1,066.00
General Fund Revenue Total $3220,245.00 $3097594.18
Longhouse/Clubhouse $3,385.00 $3,164.225
Lincoln Park Camping Fees $5,587.00* $813.00
Improvement Fund Total $879722.00 $3,977.225
Vern Burton Kitchen Fees $3,2270.50 $2,I46.97
Co-Rec Volleyball $4,630.00 $5,885.64
Volleyball Tourney Fund $0.00 $0.00
Slowpitch $2222,664.50 $20,391.09
Slowpitch Tourney Fund $3,045.00 $4,157.23
Mens Basketball $8,2222 7.00 $ I22,950.00
Basketball Tourney Fund $5.190.48 $6,548.34
Flag Football $17. 5.00 $1,2210.00
Youth Programs $30,566.4 7 $147326.79
Adult Programs $22,2257.43 $4,276.00
Recreation Activities Fund Total $797976.18 $71~8922.06
* Timber Sales
**Includes $2,500 Yes to Youth Grant
$ 4~719.11 $ 14~456.71 $ $~86.60 $ 6~220.17
$ 119~495.08 $ 115~473.71 $ 74~456.40 $ 92~605.96
Cround Burials 28 23 18 29
Niche Inurnments 13 13 10 1
~ntombments 1 I 1
Year to Date Totals 63 65 ] 47 65
$6,878.83 $39,944.19 Not available Not availabe
Continuing seasonal plantings at the Conrad Dyar Fountain ~ ~
Maintaining geraniums and flower bulbs in greenhouse for transplanting in Spri
continuing litter pickup and rest room cleaning at the various park locations
Installed and painted New fence at Crown Park
Installed trail at Webster Park
Removed old pilings from City Pier
Repaired damaged railing at City Pier
Cleaned pool water filter system
Checked chlorinator and booster pump for proper operation
Checked dive stand bolts and lubed slider
Back washed pool water filter system
Checked circulation pumps and heat pumps
Checked heat pump blowers
Serviced filters on I-IVAC system
Checked emergency lighting, checked drains below sink and flushed with bleach
Clean, patch, spray texture and paint walls as needed
Checked heat pumps, and HVAC units
Walk through building, checked lights and automatic doors
Cleaned drains, greased exhaust fans,
Checked heat pump blower belts, filters, drains and coils on heat system
Removed graffiti off cabins at Lincoln Park
Employees attended Safety meeting
Continue seasonal Beatification Program at fountain
Install waterfront trail plaques, benches and trees
Continue making improvements at various parks
Continue winterizing various facilities and rest rooms as needed
Continue repairing/overhauling turf equipment for spring mowing
December 1 Union #I 6 ! 9
December 2 Virginia Ma.~n
December 4 North Olympic Trust
December 9 Klahanie Koi Club
Girl Scouts
December 1 1 Police Department Dinner
December 12 K-Ply Christmas Party
Clallam County Democratic Committee
December 18 Jim's Pharmacy Christmas Party
Adventure Travel Series
.Senior Nutrition Board .United Way .Square Dance Council.
.Virginia Mason .NARFE Board .Soroptimists Jet Set
.Senior Info & Assistance .CCSWAB .City Employees Assoc.
.Law Enforcement Board .Youth Task Force .Retired Teachers
.City Breakfast .Crime Stoppers .Paint the Town
.Fine Art Center .Clallam Art League .Here & Now AA Group
.Heart Association
December 4 Annual Holiday Open House
December 8 Office Volunteers Meeting
December 9 Adventures with Kate Series
December 18 Christmas Sing-a-Long with Senior Singers
December 1998
Foot Care (4x month) Senior AA Meetings ~ .~
Blood Pressure Checks Stretch Class/Weight Training
Tai Chi Tap Dancing Class
Alzheimers Support Group Hearing Aid Tests/Repairs
Low Impact Aerobics (3x wk) Chi Gong
Arthritis Support Group Yoga
Fybromyalgia Support
Weight Training
Round Table on Politics Legal Aid
Living Healthy Water Color
Computers for Beginners Culture of China
Using Computers I & II Culture of Japan
Take Great Photos Oil Painting
Using the Internet Defensive Driving Class
Infinite Variety of Music Japanese I & II
Italian I & II Geography of U.S.
Olympic Forests
Paint on Own Coffee Lounge
Golden Agers P R Committee
Senior Swingers At the Movies (weekly)
Senior Singers Bingo ($x week)
One Day/Over Night Trips Chess Club
Pool Pinochle (3x week)
Bridge Pickle Ball (3x week)
Cribbage Calligraphy on Own
Crafts Conversational Spanish
Information & Referral 1,902 21,238 1,939 19,344
Estimated Attendance 4,617 51,666 5,160 28,212
Health Programs 397 4,766 465 5,887
Education Programs 590 7,378 280 6,529
Social Events/Programs/Meals 1,237 18,889 1,221 19,812
Trips: Taken 7 72 9 117
Passengers I73 962 14 1,064
Volunteers: I48 130
Hours I ~074 17~015 1 ~$94 207797
Membership: 1~416 1,507
City 940 999
County 476 508
Included in 1997 count is an estimated number of attendance in Coffee Lounge--
(average of 60 per day)
December 4,$,6 Olympic Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Christmas
December 7 RSVP Volunteer Recognition Luncheon
December 11,12,13 Daishowa Christmas Party
December 14 Blood Drive
December 18 Employees Association Christmas Party
December 19 Olympic Memorial Hospital Christmas Pa'fly
December $1 Image Middle School New Years' Dance
Noon Open Gym Sunday Basketball Girls AAU Basketball
Gym Walkers Choice P.E. AAU Boys Basketball
Olympic Christian School P.E.
December 1 Rexall Seminar
December 4,5,6 Olympic Memorial Hospital Christmas Fair
December 7 School District Workshop
I December 8,9 55 Alive Driving Classes
December 10 Water Quality Workshop
December 15 Clallam/Jefferson Community Action Workshop
December 16 Department of Personnel Testing
December 17 International Festival Meeting
December 2Z Education Foundation Christmas Social
High School Parents Meeting School District City Attorney
Kiwanis - Juan de Fuca Group Disabilities Coalition Park Board
Transit Union Meetings Non-Motorized Trail Meeting Junior Babe Ruth
Juan de Fuca Festival Roosevelt/Stevens Parents Ski Team
Human Resources Testing Bike Club PAFD
Ostomy Support Group
Clallam County Food Handlers Class
December I9~8
City Council Meetings Evergreen Rural Water Workshop
Board of Adjustments County Human Resources
Planning Bid Opening
DUI Victims Panel City Manager Holiday Luncheon
Housing Authority PAPD
Continuing: After School Program - 56 full-time students:
£6 children enrolled at Franklin School
30 children enrolled at Jefferson School
Country Western Dance Class
Line Dance Class
Co-Ed Volleyball League - 15 Teams
Open Basketball League - 6 Teams
"D" League Basketball - 9 Teams
None Scheduled
January 16-17 Martin Luther King Basketball Invite
5th through 8th Grade - Boys' & Girls'
January 30-31 Port Angeles Open Swim Meet
February 13-14 Presidents' Day Basketball Tournament
6th through 9th Grade - Boys' & Girls'
None Scheduled
None Scheduled
William Shore Pool Activities
-*Working with Olympic Christian School to incorporate a P.E. class during the afternoon
swim time beginning in January, 1999.
-~Conducting swim lesson registration for January through May.
4Coordinated and conducted inservice training class for staff.
Exercise classes for November:
* Water Aerobics AM and PM classes Monday through
* Deep Water AM classes M - W ~ F
* Water Walking AM classes Monday through Friday -..
Swim Lessons Schedule:
* November 30- December 18 Grade schoolers
* December 1 - 17 Pre-schoolers
* December 7-23 Adults
* December 28-Jan 13
· Private lessons - ongoing
Port Angeles Swim Club
* 4:30pm - 5:30 pm Monday through Friday ':::':~'
Port Angeles School District
* 7:45am ~ 8:15am Mort, Tues, Thur, Fri
9:05am - 9:35am Wed.
I:00pm ~ 1:30 pm Monday through Friday i~classes
3:00pm ~ 4:30 pm Monday through Friday
December 3,8,10 & 15
United States Coast Guard ,
* 9:00am ~ 10 am Tuesday and Thursday ~ Training
* December 19 Kid's Day 10 participants
Monthly Activity Report
December 1998
Children 647 14,992 767 14,329
Adult 1,749 24,461 1,670 22,185
Saturday Teen Nisht/Kid's Day 0/10 209/335 22 152/616
Pool Parties/Participants 6/91 2,836 8/87 122/2,017
Children 555 12,623 717 13,746
Adults 98 559 --- 148
Parent/Child Orientation --- 477 --- 408
Pre--School 304 5,292 185 5,845
Water Exercise 480 9,093 ~33 9,695
School District Activities 984 8,459 1,108 8,521
Pool Rentals/Classes $ 71 6,939 513 6,416
Instruction Attendance Totals 2992 43,442 3,056 44,779
Days Open 30 354 30 353
Hours Open 379.50 4~637.25 363.25 4~497.25
Rental:Suits, towels, Caps $59.73 $753.76 $103.~7 $607.56
Admissions $1,572.27 $$3,577.48 $1,990.18 $31,980.10
Lessons $3,832.00 $51,864.50 $541.50 $51,359.I2
Aerobics $1,027.75 $20,918.25 $1,213.00 $16,738.00
Passes $1,594.15 $23,517.93 $1,672.90 $20,249.16
Showers $9.~0 $1,357.89 $11.10 $737.73
Lockers $182.05 $2,934.85 $202.35 $5,572.70
Pool Rentals $315.I 1 $7,190.50 $361.48 $5,953.05
Sales Tax $281.14 $5,228.30 $335.65 $4,619.37
:' ::' :: :%::" ': ::: ::':!:::!:'::i :::::':::::::::: ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::i::i :: :i ::ii: ~:: ~:':ii: :i:::! ::: ::::::~::::::::: :::::' ::::~::i: i::i: i::i:::~::::~:I:I:::: 'ii::::::::i' ::: i:::!: ::::: ::! :::::::::::::: :":::!:: ':"::::: :c::::!: !:!:::! ::::::: :: : :::: · :::: :::- ::: :i:
[] 1997 · 1998 D 1997 · 1998 .. 10 Year Average
(MO) lIN)
SEWER SYSTEM JETTED 10.961 119,625
~.~ 17,%~ cu~.u~ co~ ~UL ~~ ~,~ 110 ~) ~F~ c~ ELEGTR~AL USAGE
GONS) ~1ffi7 BI~
~T ~ TO DATE (TONS) t~[~
* Completed GWI water sampling for the year * Gas system at Landfill operational
* Main breaks, 2": 10 * Repaired condensate pump at Landfill
* Main breaks, 4": * Chain Gang picked up litter along 18th Street
* Main breaks, 12": * Chain Gang cleaned up recycle area at Landfill
* Service leaks: 6
* Meter change out: 0
* Utility Locates: 24
* Excavated for new 24" valve on Elwha main
* Worked on Y2K compliance * Pot hole patch, city wide
* Lift Station maintenance * Restorstion at 3rd & Penn, main break
* Jet Truck demo * Restoration et 7th & "M'. main break
* Repair hand rail. 1st & Lincoln
* Concrete restoration, Light Operations main repair
* Concrete restoration. 3rd & Lincoln. main repair
* Building maintenance; remodel IS area at City Hall
* Educt catch basins, city wide
* Annual inspections for permitted industrial users * Lee Hotel Project. lane revisions on 1st Street
* Worked on pretreatment issues with local dischargers * Sign maintenance records
* Repaired pump from Pump Station #1 at Landfill * Snow removal, December 21st
* Rebuilt instrument air dryer for WWTP * Sanding
* Repaired chlorine line in chlorination building * Storm cleanup
* Designed drain system for hotwatar pump at WWTP * Sand removal
* Removed two FIo-Totes for rebuild
* Airport Road Realignment, rN~ acquisition support
* Landfill Cell 3 Expansion construction substantially completed
* FEMA storm repair support
* Traffic counts, suspended for Winter
* CSOII&I Study support
* LID 215 Final Assessment proceeding
* '1" Street sidewalk design
* Service Tickets processed: 119 * Peabody Heights Reservoir. waterline design
* PM Services and inspections: 25 * Carnegie Library, demolition advertised for bid
* Denver's PM services: 3 * Gateway Design, consultant interviews scheduled
* Denver's Service Tickets processed: 47 * Jones Street Reservoir. cover design to DOE
* #0007 1989 Ford AMB, replaced steering box * Elwha waterline emergency valve design
* #1748 John De, ere Track Loader, replaced clutch
* #1908 Cat Compactor, overhaul hydraulic hoses and rear differential
*. #1909 Cat Dozer. track and grill work
* #1911 Refuse Vehicle, packer hydraulic and arm repair
* #1919 Peterbilt Hook Lift, hyraulic system overhaul
* Maintain snow removal emergency equipment
* Highland Commons II. trenching/conduit/vaults
* Highland Court. finished power installation; energized building
* Woodhaven, convert from PUD to City power
* K-Ply. new overhead primary to underground transformer
* Laurel Substation. getaway failure repair
* Plaza Rite Aid, new service
* Demo services, pedestrian light, tree plugs at Lea Hotel site
Port Art, eles
F r¢ Department
savtnd~ Hearts and Homes
December 1998
December 1998
Total Fire Dept. Calls Fire $ Loss/Saved YTD
3000 i
2500 t 2,000,000
2000 1,500,000
1500 1,000,000
1000 500
500 0
1997 1998
1996 1997 1998 · Saved · Loss
Dec 1998 Total Calls 279 Saved Loss
1998 Total Calls 2,574 1998 2,405,235 966,380
1997 Total Calls 2,542 1997 713,950 213,520
140 ~
Fires >$5,000 Auto Fires Brush Fires Haz Mat Inc
YTD 1997 YTD 1998
Structure Fires Auto Fires Bmsh Fires HazM~
> $5,000 Incidems
1998 15 22 44 123
1997 9 28 14 94
Fire & Life Safety InspPrevention Activities YTD
1 250
1997 1998
Inspections Reinspections ~
I Plan Reviews
[] 1997 I 1998 Public Education Contacts
Inspections Reinspections Permit Plan Public Ed
Inspections Reivews Contacts
1997 868 780 1997 239 87 78
1998 899 740 1998 243 64 56
Medic I Transports - ALS Medic I Transports - BLS
1000 350
600 200 -
400 150
100 -
200 50
O 0
1997 1998 Fire Dept. Olympic Ambulance
[] Monthly · YeartoDate [] 1997 · 1998
Advanced Life Support (ALS) Basic Life Support (BLS)
Fire Dept. 1997 1998 Fire Dept. 1997 1998
ALS 920 830 BLS 76 117
W AS H I N G T O N, U. S. A.
DATE: January 19, 1999
To: Mayor Braun and City Council
FROM: Brad Collins, Planning Director
SImJECT: Planning Department Monthly Report - December, 1998
Shoreline Substantial Development Permits 0
Conditional Use Permits 1
Municipal Code Amendments 1
Parking Variances 0
Administrative Review Approvals 0
Environmentally Sensitive Areas Reviews 2
Minor Deviation 0
Code Enforcement 1
Annexation Request 1
Subdivision 0
Short Plat Appeal 1
Boundary Line Adjustments 0
Determinations of Non-Significance 5
Mitigated Determinations o£Non-Significance 0
Determinations of Significance 0
Clearing and Grading Permits 5
Building Permits 5
Annexation Planning Census 2000
Cascadia Regional Plan
Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning (PRTPO)
Water Resources Inventory Area (WRIA) 18
Salmon Recovery Plan
Code Enforcement 9
Comprehensive Plan Amendment 2
Conditional Use Permits 9
Environmentally Sensitive Areas Reviews 12
Minor Deviation 3
Municipal Code Amendments 8
Parking Variances 4
Shoreline Substantial Development Permits 6
Wetland Permits 1
Total 54
Boundary Line Adjustments 4
Subdivision 2
Short Plat 4
Total 10
Determinations of Non-Significance 32
Determinations of Significance 0
Mitigated Determinations of Non-Significance 8
Total 40
Clearing and Grading Permits 7
Building Permits 140
Total 147
Downtown Parking Plan Completed 12/98
Annexation Planning Ongoing
VictorioJCascadia Regional Plan Ongoing
Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning (PRTPO) Ongoing
Water Resources Inventory Area (WRIA) 18 Ongoing, Phase I nearly complete
Salmon Recovery Plan Ongoing
Census 2000 Ongoing, boundaries nearly complete
Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission
December 17, 1998
I. Call to Order:
The December 17, 1998 meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Beautification
Commission was called to order at 6:00 pm in the Vern Burton Meeting room
by Vice President, Pat McDonagh.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present: Pat McDonagh, Leslie Perrizo, Matt Kirsch, David Morris
& Diana Tschimperle
Members Absent: Nancy Martin and Bill Minor,.
Audience: George Snyder, Jean Snyder & D. Snyder
Staff: Scott Brodhun & John Hicks
III. Special Hearing: Appeal of Pool Suspension
Executive session
V. Approval of Minutes & Audio Tape Disposition -October 15, 1998
M. Kirsch moved to accept the minutes of October 15, 1998, and dispose of
the tapes in the usual manner. D. Morris seconded the motion which carried.
IV. Items from Audience not on Agenda
V. Finance:
Items on the Parks & Recreation voucher list were discussed. D. Morris
moved to accept the voucher listing by consensus.
VI. Legislation:
A. Approval of Standard for Park Sign
Staff explained the concept of establishing a standard for park signs.
Not all parks are identified with park signs, and the signs that exist are
not uniform, or particularly attractive. Therefore, a park sign standard
was developed and worked into the budget in order to better identify
the parks. Staff pointed out that adopting a standard is important for
other reasons as well. There are times when well-meaning people desire
to make donations to parks and their first choice can be a sign. It's
Park Board
December 17, 1998 2
difficult to say no to these people when the sign they desire may not be
appropriate. A sign standard could be included in the Gift Catalogue.
The size of the sign was discussed as each park could require a different
size. Park Board was asked to consider the presented concept. Board
member Perizzo was very concerned that the size of the signs be
maintained at an appropriate level.
M. Irdrsch moved that the sign standard, subject to determination of
appropriate scale, be adopted. D. Morris seconded the motion, which
B. Review of 1999 Budget
The 1999 supplemental Parks Budget was reviewed. A clear theme is
identified in the 99 budget, involving increased maintenance and
service. The board expressed appreciation and support for the direction
of the City Manager and Council.
C. Consideration of Living Octopus Sculpture
Staff explained the concept of this Sculpture. It will be a "plant
sculpture" located in the Marine Lab area, funded by the Jet Set
Soroptimists, built by the Home Builders Club, and maintained by the
City. Staff asked for Park Board support.
Following discussion, Park Board expressed support for the idea and
encouraged staff to proceed.
D. Update DNR Grant Application
Staff reported that results from the resent grant presentations have not
yet been reported by DNR.
E. Final Action - Snyder Appeal
VII. Staff Informational Reports & Updates:
Pier Fender piling project is underway. Due to inclement weather the Pier
painting project will resume in spring.
Park Board asked for and received an update on absentee board member. Park
Park Board
December 17, 1998 3
Board asked staff tO handle this situation by next meeting.
Student park board member recruitment was discussed.
VII. Park Board Late Items:
Rhodys at Webster Park need trimming as they are now serving as a "hang-
Reader Board at Civic Field is in need of repair/paint. Electronic reader board
was discussed.
Park Board requested that a new packet of Snyder documentation be prepared
for the next meeting.
Staff reported on Pool renovation committee meeting.
VIII. Adjournment:
Meeting adjourned. Next meeting will be held January 21, 1999
TO: The City of Port Angeles
FROM: The Museum of the Clallam County Historical Society
RE: Report of Operations,October 1 through December 15, 1998
DATE: December 15, 1998
The Museum closed its doors to the public in the old Courthouse as of August 28.
The Genealogy Society library will continue to operate in the old Courthouse through
December;. the Research Library is able to take phone or mail-in requests only. Both
libraries will move to the "portable" building at the Lincoln School site in January 1999.
The Museum maintains exhibits at the Federal Building in downtown Port
Angeles; a sign has been placed on that building stating that the Historical Society
exhibits are housed there temporarily. Brochures have been printed and are available at
the Chamber of Commerce. We also maintain exhibits at the Port of Port Angeles
Administrative Building and in the Waterfront Antique Mall.
The Museum moved its artifact collections and offices to the Artifact Storage
Facility (old gymnasium) at Lincoln School during the months of October and November.
An Open House will be planned for February 1999.
VOLUNTEER HOURS: 1,575.5 (Months of October and November)
Research Library - 10
Genealogy Library - 323 signed register; 15 mail and e-mail queries answered
Because of our move, no new artifacts are being accepted into the collection.
However, we will be accepting the elevator control out of the old Lee Hotel.
1.Participated with the Westend Shipwreck Project in Forks for a dinner and symposium.
Quilts from The Museum collection were on exhibit in Forks for Forks Heritage Days.
2.. Hosted Inquiring Mind Program on November 8, 1998.
3. Community Players donated performance of "Bell, Book and Candle" to benefit the
Lincoln School Project on November 24.
4. Participated in Clallam Art League Boutique on December 4 and 5. Proceeds benefit
The Museum and the Lincoln School Project.
5. The majority of staff and volunteer time has been spent on getting the Artifact Storage
Facility finished and getting the artifacts and storage moved into that facility.
Clallam County Historical Society
Cash Balances
ID# 91-6054757
Cash Accounts
Cash in Checking-general $ 4,750.34
Cash in Savings-Olympic $ 15,000.00 *
Cash in Savings-Interwest-General $ 21,317.58
C.D. First Federal Savings-Endowment $ 88,414.03 .....
C.D. First Federal Savings-Endowment $ -
C.D. Washington Credit Union-General $ 3,162.38
Money Market-Bldg Fund-FFSL $ 19,652.35 $ (15,000.00)
Cash in Checking-Bldg Fund-FFSL $ 2,647.14
Cash in Savings-KeyBank-Donkey $ 1,589.72
Total Cash $141,533.54
· Will be transferred to Cash in Savings-Olympic Bank ~om Cash in Checking-Bldg Fund
For Period Ended November 30, 1998
MEMBERSHIP DUES $ 2,604 $ 57,814 $ 59,000 $ 1,473 $ 55,070 $ 1,132 $ 2,745
COUNTER SALES 1,041 19,378 20,000 628 19,364 413 14
BUILDING RENT~ 119 2,232 2,90% 145 2,423 (26) (192}
N.W. WOOD SHOWCASE 21 6,402 7,000 54 6,811 (33) (410)
A/~q~UAL B~NQUET 2,300 2,000 2,300
CHAMBER FD%TD RAISERS 150 8,498 18,525 375 20,932 (225) (12,435}
FUND RAISER-AUCTION (159) 5,662 6,000 6,372 (159) (710)
INTEREST EARNED 243 2,666 2,200 236 2,421 7 245
BROCHURE DISTRIBUTION 55 322 250 270 55 52
C H~MB ER SERVICES 57 100 28 96 {28) (38)
DONATIONS 72 2,318 2,200 69 2,127 3 191
MI SCELL~%NEOUS 57 165 75 57 90
CONCERTS ON TH~ PIER 100 5,000 (4,900)
07JLY 4TH INCOME 12,429 10,000 12,316 114
INTERNET ;%DVERTISING 300 1,075 4,050 300 1,075
TOT$~L REVENUES 4,503 122,772 134,229 3,008 133,286 1,495 {10,514)
MATERIALS-COUNTER SALES 189 10,780 12,000 16 11,875 172 (1,095)
MATERIALS-SHOWCASE 232 5,491 5,250 451 8,194 (219) 298
SA3~ARY - M~/qAGER 3,765 %1,411 45,176 3,691 %0,599 74 812
SALARY - SECRETARIltL 736 8,097 8,833 701 7,711 35 385
PENSION EXPENSE (SIMPLE 157 2,513 2,776 152 762 5 1,751
FICA TAX 401 4,407 390 4,286 11 121
STATE U/C EXPENSE 179 4,530 170 9
LESS VC ALLOCATION (56) {738) [54) {704) (3) (34)
~%AJOR MEDICALT~A~CF 356 5,357 5,000 317 5,104 39 253
MEDICAL INS.-OFFICE MGR 589 554 554 35
R.E. & P.P. TAXES 39 30 27 12
LIABILITY & FIRE INS. 83 100 82 1
BA/gK ~GES 235 942 950 265 909 (31} 33
OFFICE SUPPLIES 891 1,200 167 1,017 (167) (126)
OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2,937 300 1,061 1,876
AUTO ALLOWA/SCE 300 3,300 3,600 300 3,300
DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 708 1,010 20 1,228 (20) (520)
OFFICE RENT 337 3,711 4,048 337 3,711
POSTAGE 425 2,267 3,600 102 3,331 323 (1,064)
UTILITIES 20 244 325 222 20 21
EQUIPMENT RENTAJ~ 47 582 710 47 663 (} {81)
68 See Accoun=an=s' Compila=ion Report.
For Period Ended November 30, 1998
TELEPHONE $ 61 $ 614 $ 550 $ 48 $ 514 $ 14 $ 99
REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 6 173 225 5 267 i (93}
MANAGER TRAVEL EXPENSES 108 992 1,000 65 1,037 42 (45)
SECRETARY'S EXPENSE 55 909 1,000 71 1,008 (16) (98)
ACCOUNTING SERVICES 350 3,500 4,200 3S0 3,500
A~AL BANQUET 32 3,339 2,000 288 32 3,051
GUEST SPF~A.KER MEALS 171 387 500 96 404 75 (17)
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 200 276 300 388 200 (112)
CONCERTS ON THE PIER 1,848 1,800 4,525 (2,678}
JULY 4TH EVENT 1,421 200 187 1,234
JULY 4TH FIREWORKS 10,000 10,000 10,000
TOURIST PROMOTION 4,170 2,600 (250} 2,424 250 1,746
BUS. RETENTION COMMITTE 175 () 909 (734)
INTERNET EXPENSE 5 375 240 5 375
FUND RAISER - EXP 3,013 7,556 1,232 13,958 (1,232) (10,945)
FUND RAISER - AUCTION (81) 1,026 1,800 17 2,237 (98) (1,211)
EMMYLOU HARRIS CONCERT 170 4,367 (170) (4,367)
PENALTIES 159 (159)
TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8r049 128~422 135r013 8,357 135~746 (308) {7~324}
FXCESS (DEFICIENCY} $ (3,546) $ (5,650) $ {784) $ f5,350) $ (2,460) $ 1,803 $ (3,190)
See Accountan=s' Compila=ion Repot=. 1 69
For Period Ended November 30, 1998
CITY ALLOCATION $ 61289 $ 32,085 $ 50,300 $ 32,606 $ 6,289 $ {521)
TOTAL REVENUES 6,289 32,085 50,300 ~2,606 6,289 (521)
BROCHURES & ;%DVERTISING 2,405 14,900 291 2,678 (291) (273)
VIC EQUIPMENT 200 206 (206)
VIC WAGES 736 0,097 8,833 701 7,711 35 385
VIC RENT 1,012 11,134 12,146 1,012 11,134
VIC UTILITIES 60 731 980 667 60 63
VIC REPAIR & MAINT. 17 519 675 15 890 2 (370)
VIC OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,812 2,830 502 2,719 (502} (906}
VIC EQUIPMENT RENTAL 141 1,746 2,130 141 1,990 (244)
VIC POSTAGE 1,275 4,695 4,250 64 3,858 1,211 836
VIC BUILDING INS. 250 250 247 3
VIC TELEPHONE 184 1,841 1,730 143 1,584 41 256
VIC PAYROLL TAXES 56 738 822 54 704 3 34
TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,482 341556 501300 2~922 3~,943 560 1386)
EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) $ 2,807 $ {2,471} $ (2,922} $ {2,336} $ 5,729 $ (135)
See Accountants' Compilation Report.
1502 E. Lauridsen blvd. Port Angeles, WA 98362
(360) 417-6254 FAX 342-6923 E MAIL feirolab~olypen.com
Terry C. LaDuron, Director
Art Feiro Marine Laboratory
Port Angeles, Washington
Becky Upton
City Clerk
City o£Port Angeles
321 E. 5th Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Dear Becky:
Here is the last quarterly report and invoice to the city from the marine lab for the 1998 tourist promotion
Hotel/Motel Tax contract. This has indeed been an interesting if not a down right strange year for the lab. Also, I
want to be sure that you know how much I appreciate the help and understanding which you have provided me
and the lab over the years. I can't think of a nicer person who could perform your job as well as you do. Thanks!
City of Port Angeles Summer Tourist Promotion
Contract Report for the (final) 4* Quarter 1998
In spite of the unusual number of challenges (described fully in the 3rd quarter report) which faced the marine lab
and corresponding low visitation during the summer of 1998, I feel that there were some very positive aspects to
be gleaned fxom the summer season. Some of which I would like to highlight briefly because they may prove to
be helpful in planning for future marine lab or (Marine Life Center), activities and expanded summer utili:,ation
of the facility under the direction of the City of Port Angeles.
For many years, we have known that summer visitation at the lab is exceedingly dependent on Coho Ferry
ridership and the number of vehicles and travelers left behind to wait between sailing's. In order to better take
advantage of this fact, a means of attracting tourists, to the city pier area should be addressed. I understand that
a plan is in place by the city to enhance the pier visibility by trimming foliage, adding signs on and near the pier,
installing banners, painting the exterior of the building and other areas of the pier complex among other things.
These, coupled with city planned interior renovations and a new jelly fish exhibit sponsored by the college and
funded by a grant l~om the D.N.R.,will no doubt go a long way to increase visibility and thus attendance at the
lab during the tourist season.
But, some additional recommendations might include moving the entrance which currently faces east, to the
west side of the building. Time and again, visitors could not find the doors in order to come in. I understand that
decorative arrows or guide lines will be applied to the west side of the building in an effort to direct visitors to
the existing doors but if this does not prove to be as effective as hoped, a reconsideration of moving the entrance
might be in order.
During "normal" summer seasons, it is not unusual to see more than 20,000 visitors go through the lab in three
months. This doesn't sound like an exceptionally large number, but when you consider that the public visitation
area of the lab is just one room of about 1,200 square feet, it is easy to exceed the recommended occupancy. Just
the restriction imposed by size, can and does limit income potential. This problem can be addressed in a number
of ways: Limit the number of visitors entering the lab at any one time, this works but is not the best way to
showcase the facility. Another solution might be to extend the summer season. Just by observation, it is indeed
evident that if the lab opened for visitation earlier in the season such as the first week of May instead of the usual
mid- June opening due to Peninsula College and School District classes and stay open until late September or
early October instead of the usual early to mid-September closure for fall classes. Extending the season and open
hours must work because we just can not stuff more visitors at one time into this size facility. A third solution to
consider, short of expanding the building, would be to enlarge the public access area within the existing
structure. This could be accomplished by removing the north and west walls of the class room. This would yield
an additional 450 square feet, thus expanding the available exhibit space by more than a third. As walls are not
absolutely necessary for teaching, classes could still be conducted when the facility is not open for visiting.
Another approach which has been discussed by the city and college was to add a limited edition for a
combination gift shop/entryway located on thc northwest side of the building. If this approach was coupled
with utilizing what is now class room space as mentioned above, the public access area would be almost doubled
without a major expenditure for or an additional tax burden on the community.
You have no doubt seen the marne lab's funding request for a portion of the Hotel/Motel Tax for 1999 which
would have been used entirely to staffthe facility 7 days a week and 12 hours a day with 4 trained naturalists
exclusively for the tourist season. This would have ensured that reliable staff was available to serve the public
regardless of availability of volunteer docents. Since this funding request was turned down and the lab will
receive no city funding from this source, both the city and college, realizing the importance and potential of the
lab as a tourist attraction, devised what I think is an outstanding solution, wherein the city assumes the
responsibility of operating the lab during the summer tourist season while the college resumes operations during
the school year.
While mindful that the city is now responsible for the lab's summer operations, as a person who has been
associated with this facility for about 17 years, I feel that I am uniquely qualified to offer the following
recommendations in an effort to ensure a smoother transition into the city's first summer tourist season with the
lab. The marne lab has always relied to a limited degree on it's volunteer docents provided through the support
organization Friends of The Lab, to help provide quality interaction with visitors. Providing a "live" person to
answer questions, give demonstrations and direct them to a good restaurant or motel or shopping area has
become a mainstay for the lab and has come to be expected by it's many visitors. By far, most of the comments
we receive from visitors have to do with the fact that we have qualified people on staff to talk to, paid or
Make no mistake about it, volunteers are irreplaceable. However, unpaid volunteers are indeed just that. Many
years of experience dictates that a facility such as the marine lab should have a core of paid staff as an
anchor for the day to day operations. Between taking care of hundreds of live specimens, safety concerns,
docent concerns, problem solving, collecting admission, selling merchandise, presenting programs and beach
walks, etc. and of course providing quality service to visitors, there has to be reliable people who will be there
84+ hours a week, people who are accountable. The marne lab averages about 30 to 35 regular volunteers over
the course of the summer. They each average around two hours per week actually on the floor with visitors. The
lab requires a minimum of 3 qualified people on the floor at all times and no matter how creative we get with
scheduling docents, there are not enough volunteer bodies to operate the lab without paid staff. While volunteer
recruitment is on going, the number of docents does go up and down. From standing on concrete floors for
hours, to hands in cold water, stress of dealing with the public, a chronic lack of near by parking for the more
senior docents and repeated parking tickets for everyone, all these contribute to the constant ebb and flow of
the number of trained, available volunteers. For the last three years, Friends of The Lab has had to pay someone
to be the part time volunteer coordinator to make sure that the lab has volunteers available even on the limited
basis as outlined above. Those of you who have had the pleasure of organizing volunteers as I have, know that
this is no easy task.
Finally, serious consideration must be given to retaining someone on staff at least part time and on call who
is qualified to service thc entire sea water delivery system.
Why? During the heat of stunmer, the specimens have about half a day before they are adversely affected by the
increase in water temperature and the corresponding decrease in oxygen when the water stops flowing, and it will
stop at some point because "Murphy" says it will. Whether the building is occupied or not, the sea water system
must be checked several times a day to make sure that the lines have not become blocked with debris or other
matter. This is especially critical when it comes to maintaining the jelly exhibit with all of it's intricate systems.
The sea water system consists of close to 1,000 feet of pipe plus a pumping system, control system and gravity
flow exhibit feeds. More than 400 feet of pipe is located in what is virtually an inaccessible location secured to
the underside of the pier and extremely difficult and dangerous to service. The sea water pump is located on a
platform under the pier deck about 300 feet from the lab building and is accessible through a man-hatch on the
pier deck itself. A few years ago, the city and college jointly built and installed a small working platform adjacent
to the pump, which is suspended by chains as a safety measure.
The above recommendations are offered simply to help all concerned parties to acquire a clearer more informed
overall picture of some of the more critical aspects of lab operations which pertain especially to the summer
tourist season when it is important that the lab remain open and presentable.
The marine lab, soon to be called the Art Feiro Marine Life Center, has from the start, served the public as a
first class teaching facility for marine biology and related subjects. It has served the needs of the local school
district, the college and educational organizations from around the Northwest and many other parts of the
country. With renewed interest from the City of Port Angeles, Peninsula College and other local entities, I am
confident that in whatever direction the lab is taken, it will be, as it has always been, a source of pride, dignity
and commtmity accomplishment. It will remain a unique and fun place for tourists and locals alike to visit time
and again and learn about our marine life fi-iends who reside as our neighbors on the other side of the water's
Respectfully Submitted by,
Peninsula College/Feiro Marine Lab