HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 01/27/2009 WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 East 5th Street January 27,2009 SPECIAL MEETING - 5:00 pm ~ORTANGELES A. CALL TO ORDER - Special Meeting (5:00 p.m.) B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. RESOLUTIONS 1. Consideration of a Resolution Initiating Formation of a Metropolitan Park District 2. Consideration of a Resolution Affirming the Creation and Purposes of the Port Angeles HarborWorks Development Authority 1. Pass Resolution 2. Pass Resolution D. ADJOURNMENT NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MA YOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK January 27,2009 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun Deputy Mayor Wharton Councilmember Di Guilio Councilmember Kidd Councilmember Perry Councilmember Rogers Councilmember Williams Staff Present: Manager Myers Attorney Bloor Clerk Upton G. Cutler T. Gallagher D. McKeen N. West Y. Ziomkowski ~~ v / / V + if' V / v; / January 27, 2009 III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: (lJ)Jl1\f~'Q,.,..O~O}Y./ 'JI.(Pl'~~~ ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: January 27. 2009 LOCA TION: City Council Chambers . r, I~ If ) / ~"l)l kJ, C - ,~~ - 1-1 \ r;..( \~. _ " -'\ C. ".- ,").. . \ - \ do. p--' -) ,\'.-'1" ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: JANUARY 27,2009 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: WILLIAM E. BLOOR, CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT RESOLUTION (MPD) SUMMARY: Formation of a MPD requires an election. To initiate an election, the City Council may adopt a Resolution. The attached Resolution is based on the consensus expressed by Council at its January 20 meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Consider adoption of the attached Resolution. Attached is a Resolution, for your consideration, to initiate a public vote on the creation of a MPD. The first part ofthe Resolution - the Whereas clauses - states the legislative intent of the Resolution. This draft is written to reflect the discussion at the last Council meeting. However, at least one Council member has suggested to me that the statement of intent should be much broader, encompassing eventual inclusion of other park and recreation facilities in addition to the swimming pool. The statement oflegislative intent can be varied, without changing the operative part of the Resolution. The second part - principally Section I of the Resolution - is the operative part. The contents of operative portion of the Resolution are outlined by state statute. It must state the name of the District, the boundaries, the composition of the Board of Commissioners, and an election date. At the January 20 meeting, there was no consensus for a name, so that is blank in the attached Resolution form. To proceed with the Resolution, a name will have to be selected. The Resolution must also state the boundaries of the MPD. The City Council expressed consensus that the boundaries of the Port Angeles School District should be the boundaries of the MPD. Next, the - I - Page 2 January 27, 2009 Resolution must state the composition of the Directors of the MPD, The consensus of the City Council is that the Board of Directors of the MPD should be appointed by the City Council and the County Commissioners. Finally, the election date would be the first available special election date that is 60 or more days after the date the Boundary Review Board is deemed to have approved the proposed District. If you have questions or would like to discuss this, please feel free to contact me at your convenience prior to the January 27 special meeting. WEB:jd Attachment C:\Documents and Settings\bupton\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\CounciI.MPDResolutionO 12309. wpd - 2 - RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, requesting the Auditor ofClallam County to call a special election to put the formation of a Metropolitan Park District to the voters of the City of Port Angeles and voters of Clallam County located within the boundaries of the Port Angeles School District No. 121. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles owns and operates the William Shore Memorial Pool; and WHEREAS, due to budgetary constraints, the City of Port Angeles is unable to maintain and fund the William Shore Memorial Pool and has chosen to discontinue operation of the Pool; and WHEREAS, the William Shore Memorial Pool provides a benefit to the citizens of the City of Port Angeles and also to the people living in the unincorporated areas surrounding the City; and WHEREAS, a Save-the-Pool organization has urged creation of an entity to own and operate the William Shore Memorial Pool for the benefit of all its users; and WHEREAS, the organization has identified the William Shore Memorial Pool as a multi-generational facility that serves as one center of our community, one that provides health and recreation benefits to all ages, strengthens the community, and enhances the quality of life; and WHEREAS, after consideration of vanous alternatives, the organization has recommended formation of a metropolitan park district, organized under RCW Chapter 35.61, to operate the William Shore Memorial Pool; and WHEREAS, Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles have accepted this recommendation and wish to put the question of formation to the voters; -1- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1. Request for Special Election. The City of Port Angeles, Washington, hereby requests that the Clallam County Auditor call a special election on the first election date available consistent with RCW29A.04.330, 35.61.020, and 35.61.030, for the purpose ofplacing on the ballot the following proposition regarding formation of a metropolitan park district. City of Port Angeles Resolution No. and Clallam County Resolution No. jointly propose the creation of a metropolitan park district with boundaries coterminous with the combined area of the City of Port Angeles and the Port Angeles School District No. 121. If approved, this proposition would create a metropolitan park district to be named with all the powers provided in chapter 35.61 RCW. The District shall be governed by a board composed of the members ofthe city council and the county commissioners to collectively serve ex officio as the board of metropolitan park district through selection of one or more members. [ ] For the formation of a metropolitan park district. [ ] Against the formation of a metropolitan park district. Section 2. Boundaries of Metropolitan Park District. The boundaries of the Metropolitan Park District shall encompass the City of Port Angeles and Port Angeles School District No. 121 as fully described in Attachment A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a special meeting of said Council held on the day of January, 2009. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney G :\Legal_ Backup\ORDIN ^ NCES&RESOLUTIO NS\R ESOL UTIONS.2009\2 - M etropolitanParkDistrict -SwimPool.O 12209. wpd -2- ~ ') RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, requesting the Auditor of Clallam County to call a special election to put the formation of a Metropolitan Park District to the voters of the City of Port Angeles and voters of Clallam County located within the boundaries of the Port Angeles School District No. 121. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles owns and operates the William Shore Memorial Pool; and WHEREAS, due to budgetary constraints, the City of Port Angeles is unable to maintain and fund the William Shore Memorial Pool and has chosen to discontinue operation of the Pool; and WHEREAS, the William Shore Memorial Pool provides a benefit to the citizens of the City of Port Angeles and also to the people living in the unincorporated areas surrounding the City; and WHEREAS, a Save-the-Pool organization has urged creation of an entity to own and operate the William Shore Memorial Pool for the benefit of all its users; and WHEREAS, the organization has identified the William Shore Memorial Pool as a multi-generational facility that serves as one center of our community, one that provides health and recreation benefits to all ages, strengthens the community, and enhances the quality oflife; and WHEREAS, after consideration of various alternatives, the organization has recommended formation of a metropolitan park district, organized under RCW Chapter 35.61, to operate the William Shore Memorial Pool; and WHEREAS, Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles have accepted this recommendation and wish to put the question of formation to the voters; -1- " ."" . ) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1 - Request for Special Election. The City of Port Angeles, Washington, hereby requests that the Clallam County Auditor call a special election on the first election date available consistent with RCW 29A.04.330, 35.61.020, and 35.61.030, for the purpose of placing on the ballot the following proposition regarding formation of a metropolitan park district: City of Port Angeles Resolution No. and Clallam County Resolution No. jointly propose the creation of a metropolitan park district with boundaries coterminous with the combined area of the City of Port Angeles and the Port Angeles School District No. 121. If approved, this proposition would create a metropolitan park district to be named 'Port Angeles Aquatics and Park District with all the powers provided in chapter 35.61 RCW. The District shall be governed by a board composed of the members of the city council and the county commissioners to collectively serve ex officio as the board of metropolitan park district through selection of one or more members. [] For the formation of a metropolitan park district. [] Against the formation of a metropolitan park district. Section 2 - Boundaries of Metropolitan Park District. The boundaries of the Metropolitan Park District shall encompass the City of Port Angeles and Port Angeles School District No. 121 as fully described in Attachment A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the _ day of January 2009. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney G:\Legal_ BackuplORD! NANCES&RESOLlJTIONSIRESOLUTIONS.2009\3 - MPD Alternate ResoJuliol1.0 12709.doc 2 ~ RESOLUTION NO. \ ) A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, requesting the Auditor ofClallam County to call a special election to put the formation of a Metropolitan Park District to the voters of the City of Port Angeles and voters of Clallam County located within the boundaries of the Port Angeles School District No. 121. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles owns and operates the William Shore Memorial Pool, and other public recreational facilities; and WHEREAS, due to budgetary constraints, the City of Port Angeles is unable to maintain and fund the William Shore Memorial Pool and has chosen to discontinue operation of the Pool; and WHEREAS, the William Shore Memorial Pool, as well as other parks and recreation facilities and programs, provide a benefit to the citizens of the City of Port Angeles and also to the people living in the unincorporated areas surrounding the City; and WHEREAS, a Save-the-Pool organization has urged creation of an entity to own and operate the William Shore Memorial Pool for the benefit of all its users; and WHEREAS, the organization has identified the William Shore Memorial Pool as a multi-generational facility that serves as one center of our community, one that provides health and recreation benefits to all ages, strengthens the community, and enhances the quality of life; and WHEREAS, other organizations have voiced their concerns about the City of Port Angeles' ability to adequately fund operations, maintenance, and capital improvement of other City of Port Angeles Parks and Recreation Department facilities and programs; and WHEREAS, the authority vested by law in a Metropolitan Parks District provides users residing with the District a unique funding opportunity which eliminates the need to compete with other basic government services that currently rely on General Fund revenues; and WHEREAS, after consideration of various alternatives, a recommendation is being made to the City of Port Angeles to consider the formation of a metropolitan park district, organized under RCW Chapter 35.61; and WHEREAS, Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles have accepted this recommendation and wish to put the question of formation to the voters; \ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1. Request for Special Election. The City of Port Angeles, Washington, hereby requests that the Clallam County Auditor call a special election on the first election date available consistent with RCW 29A.04.330, 35.61.020, and 35.61.030, for the purpose ofplacing on the ballot the following proposition regarding formation of a metropolitan park district. City of Port Angeles Resolution No. and Clallam County Resolution No. jointly propose the creation of a metropolitan park district with boundaries coterminous with the combined area of the City of Port Angeles and the Port Angeles School District No. 121. If approved, this proposition would create a metropolitan park district to be named Port Angeles Aquatics and Park District with all the powers provided in chapter 35.61 RCW. The District shall be governed by a board composed of the members of the city council and the county commissioners to collectively serve ex officio as the board of metropolitan park district through selection of one or more members. [] For the formation of a metropolitan park district. [ ] Against the formation of a metropolitan park district. Section 2. Boundaries of Metropolitan Park District. The boundaries of the Metropolitan Park District shall encompass the City of Port Angeles and Port Angeles School District No. 121 as fully described in Attachment A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference. PASSED by the City Council ofthe City of Port Angeles at a special meeting of said Council held on the day of January, 2009. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney G:ILegal_ BackuplORD IN ANCES&RESOLUTJ ONSIRESOLUTION S. 2009\2 - MetropolitanParkDistrict-SwimPool.O 12709. wpd -2- L/tc.- f>/!z,7/04 RESOLUTION 01; ,2009 AUTHORIZING THE CLALLAM COUNTY AUDITOR TO CALL FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION REGARDING THE FORMATION OF A METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT THE BOARD OF CLALLAM COUNTY COMMISSIONERS finds as follows: 1. The City of Port Angeles owns and operates the William Shore Memorial Pool, which is located in the City of Port Angeles. 2. Due to budgetary constraints, the City of Port Angeles is unable to maintain and fund the William Shore Memorial Pool and has chosen to discontinue operation effective May 31, 2009. 3. The William Shore Memorial Pool benefits the citizens of Port Angeles and the people living in the unincorporated areas surrounding the City. 4. The ISave-the-Pool" organization urged Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles to assist In the creation of an entity to own and operate the William Shore Memorial Pool. 5. The organization has Identified the William Shore Memorial Pool as a multi-generational facility that provides health and recreation benefits to all ages, strengthens the community, and enhances the quality of life. 6. The organization considered various alternatives and recommends formation of a Metropolitan Park District organized under RON Chapter 35.61, to operate the William Shore Memorial Pool. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Clallam County Commissioners, in consideration of the above findings of fact: 1. Authorizes the Clallam County Auditor to call a special election o~r;;:y 19, 200-;Jconsistent with RONs 29A.04.330, 35.61.020, and 35.61.030 for the purpose Of'~~g on t~allot a proposition . regarding the formation of a Metropolitan Park District. 2. The proposed Metropolitan Park District will be within the existing boundaries of the Port Angeles School District and consist of an appointed Board chosen by the Board of Clallam County Commissioners and the Port Angeles City counciE the purpose of operating and maintaining the William Shore Memorial po~ PJ dl if{6L 3. A ballot title will be prepared by the Prosecuting Attorney upon request. PASSED AND ADOPTED this tw~ - .5tA.H1'1M day of January 2009 BOARD OF CLALLAM COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: ~'5G<-~(~ Trish Holden, CMC, Clerk of the Board HowardL~~ir ~P' Threr / /f. ytv- /'1---- Michael C. Chapman J: \Public\Resolutions\2009\metropolitan park district. doc nor ..Rt.,;'T' II' A IN'' I^G( iEt'Li E'/S 1..... i..=- j f. ..rt I .1 ~I, .', .' ., '~; . ._, .___.C WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. FINANCE DEPARTMENT DATE: JANUARY 22, 2009 To: CITY COUNCIL KENT MYERS, CITY MANAGER FROM: YVONNE ZIOMKOWSKI, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS RAISED AT JANUARY 20 COUNCIL MEETING Following are responses to several questions raised at the January 20th Council meeting: Pool Donations The City has set up a system to receive and track donations received from the community for pool operations. Those wishing to make a charitable donation for the operation of the William Shore Memorial Pool will be issued a receipt that is compliant with IRS Publication 1771 for Charitable Contributions. This receipt clearly states that the donation is non-refundable. Those making donations should refer to IRS Publication 526 or their tax professional to determine how to claim the deduction on their taxes. To date, no donations have been made at City Hall. Staff will work with Krista Winn to deposit the $62,864.92 that has already been received by their organization. Pool Pass Refunds If the metropolitan park district election is unsuccessful and the pool closes at the end of May 2009, the potential refund for pool passes as of today is estimated at approximately $4,700. Metropolitan Park District Election Costs As part of the January 20th Council packet, the Save the Pool Committee provided the Council with information on election costs and possible levy amounts for a metropolitan park district (MPD). These amounts were based on preliminary assessed valuation (A V) amounts from Clallam County and a proposed $400,000 operating deficit for the pool. The Finance Department has since received updated A V figures from Clallam County, and is working on an updated budget proposal based on similar districts in other communities. City staff will work with the pool committee on developing the MPD budget in order to determine the first year levy amount. The City's share of the MPD election costs, estimated at approximately $36,000, is not included in the 2009 Budget. If the election is successful, proceeds from the levy will be used to cover the election costs. Council will need to work with staff to decide how to fund the election costs if the election is unsuccessful. As you know, the 2009 Budget is tight, and at this time it is difficult to find any available funds. The Council may consider asking the Save the Pool Committee to set aside donations to cover the cost of the election. Sales Tax Revenue In 2008, the City budgeted $3,185,023 in retail sales tax revenue. At year end, we received just over $3.2 million in sales tax revenue, or approximately $16,000 more than was budgeted. This is an example of our conservative budgeting paying off, as we received slightly more than budgeted levels even during a declining economy. In mid-December, the Department of Revenue (DOR) notified the Finance Department of a $198,000 reduction in the City's sale tax receipts in either late 2008 or sometime in 2009. In early 2008, Nippon Paper applied for a refund from the DOR for sales tax they paid on construction projects dating back to 2004. These projects were determined to be tax-exempt, and therefore Nippon should not have paid sales tax. The DOR granted the $198,000 refund and notified the City that this refund will be deducted from the City's sales tax receipts in early 2009. Since the refund to Nippon covered activity in 2008 and prior years, our goal is to post this refund in 2008. However, we will discuss this issue with the State Auditor's representative before we make a final determination as to whether to post this in 2008 or 2009. If the refund is posted to 2009, we may need to adjust the budget mid-year to offset this. If the refund is posted to 2008 sales tax revenue, an offsetting transaction will need to occur in 2008 to make up for the lost revenue. This can be accomplished by the increase in investment revenue as discussed in the next section. , Investment Revenue The City is required by governmental accounting standards (GASB 31) to record investments each December at their market value as of the end of the year, even if those investments do not mature at that time. As of December 31, 2008, the City's investments will realize a $554,000 market value increase which will be booked as additional revenue. This additional revenue could be used to offset the sales tax refund to Nippon if the refund is posted in 2008. REET Revenue Last month, the Clallam County Treasurer notified the City that the County had overpaid to the City approximately $84,000 in REET revenues dating back to 2006. In 2006, we questioned the County about its calculation of REET revenues. The County assured us payment was correct. At the time, the City was experiencing the highest level of residential real estate sales ever and so the County's assurance seemed reasonable. Now, the County Treasurer is stating that the overpayment was a result of incorrect postings and mistakes made by County personnel. C:\DOCUME-l \bupton\LOCALS-1 \Temp\XPgrpwise\Council response 012009.doc Currently, Finance staff are reviewing County records to determine whether a refund is due, and if so, the exact amount of any overpayment, which may end up being less than the $84,000 calculated by the County. Weare planning to meet with County personnel. If a refund is due, repayment will be made from the REET funds, which are estimated to have a combined fund balance of just over $945,000 at the end of 2008. The REET fund budgets may need to be adjusted in mid-2009 to reflect the refund; however, there will be no impact to the General Fund. C:\DOCUME- I \bupton\LOCALS- I \Temp\XPgrpwise\Council response 0 I 2009.doc pORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. FINANCE DEPARTMENT DATE: JANUARY 26, 2009 To: LARRY WILLIAMS, COUNCILMEMBER CC: CITY COUNCIL KENT MYERS, CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT HEADS FROM: YVONNE ZIOMKOWSKI, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: RESPONSE REGARDING METROPOLITAN PARKS DISTRICT FOR ALL CITY PARKS Following is my response to the question raised in your January 23, 2009 e-mail regarding the cost for establishing a metropolitan park district (MPD) for all City parks and recreation programs. Metropolitan Park District - Pool only As you know, an MPD has the legal authority to levy up to $0.75 per $1,000 of assessed valuation (A V) for the purpose of financing parks and recreation programs. If the proposed MPD in Port Angeles is established for the sole purpose of running the William Shore Pool, the levy rate has been estimated at anywhere between $0.12 and $0.29/$1,000 A V, depending on the amount of the first year levy. This equates to a payment of $23-57 per year for the owner of a $200,000 house. The actual levy rate will most likely fall somewhere within that range after a final MPD budget is calculated. Metropolitan Park District - All Parks & Recreation Programs If the MPD scope is broadened to include all City parks and recreation programs and facilities, the levy amount would increase significantly. In order to financially support all parks and recreation programs currently offered by the City, the MPD would need to levy approximately $2.85M in the first year, according to our initial estimates. However, this would not be possible with the $0.75 maximum levy rate per $1,000 A V. At the current $0.75 maximum rate, the levy would cover just over $2.6M. This would result in a deficit of $250,000-$300,000. If the maximum levy rate of $0.75 is approved by the voters, this would result in an annual payment of $150 for the owner of a $200,000 home. It should be noted that these numbers are all estimates at this point, and may change after a final budget is calculated. There are two issues to consider if the levy is set at the maximum rate: 1. There are no margins for future growth unless the A V of the Port Angeles School District increases; 2. If the A V decreases, the levy amount will also need to decrease which would make it difficult to cover any inflationary increases in future years. Attached is a spreadsheet showing the levy rate and levy amount under the two scenarios discussed above - financing the pool only, and levying the maximum rate to cover all City parks and recreation programs. Also attached is the 2009 Budget for all Parks and Recreation programs including estimated indirect costs. Please contact me if you have any additional questions. C:\DOCUME-l \bupton\LOCALS-l \Temp\XPgrpwise\Council response 012609.doc Estimated Property Tax Levy Rates for Proposed Metropolitan Park District (MPD) Max Levy Pool Only A V - Port Angeles School District $ 3,4 78,242,592 $ 3,4 78,242,592 Total AV/$1,000 3,4 78,243 3,4 78,243 Rate/$1 ,000 0.75 0.29 Levy Amount $ 2,608,682 $ 1,000,000 Annual payments: $200,000 house $ 150.00 $ 57.50 $300,000 house $ 225.00 $ 86.25 Council response 012609 Parks and Recreation Revenues Charges for Services * Pool * Cemetery * Park Facilities * Senior Center * Marine Life Center Miscellaneous Total Revenues 196,152 123,000 45,000 57,100 15,500 436,752 Expenditure bv ProQram . Administration Recreation Programs Pool Senior Center Park Facilities Cemetery Marine Life Center 454,276 190,000 572,306 177,188 1,432,317 141,499 22,500 Total Expenditures 2,990,086 Additional Indirect cost: Finance/HR Manager (1 FTE) Accounting/Payroll (1 FTE) AP/AR backup (PT) Legal fees (contract) IT cost (contract or 1 FTE) Borrowing cost (assume 5% on 3 M for 3 years) 85,000 55,000 34,000 25,000 55,000 50,000 Total Additional Indirect costs 304,000 Total Expenditures 3,294,086 Expense less Revenue 2,857,334 1) Pool adjusted for whole year operation. 2) Fine Art Center not included, 2009 GF support is budgted at $27,500. 3) Vern Burton facility maintenance is not included. 4) Lodging Tax support of $40,000 for recreation programs is not included. MPD estimates DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO January 27, 2009 CITY COUNCIL Nathan A. West Director of Community and Economic Development Port Angeles Harbor Works Development Authority Summary: In the interest of further demonstrating Council commitment to the Port Angeles Harbor Works Development Authority and partnership with the Port of Port Angeles, staff has provided the attached resolution. Recommendation: Pass Resolution Back2round / Analvsis: On May 20,2008 the City of Port Angeles acting in partnership with the Port of Port Angeles created the Port Angeles Harbor Works Development Authority (PAHWDA). At ajoint City-Port meeting on December 9, 2009 many important issues related to the PAHWDA were discussed and both the City and Port agreed support for this entity was critical to implementing the community's vision on several important goals and projects. On January 16,2009 the City Council was provided with a letter from the Executive Director of the Port of Port Angeles indicating that the Port of Port Angeles Commissioners recently held a meeting where they unanimously endorsed continued partnership in the P AHWDA. For the purpose of re-emphasizing Council commitment to this effort staff has provided the attached resolution. Attachment A PAHWDA Resolution RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles affirming its commitment to the Port Angeles Harbor Works Development Authority. WHEREAS, the City created the Port Angeles Harbor Works Development Authority to advance several separate projects and goals; and WHEREAS, the Port Angeles City Council has reviewed the purposes and goals underlying the creation of the Port Angeles Harbor Works PDA; and WHEREAS, the City Council supports the goals and purposes and is committed to the success of the Port Angeles Harbor-Works Development Authority; and WHEREAS, the Port Angeles Harbor-Works Development Authority provides an opportunity for the City of Port Angeles to enter a partnership with the Port of Port Angeles to ensure successful implementation of the community-wide projects and goals; and WHEREAS, the Port Angeles Harbor-Works Development Authority is dedicated to a community-based process involving all community stakeholders; and WHEREAS, Resolution 2-08 was passed by City Council on May 20, 2008 declaring the City's commitment to a cooperative effort with the Port of Port Angeles for the cleanup and redevelopment of the Port Angeles Harbor and the former Rayonier Mill site; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Port Angeles, that: Section 1. The City of Port Angeles created the Port Angeles Harbor Works Development Authority for the purpose of undertaking and assisting with, and otherwise - 1 - to facilitating several separate projects and goals. The City of Port Angeles hereby affirms its commitment to the Port Angeles Harbor Works Development Authority, partnership with the Port of Port Angeles and the Port Angeles community, for the purposes stated upon its creation May 20, 2008. Section 2. Of the several projects and goals contemplated for the Port Angeles Harbor Works PDA, the City Council finds that 2 are of immediate significance to the City. They are the City's CSO project and remediation of the former Rayonier Mill site. The City Council charges, prompts, and encourages the Director of Port Angeles Harbor Works PDA to focus their efforts and attentions on these two projects. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of January, 2009. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney G:\Legal_ Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\RESOLUTIONS.2009\3 - PDA-Draft2.0 I 2309.wpd - 2 - ~ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles affirming its commitment to the Port Angeles Harbor Works Development Authority. WHEREAS, the City created the Port Angeles Harbor Works Development Authority to advance several separate projects and goals; and WHEREAS, the Port Angeles City Council has reviewed the purposes and goals underlying the creation of the Port Angeles Harbor Works PDA; and WHEREAS, the City Council supports the goals and purposes and is committed to the success of the Port Angeles Harbor-Works Development Authority; and WHEREAS, the Port Angeles Harbor-Works Development Authority provides an opportunity for the City of Port Angeles to enter a partnership with the Port of Port Angeles to ensure successful implementation of the community-wide projects and goals; and WHEREAS, the Port Angeles Harbor-Works Development Authority is dedicated to a community-based process involving all community stakeholders; and WHEREAS, Resolution 2-08 was passed by City Council on May 20, 2008 declaring the City's commitment to a cooperative effort with the Port of Port Angeles for the cleanup and redevelopment of the Port Angeles Harbor and the former Rayonier Mill site; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Port Angeles, that: Section 1. The City of Port Angeles created the Port Angeles Harbor Works Development Authority for the purpose of undertaking and assisting with, and otherwise -1- Ii I I facilitating several separate projects and goals. The City of Port Angeles hereby affirms its commitment to the Port Angeles Harbor Works Development Authority, partnership with the Port of Port Angeles and the Port Angeles community, for the purposes stated upon its creation May 20, 2008. Section 2. Of the several projects and goals contemplated for the Port Angeles Harbor Works PDA, the City Council finds that one is of immediate significance to the City: remediation of the former Rayonier Mill site, which in turn, will benefit the City's Combined Sewer Overflow project. The City Council charges, prompts, and encourages the Director of Port Angeles Harbor Works PDA to focus their efforts and attentions on these two projects. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of January, 2009. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney G:\Legal_ Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\RESOLUTIONS.2009\3 - PDA-Draft2.0 12309. wpd -2-